21, Hostile Nashville Belles
Pistolical [sic] Ladies.-The Black Flag. The Nashville correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, writing under the date of the 10th instant, says:
We have some very obstreperous young ladies in Nashville, whose hearts have been fired to such an intense heat, it is strange they don't set the river on fire. They are all raised ladies, but the wicked talk of politicians and preachers has unsettled their minds. One of them, when the Federal soldiers entered our city and passed down the street on which she resides, armed herself with a pistol and bowie-knife, and expressed a determination to dispatch the first man who molested her-Poor girl! No opportunity presented itself.-Another hung the black flag from her window as the National soldiers passed under. This succeeded so far as draw a rough remark from a thoughtless man in the ranks. Said he looking up at the damsel, "I could cut your head off just like a cow's." If his officers had heard his language, he would have been punished as he deserved. A man who cannot bear with the foolishness of women, and hold his tongue, needs discipline. These valiant young ladies, I am now assured, are well armed with pistols. How much better would a battery of bright eyes and sweet smiles become them!
Boston Herald, March 21. 1862.
21, A Funeral, Confederate Attack and Incorrigibles; Excerpts from the letter of Captain Gershom M. Barber from Murfreesboro
Head quarters 1st Battalion O. V. S. S.
Murfreesboro Tenn. March 21 1863
My Very Dear Wife
….At 12 we attended the funeral of a private of the 7th Company Capt. Sqire. He died of congestion of the lungs induced by cold and measles. It is the first funeral in the battalion and was very impressive. Chaplins Harker of the 86th Ind. performed the ceremony and the escort was furnished by the 10th O.V.I. We have had heavy skirmishing on the front the last two days. Rosecrans sent in his pickets on a particular route and directed [?] [in a] hurry forces on the flanks and thoroughly enticed the enemy's cavalry with[in] about five miles of our camp and then gobbled them up. They say hear it is an old friend of his. We rendered this morning hospital preparation for 150 secesh wounded. We had one killed and 30 wounded. A captain of a Tennessee regiment left his company and chased a rebel who turned on him and shot him dead. The booming of cannon and explosion of shells we hear heard distantly yesterday and the day before. Today all is quiet along the front. The health of the Battalion is generally good except measles. We have about twenty cases in the hospital most of them doing well… two [are] dangerous….
….We have a few incorrigibles who are homesick and want to get discharged and lie around and pretend to be sick and are very angry because we won't discharge them. We will put them on the front line trenches as work before long when they will get enough to do duty mighty quick. One man [who has been] lay[ing] in his tent for days and groaned and took on a terrible sight [?]. Would get up about once a day and come to my quarters and cry and beg me to get him discharged as he would die in a month and he wanted to see his family once more. I got the Surgeon to give him a through [sic] examination and he pronounced him as well as he ever was in his life. Surgeon told him he was pretending to be sick and if he didn't do duty he would give him medicine that would make him sick to death earnest. I induced him to duty and he has been well enough since. Another one who has been groaning all the time the surgeon has cupped and blistered half over his body until the poor fellow can hardly walk. I understand he says now he will now try to play off again. Most of the boys….are perfectly satisfied. We have a few cowards and I heartily wish the surgeon would discharge them. But it is a hard place to play "old soldier."
Barber Correspondence
21, General Joseph E. Johnston reports on food collection work for Army of Tennessee
TULLAHOMA, March 21, 1863.
Hon. JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War:
SIR: On the 4th instant I reported to you that Maj. Cumming, assistant commissary of subsistence, had the orders of Col. Northrop to assume the direction of the purchase in Middle Tennessee of provisions for Gen. Bragg's troops, and was about to obey those orders.
I learn here that he has not given this important subject his personal attention, further than by sending agents into some of the neighboring counties, without reporting the fact to the chief commissary of the department.
These agents have a list of maximum prices, authorized by you, which have been published, announced rather, as ordinary. These are about double those given by the quartermaster's and commissary departments of this army-prices which satisfied the people of the country. These agents are furnished with State money also. In the single article of corn, our expenditures will be increased by at least $18,000 a day, on account of these changes.
I have just suggested to you, by telegraph, to annul the list of prices, and forbid the use of any but Confederate money within the country we hold.
The persons who still hold provisions are, of course, less friendly to us than those who have been supplying the army, so that the disloyal and least loyal will receive about twice as much for the same articles as we have paid our true friends. Allow me to say, most respectfully, that fair prices of the products of this district can be better ascertained here than in Richmond.
I hope that Maj. Cumming may be punished for disobedience of the orders of Col. Northrop.
The feeding of this army seems to me a matter important enough for the services of some of the most efficient officers of the Subsistence Department. If they cannot be spared for such duty, I hope that the agents of Maj. Cumming may be recalled. They have furnished nothing as yet.
Most respectfully, your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 718-719.
21, "General Orders, No. 11;" disposition of abandoned farm property in the Nashville District
Headquarters District of Nashville
Nashville, Tenn., March 21, 1861
Commandants of Posts in this District will leave abandoned farms lying in their respective counties on reasonable terms, all things considered, taking security for payment of the rent, and reporting their action to these Headquarters. Preference will be give to those in present possession of these farms. The rent will be made payable at such times a may be agreed upon, and in money or a party of the crop.
By command of Major-General Rousseau.
Nashville Dispatch, March 23, 1864.
21, Anti-guerrilla expedition ordered, Athens environs, for the duration
Knoxville, Tenn., March 21, 1865.
SIR: You will proceed with all the effective armed force of your regiment from Athens, Tenn., and distribute it at the several passes through the mountains east of that place. All enlisted men not armed will be left at Athens under charge of a commissioned officer, who will report to Capt. W. H. H. Crowell, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, commanding post at Athens. With your effective force you will take measures to guard the mountain passes mentioned, and to prevent the incursions of guerrilla bands, and will be held responsible for any failure to do so. You must enforce strict discipline in your command, and under no circumstances permit the men to leave their companies, or to straggle in the march or from their camps, and all depredations and all cases of absence without authority of the major-general commanding the department must be severely and summarily punished. Your command will subsist upon the country, but all supplies taken must be receipted for on the proper blank forms used by quartermaster's and subsistence departments, whether obtained from loyal and disloyal persons. You will appoint a discreet officer to perform the duties of regimental quartermaster and commissary, who will alone have authority to provide the necessary supplies for your command, and you will be held responsible that his duty is faithfully and strictly performed. You will procure a full supply of ammunition before starting from Athens, and see that your men have at all times forty rounds of ammunition ready for use, and also that their arms are always kept clean and free from rust. You will send your tri-monthly report promptly, in time to have it reach these headquarters by the 10th, 20th, and last days of each month. You will also forward your monthly report promptly on the last day of each month, and be very careful that all returns and reports are correct before they are sent. You will provide yourself with the necessary blanks before starting.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. G. GIBSON, Col. Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, Cmdg. Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 46-47.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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