Saturday, November 2, 2013

11/2/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

2, Intelligence relative to Confederate forces near Monroe, Overton County


November 2, 1861. (Received November 6.)


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....From all I can gather I take it that this is the same body of unorganized, badly-armed rebels who have been heretofore gathered near Monroe, in Overton County, Tennessee. Their strength has doubtless been greatly exaggerated. There were for some two months near Monroe 2,000 to 2,500; they left there to join Buckner....Their failure to advance, I suppose, grows out of the fact that they ascertained that the camp at Goggin was armed.

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OR, Ser. I, Vol. 4, pp. 327-328.



2, "The Excitement on Sunday"

Considerable excitement prevailed throughout the city on Sunday morning, caused by a large number of soldiers breaking into some stores on Broad street, drinking whisky, robbing the stores of such articles as they could carry off and destroying property promiscuously. The Provost Guard was unable to do anything with them, so a regiment was ordered out and the infested neighborhood surrounded with the men who captured some two hundred and marched them off to headquarters for judgment. A large brass key appeared to belong to one of the stores in the neighborhood, and is not in the Recorder's office where the owner may claim it. A rather ludicrous scene occurred on Church street, arising out of this desecration of the Lord's Day. It appears that upon the complaint being made to headquarters of the depredations above refereed to, and of the large number of men engaged, an order was issued to arrest all [sic] found upon the street. One of the officers who received this order interpreted it in the most literal sense, and marched with his squad up Spring street about the time the different congregations were being dismissed, and pressed 'into line' every man, woman and child he met, soon presenting a long procession composed of high and low, male and female, white and black, and the various intermediate shades, and of all ages, from the prattling infant to the staid old man-in carriages and on foot. Onward marched the faithful officer, at almost every step making fresh captives, until General Negley was seen in company and in warmest conversation with one of his Aids, walking down the street. Soon the procession halted; the Aid spoke a few words with the officer; the countenance on the former betrayed desperate efforts to restrain a relation of the cachinaetory muscles as he returned to the General, who frowned as only Generals can frown...and an order was given for the promiscuous crowd to retire-to vamose [sic]-to go about their business-to go to their dinner-or any other place they pleased.

Nashville Dispatch November 4, 1862.



2, Report regarding capture of Water Witch on the Obion River in October 1863

Report of Lieutenant-Commander Pattison, U. S. Navy, giving information regarding the steamer Water Witch.

U. S. NAVAL STATION, Memphis, Tenn., November 2, 1863.

SIR: Your communication of October 28, asking for information in relation to the small steamer called the Water Witch, has been received. Acting Master Neeld makes the following statement in reference to this boat:

Some time in October, 1862, while in command of the U. S. S. De Soto, I reported to the admiral that the Water Witch was engaged in towing flatboats containing contraband goods up the Obion River to Dyersburg, where a rebel force was said to be stationed. The admiral directed me to seize her. I did so, and sent her to Cairo, where she was fitted up and sent up the Ohio River. Subsequently she was brought back to Cairo, where she lay for some time. She was afterwards towed down the river to the squadron near Vicksburg, not being of any use. She was towed up to this place by the Bee, Captain French, who said he had orders to leave her here.

She was owned by a man named McDaniels, residing in St. Louis.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

T. PATTISON, Lieutenant-Commander, Commandant.

Rear-Admiral D. D. PORTER, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.

Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 25, pp. 527-528.



 2, "Special Order[s,] No. 7;" U. S. army hires laborers in Chattanooga

Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field

Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1863


Officers of the Quartermaster's Department at Military Stations, within the State of Tennessee, will hire all such loyal persons applying for work as they may require to work at Railroad Depots, on Government Steamers, and at such other places as the public service may demand, paying such employees the usual wages, and issuing ratios to them.

Rations will not be issued to the families of persons refusing to accept employment when their services are required.

By order of Major-General U. S. Grant

Nashville Dispatch, November 27, 1863



 2, 1863 - Skirmish at Fayetteville

Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.[1]



2, Vaughn falls back from Greeneville

RHEATOWN, November 2, 1864--6 p. m.

(Via Carter's Station 3d.)

Enemy have advanced to Greeneville in force. I shall be forced to fall back.

J. C. VAUGHN, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 894.

[1] As is typical of Dyer's work, there are no details given.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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