24, 1861 - Chattanooga and the Tory Menace
Stampede Among the Tories.
From the Chattanooga Gazette, November 21.
Our town has been placed under martial law and our streets thronged with soldier for nearly two weeks past, which has had quite a salutary influence on the Lincolnites in the upper end of this county. Col. Clift,[1] the tory leader of Soddy, who had marshaled his motley clan to the tune of some five or six hundred ragamuffins and outlaws, with the avowed purpose of joining Dan Trewhitt[2] and his East Tennessee renegades at James town, and marching from thence upon Chattanooga, after covering himself with glory in many prospective [sic] battles, upon hearing of the near approach of a detachment of an Alabama regiment, thought it prudent to disband his gallant followers and go home. The pugnacious colonel and his motley crew all reached their homes in safety, save about fifteen of the less fortunate, whom our boy picked up and brought into camps at Chattanooga. Some of them have been discharged upon making the oath and giving bond and security for their good behavior in the future, while others of a more suspicious character remain in camps, awaiting their trial. Several arrests have been made from this and adjoining counties, numbering in all from 100 to 120.
Six or eight arrests have been made in Chattanooga, but all having been soundly converted (?) [sic] are not enjoying their liberty. A general stampede is said to have taken place among the Lincolnites at Harrison, upon learning the fate of the Soddy army. Harrison is a little town in the upper end of this county, the home of the traitor Trewhitt, [sic], and a place somewhat distinguished for the intelligence and morality of its inhabitants, as swell as one of the strongholds of Lincolnism! We saw a respectable and intelligent gentleman from that place on Saturday last, who stated that the poor deluded wretches were running to and fro and almost imploring the very rocks and mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the wrath of Gen. Carroll's brigade, which they had learned were in camps at this place for their special benefit! The morning after the news of the bridge burning reached this place, these cowardly traitors boasted that the time had then come when Union men could talk and act. And that they intended to do both. It is now difficult, we are told, to find a Union man any where in the neighborhood of Harrison!
Memphis Daily Appeal, November 24, 1861. [3]
24, 1862 - Changes in Federal policy regarding passes for civilians, curfew and prisoner of war visitations in Nashville
* * * *
Gen Negley last week removed the restrictions hertofore [sic] placed upon the system of granting passes, and issued an order which gave the Provost-Marshal power to grant passes to citizens of undoubted loyalty, on any of the roads leading out of this city. Consequently, the rooms of the Marshal are thronged with citizens – men, women, and children-all anxious to obtain passes; some to bring wood, others marketing to town; while a great many are desirous of going North. In compliance with the order, no passes are given to any parties who decline signing the oath of allegiance, and many bitter rebels, both he and she [sic] are greatly disappointed thereat. Another serious annoyance to the demi-reps is the refusal of the Provost-Marshal to grant passes to visit the Confederate prisoners at the Penitentiary, unless the applicant be a near relative of some prisoner. Formerly passes were nearly always given to all applicants, and the consequence was a sort of levee at the prison, at which all the delicacies of the season were spread, and the repast and treason discussed in common. Now the prisoners are allowed all the good things their friends may wish to contribute, but they must be left outside the prison doors, marked for whom they are intended.
The citizens are not now obliged to be within doors at 9 P. M., as, by a recent order, all citizens are allowed to pass about the town until 12 o'clock, without being halted at every corner, and, in many instances, kept in the guard-house until morning. The word "halt" has become so familiar to our people that the darkeys [sic] use it now to stoop their mules instead of the long used "whoa." I judge, from several sudden stoppages that I have lately witnessed, that it answers the purpose equally well.
* * * *
New York Times, November 24, 1862.
24, 1863 - "Small Pox in Nashville;" military orders compelling vaccination
It will be seen from an order from Headquarters, published elsewhere, that in consequence of the continued spread of small pox in this city, all persons, citizens as well as soldiers, are required to have themselves vaccinated at once. For the benefit of the community, a medical officer will be in attendance daily, from 3 to 4 o'clock P.M., at the Alderman's Room [sic], in the Market house, on the Public Square, and at Engine House No. 3 [sic], on Cherry street, South Nashville. Gratuitous vaccination will be afforded at these depots. The neglect or violation of this order by citizens will subject them to a fine or to be sent north of the lines.
Nashville Dispatch, November 24, 1863.
24, Skirmish at Lynnville
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the 4th Army Corps Itinerary for activities from November 13, 1863-February 1, 1865
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November 24.-1 a. m., Maj.-Gen. Schofield, who is in Lynnville, sends word to Gen. Stanley that he has just heard from Col. Capron, commanding brigade cavalry, that the enemy's cavalry (and a small amount of infantry) has driven him back to and through Mount Pleasant toward Columbia. His dispatch dated about 9 p. m. Mount Pleasant is but twelve miles from Columbia, and there is a good turnpike between these places; Lynnville is eighteen miles from Columbia, and turnpike thence. 1 a. m., Gen. Schofield directs the Fourth Corps to march for Columbia at 3 a. m. Cox's division, of the Twenty-third Corps (all of said corps now with Schofield), is in camp eleven miles from Lynnville and seven from Columbia. This division has also been directed to march for Columbia at 3 a. m. There is no force in Columbia but about 800 of our infantry, under command of Gen. Ruger. The rest of Gen. Ruger's division is scattered on the Tennessee River and Duck Creek. Gen. R[uger] commands a division of the Twenty-third Corps (Schofield's). 3 a. m., the corps started for Columbia in order as follows: Second Division (which was in camp at Lynnville when we arrived there) leading; Third Division following; then the Artillery Brigade; then the trains; then the First Division. 9 a. m., head of column three miles of Columbia. Firing heard on the Mount Pleasant and Columbia pike, very near to Columbia. 10.05, head of column (Second Division) reaches Columbia. About the same time a regiment of the enemy's cavalry make an attempt to dash upon our artillery as it is moving along the road. It came from the direction of the Mount Pleasant pike over a cross-road leading therefrom to the road upon which our column is moving. Gen. Wood sent out a regiment of infantry (Col. Knefler's) and drove the enemy back, killing a few. Gen. Cox's division crossed over to the Mount Pleasant pike early this morning by a cross-road three miles out of Columbia. He reached that pike just in time to save Col. Capron's brigade of cavalry from annihilation, as it was being driven rapidly into Columbia by a largely superior force of cavalry. Gen. Cox checked the enemy and drove them back a short distance. This also prevented the enemy from getting into Columbia before the Second Division, Fourth Corps-the head of our column. As fast as the divisions of the Fourth Corps arrive in Columbia they go into position in line of battle and thrown up barricades and breast-works. 6 p. m., our line of battle as follows: The Second Division, Gen. Wagner, on the right, connecting with the left of Cox's division (Cox's division about one mile west of the town, covering the Mount Pleasant pike, and its right resting on Duck River); the third Division, Gen. Wood, on the left of Gen. Wagner's, its right connecting with Gen. Wagner's left, on the Pulaski pike, and facing almost south; the First Division, Gen. Whitaker, on Wood's left, the right of the division connecting with Wood's left and the left of the division resting near the river, east of the town, the division facing almost southeast; the artillery of the corps in planted on the rising ground and knolls along our line of battle. Gen. Cox has been skirmishing a little with the enemy during the entire day. It is supposed that the enemy is now concentrating his infantry force at Mount Pleasant, or this side thereof, on the Mount Pleasant pike.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 144-145.
[ORDERS.] HDQRS. FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Lynnville, Tenn., November 24, 1864--1.45 a. m.
Sound reveille immediately, and an hour after march for Columbia. The following will be the order: First, Gen. Wagner, who will leave one regiment at this point until the train has passed; Gen. Wood will follow Gen. Wagner, leaving one regiment to bring up all cattle; next will come Artillery Brigade; then Gen. Whitaker will follow the artillery; trains will follow the First Division (Gen. Whitaker's).
By order of Maj.-Gen. Stanley:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 1018.
24, "The Refugees."
From the Chattanooga Gazette, Nov. 22.
The number of these poor people arriving in our city continues large. They arrive here without being able to bring any food with them to subsist upon, and very little household stuff. A couple of beds, or mattresses, a few blankets, some cooking utensils and a chair or two generally comprise their whole supply the comforts of life. The great body of the refugees have arrived here during the last two weeks and in that time we have had the worst weather that has visited Chattanooga for years, cold rains falling everyday and making the streets almost knee deep in mud. At first, the arrival were so numerous that all could not be accommodated in the camp, and as the cars in which they came from Georgia were need, they were compelled to move their things out of them and do as best they could for the time; many of them stopped between the tracks, just where their baggage was put out, others found places in the different warehouses and houses along the railroad and in the car shed and building in the depot yard. At present, nearly all of them are gathered into a camp around the "Refugee House," on the railroad, near the depot. During the week ending Saturday, Nov. 19th, the following number were received and reported at the camp.
Men, 596; women 1,115; children, 1,690; total, 3,401. During the same time the following have been sent North to Nashville: men 225; women, 312; children, 544; total 1,081. The number remaining in camp on Saturday [19th] night was 4,330. The whole number of rations issued to them during the week amounting to 14,496. Several of them have died after their arrival here, some of whom suffered from exposure, but we understand that the deaths are not near so numerous as might be expected from the privations which they are unavoidably forced to endure. Everything done by the military authorities than can be done to relieve their distresses, but it is impossible to relieve all suffering. Many of the poor creatures were sick before they left their homes, and the recent wet weather has caused many of them to shake with the ague. The cold of Sunday night, and yesterday was so great that no amount of fire-living almost in the open air as many of them are compelled to do-will keep them warm. Some are despondent and gloomy, while others take the matter philosophically and even verrily [sic], making light of their discomforts. In one of the buildings in the depot yard we saw one group composed of two young men, six women and ten or twelve children, huddled together amid a pile of beds and quilts, and appearing to have a fine time, shouting and laughing over their troubles.
A woman from Calhoun, named Thomas, died in the building in the depot yard known as the "Repair Shop."
On Sunday night the number of refugees reported in the camp was 4, 198. Every effort is being made to send the North, or give employment to the males of the different families, many of them engaging as wood choppers in the Government service on the railroads.
Nashville Dispatch, November 24,1864.
[1] Correctly spelled: Cliff.
[2] Both William Cliff and D. C. Trewhitt were among the Hamilton county delegates to the East Tennessee Convention at Knoxville, May 30-31, 1861. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, p. 150.
[3] As cited in PQCW.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
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