Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

10, President of the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad receives instructions relative to executing duties as Assistant Quartermaster General for Tennessee and adjoining states
RICHMOND, VA., September 10, 1861.
Maj. V. K. STEVENSON, Assistant Quartermaster, Richmond, Va.:
SIR: In assuming the duties of chief of the quartermaster's department in the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas, Nashville, in Tennessee, is designated as the point at which your principal depot of supplies will be established and where you will be stationed. The objects confided to your supervision empower you to established sub-depots at the most eligible points within the district of country designated above for supplying the various divisions of the army in the field, as also the several military camps. The clothing for the army in sufficient quantities for the several commands is an object of the utmost solicitude, and to keep up the necessary supply you will please direct your especial attention. Tents, camp kettles, mess-pans, axes, spades, picks, crowbars, hatchets, &c., comprise the camp and garrison equipage that you will be called upon to furnish from time to time, and which should be renewed in anticipation of demands for it.
The item of transportation, so essential to the successful movement of troops on campaign, you should at once organize, by collecting at convenient points wagons, harness, and draft animals adequate to the magnitude of the military operations that will be conducted during the war. The cities of New Orleans and Mobile are now the depots for supplying large bodies of troops. At these points officers of the Quartermaster's Department are stationed for the purpose--Maj. I. T. Winnemore at New Orleans and Mr. Julius Hessee at Mobile. Should circumstances render it necessary for you to seek supplies in those markets, you should do so through the agents named. Maj. W. J. Anderson is the depot quartermaster at Memphis and Maj. George W. Clarke at Fort Smith, Ark. Maj. Clarke has been drawing supplies for Gen. McCulloch's command from New Orleans. In future you will supply them. From your perfect familiarity with the resources of the States in which your operations will be conducted, it is which the utmost confidence you are intrusted with the high duties of your office. Funds will be remitted you on your estimates for purchasing supplies and disbursement for hire of houses, labor, &c. Make your estimates in time, and designate how they should be sent and the kind; how much in Confederate bonds and how much in Treasury notes. Clerks are limited to $1,000 per annum.
A. C. MYERS, Quartermaster-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, pp. 142-143.

10, “Warning to Fast Young Men.”
Yesterday afternoon a young man, clerk in one of our large stores on Main street, succeeded in obtaining a pass to Vicksburg for a prostitute, by palming her off as a respectable northern lady on her way to visit a sick brother in the army. The true character of the female being discovered soon after she and her gallant left the Provost Marshal’s office, the hopeful pair were brought back under arrest. The gentleman (?) [sic] receives free board and lodging in the Irving Hotel until his examination takes place, while the fair, frail one was permitted to depart in peace.
Memphis Bulletin, September 10, 1863.

10, Skirmish at Woodbury
SEPTEMBER 10, 1864.--Skirmish at Woodbury, Tenn.
Report of Col. Thomas J. Jordan, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
HDQRS. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY, Woodbury, Tenn., September 10, 1864.
MAJ.: I respectfully report that at 2 p.m., as my command was approaching Stone's River, on the edge of Woodbury, that my advance fell upon a detachment of rebels under the command of Lieut.-Col. Anderson, Fourth [Eighth] Tennessee (rebel) Cavalry, numbering 150. The attack was made by the enemy, and was very spirited for a few minutes, till I could get my men in position. In ten minutes the enemy began to retreat in the direction of Auburn toward Lebanon. I followed them three miles, capturing 4 of the enemy, 2 of whom are very badly wounded. In the action I had 2 men wounded, 1 very badly, and 1 disabled by his horse falling on him during the charge. The prisoners say that they are detailed from Williams' division, and that they left the command as a scouting party and to communicate with Wheeler. They were within six miles of Sparta when detailed, and followed a road, leaving McMinnville to the left as they came here. They say Williams passed through McMinnville day before yesterday afternoon, and is now at Sparta. I will encamp on the Murfreesborough road, two miles from Woodbury to-night, and send back my wounded. The ambulances and detail will return, so that I can march in the morning, and will bring any orders you may have to send. There are several of the enemy badly wounded in this neighborhood whom I will parole to report to you at Murfreesborough as soon as they are able to travel.
Respectfully reported.
THOS. J. JORDAN, Col. Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 501-502.

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