Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/15/13, Tennessee Civil War Notes

        15, Federal prisoners taken at the Engagement at Belmont arrive in Memphis

Arrival of Prisoners.—The bluff was lined all yesterday afternoon with crowds anxious to witness the arrival of prisoners taken at the battle of Belmont, who had been put aboard the Ingomar. On the arrival of the boat the rush was very great at the foot of Jefferson street, where the prisoners were put ashore. As they appeared, shouts and yells went up from a portion of the crowd—the portion whose appearance betokened the absence of refinement. These noisy demonstrations were made at intervals as the men were marched along the street. Some coarse attempts at witticisms were occasionally heard, but the expression that most carried the day was "Here's your mule!" An Irishman, when all the men had left the boat, exclaimed, as if agreeably surprised, "Be jabers, they're all Dutchmen; there's not a rale reg'lar Paddy among the whole on 'em." Then turning toward the prisoners, "Byes, we've got no sour krout here for you." The proportion of Germans was large among the prisoners; the whole of them appeared to be men of very ordinary condition. As they went along amid the staring crowd, most of them had a dull, unexpressive look of absolute indifference. Here and there, however, among the brown visaged backwoodsmen, the gleaming eye, knitted brow, and compressed lip, showed the indignant and defiant feelings that were pent up within. They were taken to Mosby's cotton shed, at the corner of Second and Jackson streets, where they were placed under guard. We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for the following list of their names, etc.:

[list, includes the names of soldiers from 7th Iowa, 27th Illinois, 30th Illinois, 22nd Illinois, 31st Illinois, 12th Illinois, Schwartz's Battery, Gen. Grant's hostler, and 23rd Indiana]

Memphis Daily Appeal, November 16, 1861



        15, Death and dying in Hardee's Corps hospital in Chattanooga; an entry from Kate Cumming's hospital journal

Mr. Rally, husband of the lady who had charge of the kitchen, died this morning. He had been all through the Kentucky campaign, and had been a good and brave soldier.

His poor wife is almost heart-broken. I tried to get her to stay with me, but as every thing here was connected with her sorrows, I could-not prevail upon her to remain. She had the consolation of being with him in his last moments-one that many a woman would give worlds to have.

Lost another patient-J. P. Allen of Hilliard's Legion, from Coosa County, Ala. He was a long and patient sufferer. His death was one of those we can think on with pleasure; it was that of a soldier of the cross. He met our great enemy with his armor on, and ready for the conflict. When I told him his moments were numbered, he said he was perfectly happy, and desired me to write to his wife, and tell her he hoped to meet her and his child in heaven. He made me a present of his Bible, which I shall treasure as long as I live.

All our men seem to die resigned; but it is difficult to judge of their frame of mind, as they are too far gone with disease when they come here to talk to them on the subject of death, which is another proof of the necessity of preparing while in health, for that long journey from which no traveler returns. Nearly all of the men who have died here were in a dying state when brought from the camps.

Yesterday we had a visit from Dr. ______ of Kentucky. He was on General Bragg's staff through the Kentucky campaign. He and some others went to the house of an old acquaintance and asked for food for themselves and horses, but the man was so afraid of the Federal authorities that he refused to give them any thing. This gentleman's daughter raged in defiance of all restraint, and gave them a cordial welcome and entertained them by singing southern songs. Dr. ______blamed the people of Kentucky for the failure of the campaign, and says that General Bragg did not receive the aid he expected from them.

Cumming, A Journal of Hospital Life, pp. 52-53.



        15, General Orders No. 157, relative to the impressment of Memphians into U. S. Army

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 157. HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, November 15, 1863.

I. The people in the District of West Tennessee and the northern counties of Mississippi, having shown no disposition and made no attempt to protect themselves from marauders and guerrilla bands, but having submitted themselves without organized resistance to the domination of these petty tyrants, and combined in many instances with the known enemies of the United States to procure from corrupt traders in the City of Memphis and elsewhere supplies for the use of the public enemy, have proved themselves unworthy of the indulgence shown them by the Government.

It is therefore ordered that the lines of pickets around the several military posts of this command in Tennessee and Mississippi be closed, and that no goods of any description be allowed to pass out, nor anything be brought in, except fire-wood and provisions, by any citizen, without the written order of some general officer, each of which permits, and the reasons for granting the same, will be reported to these headquarters, and for the necessity of which each officer granting will be held rigidly responsible.

II. All merchants and others doing business will be held responsible for knowledge of the residence of the parties to whom they sell, and the sale of merchandise to persons beyond the lines of pickets will be punished with the highest rigor known to the laws of war.

III. All persons residing under the protection of the United States, and physically capable of military duty, are liable to perform the same in a country under martial law. Especially in the City of Memphis, where it is known that many have fled to escape liability to military service at home, this rule will be strictly applied. In pursuance, therefore, of orders to this effect from Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, commanding Department and Army of the Tennessee, all officers commanding district, division, and detached brigades of this corps, will immediately proceed to impress into the service of the United States such able-bodied persons liable to military duty as may be required to fill up the existing regiments and batteries to their maximum. These persons so levied upon, if they enlist for three years or the war, will be entitled to the full benefits provided by the acts of Congress. If not, they will receive clothing and rations and be borne at the foot of each company-roll, with remarks, stating their time of service and the advance made by the Government in clothing, a certificate of which will be given them when discharged from such forced service, the question of pay or other compensation to be settled by proper authorities hereafter. They will be discharged when to further military necessity appears for their enforced service.

IV. The senior surgeons and inspectors present will constitute a board of inspection on the physical capacity of recruits.

By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 160-161.



        15, Garrison duty and patrols on N&C Railroad from Murfreesborough to Christiana, Fosterville and Bell Buckle

No circumstantial reports filed.

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 319. HDQRS. POST OF MURFREESBOROUGH, Murfreesborough, Tenn., November 15, 1864.

* * * *

IV. Pursuant to instructions from Maj.-Gen. Milroy, Col. Thomas C. Boone, commanding One hundred and fifteenth Ohio Volunteers, is directed to detail a garrison of about twenty men to be stationed at Christian[a], and a like force to be stationed at Fosterville. Both stations will be under command of an intelligent and reliable officer, to be selected by Col. Boone. The men will be instructed to protect the wood-yards, water-tanks, telegraph office, and all other Government property, and to patrol the railroad twice during the night, connecting with the patrols from Stone's River bridge and the block-house at Bell Buckle Creek. The command will at once construct winter quarters, which will serve at the same time the purpose of defense and comfort. They should be constructed of logs and loop-holed for musketry. This order will be carried into effect with the least possible delay.

By command of Brig.-Gen. Van Cleve

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 900.

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