Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

5, At Camp Zollicoffer, near Jacksboro, Claiborne County. Edward Bradford wrote to father about discipline:
....We drummed or rather tinpanned [sic] a man out of [the] regiment the other day. We tarred and feathered his head and marched d him through Jacksboro with his shoes in his hand and his pants rolled up. He did not seem to mind it much. [Brother] John was the base drummer.
Frederick Bradford Papers, TSLA.

   5, Initiation of Confederate draft at Sparta by General Braxton Bragg: Special Orders No. 1
SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 1. HDQRS. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Sparta, Tenn., September 5, 1862.
The President having authorized the enforcement of the conscript law in the State of Tennessee, officers are now engaged in the preparatory steps for its execution. All persons liable to its terms will be allowed to volunteer in such companies as they may select in thirty days. This indulgence will not exempt them, however, from conscription at any moment. It is hoped the ranks of our noble Tennessee regiments will soon be filled by volunteer enlistments. No new companies or regiments will be received until the ranks of those now in service are full.
By command of Gen. Bragg
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 797-798.

Reports of Captain Denson’s demise were greatly exaggerated
From the Memphis Papers.
Rumor states that Capt. A. Clark Denson and his company from Memphis were captured o­n the Cumberland by a party of guerrillas, and that the Captain was hung or shot. This is idle rumor, and not for a moment to be credited. He was too good a soldier, to have been so easily taken. We expect much good service from Capt. Denson, and many hard fought battles before the rebels will get rid of him and his command; he is reserved for a better fate. Some timid, alarmed rebel created by his fears this profitless rumor. He liveth to redeem his promises made o­n his departure from our city.
Communication to the Nashville Union.
Camp Campbell, Near Nashville.
To My Friends in Memphis: The above having fallen into my hands this day, Sept. 4th, in a letter from my wife and daughter writing to a dead man. I say I am not dead, but working day and night with the same zeal that you all know that I possess, for the comfort of my men and the suppression of the rebellion at all hazards. Friends and loyalists to our glorious Union in Memphis, feed our wives and children, attend them when sick, protect them from insult, and rest assured that when A. Clark Denson and his Spartan band falls there will be no surrender, and not a cartridge, gun, or sabre given up to the enemy fit for further use. We never will surrender when a man can raise a hand. I will be among you soon to raise a cavalry company, and to bring the wives of my company the bounty and pay allowed by the United States Government.
To my Wife and Daughter:
Do all in your power to aid and assist the wives and children of the soldiers with me.
Respectfully, &c.
Clark Denson
Union, world without end.
Memphis papers please copy.
Nashville Daily Union, September 5, 1862.

5, Attorney James Trimble to Governor Johnson relative to rental of rooms to a local Madame 
It is respectfully desired that you would consider the following statement of facts & act in the premises as you think best. The facts are these. Oone [sic] Mary Alloway, free woman of color rented a certain house on Line St. No. 8 from one Mr. Larkin for the year 1863. Mary Alloway on the 1st of Jan. 1863 subrented one room of said house to Jesse Porterfield (colored) for the entire year, on condition that he pay $6 every month in advance, with which contract he has ever since fully complied. And on or about the first of April 1863 one Adam Smith (colored) rented another room of the said house from Mary Alloway on the same terms as above specified & has also entirely complied with his contract. Sept. 1st Jesse Porterfield obtained an order from your Excellency to the effect that he could remain in said rooms, until further orders from your office. An order [was] issued from your Excellency on yesterday referring the matter to Recorder Shane. It seems to be a matter over which the Recorder has no Jirisdictin [sic] & he has consequently failed to take any action upon it. It can be proved by satisfactory evidence that the said Mary Alloway has all along been using the hous [sic] for the purposes of prostitution, & now in violation of her contract, wished to turn Jesse Porterfield & Adam Smith out, in order to let in some lewd white women (notorious prostitutes” because they will pay higher rent. The neighborhood is a respectable one & the neighbors all are scandalized. ...It is earnestly desired that the said Mary Alloway may be made either to vacate the house or keep a decent one, or at all events that she not be allowed to violate her contract -
James Trimble, Attorney.
PAJ, Vol. 6, pp. 352-353.

5, “A Heroic Woman.”
A day or two ago a widow lady named Ward, who resides some eight miles from the city on the Pigeonroost road, was coming to this city, with two bales of cotton, when she was stopped by three guerrillas who declared their intention to burn her cotton. The lady was not disposed to submit very tamely to this arrangement. She therefore produced a repeater, and told them that she would shoot the first man who dared to move a step toward carrying out their threat. This heroic determination on the part of the lady deterred the villains from the execution of their threat, and they “slunk away” to their hiding place.
Memphis Bulletin, September 5, 1863

5, Skirmish at Tazewell
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. THIRD BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 23d ARMY CORPS, In the Field, 19 Miles southwest of Tazewell, September 5, 1863--12 o'clock.
Lieut. Col. GEORGE B. DRAKE, Assistant-Adjutant-Gen.:
Information from the gap on yesterday that the rebels were still there, but expecting to move two regiments of cavalry, and a small body of infantry are reported to have been there yesterday. It is the opinion of the citizens along the road that they are gone. I shall press forward until I receive definite information as to their where-abouts, and will, if possible, intercept them. I find a great quantity of corn on this road, considerable hay, wheat, and rye.
I am, colonel, &c.,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 379.HDQRS. THIRD BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 23d ARMY CORPS, South of Clinch River, 10 1/2 Miles of Tazewell, Tenn., September 5, 1863--12 p. m. 
Lieut. Col. G. B. DRAKE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
My advance is in Tazewell, Tenn. We met the enemy's pickets at the river. The advance, under Maj. Carpenter, Second Tennessee Mounted Infantry, was fired into twice between this and town. He found from 60 to 100 of the enemy in town. He dispatches me that the Union citizens report from 3,000 to 4,000 at the gap, 2,000 being cavalry. I shall move up at once to Tazewell, and dispatch you again.
I am, colonel, &c.,
J. M. SHACKELFORD, Brig.-Gen., Comdg., &c.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 380. 

5, False alarm, excerpt from the Journal of Henry Campbell
Last night *about 11 o'clock we were a report of a volley from what we supposed was the pickett [sic], immediately afterward we heard that the rebels were across the river and advancing up the valley on us. Battery [sic] was harnessed and hitched in a moment, tents struck, wagons loaded and started up the [mountain] in a great hury. Everything was gotten out of the way as if the entire rebel army was on this side....but no enemy could be discovered anywheres [sic]. All returned to camp about about 2 o'clock . The alarum [sic] was caused by one of the 17th boys banging his cartridge box on a log, that had a camp fire built against it. [D]uring the night the fire got to the box [again] and heated the copper carridges and they shot off like a small volley of musketry.
Henry Campbell, Three Years in the Saddle,p. 67. *Ed. note - The entry was made on the 6th but dealt with events of the 5th. Henry Campbell, Three Years in the Saddle. A Journal of Events, Facts, and Incidents conntected with the 19th Ind. Battery. Typescript copy from Chickamauga National Military Park Library, Ft. Oglethorpe, GA., p. 67. 

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