22, Call for a Union Party State Convention in Nashville.
State Convention of the Union Party.
We, undersigned, upon consultation with the people from various parts of the Sate, would respectfully suggest Thursday, the 2nd day of May next as an appropriate time for the assembling of a State Convention of the Union party of Tennessee, at Nashville, for the purpose of nominating a Candidate for Governor. We would also suggest that meeting be held in the different Counties in the State on the 1st Monday in April, for the appointment of delegates to the State Convention.
FELIX ROBERTSON, Chairman, Union Com.
J. E. Manlove, James Walker,
John Hugh Smith, P. W. Maxey,
W. B. Burley, Horace H. Harrison,
W. F. Bang, A. L. Demoss,
S. P. Ament, John P. Greer,
Isaac Paul, Sam. D. Morgan,
Thos. R. Jennings, John Shane,
Geo C. Richards, F. Fleming,
J. H. Badeke, C. W. Nance,
M McCormack, B. W. Hall.
Clarksville Chronicle, March 22, 1861.
22, Pro-Union candidate for State Senate endorsed for Robertson, Stewart and Montgomery counties
Springfield, Tenn., March 19th, 1861.
Editors of the Chronicle: - I Think it is time for us to be looking around to see who would be the most suitable man to represent the counties of Robertson, Montgomery, and Stewart I the Senatorial branch of our next Legislature.
In resting my eye over the claims of the many worthy men in the District, I can see none that I think more deserving than our present able and faithful Representative Col. [Judson] Horn.[1] He took our banner when it was falling in the dust, there being a heavy majority against him, and notwithstanding he was opposed by one of the ablest and most clever gentlemen of the then Democratic party, he he [sic] bore our banner triumphantly through the canvass, and was elected by a large majority. He has served with distinguised [sic] ability, and I think of all others in our District, he is the most entitled to be sent back to the Senate as an endorsement of his course, since we have no higher reward to bestow upon him than to re-elect him to that office. He has been true to the Constitution and Union. I am, therefore, for Col. Horn for the Senate. I am for the Union and opposed to coercion. I am in favor of letting the seceding 'States alone 'til they themselves see the folly of their course. They will soon return as penitent as the "Prodigal son" did, asking pardon. We will then receive them with open arms and kill the "fatted calf." After they shall have done this, I have no doubt but that they will be better members than they were before.
Mr. Editor, what do you think of having the Convention to meet at Clarksville, the 9th of May, to nominate candidates for Congress, Senate and Floater? I merely make the suggestion and would like to hear from others.
Clarksville Chronicle, March 22, 1861.
22, Report on infanticide in Memphis
Burial of Babies.—The community is now and then shocked by accounts of the discovery of babies buried in out-of-the-way places, in candle boxes and herring tubs. Some of these, there is no doubt, are the offspring of guilt hidden away and perhaps sometimes murdered. But we learn that buried babies found under mysterious circumstances, are not all, or a majority of them, of this description. We are informed that in this city it costs eighteen dollars to bury a black baby and twenty to perform the same duty for a white one, even in cases where disease is premature, and the advent of life is the moment of death. There are many in this city who are unable to pay the amount charged, and such are driven to the necessity of burying as they can and where they can. There ought to be a "potter's field" here, as there is in other cities where those who are in moderate circumstances might bury their dead at a moderate expense, but our city council have left us destitute of such a necessary provision. When will the necessities of the poor and the tears of the sorrowing have an influence on our city legislation? If there were votes the question would soon be answered.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 22, 1861
22, Continuation of Rabbi Peres vs. Congregation of the Memphis Synagogue
Common Law Court.—At this court yesterday the case of the Rev. J. T. Peres, who sues the congregation of Israel for the balance of his salary, for the remainder of the year on which his services were dispensed with, on the alleged ground of a desecration of the Sabbath—was continued. The present Rabbi of the Memphis Synagogue, the learned and Rev. Simeon Tuska, who had been examined the day before, was recalled. The testimony of this gentleman was most interesting, throwing much light on the religious position of the Isralites [sic] in this country and in Europe. In accordance with the requirements of the prosecution, Mr. Tuska produced in court that venerable record of Rabbinical wisdom, the Talmud; the authoritative exposition of Moses and the prophets. The book was in twenty volumes, the text in the ordinary Hebrew character, but without points, but the commentary is in the Rabbinical character. We hope the members of the bar who would not accept the statements of the reverend gentleman as authoritative, as those of a professionalist, or an expert, are satisfied now they have dived into the profundities of the Talmud. They should next investigate the mysteries of the Massorah, and try their hands at reconciling the Samaritan with the Hebrew Pentateuch. Some of the Israelites in court declared their belief that the lawyers were Goyim.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 22, 1861.
22, Juvenile crime in Memphis
Juvenile Stealing.—A system of stealing from packages about the bluff and in other parts of the city, by children sent out by their parents with bags in their hands daily for the purpose, has of late been persistently pursued in this city. This proceeding is not only causing heavy loss to our merchants, but it is breeding up thieves and prostitutes in our midst. In order to do something to check the evil, officers O'Brien, Brannan and Hickey, furnished with search warrants, yesterday entered a number of houses from which they recovered a considerable quantity of hams, bacon, and sugar, which the owner can obtain by applying at the station house. They were taken from the homes of the following children, which children were arrested: J. O. Day, Maryam Magione, also Mrs. Brown, of the Navy Yard, and J. D. Spain, R. Sheean, and Maggie Coveny, residing on the corner of Main and Jackson streets. The night police deserve credit for their activity in this matter.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 22, 1862.
22, Quagmire roads hamper movements of Federal army in East Tennessee
A gentleman from Tennessee informs us that the roads are so bad between Knoxville and Jackboro' that it is impossible for a wagon of any kind to go over them, much less the Federal army. Some 20,000 Yankees are said to be in Jackboro', preparing to advance upon Knoxville, but as we have a large force immediately on their route, and the condition of the country is such to prevent their obtaining supplies as rapidly as needed, there is no danger of Knoxville suffering the fate of Nashville.
Atlanta Commonwealth.
Macon Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1862.
22, East Tennessee Unionists-An Ad Hoc Vigilance Committee in Jefferson county
The Lincolnites in East Tennessee.
A correspondent of the Knoxville Register narrates an incident which occurred in Jefferson county, Tenn., on the night of the 22d of March:
Thos. Green, a respectable and well known Southern rights man, noted for his devotion to the South and for his constancy as an humble Christian, was awakened about one o'clock in the morning by some one calling him at the yard fence. Supposing them to be some of his neighbor's boys, he paid no attention to their calls. This availed him nothing. They continued their calls until he left his room and started to the fence where the calling came from. On arriving within a few paces, to his surprise he saw four men, one of whom immediately stepped between him and his house and fired of his gun. He was then told that he was a prisoner, and that they were Lincoln pickets, who come through Wheeler's Gap-that their army had possession the whole country and that they had authority to swear in and arrest all men whose loyalty to the Federal Government was suspected. They then ordered him to take the oath without delay!-This he positively refused to do, at the same time remarking that he was a man loyal to his State and to the Confederate States, and would not take an oath which his conscience repudiated and his patriotism spurned. He was then told that unless he complied with their order, without further hesitation, that they would shoot him instantly. One of the cowardly assassins then stepped forward, and despite his remonstrances, forced him to take the oath of allegiance to the negro dynasty. After administering the oath they left, saying that they intended to arrest all of the prominent Southern men of the community.
Daily Dispatch, April 3, 1862.
22, Brief Description of Crime in Memphis Associated with the Influx of the Confederate Army
~ ~ ~
Memphis, just now, is overrun by gamblers, garrotters and murderers-the foul birds of prey who follow in the wake of an army. An old man, a cigar dealer, doing business in one of the most public streets of the city, was strangled last night during a thunder storm, and robbed of about $15,000 in specie, the hard earnings of a life of labor and economy. His dead body was not discovered until this morning. Not a day or night passes that some one is not dirked, knocked down, or robbed. In a single street it is reported there are no less than fourteen gambling halls.
~ ~ ~
Daily Dispatch, March 22, 1862. . [2]
22, Confederate scout, College Hill, Harpeth River, Eagleville
COLLEGE GROVE, Sunday Evening, [March 22, 1863]-3 o'clock.
SIR: In accordance with instructions received from you this morning, we proceeded down the pike leading from College Hill to College Grove until we discovered the outposts of the enemy. We met with no obstruction between College Hill and the bank of Harpeth River. Dr. Webb informed us that a man who we perceived standing on the pike, about a quarter of a mile on the farther side of the river, was the Yankee picket. We received information from a lady in the Grove that on Friday morning the Yankees ambushed your command, in the lower part of town. We also heard (and give it as a report to be investigated) that the enemy camped on this side of Harpeth, below Eagleville, last night.
We learned that the force of the enemy who followed you across the river yesterday consisted of 400 cavalry and 300 infantry. They gave our boys credit for good fighting, and were badly scared.
Yours, respectfully,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 721.
22, Skirmish near Murfreesborough, guerrillas attack train
No circumstantial reports filed.
WOODBURY, March 24, 1863--5 p. m.
Brig.-Gen. WHARTON, Cmdg. Cavalry of Unionville:
GEN.: Lieut. Burgess has just handed me the inclosed dispatch. He says he saw Maj. [Richard] McCann on his way to-day, and he states that he took a scout across the river and went around Murfreesborough, and fired into a train, day before yesterday, about 9 miles from there. He reports that the enemy are being heavily re-enforced at Murfreesborough from Nashville. He saw five trains go up loaded heavily with soldiers. Nothing else new here.
Respectfully, general, your obedient servant,
BAXTER SMITH, Col., Cmdg. Fourth [Eighth] Tennessee Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 725.
22, Confederate raid on M&C Railroad wood train at Grand Junction
CLEVELAND, OHIO, March 23, 1863.
Bruch telegraphs that the rebels made a raid on railroad 3 miles north of Grand Junction, Tenn., yesterday; captured and destroyed wood train and cut telegraph-not been working to Memphis since...
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 168.
22, J. A. Rogers, assistant surgeon, 28th Tennessee Regiment, in Tullahoma environs, to his father
Camp near Tullahoma March 22, 1863
Dear Papa,
I find myself seated again tonight to write a few words well I have no news of importance as it was only yesterday that I sent you a few lines by J. B. Richmond. In the first place I will say that if anybody comes up here between this and the middle of April I would like to send my coat & gloves home as I will have no use for them after that time I never wear my coat and I drew a Jacket I will keep It & my coat will go for next winter & my Boots will do to frost & as for gloves I never want another pair I have not worn these that I have a single day this winter If I get the chance to I would like to send the above name articles home I wrote in my other letter that I would need the pants sometime shortly & for you to send the hat the first chance & if you ever get a chance to buy me a good pair of suspenders & a silk handkerchief I want you to do it & sent them to me as my suspenders is very near worn out & my handkerchief is so large that I can't carry it in a pocket and is much smaller than a haversack send me another pair of socks I have one pair that I have never worn two new pair at once is as many as I want I sent a pack of envelopes with my other letter I send you some papers by Mr. Lane I must hurry to a close write soon & send the articles above names the first chance as I need them.
J. A. Rogers
Letters, Rogers, Joseph Anderson et al,
TSL&A Confederate Collection: Box 11, Folder 14, mfm 824
22, Lt. A. J. Lacy's letter to his wife in Jackson County
March 22, 1863
My dearest Elisabeth [sic],
This evening I see myself again to write you a few lines. It would be verry [sic] glad to see you but as it is am away from home in a distant land. I have seen days of pleasure with you in days that is passed and forever gone and I hope to see many days of pleasure with you in the future.
You wrote to me to write to you which I wanted you to cawl [sic] the baby William or Woolsy. I would rather you would call him William Woolsy rather than Woolsy.
Tell Margaret and Worth that I would like to see them and also would like to see my affectionate brother who is out in defense of his countrys [sic] rights.
Well Elisabeth [sic] wee [sic] drill 4 hours evry [sic] day and recite a lesson to Major Forest [sic] evry [sic] morning in the military [sic] tacticks [sic]. All the commission [sic] officers recite together and some of our capt [sic] is [sic] students of West Point. It keeps me busy to come up with some of the capt. [sic] I study hard for I hate to be beaton [sic]. Write often as you can.
Your husband
To Mrs A. J. Lacy
Lacy Correspondence.
22, Women in McMinnville talk about the progress of the war in Middle Tennessee
….Everybody was full of "the movement" whatever it might be. Bragg had telegraphed Wheeler that the enemy was either falling back or changing his base and in either case to press him. Wheeler left very early Thursday morning – and his staff during the day, nearly all of them very drunk – it is said. Dr. Read told the Col. So, and it so disgusted him that he said he would give up the idea of getting up an entertainment for them. And I was surprised at it for we all thought Wheeler's "staves" such gentlemanly men. Well, there's no telling who, or what you entertain these days. – Our hopes in reference to the retreat of the Yankees have all proved fallacious; more's the pity. It is now reported an advance, instead of a retreat. Morgan fought the Yankees at Liberty on Monday [19th] – repulsed them and took many prisoners – they fell back until re-inforced, and when they compelled Morgan to retire with a loss it is said, of a hundred of his best men. This is sad news indeed – and yet I fear it is not the worst. I expect nothing else now but that Bragg will fall back from Tullahoma – and this country be left – now to the ravages of the Vandals. At any moment I should not be at all surprised to see a Yankee force come in. What we shall do then or how we are to live it is impossible to conceive. If I were the Col. I would leave here – I would have been gone long since to a place of safety, at least, but he will not move, and when the oppression comes we will be stripped of everything, and he will regret it when it is too late to see a remedy. We look for some news of a reliable character today. Cannonading we heard in the direction of Liberty on Friday[3]-and when Morgan left of Thursday it was with the intention of attacking the Yankees on Friday morning. On yesterday he sent in a courier with a dispatch for Bragg, stating that the enemy was advancing. Mrs. Morgan was very greatly disappointed – When Gen. M [sic] left she expected soon to meet him at home in Murfreesboro. I can feel for, and sympathize with her now – in her anxiety…..In the afternoon Mary Talley, Mary Holmes, and Mary Armstrong all rode out here. M.T. said that the Yankees burned up all their ploughs and farming utensils and took all their corn. Their meat and fouls [sic] they did not take because their house was made head-quarters for officers. Every horse, mule, cow, pigs, sheep, etc. were taken. There is not a fence she says on the place, or a fence or shade tree in eight miles around Murfreesboro. The country here she says don't look as if any armies had ever visited it at all, compared with theirs. But soon it will be just as bad – if the enemy get in here again, as I am confident they soon will – everything here will be desolated even as it is there. Before this war is over I feel convinced that our grove will be destroyed and out building here burned down. I feel a presentment of the evil day coming, when we shall be driven out of house and home – and [I] am endeavoring to prepare myself for that trial. If it must come – as I am persuaded it must – let us try to meet it calmly. Oh! I felt so much encouraged on Thursday – when the news came that they were evacuating Murfreesboro. I felt how joyful it would be to go out in this fresh Spring weather, to plant our gardens, to nurse my flowers, to listen to all the thousand waking voices of the new blooming time – and to know that we could sit under "our own vine and fig-tree" with none to molest or make us afraid. But it can not be so – suspense – wearing [? Suspense is still upon us- we are not better off than before – nay, we are worse, for I look for a raid from the enemy daily – almost hourly. – Mrs. Talley's negroes [sic], Mary says, have closed not to go with the Yankees, tho' [sic] they have been persuaded and teased to do so time and again. One old woman she says just stands out and abuses them for everything she can think of, every time she gets an opportunity. – M. Tally says the demoralization of Rosecran's [sic] army is very great – she knew on Captain who had one man in his company and she used frequently to ask how his company was getting on? The Capt. Said he wised that one man would desert, and he would too. Of a body of 150 she knew at Readyville 100 deserted. The troops are exceedingly weary of the war and no wonder. Still I fear that the Northwest will at last give in to Lincoln's abominable rule, and keep up his armies. Without the men of the Northwest the East could do nothing – and we of the South would only laugh at the Abolitionists. Oh! How do I wish the Northwest could be made to see its true interests! The trees down by the river are taking the first tinge of green….
War Journal of Lucy Virginia French.
22, Tragedy in Memphis
The Disaster at Memphis.
Fall of a Government building in Memphis-Six Persons Killed.
From the Memphis Argus, March 22.
It is our painful task this morning to chronicle the occurrence of a terrible accident, the like of which has seldom been witnessed in this city, which resulted in the loss of six lives and the permanent injury of two others whose lived may be the results, so terrible are the wounds, contusions and abrasions under which they are suffering.
It appears that about 6 ½ o'clock on Sunday evening, with barely sufficient warning to enable some of the occupants to get out of the way, the three-storied brick house on the southwest corner of Adams street and the batture fell in with a dreadful crash, carrying with it a portion of the flooring of three stories of the adjoining Bradley Block, and burying beneath its debris eleven persons, five of whom were afterward rescued or made their escape.
Capt. Wm. M. Ferry, Jr. Depot Commissary, had but a moment before the crash left the building, in search of the master mechanic, to have his judgment as to the stability of the structure, part of which had been used by him for storage purposes, and had just reached the corner of the street when the terrible catastrophe occurred, involving the loss of three white children, a negro man, wife and child. The state of affairs once realized, this officer lost no time in organizing a working party, who so willingly did they spring to the accomplishment of their task, were in among the yet trembling mass before all the loosened brick and mortar had ceased to fall. This party was gallantly and daringly led by Mr. D. Squares, a cooper in the Government employ, and attached to Capt. Ferry's department, who made himself conspicuous among the willing and hearty workers in search of the unfortunate persons buried beneath the ruins.
In the meantime, while this party was engaged in their humane labor, Capt. Ferry stationed a cordon of sentries from Adams street around to the store formerly occupied by Frank Smith on the levee, who, assisted by the police, managed to keep back the excited crowd who eagerly watched the process of rescue, expressing themselves feelingly and sympathetically as the bodies of the dead or the forms of the wounded were carried to the store of Mr. Geo. Philleps, opposite on Adams street, which had been very kindly opened for that purpose.
Remembering there had been several fires in the building, and fearing a conflagration, Capt. Ferry next sent for steam fire engine No. 1, on Jefferson street, which was promptly on the ground. The hose was drawn out, a fire built, and all readiness made in case of fire so that the wreck could be entirely flooded with water, but, thank God, no such necessity occurred, though the company nobly stood by the engine in expectancy until daylight on the morning of Monday. Still the men labored at the work of rescue until 10 o'clock, when the three children of Mr. Patrick Mooney, quite dead, were laid in Mr. Phillep's store, where a little before his wife and aunt, the formerly dangerously wounded, had been carried.
Mrs. Gallagher, with her little daughter and a negro servant, had a narrow escape, being the first to emerge from the wreck after the grand crash. They were standing near a store immediately upon the happening of the fall of the building, which, it is needless to say, stunned then no little. Upon recovering [from] the shock the little girl remarked to her mother that they were buried alive. This, however, Mrs. Gallagher corrected by saying that God would protect them; and moving cautiously to the back part of her store, secured a candle which she lighted and almost miraculously conducted her child and servant into the waning light of day.
To sum up; of the eleven persons remaining in the building when it fell, six were killed-the three children of Mr. Mooney taken out, and the negro man, his wife and child, who are still buried in the mass of rubbish. Two were taken out seriously injured-Mrs. Gallager, her little daughter and a negro servant.
New York Times, April 3, 1863.
22-April 1, Pegram's Raid
Brigadier General John Pegram, Provisional Army Confederate States, led this raid went into KY to appropriate cattle to feed Rebel troops. The, 1st, 2nd Tenn. Regts [sic]. and 16th Tenn. Battalion participated. The Rebel force rampaged through the Knoxville environs for a few days, especially at Beaver Creek,[4] during the raid. In the end Brigadier-General Pegram later reported: "As regards the object of the expedition (the beef-cattle), agents found many less in the counties we entered than had been represented. This was because large numbers had recently been driven out by the agents of the United States Government. We started with about 750, and crossed over the river with 537."
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 173.
22, U. S. S. Peosta shells woods near Pittsburg Landing
U. S. S. Peosta Daily Deck Log
22, Confederates destroy private ferries on the Obion River
UNION CITY, March 23, 1864.
Brig.-Gen. BRAYMAN, Cmdg. District of Cairo:
My private scout has just arrived and brings the information that Gen. Forrest is at Jackson with a large force, estimated at from 6,000 to 7,000. On Tuesday [22nd] they were destroying private ferries on the Obion, doubtless with the view of preventing information from crossing. Detachments had reached Milan. The above is entirely reliable.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 130-131.
22, Formation of Enrolled Militia in the Seventh Civil District of Shelby County
Headquarters, District of Memphis
Memphis, Tenn., March 22d, '64
* * * *
II. The citizens of the 7th Civil District of Shelby County, having enrolled themselves under H. [?] B. [?] Mercer, as Captain, to preserve life and property, and to keep the peace within said District and vicinity, and pledged themselves to do so against all persons except organized forces of the United States or of the Confederate States:
It is ordered that the men belonging to said Company are authorized to keep and carry arms, and said company may arrest all soldiers committing depredations in said District, and send them to these headquarters; and may arrest and punish all other persons committing depredations in said district. Every person carrying arms under this order, will be held strictly responsible, in person and property, for the proper use of the same.
* * * *
By order of Brig. Gen. R. P. Buckland
Memphis Bulletin, April 2, 1864.
The unswerving loyalty of the people of Tipton county has been, time and again, the subject of approving comment in the columns of the BULLETIN [sic]. They deserve credit for having been the first to unite together for their own defense against marauding combinations. Small bodies of rebels have often made incursions into various portions of that county, to steal horses, conscript citizens, and such other depredations as they usually commit upon unoffending citizens. But, as often as they have ventured into that county, just as certainly have they been domed to disappointment. The people, having been prompt to see that their true hope and security was by concert and co-operation, early organized companies of home guards for their own defense, and immediately, on the appearance of the enemy at any point, the signal is given, and every man rallies to the point of danger. Several engagements have resulted, but in every case the home guards of Tipton have triumphed over every foe that has met them. The result is, that while the people of surrounding counties have been destroyed by rebels, the people of Tipton have escaped comparatively unscathed the ravages of war.
Lately, however, they have gone a step farther. They found that they were annoyed by marauders claiming not to belong to any army, but simply independent highwaymen. Some of these they have captured, tried and hung. Finding that they were abundantly able to deal effectually with all who molested them, they made application to the Commanding General to give them permission to enforce law and order in their own county against all armies. After mature deliberation, this privilege has been accorded them, as will be found by perusing Special Order [sic] No. 62, from Gen Hurlbut's headquarters, which will be found elsewhere in our columns.[5] It will there be seen that the people of Tipton, by a large majority, have pledged themselves in writing to preserve law and order against all except the armies of the United States and rebels, and that in consequence they have been guaranteed against further loss and oppression, as I manifest by the order, which provides that no property or any kind shall be taken "by military seizure within said county." This prompt and decisive movement of the people of Tipton has thus eventuated in the most decided advantages to that county.
We commend the example of the people of Tipton to the citizens of Shelby county. In Memphis, we have a noble militia organization to defend the city against any attack which the enemy can make; but in order that the people of the country may procure like exemption from depredations, it will be necessary for them to follow the example which has been set in Tipton, by organizing military companies for their own defense against the rebels. General Hurlbut's order is full of encouragement in this direction for it expressly orders that "the same privileges will be extended to other counties which shall in good faith adopt and carry out the same course." We cordially commend the course of the Tipton people, and hope our Shelby county people will take immediate steps to follow their example. Indeed, we should be pleased to see the example generally followed throughout our entire State. Order and law will never have a permanent abode in Tennessee until the people in the several counties become duly impressed with the importance of maintaining it, and shall organize themselves for that purpose. There ought to be some sort of military organization to protect in the event of an emergency, the civil authority in every county, [but?] this can never be obtained until the [people?] are tired of rebel and guerrilla depredations, and resolve to put an end to them. Until they do act, they must continue to experience all the inconvenience and loss resulting from their present defenceless [sic] and insec[ure condition?]
Memphis Bulletin, March 22, 1864.
22, "The Late Father Nealis."
A large number of persons attended the solemn requiem Mass at the Cathedral, for the repose of the soul of Father Nealis, yesterday morning. The remarks by Father Kelly were so deeply affecting that nearly half the congregation were in tears, and the scene was one of the most impressive ever witnessed. After the services, the body was deposited in the Cathedral vault, and the sorrowing multitude gradually retired from the Church. During Sunday the body lay in the school room, in the basement of the Cathedral.
Nashville Dispatch, March 22, 1864.
22, "Attempt to Rob."
A bold attempt at robbery was made yesterday, by a man named Wm. Morris, who entered the Exchange office of W.S. Childs & Co., on College street, and while Mr. Childs was engaged talking to a customer at the side counter, Morris opened the drawer in the counter fronting the door, and had his hand in it when Mr. Childs saw it. The man ran out, and Mr. Childs after him, and setting the guards on his track, they arrested him at the front of the Commercial hotel. On searching him at the Recorder's office, about one hundred dollars was found upon his person. His case will probably be inquired into this morning.
Nashville Dispatch, March 22, 1864.
22, Daniel C. Miller's impression of Nashville
Murfreesboro, Tenn.
March 22, 1864
Dear parents, brothers, and sisters
….Last week….I went to Nashville with 100 wagons, each wagon had 6 donkeys in front, it didn't cost me a cent. Nashville is quite a big town and the streets are narrow and beside the town runs the big Cumberland River and across this river about 60-70 feet high goes a bridge, like the one in Cleveland, only twice as long and the railroad goes over it. The town hall stands on a big hill. In the middle of the town, around this big building they have build brick walls with 5 big cannons inside. Around this they dug a deep ditch. When I come home I will tell you more.
Miller Correspondence.
22, The effects of Civil War upon women and children in East Tennessee
Affairs in East Tennessee.
A refugee from Tennessee, who has just left our lines there, gives the most deplorable accounts of the situation of the unhappy people of that State. Both classes, Unionists and Confederates, have come under the ban of the two armies, and what property has been spared by one has been appropriated by the other. Most of the residents consist solely of women and children, and these have been stripped of all save what they have upon their backs, and the few blankets that protect them from the cold at night. They are clad in cotton rags, bare foot and hungry, and live only on the meagre allowance they have managed to buy or otherwise secrete. Negroes, once the property of well to do farmers, have returned to their homes, backed by Yankee troops and bayonets, and perpetrated unnameable enormities.—The wives and children of "rebels" are debarred from the purchase of even the necessaries of life, unless they first take the hated oath of allegiance, while hundreds and thousands have been driven into exile, and are now scattered through the army and through the more Southern States, where they seek the liberty denied them at home.
A favorite occupation of these blue-uniformed wretches, of late, has been, and still is, to march abruptly up to some quiet residence, occupied by women and children, give them twenty-four hours notice to leave, and then send them, under guard, across the lines, where they arrive penniless, friendless and alone. God only knows the sufferings that have been endured in this struggle, but as sure as he over-[ ] the destinies of mankind, just so certain is the hand of avenging justice to fall with blighting weight upon these more than diabolical oppressors.
The foregoing, from the Columbia Carolinian, we are assured by a gentleman who has been forced to leave his home in East Tennessee , is but too true. The Yankees are lording it over the unfortunate people of that section with a rod of iron. The people, as a general thing, are true to the Southern cause, and long for the day when their country will be rid of the presence of the accursed inhuman wretches who are now tyranizing over them.
Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], March 22, 1864.
22, Christian Commission's work in Knoxville
Letter from the Christian Commission.
Post near Knoxville, Tenn.
March 22d, 1864.
Friend Boyleton:
It has occurred to me that possibly it might interest some of the readers of the Cabinet to read some brief accounts of what I have seen in this part of our country, now ravaged by the terrible desolations of war. Two weeks since I left m y mountain home for "the sunny South" but during the whole of our past winter I experiences less discomfort from the cold, than since I have been in Dixie land.
At Boston I was duly appointed a delegate of the Christian Commission. All along the route there were slight intimations that there was a war somewhere. At New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Columbus and Cincinnati, at Louisville the indications multiplied, and so on to Munfordsville [sic], Bowling Green and Knoxville. As we approached the latter place, forces began to disappear, and other tokens of the waste and destruction of war appeared. The capitol, beautiful for situation, looked lone and wretched indeed-forcibly reminding me of the lamentations of the prophet over Jerusalem-"How doth the city sit solitary!" Everything there bears the grim aspect of hostile array. Nearly every fine edifice in the city is appropriated to military purposes, the streets are filthy, nearly all sanitary rules being neglected. Dead mules lie all about, producing a most unwelcome and unwholesome odor. The railroad from Louisville to this place, a distance of more than four hundred miles is guarded by the men and cannon of the U. S. This fact gives an idea of the need of large armies to conquer and to hold the territory of the conquered rebels.
There was a guerrilla attack upon one of the Nashville trains the before we left N. [sic] for this place. They were driven off however, without effecting much mischief.
The Christian Commission is doing a most needful and excellent work among the soldiers. Its delegates are loved as pastors and brothers. They have rooms at every principal place of army occupation, which they throw open to the men, inviting them to come in and write to their friends, furnishing them with pen, ink and paper, and if they have not stamps of their own, these also are given them. Here are to be found religious publications of a large variety, ""house-wives,"[6] clothing, and sanitary stores, all of which are freely given to those in need, at asking for them.
There is a daily prayer meeting conducted by the delegates, either at the "Commission rooms," or some other convenient place, where the soldiers assemble, often in large numbers. There is preaching every evening if deemed desirable, and several times on the Sabbath. Very many have been converted in connection with those means of grace. Within the past six weeks at this one Post about fifty have hopefully began the Christian life. These men are very respectful and attentive to religious matters whenever and wherever we approach them. They feel that the delegates of the Christian Commission are their friends, and they freely open their hearts to them.
Let all who are disposed to aid the Christian Commission feel assured that it is perfectly practical and immensely useful. If any friend of any soldier in the "Army of the Cumberland" or the "Army of the Ohio" wishes me to see such soldier, for any reason, and will write to me to that effect, I will most gladly do all my power to gratify them, my address is Knoxville, Tenn., care of the Christian Commission. I shall remain here for about five weeks longer; a letter is some five or ten days in reaching Knoxville from the East.
To-day it is snowing hard, several inches have fallen already. We had snow and ice at Nashville and Louisville also. Truly the "Sunny South" has become like the "Frozen North."
The political and moral sentiment of the two sections are undergoing changes quite as wonderful. Slavery is evidently dead through all this region, and no one, I'm sure could mourn on that account, who have seen the evil fruits of the upas tree[7] which appear everywhere.
But I will not prolong my letter. I specially wished to call the attention of the readers of the Cabinet to the blessed work of the Christian Commission, and also to my willingness to do anything in my power for the Soldier Boys from the vicinity of Amherst [New Hampshire], or other localities.
Believe me, yours very truly
Geo. B. Sanborne
Farmers' Cabinet, April 7, 1864
ca. 22-April 5, 1864, Anti-guerrilla actions of 5th Tennessee Cavalry in Sparta environs
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of Major-General George H. Thomas relative to the anti-guerrilla activity of the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry in the Sparta environs, ca. March 22-April 5, 1864:
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, Tenn., April 5, 1864.
MAJ.: I have the honor to report as follows the operations of my command during the month of March:
* * * *
Col. William B. Stokes, commanding Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, reports on the 29th from Sparta, Tenn., the operations of his command against the guerrillas in that vicinity, having had several engagements with them in the space of a fortnight, in which he succeeded in completely routing and scattering them, killing and wounding a number, among them two of their most active leaders, Bledsoe and Champ Ferguson.
* * * *
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 16.
[1] Judson Horn served in the 33rd General Assembly, 1859-61. A member of the "Opposition Party", he represented Stewart, Montgomery and Robertson counties. See: Robert McBride, Dan M. Robinson, eds., Biographical Directory of the Tennessee General Assembly, Vol. 1, (Nashville: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Tennessee Historical Commission, 1975), p. 378. His title of "colonel" used in this entry is not explained. Possibly it was honorific or his rank in a local militia unit.
[2] As cited in PQCW
[3] Most likely the fight at Milton.
[4] There is also a Beaver Creek in West Tennessee. For example, see April 1-16, 1863, "Expedition from Jackson to the Hatchie River and skirmishes" below
[5] Not found.
[6] Sewing kits commonly used by Civil War soldiers.
[7] A poisonous tree that grows in Africa.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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