8, Mysterious murder in Randolph, Tipton County
A Mr. Hogge attempted to pass a sentinel at night without the countersign, and was bayoneted on the spot. He expired without a groan. The remains of the murdered individual were carefully removed by the murderer to conceal his crime, and the occurrence would never have been known, had not portions of the individual's body been found in several of the tents of the soldiers.
Memphis Avalanche, May 8, 1861.
8, Seeing Confederate soldiers off at the Cleveland Depot
... We all went over to the depot... I gave a soldier a bouquet, got acquainted with several of them, gave a great many of them bouquets....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 94.
8, The General Assembly forgives Tennesseans from paying out-of-state debts
CHAPTER 6. An Act to prevent the Collection of Debts owing by citizens of Tennessee to citizens of the non-slaveholding States, during hostilities.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That no person in an non-slaveholding State, their agents or attorneys in this State, shall have power to sue for or collect any monies owing to, or any property claimed by citizens of any such State, in the State of Tennessee, during the hostilities between Tennessee and the Federal Government.
Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, that it may and shall be lawful for such debtors to pay such monies into the Treasury of the State, which sums shall be receipted for by the Treasurer, and shall be refunded with interest, upon the cessation of hostilities.
Sec. 3 Be if further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passed.
W. C. WHITTORNE, Speaker of the house of Representatives
B. L. STOVALL, Speaker of the Senate.
Passed May 8, 1861.
Public Acts of the State of Tennessee….April, 1861, p. 35[1]
8, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 19, Memphis, relative to "contraband" slaves
All negroes [sic], except those who came with the command to this place, and of whom descriptive lists are filed at this headquarters, will be excluded from the lines and boats.
Any officer or soldier violating or conniving at a violation of this order will be severely and promptly punished
G.N. Fitch, Colonel Commanding Brigade
Memphis Union Appeal, July 4, 1862
8, Report of attempted smuggling to Dekalb county
Arrest for Smuggling.
Some days ago a Mr. Morris Lusky got a permit from Provost Marshal, Col. Matthews, to take $500 worth of Dry Goods to DeKalb county on taking the oath and giving bond. His teams were so heavily loaded that it excited the suspicions of the picket, who overhauled the load and found double the quantity of goods for which the permit was granted, together with a considerable quantity of drugs, amounting perhaps to $800 or more. The contraband dealer will suffer for his conduct.
Nashville Daily Union, June 8, 1862.
8, Letter from Joel Watters, 10th Volunteer Illinois Infantry Regiment, at Camp Nashville, to His Brother, Samuel T. Watters
Camp Nashville Tenn June 8th/63
Dear brother I take the present time to write you a few lines to inform you that I am well at he present and hope you may all be enjoying the same good blessing. I received your letter of 24 May which stated
That you had the hen flew enways or something similar to that I hope you have discarded it and may bee all right again the health in the army is very good here. One of the 10 Michigan privates was charmed by some copper head some time last winter and went up north he was caught and fetched back as a deserter our Division was taken out in the suburbs of the City and formed into a squar the poor souldier was put into the center of the squar siting on his coffin 12 men were detailed out of his regt and stationed 20 paces from him after the preachers prayd for him [paper torn] the men that was to shoot him [paper torn] at a signal from one of the off[icers] [paper torn] guns went off as one and 6 [paper torn] his body his death lays at the [paper torn] from the sines of the times there will be a general move soon there has been a good many troops come in from Ky and gone to the front within the last week we had marching orders yesterday morning at 8 oclock but they were countermanded Gen Morgan is about to take command of cavalry at the front he is trying his best to get his old regt 10th to be mounted and go with him we have been here so long we are attached to the place it will break into a good many fellows arrangements for some of them is desperately in love with the fair sex and there will be a good many crockadile tears shed for them they think a good deal of those blue coated Yankees old Charley Lewis of our Compy got married to a buxom wid[ow] last week he was an old batch of 50 used to belong to the regulars. Gen Grant has got Vicksburg invest mighty close unless Johnson gets an awful force in his rear the Gibralter is bound to fall the rebs is getting very uneasy in front [here paper torn. Opposite side or above portions]…some heavy riconoisances on our lines…days ago but the way hansomely repulsed…to the front I will write again soon…is in command in Nashville now…taken command of Cavelry at Franklin
Your affectionate brother
Joel Watters
Joel Watters Correspondence
[1] Public Acts of the State of Tennessee, passed at the extra session of the Thirty-third General Assembly, April, 1861, (Nashville: J. G. Griffith & Co.: 1861.)
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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