20 Report on railroad transportation; the ride from Chattanooga to Cowan
Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties
The army correspondent of the Savannah Republican has been circulating through a portion of East Tennessee, in search of items, and his experience was a severe one. He will, undoubtedly avoid that particular locality in future. Writing from Stevenson, Alabama, he says:
["] Leaving Chattanooga after a breakfast upon a "rashen" of bacon minus the streak of lean, a piece of cold corn bread, and a cup of hot rye coffee without cream or sugar, I turned my face towards Murfreesboro. The cars were crowded to suffocation, and it was with difficulty one could get a seat, or retain it after he had got it. The further we advanced, the greater the difficulty of proceeding, owing to the number of returning trains laden with stores, sick and disabled soldiers, and women and children seeking a place of safety. I succeeded in stemming the current as far as Tullahoma, but had to abandon the effort there, and leave the train. Fortunately I had procured three hard boiled eggs and a pinch of salt for dinner, and a friend at my elbow gave me a "drop' wherewith to wash them down.
The return train, which presented the only opportunity to retrace my steps, was if possible, more crowded than the one I had left. Indeed I found it necessary to make friends with the engineer and fireman, who kindly permitted me to occupy a place upon the tender, on condition that I would assist in throwing wood to keep up the fires. In other words they required me to work my way, which I did willingly enough. On reaching a depot known as Cowan, at the foot of the mountains, we were visited by a thunder storm which drove me from my perch upon the woodpile, and compelled me to stop for the night at a house kept by a one-legged man, a few of the occupants of which were one idiot, two pigs, a man with a freshly broken arm, and a number of sick and weary soldiers. It is the dirtiest place I have yet encountered. Fortunately the landlady had a supply of eggs, and upon them I made my supper and breakfast entirely, without bread or drink. At 8 o'clock this morning, we took a freight train for this place, and after worrying and struggling over the mountains through a snow-storm, we succeeded in accomplishing the passage—a distance of twenty-five miles—in eight hours. It is now bitter cold, and I write in the back-room of a store house, in the midst of a crowd of rough mountaineers and shivering soldiers who press around the fire. The train that passes here at 10 o'clock to-night for the west, will take me to Huntsville, the future headquarters of General Johnston, provided, always, I can get a seat.["];
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 20, 1862.
20, "Juvenile Crime."
Yesterday, three boys, Daniel Griscoll, fifteen years old, "Daniel." twelve years old, and "Sub," eight years, entered the Senate Restaurant, on Jefferson street, while the waters waiters were in the back room and stole twenty-five dollars from the till. On obtaining the money they hired a hack, and were enjoying a drive around town when they were taken. They gave up the remainder of their money, and Mr. Coy, with a forbearance that will do them no good, on account of their tender years, declined to prosecute. A dozen new pocketknives, a very large quantity of necklace beads, and a new coat, doubtless all stolen, were found upon them.
Memphis Bulletin, March 21, 1863.
20, J. G. M. Ramsey offers interest bearing bonds to fund the Confederate war debt
Office of Depository,
Knoxville, Tenn., March 20, 1863.
I am directed by the Secretary of the Treasury to give public notice that all Treasury notes not bearing interest, and dated prior to Dec., 1, 1862, are entitled to be funded at this office in eight per cent. coupon bonds up to the 22d April ensuing. Notes which bear date subsequent to Dec. 1, 1862, can be funded in bonds at the rate only of seven per cent., or in stock certificates bearing a like interest. Interest bearing notes of $100 each will still be exchanged for the $20, $50, and $100 issues of the Hoyer and Ludwig plates.
East Tennessee papers copy to April 22, and send duplicate bills to this office for payment.
J. G. M. Ramsey, Depository
Knoxville Daily Register, April 18, 1863
20, An Elizabethton refugee's inquiry about the safety of returning home [all spelling original]
Loisvilll March the 20, 1864
The Governeur Johnson
At Tennessee
Dear Sir!
You moeby would not have anny Objection for to tell me of it is safed for to go to Elizabethtown Carter County East Tennessee. I would not like to fall in the Hands of Rebels – and I would Like to go to mein Farm thereself. It would be a bik favor to me if you would let me known with the nacst Mail of our Armee have the rebels driven away there; that I will come to mein lovely Home ad atten to mein Farm. Sure you do not know me but you will be kind anouch to every man hoe did his duti in the Union Armee for several Months like me; and I can not find out the very Trueth about this matter without you, becas I do not belief every report.
Your Servent G. G. Dosse.
I find the Stamps and Umvellups for Youer Answer, Closed in here[.]
G G Dossee
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 651.
20, "The Tables Turned in Tennessee."
The secessionists of East Tennessee, who, at the outset of the war, practiced every imaginable outrage on their neighbors, are beginning to suffer the just penalty of their action. The Union men, the courts having been reestablished, are prosecuting their former prosecutors for damages sustained, and the juries, of far as cases have come to trial, indicate a disposition to see full justice done to all concerned. Parson Brownlow has just recovered $25,000 damages in the United States Circuit Court at Knoxville, from three persons who had made him the object of their malice; another loyalist has obtained a verdict for a similar amount, while the heirs of a third have recovered the large sum of $40,000 in a similar manner. Brownlow, in his paper, advises all Union men who have suffered to commence suits at once; and the verdict in the cases names well, no doubt, influence very many to follow his advice. The fighting parson says on the subject, in language which is vigorous if not polite:
"Impoverish the villains-take all they have-give their affects to the Union men, they have crippled and imprisoned-and let them have their "southern rights!" They swore they would carry on the war until they exhausted the last little negro [sic], and loss [of] their lands. Put it to them, is our advice, most religiously-fleece them, and let them know how other men feel when robbed of all they have! Let them be punished-let them be impoverished-let them be slain-and after slain, let them be damned!"
Should the practice this initiated in Tennessee be carried out in other States, as they are gradually recovered and civil government reestablished, man wrongs will no doubt be righted and the wealthy secessionist, even should they escape all political penalties, will find, as others have done before them, that crime always brings, in some form, its own retribution. The action of the east Tennessee juries affords conclusive evidence that the loyal people of the insurgent States, when the rebellion is finally expelled, can be depended upon to administer the laws and take care of the secession element without any help from loyal bayonets, Newark Advertiser.
New York Times, March 20, 1865.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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