10, "The Result"
The people of Tennessee yesterday had an opportunity of saying through the ballot-box whether or not they desired the assembling of a State Convention... The indications are that a large majority voted for "No Convention." However much we might have desired a different result, we feel fully satisfied that the proposition to hold a Convention has been defeated. The people have spoken, and we have naught to say against their decree. It may bring no harm, or it may remit evil only-which of the two will be known before the expiration of many days.
Nashville Daily Gazette, February 10, 1861.
10, "Jovial"
The visitors yesterday had a jovial time of it after the election was over. The most amusing scene that came under observation was a man stationed on the corner opposite our office, playing the bagpipes. He played long and loud, and the crowd made the welkin ring as he went through Yankee Doodle-with the variations. He aroused the sympathies of the monied [sic] men, who contributed largely, filling his pockets with dimes and quarters.
After the bagpipe-man got through, ex-Mayor John Hugh Smith favored the audience with a chaste and flowery speech, which was received with loud cheers. Altogether the crowd had a jolly time of it.
Nashville Daily Gazette February 10, 1861.
The agony is over. Satisfied of its power, and the now general recognition of its right to act as its people choose, Tennessee for the present has calmly abnegated secession, wholly, fully and unequivocally. The majority is too great to admit of the numerous charges or explanations that wait upon victories at the ballot-box, when decided by only a small majority, and that Tennessee to-day is in sentiment a Union State, is now put beyond all cavil, all question. Is this a wise or an unwise use of the power for its own prosperity? A hard question to answer, a question that can be answered only when we know the effect of this election upon Northern sentiment. If the Republican party see or fancy they see in this election an evidence of fear, and so assume upon it the bearing of a conqueror [sic] more than that of a friend, then indeed, God help Tennessee, and God help the South; [sic] but if they receive it as an assurance that the old brotherly love of the Union beats strong in the South, and would flow back if it were not checked by the pride that leads to a dread of being mistaken for a suppliant, in lieu of being recognized as a forgiving friend [sic], willing to forget the past and make provision for the prevention of any future misunderstandings; if [sic] they receive the news in this spirit, we say, why then all will yet be well. Upon the press of the North much depends, especially upon that of the States nearest to us. Let it stop talking of drowning and enforcing, and whipping and hanging, but talk of justice and brotherly love, and mutual [sic] forbearance. Tennessee has voted Union; let each man, whatever his opinion of the wisdom of such vote, so all he can to bring out of it what both Secessionists and Unionists should strive after – peace [sic].
Memphis Argus, February 10, 1861.
The following indiscrete, and probably thoughtlessly written sentences, we clip from one of the (Memphis) morning papers – the Avalanche:
Memphis has been carried by a small majority for submission, and, in this respect, stands before the people of Mississippi and Alabama as having no sympathy with them. No man can fail to see in the vote of this city its own ruin written as plainly and palpably as was indicated by the "handwriting upon the wall foretelling the overthrow of the king of Babylon. We tell the people of Memphis that in less than one week from today they will begin to feel the effects of a vote that will eventuate, if not speedily reversed, in the total destruction of our prosperity, Alabama and Mississippi and Arkansas have other outlets for trade besides Memphis, and the will no more thing of building up its interest than they will those of Cincinnati or Boston.
We trust for the sake of all honor and honesty, indeed we believe, that these remarks were penned during the reign of those stormy feelings that wait upon the downfall of high excited hopes, crushing reason in disappointment. The sober second thought would have sufficed to prevent their publication. A Memphian paper, conducted by men of ability, supported by Memphian patronage, could not [sic] mean to insult seven hundred and eleven citizens plus half the remaining population of Memphis by the disgracing appellation of submissionists, nor can it possibly believe that the citizens of the State of Tennessee are such; for submission is the oppressing of fear, and we repeat, the Avalanche, living on Memphis money, could not insult the evident majority of the citizens of this city by an appellative equivalent to that of coward, save through that inadvertent use of language for which a passing excitement is alone responsible. We therefore do not believe any insult was meant, nor do we believe that the Avalanche would tomorrow reprint the assertion that Memphis stands before the people of Mississippi and Alabama as having no sympathy for them, for it know well that similar interests and similar institutions have woven a bond between them far less tenuous than the ephemeral threads that hold political parties. Standing aloof from party excitements ourselves, we still can make allowance for the mistakes of the passions they engender; but feel it a duty to check as far as in us lies, the evils that may accrue from such mistakes. Living on Tennessee money, in general, and Memphis in particular, it would be suicidal to any to any Memphian journal to say aught that would cripple the trade of either, and therefore we do not believe that Avalanche is intentionally striving to create a panic here and drive Southern commerce from our bluff, although it uses precisely the language calculated to do both when it says, "No man can fail to see in the vote of this city its ruin, written as plainly and as palpably as was indicated by the handwriting on the wall." These are panic-creating words, and so are these: "in less than one week from today they will begin to feel the effects what will eventuate, if not speedily reversed" (which can't be done ere a week certainly.) in the total destruction of our prosperity." [sic] Sensible men know the fallacy of this; but others may not, and such hasty centences [sic] it is that create commercial stagnations. Still we say that we do not believe this to have been the object of their publication. We trust not. We also find it hard to believe that the following sentence was meant to induce the fulfillment of the prophecy already quoted: "Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas have other outlet for trade besides Memphis," (if so, it is scarcely the place of a Memphis journal to tell them.) "and they will no more think of building up its interests those of Memphis): [sic] than they will Cincinnati or Boston." All is bad, very bad; but we repeat it may not be probably was not, meant as a spiteful effort to injure Memphis trade because Memphis did not vote as the Avalanche desired and expected. The past career of the Avalanche, known to the order-loving portion of our citizens, precludes all supposition in their citizens, precludes all supposition in their minds that it would for the gratification of party malice bite the hand that fed it.
Tennessee has voted to strive for an equable adjustment of differences, in the Union; Mississippi and Alabama, with less patience, mayhap less faith in the justice of their demands, have preferred to leave it. All three are striving for the same end – justice to the South – and we do not see why they should quarrel because they differ as to the shortest road to the same differ as to the shortest road to the same goal. The benefits between them are mutual, and still Tennessee has fully submitted [sic] to that to which she never will succumb her sister States of Mississippi and Alabama will recognize her faith and her honor. We trust that the Avalanche will explain for itself the language we have quoted. It has excited much indignation among those who are themselves, perhaps, too excited as yet, [sic] to make allowance for the dictates [sic] of passion in other.
Memphis Argus, February 10, 1861.
10, Confederate East Tennessean J. G. M. Ramsey to Jefferson Davis relative to 100,000 hogs and fears of a Federal invasion of East Tennessee
KNOXVILLE, February 10, 1862
HON. Jeff. Davis
HON. Sir, etc:
Let me suggest that your Government has the meat of 100,000 hogs at several points along our railroad from Bristol to Chattanooga. If East Tennessee is invaded (which I fully believe can be done in any forty-eight hours under an enterprising leader and a force of cavalry) these stores...ought to be sent to upper Georgia, or certainly to Chattanooga, by steam boat or rail, or both, or some one should be authorized to burn and destroy it rather than allow the enemy to get it. Let me suggest, too, that the forces here be not removed to any point out of East Tennessee. I hear that Colonel [James W.] Gillespie's regiment expects in a few days to join General Crittenden's headquarters via Nashville. When he take thus one-third of our small force from this point it will invite the enemy to make an immediate raid upon us, capture this post, take possession of our roads, bridges, and supplies. Can you not therefore countermand any order by which Colonel [James W.] Gillespie, or any other commander here in East Tennessee, is directed to march his troops out of this threatened section? I hope a former suggestion has been received and acted upon, viz.,: to send some efficient commander to this point. We, the secessionists not regularly enrolled, have determined to act as minutemen when the invasion takes place, and there is no one here fitted by experience and position...to rally around. The country is perfectly defenseless, not troops enough to guard the public stores, below 3,000 men all told, and one fourth of these unarmed, and these not concentrated, but at Cumberland Gap, or at our bridges, or scouting near the largest passes across the mountain. Then, two-thirds of the masses are either hostile or neutral, [sic] If Floyd or even Colonel Vaughn was her to issue orders and get us organized we can do something to repel a small invading force. As it is, we cannot see what to do or where to go. Do have some efficient and enterprising officer sent her at once and re-enforcements and private citizens can form a nucleus around which we can rally. I have not the first doubt of your ultimate success, but this valley, these railroads, it seems to me, ought to be specially guarded. God is on our side, but the instrumentality of man is to be resorted to also.
In haste, your obedient servant,
J.G.M. Ramsey
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, pp. 267-268.[1]
10, Raid near Morgan County
Report of Captain William L. Brown, 1st Tennessee Cavalry Regiment on the February 10, 1862 raid near Morgan County.
Sir: I have the honor to report to you that we sent out eight of my men last night to catch some men that had just returned from the Lincoln army.
The boys surrounded the house and demanded entrance. They refused to open the door until they had got their guns, cartridge boxes, equipments, etc., and then said to our boys, "Now, d__n you, open the door and come in, we are ready for you," whereupon Maston Henry stuck his gun through the crack and shot one of them, named Billy Wilson, through the head, killing him instantly. The other then surrendered; we took him prisoner.
We got two fine northern muskets, cartridge boxes, etc. I start the prisoner to Nashville this morning.
I send you a Yankee watch chain, taken from the man killed, with a piece of a southern man's skin tied on the end, so says the prisoner.
I am anxious to have you with us.
Very respectfully, William O. Brown, Captain, Commanding Second Squad, First Tennessee Regiment Cavalry
Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 1, p. 520. [2]
10, Partial destruction of bridge over the Tennessee River by Confederates
February 10, 1862--1 p. m.
Maj.-Gen. POLK:
SIR: One hundred feet of the trestle work on each side of the bridge over the Tennessee River had been destroyed by the enemy. Heavy firing has been heard this morning in the direction of Fort Donelson. I am now on my way to execute your orders in respect to the bridges and trestle work between Paris and the river. I still think it unnecessary, as we could destroy it at any moment. A large quantity of wheat and flour can yet be gotten away, and the people are relying upon the railroad to remove their things. Please reply immediately.
J. H. MILLER, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, p. 872.
10, Joint Resolution to provide for the removal of the Seat of Government
Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Governor and heads of Executive Departments may, at any time during the existence of the present war, by proclamation of the Governor, temporarily change the Seat of Government, remove the papers and records in the Executive Departments; and the Governor, by proclamation, shall convene the Legislature, when he deems it necessary, at the place determined upon as the temporary Seat of Government for the State of Tennessee.
Edwin A. Keeble, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Edward S. Cheatham, Speaker for the Senate
Adopted February 10, 1862.[3]
Public Acts of the State of Tennessee for 1861-1862, p. 90.
10, Bordello Affair in Memphis
Shooting at a Woman.—The name of "Big Mary" is notorious from the frequency with which the owner of it appears at the Recorder's and Magistrate's courts. On Monday [10th], a man with whom she cohabits entered her house, on Gayoso street, and found a man occupying the place in a manner he considered an infringement upon his own rights. He commenced an attack in a manner that lead the intruder to pick up his boots, and other personal property, and run off in his drawers. The man sent a "leaden messenger" from his pistol after him, which failed to reach the aim. He then turned on the unfaithful Big Mary, and fired at her three times. The last ball struck her on the right side of the head, grazing the skull, and causing the loss of considerable blood. The injury, however, is not serious. The man, who probably believed he had killed her, fled, and has not yet been arrested.
Memphis Daily Appeal, February 13, 1862.
10, C. S. A. versus Estate of Andrew Johnson
[Knoxville], December 10, 1862
Confederate States of America
The Estate of Andrew Johnson
Alien Enemy
Petition 1st. Receiver District.
In this case appeared M.T. Haynes Receiver for the 1st District of East Tennessee, and moved that the said Andrew Johnson be declared an alien Enemy to the Confederate States of America, and the Court directed that the matter be submitted to a Jury—thereupon came the traverse jury, who had been summoned by the Marshal, and duly elected, empanelled and sworn to try all causes and matters civil and criminal in the Eastern District of Tennessee to be submitted to them during the present term of the Court to wit: Robert Cravens, James Montgomery, John Bise, Joel Bowling, John G. King, Carrick W. Crozier, Samuel P. Ivins, William S. Kennedy, William B. Smith, William Ray, E. W. Marsh and J. S. Blackwell, and the said jury having heard the testimony and the charge of the Court, upon their oaths do say, that the said Andrew Johnson is an alien Enemy to said Confederate States of America. It is therefore decreed by the Court that said Johnson is an alien enemy and all the property, rights and credits belonging to him either at law or in equity, are sequestrated under the acts of Congress, and the Receiver for said District is directed to proceed to dispose of the same as provided by law.
Court adjourned until tomorrow—morning at 10 o'clock.
W. J. Humphrey J.
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, pp. 95-96.
10, Federal false alarm; the long roll near South Tunnel, Sumner County; George F. Cram's letter home to his mother in Ohio
Camp of the 105th [Ohio], South Tunnel
Dear Mother,
You have doubtless heard long before this letter reaches you of the surprise and capture of a federal brigade from this place last Sunday morning [December 7]. It was a most disgraceful affair to our army.
Two Ohio regt's [sic] stacked arms and fled without firing a gun….That night (Sunday) we were ordered up at three and ordered to take three days rations and be ready to march any moment….Well we got our three days rations, went back to bed and lay in anxious suspense till morning [8th]. The sun rose bright and cleared and seemed to disperse some of the fears of our officers for no order for march was given. The day passed away quickly but yesterday [9th] a report was brought into camp that 2,000 rebels under Morgan were advancing to attack us. Our Col. examined out guns and we were obliged to wash them all out. In the afternoon we drilled to make ourselves more efficient and finally night came but brought no enemy.
I spent the evening in writing….and at the usual hour we retired for the night. About one o'clock woke up and the 102nd regt. [sic] (adjoining ours) was sounding the long roll. A minute more and our drums rolled out the alarm upon the still midnight air. In an instant all was noise and bustle in camp. Our coats were hastily donned and cartridge boxes and bayonets were quickly put on. I had just buckled on all the accouterments of war, picked up my gun and stepped out of the tent when the alarm was found to be false. It originated by a regt. [sic] of men sounding the call for their men to get up to work on the fortification. The call was mistaken but the 102nd Ill [sic], for the long roll and thus it was taken up by one regt. [sic] After another till the camp was fully aroused. Well we threw off our warlike apparel and went back to bed again like sensible men. I cannot speak for the other companies in our regiment but out company promptly responded to the call, turning out to a man. The boys were cool and self-possessed although none knew what scenes of bloodshed the next hour would bring forth. We are getting used, as much as can be, to this wild roving kind of a live and not being at all surprised or startles us now.
Our cavalry are still scouring the country by day and the fortifications are being rapidly completed. It is evident that our General does not intend being caught asleep.
* * * *
Our soldiers are fast losing confidence in their leaders. They have been fooled so many times that they are no longer have faith in them and unless our government puts down the rebellion this winter, my own opinion is that it never can do it, the army will lose all its energy and vigor and our movements after that time will be attended with defeat. The soldiers are not being used far more roughly than ever before during the war and many are giving way under it.
I still continue however to be hopeful and always look on the brightest side. I live now wholly for the future for there is certainly no enjoyment in a soldier's life. I do not however expect to resume my studies again should I live to come out of this struggle. My health will to permit of it. I shall endeavor to get into some business which I can raise myself up.
Letters of George F. Cram[4].
10-February 10, 1863, Concerning the Arrest of Judge A. J. Marchbanks, Van Buren County, Federal political prisoner
MURFREESBOROUGH, December 10, 1862.
SIR: Some months since Hon. A. J. Marchbanks, of Warren County, was arrested by the Federals and sent to Camp Chase, where he has been confined up to this time as a political prisoner. At the time of his arrest he was one of the circuit judges of the State, but his official term has expired since that time. He is a quiet and most excellent citizen, firm and unwavering in his devotion to the Confederate cause, but modest, quiet, and unobtrusive. About a month since Doctor Charlton (of the neighborhood of La Vergne), a Union man, was arrested by Gen. Forrest and sent to this place. At my instance the commandant of the post, Capt. O'Harra, and Doctor Charlton each wrote to the Federal authorities at Nashville proposing to exchange Charlton for Judge Marchbanks, but I have not been able to hear anything in answer to this proposition up to this time, and address you for the purpose of asking that you correspond with Gen. Rosecrans upon the subject and, if possible, secure the release of Judge Marchbanks.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT, No. 2, Murfreesborough, Tenn., December 14, 1862.
Referred to Maj. Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, who will no doubt promptly secure the release of this citizen under our recent agreement.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, December 16, 1862.
Respectfully referred to His Excellency Governor Johnson, who may know something about this case.
By command of Gen. Rosecrans:
J. P. GARESCHE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Chief of Staff.
[Third indorsement.]
EXECUTIVE OFFICE, Nashville, Tenn., December 16, 1862.
Respectfully returned.
There has been no correspondence with this office on the subject of an exchange of Judge Marchbanks for Doctor Charlton. On the 5th instant Rev. C. D. Elliott, a political prisoner, was paroled for twenty days from that date to effect an exchange for Dr. James Charlton, of La Vergne, a political prisoner held by the Confederates, as set forth in the pass beyond our lines furnished Mr. E by the provost-marshal-general. I have not as yet been advised as to the result of Mr. Elliott's efforts to effect said exchange.
Judge Marchbanks is held as political prisoner at Camp Chase, as stated within.
ANDREW JOHNSON, Military Governor.
[Fourth indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, December 17, 1862.
Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant-Gen.
W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg. Department.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, pp. 57-58.
Maj. Gen. W. S. ROSECRANS, Commanding U. S. Forces, Nashville, Tenn.
GEN.: A. J. Marchbanks, a citizen of Warren County, Tenn., fifty-six years of age, was arrested in Van Buren County, of this State, by order of Gen. Dumont on the 14th day of June. He is now confined at Camp Chase, Ohio. The charge preferred against him was his loyalty to the Confederate Government. I desire to call your attention to this case and respectfully claim the return of Mr. Marchbanks to my lines according to the agreement existing between us.
I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully,
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 107.
Col. EWELL, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
I inclose you a document from Brig.-Gen. Marshall, which has arrived since I assumed command of this department. I respectfully ask that it be forwarded to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, for his consideration and instructions in the matter. Having just entered on my duties, and having no knowledge of the causes inducing the order, I have not thought proper to take action until properly advised.
I would further state respectfully, for the information of the general commanding, that, as far as my investigations have gone, I find the army here in the worst possible condition, on the score of discipline and efficient military government; no returns made, no reports of brigades, &c., giving data upon which reliable returns can be made and forwarded to headquarters; great complaint in getting the necessary forage. The disloyal spirit of East Tennessee seems not to have been improved by the lenient course hitherto pursued. I am of the opinion more stringent measures should be adopted. I would advise that a reliable force be at once placed in the field, and conscript all persons of the proper age, and the disaffected disloyal portion be sent to our army in the extreme south, and their places supplied by troops from the south. In this way you rid East Tennessee of a population that always has and will give aid and comfort to our enemies. I would advise, further, that some of the prominent leaders be arrested, put in prison, and held as hostages to such men as Judge Marchbanks, of Middle Tennessee. The suggestions are furnished for the consideration of Gen. Johnston, and such action taken as his better judgment may suggest.
Respectfully, yours,
D. S. DONELSON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Department.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 631.
10, Skirmish on the Sevierville Road
HDQRS. SECOND Brig., THIRD DIV., TWENTY-THIRD CORPS, South side of Knoxville, February 10, 1864.
Capt. E. R. KERSTETTER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Third Division, Knoxville:
CAPT.: I left all quiet on the Sevierville road, half an hour ago. The enemy fell back after exchanging fire with our men on picket. From the hill I can distinctly observe camp fires to the west of the Maryville road, I should judge about 4 miles distant. We cannot be surprised. You may assure the general commanding the corps that he will hold on to the position. My communication was not intended to convey the impression that we could not, but simply that the force here, three small regiments, is inadequate, in case of a serious attack. Our line extends fully 2 miles, for the defense of which we have little more than 1,000 men. I deemed it my duty to apprise the proper authorities of this fact, and there leave the matter.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. S.-The enemy is displaying signal lights in our front. They are to the right as well as to the left of the Sevierville road. There is danger, in my judgment, of their moving in rear of our forces at Maryville. Should we be attacked here, the artillery on the north side can be of great service in protecting our left flank.
D. C.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 360.
10, A young East Tennessee woman's thoughts on the war
….The Federals hoisted their flag this morning. It now floats over Cleveland. Sad emblem of what once was. [sic] Once happy and beloved United States, never will liberty and freedom be perched on the banner as it was when thousands of patriots poured out their life' blood under the sacred folds. Grant how soon, God, that our gallant stars and bars supplant that now deserted flag….
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman
10, A plea to regulate the price of corn so as to provide food for the poor instead of for the production of whiskey, in the Fort Donelson environs
Near Fort Donelson
February 10th 1864
Governor Johnson
Dear Sir
There is a gradeal [sic] of suffering of the Poor in a good many Locallities [sic], the Nwstrn [Northwestern] R Road have foraged heavy for a Long ways on both Sides but thay [sic] having [sic] reacht [sic] the main Corn regions that is Duck & Cumberland Rivers & those Cornrasors [sic] wont [sic] sell except at awful Pri[c]es & that in green Backs & there is a still up running of the Neighborhood of Cumberlin [sic] Citty [sic] about 21 miles below Clarksville & that make a 25 or 30, Dollrs [sic] worth of whiskey out of a barrel of Corn & he has a Large amont [sic] on hand & a Lage [sic] amont [sic] in juges [sic] at Lage [sic] figurs[.] [sic] now it that Still was stopt [sic] as all the rest has bin [sic] it would give a gradeal [sic] of corn to fead, [sic] the Poor & if it Could be it ought to have th [sic] Prce [sic] of Corn regulated & those that hav [sic] maid [sic] to Let those that dont [sic] have [and] are a seffering [sic] hav [sic] at a far [sic] Pri[c]es.
There is a plenty of men that helpt [sic] to get up the rebelion [sic] & Promised men that if they would go into the servis [sic] there [sic] wifes [sic] & Children should hav [sic] a plenty that is a Litting [sic] them sufferin [sic] be half [sic] of those wimin [sic] &children Pleas [sic] do what you Can-I under stand that there is a nother [sic] still house abilidng [sic] be Low [sic] Clarksville [sic] & have ingaged [sic] Corn at Large figers [sic] & if there was a stop to all disstilling [sic] of grain it would be gradeal. [sic]
...I am Loyal & I was inducted in General Rusous [sic] office on Decr 31, 63, as an imploye [sic] of the united states [sic].
Yor [sic] Truly,
G. M. Stewart
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 611.
10, Combat activities on the Cumberland Plateau; Col. John M. Hughs' mission on the Cumberland Plateau
....Fayette returned from McMinnville on Saturday night about dark, and left on Sunday morning to carry the new orders to Col. Hughs and others. He will probably stay in the country some time if the Yankees do not run him out. He has orders to put a stop to the "pressing" and other capers of the cavalry that has been and still is carrying on in this and other neighborhoods. I hope he will succeed.
Diary of Amanda McDowell.
10, Orders to raise an African-American regiment of heavy artillery for garrison duty in Nashville
NASHVILLE, TENN., February 10, 1864.
I leave this afternoon for Chattanooga and Knoxville. I have just ordered a regiment of heavy artillery, of African descent, to be raised here, for the purpose of garrisoning the forts around Nashville. I expect the men can be raised in this city very shortly. But few negroes can be received in the front before a movement farther south is made. A number of negroes will yet be recruited in Tennessee, including those who cross the lines from Kentucky.
OR, Ser. III, Vol. 4, p. 91.
10, Skirmish, guerrillas kill railroad guard between La Vergne and Antioch, Tennessee
HDQRS. POST OF MURFREESBOROUGH, Murfreesborough, Tenn., February 13, 1865.
Maj. B. H. POLK, Asst. Adjt. Gen., District of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn.:
MAJ.: I have the honor to report that a soldier of the One hundred and fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, while patrolling the railroad between La Vergne and, Antioch, was killed and robbed by bushwhackers on the 10th instant. Suspicions rest on a man who has been marauding in that vicinity for the past year named Butler, and many efforts have been made to arrest him. One hundred cavalry, well mounted, under efficient officers, and good discipline, not Tennesseeans [sic], much needed to aid me in ridding this region of marauding bands that infest the country, and that have increased in numbers since Hood's invasion. I have about fifty mounted infantry, but they cannot perform the duty required. They are doing good service, but their horses, taken from the quartermaster's corral of broken down and convalescent animals, are not reliable.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. P. VAN CLEVE, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 705.
10, Affair near Triune
FEBRUARY 10, 1865.-Affair near Triune, Tenn.
Report of Capt. Robert H. Clinton, Tenth Tennessee Infantry.
NASHVILLE, TENN., February 12, 1865.
MAJ.: I have the honor to make the following report:
In obedience to orders received from Maj.-Gen. Rousseau, commanding military district, I proceeded on the 9th of February at 6 p. m. with a force of thirty-five men belonging to the Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry (of Capt. J. L. Poston' company) to the house of one Charles Luster, thirty miles south of Nashville, at which place, according to information, there was to be a ball at which some twenty guerrillas were to be present. Nine miles from this City, on the Nolensville pike, I searched the house of a widow named Patterson, whose son is a bushwhacker and said to be the leader of a gang infesting that immediate neighborhood. I found one man in bed. The guide knowing nothing of him, I did not think it necessary to arrest him. In searching the house the men found two shotguns, one Derringer pistol, and one carbine. I ordered them to be destroyed. They were loaded and ready for use. I then proceeded on the march passing through Triune at 11.30 p. m., arriving at Luster's house at 12.40 a. m. A quarter of a mile from the house I halted the command and dismounted, leaving ten men to hold the horses; with the other twenty-five I proceeded across the fields, and when within fifty yards of the house I divided the command, sending twelve men under Capt. Poston to the left. With the other thirteen I went to the right with orders to form a circle around the house upon reaching it. When within about twenty steps of the house I discovered some eight or ten negroes [sic] around a fire. One of them ran from the fire to the house to give the alarm, hallowing. "The soldiers are coming!" I had previously given orders for the men not to fire unless we were fired on. Notwithstanding that the negro [sic] had given the alarm we were so close to the house that they had not time to make their escape before we had it surrounded. They were commanded to come out. As soon as that command was given someone in the house fired upon two men who were trying to force open the back door, powder burning the face of one man and wounding the other slightly on the hand. Our men, seeing them rush out of the house, breaking through our lines, fired upon those who were trying to make their escape, and I learned the next morning that four of them were killed on the spot, and one wounded died subsequently. By morning all the dead were conveyed away, only one being found, and he was discovered on an adjacent hill a quarter of a mile from the house. I believe that the citizens had the dead and wounded conveyed away in order to conceal the fact of there having been guerrillas at the party. One McCrairy supposed to be loyal, informs us that there were certainly five guerrillas there, or at least strange men that he knows nothing of. If any innocent person was hurt, all I can say is, it was from their being in bad company. My having been ordered there to capture a party of guerrillas and finding so large a crowd of men there who fired upon us first, it was but natural that we should return the fire, and if any innocent person was hurt I cannot think that it is my fault, having obeyed the orders I received, and performed my duty. On the road back on the night of the 10th about two miles this side of Triune in turning a hill we encountered a band of seven mounted guerrillas about 600 yards off. We gave chase and at one time nearly overtook them, but, they being on fresh horses and ours completely jaded, after a chase of four miles I abandoned them and returned to Nashville. I brought in four prisoners, but upon investigation I turned two of them loose, retaining the other one of whom, E. F. Haynes, being charged with guerrillaing [sic] and pointing out Union men and urging upon Hood's men to burn their horses and hang them; the other, Albert Rutledge, being charged as accessory to the murder of a Union man named Hibbs. In conversing with the citizens I found but very little Union sentiment, a disregard for their oaths and a disposition to harbor and protect the guerrillas, and especially so in the case of the Widow Patterson, nine miles from Nashville, who has a son marauding in her neighborhood.
I have the honor, major, to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. H. CLINTON, Capt., Tenth Tennessee Infantry.
OR, Ser. I. Vol. 49. pt. I, pp. 38-39.
[1] Davis ordered his secretary of war to acknowledge the letter and "Assure that all and more than is suggested has been directed, of which he will be further advised by the Secretary of War."
[2] Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, (Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1994). [Hereinafter: SOR, Ser. __, Vol.__, etc.]
[3] Given that Fort Donelson would fall in just six days it seems propitious that the political leaders of the state were so far sighted as to prepare for this contingency when they couldn't even get enough arms for the Tennesseans who volunteered or were drafted to fight.
[4] Jennifer Cain Bohrnstedt, ed, intro. Orville Vernon Burton, Soldiering With Sherman: Civil War Letters of George F. Cram, (DeKalb, Ill.; Northern Illinois University Press, 2000), pp. 25-26. [Hereinafter cited as: Letters of George F. Cram.]
[5] His case continued to be a matter of some importance to Tennessee Confederates who believed that hostages could be taken to gain his release. By early February 1863 Marchbanks had not been released.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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