9, Skirmish on Granny White Pike, Nashville
MARCH 9, 1862.-Skirmish on Granny White's Pike, near Nashville, Tenn.
Report of Col. John S. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry [CSA].
Columbia, March 10, 1862.
SIR: On yesterday morning a detachment of 40 men from my regiment, under command of Capt. G. A. Scott, of Company E, met a body of the enemy, consisting of two companies and numbering about 100 men, on the Granny White's Pike, 6 miles from Nashville. A skirmish ensued, in which we killed 12 of the enemy, running them off, and burning their tents, &c. Our loss consisted of 1 man killed and 1 mortally wounded. From the best information I can procure the enemy have concentrated about 32,000 to 35,000 men in the vicinity of Nashville. Their largest encampment appears to be on the Charlotte Pike, where they appear to have large means of land transportation, such as wagons, mules, &c.
With a small addition to my force I think they could be prevented from marauding to any great extent. If furnished with sacks, a good deal of corn, wheat, &c., could be sent out of this country within the next ten days.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. S. SCOTT, First Louisiana Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 7-8.
9, Nashville Correspondence relative to Confederate climate of opinion prior to and the fall of Nashville
Letter from Nashville, Tennessee. We are permitted to publish the following extracts from a letter to Mrs. Joshua Abbot, of this city, from her daughter, Mrs. William Kelsey, who has lived several years in Nashville, Tennessee:
Edgefield (near Nashville) March 9, 1862.
My dear M-----: How shall I ever be able to express the various emotions that fill my heart, now that I am again permitted to write to you. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and praise him for his deliverance. He has carried us thus far through many sore trials. – Our lives have been spared, though enemies have surrounded us – those who have openly declared they would burn our houses, and some even have said they would be glad to see W---- hung. W-----has been reported to a vigilance committee several times, and if they could have turned us out of door, they would have gladly done so, but here we are yet, and surrounded by soldiers of the Federal Army. But let me go back. Three weeks ago last Sabbath, Johnston's rebel army passed here, in retreat from Bowling Green – thousands of poor, broken-down, scared creatures. Many of them were in rags and half starved. Some of them with whom I talked said their pursuers were right at their heels. For twelve hours the streamed by our door, some stopping to beg victuals, then hurrying on in their flight, expecting to find Nashville fortified so that it might be a place of refuge for them. But there were no forts or reinforcements there, so through the city they went, as fast as legs could carry them, and off to the South.
The next morning those very men that have been at the head of the rebellion in Nashville were missing; among them were four Methodist ministers, agents of the great publishing house. They were of the hottest sort of Secesh, and have left their fine houses and go to parts unknown. All the week after the surrender of Fort Donelson, the authorities were pressing men to work, taking them from their homes. They got W-----one day, and he had to carry bacon all day through a drenching rain. The next day an order was issued from the rebel government that every man who could bear arms should come out and fight for the South. W----- went to the woods and stayed all one day; the next day word came that houses would be searched. That night was one of much anxiety to us, for they would not spare us; the Union men would be hunted down, and we had been among the first who dared proclaim their true sentiments. A friend proposed to W----- to take a trip down the river, and I almost compelled him to go, as I knew he would then be safe for a short time. The next morning we heard horsemen riding by very early, and L----- dressed herself as quickly as she could, took her little Union flag, and ran down to the gate. Some men were riding past, and she said to them, "Are you Yankees?" "Yes, right from Yankeedom." She waved her flag, at which the seemed greatly delighted. They were pickets in advance of Buell's army. We soon had them in to breakfast, and were relieved of all our troubles, for they were friends such as we had not seen for a long time. W----- came home the day after, and found a house full of soldiers. He was just beside himself with joy.
I should have that before our Union friends came, General Floyd ordered the two bridges between Nashville and us to be destroyed. This has nearly ruined this place. It was a fiendish act, and has already made many Union men here. It is a great loss to the citizens. The army gets along well enough, for they have many boats for crossing.
There is no business going on here; very few stores are open, and hardly anything doing. The manufacture of soldiers' clothes kept many families from starving during the winter, but that has stopped, and now what will become of them? You will hardly believe what high prices we have had to pay for everything. Calico, 50 cents per yard; cotton thread, 20 cents per spool; unbleached shirting, 25 cents per yard; four, $10 per barrel; lard, 25 cents per pound; pork, 18 cents per pound; potatoes and apples, $4 each per barrel; salt, $18 per barrel; coffee, $1 per pound; tea, $4 per pound; butter, 48 cents per pound; but I can never tell one half of the miseries brought upon Tennessee by those who have ruled us. The heel of the oppressor is now moved, and I hope we may never be crushed beneath it again.
New Hampshire Statesman, April 5, 1862.[1]
9-14, Expedition towards Purdy & operations about Crump's Landing
Report of Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Army.
HDQRS. EXPEDITIONARY CORPS, District of West Tennessee, March 14, 1862.
SIR: From the inclosed reports of Brig.-Gen. Wallace, Nos. 1 and 2, of yesterday's date [No. 2.] it will be perceived that the expedition to injure the railway communication north of Purdy has been successful.
* * * *
Another expedition, on the same principle, will leave, under Brig.-Gen. Sherman, in an hour or so, to operate between Corinth and Eastport, at a point about 12 miles from the river, in the neighborhood of Burnsville. I have not been able to get anything like the desired information as to the strength of the enemy, but it seems to be quoted at 50,000 to 60,000 from Jackson through Corinth and farther east. Their principal force is at Corinth; that which has induced me not to attempt to cut the communication at that place, as that would inevitably lead to a collision in number that I am ordered to avoid, and hence my efforts north of Purdy and east of Corinth.
In order to furnish the steamers called for my Gen. Grant's recent instructions I have caused Brig.-Gen. McClernand's division to debark and occupy Savannah and the surrounding country. From a scouting party east of the town two days since it was ascertained that the only force of the enemy in that quarter is a body of 500 to 600 cavalry about 15 miles southeast.
We need coal very much. Two barges filled with it arrived this morning, but the two gunboats here consume nearly or quite two-thirds of the quantity brought-say 8,000 out of 12,000 bushels.
Our sick list is increasing. As the hospital steamer (City of Memphis) is nearly full, I have ordered her below, to get rid of her freight and then to return.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. F. SMITH, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
No. 2.
Reports of Brig. Gen. Lewis Wallace, U. S. Army.
HDQRS., Linton's Farm, March 13, 1862.
SIR: Say to the general that all is right with my division so far. A person this p. m. says Cheatham is on my left, with from 15,000 to 18,000 men, who were marched from Bethel yesterday to occupy Crump's Landing, where we disembarked. He is encamped across a creek now very full from backwater, and last night or this morning destroyed the bridge. I think he is more afraid of me with exaggerated numbers than I am of him. His force, however, must be large, as there was back of Pittsburg about 6,000 troops, who, as stated, were re-enforced from Bethel.
It is now 4.30 p. m. and nothing from my cavalry. I feel a little uneasy about them, and if I have to wait much longer would beg pardon for suggesting the sending up another regiment to occupy the landing, as the enemy can, I am told, throw a bridge across the creek in three hours, and by good roads get into my rear; as another reason, also, the landing, is not good-in fact, it is very difficult-and the gunboat may not be here when wanted. Col. Thayer's brigade is at Adamsville, about 2 miles from me, watching the enemy at Purdy. I am here with Smith's brigade to check any advance by the road from Pittsburg, namely, at the junction of the Pittsburg and Purdy roads. Both of us are in good position to cover our cavalry. According to information Cheatham is only distant about 4 miles.
Very respectfully,
Lew Wallace Gen., Cmdg. Third Division.
HDQRS. THIRD DIVISION, Crump's Landing, March 13, 1862.
SIR: Say to the general that my entire command has returned safely and successfully. Maj. Hayes has away about half a mile of trestle-work over a swamp, now impassable, on the north side of Purdy. While at work a train up the road. A rebel regiment of cavalry was encamped about 2 miles from the place of his labor, and must have known his object, as his guides lost him in the night and through a great part of his outward march in the day-time Altogether, he deserves great credit for the energy, courage, and perseverance has manifested.
Gen. Cheatham is still at his camp, mentioned in my first dispatch of this date. Ten thousand I think a fair computation of his force. He has not yet intrenched himself, nor can I ascertain whether that is his intention. As I will have to remain until morning, a reconnoitering party from Maj. Hayes' cavalry might well employ the time until noon. Shall I order it?
Very respectfully,
LEW. WALLACE, Gen., Cmdg. Third Division.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 9-10.
9, Skirmish at Thompson's Station [see March 4-14, 1863, Expedition from Murfreesborough toward Columbia, Tennessee, above]
9, Skirmish at Spring Hill [see March 4-14, 1863, Expedition from Murfreesborough toward Columbia, Tennessee, above]
9, Skirmish near Covington (dispersal of Richardson's Partisan Rangers) [see March 8-12, 1863, Expedition from Collierville above]
9, Skirmish-mistaken wounding of Union supporter and burning of houses near Jackson's Mills on Loosahatachie River [see March 8-12, 1863, Expedition from Collierville above]
9, Confederate scouts, College Grove, Eagleville, Harpeth Creek vicinities
CHAPEL HILL, March 9, 1863.
Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Hdqrs. Shelbyville, Tenn.:
GEN.: The only item of news since my last, at 10 this a. m., is contained in inclosed note[2] from my picket outpost at Riggs' cross-roads; it is corroborated by some citizens coming in since. Maj. [W. A.] Johnson, of my regiment, has gone out to investigate the matter, and engage the enemy if they advance on us. I send this via Unionville, that Col. [A. A.] Russell may know all that I do of the enemy's movements.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. D. RODDEY, Col.
CHAPEL HILL, March [9], 1863--10 p. m.
Lieut. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Hdqrs. Shelbyville, Tenn.:
GEN.: I send you all the information I have obtained since my last, at 4 o'clock. When my scouts left College Grove, at 4 p. m., they saw the enemy's pickets standing on the hill at Dr. Webb's place, south side of Harpeth Creek. When I left the vicinity of Eagleville this evening, two of my guides promised to remain in the vicinity all night, but they came in at 7 o'clock, and stated that the enemy were in Eagleville one hour after we left; but as they did not see them, I don't consider it reliable. I have a reliable scout in the vicinity of the enemy, who have not yet returned.
I wish to make this explanation: I was ordered by Gen. Bragg to report to you, and by you to report to Gen. Wheeler. Afterward Gen. Wheeler ordered me to report to Col. Hagan, and by Col. [J.] Hagan to keep up constant communication with Col. Russell, at Unionville, of everything in my vicinity. I understood from that order that Col. Russell would keep him advised, and that it was unnecessary for me to make any other report. I hope the above explanation will be satisfactory. Not having been instructed to report to you, I thought it might be a breach of etiquette to report otherwise than through my brigade commander. I would like very much to know what is considered to be [the duty] of an officer occupying my position [in front]. I have heretofore, for want of a knowledge of the [country], been unable to ascertain the object or strength [illegible[3]], of the enemy, except by skirmishing with and fighting [illegible], which I have done every chance, but so far [illegible] no party of theirs I could cope with, and have to give back. Yet I am fully satisfied. We have punished them much worse than they have us, notwithstanding Col. [J. M.] Warren ran into a party at College Grove and lost some thirty-odd of his men. (It was done by my order.)
I am, most respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. D. RODDEY, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 676.
9, Federal cavalry scout on the Manchester Pike near Murfreesborough
SIR: In obedience to your order, I marched this morning with parts of five companies, comprising about 125 men, out on the Manchester pike. I first moved out, and waited until Col. Walker came out to the outpost of our pickets, and, after having offered with him by courier, I then moved on, occasionally communicating with the colonel, until I had advanced about 1 ½ miles beyond the point where I left the rebels on Thursday last. I then halted the column, and sent one company forward to make a reconnaissance and to report, which resulted in ascertaining that the enemy had fallen back, and I think that they have gone beyond Beech Grove, to a small place called Fairfield, in the county of Bedford. I communicated these facts to Col. Walker, who sent me word that he was returning to town, and that I could do so also; which I did accordingly.
With high regard, I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
ROBT. GALBRAITH, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 125.
9, Johnston ordered to order Bragg to Richmond "for conference."
WAR DEPARTMENT, C. S. A., Richmond, March 9, 1863.
Gen. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Chattanooga, Tenn.:
Order Gen. Bragg to report to the War Department here for conference. Assume yourself direct charge of the army in Middle Tennessee.
J. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 674.
9, Skirmish between bushwhackers and Confederate cavalry at Smokey Creek in Scott County
We left Brimstone last night and crossed the mountain toward New River. Arrived at New River this morning.
A party under Capt. Rheagan was sent out to day to make an excursion up Smokey [sic] Creek. They did not advance far up the creek until they were fired on by a party of bushwhackers, of which Rheagan claimed to have counted 24. Several rounds were exchanged before the enemy was repulsed, which was unusual stubbornness for bushwhackers, as they usually fire one round and then run. Rheagan's party numbered 23 men. I will say here that all of Scot [sic] County and a great deal of contiguous territory, both in Tennessee and Kentucky, is a solid bed of rugged and precipitous mountains, cut and gashed in all directions with deep ravines, and all having rushing streams of water in them. Most of the inhabitants live along these streams, though some live high up on the mountains. The roads along these streams are often more trails, and the mountain bordering the streams are often so steep and craggy that bushwhackers can conceal themselves in good rifle range of a road and fire into a column of cavalry with perfect impunity, as it would often require one hour of hard climbing on foot to reach them, and by that time they are as fleet-footed as a deer. If they had the courage and discipline of soldiers they would be hard to conquer, but that is where they are lacking. The crack of a gun seems to inspire them with an irresistible inclination to run.
Diary of William A. Sloan, March 9, 1863.
9, A case of mistaken identity during an expedition by the 7th Kansas and 4th Illinois Cavalry [see also March 8, 1863-March 12, 1863-Expedition from Colluierville above]
Monday, 9th -- We are in marching order on time 250 strong under command of Maj. Merriman. We moved east to Colliersville [sic], then north three miles across Wood [Wolf?] River, where we were joined by 120 men of the 4th Ill. Cavalry under Col Wallace who assumed command of the expedition. We continued our march thorough Fisherville, which is only a name of a neighborhood, and about noon passed Hickory With [Wythe]. Here we fed horses. While there, our rear guard was fired upon by a party of citizens and one of our outpost pickets was captured. Passing on from there we crossed the Hatchy [sic] River. A Union man by the name of Forbes mistook us for rebels in disguise and fired upon our advance. In the skirmish which followed he killed one of our men and wounded another. His house was fired to burn him out as he was strongly barricaded inside. When he came out and learned his mistake he was very sorry, as were we. He was seriously wounded in the hand. He was a strong Union man and had been active as a scout and spy for us, and could live at home but little on account of the rebel sentiment all around him....
Pomeroy Diaries, March 9. 1863.
9, Federal report on the position of Confederate troops in Tennessee
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KENTUCKY, Lexington, Ky., March 9, 1863.
Maj. Gen. HORATIO G. WRIGHT, Cmdg. Department of the Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio:
SIR: Inclosed send you some statements of two of my scouts, just in from Tennessee.
Lieut. J. R. Edwards left Williamsburg Friday, the 6th day of March, 1863. His mother, who was at Williamsburg, left Knoxville, Tenn., on the 28th day of February, and Ross, Anderson County, Tennessee, on the 3d day of March. She says Pegram is at Beaver Creek, 10 miles northwest of Knoxville, with from 10,000 to 12,000 cavalry and one ([W. C.] Kain's) battery of artillery, 6-pounder cast-iron guns; that their intention was to come into Kentucky two weeks ago, by way of Jamestown, Fentress County, Tennessee, but were stopped by flood in Clinch River and its branch, Bull Run. Pegram's force is composed of Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina Troops. This information is corroborated by reports that Lieut. Edwards got from other sources. He also reports that two week ago Bragg withdrew about 12,000 of his men from Tullahoma and vicinity to Chattanooga, as a feint against Kentucky, upon the presumption that troops would be largely detached from Rosecrans' army to meet it, and this force was at Chattanooga on the 28th ultimo. The sources from which this information is derived are more than ordinarily reliable. Lieut. Edwards also reports only about 150 men at Big Creek Gap and about 80 men near Williamsburg. There is cavalry along the railroad, from Cleveland up to Strawberry Plains, at Athens, Sweetwater, Loudon, and Knoxville, probably 800 in the aggregate. There are two small steamers plying on Clinch River, from Kingston to Clinton.
Sergt. William S. Reynolds left Cumberland Ford on Friday, the 6th day of March. Two hundred infantry and 196 cavalry and two pieces of artillery crossed Cumberland River at Mount Pierce fields, into Harlan County, February 28, and went up the river to Harlan Court-House. They were at Manchester on Saturday, March 7. [D. W.] Chenault and [H. M.] Ashby have joined Pegram, by way of Maynardville and Raccoon Valley. He says there are not more than 150 infantry at Morristown; about the same number at Russellville, Hawkins County, Tennessee, and about the same number at Rogersville. There are about 600 men at Cumberland Gap, under Gen. Gracie. There are about 30 cavalry at Rogers' Gap, and the same number at Oldtown. He says it is certain that Marshall's force has gone to the salt-works near Abingdon, Va. He says he has information perfectly reliable that Pegram's force at Beaver Creek is not over 6,000 strong.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Q. A. GILLMORE, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 126-127.
9, Disease and death in the camp of the 100th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Collierville environs according to Sergeant Theodore Osburn Winther
We came back to camp yesterday[4] and find that since were away the other Companies have built a fine little fort close by the Depot and also thrown up rifle pits in several places and are now digging a well 6 feet square. They are down about 40 feet and soon expect to find water which we very much need for the water here is poor, mostly [from] shallow wells.
A great many of the boys are sick and in the hospital. Reuben Allspaugh, George M Clark, William P. Hunt, Samuel Heistand, William Miller, Amos Reed, Hubert Starr, and George Wixon have died since we came here. All [are] of my company. So with those absent from duty, or sick, our company can only muster 37 men for duty. And less than a years [sic] service! What will it be in three years? A good many of the Regiment have died of small pox. None of my Company, however. We have all been vaccinated. I tried it twice but it did not take. We have a pest camp a couple of miles out.
Civil War Letters of Theodore Osburn Winther, pp. 52-53.
ca. 9, "They boys behaved well and have lost that shaky feeling which seemed to come over them when first called out." Combat along the Wolf River environs; an account by Sergeant Theodore Osburn Winther, 100th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Some of the Companies which are at Collierville came out and we all went on a scout across Wolf River, a good sized stream, some two miles from our stockade running nearly paralell with the R.R. We had some trouble getting across. Found a canoe (Uncle Jimmy). [sic] Leieut [sic] Boyd got into it and promptly upset, and would have drowned if some of the boys had not fished him out. We finaly [sic] found a foot bridge and got across. We soon found where the Rebels had been. They ran away so quick they left their camp fires with their breckfast [sic] cooking. We captured an officer, his horse, and a lot of saddles, bridles, blankets, and arms. We moved down the River and got another officer, several privates and some 75 mules besides a number of god horses; also a quantity of arms of various kinds which we found in the housed which we searched for them and where the Rebels win their has [sic] had thrown them away. Among the rest was a fine sharp shoot's rifle made in England with telescope sights. It has been given to John Bean of our company who aspires to be a sharpshooter. After a march of more than fifty miles with but little rest we returned to our log foot bridge with the Rebels close behind us exchanging shots. But they did not dare come very close and we crossed the river safely with our captures. Major Parrett was with us but Captain R. M. Johnson had command of this expedition and managed it so well that the men have great conficence in him. They boys behaved well and have lost that shaky feeling which seemed to come over them when first called out. Once or twice the bullets came pretty close. I felt a little nervous when we came to cross the foot bridge but we posted a good guard to cover us while crossing and got over it all right.[5]
Civil War Letters of Theodore Osburn Winther, pp. 49-50.
9-10, Skirmish with R. V. Richardson's Partisan Rangers near Concordance and the capture of Confederate Brigadier General Robert H. Looney, 7th Kansas and 6th Illinois cavalry [see also March 8-12,1863, Expedition from Collierville, above]
Tuesday, 10th.-We left camp near Gallaway at daylight and two hours march brought us to Concordance, a very small dilapidated village, near where our advance met a company of 39 Guerillas [sic] with their chief Richardson. They fled without firing a shot. We chased them several miles without capturing them. The object for our expedition was to break up Richardson's force. Col. Grierson of the 6th Ill. Cavalry is cooperating with us. He had met Richardson's band yesterday [9th] morning, captured his camp and train, killed 25 men, wounded others, and captured many and scattered the remainder....Near Wythe Station on the Memphis & Charleston we came upon the rebel brigder [sic] general [Robert F.] Looney, Major Branford, Capt Wright and a Lieut. Col. They had just reached home on furlough. We capture all but the latter who succeeded in escaping. It was abed for them to have their visit spoiled but such is the fortune of war. Gen. Looney and staff was on recruiting service in West Tennessee. We put a stop to that business. We bivouacked on the plantation where these captures were made. It had been cold and rainy all day. It cleared off soon after we camped and our bright campfires were a great comfort.
Pomerory Diaries, March 10, 1863.
He Loses Twenty-five Killed.
Capture of Gen. Robt. F. Looney and Staff
Intelligence has reached the city that on Monday last [9th] Col. Richardson, a guerrilla leader, formerly residing in this city, was surprised, and with his band captured. It appears that Richardson and his men were lying in camp within four or five miles of Covington, Tennessee, and at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, the camp was suddenly and unexpectedly set upon by Federal troops. The surprise was complete. As many of the men as could, got away, but Richardson and nearly four hundred of his men are reported as captured. The prisoners have not arrived here, and we have no particulars of the affair. We have no doubt, however, from the sources from whence we derive our information, that the camp was surprised and taken.
We have since learned that Richardson himself escaped, though he lost 25 men killed, and his men were chased until they scattered into by-places in squads of one or two.
Richardson escaped by hard running.
We also learn the Gen. Robt. F. Looney, Major Staford, Capt. Bright, and Lieutenant Williams, together with most of his command, were captured yesterday near Wythe depot by Col. Lee's cavalry.
Gen Looney and his command will probably be brought into the city today. They were at Col. Lee's headquarters at Germantown last night.
Memphis Bulletin, March 12, 1863.
The Surprise and Rout of Guerrillas in West Tennessee.
We take the following account of the surprise and route of Richardson's Guerrillas, in West Tennessee, from the Memphis Bulletin of the 13th:
It appears the attack was made from the south by Col. Grierson, and Richardson's force attempted to make a vigorous fight. The attacking and opposing forces were about equal, and the fight was a warm one, lasting about six hours. Richardson's men were poorly prepared to fight, but made the best use of their means, fighting as they retreated. The line of their retreat was toward the north. Twenty-two of their men were found killed on the field, and thirty one of the prisoners taken in the engagement are already in the Irving Block.
Among them is the notorious guerrilla Cushman, who was recently captured near Fort Pillow, and subsequently escaped from Columbus, Kentucky. Cushman, it seems, had joined Richardson's band, and in the fight on Tuesday was wounded in the right arm, the ball entering above the wrist and coming out near the elbow. Cushman is a hard looking Christian, and if there is anything in looks he is a bad man. Only a portion of the command of Colonel Grierson had returned, and they, with prisoners, and there is no reason to believe the defeat and dispersal of Richardson was even worse than the first report made of it. As already stated, the entire camp was broken up; twenty-two of them were known to have been killed, and thirty-one taken prisoners. The number of their wounded is unknown. In fact the full measure of success cannot be ascertained until the pursuit is given up. Only two men were known to have been killed on our side.
There was a report that General Looney was among the prisoners brought in last night, but if he was we did not see him – General Looney, it seems, was sent out to recruit in West Tennessee. He was opposed to Richardson's thieving operations, and reported him to General Pemberton, who at once ordered Richardson to report at Grenada. This he refused to do, feeling that the Confederates could not send a force to take him, as he was hemmed in and protected by Union bayonets. Richardson is said to have done a big business in the conscripting line. He forced everyone who was able to do so to pay him $1,000 for release from military duty, and divided with some show of liberality among his men. The consequence was he managed to keep a goodly number of men with him. All who could not pay $500 for exemption had to be conscripted.
Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 25, 1863.[6]
9-11, "These are all the facts in the case, and I earnestly hope that they will exonerate me from all culpable neglect in the premises." Confederate problems in feeding Federal prisoners taken at Thompson's Station, Tennessee
SHELBYVILLE, March 9, 1863.
Maj. THOMAS M. JACK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
MAJ.: In obedience to instructions from the lieutenant-general commanding (through Col. W. B. Richmond, aide-de-camp) of this date I have the honor to submit the following explanation: On the 7th instant the general informed me that he had received a communication from Gen. Van Dorn stating that the prisoners captured by his (Gen. Van Dorn's) command at Thompson's Station would pass through this place en route to Tullahoma; that they numbered about 2,200 men and would need rations. The general directed me to see that they had rations provided for them on their arrival; that Gen. Van Dorn could not furnish them with cooking utensils, consequently I should have the rations properly prepared. The general suggested that I could use the utensils left in camp by a portion of Withers' division, then on outpost duty, and to make the details left in charge of the camp cook them. He also directed me to send a courier on the Lewisburg road to meet them with a communication to the officer in charge asking for the number of men and the number of days' rations required and any other information that would facilitate their speedy transportation from this point to Tullahoma. Immediately after leaving the general I dispatched a courier as directed with a letter to the officer in charge of the prisoners making the inquiries named. I charged the courier to be as prompt as possible. I then sent for Capt. Spence and directed him to go out to the camp of Withers' division and see the officer in command and notify him that he would have to superintend the preparation of the rations. Capt. Spence returned and that the colonel signified to him that he was ready to carry out the order as soon as he received the rations.
I also saw Maj. Mason, assistant quartermaster, and directed him to furnish transportation for the rations when required. I then went to the post commissary store-house to see Capt. Cromwell, assistant commissary of subsistence. The captain being absent I directed his chief clerk (a Mr. Baugh) to furnish the rations when called on without delay. I then awaited the return of the courier. The courier not having returned on the morning of the 8th (when I expected him to return on the preceding night at the latest) I reported the fact to the general. The general directed me to send Capt. Spence with another courier on the same road with instructions similar to those given the first courier. The first courier returned about 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the 8th with a note from Lieut.-Col. Gordon, commanding the escort in charge of the prisoners, giving the number 1,205, but said nothing about when their rations were out. The colonel also stated in his note that he would send his regimental commissary in to attend to the wants of his own command. Immediately on the receipt of Col. Gordon's communications I directed Capt. Spence to have two days' rations for 1,205 men sent out to Col. Walker with instructions to have them prepared without delay. I also directed that the wagons used for hauling them our should remain and bring to rations back when prepared to the court-house. [sic] Capt. Spence returned and reported that he had carried out my instructions. About 5 p. m. a violent rain came on which continued with more or less violence until a late hour at night and materially interfered with the cooking of the rations. In order to be certain that the prisoners would get their rations I saw Maj. Mason about 11 o'clock last night and asked him what directions he had given about the wagons. He replied that he had "directed them to remain at the camp until the rations were cooked and then bring them in if they had to remain all night." I sent Capt. Spence out to the camp at an early hour this morning to inquire why the rations were not prepared and sent in. He reports that Col. Walker had them ready at 2 a. m., but that the wagons had left before that time and that he had no other available transportation. These are all the facts in the case, and I earnestly hope that they will exonerate me from all culpable neglect in the premises.
Respectfully submitted.
T. F. SEVIER, Assistant Inspector-Gen.
Maj. THOMAS M. JACK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
MAJ.: The general directs that you place Col. Sevier, the inspector-general, under arrest, and instruct the commandant of the post to instantly prepare food for the Federal prisoners now here.
Very respectfully,
W. B. RICHMOND, Aide-de-Camp.
SHELBYVILLE, March 11, 1863.
Lieut.-Gen. POLK, Cmdg.
GEN.: I would state that some time during the evening of Sunday, the 8th instant, Capt. Spence called upon me for two wagons to haul rations for the prisoners. All my wagons being employed in moving stores for the depot and post commissaries I told him to go there and take any two of the wagons that he saw, which he did. About 7 o'clock in the evening I was called on to furnish wood for the prisoners at the court-house yard which I accordingly furnished. Later in the night Col. Sevier asked me if the wagons had been furnished to haul the rations and I told him that they had, and I do not remember any further conversation on the subject with Col. Sevier. I heard nothing about where the rations were to be hauled from or to until the next morning when Capt. Spence called on me for two wagons to haul rations from Walker's regiment, Chalmers' brigade, which wagons I sent immediately.
Respectfully submitted.
R. M. MASON, Maj. and Assistant Quartermaster.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, pp. 846-847.
9-14, Reconnaissance from Salem to Versailles
MARCH 9-14, 1863.-Reconnaissance from Salem to Versailles, Tenn.
Report of Brig. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, U. S. Army.
COL.: The following detailed report will show the movements of this division, under orders from the general commanding corps, since leaving camp on the 9th instant on an expedition to the front-a reconnaissance to act as a unit with the movements of the Third Division, and to watch any movement the enemy might make: Two brigades of this division (the First, commanded by Col. P. Sidney Post, and the Third, commanded by Lieut.-Col. [W. P.] Chandler) were, in compliance with instructions, stationed at Salem on the 7th instant. Upon orders being received for a move forward, these brigades were held in readiness, and, upon the arrival of the Second Brigade at this camp from a scout...this brigade was moved forward to Salem. Whereupon the division, supplied with three days' rations, marched on the 9th instant to Versailles, 13 miles to the front, and bivouacked for the night. Brig. Gen. T. T. Crittenden having reported for duty, was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade.
In consequence of not receiving orders, which was afterward ascertained were sent me during the night of the 9th instant, regulating my movements, the command remained at Versailles until 10 a. m. of the 10th, but moved forward in the direction of Triune, through Eagleville, arriving at Triune at 9 p. m. same day, and bivouacked. Remained at Triune until the morning of the 13th. Three days' rations were obtained from Gen. Steedman, stationed at Triune, and, in compliance with instructions received from corps headquarters, the march was resumed on the morning of the 13th, and arrived at Eagleville, where we bivouacked during the night.
On the morning of the 14th, Gen. Sheridan, with his command, on return from his expedition in the direction of Franklin and Columbia, arrived at Eagleville, and when his command had cleared the road, in obedience to instructions, the march was again resumed, and arrived at Versailles same day, where we remained until the morning of the 15th instant.
On the morning of the 15th, there was slight picket firing, but no demonstration of attack. Between 200 and 250 rebel cavalry were discovered beyond our outpost, toward Rover, moving in the direction of the pike running to Eagleville, and one-half mile distant from this pike. They were dislodged by a reconnaissance made to the front for this purpose, and, in obedience to orders from corps headquarters, the march was resumed on the morning of the 15th, and arrived in camp at 3 p. m. Constant communication was kept up with corps headquarters and Gen. Granger's command, which was acting as a unit to this division, and stationed, until the morning of the 14th, at Versailles.
I deem it my duty here to report, from conclusive evidence, the burning of a large store-house in Eagleville, on the 11th, by a part of the Third Indiana Cavalry, while under orders to join my command while at Triune, and, on return to Eagleville, the burning of two houses, more than probably by this same cavalry, on the evening of the 13th. Whereupon they were sent to the general commanding corps, with a statement in regard to the above facts, for his action.
The first four days of the expedition the weather was exceedingly inclement, and the troops suffered from exposure, being without tents and with but little baggage.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JEF. C. DAVIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. First Division.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 144-145.
9, Federal situation report, New Market, Strawberry Plains, Mossy Creek, Morristown, Bulls' Gap, mouth of Chucky River Bend
NEW MARKET, March 9, 1864.
Maj.-Gen. SCHOFIELD, Knoxville:
Have just returned from Mossy Creek. Deserters and citizens continue to come in, but their news does not reach beyond Bull's Gap, where Buckner is said to be. Vaughn's brigade is still at Broyersvile and does not number over 400 or 500 in all, partly mounted and partly foot. A cavalry outpost at Chucky Bend. One man who came through from Greeneville, on Friday last, reports some troops scattered between Greeneville and Bull's Gap, but cannot say how many. At Greeneville he inquired if an office he saw guarded was Johnson's, and was told, no; it was Longstreet's. Supposed Longstreet was there, but does not know.
A rebel cavalry party, 30 or 40 strong, is reported at Massengale's Mill, on north side of Holston, about 8 miles above Strawberry Plains, yesterday. Col. Garrard sends a party across to-day to look after them. A regiment goes to Morristown to support a cavalry reconnaissance toward Bull's Gap, and another to Mouth of Chucky for same purpose to-day. I have directed every possible means to be used to get immediately some definite information of the condition of affairs beyond Bay's Mountain. My own belief it that Longstreet is gone, and that Buckner is left in command of whatever force remains. Upon examination it is found that the small trestle bridge at Mossy Creek was partially cut by the rebels with the intent doubtless to make a trap for our first train. I have directed, if possible. I would suggest the examination of the whole line above the Plains wherever there is a bridge or wooden culvert.
The troops at Mossy Creek have an average of 70 founds of musket ammunition, and Wood's from 40 to 50. The Ninth Corps and Wood's have some at Strawberry Plains. I telegraphed Gen. Potter this morning the amount of cannot ammunition. Gen. Stoneman reports that some riding animals could be bought at less than common Government rates in the country, and I have directed him to let his corps quartermaster make the purchases and turn the animals over, for the present, to the dismounted officers. Do you approve this? It will somewhat diminish the number to be furnished.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. D. COX, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32 pt. III, pp. 43-44.
9, Visiting neighbors in Union-occupied Shelby County, an entry in Belle Edmondson's diary
March, Wednesday 9, 1864
Tate and I went over to Mrs. Clayton early this morning-had to pass through the Yankee Camp, no trouble, spent the day and came back this evening. Hal and Dink came with us-Tate's horse threw her, not hurt, I was never so full of laugh-reached home about dark. After Tea we were all sitting in the Parlor when in walked Joe Clayton and Mr. McCorkle, our little St. Louis friend, he has a furlough, and is going to St. Louis and New York to see his Father and Sister-we were all delighted to see him. All sat in the Parlor until 11 o'clock, singing, playing and had a real nice time. Laura and I were not so lonely. Hal shared my little room-I heard of my letters in town, but could not get any one to bring them to me. Mr. Wilson took one of those Yankees prisoner the other evening, and got him a fine Saddle and Bridle, so he has made up for his loss at the Party. Oh! I am suffering so much with my spine, what is to become of me-
Mrs. Dupre arrived from Dixie, sent Helen two letters by me. I was so much disappointed that I did not get one. I expect my friends will all forget me now that I cannot run to Memphis and bring what they want.
Diary of Belle Edmondson
9, Apprehension of Northern Interlopers Dominating Post-War Tennessee
The Nashville (Tenn.) Union, a paper which advocates the most "radical" doctrines in the matter of slavery, and zealously co-operates with the President's plan of "re-construction" in Tennessee, expresses the opinion that there is nothing to discourage the friends of the Government in the spirit manifested by the people of that State. On the contrary, there is much that is encouraging. In taking the oath of amnesty required by the President as a condition of their pardon for participation in the rebellion, they manifest both sincerity and alacrity. They are endeavoring, in good faith, our contemporary says, to accomplish their part of a proffered contract and, if the President makes good his promise of restoration to rights of property, the best result maybe anticipated. It is sincerely trusted by the friends of the Government in Tennessee that there will be no disappointment in the matter, and they will deeply deplore any which may be construed into a want of good faith in the premises.
Among the causes of solicitude the "Union" recognized the presence in Tennessee of a intrusive and meddlesome population who have recently entered the State in the train of our armies, and have while doing a thriving business as sutlers, commercial agents, army contractors &c., are also apt to claim a monopoly of all the "loyalty" that is found or to be found in Tennessee. As those disinterested and self-sacrificing patriots have their congeners in other parts of the country, we give this description of that class which has its habitat in Tennessee, as described your Nashville contemporary. It says:
["]There is a rising party-or a party which is endeavoring to rise, and which will rise, if noise and impertinence can work elevation-to which we would fain believe the Government intends to give no encouragement. They have no country of their own, except Bedlam, and are forever canting about the extermination of our people, and the colonization of the country with persons like themselves. They are doubtless sincere in all they say, and would prefer that the Government should pursue such a policy as they may indicate. They would like to do all the voting, as they now endeavor to do all of the talking; for they would like to vote themselves and their tools not yet imported into all the offices. They pretend to huzzah for the President, yet they are unwilling the people of the State should return in good faith to their allegiance under his proclamation of amnesty, because that might break up the monopoly of loyalty. Loyalty being greatly diffused, by a restoration of the Government, might not be quite so lucrative. To the minds of these zealous persons, the Government has been exceedingly remiss in the matter of confiscation. They would like, no doubt, to see the absolute alienation of real estate and that conducted in a manner so rapid that each of them could buy a farm for little more than a fair per diem to the auctioneer who sells it. When the military authorities have dispensed with the use of such houses as are now found in needful in the city of Nashville, nothing would better please the pluperfect zealots than to have them put up at action to sold only to such bidders as would take an oath of their prescription. They would see to it that the oath had something in it which no honest man could swallow, and thus exclude all bidders but themselves. Our Government has righteously invaded the houses under insurrectionary rule with a conquering army. The conquests of that army have glorified our flag, and even the nation increased reputation with the civilized world. Let us not encourage a disgraceful social invasion of Jacobins and Bedlamites to follow in the rear of our soldiers, and blot the page of their-well-earned fane."
Daily National lntelligencer,(Washington, DC) March 9, 1864. [7]
9, Return of the prodigal house servant in Bolivar
* * * *
....Lettie has returned this morning early. Sister and myself were talking about her and wondering where she was this bitter cold morning. We looked out of the window when who should we see but Lettie walking half frozen with her pappy [sic] behind her. After getting her in the kitchen, he stepped out and got a stick or rather a good sized limb with twigs or something of the sort, all over it, called her out into the yard and gave her the most severe beating I ever in all my life (nearly eighteen years) [sic] saw. With all that and the sympathizing looks of every body [sic], she doesn't seem at all subdued. What a hardened wretch to be sure....
Diary of Sally Wendel Fentress.
9 – April 10, 1865, The case of Ramsey, Sperry and Fox, prisoners of war in Knoxville
RICHMOND, March 9, 1865.
Lieut. Col. JOHN E. MULFORD, Assistant Agent of Exchange:
SIR: I have learned that Messrs. Ramsey, Sperry, and Fox, citizens of Tennessee, are kept chained together and made to parade the streets of Knoxville. I will thank you to make inquiry into this matter, and if it is found to be true, that you will have them relieved from such ignominious punishment.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
RO. OULD, Agent of Exchange.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, City Point, Va., March 17, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, commanding Department of the Cumberland, for report in this case.
By command of Lieut.-Gen. Grant:
T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. J. G. Parkhurst, provost-marshal-general, Department of the Cumberland, for report. This paper to be returned.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
SOUTHWARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Third indorsement.]
Respectfully referred to Col. L. S. Trowbridge, provost-marshal-general of East Tennessee, for report.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Fourth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST TENN., Knoxville, Tenn., April 3, 1865.
Respectfully returned with information that the prisoners Ramsey, Sperry, and Fox have never been treated in the manner mentioned. Ramsey and Sperry are here in prison and are as comfortable as prisoners can expect to be. Fox died in hospital February 5, 1865.
S. T. . BRYAN, Jr., Capt. and Acting Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
[Fifth indorsement.]
Respectfully returned to Maj. Southard Hoffman, assistant adjutant-general whose attention is invited to the above indorsement of Capt. Bryan, jr.
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Sixth indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., April 11, 1865.
Respectfully returned to Lieut.-Gen. Grant, commanding Armies of the United States, with reference to indorsement of Capt. Bryan.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 370-372.
9-10, Guerrilla activity near Memphis
Killing, Robbing and Whipping.
The Memphis Bulletin of the 9th and 10th has the following pleasant record:
A very inoffensive young man, named Allender, who lives near the State Line Road, was out shooting on last Tuesday with a small shot gun, when he was met by guerrillas, who ordered him to give up his gun. He refused, saying that as it was for only firing small shot, it would be useless to them. The guerrillas advanced to take the gun, when Allender prevented it, threatening to shoot if any one assailed him. At this two of the guerrillas drew their revolvers and shot him dead. They then rifled his pocked, and stripping the body, carried off the clothes.-Memphis Bulletin, 9th.
Guerrilla Outrage-Two Southern Men Hung.-Two men who had been into Memphis with teams and colored drivers, to sell cotton, were, on Tuesday, going out on the Hernando road, and when a few miles from the city, they were m et by guerrillas, who charged them with being Union men. The imputation was denied, but this did not satisfy the guerrillas, who robbed them of a considerable sum of money whipped the negro drivers in a most inhuman manner, and finally hung the two cotton sellers, whose names were White and Johnson. From one of these murdered men the guerrillas took over three hundred dollars.-Memphis Bulletin, 9th.
Cotton Buyer Hung.- A man named George Sterling, who lived outside the line on the Raleigh road, and has been accustomed to purchase cotton and bring it into Memphis, was caught on last Wednesday by guerrillas, who robbed him of $500, and then hung him.-Ib.
Whipping and Hanging.-A Bloody Fight.-Two men, names Robert Jackson and Wm. Flood, own farms on the Hernando road, ten or eleven miles from the city, and had both been reported guerrillas when the occasion offered. Some misunderstanding recently occurred between them and this led to a collision on Wednesday. They fought with bowie knives, and the contest was of the most desperate and sanguinary character. One of the men was almost literally hacked to pieced, and lived but a few minutes. The other still lives, but is dangerously wounded., Ib., 10th.
Daring Robberies-Increase of Crime.-A man named Flannegan, an employee on the steamer Fanny, was going through Shelby street last Wednesday night, and a short distance from the Gayoso House was assailed by two men, one of whom sprang from behind a post and the other from an alley. Having no warning, he was unable to defend himself, and being knocked down, he was, while insensible, robbed of one hundred and twenty dollars. The desperadoes escaped before Flannegan recovered his senses.
A man named John Dunn was going up the wharf last Wednesday night, when two men met and asked him the time of night. Mr. Dunn pulled out his watch to give the desired information, when one of the rascals grabbed it and started to run. Dunn called loudly for the watch, and ran after the escaping thief, but the accomplice tripped him up, and they escaped before he regained his perpendicular.
The house of Mrs. Richards, on Poplar street, was entered by two burglars early on Wednesday evening. They asked her whether she had any money, and getting no satisfactory answer, the rummaged her house and found fifteen dollars. Mrs. Richards screamed for help, but one of the rascals seized had compelled her by threats to keep quiet, until, having secured her watch and a lot of clothing, they escaped.
William Watson was going through Beal street near the market on Monday night, when he was knocked down and robbed of sixty dollars.
New Orleans Times, March 15, 1865.
9 – April 11, The case of Charles W. Meeks, Confederate tax collector
RICHMOND, March 9, 1865.
Lieut. Col. JOHN E. MULFORD, Assistant Agent of Exchange:
SIR: It has been credibly represented to me that Charles W. Meeks, C. S. collector in Tennessee, was captured at Bristol on or about the 15th of December last and taken to Knoxville, where he and his son, William B. Meeks, not yet sixteen years of age, are still confined in jail, the former on a charge of treason for holding the office of collector under the Confederate States Government and the latter on a totally unfounded charge of bushwhacking. I will think you to take immediate steps for inquiry into this matter, that you may inform me what are the purposes of your authorities.
In view of the course I have pursued in relation to civilian prisoners, will you not have them promptly released?
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
RO. OULD, Agent of Exchange.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, City Point, Va., March 14, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, commanding Department of the Cumberland, for report:
By command of Lieut.-Gen. Grant:
T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. J. G. Parkhurst, provost-marshal-general, Department of the Cumberland, for report.
This paper to be returned.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Third indorsement.]
Respectfully referred to Col. Trowbridge, provost-marshal-general of East Tennessee, for report.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Fourth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST TENN., Knoxville, Tenn., April 5, 1865.
Respectfully returned.
Charles W. Meeks is held for trial for treason by the Federal court. The young man is also in custody. He was sent up to Strawberry Plains February 11, 1865, to be sent through the lines by flag of truce, but by order of Gen. Stoneman the flag was not allowed to proceed and he was returned to this place.
S. T. BRYAN, Jr., Capt. and Acting Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
[Fifth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN., Nashville, April 9, 1865.
Respectfully returned, inviting attention to the indorsement of the acting provost-marshal of East Tennessee, which contains all the information in this office concerning the Meeks.
J. G. PARKHURST, Col. and Provost-Marshal-Gen., Dept. of the Cumberland.
[Sixth indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., April 11,1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. T. S. Bowers, assistant adjutant-general, headquarters Armies of the United States, with reference to preceding indorsements.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 379-380.
[2] Not found.
[3] Illegible as determined in the orginal transcription of the OR.
[4] Since the editor dates the letter from which this narrative is taken as March 10, 1863, and Winther states: "We came back to camp yesterday" the date of March 9, must be correct. Nevertheless, the information following, taken from the same letter, may not have the correct date, even though it is an approximation. It is difficult at times to correctly date information, especially when editors seem to have neglected explaining problems of this kind that confront historians.
[5] The editor of Civil War Letters of Theodore Osburn Winther, dates this expedition as May 5-10, 1863, yet the letter by Winther is dated March 10, 1863. It is far more likely that it should be dated as above and was most likely part of the Expedition from Collierville, March 8-12, 1863. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. I, pp. 423-426.
[6] As cited in GALEGROUP - GALEGROUP - TSLA 19TH CN. See also: Boston Herald, March 23, 1863.
[7] TSL&A, 19th CN.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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