17, Nan Floyd, Sevier County Unionist, taunts Secessionist women at Strawberry Plains
Letter from a Lady.
One of the fair daughters of Sevier county, writes the following, which will explain itself:
Dr. Brownlow: - We learn that the Secession Ladies of Strawberry Plains (that secession locality of which the Professor[1] speaks) are collecting secession papers and intend distributing them in the benighted county of Sevier to enlighten us on the affairs of the nation. We are not so ignorant in the county that we refuse to be instructed. Send them on! As your sole intention is to do good, I would suggest that you get Professor L. of the College, to be your missionary.
If you can prevail on him to enlighten us [sic] we will board him free of charge [sic]. We would be glad if he would go to the Post Office, at the Plains, before starting on his missionary tour, and ascertain why the Whig comes to our county so irregularly.
We are loyal, good meaning people, and wish our husbands and brothers to vote right if we know it. Come on with your papers; be sure and bring the Knoxville Register but no brick-bats [sic] Sisters, if you conclude to send Professor L., do give him a liberal salary, he will then take some pains to enlighten us, and will have more money to pay sister Gregory[2] for board. Sisters, if you conclude not to send a missionary, don't mail the precious documents at the Plains, as we understand papers are sometimes changed when put in that office. Hoping to be enlightened before the next election, I remain
Nan Floyd
Brownlow's Whig and Independent Journal, July 17, 1861.
17, Skirmish between Mount Pleasant & Columbia
No circumstantial reports filed.
17, Confederate guerrilla attack west of Columbia
COLUMBIA, July 17, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL:
At 3 a. m. a small party (between 30 and 40) guerrillas attacked, wounded 1 and captured 6 teamsters at the stock pasture fields, 4 miles west. They returned, taking only the arms of the teamsters. At daylight my scouts, 10 in number, who were sent to watch Russell's force at Ashland, Morgan County, were attacked 8 miles west of Mount Pleasant. My informant, who was wounded, left his command fighting, but thought they would be overpowered by superior force of the enemy. Have sent them assistance. Guerrilla parties are increasing rapidly west of this, strongly aided by disloyal citizens. I receive constant intimations of their intention to destroy the railroads and bridges. The small cavalry force here is insufficient to do the required patrolling and efficiently guard bridges and railroads. The four companies [of the] Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania ordered to Franklin and Columbia are still awaiting transportation at Reynolds'. The empty cars were detained there nearly three days by order of Gen. Nelson, although, in accordance with your order, the companies should have come at once, although I was fully confident that train could arrive one day before Gen. Nelson's arrival. No attention was given to my orders on Gen. Nelson's arrival at Reynolds'. He telegraphed me that he was now placed in command of this line and the troops. In accordance with this order I have promptly complied with all of his instructions, but most respectfully inquire whether it is agreeable to your instructions to divest me of authority while making strenuous efforts to carry out your orders. If it arises from a want of official confidence and trust you will likely advise me of the fact.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 173-174.
17, Assessment of public peace in Memphis
Memphis is quiet, very quiet-more so than it has been for many months; the military police proving here, as in all countries where it is used, a real social blessing. The midnight brawl, the drunken assassination, the causeless fiery fight, the drunken orgy, the brothel news, and [the] thousand ills Memphis was heir to, have ceased to disgrace the city...life and property are as secure in the possession of true citizens as human vigilance can make it. Contrast the effects of the presence and authority of the Federal Provosts with those attendant on the McKisick administration![3]
Memphis Union Appeal, July 17, 1862.
17, "GENERAL ORDER, [sic] NO. 1;" Forced Expulsion from Memphis as Punishment for Refusal to Take the Oath of Allegiance
Headquarters United States Forces,
District Western Tennessee
Memphis, July 17th, 1862
I. Traitors and rebels who refuse to comply with the laws and support the Constitution of the United States should not be permitted to remain within the camp lines of the Federal army. At this time the corporate limits of the city of Memphis are within the line of the United States forces; and all male residents, or sojoners [sic] within the limits of said city, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, who are capable of bearing arms, are hereby required to take the oath of allegiance to the United State, or leave the limits of said city within six days after the publication of this order.
II. If any person within the limits of said city shall hereafter publish, speak or utter seditious or treasonable language toward the Government of the United State, the Provost Marshall shall upon proof of the act, banish every person so offending to the State of Arkansas.
III. Any person[s] who shall violate the provisions of the 1st section of this order shall be deemed spies, and, after conviction, treated accordingly.
IV. Persons leaving the city, under the provisions of this order, will not be required to take any oath, or give a parole, but will receive a pass from the Provost Marshal. The oath of allegiance hereby required must be substantially in the following form:
I solemnly swear that I shall bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and support the Continuation and the laws thereof; that I denounce the so-called Confederate States, and pledge my honor, property and life to the sacred fulfillment of this oath, hereby freely taken, admitting that its violation be held as illegal and infamous.
The oath must be subscribed and sworn to before the Provost Marshal.
By order of
ALVIN P. HOVEY, Brigadier General Commanding
Jno. E. Phillps, A. A. Gen.
Memphis Bulletin, July 19, 1862.
17, All Quiet in Memphis
The City-is distressingly quiet. The earth is parched, and everything has tuned yellow with dust and draught. A rain was never more ardently desired by our parched up and half scorched inhabitants. There is nothing exciting to talk about.
The mails and the telegraphs have utterly failed to furnish a striking topic. There is an abundance of rumors, but they are not worth repeating. It is sufficient to say that Capt. Porter has not come in with a flag of truce that we have heard of, and we incline to the opinion that he has other more profitable business about him than to be bothering himself with that which don't [sic] concern him. The report is that the canal at Vicksburg has been completed and with every prospect of a great success. It seems to be conceded that the work of bombardment will for the present, cease. Trade in the city is not as brisk as it has been, owing to the hot weather, and other causes of a temporary character. Still there is a good retail business transacted and as soon as we can get the Union Bank or some other into operation, we may expect to see a revival. There are a good many "sharks" on a small scale, who are making money by speculating on Tennessee and other bank notes. We confidently expect many of them to be caught in their unworthy trafficking. The indications are that we shall have rain-which event would rejoice all hearts.
Memphis Bulletin, July 17, 1862.
17, Paroled Yankees and Confederate spirit
I aroused earlier than usual, found it raining quite hard. A paroled Yankee took breakfast here this morning. He is from Bowling Green, Ky. & has been wanting Ma & Pa to help him desert & writing home to his brother not to join the army that they were not fighting for what they thought they were. His name was Holmes. Ma & Pa went up to see our wounded. At dinner another paroled Yankee came for his dinner, and as our boys had burnt up all their provisions, I felt it was a charity to give him something to eat, as he praised our boys. Said they even took their own provisions & gave to them, depriving themselves of something to eat. I afterwards found out he was an abolitionist, born in Boston, & now living in the West. He pretended to blame his Officers for surrendering. Everything he said only made me love Dixie, & the Southern boys more than ever. He said an unsophisticated country girl was out about 4 miles in the country sitting on a ten rail fence, hurrahing for Jeff Davis, said her mouth was large enough, but when she opened it, it reminded him of a coffee pot with the top open. He intended that as a witty remark, but I couldn't see the wit or the beauty, either. I did not enjoy the remark at all. If I had thought of it I would have given him another specimen, by making an ugly mouth at him.
Kate Carney Diary, July 17, 1862.
17, Governor Isham G. Harris establishes a basic training camp near Chattanooga
General Orders No. 7
Executive Headquarters
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 17, 1862
I. An encampment for the rendezvous of State Troops is established, to be selected by the Quarter Master in the vicinity of Chattanooga.
Volunteers for Twelve Months will be received in companies with the strict understanding that the Governor may, at any time muster, direct the organizations of squads into Companies – Companies into Battalions or Regiments. The conditions and terms of service are those prescribed in the Acts of the General Assembly, passed at their session of 1861-62 and 1862, authorizing the acceptance of a Volunteer force for the defenses of the state.
II. Col. Leon Trousdale, of the Governor's Military Staff, will take command of said Encampment, and is directed to discharge they duties of Commandant thereof. He will report from time to time to the Adjutant General of the State; inspect and muster into the services of the State, all troops not mustered by other officers, report and return muster rolls and recruiting lists to said officer. He will enforce strict discipline, according to the regulations adopted by the state to the government of its armies.
3. [sic] Major G. S. Rolling, Quarter Master, will make such arrangements necessary for the supply of said State force. He will take charge of all the ordinance stores of the State, and see to the preservation and repair of State arms, issue them on the order for the Adjutant General to whom he will report as a number and condition, now on hand, and which he may from time to time received.
4. [sic] Major Daniel F. Cocke, Commissary, will make such arrangements and provisions as may become necessary for the subsistence of State force.
5. [sic] Said encampment may, upon order of the Adjutant of the State or the commandant thereof, be removed to such point as the public service may require.
6. [sic] The Adjutant General of the State will assign and designate temporarily for duty such officers as may become necessary for such funds as may be required in the organization, supply and subsistence of such forces. He will draw up on the Bank of Tennessee, and make such orders as may be necessary to the organization and employment of said troops, ordering them into active service, etc.
By the Governor
W. C. Whitthorne, Att'y-Gen.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 9, 1862.
17, Reconnaissance from Battle Creek to Jasper
BATTLE CREEK, July 17, 1862.
Maj. Gen. D. C. BUELL:
Your communication as to pushing my reconnaissances received and will receive prompt attention.
HDQRS., Huntsville, July 17, 1862.
Gen. McCOOK, Stevenson:
Move your two brigades forward to Battle Creek [Tenn.] to-morrow. Leave one regiment at the depot until Wood's regiment comes up, which will probably be to-morrow. As soon as you arrive make a reconnaissance with a view to taking a position at Jasper. It is not unreasonable that the enemy may design to attack at that point if he has the requisite force, and the current rumors of his crossing above make it not even improbable.
The railroad on the other side would afford him a line of supplies. Study your ground with that view.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 169.
A gentleman just from Nashville informs the Knoxville Register that the wife of Rev. S. D. Baldwin, of "Armageddon" fame, advised him to rot in prison rather than take the oath of allegiance, and said that if he were to take the oath she would never live with him again.
Macon Daily Telegraph, July 17, 1862.
17, Politics and religion clash in Memphis
Ministers arrested in Memphis.-The Memphis dispatches to the North say: The preaching of the gospel of treason has been stopped by Gen. Wallace. The Rector of the Episcopal Church, who offered prayers for the Southern Confederacy, last Sunday, has been effectually admonished.
Macon Daily Telegraph, July 17, 1862.
17-ca. 21, Federal march and demonstration in West Tennessee
No circumstantial reports filed.
ORDERS, No. 53. HDQRS. FIFTH DIV., ARMY OF THE TENN., Moscow, July 17, 1862.
I. The division will march to-morrow at early daylight on the State Line road westward in the following order: Denver's brigade, McDowell's brigade, Smith's brigade. The head of the column will halt beyond La Fayette at a distance to bring the rear of the column opposite the depot, and will rest until afternoon to enable McDowell's brigade, now at La Fayette, to fall into its appropriate place. The column will hold itself prepared to march the same evening to some point 5 or 6 miles beyond La Fayette for camp.
II. The second day's march will be in the order of McDowell's brigade, Smith's brigade, Denver's brigade. The third day's march, and until we reach our camp, back of Memphis: Smith's brigade, Denver's brigade, McDowell's brigade.
III. More attention must be given to keeping the artillery and trains closed up on the infantry masses. In no case during a march should teamsters attempt to water their teams unless a general halt for noon or night be made. Should a wagon become disabled it must at once be moved out of the road and the trains pass on. The disabled wagon, with its guard after repairing damages, will fall in and recover its place at the next noon or night halt. Brigade and regimental quartermasters must be with their trains all the time, and will see that the wagon guards keep near their respective wagons and carry their arms and accouterments.
IV. The division train and the ammunition train must follow the train of the first or leading brigade. The rear brigade will send its train in advance of the infantry. The leading brigade will always keep out an advance guard of two companies, with skirmishers in front and on the flanks when there is an appearance of danger; also a company with axes and spades to repair bridges when necessary. The rear brigade keeps out a rear guard to pick up stragglers. The cavalry will send the wagon train in advance of the last infantry brigade, but will serve as a rear guard during the march. The artillery will be assigned to brigades by the chief of artillery for the purpose of the march, but any battery may at any moment be called out of its place for special service.
V. Officers and men must not leave their ranks on a march or at a halt without the permission of their colonels, and then only for a necessary purpose. The march will be steady and no long stretches. It is far easier for the soldier to keep his place than to follow the winding and rough paths by the wayside or in the adjoining fields; besides, each regiment must at all times be ready for action. Servants and unarmed men must follow in the rear of each regiment, and the time to fill canteens is the night before the march. Should the days be hot it is better to wait for the first halt before making coffee. Each man should have at all times in his haversack bread and meat enough for two days.
With these rules and care on the part of officers having charge of wagon trains there is no difficulty in making the day's march in six or seven hours, divided between the cool of the morning and evening.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 102-103.
17-22, Effect of Confederate guerrilla attacks and rain upon Federal railroad communications in Middle Tennessee
~ ~ ~
On July 17 the guerrillas were so bad between Nashville and Huntsville that the sending of the mails was suspended. On July 21, eight days after the capture of Murfreesborough, the rebels destroyed an important railroad bridge at Antioch, 12 miles south of Nashville, on the Chattanooga road, also several small bridges on the Decatur and Nashville road between Reynolds' Station and Columbia, besides attacking and driving in our forage trains. About the same time, July 21 or 22, there were heavy rains; a flood on the Duck River washed away part of the bridge across Duck river at Columbia.
~ ~ ~
JOHN P. HAWKINS, Capt., Commissary of Subsistence.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, p, 608.
17, Skirmish on Stones River
No circumstantial reports filed.
17, General Orders, No. 75, relative to free Negroes and Mulattos in Memphis
Headquarters, District of Memphis
Memphis, Tenn. July 17, 1863
I. All idlers, vagrants and persons without lawful occupation or means of support, found within the District of Memphis after ten days from this date, will be arrested and confined at hard labor in Fort Pickering.
II. All owners of slaves within the District of Memphis must, within twenty days, report to the District Provost Marshal the names, age, and description of such slaves.
III. Every free negro [sic] or mulatto, and every contraband within the District must, with[in] twenty days enter into the employment of some responsible white person, who will be required to report names, age, and description of such from negroes [sic] or contrabands and nature of contract, to the Provost Marshal of the District.
IV. All negroes [sic] and mulattos failing to find service or employment with some responsible white person, will immediately remove to the contraband camp, under charge of Chaplain Fiske, Superintendent of contrabands.
By order of Brig. Gen. James C. Veatch
Memphis Bulletin, August 16, 1863.
17, Governor Isham G. Harris's last proclamation to Confederates in Tennessee[4]
To the People of Tennessee!
The Constitution Tennessee requires the qualified voters of the State to elect a Governor, members of the General Assembly, and representatives in Congress, on the first Thursday in August next.
This duty can be performed with proper effort on your part, regardless of the attempt of arbitrary and lawless power to prevent it.
There is scarcely a county in the State where a large number of citizens may not assemble at some precinct, and cast their votes for Governor, one congressman from each Congressional district, and Senator and Representative in the State Legislature. It is vitally important that you do so, and in doing so that you act with perfect harmony, casting the whole vote for some good and true man, for each position some man who is already outside of the enemy's lines or who will immediately come out to avoid arrest.
The importance of perpetuating your State Government through the regular constitutional channels is too apparent to require argument. I need only suggest to you the means of holding the election and making the proper returns.
There will be a military force in your county on the first Thursday in August to protect you in holding the election, and by which you can send out the returns.
This law puts it in the power of any three freeholders to pen and hold the election, if there is no officer present, whose duty it is to do so.
You will seal up the returns in the Governor's election and direct them to the Speaker of the Senate at Athens, Tenn.,
The other returns you will seal up and direct to the Secretary of State at Athens, Tenn.
The failure to return copies of poll books to the courts of your respective counties does not vitiate the election within the Federal lines. Where it may involve parties participating in the election, the poll-books need not be returned to the courts.
You will send the returns to the Secretary of State by the military force which will be in your county on the day of the election, or by the members of the Legislature elect, or such other mode as you may see proper to adopt.
Isham G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee
Chattanooga, July 17, 1863
Memphis Bulletin, October 1, 1863.
17, The Knoxville Daily Southern Chronicle endorses Colonel William M. Cocke for the Second Confederate Congressional District Seat
Candidates for Governor of Tennessee and for Congress
For Governor
Hon. Robt. L. Caruthers.
For Congress
1. J. B. Heiskell, of Hawkins.
2. Col. Wm. M. Cocke of Knox.
3. A. S. Colyar, of Franklin.
4. John P. Murray of Warren.
5. H. S. Foote, of Davidson.
6. E. A. Keeble, of Rutherford.
7. James Cullom, of Giles.
8. T. Menees, of Robertson.
9. J. D. C. Atkins, of Henry.
10. Jas. V. Wright, of McNairy.
11. D.M. Carrin, of Shelby.
The Gubernatorial and Congressional Ticket.
Our readers are well aware that we, some time ago, hoisted at the head of our columns the ticket which we propose to support in the coming elections. As to Judge Caruthers, he will receive our earnest aid, because at the present crisis, no better man could have been recommended for the Gubernatorial office. He is an enlightened Judge, an able statesman, a thorough lawyer, a true patriot, and eminently wise, prudent, and discreet. We recommend him to the confidence and support of the people and the army of the State.
In regard to the gentleman recommended by the Winchester Convention, we have to say that though their recommendation is not binding, yet is strongly persuasive, and in deference to that body we intend to support [for] the ticket except in ones where there has been a palpable disregard of the wishes of a large majority of the Southern men in the District, the State, and the army.
We have no evidence that any of the gentlemen recommended except the one from this, the 2d or Knoxville Congressional District, is unexceptionable too the Southern men and soldiers.-His course in and out of Congress has occasioned for him, some how or other, much odium, and we do not believe that he can command one fourth of the Southern men in or out of the army. Though recommended by the Winchester Convention upon the support of four or five persons from this district, it is remarkable that not even a single meeting composed of one-a dozen or more gentlemen of Knoxville was gotten up in our opinion to recommend him the county where he has resided for years. Truth requires us to say, that the Convention having refereed the Congressional nominations to delegates from the 2d District, it only ratified their recommendations. In this no blame is attached to the Convention. Mr. Sperry, Capt. Lackey, a man by the name of Gallibier, of Knox, and one by the name of Staples from Jefferson-five in all, and a majority of the delegates met and insisted on the recommendation of Judge Swan to the Convention. The minority insisted that the matter be referred back to the District, as there had been no proper expression of the Southern men. The five gentlemen made the recommendation, however, and it was passed with other, and so stand the case. The action of the Convention was predicated on the recommendation of these five-the recommendation of the five was predicated on a little civil District meeting at Louisville, and one at Mossy Creek, and a few other small meetings while there was no meeting in Knox, or other parts of the District.-The Southern men will not vote for Judge Swan, and we will not do it, because his nomination at Winchester was a fraud on the Convention and the people. We need a good man-we must have one. We have presented a man in our ticket acceptable to every Southern gentleman who knows him, the Hon. Wm. M. Cocke.
Judge Swan endeavored to procure Col. Cocke's nomination for Governor, and it is known here that the Judge was for him as his first choice. (We do not advocate him for Governor, but we do for Congress.) The Register also advocated his nomination for Governor above all others, as it will be seen from the following:
Col. Wm. M. Cocke, of Knox county, has been proposed in our columns as a candid for the next Governorship of Tennessee. After due reflection and consultation with gentlemen from several neighboring counties who, from their character and position, we believe to be acquainted with the general public sentiment of East Tennessee, we are confirmed in our preference for Col. Cocke as a suitable candidate for our next Governor, But in expressing this preference, we have not one word to say in disparagement of the gentlemen from other portions of the State, who name have been mentioned predominantly for this high office. We take the ground that East Tennessee is entitled to the next Governor. Before the revolution, we believe it was a tacit understanding among all parties that Gov. Harris' success should be from this division of the Stae. There is the more propriety in keeping this implied covenant now that it is quite probably that the vote of East Tennessee will be mainly instrumental in the election of our next State Executive.
Col. Wm. M. Cocke is a gentleman whose ability and qualifications as a statesman are well known throughout the country. For two years he ably represented the Second Congressional District of Tennessee in the United States' Congress. He was originally a Union man; but ever took ground against coercion. When the first shot in the war was fired at Fort Sumter, he at once, true to his proclaimed principles, took the stump in advocacy of Southern Rights. Some of his former associates who had professed to stand on the same platform notoriously violated their pledges and gave their adhesion to the Northern despotism. Col. Cocke, with a singleness of mind and purpose, unmoved by the hope of political preferment took a stand while he and they [at the same time?] had pledged themselves for the South, if the North attempted coercion. At [illegible] maintained his position before popular assemblies in East Tennessee, who had been embittered against Southern movement by such partizan leaders as [illegible] Maynard, and Brownlow [illegible] his eloquent appeal was [illegible] Confederate army which characterized the incipiency of this struggle in East Tennessee.
Col. Cocke now stands fourth as the champion of eternal separation between the North and South. There is not a taint of "reconstruction" on his garments. With his great personal popularity with the people, we believe him to be as available a candidate as any that has been mentioned in connection with the Gubernatorial canvass. We therefore declare our preference for him, subject to the decision of the State Convention which has recently been called.
This is a sufficient endorsement for Col Cocke's southern principles as well as his fitness for any position at this important crisis. Col. Cocke declined to be a candidate for Gubernatorial honor, and is a candidate for Congress in accordance with the wishes of eight-tenths of the Southern men as we believe in the State. We are for him, because his is a better [sic] Southern man than Judge Swan-not by profession [sic], but by acts.
The Judge, we understand voted for the conscription law and put everybody into the army from 18 to 45, and then voted against the tax law out and out and then against the supplies of forage and subsistence for the army.-We believe he was favorable to some kind of a tax, but could never agree to support anyone that would pass Congress.
He was clamorous for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus which Congress refused to enact, on the ground that there was not constitutional necessity for it.
He voted for martllial [sic] law which is the suspension of the State courts and the Confederate courts, and indeed of all civil jurisdiction-a subversion of the rights of the States-the liberty's [sic] of the people, and the inauguration of consolidated military despotism.
He advocated strenuously that treasury notes should be made a legal tender as in the Lincoln government. This was not only a violation of constitution [sic] contracts and all antecedent obligations, but would have ruined the currency and the people in our judgment.
Col. Cocke, we are confident, will vote all necessary supplies for the army.
We are satisfied he will advocate an increase of soldiers' pay.
He will undoubtedly support the rights of the States-we believe he will maintain constitutional liberty.
He will make a far more able and efficient Representative in Congress and should be elected.
For these reasons and other which might be given our support and that of an overwhelming majority of the Southern men of this District of the State.
Knoxville Daily Southern Chronicle, July 17, 1863.
17, "Accidental Death"
Mary Dickey, a white woman, about 60 or 65 years of age, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning, under a tree in McGavock's addition, near the residence of the late Gen. [sic] A. Heiman. Having no house to live in, she had her bed and other household articles removed to this place, a few days ago, where she camped for the time being, and until she could procure a place of shelter. P.B. Coleman, Esq., the Coroner, was informed of her death, and repaired with his usual promptness to the place, where he summoned a Jury, consisting of P. G. Warren, J.B. Ruddick, John Haslam, John S. Love, B.H. Brown, A.B. Williams and J. Norman, who proceeded to hold an inquest. The facts elicited upon the examination are substantially as follows: It appears that on the night of the 19th instant, at about 10 o'clock, a party of five or six marauders attempted to break into the stable of Mr. Joshua Norman. Mr. Norman and several friends who were with him in the house, hearing them, went into the yard and commenced firing on the party. The marauders returned the fire, shooting six times, about the same number of shots being fired by Mr. N. [sic] and his friends. It was therefore the opinion of the jury that Mrs. Dickey came to her death by a stray shot fired by one of the party who were present for the purpose of committing a robbery and the jury rendered a verdict accordingly. Mrs. Dickey was shot in the heart, the ball lodging in the right shoulder. The deceased was well known in the neighborhood.
In this connection we will remark that the neighborhood in which this melancholy affair took place is invested with a party of thieves, and house-breaking and robbing is of nightly occurrence.[added] In chronicling the above, what will be thought by the distant reader of our once fair city? An old woman turned out of her lowly cabin, and compelled to seek shelter under a tree, and meets her death by a band of thieves and midnight assassins, who prowl about in our streets! Let us drop the curtain on this demoralized state of affairs, and hope for something better in the future.
Nashville Daily Press, July 18, 1864.
17, "A Negro Elopes with Another Man's Wife-Bloody Affair-Fatal Termination."
About two o'clock, yesterday evening, an altercation took place between two negroes [sic] named Daniel Ewing and Ned McIntosh, in the alley running from Vine and Spruce street, and midway between Cedar and High streets. After a short quarrel, Ewing drew a butcher knife and commenced an assault upon McIntosh, inflicting a serious wound on his antagonist, in the back of his neck.
After being cut, McIntosh succeeded in wrenching the knife from the hands of Ewing, making a "rake" at his opponent's neck, he cut his jugular vein, from the effects of which Ewing died almost instantly. The jury, consisting of J. E. Newman, E P Fort, Wm. Shriver, Tobe Burk, Thomas Ryan, Lawrence Gallagher and Edward Williamson, returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts, and gave as their opinion that the act was one of justifiable homicide.
The cause of the difficulty was ascertained to be as follows: Ewing, several days ago, went to the house of McIntosh and succeeded in persuading his wife and children to leave her bed and board and follow him. The injured husband went to the house of the gay deceiver on Saturday last and endeavored to procure his children in which he failed. He doubtless was on the same mission yesterday, when the difficulty occurred. Ewing received what he deserved. The wound of McIntosh is a serious one, but is not considered dangerous.
Nashville Daily Press, July 18, 1864.
17, Recorder's Court
In the police court yesterday morning C. R. Conn was arraigned for tippling without being questioned. Taxed with costs in three cases.
Harry Foster was charged with tippling without license. Three cases; each $5 and costs.
Max Mitchell, M. M. Lowery & Co., Will Highley and Henry Fort had the costs to pay for merchandising with a license.
Sam Thomas, a negro [sic], was bathing in Lick Branch, in full view of everybody in the neighborhood. Ed. Housen did not like the proceedings, and threw and struck Sam on the head with a rock....
For drunkenness, Annie Rawlings, Charles Moss, W.C. Johnson, R. Bright, Charles Jefferson, Charles Dawson and Peter Fly, each had the usual fine to pay.
Nashville Daily Press, July 18, 1864.
17, "A Jolly Party."
Several members of the city government, and a number of military officers and others, went on Sunday morning on a visit to the elegant mansion and plantation of Messrs. Copeland & Baker, near the Dickerson Pike, about a mile and a quarter from Edgefield. They were about twenty in the party, whose conveyance there and back consisted of two ambulances and two buggies. Arriving at the spot about 12 M., the party smiled to their "worthy hosts," again "to the day, and many returns of the same," and again "here's to you all, boys," when they strolled over the beautiful grounds, admired the vegetables, the fruit, and the balmy air, but more than all the cool grove into which they step, and seat themselves with all the ease and dignity becoming the occasion and the heat of the day. Ice in abundance soon appeared, and Mayor Smith proposed some ice-water; Sayers thought they were too warm Puckett tried it, but failed, when Hinton requested him to stand aside. Capt. Clark suggested a dash of whisky, to which all were about to say amen, when Copeland appeared in the distance, two stalwart negroes [sic] bearing a washtub, in which were buried in ice, certain mysterious long-necked bottles. Pop! goes the cork, and the sparkling liquid rushes into the glasses charged with ice, and glides smoothly down the throat of "The Corporation of Nashville" and its friends. How delicious the beverage! Pop! goes another, and Pop! goes a third, but still the thirsty souls pant for more, until the last of the dozen bottles have gone to that bourne, etc., when the dinner bell rings. We will not attempt to describe the table, groaning under the weight of good things it bore. Maj. Gunkle paid it a merited compliment, Chumbly thought it capital, the City Attorney thought it the best case he had had for many a day, to which Squire Wilkinson echoed "Oh! yes! oh! yes!" and was about to adjourn "this honorable court," when another washtub of champagne appeared on the carpet. At sight of the second dozen Myers thought he could out-wrestle any one in the crowd, but "old man Howe" took the starch out of him, and settled it down with an extra bottle. The last we saw of the party Davy Henderson was piloting one of the teams over the bridge about 5 ½ P. M., with Dodd Bringing up the rear.
Nashville Dispatch, July 17, 1864.
17, "Love and Murder."
Several days ago, Daniel Ewing succeeded in seducing from the path of rectitude, and the bed and board of her husband, the wife of Ned. Macintosh, at which Ned became highly incensed, and went to the house of the "diabolyacal [sic] villain" on Saturday [16th] to demand the satisfaction due from the sable gentleman to an injured husband and father. In this mission Ned failed, but determined to do or die, Ned went again on Saturday afternoon, about two o'clock and found Dan in the alley running from Vine and Spruce streets, and midway between Cedar and Union streets. After a stout quarrel, Ewing drew a butcher knife and commenced an assault upon McIntosh, inflicting a serious wound on his antagonist on the back of the neck. After being cut McIntosh succeeded in wrenching the knife from the hands of Ewing, and making a "rake" at his opponent's neck, he cut his jugular vein, from the effects of which Ewing died almost instantly. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts, and gave as their opinion that the act was one of the justifiable homicide. Ewing received what he deserved. The wound of McIntosh is a serious one, but is not considered dangerous.
Nashville Dispatch, July 17, 1864.
17, "Negro Hospital."
That indefatigable officer, Capt. Chas. H. Irvin, ever mindful of those in his employ, will on Monday commence the erection of a hospital for his sable employees. The Captain has selected a suitable site, and the hospital will be built with an eye to everything conducive to good health. We may say here that neither the Irvin Hospital, we described last Sunday, not the one about to be commenced, will cost the Government one dollar. They belong to Capt. Irvin and his employees.
Nashville Dispatch, July 17, 1864.
17, President Andrew Johnson expresses wishes concerning execution of laws in Tennessee
Maj. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, U. S. Army:
GEN.: I have the honor to furnish for your information the following copy of telegram:
WASHINGTON, July 16, 1865--3.50 p. m.
Governor W. G. BROWNLOW:
I hope, as I have no doubt, you will see that the laws passed by the last Legislature are faithfully executed, and that all illegal voters in the approaching election be kept from the polls, and that the election of Members of Congress be conducted fairly. Whenever it becomes necessary for the execution of the law and the protection of the ballot-box, you will call upon Gen. Thomas for sufficient military force to sustain the civil authority of the State. I have just read your address, which I most heartily indorse.
ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 1083.
[1] Unidentified.
[2] Unidentified.
[3] Evidently McKisick was a mayor of Memphis prior to the Park administration, which surrendered to Union, forces on June 6, 1862. Apparently it was an administration noted for lax law enforcement.
[4] That this was indeed Harris' last proclamation is moot, but it may well be the final proclamation he made in Tennessee.i
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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