7, Fear of a Unionist insurrection near Cleveland
....There were about five hundred "union men" collected together five miles from here to attack some troops they heard were going to Jimtown, or Cumberland Gap....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman.
7, Special Orders, No. 20. HDQRS. CENTRAL DIVISION OF THE MISS., Trenton, Tennessee, relative to punishment of bridge burners
Trenton, Tenn., July 7, 1862:
It being proven to the satisfaction of the general commanding that Robert Masley, Samuel Baker, Gilbert Patterson, of Weakley County, Tenn., and Samuel Abbott, Letts and sons, and Doctor Gardner, of Gibson County, Tenn., have aided and abetted the Southern rebellion and encouraged the burning of the road bridge over the Big Ohio;[1] also that J. F. Penn, William M. Jones, A. O. Dunnell, A. Brickhouse, Freeman and Tom Johnson have aided the rebellion by subscriptions of money and in various other ways, it is hereby ordered that the above-named persons take the oath of allegiance to the United States and proceed to immediately rebuild the above-named bridge. And any of the above-named persons failing to obey this order in any particular will be arrested and sent to these headquarters. Capt. John Lynch, Company E, Sixth Illinois Cavalry, is charged with the execution of this order.
By order of Brig. Gen. G. M. Dodge:
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, p. 146.
7, SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 21, directing the arrest and confinement of any Tennessean refusing to take the oath of allegiance
The provost-marshal will arrest and hold in confinement any person refusing to take the oath. He will arrest all soldiers and officers returning from the rebel army who do not come forward voluntarily and take the oath. He will ascertain what property if any that can be used by the U. S. forces any persons who are now in the rebel army may own and report the same from time to time to these headquarters.
By order of Brig. Gen. G. M. Dodge
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, p. 146.
7, Permission sought to muster out the 7th Kansas Cavalry as a result of depredations committed by them in West Tennessee
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington:
SIR: Since the Kansas troops entered this department their march has been marked by robbery, theft, pillage, and outrages upon the peaceful inhabitants, making enemies to our cause wherever they went. Brig.-Gen. Quinby reported that he found it impossible to restrain them, and asked for authority to muster them out of service.
On their reaching Maj.-Gen. McClernand's command he made similar recommendations and reports; and on their way from him to this place they nearly ruined a train of cars by refusing to comply with the orders of the conductor, Gen. Mitchell sustaining them in this disobedience of my orders. It is reported that Gen. Mitchell took no measures whatever to restrain his men from robbery and plunder, while Col. Anthony actually encouraged his men in committing outrages along the road, on the ground that they were "slaveholders" who were plundered.
I have brought these troops to this place, and shall do my best to reduce them to proper discipline, but am very doubtful of success, so long as bad officers, supported as they allege by political influence at Washington, encourage them in violating laws, regulations, and orders.
I inclose copies of these reports[2] as specimens of the allegations which have been against these Kansas troops.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. W. HALLECK, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 27, pt. II, p. 77.
7, "You will use your endeavors to cultivate a conservative, friendly feeling with the people where you may be." Pacification instructions to Federals upon occupation of Brownsville
Col. L. OZBURN, Comdg. Expedition:
You will proceed at once with your command to Brownsville and make that place the base of your operations and encamp there until otherwise ordered. You will enforce strict discipline and order in your camp by keeping your command together and not allowing them to straggle outside your lines. You will use your utmost endeavors to protect the rights of private property, suffering nothing to be taken except what is absolutely necessary for your command, and then only by paying or agreeing to pay to the owner a just compensation for the same. You will keep a vigilant [guard] posted around your camp to prevent surprise, and also to prevent your command from straggling outside the lines. Information has just been received that a force of some 300 of the enemy (Jackson's cavalry) are in the vicinity of where you will be and beyond you. You will use active measures to take them, if in your power, without hazarding your command, upon receipt of information that you may receive at any time respecting them or their movements, and you will co-operate with Maj. Wallace, of the cavalry. You will use your endeavors to cultivate a conservative, friendly feeling with the people where you may be. You will report to me your operations from time to time and any other information that you may see proper to communicate to these headquarters.
By command of Brig. Gen. J. A. Logan:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 80.
7, Major-General William T. Sherman's orders relative to termination of pillaging
ORDERS, No. 49. HDQRS., Moscow, July 7, 1862.
Stealing, robbery, and pillage has become so common in this army that it is a disgrace to any civilized people.
No officer other than the general commanding will grant passes beyond the line of pickets, and he will grant none except on extraordinary occasions.
Brig.'s may send out as heretofore the regular foraging parties with guard, strictly according to orders already issued.
Maj. Gibson will detail a patrol daily of an officer and 10 wounded men, who will patrol the country round about camp. This patrol will fire upon any party engaged in robbery and pillage, or who attempt to escape. All found outside the lines will be delivered to the provost-marshal, who will put them on bread and water until relieved by the commanding general.
This demoralizing and disgraceful practice of pillage must cease, else the country will rise on us and justly shoot us down like dogs and wild beasts.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 81.
7, "Home for the Homeless."
There will be a regular meeting of the members of this institution at 10 o'clock this morning, at the First Baptist church. This institution, if we remember aright, was organized about the 1st of April, 1860, and is composed of the most respectable, because the most benevolent ladies in the city and vicinity [sic]. Since the organization of the Home many little orphans have been gathered up in the streets and alleys of the city, and made to feel there was a home, sweet home even for them. Among the ladies who have been most laborious in this work of charity we may be allowed to mention (without disparing [sic] others) Mrs. Hurlbert and Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Hurlbert has been untiring in this commendable enterprise, and many in the last day will rise up and call her blessed. Among the evils of this civil war we have noticed with pain the rapid decay of religious interest, and the meager contributions to our benevolent institutions, unless such institutions are connected with the army. Let the ladies of the Home remember that they who give to the poor lend to the Lord, that it is more blessed to give than receive, and that in laboring to relieve the wants of the needy they are laying up treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal. Ladies, we beseech you banish all politics and war from your assemblies and churches, and let the world "behold how good and pleasant a thing it is for brothers (and sisters) to dwell together in unity."
Memphis Bulletin, July 7, 1862.
7, "Present Population of Memphis." [see July 8, 1862, "The Population of Memphis" below]
How They stand Affected towards the Federal Government.
First. There are many original Union men here, who have, without hesitation, taken the oath of allegiance, thus securing the right of protection to life, liberty and property.
Second. There is a large class of law and order men here-men who feel bound, in the very act of remaining here, to obey the "powers that be." Many of these persons have most of their property interests in States south of Tennessee, and they know full well that if they should take the oath, and acknowledge of it should reach the places where their property is located, all would be confiscated.
Thirdly, and for the present, lastly. There is a large class of men here who never discovered, until too late, how ardently they loved the Southern cause, and how anxious they were to die in the "last ditch" and shed the "last drop of blood." These men knew that, after the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson, and the evacuation of Corinth and Pillow, the road to Memphis was open both by land and water. Still they remained. They witnessed, at a safe distance on the bluff, the battle of the gunboats. They saw the rapid departure of any of their friends on the morning of that affair, but they would not flee. For a week or more after the Federal occupation of the city, the road to the South was open, and yet they lingered. Now, however, since the lines are closed, this class of men has discovered that they are victims of a ruthless tyranny. They have not been molested in person or property, which they pretended to fear-but after all this fore-bearance [sic] they are thirsting for blood. They are frantic with rage, and unless some means of ventilation is found, they must explode! They fight bloody battles on the street corners, but the favorite theatre of war is a private house, among women and children.
We have met many women of late, all palid [sic] with fear, who asked us if we knew that the Confederates would in a few days retake Memphis and cut the throats of every Union man in it, etc. The men who thus mislead them are so mad that unless the Federals leave here, they will doubtless imitate the example of the hunter in the Northeast. The hunter [who came upon] a wolf in a narrow defile, and stormed at it to leave; but it would not. Again and again, in the most emphatic matter, was the animal ordered to leave, but it remained defiant. "At last," said the hunter, "I became so mad at such obstinacy that I jumped about fifteen feet up a sapling!" There was valor for you, my countrymen-valor the like of which has never been seen, until it has been surpassed by the class of men about whom we are now speaking. To jump up a tree, instead of shooting required some spunk-to do as the king once did, "march up the hill and then march down again," an achievement which the bard has made immortal-were all glorious feats in their day. But, these are all nothing as compared to what a certain class of our own citizens would now perform.
Another wonderful display of gallantry made by this class is to allow or suffer their children and negroes [sic] to insult the wifes [sic], children and servants of Union families, when they can find them in the backyards, and when no one is present to chastise such insolence!
We appeal to all in whom any sensibility remains, to help us do something for the relief of this third class of our population. We appeal to General Grant to allow them to join the Southern army. [But, General, between us, to be read by no one else, you must swear them very closely, or they will not go. [sic] But if they cannot be allowed to go to the Southern army, (as they could not be so persuaded,) we think probably some of them might be driven out of this city, as McKinney [?] was driven from an Alabama town. McKinney was a note-shaver, and in passing around the Square one morning, he found written on a tomb-stone which was leaning against the end of a store house, this epitaph: Sacred to the memory of A. McKinney, who died in the act of shaving a note at 2½ per cent. a month!"
We find this third class of our population so interesting, that we part from them with reluctance to-day, consoled with the hope of renewing the subject to-morrow. Till then-"warrior in peace, and peace men in war!"-adieu!
Memphis Bulletin, July 7, 1862.
7, General Order [sic] No. 4
Headquarters Central Division of the Miss.,
Trenton, Tennessee, July 7, 1862
All persons within the limits of this command, holding any civil office, either State, County, City, Town or Township will file at these Headquarters, within twenty days, their Oath of Allegiance to the United States. Any one failing to do this, or evading the order in any particular, will be arrested, suspended from office, and sent to these Headquarters. A copy of the oath to be taken will be found with the Commanders of Posts and Provost Marshals.
By Order of Brig. Gen'l. G. M. Dodge
Soldier's Budget[3] [Humboldt], July 24, 1862.
7, Skirmish with guerrillas near Pierce's Mill on the Lebanon Pike[4]
Another Guerrilla Raid—Two Federal Soldiers Killed and three Wounded!
We learn from Adjutant Blakely, of the 2d Minnesota Brigade, Col. Lester, that five pickets of this Brigade were sent out yesterday, from Murfreesboro to Pierce's Mill, eight miles distant on the Lebanon pike. While at their post they were attacked by a party of men, supposed to be citizens of the neighborhood, and two were killed and three wounded. The attacking party had no horses, and are supposed to belong to the neighborhood. Seventy-five soldiers were immediately sent out in search of the assassins, who, we hope will be treated as common murderers, and not as prisoners of war. No man who joins these bodies of murderers, who do not carry on regular warfare, has any right to claim the treatment due a soldier. It is assassination to kill men as these pickets were killed and the perpetrators should be treated as such when taken. Self-preservation imperiously demands it. If vengeance be not inflicted, men will refuse to come as soldiers to a State where murderers are treated as their equals, and receive the courtesy extended to prisoners of war.
Nashville Daily Union, July 8, 1862.
7, Parson Brownlow delivers news from East Tennessee to the Philadelphia Inquirer
East Tennessee
Ed. Philada. Inquirer-Sir-I have two letters of recent date, and from reliable sources, giving me new from East Tennessee, which I desire to place you in possession of, and through you the public generally.
The persecutions of the Union men continue, and really increase in severity. The property of all Union men in the Federal Stats and army was being sold at auction, including furniture, stock, grain, agricultural implements, &c., no attention being paid to the necessities of their families. The union citizens and soldiers, who are in the prisons of Salisbury, Tuscaloosa and Mobile, are dying rapidly, from the effects of tainted meat, rotten food and starvation. The Rebel authorities seek to dispose of Union men in this way.
The whole country in East Tennessee is filled with guerilla band, who are committing all sorts of depredations on Union people, and destroying their property. The Union men in the United States army, at Cumberland Gap, are breathing threatening and slaughter against the despoilers of their homes, the consumers of their substance, and the murderers of their parents and relatives, and nothing but the (not legible) interference of Providence will prevent them from executing their threats. No military discipline will be sufficiently strong to prevent these men from the indiscriminate slaughter of those Secession leaders and soldiers who have done all this mischief.
One of the letters before me from a Union officer at Cumberland Gap, and is dated June 27th. It gives this information-"Duncan McCall is just over from Knox County, and reports 8000 Rebel troops at Knoxville, who were going to Atlanta, Georgia, by way of Maryville, distant only sixteen miles from Knoxville. The (NL) citizens had their goods packed up and marked for Atlanta, and were themselves crossing the river at Knoxville. The rebels had arrested Montgomery Thomburg, Lemuel Johnson, Esquire Galbreath, Oliver P. Temple, John Baxter, and others, and sent them to Tuscaloosa. Thomburg and Temple were dead, and the remains of the former had been brought back. Others were lying at the point of death."
Colonel Thomburg was the Commonwealth's attorney, and visited my bedside the night before I was started out of the bogus Confederacy, upon a pass granted him by the commanding officer. When he tool leave of me he held me by the band, and, with tears in his eyes, made the remark:-"Brownlow, I am glad you are going out and I hope you may arrive sage; but God only knows what will become of those of us who remain!"
Colonel Temple was a good lawyer, in comfortable circumstances, and as noble a man as lived in Tennessee. He was a Bell Everett Elector for that district in the late election for President. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. He has been my friend through evil and good report.
Colonel Baxter is a wealthy lawyer, of fine talents, and a citizen of Knoxville. He has been my friend for years, and I sympathize with his wife and ten interesting children. Certainly nothing short of an old fashioned orthodox hell with suit as a place of confinement for the persecutors of the Union men.
Philadelphia Inquirer July 9, 1862.
7, Tennessee news items
Mobile, July 5….
~ ~ ~
A special dispatch to the Tribune from Jackson, says the Memphis Argus and Avalanche have both been suppressed-the former for asking of Gen. Grant permission to publish the Southern account of McClellan's defeat at Richmond, and the latter for alleged incendiary sentiments published in the papers.
The Confederates are now within four miles of Memphis, and warm work is expected soon. Lookout for stirring events. Seventeen more of the enemy's pickets were found dead last Wednesday morning.
~ ~ ~
A dispatch from Cairo states that two companies of Illinois cavalry, whilst going up the river from Memphis, mutinied, and took possession of the steamboat. Cause not assigned. They were arrest on their arrival at Cairo.
Macon Daily Telegraph, July 7, 1862.
7, Federal Orders to Build Stockades along the Duck River to Wartrace to Guard the Railroad
HDQRS., Huntsville, July 7, 1862.
It is presumed you have not yet marched under Special Orders, No. 89.[5]
You will at once move your command for the protection of the railroad and bridges from Duck River to Wartrace inclusive, and post your force as it will best accomplish the object, guarding most carefully the most important bridges. At every bridge erect an inclosed[6] stockade in the strongest position, so as to give an effective infantry defense of the bridge. That at Duck River, where there should be not less than two companies, should be about 40 feet in diameter and perhaps octagonal shape; at the other bridges stockades about 25 feet in diameter. Gen. Negley will send to join you at once that part of Standart's battery and the Fifth Kentucky Cavalry now at Columbia. Post them with your command as may be required. It is the intention to abandon Shelbyville, and any stores should be removed to the point occupied by the principal part of your command. The object of a force where you are is to guard the Chattanooga road, and you will do all you can with this view, though not specified in this order. Arrange telegraph so as to keep a communication with us.
Copy to Gen. Negley, who will order the artillery and cavalry to move to Col. Hambright at once.
JAMES B. FRY, Chief of Staff.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 103-104.
7-8, Depredations in and about Bethel, against civilians by 7th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
There are nine communities in Tennessee with the name Bethel. It seems clear, however, from the mention of Corinth, Miss., that this incident took place in Bethel, Hardin county.
HDQRS. POST, Bethel, Tenn., July 7, 1862.
Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Corinth, Miss.:
The Seventh Regt. [sic] of Kansas Cavalry passed through this place yesterday and to-day on their way to Corinth, and ever since their first appearance I have been afraid to take from them horses they have stolen from the citizens along the route they have traveled from Jackson. I have recovered some of them and handed them over to the owners, but some have eluded me and have gone on to Corinth.
The conduct of this command since it came in this vicinity has been such that it makes one feel ashamed of the volunteer service of the U. S. Army. Complaints come to me of their having robbed the farmers of all their stock and in some cases of their watches and money. I have arrested a corporal of Company F of that regiment who went into a farmer's house and broke open his trunks and stole from them a watch and some money, and will send him to you as soon as I get the testimony in his case.
They have in some instances attempted to force the women to cohabit with them when found at home alone.
Their conduct in this vicinity has been disgraceful to the Army of the United States.
Maj. Herrick, commanding the regiment, has done all in his power to restore to the owners such property as his men have taken, as have also some others of the officers.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
W. W. SANFORD, Lieut.-Col., Comdg. Post, Bethel, Tenn.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 94.
7-11, Operations about Cumberland Gap
JULY 7-11, 1862.-Operations about Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
Report of Brig. Gen. John S. Williams, C. S. Army, commanding Army of Eastern Kentucky.
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT SOUTHEESTERN VIRGINIA, Camp near Narrows, Ky., July 13, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inclose a letter from Gen. John S. Williams, furnishing information of the enemy at Cumberland Gap. He mentions an engagement between our cavalry and that of the enemy. This communication will show the active services of this energetic and valuable officer. We had a skirmish on the 11th instant in the direction of Greenbrier River, driving the enemy back to his lines.
I have the honor, to be very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. W. LORING, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
Hon. G. W. RANDOLPH, Secretary of War.
HDQRS. ARMY OF EASTERN KENTUCKY, Camp near Liberty Hill, Ky., July 12, 1862.
GEN.: I am this morning in receipt of yours of the 10th, informing me of the movements of the enemy across Greenbrier and directing reconnaissances in the direction of Flat Top Mountain. I have kept all the time a company scouting in the vicinity of Flat Top with competent guides. My information is that the enemy has moved his camp down to the foot of the mountain in consequence of the scarcity of water. One of my scouts returned from Logan last night reports one regiment of 400 at Chapmanville, 5 miles below the Court-House. I have sent two spies into Raleigh, neither of whom has returned.
Some days ago I sent three companies of mounted men down the Clinch and Holston into Tennessee, under command of Capt. Witcher. I have a dispatch from him of the 9th. He had a fight with a company of Yankee cavalry on the 7th instant within 8 miles of Cumberland Gap, killed 16 of them and captured their colors, which he sent to me by the courier. Our loss none.
The enemy has three brigades in the neighborhood of Cumberland Gap, to wit: Garfield's brigade Ohioans on Copper Creek between the Gap, and Cumberland Ford; Garrard's Kentucky in the Gap, and Spear's Tennesseans between the Gap and the ford of Clinch. With this force there is 500 cavalry. The entire force is about 8,000.
My effective force is very much reduced by measles and mumps among the new troops and by the large scouting parties sent agreeably to your instructions toward Tennessee and Kentucky. I will keep a sharp lookout and let no opportunity escape of hitting the enemy a blow.
Yours, respectfully,
JOHN S. WILLIAMS, Brig.-Gen., &c.
P. S.-Since writing the above a courier has arrived from Buchanan, who reports 150 Yankees from Logan to be in that county plundering the people.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, pp. 784-785.
7, Army of Tennessee completes retreat to Chattanooga
HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, VIA CHATTANOOGA, July 7, 1863. (Received July 8.)
Since my report from Bridgeport, the whole army has crossed the Tennessee. The pursuit of the enemy was checked and driven back at University Place, on the Cumberland Mountains. Our movement was attended with trifling loss of men and materials.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 584.[7]
7, Wheeler and Forrest patrol above and below Kelly's Ford on Tennessee River to prevent desertion
Chattanooga, July 7, 1863:
I. Maj. Gen. Wheeler will picket the Tennessee River below Kelly's Ford; Brig.-Gen. Forest above that fort. The fords will be strictly watched to prevent desertion [from the Army of Tennessee.]
* * * *
By command of Gen. Bragg
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 902.
7, E. M. Stanton urges Major-General Rosecrans to finish off the Confederacy and Rosecrans' reply
WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, July 7, 1863.
Maj.-Gen. ROSECRANS, Tullahoma, Tenn.:
We have just received official information that Vicksburg surrendered to Gen. Grant on the 4th of July. Lee's army overthrown; Grant victorious. You and your noble army now have the chance to give the finishing blow to the rebellion. Will you neglect the chance?
EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
TULLAHOMA, July 7, 1863.
Just received your cheering dispatch announcing the fall of Vicksburg and confirming the defeat of Lee. You do not appear to observe the fact that this noble army has driven the rebels from Middle Tennessee, of which my dispatches advised you. I beg in behalf of this army that the War Department may not overlook so great an event because it is not written in letters of blood. I have now to repeat, that the rebel army has been forced from its strong entrenched positions at Shelbyville and Tullahoma, and driven over the Cumberland Mountains. My infantry advance is within 16 miles and my cavalry advance within 8 miles of the Alabama line. No organized rebel force within 25 miles of there, nor on this side of the Cumberland Mountains.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 518.
7, Military intelligence indicating heavy losses and desertions from the retreating Army of Tennessee
HDQRS. THIRD DIVISION, TWENTIETH ARMY CORPS, Cowan, July 7, 1863--11.30 a. m.
Maj.-Gen. MCCOOK, Cmdg. Twentieth Army Corps:
GEN.: I am satisfied that Bragg's army has crossed the Tennessee River. He burned the railroad bridge across the river and a number of small bridges and trestle-work between Bridgeport and this point, leaving, however, several other bridges on the road uninjured. His losses from desertion are very numerous among the Tennessee troops and others. Many of the companies have lost as many as 20 men. They are coming in in small squads, a number having come in this morning, and I hear of large numbers in the mountains who are making their way home, avoiding our army.
I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant,
P. H. SHERIDAN, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 591.
7, "The Cyprians Again."
Brigadier General Granger yesterday issued an order on the previously obtained authority of General Rosecrans, for the removal of all women of ill-fame from this city, which produced a considerable agitation in the Northern part of the city. A combination of urgent reasons makes this ejectment highly proper, and we, for one [sic], hope it may be carried out to the letter. Notification has been served on about forty of the frail sisters, who will depart on the Louisville road this morning. Notification has been served on about forty of the frail sisters, who will depart on the Louisville road this morning.
Nashville Daily Press, July 7, 1863.
7, Excerpts from a Confederate soldier's letter home in White county from Chattanooga after the Tullahoma Campaign
I have been informed just now that the mail continues to run across the mountain to Sparta....
I am safe except extreme fatigue through another considerable engagement and a long march....
* * * *
Letters are so uncertain and you care so little about our "war" that I shall not risk giving the Yanks an item to give you the news. It need not trouble you much whatever they do, as the Yanks would not go up that Hill for all you have if they were disposed to trouble you. They do not want your turning lathe nor [sic] your house furniture. If you had a horse or sow or "forage" for a man or beast, they would pay you a visit, but you have none of these and I am glad of it. I am glad you would not let me buy more than enough to live on as I wanted to do so.
I want you to keep on hand plenty to eat, and nothing more, for our own soldiers are more apt to find your house and take your supplies than the Yankees.
The Yanks think they have missed us forever but they have no idea what we mean by this retreat.
Some [Confederate] soldiers have deserted, the Yanks know it or I would not tell you, but I am glad of it as they were such as do us no good except to eat our bread and bacon.
I hope the war will end with the siege of Vicksburg which must close in a few days as Johns[t]on's army is now about moving. I do not know what to expect from Gen. Lee's movements in the least, but I know he has a very large force, larger by a great deal than he ever had before.
I can buy thread here and will do so if I see any chance to send it home. I need clothes, that is I need about two or three pr. pants and a pair of shoes and my, old boots when you get them half-soled. Send them to me the first chance. Some socks too. I captured the ammunition I promised you for your little shotgun. The powder is too coarse for a rifle. I will send you money to buy your provisions in the fall, and you must allow for me as I expect to be at home.
Diary of Amanda McDowell.
7, "How do you Confiscate?"
Yes, that's the question, how do you do it? We are all agreed that confiscation should take place, but much depends on the manner. Congress has passed laws providing for the confiscation of property owned by several classes of rebels. But is has wisely regulated the manner in which these laws shall be enforced. Nothing has been enacted, which authorizes the loyal Mr. Brown to lay violent hands on the goods, chattels, lands, and the tenements of disloyal neighbor Smith, and divide them among his destitute neighbors, though some enthusiastic person, taking a superficial view of affairs, from the stand-point of necessity, might think such taking and such disposition very beneficial in effect. Robin Hood, you will remember, was said to be quite beneficent in the disposition he made of captured property. If we remember correctly, Robin was not troubled with the cares of a large family, and therefore did not often ask for transportation to send things home. Much of what he took from the rich, he is said to have given graciously to the poor. [The reader will observe we use the word "took" in speaking of Mr. Hood. Some have used the word stole; but his vulgarism has become obsolete.] And you should bear in mind, it is not because we suspect that Mr. Brown, in confiscating the disloyal Smith's property, would keep any of it himself, that we object to his style. We don't believe B. or anybody else capable of such a thing. True, some malevolent persons, even in this community, have asserted that, during last winter, when our soldiers were forced, by extreme cold weather, to burn a few fences around the city, certain non-combatant persons living in the vicinity seized the opportunity to replenish their wood-piles, and really burned more yards of fence than the soldiers did. But this is, no doubt, a calumny hatched by some envious fellow who was to indolent or too timid to get any good dry planks, posts, or rails for his own use.
This is somewhat digressive. Let us return. It is not only law, but a principle underlying the very foundation of civilization, that when one man takes another's property at the bidding of the Government, he must observe certain forms of proceeding, intended to shut out the possibility of private interest in the matter. And it is just as needful that these forms be observed in taking a man's property as in taking his life, for if you take away all a man hath, his life must follow, for want of sustenance to keep body and soul together. Now, if you could just see as plainly the consequence of taking away property without due form of law, as you can see the consequence of taking away life without due form of law, perhaps you might open your eyes as they had never before been opened upon the stupendous verb to take [sic]. You know who it is that, in this once rational but now distracted country, was wont to take life, by hanging people-the sheriff. He always did it in the regular way; like a Christian [sic], in obedience to the solemn order of an impartial Court, upon the verdict of twelve good and true men, before whom the unfortunate culprit had enjoyed every advantage of defense. And he usually did it with tears in his eyes, as a tender mother chastizes [sic] her erring child. If you have ever been led by curiosity to witness one of those awful sights, you have felt almost as much sorrow for the sheriff as for the poor criminal. But mark how different would be your feelings, if the sheriff proceeded without due process of law; and you will see that conformity to law sanctifies everything. Suppose you should see the sheriff coming down the street with a rope in his hand. Presently he approached a man standing near you, and says, "Yes, you are the murderer I have been hunting for. Your killed farmer Wilson, last year, in his own wheatfield. Come, Sir, I shall proceed at once to hang you." And tying the rope about the man's neck, while he makes loud protestations of innocence, and begs the privilege of a hearing, the sheriff orders his deputy to go quickly and erect the gallows. Would you not feel like taking the poor man's part, and helping him to hang the sheriff? And it might occur to your mind, naturally enough, from the sheriff's manner of doing the business, that the man had killed nobody, but had perhaps whipped the sheriff last year, before he was elected, at a barn dance.
Now then, while your eyes are wide open, just turn them to an act of confiscation, done in the same style as the latter job of hanging we mentioned. And lest some should take occasion to insinuate, we make the case too strong, we will use a Jew for the supposed victim. We can use a Jew as we please, you know. [sic] He has no rights under the constitution, nor under the ten commandments. If you prick him, he will not bleed; if you tickle him, he will not laugh. Old Shylock said the contrary; but Shylock was a Copperhead. Here comes a Jew with some merchandise. Did you ever see one who had not some merchandise? He arrives with it at the Depot in Nashville, and it is seized by a detective. He has no permit or the permit is not right, or it was obtained fraudulently. Suppose the detective, instead of turning over the suspected goods, as he does, to the treasury agent whose business it is to put them through a regular course of law, should simply lay the matter before an extemporized court, composed of his own associates in the detective business, in a room in one corner of which stands a little stack of sabres and carbines, and in another lie an ominous looking ball and chain. Look at the Jew, as he comes in to plead for his goods. Though he neither bleeds nor laughs, you can see he trembles and sweats. And well he may tremble, for as he passed the guard sitting with a bayonet at the door, he heard him say something about "the d____d Christ-killer." Don't you see that if this were the Court in which it is to be determined whether or not the goods shall be condemned to confiscation, the Jew is not in a condition to assert or defend his right, if it were possible for a Jew to have any? How much better it looks, even when the owner is a Jew, if the goods are regularly tired in a Court of Justice, as they are in this part of the country. If the man was not guilty of wrong in shipping his goods, they are restored to him, though he may be a Jew; for although every one admits he has no right to be a Jew, yet the law has not chosen to divest men of their property for so small an indiscretion. If he was guilty, the goods are sold for as much as they will bring, and the money is rigidly accounted for to Uncle Sam.
These lines are chiefly intended to awaken reflection in the minds of some who seem to think the word confiscate means to take. [sic] To confiscate, in the sense intended by the laws of Congress, you must first prove that the owner of why you would confiscate has been guilty of the crime for which confiscation is the penalty; or that the property itself was used, with his consent, in aiding the war against the Government. And it is a most wholesome provision of law, that the proof must be produced before a Court which has no share in the proceeds of confiscation. This is not mentioned because we are so uncharitable as to think that any such set of men in this age of the world would condemn goods, just to get a share in what they might bring when sold, but simply because, if the Court did get a share, the man in the moon, or some other envious fellow might say: "It doesn't look right."
Nashville Daily Press, July 7, 1863.
7, Tennesseans desert the Army of Tennessee and the lack of a decisive victory over Bragg
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Tennesseeans [sic] have deserted from the Southern army and are now wandering about in the mountains, endeavoring to get to their homes. They are mostly conscripted men. My command has gathered up hundreds, and the mountains and coves in this vicinity are said to be full of them.
* * * *
Stragglers and deserters from Bragg's army continue to come in. It is doubtless unfortunate for the country that rain and bad roads prevented our following up Bragg closely and forcing him to fight in the present demoralized condition of his army. We would have been certain of a decisive victory.
Beatty, Citizen Soldier, pp. 294-295.
7, "A Novel Fight."
A rather novel fight came off yesterday evening at the corner of Third and Overton streets. The combatants were both females-one with a skin as dark as the shades of night, the other, with hues of the morning light – got into some difficulty, from which they could not well get out again, unless they could do so by a regular pitch battle. So they went into a contest, which afforded no little merriment to the bystanders. The amusement of the assembled company, however, was cut short by the arrival on the spot of the armed neutrality forces known as the "stars," who were represented in the person of officer Reilly and Viars, who put a stop to the proceedings.
Memphis Bulletin, July 8, 1863.
7, "Disgusting Spectacle."
A lady in her sphere of modest virtues is entitled to our highest respect, but a woman in her vices necessarily produces in our minds a feeling of the deepest aversion. Why it is we cannot tell, yet nothing is more certain than that [of] the sight of a woman who degrades herself by getting drunk and indulging in the grosser vices of men, excites within us a feeling of the most intense disgust. We saw an object of this kind in our rounds yesterday. The starts had come up, with a woman who was very drunk, and most disgustingly profane. This creature was using the most horrid oaths with a volubility perfectly shocking. We passed on with the inward thought that a vicious woman should far outdo the sterner sex in pursuing a course of vicious conduct.
Memphis Bulletin, July 8, 1863.
7, "We have good times here with the exception of rashons [sic]. There is a whore house not 25 yards from our front door. There is 6 women belong to it." One Federal soldier's remarks about Tullahoma soon after the Confederate withdrawal[8]
July the 7th 1863
Respected Brother,
I again embrace the present opportunity of writing you these few lines in order to let you know that I am well at present and I hope when these few lines comes to hand that they may find you in the same state of health.
Well, Cord, we have advanced as far as Tullahoma, Tenn. We have first heard of the down fall of Vicksburg. We fired a salute about an hour ago. They fired 36 shots. Well, Cord, we are giving old Bragg hell from the serve. My regiment is about 18 miles in front. I am not with the reg. I had to stay back to guard some tools and I am at Tullahoma. Rashons [sic] is scarce as hell here. I saw Charley Reeder and Frank Shrivers yesterday. They are in the 15th OVI. Their division is Provost Guards of this town.
My squad of 13 is quartered in a vacant building right in town. We have good times here with the exception of rashons [sic]. There is a whore house not 25 yards from our front door. There is 6 women belong to it.
All we get to eat we have to steal and I am damn good at that too. There is about 200 rebel prisoners in town at this time and are still coming in every day they parol [sic] them as fast as they can. They think the war will be over before very long. We have had rain here every day for 2 weeks and more. The roads is almost impossible to move [on] now.
Cord, I have not heard from you sense I heard you had the butternuts taking of off you at Chandlersville [sic]. We had a fight at Hoovers Gap. We had one man wounded in our Company but not serious. His name is Pury Cray. He is the biggest man in the company. The 17th Ohio regiment had 2 killed and 22 wounded. That is the Reg[iment] Jasper Devault is in. He is well as ever I saw him.
Well, Cord, this is Rebel paper I am writing on for I cant [sic] get up to my knapsack. I will have to send this letter without paying the postage for I have no stamps at present.
Cord, I heard from Mother about 2 weeks ago. She wrote she was going to Canada in a few days after she wrote me. She can go to ---- for all I care.
I stole my canteen full of whisky last night and got tight as ass [sic] and we stole about a half a barrel of sugar and a box of cornmeal and we traded them off for skin at the whore house. We can sell sugar here for 200 dollars per pound and coffee for 5 dollars per pound and Stogas boots from $35 to 50 per pare and whisky 5 dollars per pint. That is what the rebel prisoners tell us and every thing else sells accordingly.
Well, Cord, it is getting dark and I will have to close my letter for the present by requesting you to write soon and often and I will answer. Direct to Nashville Tennessee in care of Capt. James Krochester, Co. B, 31st OVI, Army of the Cumberland.
Cord, read a portion of this letter to Pap and oblige me your humble servant to his brother David I. Pierce from Damascus. Pierce is in the Army. Tell Sarah A. Irwin that I am well and in good spirits.
So good by for the present give my love to all.
7, Fifth and Concluding Day of the State Union Convention
State Union Convention – Fifth Day
Morning Session
Mr. Vice President, Col. Crawford in the chair.
The Chair – The convention will come to order.
Mr. Dolbear – Mr.. President, if it is in order I would like to say upon the questions raised here – the mighty questions for the welfare of Tennessee's redeem option, very much, and yet I desire to assure the people of East Tennessee that the Union men of Nashville have suffered very much for a cause dear to them. But, what I desire to assure the people of East Tennessee that the Union men of Nashville want you of the Eastern part of the State to help us put down the rebellion in Nashville. I desire you to save us from our friends. I see published in a paper of this city, and published to the world, that when a man wanted a favor, that is nine cases out of ten it was granted to rebels. Now I desire to ask, are a majority of the Tennessee army disloyal? Is President Lincoln disloyal? I think not. There is as much loyalty in the United States army as any army that ever trod the earth. Perhaps more. They have done all that a patriotic army might be expected to do, yet we have some records that ought to be looked into. I have some here in my hand that I desire to read to the members of this body, and let them say if they are not proofs of a disloyalty worthy of being put down. We need some one to save us from rebellion and treason in Nashville. I recollect when we had an election here, and Foster,[9] a notorious rebel, got a large majority of votes of the city, and men who have figured largely here were his friends and supporters. I find in the city prints of this city [sic] the following choice piece of loyalty signed by Mr. Brien and others.
[He then read them, but refused to pass them to this reporter.]
I do not see the gentleman present. If he was present I should like to inquire if it got in the public prints with his knowledge, or whether his name was used without authority. One thing I do know, and that is, at the table in this city, that I heard persons, now figuring largely in this body, say that they would like to hang all of the Union abolitionists; yes, they were anxious to tie the rope, and such choice expressions. I did not know for whom they were intended; on, no! It was not convenient to know at that time. I went to Governor Johnson last summer, when the city was threatened, and asked him to furnish guns to such Union men as might engaged to defend the city one month, and we readily got them. We wanted, at the expiration of the time, to organized for six months, which such pay as was absolutely necessary for the support of the families of the companies. Governor Johnson said it was too much personal responsibility for him to assume, and asked me to submit the proposition to the city authorities. I did so, and Judge Brien ridiculed the idea and said if we had patriotism we could fight without pay. He now wants to arm Negroes; yet I must insist that if we had been sustained – over five hundred Union men as well as the Negroes he is so desirous to raise.
[The gentleman here read an extract from the Union & American signed by Mr. Cheatham, which he refused to hand to us, and continued.]
A few days ago Mr. Cheatham was appointed to represent us loyal men in Nashville in the celebration of the 4th of July. Did he go with us? No, or at least the only time I saw him, he was entering a stable. When we had a celebration last February, he never joined in the procession until we had passed some secession house on the way. He had no disposition to be seen only in sight of Union men. There are other gentlemen who figure in this Convention who –
Mr. Campbell – Mr. President, I rise to a point of order. No good can possibly come out of this order of debate. We do not, if I am correct, desire this crimination and recrimination.
Dr. Brownlow – Mr. President, I am no party to the wrangle between the Unionists of Nashville. We have been speaking freely upon all subjects, and I am opposed to gagging this man. My public record is public property, and if gentlemen have chosen to make a record let them have it ventilated.
Mr. Maynard – Mr. President, we will never put this rebellion down without hurting feelings. As a matter of taste I might agree with Mr. Campbell, but it is a mere question of taste. If I was to make a talk upon this subject, I might not employ the phraseology of my friend or of Mr. Dolbear, yet we ought to allow full and free discussion upon all –
Mr. Campbell - I do not wish to interfere with free discussion, yet, there is no good possibly to come out of this besides it is wholly out of order. I may in fact right –
Mr. Dowdy – These same documents are arrayed against these gentlemen in the Union Club and they appeared and defended themselves, and were triumphantly sustained by that body. I oppose the whole thing unless the gentleman were here to answer for themselves.
Mr. Dolbear – I know that some wise man has said that fighting shadows was a safe thing. I could be allowed to go on if this were a mere shadow. I wish gentlemen could have been herein the Union Club and have heard how that defence –
Mr. Tomeny – I insist Mr. Chairman that the gentleman is out of order. Let us have the minutes read and then if the gentlemen want to hear that strain I shall not object.
Chair – The Gentleman is clearly out of order.
Clerk – Mr. Harrison has the minutes.
Chair – The reading of the minutes is dispensed with.
Mr. Tomeny – Mr. President, I have a resolution to read. I think this body should give an expression upon the subject. They are very nearly those passed by a large Union meeting in Memphis:
Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, the causes and circumstances which induced President Lincoln to declare certain districts in Tennessee in insurrection, after having once recognized those portions of the State as being loyal, have passed away, and that the disabilities and restrictions placed upon the people and the State, in consequence of the said action of the President, should now be removed, and the loyal people restored to all the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.
Resolved, That ---- ---- ---- be appointed a committee to correspond with the President upon that subject and to submit him these resolutions.
Mr. Campbell – Mr. President, if in order I will call up the resolution I offered yesterday.
Mr. Dowdy – If in order I move the adoption of the resolution of the gentleman from Shelby.
Mr. Maynard – As it is so important [a] resolution, I desire it reread that all may understand it. Let the Secretary read it.
It was read.
'Mr. Campbell – I presume that the resolution of mine, offered yesterday, is now in order, I desire it taken up and acted on.
Mr. Stubblefield – I move this meeting do now adjourn. We have done all we can do. We have been harmonious and its continuance might do harm.
Mr. Bingham – I desire to say before the Convention adjourns, that as long as there is a lurking rebel feeling in the State, that this Convention appoint nine gentlemen in different parts of it, to act as an Executive Committee, who will keep the authorities posted as to the condition of affairs in the different parts of the State.
Mr. Tomeny – I second the motion. To have such a committee will do good. I do not wish to detain the Convention if it wants to adjourn, but I want to read a resolution. While we are restoring we Union, we can do this also.
Mr. Campbell – I withdraw the motion that we take up the resolution of mine offered yesterday, that I more move an adjournment sine die.
Mr. Tomeny – I would be glad if the gentleman would withdraw his motion, or adjournment until the Convention could act on my resolution.
Mr. Maynard – I think it no great demand on the part of the gentleman from Shelby to ask this Convention to give an opinion point. He is under obligations to those he represents, to present it to this meeting. I can say to him and his colleague that I have no hesitation in saying that I regard it as exceedingly hazardous in thus Convention to express an opinion on the subject, and yet I feel they have a right to ask of this body some action upon the resolution. It is but due as an act of courtesy.
Mr. Campbell – I do not aim when I moved an adjournment to be discourteous.
Mr. Maynard - I know that the gentleman is the last one to be discourteous to any one.
Dr. Brownlow – I hope the house will not adjourn until action has been had on the resolutions of the gentleman from Shelby. They are gentlemen of intelligence, and they are gentlemen. I know them. I shall vote against the proposition, and I will state to them the reason I shall vote against them; yet they but do what I or you would do if we were in their places. The reason I have I will tell to them and the Convention. Mr. Chase told me that there was admitted 3,000,000 dollars worth of goods in less than three months, into the city of Memphis. I told him that I did not think that one half of that amount could be used there, and he agreed with me. No, full one half found it way into Dixie. We have here, in Nashville, for a population twice that of Memphis – leaving many counties open to trade here – only 2,870,000 dollars with of goods allowed, and that ought to be curtailed. It is too much. There are more goods in Nashville than you could shake a stick at. We have a secret police[10] going around looking for salt. How many barrels to you suppose were found?
Mr. Bingham – I suppose about one hundred.
Dr. Brownlow – No, we found eighteen hundred (1800) barrels, and are not done hunting yet. Much of this salt has been bought for those who fled at the fall of Fort Donelson, and have gone as Ward's ducks[11] went - hellward, and that is South. Such men as Judge Brien wanted yesterday to come back here and out of which he expected to make good Union men. I want them here to hang them, and then salt their carcasses in with this salt. I want them embalmed in this salt for monuments of the folly and wickedness of this hell-deserving and hell-tending rebellion. I have given permits to several poor women who aroused my sympathies, that the military authorities would not recognize. But the women are not here before this meeting and I shall not speak of them.
Mr. Maynard – No, don't get after the women.
Dr. Brownlow – I wish men would not get after the women – I have seen too much of that already. Some cowardly rebels send their women to get permits and passes, and I am sorry to say, often get advantages in that way; that they should not have.
Mr. Tomeny – The authorities do not allow but two dollars apiece for our population. That is not enough.
Mr. East – This district is not allowed but $1.50 apiece.
Mr. Bingham – I am aware that frauds have been practiced upon the Government in the Memphis Department. Recent investigation has shown that full one half of the goods shipped for the Memphis market found their way to Little Rock. Several barrels marked "flour," were recently captured by the now efficient authorities, shipped from St. Louis, containing percussion caps, intended for the rebels. The military authorities of Memphis are now vigilant. I say so the more readily as Mr. Smith, or recent Provost Marshal, is no more. He cannot be affected now, having fallen at Vicksburg recently. Prior to our present rule it was common to say among the citizens of our place, Union men depend on their patriotism, and the rebels on their money and that the rebels always succeed. I move to lay the resolution on the table.
Mr. Maynard – I second the motion.
Dr. Brownlow – Put it to the House.
The motion was put and rejected. Mr. Tomeny only voting nay [sic].
Mr. Campbell – I insist on my motion for adjournment, sine die.
Mr. Brownlow – Sine die! [sic].
Mr. Tomeny – Let it be at the call of the executive committee.
Col. Houck – When did a resolution pass, making an executive committee [?]
The Chair – This morning.
Mr. Campbell – I accept of the suggestion of the gentleman from Shelby, to adjourn, subject to the call of the executive committee. I now insist on the question.
The Convention then adjourned.
Nashville Daily Press, July 8, 1863.
7, Protestant-Episcopal church services scheduled in Confederate Chattanooga
We are gratified to learn that our esteemed friend, Dr. Charles T. Quintard, late Rector of the "Church of the Advent" at Nashville, and at present chaplain of the 1st Tennessee regiment, is taking steps to have the Protestant Episcopal Church in this city, put in readiness for regular church services every Sabbath. A fund is being raised to procure and furnish the church with comfortable seats. It is hooped every friend of Christianity, and every citizen of Chattanooga, will contributer to this fund. Subscriptions may be handed to Dr. Quintard, or to Mr. Roberts at the Rebel Office.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, July 7, 1863.[12]
7-9, Patrol, Union City to Jackson and Trenton environs
UNION CITY, July 9, 1863.
GEN.: The patrol sent out on the afternoon of July 7 returned to-day, and reported that, having been about 15 miles this side of Jackson, they found the enemy around Jackson and Trenton, conscripting for the rebel army. The enemy is reported to be 800 men at Trenton and 1,500 men at Jackson.
Another patrol, having been sent to Gardner's Station yesterday evening [8th], returned, and report that several loyal citizens stated that every day wagons passed through their place, loaded with boots and other clothing, provided with permits from Paducah; that they are expecting to be sent to the rebel lines. Please give me information for further action.
Very respectfully,
G. C. ROSE, Capt., Cmdg. Post.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 526.
7-9, Confederate conscript sweep in Trenton, Jackson environs [see July 7-9, 1863, Patrol, Union City to Jackson and Trenton environs above]
7-22, Expedition from Pocahontas to Pontotoc, Mississippi
No circumstantial reports filed.
7, Wounding of a Tennessee prisoner-of-war at Camp Chase, Ohio
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, July 19, 1864.
Col. W. HOFFMAN, Commissary-Gen. of Prisoners, Washington City, D. C.:
COL.: I have the honor to report that on the 7th instant Private Junius Cloyd, Seventh Regt. [sic] Tennessee Cavalry [Macon County], prisoner of war at this post, was shot and wounded in the left leg below the knee under the footing circumstances: A ditch divides Prison No. 3, and all the prisoners were placed on the side of the ditch for the purpose of calling the roll and counting them. Each prisoner was required to answer his name and pass to the other side of the ditch and there remain until the call was finished. The prisoner had been called and passed, but refused to remain in his proper place. Having made several attempts to cross over to those who had not been called, and persisting after repeated warnings, he was fired upon and wounded, as before stated. The injury was so severe as to require amputation.
He is doing well.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. P. RICHARDSON, Col. Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, pp. 474-475.
7, Confederate hostages serve as "railroad guards." [see also July 9, 1864, "More Conscripts for the Train Guard" below]
"An Act of Retaliation."
It will be seen by an order from Gen. Washburn, elsewhere in our columns[13], that in view of the recent attacks upon railroad trains running between this city and Saulsbury, by Confederate soldiers and guerrillas, he has been forced to the necessity of taking stringent measures for the suppression of such acts in the future. The order provides for the arrest of forty of the most prominent and bitter 'secesh," residents in and between Memphis and LaGrange, who are to be placed in squads of twenty in the most conspicuous positions on the train running to and from this city each day, so that those giving aid and comfort to rebels may, in case of further attacks, be made to suffer as well as innocent citizens and Federal soldiers. This course will be persisted in until such attacks on the part of the enemy are stopped with the assurance that they will not be resumed. The order states that several citizens of Memphis who have publicly applauded thus murderous business, will be awarded the most prominent and dangerous positions on the cars, and that quarters will be provided for them at White's Station, where they will receive proper care and treatment. No fair minded person will for a moment dispute the justice of this order, which is only calculated to put a stop to a barbarous system of warfare on the defenders of the Union by lawless, unorganized parties of guerrillas infesting the line of railroad from this city; it is a proper retaliation, and will no doubt net prolific of good results to all concerned. It is high time that such steps were adopted. The execution of this order is entrusted to Brig. Gen. Hatch, commanding the cavalry division.
Memphis Bulletin, July 7, 1864.
7, Citizens held responsible for repair of telegraph lines; Special Orders, No. 158[14]
Headquarters District of Tennessee
Nashville, Tenn., July 7, 1864
* * * *
The telegraph line between Nashville and Smithland, being continually molested by guerrillas and other evil disposed persons, the disloyal citizens living within five miles of the line, in either direction, will hereafter beheld responsible for the preservation, and whenever the wire is broken or otherwise injured, such disloyal citizens may be assessed to pay damaged and required to make all necessary repairs, or assist in making them, when notified. The citizens can and must prevent the continued breaking of the line.
By order of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau
Nashville Daily Press, July 11, 1864.
7, Tennessee Laurel Tories Attack Civilians in North Carolina
From Western North Carolina.-A correspondent of the Asheville News, writing from Madison county, N.C. says:
As you are aware, the citizens of this section have suffered enormously, within the last twelve months, at the hands of the "Laurel Tories." Scarcely a week has passed that has not witnessed the robbery of some poor soldier's family, or the murder of a good soldier or citizen. Several families have been so thoroughly robbed that actual suffering, and almost starvation, has been the consequence. Others, to escape murder and starvation and believing "discretion to be the better part of valor:" moved with their goods and chattels to more congenial climes.
By the way, let me relate an instance of great suffering and patriotic endurance. "Old Bill Shelton," of Laurel notoriety, in company with a part of history band, went to the house of a respectable citizen, who lived just over the line in Washington county, Tenn., and after murdering the landlord and his son, robbed the family of everything valuable on the place. They even stripped the clothing from the backs of the children. All this, too, when the landlady was confined to bed with an infant only one week old! This same family is now destitute of everything necessary to their health and comfort; and can scarcely obtain food enough to keep soul and body together. In a conversation with this lady in reference to her sufferings and sacrifices, she quietly remarked to the writer that we would not know how to appreciate liberty unless we made sacrifices to obtain it; that no sacrifice, however great, would be withheld by her, if necessary to the achievement of our independence; that, if necessary, she would lay her own body beside those of her murdered husband and son, as a sacrifice in the great cause of freedom. Noble woman! Would to God that every heart in the land beat in patriotic unison with her's.
The name of this heroine of East Tennessee would be given, but for reasons best known and understood by those living where she lives.
Fayetteville Observer, (Fayetteville, NC) July 07, 1864. [15]
7, Assistance for East Tennesse
Relief of East Tennessee
Received since the last announcement:-
From S.D., by the and of Rev. Edmund
Previously reported 101,914.98
Total $101,939.98
I subjoin a letter from Rev. Dr. Humes, chairman of the E. T. Relief Association, containing a copy of a vote of thanks adopted at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee, on the receipt of the Executive Committee, on the receipt of the report of Mrs. Ticknor and Miss Loring from the Ladies' Sewing Circle, which appeared in the Daily Advertiser of the 11th June.
Edward Everett
Knoxville, Tenn., June 22, 1864.
Dear Sir:-
At the regular meeting if the Executive Committee of the E.T. Relief Association, held today, it was unanimously-
"Resolved, That the Chairman be instructed to tender the thanks of this Society to Mrs. Ticknor and Miss Loring, and to the Ladies of the Sewing Circle of Boston, whom they represent, for their kind sympathy and benevolent labors, on behalf of the destitute and suffering of people of East Tennessee; and that this insufficient tribute to their active patriotism and friendship be placed upon the records of the Committee, in token, not only of gratitude, but also of our desire that the memory of their names and good deeds be cherished and perpetuated in our mountain homes, long after the garments, with which they have clothed their need countrymen shall have perished."
I need scarcely say that it gives me peculiar pleasure to comply with the directions of the Committee, and to communicate, as I beg leave to do through you, to Mrs. Ticknor and Miss Loring, a copy of the above resolution of thanks.
With the assurance of my strong and sincere appreciation of their practical good will, I am,
Yours truly and respectfully,
Boston Daily Advertiser, (Boston, MA) July 07, 1864. [16]
7 William G. Brownlow's Polemic Supporting East Tennessee Troops and Denunciation of Their Neglect by the Northern Press
A Protest Against the Neglect of East Tennessee Troops.
We find the following communication in the last number of Dr. Brownlow's Whig. We endorse it inn every essential particular. There are officers and correspondents in the army who sneer at Southern loyalists who, had the been natives or residents of the South at the breaking out of the rebellion would have been as wicked and infamous rebels as they are now mean and contemptible Union men. Of course we do not speak of either officers or correspondents as a class, but only of a number of light headed chaps who have not the good sense to appreciate courage and patriotism, nor the honesty to do people justice if they had the sense to discern their merits:
From the Knoxville Whig:
East Tennessee Troops.
We have not in the United States service, from the various counties of East Tennessee somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty thousand as brave soldiers as ever kept step to the music of the Union. Some counties are almost depopulated, all their able-bodied men having entered the Union army, many of these have now been serving their country for nearly three years. Their service has been of the most dangerous and fatiguing character. Long marches and constant employment have marked their career. From the chaotic state in which them made their way to Camp Dick Robinson, and other points in the national lines, up to the period of their most perfect organization into regiments which would have adorned the imperial army of Napoleon, they have borne a gallant and conspicuous part in the campaigns of the West-in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, &c.
Deprived of the advantages of outer troops, having never enjoyed the luxury of drilling in camps of instruction for months before entering the field, but having marched from their avocations at home to the scenes of war upon the many fields of blood in which they have been engaged, they have written a name upon the pages of truthful history[17] over which their remotest posterity will delight to boast. Upon the battlefield from the romantic summit of "Wild Cat," the more level plains of "Logan's Cross Roads," commonly known as "Mill Spring," all the subsequent campaigns in Kentucky, including the capture, evacuation and retreat from Cumberland Gap; amid the snow caped mountains of the Kanawha region; in the smoke of battlefield and gush of blood upon the fertile fields of Stone River; in the storm of Chickamauga where stouts hearts yielded; upon the rugged heights of Lookout Mountain; in the various campaigns in Tennessee, down to the gallant and heroic but bloody and almost fatal charge at Resaca, have these men gloriously vindicated the ancient renown of the "Volunteer State," and demonstrated to the world that the spirit which led their fathers to, and animated them in the memorable struggle at King's Mountain, still lives in beaming splendor, leading our brave sons onward to victory and deeds of daring. East Tennessee has now in the field more than her quota of troops.
They are led by brave and experienced officers, whose tactics consist not in show, pomp and parade, but in knowing how, and being willing to fight.
It is impossible to enumerate all the brave and meritorious officers connected with the Tennessee service. To do so would exhaust our space without saying another word. Therefore, we are inclined to refer to none, other than incidentally. But we had intended to say a few words in regard to the dispositions of newspaper army correspondents. Many of them are of that class of men who are prone to become the lick-spittles of the first respectable looking man who speaks kindly totem. Being from that section that some of the more conceited are in the habit of calling" God's country," they generally associate with officer from the same locality, and to show that no good thing can come out of Nazareth, they write long winded letters to Northern papers exalting the deeds of their favorites, making them approach to the sublime, although they may partake of the ridiculous, and passing b in silence the actions of others, or if they write anything in reference to their conduct, it is put up in a style to keep the favorite idea of "God's country" predominantly in view. The Crosses, and coopers, and Shellys may storm the works of the enemy at Resaca in such gallant manner as to win the praise of an admiring and brave army, but it is set down as a slight affair by these hired scribblers. And why? Because they do not live beyond the Ohio. They do not pander to, not treat, nor pay these fellows to make them heroes on paper.
Jim Brownlow[18] may charge the enemy's lines with such skill, courage and desperation as to command the admiration of the enemy, but it is never heard of, because he is an East Tennessean. And some might continue to illustrate and compare, but neither time, nor space not inclination will permit it.
In consideration of this article, we wish two things distinctly to be understood: By our remarks in regard to "God's country," "beyond the Ohio," &c., we do not desire to raise or cultivate a spirit of sectional jealously, but to rebuke the popinjays who are in the habit of such unbecoming conduct. Nor is it our desire that our remarks touching correspondence shall apply to all of this vocation, for we have found many gentlemen among them. We intend the shoe for the foot it will fit. More may be said in the future touching these things.
Chattanooga Daily Gazette, July 7, 1864. [19]
7-9, Scout from Kingston to England Cove [see July 12-18, 1864, "Scout from Kingston to England Cove" below]
[1] Most likely the Big Obion.
[2] See June 26 and 30, 1862 above.
[3] The Soldier's Budget was apparently the official paper of the Twelfth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry [a.k.a. "The Marching 12th"] then stationed at Humboldt.
[4] Not identified in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee or the OR.
[5] Not found.
[6] Not found.
[7] Not listed in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
[8] Attributed to the "Pierce Letter; neither Pierce nor his Federal army unit are identified.
[9] Not identified.
[10] Brownlow was a "Special Agent" for the United States Treasury in Nashville, responsible for ferreting out illegal trade to Confederate forces. See July 11, 1863, "Assistant Special Treasury Agent William G. Brownlow on Federal Trade Policy in occupied Nashville," below.
[11] The meaning of this allusion is not known.
[13] The order referred to was not found in this issue of the Bulletin or any following number for one month's time. However, in an article about the policy in the July 9, 1864 issue of the Bulletin it is indicated that it was General Orders, No. 74.
[14] Because the type is blurred it is not certain if this is 153 or 158, although the latter appears most likely.
[15] TSL&A, 19th CN.
[16] TSL&A, 19th CN.
[17] As opposed to untruthful history. POV.
[18] Colonel James Brownlow, W. G. Brownlow's son.
[19] TSL&A, 19th CN.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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