3, Confederate ordnance and quartermaster report for Fort Pillow
FORT PILLOW, March 3, 1862.
Gen. POLK:
We have at this post the following ordnance stores:
604 32-pounder cartridges, 3,300 pounds cannon powder, 400 quill cannon primers, 200 friction tubes, 32 bridge barrels, 150 port-fires, 146 canister, 164--balls, 104 Read balls, 174 shells for 32-pounders, 4,560 32-pounder balls. Guns: Six 32-pounder rifle guns, and ten smooth-bore 32-pounder on river and four 32-pounders on back line, all mounted. Quartermaster's stores: 170 second-hand tents, without ropers. Amount of rations at Fort Pillow: 10,000 rations of rice, 10,000 rations of beans, 10,000 rations of molasses, 30,000 of rice, 10,000 rations of beans, 10,000 rations of candles, 4,000 rations of meal, 30,000 rations of vinegar, 40,000 rations of soap, 60,000 rations of coffee, 30,000 rations of sugar, 6,000 rations of bacon.
Shall I mount the guns that may come here?
MONTGOMERY LYNCH, Capt., Engineer Corps.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, p. 916.
3-8, Expedition from Murfreesborough to Woodbury
Reports of Maj. Gen. Joseph T. Reynolds, U. S. Army.
COL.: The brigade of Col. Hall has returned to camp with 8 or 10 prisoners and load of forage.
Col. Wilder this moment reports the arrival of the Seventeenth Indiana (mounted), who were sent this morning from Readyville to reach Murfreesborough via Auburn. They crossed from Readyville to the Auburn pike, and went as far as Auburn, charged on a party of rebels, "killed a major and one or two others," and wounded several. One private (Seventeenth Indiana) severely wounded in the arm, and one of our guides captured. No other loss to us. We took several revolvers and one revolving rifle.
Very respectfully,
J. J. REYNOLDS, Maj.-Gen.
HDQRS. FIFTH DIVISION, FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Murfreesborough, March 10, 1863.
COL.: I have the honor to render to following account of our recent expedition: Left camp at Murfreesborough, March 3, with brigades of [J. T.] Wilder and [A. S.] Hall, and encamped that night at Readyville. Immediately after encamping, lost 2 men from the Eightieth Illinois Regt., by desertion. They were conducted to the rebel camp near Brady's Rock by a citizen reported to live near Readyville. All our efforts to secure this man were unavailing. Fourth (Wilder's) Brigade foraged to the front toward Woodbury. Saw no enemy, except a few pickets.
On the night of the 4th, Hall's brigade made a movement on the enemy at Brady's Rock, about 7 miles from Readyville (as the command had to go through the hills). The night was very clear and moonlight. Passed one picket station safely, but were discovered at the one nearest the enemy. Part of the force got well round their camp, an part advanced in front. The enemy had evidently been put on their guard by our deserters. Our forces closed in upon the rebels rapidly. They ran in every direction; returned our fire once, but without effect. We killed 1 and wounded several.
Col. Hall's brigade returned to camp at Readyville in the afternoon of the 5th.
On the morning of the 6th, moved on Woodbury, Wilder's brigade to the right and rear, Hall's to the left, myself, with Hazen's brigade and the guns, in front. Enemy's pickets met us in front, 4 miles from Woodbury; drove them at long range, without results. Halted, keeping the principal part of our force concealed, to give time for the flank movements to be executed. These movements were both promptly made, but the rebels got information of them, in spite of all precautions, and ran, principally toward McMinnville. The party that we had thus far held steady in front, on learning that the main rebel force had retreated, did the same, toward Liberty.
Our force, except Hall's brigade, Seventeenth Indiana (mounted), and two howitzers, returned to Readyville.
Hall's command remained at Woodbury over night, and joined us on the 7th, which day Wilder spent in foraging.
On the 8th, Hall foraged, and the whole command returned to camp at Murfreesborough, the Seventeenth Indiana and two companies of Stokes' cavalry by way of Auburn, near to which place they had a skirmish with some rebel cavalry, and killed 1 field officer and wounded several men.
Results.--We killed 1 field officer and 1 private; captured 25 prisoners, including 1 lieutenant and 2 conscript agents, and obtained about 100 wagon-loads of forage. We lost 2 men by desertion, 3 men captured (Eightieth Illinois), 1 first sergeant captured, and 1 private wounded severely in arm (Seventeenth Indiana).
An idea of the country which our forces passed can be formed from the accompanying map. [not found] It is very broken, and as almost every citizen is a spy for the enemy, by day and by night, it is very difficult to surprise or surround them.
Very respectfully,
J. J. REYNOLDS, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I. Vol. 23. pt. I, pp. 71-72.
3, Changes in the master/slave relationship, excerpt from the letter of West Tennessee slave holder Leonora Williamson to Military Governor Andrew Johnson
* * * *
So well assured am I of the justice of the President that I am willing to abide by his decision. I expected the Emancipation Proclamation, & was very willing to abide by it.
30 of the negroes which were mine once, are in the Army, their wives and children are not & have not been receiving rations from the Government, they are living in my houses, (when they are sick taken care of at my expense), they have what crop they can make off my land. I claim nothing from them but for them to feel that I am & have been their friend. I did not buy them I inherited them -- I never sold one, I hoped to provide for them as my immediate family did theirs 8 years ago --
I should be grateful to the President if he would grant me an interview[.] the boon would be granted to one who ever offered up more fervent supplications to Gods throne for her children when agonizing on beds of sickness than I daily offer up that he may be the means of restoring peace to our once happy Country.
* * * *
With great respect
Mrs. Williamson
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, 635-636.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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