Bright and beautiful
March, Wednesday 2, 1864
Bright and beautiful - Ice glittering magnificently - moderating a great deal, by 12 o'clock all snow gone, real pleasant tonight. Father went to Mr. Holmes', our victory confirmed by news from below. Mr. Wilson dined with us, gave the same news Father heard at Mr. H's. Nonconnah out of it's banks, still raining. Tate and Cousin S. very much dissipointed , as they seem in great haste to go to the City. I sat in Parlor after Mr. Wilson came, braided another width on my swiss, tis real fascinating work, but oh! my chest aches so badly, no one but my sainted Mother ever knew or sympathized with me in this affliction. Laura washed today, although my only companion she has fallen into the arms of Morpheus, and left me real lonely, she and Bettie are improving very much in their lessons. Poor Father, he too is alone. I have forgiven the past, heavenly Father, give me strength to forget it. Nothing late from Jimmie or Eddie - Lord be with them in all hours of danger, and bring them safe to us.
January - November, 1864
2-4, Operations about Athens
Report of Capt. William A. Cochran, Seventh Tennessee Mounted Infantry.
ATHENS, March 4, 1865--3.55 p. m.
The guerrillas made a raid into this county the night of the 2d. We pursued them within fourteen miles of Murphy, and killed 5 of them, captured 15 horses, 2 Spencer rifles, 2 carbines, 2 fine pistols, and other property. Killed Wheeler Maston, Capt. Maston's brother. Capt. Burnett, of Company C, commanded the scout.
W. A. COCHRAN, Capt., Cmdg. Seventh Tennessee Mounted Infantry.
Brig.-Gen. TILLSON.
Davis Tillson
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 74.
The 7th Tennessee Again Victorious
On Wednesday [1st] night last a band of rebel guerrillas crossed the mountains into the south side of McMinn county, and gobbled up a number of horses, and after robbing several dwelling houses started back of their den with their booty. The 7th Tennessee Mounted Infantry, stationed at Athens, having been notified of the depredations of the robbers, detailed a scouting party of about fifty men, and started in pursuit. The pursuing party came up with the guerrillas on Saturday [4th] evening on the top of Unicoa [sic] mountain, where the devils halted, formed in line of battle and offered fight. The Seventh, well pleased with the turn of affairs had taken, charged the guerrillas, routing and driving them to within twelve miles of Murphy, N.C., killing five of them, among the number one Wheeler Mastin, a young man who has made himself somewhat notorious by his daring depredations on citizens of McMinn - a brother of Capt. R.F. Mastin, who led the squads that dashed into Sweetwater and Philadelphia a short time since and captured fifteen horses, two Spencer rifles, two Burnside carbines, two fine colt's pistols, (one of them with Captain Mastin's name engraved on it) together with a considerable quantity of leather, cloth, spun thread, &c., which the guerrillas had stolen. The scouting party returned to Athens on Sunday morning with the trophies of their fight, fully satisfied with the result of the expedition. They brought in no prisoners.
The 7th Tennessee is composed of some of the best men of the country, and if they were but armed and equipped as they deserve to be, the section of country, and if they were but armed and equipped as they deserve to be, the section of country which they organized to defend would suffer very little more from the incursions of guerrilla bands. All such as might have the temerity to cross the Chilhowee range of mountains would be "taken in our of the wet" and properly cared for.
Chattanooga Gazette, [March] 8th. [1865]
Brownlow's Whig and Rebel Ventilator, March 22, 1865.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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