19, Camp Trousdale, Sumner County. John Bradford with the Davidson County "Hickory Guards" wrote to his father saying in part:
We have drawn our arms which is [sic] flint lock muskets and we are learning to drill very fast...
The health of the camps are [sic] tolerably good. There has been but two deaths in our regiment this week, one last Sunday and one today.
We have just received our pay from the time we were sworn in to [the] first of July. $16.85 cts.
We have changed our time for drilling from 9 until eleven in the morning. Now we drill from 6 to 9 o'clock and from 4½ PM until 6½.
We had a very hard rain last Tuesday and we had a very wet time in our tents. It is very cool here at night....
Frederick Bradford Papers, TSL&A.
19, "The Railroads."
It was evidently the purpose of the Lincoln men, in and about Louisville, to concentrate all the motive-power and rolling stock of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad at their end of the road and leave Tennessee with the means of transporting troops or provision. This being so, it was a most commendable act on the part of Gen. Anderson[1] to detain the two trains Tennessee, as he did, a short time ago. Even with them we have but a small proportion of the equipment of the road, but enough we reckon to answer our purposes. The seizure by Genl. Anderson is the only one that has been made, and he assured the President of the road that no more would be made, yet that astute functionary professed to be afraid to risk his trains into Tennessee, and therefore stopped them.
Clarksville Chronicle, July 19, 1861.
19, "Evidently benevolent efforts must be made." Charity for the families of volunteers suggested
Families of Volunteers.—It is stated that ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-two dollars out of the twenty thousand levied by the county court in aid of the families of volunteers, has been paid out, and that another levy cannot be made until the October term. This amount will certainly not meet all the claims that will be presented. There will be an increase, of course, in proportion as the army is increased. There may, before October, be the widows and fatherless of those who have given their last breath for their country to be cared for. What is to be done in this case? Evidently benevolent efforts must be made. Respecting such efforts we venture to suggest that arrangements should be perfected for giving concerts, balls, costumes, amateur dramatic performances, sacred orations at churches, and such other public performances as may be practicable, once a week, the proceeds to be applied to this important object. We must not let the families of the volunteers suffer while they are fighting for us.
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 19, 1861.
19, Gratitude and praise for the Southern Mothers
To the Ladies of the Society of Southern Mothers:
Allow me to return to you my heartfelt thanks for your kind and unremitting attentions to the unfortunate men under my charge, who have been confined to your rooms by sickness, several of whom were snatched as it were from the very jaws of death, by their opportune arrival in this city, when another day in camp would, in all probability, have placed them beyond the reach of medicine or kind treatment; and I can assure you, now that they are about to depart, that they will ever remember your kindness; and although they may never see you again, nor be able to return to you or yours the compensation their grateful hearts would willingly offer, the moral influences will still be impressed upon them, and they will extend to such other unfortunates as may come in their way, the same kindnesses that they received from you. And thus, fair ladies, the germ planted and nourished by the Southern Mothers will grow into a vigorous plant, its branches reaching into the remotest parts of our beloved South, and thousand who never knew you will feel the blessings of this great work of charity, and the merited prayers of its many recipients will ascend to heaven and there be registered to the credit of you and yours for all time. I would also return to Dr. G. W. Curry the sincere thanks of all the soldiers in my charge for his kindness, and I congratulate you in being so fortunate in securing the services of one so thoroughly versed in medical science, and so well adapted to the difficult position he how holds.
G. A. Hanson, 1st regiment Arkansas volunteers,
Col. Claiborne commanding, C. S. A.
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 19, 1861.
19, The New York Herald's Report on West Tennessee; Soldier's Pay; Sickness at the Confederate Camp at Union City; Major-General Pillow's Military Engineering at Memphis
~ ~ ~
….A gentleman from Memphis reports that the troops at that place were abundantly supplied with money, as I wrote in my last; and the statement is confirmed by information from other sources….You may be aware that the rebel legislature of Tennessee, at its last session voted to issue state bonds to the amount of three millions of dollars for the purpose of carrying on the war, and, to make them marketable, [it] also passed a law making it obligatory upon the banks of the State to receive such bonds as bank bonds, also to make them legal tender for taxes and payment of all kinds, in business transactions. These bonds have now been issued, and with them the State troops have been paid. As a consequence the troops have plenty of money (such as it is); but financiers and businessmen must be the judges of its worth. That it smacks strongly of "wild cat" is very evident, from the eagerness of the troops and business men of Memphis to pass it upon persons traveling North, in exchange for money to known genuineness and worth.
The want of cavalry here begins to be severely felt. Reliable reports from the South concur in saying that the Rebels are well supplied withy horses and horsemen; a full regiment of cavalry is organized at Union City….
~ ~ ~
[It is stated] that the disaffection of the rebel troops, which [approve] the dismissal of Major General Pillow and the appointment of Major General Polk, was very natural, if [rumors are] true concerning his military genius and skill. [If] it is true [he] will repeat his exploit of digging the [trench] from the inside of the embankment, but he did not finish a thing in erecting his fortifications. It seems that in his haste to render the city impregnable, he seized upon a large lot of timbers, such are used for arms for steamboat wheels, about three inches thick, five inches wide and fourteen or sixteen feet long, and had them piled up loosely on the top of the bluff, with their ends to the river, for form breastworks. The effect of this extraordinary piece of military engineering would be, in case of an attack by cannon from the river or opposite shore, to transform each one of these sticks into a missile of destruction, more dangerous than the cannon ball itself; for supposing a twenty-four or thirty-two pound shot [were] to strike one of these timbers on its end, it would be sent whirling though the pile, scattering destruction like a chain shot.
A reliable authority states that the sickness at the Union City camp is fearfully mortal, or, to use the language of my informant, "they are dying off like sheep."[2] The troops are compelled to use water without ice, and river water at that; have no tea or coffee, but little bacon or salt meats of any kind, but green vegetables and money "stumptall"[3] in abundance. The Mississippi regiment has gone home, which made the rebel force there only about 9,000 men all told. My informant states that the Union feeling among the Rebel troops was beginning to be manifested, and thinks that if they are let alone they will cures themselves of their rebel fever….
It is reported that a chain has been extended across the river at Randolph; but as steamers are constantly passing that place I hardly believe the yarn.
~ ~ ~
The New York Herald, July 19, 1861.[4]
19, On the Memphis Vigilance Committee
A young man who has reached Cairo, after a perilous flight from Memphis, where4 he was imprisoned, and daily expected to hung for the crime of being a Northerner, tells the following among other incidents:-
"About one week after his confinement, the recorder of the city, I. M. Dickenson, sent for him, for the purpose, as he stated, 'of expressing his profound regret that it was not in his power to hang him' and from his seat in court he denounced him as 'a damned abolitionist, who should not be allowed to live an hour. Had I the power,' said the learned jurist, 'I would cut your ears off, and nail you to the door of my court-room, and probably I shall have the pleasure yet.' This is the man who has just been elected Justice of the fifth civil district of Memphis, one of the most important offices in the city."
He describes some of the outrages inflicted on Unionist in the following words:
"These indignities were of daily occurrences, and to some they went further, and indulged every species of cruelty-shaving the head and whipping being regarded as a slight punishment by any one who desired to remove North. Nor is this all. In more than fifty instances, during my confinement, men were taken before the Vigilance Committee, and no one knows what became of them. They never came from that building alive; and there are now more than that number confined there, of whom their friends will never hear again. Their acts are all secret, and there is no concern for the men charged with being tinctured with abolitionism, so that no one cares; and thus they go on in their wholesale murdering with impunity."
The Liberator, July 19, 1861. [5]
19, Gratitude and praise for the Southern Mothers
To the Ladies of the Society of Southern Mothers:
Allow me to return to you my heartfelt thanks for your kind and unremitting attentions to the unfortunate men under my charge, who have been confined to your rooms by sickness, several of whom were snatched as it were from the very jaws of death, by their opportune arrival in this city, when another day in camp would, in all probability, have placed them beyond the reach of medicine or kind treatment; and I can assure you, now that they are about to depart, that they will ever remember your kindness; and although they may never see you again, nor be able to return to you or yours the compensation their grateful hearts would willingly offer, the moral influences will still be impressed upon them, and they will extend to such other unfortunates as may come in their way, the same kindnesses that they received from you. And thus, fair ladies, the germ planted and nourished by the Southern Mothers will grow into a vigorous plant, its branches reaching into the remotest parts of our beloved South, and thousand who never knew you will feel the blessings of this great work of charity, and the merited prayers of its many recipients will ascend to heaven and there be registered to the credit of you and yours for all time. I would also return to Dr. G. W. Curry the sincere thanks of all the soldiers in my charge for his kindness, and I congratulate you in being so fortunate in securing the services of one so thoroughly versed in medical science, and so well adapted to the difficult position he how holds.
G. A. Hanson, 1st regiment Arkansas volunteers,
Col. Claiborne commanding, C. S. A.
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 19, 1861.
19, Anti-guerrilla activities in Dyer, Obion counties, and Humboldt, Trenton, Kenton, and Union City [see July 19 -21, 1862, "Brigadier General G. M. Dodge on Confederate Guerrilla Activity in the Humboldt, Trenton, Kenton, Union City, Dyer County, Obion County and the Obion swamps" below]
19, Guerrilla Raid on Brownsville
No circumstantial reports filed.
19, Major-General William T. Sherman cleans house at the Fifth Division
ORDERS, No. 54. HDQRS. FIFTH DIVISION, White's Station, July 19, 1862.
It is manifest that a great many horses, mules, and other private property are now in our camps which have been taken in the country without warrant or authority. All such property will at once be turned in to the division quartermaster, and every regimental quartermaster, commander of a battery, or other officer will cause an actual count of horses and animals in their possession and will make a written certificate that at this date they have on hand that particular number, for which they will account. The count will be verified by the division quartermaster.
All parties who are mounted who are not by law designated and considered as mounted officers or soldiers will have their horses and mules taken away, and those animals treated as public animals. Col.'s of regiments will see to the execution of this order, and see that the animals are at once delivered over to the regimental quartermaster and by him to the division quartermaster, who will report as soon as possible the number of animals he has on hand now, and how many are turned over to him by the several regiments and companies.
Every colonel of a regiment or commander of battery and chief of cavalry will to-morrow cause a thorough examination and will report the number of negroes [sic] in their camps, and give the names of such as came from their respective States as servants. All other negroes [sic] must be registered and put to work on the fortifications as soon as we reach Memphis.
The provost marshal in Memphis will be instructed to put to work in the trenches all soldiers who come to Memphis without leave of the commanding general.
As soon as our camp is established as large an amount of liberty will be given to all good soldiers as is consistent with their duty, and ample opportunity afforded them to see the city with all "its sights."
The commanding general, with the engineer officers and part of his staff, will proceed before daybreak to-morrow morning into Memphis to examine the condition of things there, to see the ground and to select camps. Orders will be sent back for the troops to march into Memphis as soon as camping ground is selected.
Both Gen. Hurlbut's division and my own will remain at or near this camp, at White's Station, until such orders are received, and no officer, soldier, or citizen connected with this marching column will go to Memphis until the two divisions are moved in.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 107.
19, Letter from R. C. Bransford to Miss Josephine H. Hooke, relative to loneliness and news from Middle Tennessee in the wake of Forrest's raid
July 19/62
Miss Josephine:
I received your letter of the 9th Inst. but I had so much to do when I arrived at this place that I hardly knew at what point to begin.
I now realize the difficulty of one person trying to do, or discharge the duties of more than one officer, it was ever my luck to fall heir to the duties of the acting Secty. & Tr., which I regard as an unenviable position.
I learn from persons just from Nashville that Mr. Gleaves had arrived at home, in the City, was walking about, and had not been molested by Andy Johnson.
Mr. Porterfield, I understand, b[r]ought trouble upon himself on [the] 4th [of] July last by getting [in] a joyful way and exhibiting a Session [sic] flag in from of the St. Cloud Hotel.
I feel that the day is not far distant when I shall be allowed to once more visit my home, the dearest place to me on earth, and that the Northern Vandals [sic] will be driven from the soil of our beloved Tennessee. I learned this morning that Genl. Buel [sic] has fallen back from Bridgeport & Battle Creek to Tullahoma, where I think they will make a stand for a short time, to enable his army to make a successful retreat from Tennessee. I think Buel [sic] will attempt to make a final stand at Bowling Green, Ky., if our army makes an advance movement into Middle Tennessee, which they will be sure to do if the enemy will fall back as we advance until they get into Ky.
I presume you have heard of the capture of Murfreesboro by Gen. Forrest, the fight commenced at 4 o'clock A.M. [sic] and lasted until 2 P.M. [sic], he took 1200 prisoners, killed 200, one Battery, one Major, and one Brigadier Genl. was captured.
He destroyed and captured though ½ Million Dollars worth of army stores the N. & C. R. R. Depot was burned. It contained over two hundred thousand dollars worth of Commissary Stores. It is said to be one of the most brilliant feats performed since the war commenced.
Gen. Forrest also hung a man by the name of Ashburn, who acted the part of a traitor to our cause.
It is said that Middle Tennessee is at present all in a blaze, the enthusiasm of our friends is beyond conceptions they hope soon to be set free from the hand of the appresor [sic], "so mote it be." [sic]
I am sorry you are so lonely in your adopted home. I can appreciate and sympathize deeply with you to leave home & go so far away in the midst of strangers is not a pleasant task.
Do you know that I look upon you as being one of the best friends I ever had in my life and that I could entrust you with the most sacred secrets of my heart. [sic] It is true, and I hope you regard me in the same light.
I could tell me [sic] many amusing anecdotes in regard to one person, that I have heard since I saw you last, but will defer telling you until I see you, which I hope will be soon.
I regret that I was deprived of the honor of being one of the party who gave you such a nice serenade. How I envy those fellows. I hope they have repeated their visit. It is most cheering to one so far away from the scenes of early life. I hope you will not give up your Tennessee sweetheart and take a young knight of Georgia.
The young gent who asked after you on my first visit to this place is at present in the City, having just returned from Lynchburg. I do not believe he is any sweetheart of yours. It was J. T. W.: who is he that can claim as your sweetheart, you say he makes Chattanooga his headquarters. You had better not tell me, I might have a spider put in his dumpling. [sic] I know you would then grieve yourself to death.
I am very much pleased with the sweetheart you gave me. She is very pretty, and will make a good wife, but it would be presumption in me to think that she cared a straw for one so unworthy of her as myself. How do you know but what she loves someone else, and you do not know but I may love some one else better than I do her, if that be so, what course will you pursue in that case. [sic]
I have not seen Will Ward, the young man I gave you, since I left Marietta. I understand that he has returned to his home in Carthage.
I have not seen Miss Ellen's paragon I hope the Yankees have caught him.
Chattanooga is as dull as a meat axe. [sic]
Milt Anderson watches me like a hawk would a chicken when I come into his presence he slips close to me to see if he can detect the smell of wh-y [sic].
When do you expect to move up?
Gordon has rented another house. I hope your Paw will move soon.
Mr. Anderson wishes to be remembered to your family.
Please present my regards to Miss Nellie, Miss Ellen, Miss Georgia, yourself, your Ma, and all the children.
Please write soon, and believe me, as ever
Your devoted friend
R. C. Bransford
P.S. Mr. Cole's[6] child died on Friday last.
Since closing this, a gentleman informs me that Gen. Buel [sic] is not falling back as reported and Genl. Forrest did not hang Ashburn, but holds him as a prisoner.
W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 2, pp. 51-53.
19, "You are for us or against us, and a manly course is to choose your side." A lesson in the meaning of loyalty: Brigadier-General Alvin P. Hovey vs. the Memphis Typographical Union.
Brig.-Gen Hovey, Commanding United States Forces:
GENERAL: Knowing you to be a valiant soldier and a gentleman of generous sentiments, I am requested by the members of the Memphis Typographical Union (a body of men who have remained neutral during the present civil war) to relieve them from the oath prescribed by you, as they desire to have no part on either side in the present conflict. They are working men and not politicians, and hope their names will not be mixed up in civil strive. Their occupation is to disseminate knowledge, and not to create ill will among the great family of a mighty country.
Yours respectfully,
J. B. Synott, Sec. Mem. Typo. Union.
Headquarters, United States Forces,
District of West Tennessee,
Memphis, July 19, 1862
J. B. Synnot, Secretary Memphis Typographical Union:
The respectful tone of your letter, they body of men you represent, and the complimentary manner in which you have thought proper to mention my name, all demand a serious consideration and respectful answer to your request.
You ask me to modify Order No. 1 so as to relieve the members of you association from taking the oath of allegiance. Now, what is the substance of that order? Briefly answered—it gives you the right to leave the City without imposing any conditions, and take up arms against our country if you wish. It throws the gauntlet down and dares you to the conflict, or simply requires you to swear to support the Constitution your fathers made. Surely this is no hard rule in times of war. Let us for one moment contrast it with the course adopted by the so-styled Southern Confederacy. Where they have power, men who have dared to whisper words in favor of the Union have by brutal (chivalric?) force been hung—decrepitude and years could not shield them. Even in sight of this city, an old gray-haired man of sixty, lone friendless, and helpless, was hung by a chivalric mob, because he dared to adhere to the Government that gave him birth [sic], and was the pride of his declining years. Aye, even in this city, (if report be true) the ball and chain in the "Vigilance Committee" room was used to intimidate the fearful, and shackle the limbs of freemen who would not bow down to the Southern idol. The barber shop, too, is hard by, where they administered a clean shave to all who would not shout for the "Chivalry" and Davis.
"You didn't do it?" Hundreds of your "high-toned gentlemen" didn't do it? No—but you stood by, raised not a hand to shield the helpless and dared not even whisper one kind word to console the victims of the mob. This was neutrality, and this was taking no part! [sic] Look to Missouri, Virginia, Maryland and East Tennessee, and the robberies perpetrated under the color of the Confederacy's act of confiscation, and humanity will shudder and blush. No one, with my permission, shall serve two masters. You are for us or against us, and a manly course is to choose your side. Ten secret foes and spies are worse than one hundred open enemies. If you ask the protection of the broad wings of our old eagle, you must help feed and support the bird. The day of kind words, good desires, much talk and no sincerity has passed. Officers will be compelled to pull off their long silken gauntlets and return the salutation of pretended friends with the stern grip of war.
The city is now filled with treason and traitors, and that officer is surely unnaturally kind who will permit them to remain and hatch their unholy schemes with his camp.
No class of men exercise such a vast influence over the public mind as the craft to which you belong, and you owe it to yourselves and posterity to advocate and aid the fight. The printer, philosopher and statesman Franklin is your pride. He was no neutral. Follow his example, support the cause that he supported, and uphold the Constitution that he labored to construct, and your children and children's children may be proud of you in future days.
I have spoken earnestly, freely, but with no intention of casting the least insinuation upon any member of your society. Believing Order No. 1 to be just as well as politic, it shall, as long as I have the honor to command, be strictly and rigidly enforced.
Respectfully yours,
Alvin O. Hovey, Brigadier-General Commanding
New York Times, July 28, 1862.
19, Reestablishment of Federal presence in Murfreesboro
The Yankees allowed Pa to take something to eat to William Carney, who was put in the guard house yesterday for being drunk. A Mr. Baker, a union man whom they had arrested for the same cause, was out of his head & jumped from the 2nd story window, & killed himself. The Yanks issued a proclamation that everything that had been taken from the Yankee camps must be brought back, or they will be imprisoned. Andrew, one of our negro boys, got up bright & early & took back everything he and his mother had picked up after the left from the camps. They wanted to give the clothes back, but he would not take them. One time today it was reported the armies were fighting, but it was a mistake. Several Yankees came out & wanted to take our horses, but Pa would not let them. Two Yankees came up [and] asked for something to eat, said it was some time since they had eaten anything, had no money either to buy anything. Pa gave them food. Mr. Jobe was out here & told Ma good news from our army. The overseer of Uncle John Lytle's is spending the night here, although he has taken the oath he cannot get a pass to go out home. From what we hear, they will all have to take the oath again. Dr. Baskett has been arrested again, suspect Bill Spence is at the head of it. Ashburn told Mr. Wilkinson if he did not go out and show our men to him that were in Sunday, he would have him arrested.
Kate Carney Diary, July 19, 1862.
The lovely widow of a cross old man wearing weeds; and the gay survivor of a rich old shrew being particular in the choice and display of the weepers.
To suppose that all men in public life must be actuated by corrupt or interested motives.
A man of superior talents and accomplishments is always pronounced conceited by the clowns who cannot understand him.
The property of a felo de is [sic] is confiscated; so that, for his vie and folly, an unoffending infant family may be rendered beggars as well as orphans.
Old men affecting the gaiety and gallantry of youth – young men assuming the gravity and sanctity of age.
You make a very foolish match, and gravely halt a judicious fiend his opinion of your choice.
People of exquisite sensibility, who cannot bear to see an animal put to death, showing the utmost attention to the variety and abundance of their tables.
To suppose that every one likes to hear your child cry, and hear you talk nonsense to it.
To buy a horse from a near relation, and believe every word he says in praise of the animal he is desirous of dispensing of.
To ask a wise merchant how long his wind has been in bottle.
To tell a person from whom you solicit a loan of money that you are in want of it.
To lend money to a man whose friendship you are desirous to preserve.
To desire the chambermaid of an inn to air your sheets or the hostler to feed your horse.
Nature wisely ordering all below, suffers no beard on woman's chin to grow, For how could they be shaved whate'er the skill, Whose tongue would never let their chin be still.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 19, 1862.
19, "E. Cheek."
The Cheek case is in progress. Thus far we gather that two citizens have deposed most positively as to he old gentleman's guilt. One of them asseverated that Mr. Cheek adjusted the rope around the neck of the murdered man, threw it over the limb of the fatal tree and helped to string him up. The other swore that Mr. Cheek afterwards kicked the dead man's body into the river.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 19, 1862.
19, Public School Administration in Memphis
Meeting of the School Visitors. – The Board of School Visitors will meet at nine o'clock this morning in the office of James Elder, No. 8 Madison street. The presence of every member is especially desired, as it is proposed to all vacancies elected Superintendent, and announce the several standing committees.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 19, 1862.
19, Disarming civilians in Murfreesborough and federal situation report for Middle Tennessee after Forrest's raid
NASHVILLE, July 19, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL:
I came up to-night to communicate. The enemy are in the neighborhood of McMinnville, from 2,000 strong to any given amount above that; the line from Lebanon is open to Nashville; part of my force is detained still at Columbia by accident to the Duck River Bridge. I found here your orders to move on McMinnville. The cavalry I found at Nashville, 300 strong, I ordered to march to Lebanon and join me at Murfreesborough, where they arrived at 10 a. m. to-day. I will make them patrol both approaches to Nashville. Some 400 stand of arms taken from our troops were distributed by Forrest to disloyal citizens in and about Murfreesborough. I issued a proclamation threatening abreast of any one found with them in possession. Some 200 were sent in to-day. Your directions as to posting the troops at Murfreesborough will be strictly attended to. You can rely upon my being found at the place ordered and the time ordered on all occasions. Boyle telegraphs me to death. I think he has lost his senses.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 183.
19, Runaway slaves captured
Contrabands – A number of "contrabands," with their carpet sacks all ready for traveling, were grabbed up this morning while on the wing, and brought into the city.
Memphis Bulletin, July 19, 1862.[7]
19, Further information about Forrest's victory at Murfreesboro
The Disaster at Murfreesboro.
We had a conversation of some length yesterday with Dr. Butler, Surgeon of the 3rd Minnesota regiment, in reference to the recent skirmish at Murfreesboro. Dr. Butler seems to be a gentleman of intelligence and candor, and his statements may no doubt be relied on as giving a correct account of that most unexpected disaster. The first report we published stated that this regiment fought desperately from the attack in the morning until late in the evening.—This is a great error. Dr. Butler says the fight with the Minnesota regiment lasted a minute or two, and their wounded five, and one missing! Early in the morning, Colonel Lester led his men out of camp half a mile at the edge of a wood, and drew up his men in line of battle, with the battery at each end.—The guerrillas charged on them about seven o'clock, but being received with a sharp cannonade, wheeled off at right angles and rode away, with the exception of ten who got within our lines, and were either dismounted or killed. The rebels dashed away into the camp, when they killed Corporal Green of company I, and Private Woodburn of company C, who was sick in his tent. Only twenty soldiers had been left to guard the camp. Our wounded were Privates C. H. Turnely, company K; W. H. Doil, company E; J. Fogelson, company E; Charles Johnson, company B; A. H. Lewis, company H; and _____ Green, teamster—all slightly injured.
The rebels rode off discouraged at the appearance of things, and twice afterwards rode back and returned to the town, declaring that the regiment could not be taken! The Michigan 9th had been taken by surprise, but 175 of the men had rallied and drove back the enemy. Seventy-five guerillas dismounted and charged as infantry; but were repulsed. The best fighting was done by a company of the regiment which was in the Court house in the town, who killed ten of the enemy as they attacked them. The rebels say that the artillery shot over their heads, some balls cutting off tree tops, and others passing over the town! Only one man was found killed by cannon shot, his leg being shot off at the knee. He bled to death; his horse also being killed under him.
But one of our artillery was wounded—his hand being blown off by accident. The Ninth Michigan lost 14, killed and 63 wounded. The guerrillas despairing almost of taking the Third Minnesota, had fired our commissary stores, and were making preparations to fall back, when Col. Forrest said he would see if he could not scare Col. Lester into a surrender. He then sent in a flag of truce and Col. Lester rode into town and held a conference with him. He came back and told his officers and men, nearly all of whom were eager for a fight, that there were at lest 3,500, and perhaps, 5,000 cavalry preparing to attack them, and that they must surrender, as it would be useless to resist! The men wept like children with mortification and rage; but Col. Lester, who had been stupified ever since the alarm had been given, and utterly paralyzed with fear, and would list to no remonstrance, and so the regiment of fine, stalwart men, admirably drilled and armed men, give up to a parcel of cavalry, numbering about 1,000, armed with shot-guns. Lieut. Greenleaf had asked Col. Lester to allow him to take a company to protect the Camp, but was refused. The Colonel also ordered the surgeons and ambulances to the most exposed part of the field, when they were in imminent peril of their lives, and also refused to let the wounded be carried off to a house, keeping them until two o'clock in the broiling sun. His excuse was that it was impossible to tell what movement they would have to make! Dr. Butler says, and we rejoice for the sake of humanity to record the fact, that the citizens of Murfreesboro' showed kindness to the wounded and humanity to the dead without distinction. Let it be told everywhere to their credit, so that there may be an oasis in the drearly [sic] desert of war known throughout the land. It was with feelings of deep humiliation that Dr. Butler, whose narrative was confirmed by others, related these facts to us, and it is with deep mortification that we record them, but justice to the brave men who were victimized by an utterly incompetent leader imperiously demand of us a recital of the fact. Had a man of coolness and self-possession been their Colonel they would have repelled the guerrillas with scarcely a blow. There would have been no difficulty in bringing off the entire force to this place, but even this was not necessary. They could have held their position triumphantly. Perhaps we should say in justice to General T. T. Crittenden, that he had just arrived from Indiana, and had not taken command. A finer body of men than the Third Minnesota we never saw, and we deeply sympathize with them and their misfortune. Let their fate serve as a lesson to other regiments and companies, to be careful of their choice of officers.
Nashville Daily Union, July 19, 1862.
19, "Stores Robbed by Guerrillas in Murfreesborough."
Mr. W. B. Hornbeck, of the firm of Hornbeck & Forsythe, Murfreesboro, called on us yesterday and gave us the particulars of the robbery of his store by some marauders on Wednesday last. About twenty-five guerrillas, under a Captain Bond, called at his house and ordered him to follow them. They then went to his store and helped themselves to $200 worth of goods, and a horse worth $200. Some few of the lower class of citizens seemed to encourage them in their rascally work, but the better class of the citizens remonstrated, though ineffectually with the guerrillas, who ordered them to mind their business. At the request of these citizens Mr. Hornbeck was handed over to a Lieutenant of Forrest's command, who treated him kindly, and paroled him, on condition that he would not take up arms against the Confederacy. Bond's men told him they were the persons who shot several pickets on the Lebanon Pike, some ten days ago, near Pierce's Mill. Mr. Hornbeck expresses himself as very grateful to the respectable citizens of Murfreesboro' for their exertions in his behalf. How long shall these disgraceful robberies go on within the lines of the Federal army?
Nashville Daily Union, July 19, 1862.
19 -21, Brigadier General G. M. Dodge on Confederate Guerrilla Activity in the Humboldt, Trenton, Kenton, Union City, Dyer County, Obion County and the Obion swamps
HDQRS., Trenton, July 19, 1862.
Brig. Gen. I. F. QUINBY, Columbus:
The guerrillas are pressing me, and I am using all my cavalry force against them. We have been without shoes for horses for a long time, and it renders one-half of the force unfit for service. Cannot you push through on to-morrow's train horseshoes for Second Illinois Cavalry? My cavalry are on the move from Humboldt, Trenton, Kenton, and Union City, with orders to wipe out guerrillas and cotton-burners, to disarm all known rebels in Dyer, Obion, and all the country bordering the Obion swamps. I have ordered increase of guards at bridges.
G. M. DODGE, Brig. Gen.
HDQRS., Trenton, July 19, 1862.
Col. GEORGE E. BRYANT, Humboldt:
I have ordered a battery to you and one company of cavalry. If the enemy have a camp within that distance, pitch into them as soon as forces arrive. In the mean time send out your cavalry to get their position. Use them up before they get settled. Disarm all the known rebels in the country around you and in the line of march of your cavalry. Have the arms turned over to you. Look out that your forces do not meet the forces sent from here west and southeest.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen., Comdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 104-105.
Capt. M. ROCHESTER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Columbus, Ky.:
I have but one report from my cavalry parties sent out; that is a rumor from Big Obion. It is said we have had a small fight 25 miles down the Obion. Lieut.-Col. Hogg, with five companies, is in that vicinity. At Key Corners they are in force, but by to-night will have left or been attacked.
My fears now are from the Tennessee River. A large band is forming there, I expect, to clear them out west in time to mass my cavalry and meet that band before they get very near to me. I am very much opposed to weakening my cavalry force now, if it can be avoided. We have all the important bridges to hold, with no surplus force at any place, while south of me they have divisions and brigades at points on the road.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
HDQRS., Trenton, July 21, 1862.
Brig. Gen. I. F. QUINBY, Columbus, Ky.:
I have 900 effective cavalry, with the worst guerrilla country to take care of on line of road. All my cavalry are now out, and it is very dangerous to take any away. The guerrillas are determined to give us work. A large force is between here and the Tennessee River, but I have no force to send after them until my cavalry returns. If you send any, the battalion of Curtis' Horse better go, or three companies of Sixth Illinois. The Curtis Horse is thoroughly posted around Humboldt, and I do not like to spare them. Cannot some of the cavalry on the river be pushed out after the guerrillas, or also sent to me.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 109-110.
19-29, Federal combined infantry and cavalry movements in West Tennessee, Trenton, Humboldt, Ripley. Bolivar, Brownsville, Hatchie River, Dyersburg
Capt. M. ROCHESTER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Columbus, Ky.:
CAPT.: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of troops in my division for the past ten days:
After the attack on my forces near Humboldt and their dispersion of the enemy I ascertained that a force had been sent from Jackson to attack the enemy near Ripley, Lauderdale County; also that a force of the enemy was threatening Bolivar. I ordered Col. Bryant to take all the cavalry, with a force of infantry, to follow up the enemy's forces north of the Hatchie River and toward Brownsville, at the same time starting a force from here toward Dyersburg. Last night Col. Bryant camped in rear of the enemy's force at Poplar Corners, and is still following them. I trust, in connection with the Jackson forces; he will cut off their retreat across the Hatchie and thereby bag them. The enemy's forces are on the increase both north and south of the Hatchie. Those north I believe I shall be able to attend to, but they are so slippery and dodge through such small holes that they may evade me. As I have taken charge of the bridge south of Humboldt I shall endeavor to so guard it that so small band of the enemy can take or destroy it. I have in process of erection there a strong block-house, which when finished will add greatly to the strength of the position. The bridge burned I have had rebuilt, and in one hour after we obtained possession of the road had telegraphic communication south. I must say that the strain upon my health and nerves lately has not added much to the state of my health, though I have full faith that I shall weather it and get through safe. I would be glad to visit Columbus, as the general suggests, but it is not best just at this time. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 131.
19, "Bless God – the Star Spangled Banner now waves over this rebellious town!" The letter of Surgeon William M. Eames to his wife in Ohio
Union Coll. Hospital
July 19, 1862
Dearest Mary,
Bless God – the Star Spangled Banner now waves over this rebellious town! and as I awoke this morning it seemed as tho, everything was bright and beautiful instead of dark & uncertain – as it has been every morning before this week.
Yesterday Gen. Nelson came into town with a Brigade & part of a battery, and I started down town on horseback – (for the first time in a week to see the old flag & our [sic] soldiers. I could hardly keep back the tears – when I first met them & felt that I was now among friends & safe. [sic] Every day before he had been annoyed and insulted more or less by soldiers & citizens who would come in with their guns & demand something or try to steal something. Was very much afraid they would get old Jim[8] - but by keeping him shut up close all the time – they did not find him but once. Then three of the scamps rode into the yard with their long rifles & rode directly to the stable & in a few minutes they had the poor horse out leading him away. Dr. French volunteered to go & talk with them (as I was nearly sick.) & he succeeded in getting him back & now I defy the whole race of such vagabonds. Many of the citizens are looking to me to protect them against the evils they see – in the coming of Gen. Nelson & I would gladly do it – but unfortunately I have but little influence with him. I am heartily glad he has come, for it is [sic] a nest of traitors as he said to me yesterday - & he can handle such fellows just right. If he stays here I think the citizens of Murfreesboro will wish they had Capt. Rounds & the cowards Lester back again. By the way both these worthies were obliged to foot it all the way to Woodbury & Capt. Rounds feet were very sore indeed & he was obliged to keep up at a double quick. [sic] He must have suffered severely for his efforts to please secessionists of this town. Col. Lester might have rode but did not get him a horse as they told him to do & when they came to start all the rest of the officers were mounted but he was on foot. He asked for a horse & they (the secesh told him it was too late - he might have got one when the rest die – but had to walk.) He is a most precious coward to surrender a whole Reg & Battery – with only 2 men killed and the enemy defeated as they acknowledged. They said repeatedly to our men that they should not have attacked them again. They could not get their men to face the cannon & were on the point of leaving. They had sent out all their prisoners & plunder etc. but concluded to try a little threatening & so the Rebel General write a not to Col. Lester telling him that if he did not surrender he would cut his Reg all to pieces & show him no quarter, & the infernal cowardly poltroon surrendered. We all feel the burning disgrace & humiliation.
Gen. Nelson asked Dr. Smith how many men we lost & he told him 23 & said with a big oath, "& you give up to the rebels after losing only 23."
I hope Lester will be tried by court martial for cowardice. His whole Reg will testify against him. The rebels must have burned 30,000 worth of U. S. property & carried off as much more. They begun [sic] to think that they had finished up the war & ruined Uncle Sam, so that he dare not come back to Murfreesboro at all, but they now find he is here & in a much worse fume than before Gen. N. has got hold of thousands of dollars worth of rebel citizens['] property already. Old Doct. January came up & wanted to get me to assist him in getting his nigger [sic] back & Dr. Basket wanted me to get his horse & buggy away etc. I don't pity them at all. I presume there will be another hunt for arms & they have now scores of guns they got from the Reg'ts after they surrendered. I think they will be glad of them.
I am getting some better but not very well. Can sit up most all day but have very little appetite & no ambition. Hope my resignation will be accepted & I can get it in two weeks….We get new potatoes & beef & plenty of milk & eggs.
Yours as ever
Wm. M. Eames
William Mark Eames Papers
19, The Cyprians' Progress
"The Frail Sisters." – The Cincinnati Gazette of the 17th says:" The Idahoe came up yesterday from Nashville, bringing a cargo of one hundred and fifty of the frail sisterhood of Nashville, who had been sent North under military orders. Where does not seem to be much desire on the part of our authorities to welcome such a large addition to the already overflowing numbers engaged in their peculiar profession, and the remonstrance were so urgent against their being permitted to land that the boat was taken over to the Kentucky shore; but the authorities of New port and Covington have no greater desire for their company, and the consequence is that the poor girls are still kept on board the boat. [emphasis added] It is said (on what authority we were unable to discover) that the military order issued in Nashville has been revoked in Washington, and that they will all be returned to Nashville again.
Nashville Daily Union, July 19, 1863.
19, Cleveland prepares for reception of sick soldiers....The town is full of soldiers getting the hospitals ready for the sick....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 197.
19, "Wounded Confederate Prisoners."
There are about two hundred and fifty sick and wounded Confederate prisoners now in the Overton Hospital. They are getting along very well. Many of them are able to be up and about the hospital. They are all well-cared for. Dr. Wilkerson, the surgeon in charge of the ward in which they have been placed is very kind an attentive to them. They say that they are receiving better treatment than they expected. Almost all of them evince a disposition to quit the rebel cause.
Memphis Bulletin, July 19, 1863.
19, "Females at the Recorder's Court"
Yesterday morning there were several of those poor fallen creatures up before the Recorder. They have already traveled the road of infamy so far that conscience has lost its sting. The depths of infamy have been found by these poor women, for they would not have been brought up before the Recorder on such charges as they were yesterday morning.
Memphis Bulletin, July 19, 1863.
19, "Memphis Trade and the Guerrillas."
We hear a general complaint made by business men about the extreme dullness of trade. Once there was a time when our streets were filled with the wagons and teams of the planters and farmers of the surrounding country. Such a sight is never seen now. And why? The reason is obvious. It is not found, as a good many suppose, in the indisposition of the people [sic] to come to Memphis to trade. But we may very readily perceive it, in the fact that the rural districts have been for months the scene of guerrilla depredations. We may be asked if the people themselves were not all the while aiding and abetting them. We answer that they were not only so far as they were compelled by force. The planters and farmers themselves have as a general thing deprecated the existence of such organized bands of murdering thieves. Where then did these guerrillas come from? We answer that both the leaders and me who have voluntarily taken this course of pillage, are men wholly destitute of principle, who had failed to get position in the rebel army, and those who found that the rigid discipline of a regularly organized army prevented them from carrying out their propensities to thieve and pillage. Such are the characters of the men who compose the guerrilla bands which have so long destroyed the peace of the rural districts. Reckless and disappointed officers and soldiers of the rebel army who have lost their reputation, and now seed to gain a reputation for thieving and pillage. But what does all this have to do with trade in Memphis? We answer that it has everything [to do with it]. So long as these predatory bands remain back in the country, just so long will intercommunication between this city and the country be restricted. It therefore becomes not only a right but the duty of the peaceably disposed citizens of the country to adopt some means to free themselves from this odious incubus. It is there interest to do so, and in this case, interest becomes a duty. In this work, our merchants may do much to assist their country neighbors. Once [you] let the people know that they can procure necessary supplies by coming and it will not be long before they would avail themselves of the privilege. On the other hand-once let the authorities understand that the good and family supplies which go from this market would not go to the support of these guerrillas, and we would soon see the shackles which have chained the commerce of our city so long burst. They consequence, then, is that we should have a full and complete return of the full business of the "good olden times."
Memphis Bulletin, July 19, 1863.
19, Reward offered for Monroe country runaway slaves
$5,000 Reward.
Runaway from the plantation of the undersigned in Monroe county, Tenn., on the night of July 10, 1863.
Taking with them two fine gray horses, a fine bay horse, a fine bay mare, and three fine mules.
The negroes [sic], I cannot at this time, accurately describe.
I will be the reward above offered for the recovery of the negroes [sic] and animals; or proportionately for any of them.
The negroes [sic] were in company with twenty-five or thirty white men, and the negroes [sic] making for Parks' Ferry on the Holston River, and going towards Kentucky through Anderson county.
C. M. McGhee
Knoxville Daily Southern Chronicle, July 19, 1863.[9]
19, Four missing Confederate mules
Strayed or stolen from the wagon yard at the Zollicoffer, Tenn., FOUR MULES, belonging to the Quartermaster's Department of Thomas' Legion of the following description.
Two black mare mules about fourteen hands high, four years old, considerably rubbed with the harness, one of them also rubbed with the saddle, and has a mark above the left fore foot, caused by a rope cutting it.
Two light bay mare mules, thirteen hands high, closely built one six the other four years old. The four [year old] branded C.S. on the left shoulder. They are supposed to have rambled down the line of the Rail Road in two lots a black, one and one a bay together [sic].
I will pay the above reward for the delivery of the mules to me at Strawberry Plains or Zollicoffer, or TEN DOLLARS each for each one.
Any information concerning them, that will lead to securing them will be liberally paird for.[10]
Jas. W. Terrell, Capt. A. A. Q. M.
Knoxville Daily Southern Chronicle, July 19, 1863.
19-23, Expedition, Raleigh
No circumstantial reports filed.
19-29, Operations, Trenton
No circumstantial reports filed.[11]
19, "Man Shot"
About 8 o'clock last night a difficulty occurred in Smoky Row between Eugene Leslie and John McGee. During the melee, Leslie drew a pistol, and fired at McGee, the ball taking effect upon the person of James Kinney, who received a dangerous wound in the side. A man by the name of Leonard was arrested as an accomplice, witnesses averring that he gave the pistol to Leslie, and urged him to make the attack-The officers were endeavoring to find Leslie but had not succeeded up to 10 o'clock.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20 1864.
19, Federals burn much of Fairmont[12] as reprisal for native support for guerrillas; excerpt from a Confederate woman's diary
* * * *
....20 Yankees rode up on the 19th of July and picketed their horses all around our piazza. She [Bettie] was lying on the ottoman, but got up and sat in the door and we entered into conversation with them about the horses-one of them dressed in Confederate uniform, looked sulky, but offered to sell me his horse for 75 dollars-they were packing waggons [sic] they said to take Tilfords [a neighbor] whiskey off-our dinner came on and Bettie invited one of them (a small fellow that talked to us about his mother) to come in and take some dinner. He came in and I told him if he had a particular friend to bring him in-I had enough dinner for more of them-He brought in a Soldier named Emmerson of Wisconsin-they dined and thanked me-in a short time all mounted-but first dismissed the 5 waggons [sic] that were on the square at their command. Wilson [,] the one dressed in grey clothes rode up and told me I was reported at head quarters by one of my neighbors and one of my negroes [sic] as harboring guerillas [sic]-of course I denied it-told him I never saw one in my life that I knew. He remarked you know the penalty is burning your house-they then made off to Tilford's still house. I felt uneasy and began to move out my clothes, but Bettie and Mrs. Jones laughed at, and discouraged me. I had my wearing clothes taken out of the house, & gave some valuables to a neighbor to keep for me. We passed the evening, had an early supper-and had just finished eating and walked in the piazza when Bettie said [:"]Mama [,] look on the hill at the Yankees coming[!"] they galloped by and one cried out ["]You had better be taking things out[!"]-they broke down the store broke up the shelves-turned over the counter-I rushed into the street-went to the officer, begged and implored he would [sic] spare the house, it belonged to a poor man, to go on the hull and burn...[burn my own houses] [sic]-No[,] the demon would not stay his hand-I rushed back and commenced taking things. I saw dear Bettie-told her to go and take care of herself and then rushed off to save what I could-just then Emmerson-the Yankee soldier stepped in behind me, and said, ["]I eat [sic] with you today Madam, and I have come to help you, and he did help me faithfully and long as we could stay in the building-others came in and helped a little and stole a great deal. My negroes [sic] were saving their own things until the fire was too far advanced-when Wilson, the wretch, came in with the torch I met and asked him not [to] set the house on fire until I had some of my things, he replied ["]I am in a hurry and won't wait more than 5 minutes["]-I held a candle to be lighted (it was dark)[.] We both blew at it, with our heads in 4 inches of each other, he then walked to the mantle piece, tore up the screen, set it against the mantle, took Bettie's music, stuck it on and set fire to it-the mantle soon caught; Eliza told me a Yankee had told her he would shoot her if she went upstairs after anything-I told her to send Hardin to me, took up a bucket of water and dashed it on the mantle and put out the blaze, rushed up stairs and saved a bed and mattress and threw many things out of the window, but just as I entered the door to go up a Yankee rode rapidly to the street and shot at me as I entered the opposite side. I heard it but it made so little impression on me that I leaped on up the stairs-and the coward galloped back fearing, I suppose that he had shot me, and [was] afraid of being identified. Well this is a faint outline of the work of that night-Women were praying to the demons, children crying, men looked appalled. They threatened to burn the whole town-but finally were satisfied with burning one block of buildings. All this time I thought Bettie was at Mr. Jones-and after the whole blocked was wrapped in one sheet of flames, I went over to Mr. Jones and looked for Bettie-she was not there-someone said she was at Dr. Robertson's. I could not send [anyone] to Pickets were thrown out and they threatened to shoot everyone that passed. I rested content tho [sic] that she was safe. The next morning I went over to my garden where all my beds and clothes were thrown, there were 2 Yankees around and one was dirty and had his sleeves rolled up. I did not speak, but passed him in silence-After breakfast Mrs. Jones came out and with her my poor frail child looking [at] the picture of despair. ["]O, Mamma [sic] ["] she said[,] ["]we are in Hell-O, no, my child, we are on the beautiful earth, but there are demons that surround us [!"]-I labored all day. My neighbors were very kind-assisted me to take care of the remnant of my things-As soon as I could enquire I found that Bettie had taken up an arm full of clothes, two carpet bags-a fine painting and put her hat on and started [illegible] from the burning building-she made her way to R. Jones over 5 fences-would get up and fall of, of each [sic] fence-fell 3 times in the cotton field and was taken with Diarreah [sic]. [sic] She had a vial of Paregoric [sic] which she drank-at length with the assistance of a blind little negro she got to Mr. J. [sic] yard fence and when taken in had to be rubbed to restore animation-She was never very well again-Mr. Johns took her home with him-I went over most every night, and how her affectionate heart mourned over my situation-but God sustained me thro' [sic] it all.
Journal of Bettie Ridley Blackmore[13]
19, Wounding of a Tennessee prisoner-of-war at Camp Chase
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, July 19, 1864.
Col. W. HOFFMAN, Commissary-Gen. of Prisoners, Washington City, D. C.:
COL.: I have the honor to report that Privates Joseph W. Rutter, Company E, Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry, and Mahlon Hurst, Company C, Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry [Hawkins County], prisoners of war at this post, were fired upon and wounded by a sentinel on the parapet of Prison No. 3, under the following circumstances: The sentries were instructed to prevent prisoners from throwing water or offal of any kind in the ditch on that side of the prison, a proper place having been provided for that purpose. The prisoner Rutter violated this rule and was warned by the sentinel not to repeat it, but he did so several times and used much abusive language toward the sentinel. Finding it impossible to cause him to desist in any other way, the sentinel fired upon him, the ball passing through his right arm and inflicting a severe flesh would, Unfortunately, the same ball wounded Mahlon Hurst in the left thigh so severely as to cause it to be amputated. Hurst had no connection with Rutter and is an entirely innocent suffered. Both men received immediate medical attention and are reported by the attending surgeon as doing well. A very insubordinate spirit has prevailed among the prisoners for four or five weeks, manifesting itself in combinations to resist the prison rules and to escape from prison. Better order and a disposition to obey now prevails. In this case I cannot feel that the sentinel was entirely justified in firing, especially as it resulted in the wounding of an innocent man; but at the same time the provocation was so great that I have inflicted no other punishment except a reprimand.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. P. RICHARDSON, Col. Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, p. 475.
19, Municipal justice in occupied Nashville
Recorder's Court. - There was no falling off in the business before the Recorder yesterday morning, and the court was occupied from 9 to 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, friends of Marshal Chumbley and the city Attorney, were charged with abusing Mrs. Mayan, an inmate of the house in which the defendants resided. Fined $5 and costs.
John Mayor was arraigned for tippling without a license. For want of proof he was discharged.
Marcus Combs, a negro [sic] was arrested for stealing whiskey from the firm of E. A. & T. C. Richards, and Church Jackson, another colored individual, was charged with receiving the stolen goods. One of the members of the firm found two bottles of whiskey on the person of Marcus, and defendant admitted that he had previously taken four bottles. According to the testimony, the proprietors had allowed him to sell liquor and had received money therefor. Judge Turner and M. M. Brien, jr., appeared for the defence, and defended their client ably – the Judge occupying the floor for over an hour. They submitted to the court whether the case could be considered larceny or not, as the evidenced did not sustain the charge of feloniously taking away of whisky [sic], but on the other hand, the testimony shows that he had been allowed the privilege of selling, and the prosecutor had received money from the sales effected. The Recorder required Marcus to give bond in the sum of $500 and appear before the next term of the Criminal Court, and no evidence appearing to sustain the charge against the other defendant, he was discharged.
Charles McAlister was required to answer the charge of stealing a hat from W. P. Campbell. Campbell testified that he was asleep in his hack about 12 o'clock on Monday night, and when he awoke, his hat was missing, and the next morning he found it in the possession of McAlister when he had him arrested. McAlister said in self-defence that a man named Daily had given him the hat. Committed to jail in default of $500 bail to appear before the next term of the Criminal Court.
G. H. Stubbs, a countryman, was found feeding his horses on the public square. Being in direct violation of corporation law, he was fined $5 and costs.
Ellen Stowe was arrested on a State warrant, charged with committing an assault and battery on Ada Wyatt, and a corporation warrant was also served on both for disorderly conduct. According to evidence, a fight occurred in the jungles between Ellen Stow and Ada Wyatt, one party being equally a guilty as the other. During the melee, Ada received a cut in the head from a slung shot, and was stabbed four times in the breast. The testimony throughout was disgusting, going to show the immorality and wretchedness of existing affairs in Smoky. On the State warrant, Ellen was fined $50, and $50 on the corporation warrant, and $5 was imposed on Ida Wyatt. Li M. Temple for the latter, and M. M. Brian for the former.
Mr. Burgen was accused of trespassing on the property of Peter Wells, or, in other words, running his hack into one belonging to Peter. The court considered it accidental, and discharged the defendant.
The last case before the court was a charge against the efficient Deputy Marshal, W. H. Wilkinson, and the Sunday policeman, John Frith, who had a little fight about a case presented on Monday morning. The Recorder required them to pony up each $5 and costs.
For drunkenness, Thomas Yates; G. W. Smith, John Williams, W. Grisham, and Wm. Wells, had the usual fine to settle.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20, 1864.
ca. 19, Two skirmishes near Centreville [see July 29, 1864, "Guerrillas on the Tennessee River below]
[1] J. B. Anderson was the superintendent of the Louisville & Nashville (L&N) Railroad, but was not, at least according to Generals In Gray, in the Confederate army. The use of the title "General" may have been honorific, or it may be that there was a militia general in the Clarksville environs who commandeered these trains. In any event, the loss of such railroad traffic could only have worked to the detriment of Confederate forces as they tried to mobilized and secure positions at forts Henry and Donelson. See OR, Ser., I, Vol. 4, p. 264 and Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 10.
[2] This may have been a reference to anthrax.
[3] The meaning of the term "stumptall" may refer to the height of a pile of something, in this case, money in a pile as tall as a tree stump. An adjective meaning "a lot."
[4] TSL&A, 19th CN.
[6] Mr. Cole was president of the NC&StL Railroad and a close associate of Judge Hooke, who owned stock in the company. Apparently either Cole or Hooke was acting superintendent of the railroad at the time.
[7] An example of slaves freeing the slaves. Often they left their masters when the first chance offered them freedom. They did not wait ror the Emancipaton Proclamation. Unhappily this was an unsuccessful effort.
[8] A slave hired by Eames to undertake hospital duties.
[9] Another example of the slaves freeing the slaves.
[10] "Here's Your Mule?"
[11] Not listed in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
[12] There is no mention of this action in the OR or Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
[13] Journal of Bettie Ridley Blackmore, pp. 74-75. This selection was written by Rebeccah [sic] C. Ridley, mother of Bettie Ridley Blackmore who was during this incident ill, and would in the future die of tuberculosis.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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