Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 26 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

26, Brigadier-General G.M. Dodge requests that gold be taken out of circulation in West Tennessee

COLUMBUS, July 26, 1862.

Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT:

I have just received the following:

TRENTON, July 26.


The gold paid out here by cotton buyers finds it way to the Southern army immediately. Hundreds have left for that army in the counties around here lately, carrying every dollar of gold paid for cotton.

The circulation of gold should be stopped.

G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.

You will pardon me for again bringing this matter before you.

I. F. QUINBY, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 123.


26, Brigadier-General Grenville M. Dodge initiates confiscation policy for Confederate guerrilla supporters in West Tennessee, General Orders No. 11
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 11. HDQRS. CENTRAL DIV. OF THE MISS., Trenton, Tenn., July 26, 1862.
I. The general commanding has undoubted knowledge that the sympathizers with this rebellion within the limits of this command are aiding in a spies of warfare unknown to the laws and customs of war, the suppression of which calls for more rigorous and decisive measures than have been heretofore adopted. The allowing of bands of guerrillas to encamp in the neighborhood without giving information of the fact, the firing upon pickets, the feeding fact, the firing upon pickets, the feeding of parties who are hiding from our forces and the carrying of information to and from the enemy have become matters of daily occurrence. It is therefore ordered-
II. That any neighborhood, town or village that allows marauding bands or guerrillas to remain or camp near them without immediately sending word to the nearest military post will be levied upon, and a certain portion of the property of all known sympathizers of this rebellion than can be used by the U. S. forces, to be determined by the commander of the division, will be taken, and the citizens will be held personally responsible for the acts of the band. Where pickets are fired into the sympathizers of the rebellion being near the place will be arrested and held until the guilty party is brought to fight, and when any injury is done the picket there will be assessed upon the disloyal citizens living near the place an amount not exceeding $10,000, as the commanding general may determine.
III. Citizens who encourage returned soldiers and deserters to hide in the woods and form bands to return to the rebel army will be arrested and held responsible for all depredations committed by these bands; and when it comes to the knowledge of any of the commanders of posts of this command that returned soldiers or deserters are lurking about, hiding and not coming forward as required they will arrest and hold for hostage the nearest disloyal relative to the soldier, such person to be held as hostage till the soldier delivers himself or is delivered up.
IV. Any person, white or black, free or slave, who brings reliable information of guerrilla bands, marauding parties and of citizens who are breaking any provisions of this order, which information proving to be of benefit to the U. S. forces, will receive a liberal reward. If a slave he will be guaranteed against receiving punishment for bringing such information.
By order of Brig. Gen. G. M. Dodge
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, pp. 290-291.


July 28 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

28, Skirmish near Humboldt
JULY 28, 1862.--Skirmish near Humboldt, Tenn.
Reports of Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
HDQRS., Trenton, Tenn., July 28, 1862.
The attack was made early this morning about 8 miles south of Humboldt on two companies of my cavalry. They attacked in front and rear, and I have no doubt but our cavalry behaved badly, scattered and ran. Bryant immediately made preparation for them, and is now pushing through to connect with the Jackson forces. There is no doubt of there being a large body of the enemy south of the Hatchie, and that these attacks are made by parties from that force. They took Brownsville two or three days ago and are destroying immense quantities of cotton. I am posted on all their movements so far, but I cannot get a satisfactory account of the strength of the band north of the Hatchie. All my cavalry are under Bryant, and have gone with instructions to open the road to Jackson at all hazards. Loss this morning 10.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
CAPT.: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of troops in my division for the past few days:
After the attack on my forces near Humboldt and their dispersion of the enemy I ascertained that a force had been sent from Jackson to attack the enemy near Ripley, Lauderdale County; also that a force of the enemy was threatening Bolivar. I ordered Col. Bryant to take all the cavalry, with a force of infantry, to follow up the enemy's forces north of the Hatchie River and toward Brownsville, at the same time starting a force from here toward Dyersburg.
Last night Col. Bryant encamped in rear of the enemy's forces at Poplar Corners and is still following them. I trust, in connection with the Jackson forces, he will cut off their retreat across the Hatchie and thereby bag them. The enemy's forces are on the increase both north and south of the Hatchie. Those north I believe I shall be able to attend to, but they are so slippery and dodge through such small holes that they may evade me.
As I have taken charge of the bridge south of Humboldt I shall endeavor to so guard it that no small band of the enemy can take or destroy it. I have in process of erection there a strong block-house, which when finished will add greatly to the strength of the position. The bridge burned I have had rebuilt, and one hour after we obtained possession of the road had telegraphic communication south.
I must say that the strain upon my health and nerves lately has not added much to the state of my health, though I have full faith I shall weather it and get through safe. I would be glad to visit Columbus, as the general suggests, but it is not best just at this time.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 26-27.


28, "Tennessee Colored Men in the Regular Army."

Tennessee has furnished five hundred recruits for the colored regiments of the regular army during the past six months. About three hundred of these were enrolled for the 41st Infantry, by Lieut. L. Johnson, who closed his recruiting office in this city yesterday, having been ordered to Detroit, Michigan. The 41st is now full, and there will be no more recruiting of colored troops here.

Nashville Union and Dispatch, July 28, 1864.


28, "Need of Vigilance."
The frequency of conflagrations, of late, among Government steamboats, warehouses, provision and forage depots, all of vast importance to the welfare and sustenance of our armies, admonish us forcibly of the need of greatly increased watchfulness in guarding such property from the approach of incendiaries. It is highly probable that there is an organization of incendiaries, in the interest of the rebel Government, extending along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and in all the cities of the North where there are government depots of supplies or manufactories for the army, whose object is to use the torch in any way that will cripple and retard the operations of our armies. There are thousands of rebels from the South roaming at large over the Northern States, and scores of desperadoes who would readily attempt to burn down a shop, factory, or steamboat in the service of the Government for fifty dollars. The rebels could make no use of their money so damaging to us, as to employ a force of incendiaries to destroy Government vessels and work-shops, and it is quite reasonable to believe that they are aware of the fact. IF a good steamboat can be destroyed, or a locomotive and car shop, or any army wagon shop, or a depot filled with corn and hay for cavalry, artillery, and transportation horses, or any establishment of equal value and importance connected with military operations, can be burned, delaying the movements or our troops and robbing the Government of millions of dollars, the achievement is a God-send to the rebels. We think therefore that no time should be lost in placing a strong and thorough guard at every place where there is reason to apprehend the application of the torch. Incendiarism would be a tremendous weapon in the hands of desperate men, and the Government should watch out for their movements.
Nashville Daily Times and True Union, July 28, 1864.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 21 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

21, Report on the activities of the Memphis Vigilance Committee

"…she was stripped to the waist, and thirteen lashes given her with a strap, and the right side of her head shaved."


His Arrest by a Vigilance Committee and incarceration in a Memphis Prison – Eighty five Union Men Whipped and have their heads shaved-the Cruelties of Siberia Exceeded-A Northern Woman Brutally beaten with a Knout [sic] –Escape to Cairo

So many discrepancies have found their way into the statements published by me respecting my arrest, imprisonment and escaped, in and from the City of Memphis, Tennessee, that I must request the use of your columns to correct the, and reconcile what now see, and justly, conflicting statements.

I think no o­ne will question the assertion, that in Memphis there exists a feeling of greater hostility to the North than in any other portion of the South; that the public sentiment of that people countenance and approve more flagrant outrages upon the persons and property of those known or supposed to have Union proclivities, that would be tolerated anywhere else. I presume this to be the fact, because there is scarcely an account of some indignity towards those who are indisposed to blacken their souls with treason, and subject themselves to the just censure of true men everywhere.

To those who are familiar with the state of affairs in that vicinity for the past five months, this has been known; and it has been accounted for solely upon the ground that in no city [in the] South is there a larger proportion of Northern men, and of a class, too, who have no regard for the principles which should actuate all Americans in this crisis. Men who have learned, in the midst of starving, to forget all the principles which they were so well calculated to instill, and have become more Southern than the Southerner, and are now seeking, with the zeal of apostates, to prove themselves worthy [of] the of those among whom their lots have been cast; trampling under foot, in their eagerness to accomplish this end, all the claims of a common humanity, and rendering themselves amenable to the just vengeance of every man who loves his country, or abhors cruelty and oppression.

In the statement I am about to give, I shall speak o­nly of "that which I have seen," and in no case draw upon my fancy.

I am a Southern man myself, by birth, education and feeling all my prejudices have been with the South, and I would not now say o­ne work to cast odium upon a people whom I love, and for whom I would willingly sacrifice my own life, were it necessary, in defence of their rights, or in the maintenance of any principle. But when no wrong has been inflicted, no injury sustained, and no principle is contended for o­n their part, I cannot, and will not, prove my devotion to the South by avowing myself a traitor the country, for the sole purpose of aiding in the aggrandizement of those who have long since proven themselves unworthy [of] the confidence not o­nly of the South, but of honest men everywhere. Men who, were it necessary to accomplish their own ambitious ends, would lay their hands upon the pillars of the temple of liberty and pull them to the earth, though in the doing so they buried every hope of freedom throughout the world. Men politically and morally lost to all the principles of honor, and actuated solely by the selfish desire to elevate themselves event to ignoble positions, if they promise power and wealth.

It was my misfortune to view the present revolution in this light; and hence I became at o­nce obnoxious to the goof people of Memphis, who are unable to understand how it is possible for anyone to regard it otherwise than as a war for freedom and the rights of man.

Being thus blinded, I had the temerity to address a communication to the New York Tribune, in March last, commenting somewhat severely upon the conduct of the Memphisians [sic] in according an honorable reception a band of sturdy souls from Mississippi, o­n their way to the seat of war in Florida. In that latter some surprise was expressed, and a body of men marching under a flag hostile to their own, with the avowed purpose of joining an army soon, as was expected, to engage ours in deadly conflict, should receive such cordial welcome, and bear away with them such unmistakable manifestations of friendship.

The character of Tennesseans had always been that of honorable men, and it could but excite surprise that, while receiving all the benefits and blessing resulting from the Union, they should permit those avowedly their enemies to march unmolested through their streets, and carry with them the impr5ession that Memphis was already as unanimous as Mississippi.

This was regarded as a crime far too heinous to go unpunished; and accordingly, when the contents of that letter became know to the people of that righteous city there was an universal demand for the author-couched, however, in such terms and promising him such evidences of their regard ad induced him-modest man as the was-to keep them ignorant as to his identity thus avoiding the hospitalities and honors which have been thrust upon him. Let no o­ne imagine, however, that I was safe, unless some proof was brought forward and the authorship of the letter clearly established. Noting could be more erroneous than such an ideal Suspicion o­nly as requisite, and this could easily be directed against me by anyone who cherishes any ill will towards me.

This was soon apparent, and a few days after the letter had been copied from the Tribune into the Avalanche I had the honor of being visited by a select number of the immortal "Vigilance Committee," who respectfully requested to examine my effects. Nothing could have been more respectful than their demeanor; indeed, it was entirely too much so, and excited itself some apprehension and gave me a tickling sensation in the region of the thorax. After a thorough examination had been made, and innumerable questions asked, tending to fix the authorship of that particular letter upon me, all of which were in vain, I was politely informed that they "believed me to be a ____ Abolitionist, and intended to settle my case in the morning.

The precise meaning of this was readily understood, and I was locked up, that evening, under the firm conviction that it was my last night o­n earth. Excitement ran high, and the general demand was for the execution of an Abolitionist, or o­ne supposed to be tinctured with this heresy. And, from what I knew and had seen of the disposition made of such, I was justified in regarding my position as exceedingly critical.

In the morning, however, I was brought before the Vigilance Committee and underwent another examination, in which all the members who desired participated. It was evident that there was no disposition to find me "not guilty?' the o­nly object being to find an excuse to justify my execution. Here I stood before sixty men, every man of who was eager to sign my death warrant. Not o­ne of them evinced the least disposition to give me their benefit of circumstances in my favor; but all were actuated by the determination to find me guilty, and where justly or unjustly. And while admitting that there was no tangible evidence against me, going to show that I was even a Northern man, much less an Abolitionist, they communicated their intention to confine me in the dungeon of the jail until they could ascertain from their friends in Baltimore and Washington what my real sentiments were. Accordingly, I was thrown into an underground apartment, rendered horrible by the absence of light and air, and loathsome by the presence of the accumulated filth of years; a prison quite equal to the famous "Black hole of Calcutta," in its abominations.

The fare was in keeping with the quarters, and consisted of corn bread and as small quantity of water doled out in the morning of each day. Here, with the thermometer at about 95, I was compelled to remain from the 25th of April to the 6th of June, denied the privileges of communicating with my friends, and all access to me from them forbidden.

While here, I was frequently an eyewitness to some of the cruelest outrages that I believe it [is] possible for the ingenuity or depravity of man to devise. Outrages so entirely at variance with all my former conceptions of Southern character as (had I not witnessed them myself,) would have appeared not o­nly improbable, but impossible, to have been committed by them, and I cannot believe that in any other portions of the South, or among purely Southern men, such acts would be tolerated for a moment-indignities and enormities towards not o­nly men but women, which have almost frozen the blood in my veins, and aroused "a vengeance blood alone can quell;" a feeling of bitter and unrelenting hostility, which cannot be eradicated until a retribution as righteous as just, have been visited upon every man who has been a participant in such demoniac pleasures. Towards men, these cruelties were of daily occurrence, and the evidence of every man in Cairo connected with our army, will corroborate my statement-that more than eighty five men have had their heads shaved and their backs lacerated by the knout since the middle of last April. [sic] More than that number have found their way to Cairo, and are not waiting an opportunity to return and inflict summary punishment upon the people of that doomed city.

To this I had almost become accustomed, and looked quite naturally every morning for the perpetration of such outrages, but even this had not prepared me for what I had to witness before I left their prison. In all my imaginings, I never dreamed that in any moment of excitement there could be found, in any portion of this land, o­ne single man who would be base enough and fiend enough, to lay the lash upon the back of an innocent and defenceless woman. [sic] Incredible as it appears, it was done in the City of Memphis, o­n the 19th of May. [sic] The victim was a young, beautiful, refined and accomplished lady, who had resided there for o­ne year. Her offence was being from Maine, and expressing to loudly here wishes for the success of our arms.

She purchased a ticket for Cairo, and it appears was congratulating herself upon soon reaching a land of liberty, when an officer by the name of THURMAN arrested and brought here in the jail. She was confined all night, and in the morning about six o'clock she was brought in front of the rear door of the jail (in the yard), and after three [sic] men had been whipped with the knout, [sic] and their heads shaved, she was stripped to the waist, and thirteen lashes given her with a strap, and the right side of her head shaved. [sic] The wretch who did the whipping is named John Durall, and was originally a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, while this other fiend who held her arms, had recently left Syracuse, New York, and is named Thomas McElroy.

The outrage took place not more than five feet from where I was standing, inside the passage in the yard, and she fell back against the door when released. I spoke to her fully five minutes, and know her name and address, and have her likeness now in my possession. I shall never forget her appearance while suffering the infliction of this tremendous outrage. No o­ne work escaped her lips; not a groan came up from her breast; not a sight was audible. But, the livid hue of her face, the compressed lips, the quivering of every muscle, attested how terrible was her woe, how keenly she felt the impious wrong. Would to God the advancing columns of our army could, at that moment, have entered that yard, and torn those incarnate devils limb from limb, and meted [sic] out to all concerned in this infamous proceeding-whether as participants or spectators-a punishment commensurate with their crime. And should the day come, when Union men dare to avow their sentiments in that city, and the presence of our army enable the eye witnesses to this transaction to return, there will be a terrible reckoning required at the hands of these barbarians.

I remained in this prison until the 6th of June, when, through the instrumentality of a true and noble woman, I was enabled to affect my escape. Money, of which there was a scarcity, triumphed o­n the fidelity of o­ne of the attaches of the jail. My den was opened and I was free. That I lost no time in finding other quarters may readily be imagined, and I succeeded in securing a hiding place with an old Irish woman until I could leave the city. This I did o­n the 11th of June, with but five dollars in my pocket, which carried me to Jackson, and from that point I was compelled to make my way to Cairo-one hundred and twenty miles without o­ne cent, and through a section country where I would have been hung in a moment if suspected of being from the North. I succeeded, however, after a journey of three days, with a mouthful to eat, in reaching the land of promise.

When I came in sight of the "Stars and Stripes" floating from the encampment at Bird's Point, all fatigue was forgotten, and with horse speed I ran until I was with the line of our troops No mortal man, unless under similar circumstances, can form an idea of the feeling which possessed me at that moment-the deep and profound gratitude to God for having guided me through so many perils and dangers, and brought me o­nce again to freedom….

~ ~ ~

July 18, 1861
Jno. McLean Collins

Philadelphia Inquirer, July 22, 1861


22-23, Bushwhackers as robbers and marriage guests
On Thursday evening last, one of the daughters of E. L. Crocker, Esq., who resides on White's Creek, in Davidson county, was married. Whilst the ceremony was being performed, Mr. Crocker discovered a couple of men, with revolvers in each hand, and dressed in the Federal uniform, standing in the hall, and looking into the parlor where the company was assembled. He approached them and asked who they were.
With an attempt at dramatic effect, one of them touched his uniform, and responded -- "This shows what we are!" In reply to a demand as to the object of their visit, they stated that they were in search of rebel soldiers. Mr. Crocker informed them that he was a loyal citizen, assured them that he could vouch for the gentlemen present; that none of them were rebel soldiers; and that no persons of that description were in his house. They remarked that they would search each room. He asked to see their authority to do it. Again with another effort to be dramatic, one of them striking his uniform, and holding up his pistol replied -- "This and this!" Mr. C., not at all awed by this demonstration, told them positively they should not make the search. "You deny me, then." "I do." "We will report you." "Go and do so." Some other conversations occurred, in which they stated that they belonged to the 4th Tennessee Cavalry, and gave their names as Armstrong and Kennedy; they then departed. Thinking they were backed by others, Mr. Crocker did not deem it prudent to attempt to detain them, as he might have done with the aid of his visitors. He [later] came to the report them, and visited the camp of a company of the 4th Tennessee cavalry, encamped on the opposite side of the river, and ascertained from the Lieutenant in command that none of his men were absent, and he had none named Armstrong or Kennedy.
These men were doubtless disguised in the Federal uniform, and went to Mr. Crocker's for the purpose of robbing him. The number of gentlemen present made them practice discretion.
The night previous (July 22) there were three robberies in that section of the county. The houses of Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Avrill, and a free man of color named Roberts, were entered and robbed of money and clothing. A number of horses and mules were also stolen. The robbers would suddenly make their appearance in a house, place pistols at the head of the owner, and demand his money, threatening him with death is he refused. Taken by surprise he could do more that "shell out" and get rid of the scoundrels.
These things are the legitimate fruits of guerilla [sic] warfare. It is probable that they will increase. There is no remedy for them unless the people organize for self-protection [sic]. It is their duty to do this. We are glad to learn that the people in the neighborhood where the foraging robberies occurred, have determined to organize and take care of themselves. They wish, however, the countenance and support of the authorities here, which we have no doubt we be accorded them.
Nashville Daily Union, July 25, 1863.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

21, Skirmishes around Nashville
No. 1.--Brig. Gen. William Nelson, U. S. Army, commanding at Murfreesborough.
No. 2.--Col. John F. Miller, Twenty-ninth Indiana, commanding at Nashville.
No. 3.--Brig. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, C. S. Army, including operations July 18-24.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. William Nelson, U. S. Army, commanding at Murfreesborough.
HDQRS., Murfreesborough, Tenn., July 24, 1862.
GEN.: You will have heard that on the 21st instant Forrest went down the Lebanon road to within 5 miles of Nashville and burned a bridge and some trestle work. When this occurred I had only the cavalry companies I picked up at Nashville, Haggard having joined after the damage was done. I determined at once to cut off Forrest's retreat, and gave orders for the cavalry to march to Readyville (see inclosed paper ), and thence to Statesville, and close up to Milton, and I would march with infantry to the point where the Jefferson pike crosses the road from here to Lebanon, 2 miles beyond Stone River, it being my impression that Forrest, having gone by way of Lebanon, would return this way. Twenty minutes before marching a courier came to me from Franklin, bringing a dispatch that Forrest, with 2,500 or 3,000 men, was at Nashville. All sorts of reports came by the courier. I immediately, to save the stores at Nashville, changed the order and sent Haggard with all the cavalry to move rapidly to Nashville and attack the enemy wherever he could find them, telling Col. Haggard that he would find the enemy scattered, marauding, and having his own men in hand all he had to do was to attack and destroy them as fast as he came to them. I immediately followed with the infantry, and at 10 p. m. was in 10 miles of Nashville. Col. Harrard sent me several messages with various accounts of the supposed strength of the enemy in front. I answered him in writing to attack-to attack all the time.
When I arrived at the junction of the Old Franklin road, at 10 p. m., I found him and all the cavalry there awaiting my arrival. He had been there five or six hours. The enemy were so strongly posted, &c., that he had determined to wait for me and report, having held a council of war and all that sort of nonsense. In an hour's examination I was satisfied that there was not only no enemy, but that they had retreated over the identical road that I had expected they would. Being so sure that he would go that way in any event, I sent messengers back to Col. Barnes at Murfreesborough for him to take the regiment remaining there and abandon everything there and move up that road; but, alas! he got there just after Forrest had gone by.
By the telegram sent me by Col. Miller, indicating that Nashville was in danger, Forrest escaped; the 80 men that were guarding the bridge that was burned are lost, 3 of them killed, the rest taken. They were of the Second Kentucky. That regiment is much reduced since leaving Athens; 3 were killed and 48 wounded on the railroad; now 3 are killed and 81 taken, making a loss of 6 killed and 129 lost by death and prisoners.
Forrest was last heard of near Liberty. I have ordered a battalion of Wolford's cavalry to come here by way Shelbyville; a battalion of Board's by way of Versailles. When they do come I will have about 1,200 cavalry, and Mr. Forrest shall have no rest. I will hunt him myself. Where, O tell me, where is Gen. Jackson? It's a chance for him.
I have called in 500 negro laborers from the country to build the field work indicated. When it is finished it will relieve the men here, and I can take the field with the whole force, and I will clear out the country if it can be done. I have stationed three regiments at the crossing of the Jefferson and Lebanon pikes, and will move on McMinnville from that point instead of from here.
Your order has been received to forward 100,000 rations to Stevenson, and I am using all energy to carry it into execution. I will be able to-morrow to send a train to within 5 miles of Nashville, when I will load it and send it along.
If you will send me the rest of my division I will settle the rest of this country in no time. The troops I find here are without discipline, and your orders in relation to marauding, stealing, and rascality generally are dead letters as far as many of them are concerned.
By the burning of the bridges provisions are scarce, and a train I have not, but will go ahead. I inclose some papers. Reports are constant that a large force is coming in at this point. Every man in this country yesterday, so soon as the troops changed direction, started, and I heard of several parties hurrying to Forrest to carry him the news.
I must tell you something that has transpired since you left here. The hostility to the United States Government and the troops has increased 1,000 per cent. It seems settled into a fierce hatred to Governor Johnson, to him personally more than officially, for in questioning many people they cannot point to an act that he has not been warranted in doing by their own showing; but still, either in manner of doing it, or that it should be done by him, or from some undefinable course touching him their resentment is fierce and vindictive, and this country, from being neutral at least, as you left it, is now hostile and in arms, and what makes it bad for us it is in our rear. The continual rumor of a large body of infantry coming into this country tends to make the discontented bold and active. Wherever Forrest stopped he found prepared (notice no doubt having been given) food and forage in ample quantities. Every man is an active spy, and guerrillas are now aiding him.
I send this letter by Messrs. William Spence and William Elliott, two good and true Union men, whom I beg to recommend to your favorable consideration.
Very respectfully,
W. NELSON, Brig.-Gen.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL, Cmdg. Army of the Ohio, &c.
HDQRS. FOURTH DIVISION, Murfreesborough, Tenn., July 18, 1862.
Information has been received at these headquarters that arms and other property belonging to the United States, captured with the troops last Sunday, were distributed yesterday to the disloyal citizens of this town. All persons having such arms or property in their possession will bring them immediately to the court-house and turn them over to the provost-marshal there. These failing to do so will be arrested and sent to a military prison on the charge of treason.
By order of Brig.-Gen. Nelson, commanding.
J. MILLS KENDRICK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
SPECIAL ORDERS, No. --. HDQRS. FOURTH DIV. ARMY OF THE OHIO, Murfreesborough, Tenn., July 21, 1862.
The inhabitants of the county will furnish negro laborers to the amount of 200 for the use of troops at this point. These laborers will report here to-morrow morning.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Nelson:
J. MILLS KENDRICK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
No. 2.
Report of Col. John F. Miller, Twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, commanding at Nashville.
HDQRS., Nashville, July 22, 1862. Gen. Forrest, with forces variously reported from 1,200 to 4,000 strong, advanced yesterday on Lebanon pike within 8 miles of city, then marched across to Mill Creek Bridge, 7 miles out on Chattanooga Railroad; destroyed three bridges, taking 80 prisoners Second Kentucky Volunteers, killing 2; 1 wounded. Rebel loss reported, 20 killed and wounded. Took prisoners on Murfreesborough road 12 miles from this place, camped, paroled the prisoners this morning, and marched at daylight toward Murfreesborough to capture wagon train with 360 of Thirty-sixth Indiana, who left here yesterday morning for Murfreesborough, and supposed to have been 12 miles this side of Murfreesborough this morning.
The enemy menaced this place yesterday evening; drove in our pickets; captured 3 of our scouts. They are divided into parties and endeavored to draw out my forces after them. I held and will hold my forces under arms in city. I have no cavalry to pursue, but will hold the city. I telegraphed to Franklin last night and this morning to send couriers to Murfreesborough with all information. The paroled men have just arrived.
JNO. F. MILLER, Col., Cmdg. Post.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL.
No. 3.
Report of Brig. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, C. S. Army, including operations July 18-24.
HDQRS. SECOND CAVALRY BRIGADE, McMinnville, Tenn., July 24, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report to you that on Friday, the 18th, at noon I left my camp on Mountain Creek, 10 miles from this place, with about 700 effective men of this brigade, in the direction of Nashville, for the purpose of making a reconnaissance. On my arrival at Alexandria with a portion of my command (the Texas Rangers) I was advised that during the day some 700 Federal cavalry had been sent from Nashville to Lebanon. I immediately ordered forward the balance of my command, being portions of the First and Second Georgia Cavalry and the Tennessee and Kentucky squadrons, and by a forced march reached Lebanon soon after sunrise. We dashed into the city in fine style, but found that the enemy, having notice of my approach, had retired about 12 o'clock, leaving me in the undisturbed possession of that place. I found the entire population true and loyal, with perhaps a single exception.
I remained at Lebanon until Monday morning, and moved then with my command toward Nashville. On reaching the vicinity of Nashville, say 5 or 6 miles, I captured 3 of the enemy's pickets. I moved then around the city, semicircling [sic] it and the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, passing within 3 miles of the city, and capturing on the way, 2 additional pickets. I moved on the road for the purpose of destroying the bridges on the railroad near the city, and to my entire satisfaction accomplished the purpose, destroying three important railroad bridges over Mill Creek and cutting the telegraph wires. At each bridge I found heavy pickets, and had some considerable skirmishing at each, and also at Antioch Depot.
In the several skirmishes there were 10 killed and some 15 or 20 wounded, 97 prisoners (94 privates and 3 lieutenants), besides destroying a considerable amount of stores at Antioch Depot. Our forces were reported to be four times their number, so I afterward learned.
The necessity of rapid marching to secure the end desired having exhausted to a very considerable extent both men and horses, I found it necessary to fall back to this point, with a view of recruiting, which I did in good order, having the satisfaction to report that I did not lose
a single man on the expedition, either in killed or wounded. I regret the limited time allowed me in which to make this report will not permit me to enter minutely into the details of this exploit. I hope it will fully meet the approbation and expectation of the general.
Permit me to add that the entire force, officers and men, under my command acquitted themselves with great credit, and bore the fatigue and risk of the expedition in a manner only to be borne by Confederate troops. My demonstration on Nashville, I am advised, created great excitement in that city, by which the greater portion of the force at Murfreesborough was ordered to that point. I regretted then, and now sincerely regret, that the limited force I had with me, which was all that I had which was available, did not permit me to make a more solid demonstration against that city. They were evidently frightened. A few thousand would then have placed that city in our possession.
On my return I sent a flag of truce to Murfreesborough and found the troops at that point in great confusion and evident fright. They are attempting to fortify the place and have partially blockaded the road between that city and this. I am credibly informed that the same state of confusion and terror pervaded their entire army at Wartrace and all other points within my reach. I regret that my force will not permit me to avail myself of this terror.
The officers and men of my entire command, flushed with victory and our past success, are anxious and ready to meet the enemy. I feel secure in my present position. Should events render this an insecure place I will fall back to a less exposed point.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
N. B. FORREST, Brig.-Gen., Second Cavalry Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, pp. 815-819.


21, "Murder, Robbery, Cutting and Maiming;" the return of a crime wave and a call for the return of a military police force in Civil War Nashville
Many of our readers will remember the fearful state in which Nashville was for two or three months previous to the first of last January; almost everyday we were called upon to record some brutal murder, a burglary, a robbery, or assaults. Earnestly and repeatedly we called upon the authorities for reform, and suggested a plan by which we hoped to restore law and order, and protect the lives and property of our fellow citizens.. This plan was finally approved by Gen. Rosecrans, who caused a military force to be placed in command of the mayor, with the view of aiding the police in the preservation of good order, and the prevention of crime . We need scarcely say that our citizens were rejoiced at the manner in which Lieut. Isom's detachment performed their arduous duties; after two days and nights of constant vigilance, some of the most notorious characters were either in jail or had absconded, and so close a watch was kept upon the others that manly found it convenient to leave the city soon thereafter. Citizens could walk the streets at any hour of the night without fear, and the horrible atrocities were nearly forgotten, when Lieut. Isom was called to another field of operations, and his men were ordered to other duties, thus leaving the city again at the mercy of the depraved -- citizens and soldiers.
Again our city is disgraced by scenes of barbarous atrocities and almost nightly robberies. Soldiers are permitted to roam about the city off duty, armed, and after imbibing a few glasses of whisky, ready and willing to use their weapons upon the slightest provocation. Within a few days we have recorded the killing of Jeremiah Walsh, an inoffensive citizen -- an act, to say the least of it, unwarranted: the poisoning of a family of nine persons; the cutting of a soldier by a comrade in so horrible a manner that he died in a few hours thereafter; the killing of sutler by a negro [sic]; and on Sunday night [19th], the cutting of a citizen with a sabre or sword bayonet, in such a manner that it is almost miraculous how the man could possibly survive.
The atrocities are increasing daily, and hence the necessity; of immediate action to check the progress of crime in our midst. We respectfully suggest a conference between the military and civil authorities, for the purpose of deriving some means of preserving order. South Nashville, especially, needs immediate attention. We were informed by one of the watchmen of that district last week that in one night, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock , he heard more than a dozen shots fired, and one of the city marshals informed us that no citizen considered himself safe outside his house after dark. The Western part of the city also needs especial attention and for reasons which Marshal Chumbly can point out.
If no better plan can be adopted than that we originally proposed, we respectfully urge upon the authorities its revival; it is simply to detail a sufficient number of the Provost Guard, to allow two men to accompany each Policemen on his beat, and parade it together every night -- the whole to be under the command of the Mayor, and subject to his order, night and day.
Nashville Dispatch, July 21, 1863.


21, "The Tennessee Banks."
We have understood that the Supervisor of Banks will enter upon the discharge of his duties under the Bank Code durijng the present or coming week and that it is his intention to exact as faithful a cmmpliance with provisions of the Bank
Code and the acts amendatory thereof as circumstances will at present justify. We feel warranted in saying that one object he will labor to accomplish will be to bring up the notes of the banks doing business in the State to the "greenback" standard. He regards it a duty he owes to the peoople of Tennessee, who hold largely the issues of our banks, to require the banks to make their issues as good as that which the Government has made legal tender.
Another matter that will engage the especial attention of the Supervisor of Banks will be the looking after and gathering up of such of the assets of the Bank of Tennessee as may be within reach. There is a large amount of debts due the Bank scattered over the State much of which, by proper attention, may be secured. The evidences of these debts have been carried beyond the limits of the State; but where it can be ascertained that a party owes the Bank, the laws of Tennessee provide amply for enforcing its collection. The Bank holds a very considerable amount of real estate in various parts of the State, which he proposed to take possession of. The greater portion of this real estate is improved and very valuable, and may be disposed of upon very advantageous terms. From these tow items a fund may be realized which will go a long way toward liquidating the indebtedness of the State.
Nashville Dispatch, July 21, 1864.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

20, Federal forces take the Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis
On last Sunday [the 20th] the military authorities took possession of, and held divine services in the Second Presbyterian Church....We understand they ensconced themselves in genuine military style; marching in amid strains of martial music, and 're-occupying' the unresisting pews; the musical department 'retaking' the choir gallery, and the preacher 'repossessing' the pulpit. After these recoveries, a hymn being adapted to a 'national tune,' was performed to the immense satisfaction of the Unions savers. The reverend Yankee divine, we learn, read a profound essay on good manners to his soldier auditors, upon two-thirds of whom our informant tells us, it produced a peculiarly soporific effect, which was only dispelled by the sounding of fife and pealing drum' at the close of the services. None of our substantial [Confederate] citizens were present on this interesting occasion, and the respectable number of five forlorn, cadaverous looking females, evidently of the lower classes represented the Union feeling of the other sex!
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 25, 1862.


20, Retreat of Federal forces from West Tenn. to Memphis due to drought [Orders No. 55]
ORDERS, No. 55. HDQRS., Memphis, Tenn., July 20, 1862.
In consequence of the total absence of water fit for man or beast at any point near Memphis, save in wells, which are barely adequate to supply the inhabitants, the two divisions under my command will be forced to camp in compact order in and around Fort Pickering, on the river bank, 2 miles south of Memphis.
The Fifth Division will march in the order prescribed early to-morrow into Memphis. On reaching the outer pickets, about 2 miles out, the wagon trains will be ordered to halt and clear the road, and each brigadier will march his brigade in good order straight to the west to Main street, one square east of the levee, then turn south down Main street to Fort Pickering. Gen. Smith's brigade will not enter the fort, but camp some 300 yards to its front or east.
Gen. Denver's and Col. McDowell's brigades will enter the fort, the former taking the south half and latter the north half of the ground inside the lines of unfinished trenches.
All the brigadiers after selecting the ground for their regiments will send an officer of each regiment back to conduct their train of wagons to camp. Gen. Hurlbut will also pass the column of halted wagons and leave his in like manner behind, to be sent for after the selection of camp, and will pursue the same line of march, viz, down Poplar street to Main, down Main to the fort and camp of Col. Woods' brigade to the right, and choose camp in the woods next below Col. Woods' brigade, near the river. The brigade and regimental quartermasters must remain with their trains, and when the infantry has passed them will, without further orders, follow the column until met by an officer of their respective colonels to conduct them to camp.
There is no use attempting to get water until the river is reached at Fort Pickering, where of course it is abundant in the Mississippi. Every effort should be made to make the march in the cool of the morning as far as possible.
Cavalry will remain and escort the wagon train into camp and then choose their own.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 109.


20,"Don't Want Them."
It is extensively hoped in Nashville that the reported countermanding of the order by which the ill famed women of the town were deported, is without foundation. Without desiring to impose such a burden upon any other community, we would prefer that those women remain as far away as possible. Send them to Great Salt Lake city; they'd make admirable latter day saints, and old Brigham would shout gloriously at their conversion. It will require the largest fraction of a century to cure the evils they have inflicted on this community, and it can never be done if they are permitted to come back.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20, 1863.


20, Billiards in Nashville
One of the institutions of the city, and in fact one of the handsomest billiard rooms in the country is kept by that clever gentleman Jo Loiseau, on Cedar street. He is now running thirteen tables, which are engaged nearly all the time, both day and night. Mr. Loiseau has lately secured the services of Frank Parker, of New York, one of the best billiard players in the country, as superintendent of his establishment. He has a world-wide reputation in the science, and amateurs will find it to their advantage to attend the saloon, and see with what ease he can make a run of several hundred points.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20 1864.


Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

18, "Working Men's Union Meeting at Exchange Building To-Night."
A meeting will be held by the working men of Memphis, to-night, at Exchange Building, as advertised in our columns. It is believed to be high time that the laborer and the mechanic come forth and speak for that Union whose chief prosperity is due to the labor of his brawny arm, the sweat of his manly brow, the loss of which, even for a time, was to him the loss of liberty and dignity. The meeting should be a full one. It should be a clean protest against the unholy rebellion which sustained itself by dragging the laborer like a hound from his home, to work per force and without remuneration, a protest against the rebellion which subjected them to be dragged to encampments from the side of their dependent wives and families, which looked upon all labor as disgraceful, and the white laborer as less since than a negro, a protest against the rebellion which shot those who resisted the indignities it heaped upon them, whose leaders applied to for redress, remarked, "it is only [sic] an Irishman!" Come out, working men, mechanic and laborer; enter your protest against tyranny, manifest your love and gratitude for the flag that has ever protected you. Let those talk "nigger" who will [sic], your [sic] interest and dignity are with the old United States, within whose protection alone the mechanic and the laborer have ever stood the proud and just equals in social and political rights to every other class of the community.
Come to the meeting and speak, Old Pinch, from the factory and the smithy. Come and come with those dear and near to you, ever protected beneath the old Constitution as much as they were disregarded by rebellion. Come out, one and all.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 18, 1862


18-26, "Affairs in Memphis."
Gen. Sherman in Command – All Orders Carried Out.
Memphis, Tuesday, July 22
Major-Gen. Sherman has assumed command of this City. He will enforce all orders issued by his predecessors. Four hundred persons took the oath of allegiance. One hundred and thirty received passes to go South. Many expected that upon Gen. Sherman's arrival, the order, requiring them to take the oath or leave, would be modified, and have delayed taking action until today, consequently the Provost Marshal's office was thronged with applicants soliciting the passes to go South, and those desiring to take the required oath.
The Memphis Bulletin of July 19, reports a meeting which was held in that city on the preceding evening (18th) to secure recruits for a National regiment. Col. Nabers, an old resident of Memphis, spoke. He referred to the fact that Gov. Johnson, soon after his coercion speech in the Senate, had been hung and burnt in effigy in front of the Adams-street engine house by the secession mob, which then ruled the city, and expressed the hope that that great man would be here soon, and that all Union-loving men might be permitted to hear his voice raised again for "the Union, the Constitution and enforcement of the laws," and from the very stand where the great indignity had been offered him. Col. Nabers said that the Government of the United States would protect the persons and property of loyal citizens, and that no other had any claim to protection, since no one had a right to claim the protection of a Government which he wished to destroy. He knew not how it was with others, but for himself, he was glad to say, that since the arrival of the Federal army, he had been as amply protected in his property and his rights under the Constitution as he could have desired, and presumed the same could be affirmed by all other loyal citizens.
From the Bulletin, July 19.
Gen. W. T. Sherman's Division, which, ever since the evacuation of Corinth, has been occupying the line of road between that point and Memphis, marched into the town yesterday, and are now encamped in the outskirts.
We understand that Gen. Sherman assumes command of this post to-day.
There are now sufficient troops in and about the city to quiet any apprehensions which the more timid minded might feel of any attack on the city by the Confederate troops.
New York Times, July 26, 1862.


18, Capture of Union pickets near Germantown
JULY 18, 1863.--Capture of Union pickets near Germantown, Tenn.
Reports of Col. Phineas Pease, Forty-ninth Illinois Infantry.
GERMANTOWN, July --, 1863.
A squad of rebels captured 3 [Federal]cavalrymen within half a mile of my picket line on the west this evening. Have sent out cavalry and infantry in different directions to capture them, if possible.
Col. Forty-ninth Illinois, Commanding.
LATER.--Rebels tore up track 2 miles from Germantown. Will be repaired in time for morning train.
GERMANTOWN, July 18, 1863.
The squad of cavalry have overtaken and are now in pursuit of the rebels south of Nonconnah Creek. A detail of 3 cavalry have returned with 1 rebel and our 3 captured cavalry, together with 7 track repairers, who were captured at the same time. This prisoner reports that he belongs to [John] McGuirk's command, consisting of one regiment, encamped north of the Tallahatchee. One of his companies at Cockrum's Cross-Roads; two at Walnut Hill; one at Cox's, on Holly Springs road, 15 miles north of the Tallahatchee, and two at or near Holly Springs. Blythe's and George's regiments at or near Coldwater Station. Chalmers still at Panola. Have no more cavalry to send out.
P. PEASE, Col. Forty-ninth Illinois, Commanding.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p. 684.



18, "KILLED"
On Monday night last (18th), complaint was made to Lieut. Douglass that John Kirk, an employee in Dr. Chambers' Vernerial [sic] Hospital, had struck a negro woman named Kate Martin over the head with a spade, cutting her severely. The officer sent a soldier from the 13th United States Infantry, along with special policeman Augustus Teenan, 5th Iowa cavalry, to arrest Kirk. Hearing that the guard were after him, he took a horse from the stable near the hospital, and afterwards borrowing a pistol, attempted to make his escape. The guard overtook him, however, and ordered him under arrest, when he drew a pistol and commenced firing at the guard. The soldier advanced upon him, wrenched the pistol from his hand, pulled him off the horse, and placed him under arrest. Kirk then stooped down and picked up a rock with which to strike the guard, when the latter levelled [sic] his musket and fired, the ball taking effect in Kirk's heart, and from the effects of which he died instantly. This occurred on the Charlotte pike, near the trestle-work, between 10 and 11 o'clock at night.
The guard, we understand, was not to blame in the matter, acting in the first place in the most forbearing manner, and not disposed to fire upon him until forbearance ceased to be a virtue.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20 1864.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 15 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

15, Guerrillas burn cotton near Hickory Wythe depot
More Cotton Burning in Tennessee.
We learn that about sixty bales of cotton were burnt on Wednesday night near Hickory Wythe depot, about twenty-five miles from this city, under the following circumstances.
It appears that Mr. Gager, of this city, had a lot of cotton at Concorda, about thirty-five miles from Memphis, and left here on Wednesday (15th) with about twenty-five drays to bring it here to market. While on the way out to Concorda, the draymen were informed by the planters along the road, that if they brought the cotton that way, en route for Memphis, they would burn it. Nevertheless, the draymen went on to Concorda. Loaded with cotton and started back.
On getting near Wythe Depot, the dray cavalcade was arrested by about twenty-five citizens, all armed, who ordered that the drivers should throw the cotton off the drays. Some of the draymen readily complies the order, while others ran to the woods and escaped. The cotton thrown off, the draws was [sic] fired into by the arresting party, and in that way set on fire and consumed. The cotton left on the drays by the fugitive owners was likewise burned, and on the drays on which had been loaded. The draymen who obeyed the order to unload the cotton, were permitted to retake possession of their teams.
The arrest and conflagration were made about eight o'clock on Wednesday (15th) night, and before the great rain which afterwards extinguished all fires and put down the dust.
It seems to be generally understood that the Confederate cavalry are still hovering around the neighborhood of Wythe Depot, and we should not be surprised to hear any day of the capture of the whole concern.
Memphis Bulletin, July 18, 1862.



Union Men Shot and Thrown into a River.
Thirteen Men and Boys Shot and Buried in one Grave.
Women Whipped and hung by Rebel Officers.
From Col. Robt. A. CRAWFORD, of Greene county, Tennessee, who is a refugee and was one of the vice-presidents of the late Convention at Nashville, we learn the following facts in reference to rebel rule in that beautiful "Switzerland of America," East Tennessee. Col. CRAWFORD HAS a personal knowledge of some of these facts, having left the scene of their enactment quite recently, and vouches for the truth of all of them, as his information was obtained from trustworthy persons, and written down on the spot. Another evidence of their authenticity is the accuracy with which names, dates, places and particulars are detailed. There is scarcely a shadow of doubt that these infamous outrages, these damning acts of barbarism, were perpetrated by fiendish human for wearing the apparel of the Confederacy, and representing its authority. But, to proceed to the facts: last summer three young men, brothers, named ANDERSON, left their homes in Hawkins county, and attempted to make their way into Kentucky. They were arrested by a squad of Confederate cavalry on Clinch river, about seventy-five miles from Knoxville, shot, and thrown into the river. Their bodies were found floating in the stream, fifteen miles from their own forsaken homes.
In the month of January, [sic] 1863, at Laurel, N.C., near the Tennessee border, all the salt was seized for distribution by Confederate Commissioners. Salt was selling at seventy five to one hundred dollars a sack. The Commissioners declared that the "Tories" should have none, and positively refused to give Union men their portion of the quantity to be distributed in that vicinity. This palpable injustice roused the Union men; they assembled together and determined to seized their proportion of the salt by force. They did so, taking at Marshal, N.C., what they deemed to be their just share, and which had been withheld from them, simply because the adhered with unconquerable devotion to the Government of their fathers.
Immediately afterward the 65th N. C. regiment, under command of Lieut. Col. JAMES KEITH, was ordered to Laurel, to arrest the offenders.
L. M. ALLEN was Colonel of the regiment, but had been suspended for six months for crime and drunkenness. Many of the men engaged in the salt seizure left their homes. Those who did not participate in it became the sufferers. Among those arrested were Joseph WOOD, about sixty years of age; Dave SHELTON, sixty; JAS. SHELTON, fifty; RODDY SHELTON, forty-five; ELISON KING, forty; HALES MOORE, forty, WADE MOORE, thirty-five; ISAIAH SHELTON, fifteen; WM. SHELTON, twelve; JAMES MEETCALF, ten; JASPER CHANNEL, fourteen; SAML. SHELTON, nineteen, and his brother, ages seventeen, sons of LIFUS SHELTON; in all thirteen men and boys. Nearly all of them declared they were innocent, and had taken no part in appropriating the salt. They begged for a trial, asserting that they could prove their innocence.
Col. ALLEN, who was with his troops, but not in command, told them they should have a trial, but the would be taken to Tennessee for that purpose. They bid farewell to their wives, daughters, and sisters, directing them to procure the witnesses and bring them to the Court in Tennessee, where they supposed their trial would take place. Alas! How little they dreamed what a fate awaited them! The poor fellows had proceeded but a few miles when they were turned from the road into a gorge in the mountain, and halted. Without any warning of what was to be done with them, five of the them were ordered to kneel down. Then paces in front of these five a file of soldiers were placed with loaded muskets. The terrible reality flashed upon the minds of the doomed patriots. Old man WOOD, (sixty years of age) cried out: "For God's sake, men, you are not going to shoot us? If you are going to murder us, give us at least time to pray." Col. ALLEN was reminded of his promise to give them a trial. There were informed that ALLEN had no authority; that KEITH was in command, and that there was no time for praying. The order was given to fire; the old men and boys put there hands to their faces and rent the air with agonizing cries of despair; the soldier wavered and hesitated to obey the command. KEITH said, it they did not fire instantly, he would make then change places with the prisoners. The soldier raised their guns, the victims shuddered convulsively, the word was given to fire, and the five men fell, pierced with rebel bullets. Old men, WOOD and SHELTON were shot in the head, their brains scattered upon the ground, and they died without a struggle. The other three lived only a few minutes. Five others were ordered to kneel, among them little BILLY SHELTON, a mere child, only twelve years old. He implored the men not to shoot him in the face. "You have killed my father and brothers," said he, "you have shot my father in the face; do not shoot me in the face." He covered his face with his hands. The soldier received the order to fire, and five more fell. Poor little Billy was wounded in both arms. He ran to an officer, clasped him around the legs, and besought him to spare his life. "Your have killed my; old father and my three brothers; you have shot me in both arms -- I will forgive you all this -- I can get well. Let me go home to my mother and sisters" What a heart of adamant the man must have who could disregard such an appeal. The little boy was dragged back to the place of execution; again the terrible work "fire!" was given, and he fell dead, eight balls having entered his body. The remaining three were murdered in the same manner. Those in whom life was not entirely extinct, the heartless officers dispatched with their pistols. A hole was then dug, and the thirteen bodies were pitched into it.
The grave was scarcely large enough; some of the bodies lay above the ground. A wretch named Sergeant N. B. D. JAY, a Virginian, but attached to a Tennessee company of the 65th North Carolina regiment, jumped upon the bleeding bodies, and said to some of the men: "Pat Juba* for me, while I dance the damned scoundrels down and through hell." The grave was covered lightly with earth and the next day when the wives and families of the murdered men heard of their fate, searched for and found their grave, the hogs had rooted up one man's body, and eaten his head off. Oh heavens! What must have been the agony of their wives and children on beholding that sight? When the awful reality burst upon the, what great drops of affliction must have oozed from their bleeding hearts. Yet, all this was done in the cause of freedom! "O liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name?"
Captain MOORLEY, in charge of a cavalry force, and Col THOMAS, in command of a number of Indians, Accompanied KIETH'S men. These proceeded to Tennessee; KEITH'S men turned to Laurel, and were instructed to say that the cavalry had taken the prisoner with them to be tried, in accordance with the pledge of Col. ALLEN. In their progress through the country, many Union men were known to have been killed and scalped by the Indians. Upon the return of KEITH and his men to Laurel they began systematically to torture the women of loyal men to force them to tell where their fathers and husband could be found and what part each had taken in the salt raid. The women refused to divulge anything. They were then whipped with hickory switches, many of them till the blood coursed in streams down their persons to the ground; and the men who did this were called soldiers! Mrs. SARAH SHELTON, wife of ESAU SHELTON, who escaped from the town, and Mrs. MARY SHELTON, wife of LIFUS SHELTON, were whipped and hung by the neck till they were almost dead; but would give no information. MARTHA WHITE, an idiotic girl, was beaten, and tied by the neck all day to a tree. Old Mrs. UNUS REDDLE, aged eighty-five years, was whipped, hung, and robbed of a considerable amount of money. Many others were treated with the same barbarity. And the men who did this were called soldiers! The daughters of WILLIAM SHELTON, a man of wealth and highly respectable, were requested by some of the officers to play and sing for them. They played and sang of a few National airs. Keith learned of it, and ordered that the ladies be placed under arrest and sent to the guardhouse, where they remained all night.
Old Mrs. SALLIE MOORE, seventy years of age, was whipped with hickory rods thrill the blood ran in streams down her back to the ground; and the perpetrators of this were clothed in the habiliments of rebellion, and bore the name of soldiers!
One woman, who had an infant, five or six weeks old, was tied in the snow to a tree, her child placed in the doorway in her sight, and she was informed if she did not tell all she knew about the seizure of the salt, both herself and the child would be allowed to perish. Sergeant, N. B. D. JAY, of Capt. REYNOLD'S company, and Lieut. R. M. DEEVER, assisted their men in the execution of these hellish outrages. Houses were burned and town down. All kinds of property was destroyed or carried off. All the women and children of the Union men who were shot, and of those who escaped, were ordered by General ALFRED E. JACKSON, headquarters at Jonesboro, to be sent through the lines by way of Knoxville. When the first of them arrived at this place, the officer in charge applied to Gen. DONELSON (formerly Speaker of the House of Representatives at Nashville) to know by which route they should be sent from there, whether by Cumberland Gap or Nashville. Gen. DONELSON immediately directed them them to be released and sent home, saying that such a thing was unknown in civilized countries. They were then sent home, and all the refugees met on the road were also turned back.
On the 13th of February, 1863, a squad of soldiers were sent to conscript JAMES MCCULLUM, of Greene county, Tennessee, a very respectable, industrious man, thirty or thirty-five years of age. They found him feeding his cattle. When he saw some of them he ran to back of his bar, other were posted behind the barn, and without hailing or attempting to arrest him, one of them shot him through the neck, killing him instantly. His three little children, who saw it, ran to the house and told their mother, she came out wringing her hands in anguish, and screaming with terror and dismay.
The soldiers were sitting upon the fence. They laughed at her agony, and said they had only killed "a damned Tory." The murdered man was high esteemed by his neighbors, and was a firm Union man.
In April last, two rebel soldiers name Wood and Ingole, went to the house of Mrs. RUTH ANN RHEA, living on the waters of Lick Creek, Green[e] county, to conscript her son. The old lady was partially deranged; she commanded the soldier to leaver her house and raised a stick to strike one of them. He told her if she struck him he would run her through with his bayonet; she gave the blow, and he shot her through the breast.
In the same month, JESSE PRICE, an old men sixty years of age, two sons and two nephews, were arrested in Johnson county, Tennessee, bordering on Virginia, by Col. FOUKE'S cavalry, composed of Tennessee and North Carolina men. They were taken to Ash County, to be tried for disloyalty to JEFFERSON DAVIS & Co. The old men had been previously arrested, taken to Knoxville, tried and acquitted.
When the five prisoners arrived in Ash county, a groggery keeper proposed to treat FOUKE'S men to eight gallons of brandy; if they would hand the old man, his sons and nephews, without a trial. The bargain was struck and the five unfortunate men were hanged without further ceremony. The brandy was furnished, and some if it drank before the tragedy, the rest afterward.
And is it upon the graves of such martyrs upon the bases of such damning acts of barbarity that the independence of s Southern Confederacy is to be established? The blood of these murdered men, women and children, appeal to heaven against such a consummation. Read this bloody record of inhuman, fiendish slaughter, ye sniveling sympathizers and ask yourselves if the vengeance of a just God must not sooner or later blast the hopes and schemes of such enemies of their race? It s it possible that an inexorable idol demanding such rivers of innocent blood, can be long worshiped in their light of the nineteenth century! [sic] Forbid it, God! Forbid it, all ye mighty hosts of Heaven! Christianity cries out against it. American honor demands that the monstrosity be case into the flames and destroyed forever.
All the blessed memories of the past; all the glorious anticipations of the future, call upon the noble patriots of the Union to avenge the blood of these martyrs to the cause of freedom and nationality. Eight thousand East Tennesseans and six thousand Middle and West Tennesseeans [sic] have already enrolled their names in the army of the Union, to avenge the wrongs of their kindred.
Memphis Bulletin, July 15, 1863.

*Ed. note - Juba is defined a complicated rhythmic hand clapping on knees and thighs that accompanied dancing done by slaves.



15, Skirmish on Forked Deer Creek
JULY 15: 1863.--Skirmish on Forked Deer Creek, Tenn.
Report of Col. Fielding Hurst, First West Tennessee Cavalry.
LA GRANGE, TENN., July 20, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor of submitting the following report:
In compliance with your order bearing date Jackson, Tenn., July 15, 1863, I proceeded with the regiment to Montezuma; thence to Purdy and Camden, where I ascertained the bridge across Big Hatchie River, near Bolivar, was destroyed. I then moved to this place, by way of Pocahontas. On leaving Jackson I marched up the Forked Deer 8 miles, and found the trail of 1,500 to 1,800 rebels, under Biffle, Forrest, and Newsom. They fled before us in great haste, destroying all the bridges they crossed on, giving me such difficulty in crossing streams in 40 miles travel that I found myself 10 or 12 miles in their rear without any hope of overtaking them this side of our lines.
We took about 20 prisoners; paroled 8 and brought in 7. Some 5 or 6 fell back and made their escape, my rear guard being worn out with fatigue from hard marching and crossing streams by fording, swimming, &c.
I beg leave to state it as my belief that the entire rebel force which we met at Jackson fled by way of Shiloh in a badly torn up and demoralized condition, and could have been easily captured by a small force if thrown out from Corinth.
The prisoners all concur in stating that they were out of ammunition and low-spirited.
I am, sir, your very obedient servant,
FIELDING HURST, Col., Commanding Regiment.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p 682.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13 - Notes on the Civil War in Tennessee

July 13th 1862

How to begin, I know not. I was aroused early this morning by firing. It has surely been an eventful day. I knew the firing must come from our own brave boys. Sprang from my bed, rushed to the window, called to cousin Ann & Bettie, we dressed hurriedly, not knowing what moment our house & yard would be full to overflowing with either our men or the frightened Yankees. The blue coats began to make a bee line through our yard & front yard, asking Pa to protect them, but he told them to push o­n, & acting o­n his advice they kept moving. It was amusing to see how frightened they were, although it was such a serious time, I prayed for victory, while I hissed the frightened Yankees o­n, expecting every minute to received a parting shot from some of them. Just think, o­nly the day before they were our masters, I thought what would be our fate, if our poor fellows were whipped. The engagement grew general in a few moments. Persons dared not venture out o­n the square, if they did a report & a vacant saddle would be seen as the horse would dash by, carry their fate to their comrades. Our boys, after forming behind some o­ne story buildings, made a bold rush gaining the court house, but many fell ere they reached the door, and although the Yankees had every advantage they were forced to surrender, & our prisoners turned out to seek their families & friends. Two of them stopped o­n their way home out here, Mr. Peyton & Mr. Brothers. They looked so happy but who did not except the dusky forms that hovered around our front steps. The gentlemen were afraid to venture up town, as they were firing from the houses, so much it was dangerous to go o­n the street. In the meanwhile they had attacked the camp down by the river where the battery was stationed, & o­n the approach of our men threw themselves into a hollow square with their artillery, pointed to resist a determined attack, and as our men had nothing but shot guns they could not get in range & were compelled to fall back three times. But later in the day a flag of truce was sent, & in a few minutes they consulted, surrendered 15,000 men including sick & wounded, including cannons, Camp equipage, which was mostly burnt, & small arms. This is o­ne of the greatest victories of the war considering the number engaged. Gen. Forrest reports 17,000 men consisting of his men & Texas Rangers. (a number were Georgians) With a single piece of artillery besides being the attacking party, I'm sure the hand of Providence guided & directed our boys, for without a higher power that handful of men could never have succeeded against such odds. Our Great Father saw our suffering & travails. Gen. Duffield was wounded early in the engagement, & taken to Maj. Maney's. Gen. Crittenden surrendered to Mrs. Hagen, the lady with whom he was boarding. He was the man that came up to have several of our men hung tomorrow. Some say that was why the attack was hurried. Yes old Gen. Crittenden said we had not a right to the air we breathed (just yesterday). I would like to have asked him who had a right now. Two Genl's, four Col's & ever so many Lt's, Capt's and others [were captured]. A glorious haul. Gen. Duffield was paroled with a number of others that could not be taken away o­n account of their wounds. When Col. Lester went up o­n the square, he asked where is the army that took us, & Gen. Forrest proudly answered here they are, pointing to our handful of dirty & worn down by travel boys that stood by. A nobler set never breathed than those rough looking fellows. Nobler hearts never beat. The poor fellows that were waiting for the Yankees decision about surrendering, went fast to sleep so fatigued were they [by] forced marches & no rest. The Yankee Col. awoke our officer by saying "we surrender, we surrender." That gave the Yankees some idea how independent our boys were. We saw a Texas Ranger ride hastily over to Mrs. Laws, & Ma thinking he needed something made us run over and ask [if] we could do anything for him or any of the rest of his comrades. He was introduced as Mr. Dodd of Ky. (though now a Ranger), thanked us, [but said] he had been provided for by the kind ladies up town. Found him quite nice. Saw a Mr. McKa come riding up kissing his hand & we all rushed out to shake his hand. Pa asked if he had ever met him before, but he said no but I'm a Confederate soldier. Very proudly he replied. We insisted so, he had to get down, come in & get breakfast, but would take nothing to drink, which made me think all the more of him. Said he never drank anything. While he was breakfasting we trimmed his hat off beautifully with flowers, not knowing then & until sometime afterwards that he was a single man. He had heard that two stray horses were here, & thought o­ne of them might be his, but neither were, but sent us word by cousin William Tilford this afternoon that he found his, & many thanks for our kindness. That morning as our soldiers were starting to attack the camp by Maj. Maney's, we saw two of our men coming toward our house. We insisted o­n them getting down & having something to eat. They said as they were about to charge the enemy they didn't have time, but finally said they would take a strong cup of coffee, & while they were drinking it the Yanks surrendered without any trouble. We had gone up into the garret to see the fight, but everything was very quiet. In the evening those two Rangers returned & ate supper with us. Lieut. Fort & AJG Robinson. When they got here not a servant was o­n the place, and we had to take their places until their return. The Yankee Provost Marshall was found hid between two feather beds, in Miss Corean's bed. The cover spread up & pillows upon it. It was at Mrs. Reeves' that he was captured. Mrs. Reeves & the girl treated our men shamefully. Said they didn't permit such ragged men to come to their house. Our men permitted Col. Parkhurst to go by and tell Josephine goodbye. Our men did better than the Yankees for they never allowed our boys to say goodbye to either mother or sister, much less sweetheart. They pressed Mrs. Reeves' carriage into service to take o­ne of the wounded soldiers off, & when it was returned they cut up considerable, said they would never again ride in it. As if the Yankees had not time & again took our carriage, horses & everything else they could lay their hands o­n.

Kate Carney Diary

April 15, 1861-July 31, 1862



July 13, 1863. Battle of Jackson, Tennessee

MEMPHIS, TENN., July 15, 1863.

Lieut. Col. JOHN A. RAWLINS, A. A. G., Dept. of the Tenn.:


* * * *

The evident intention of the enemy is to occupy West Tennessee with cavalry, and conscript until they can raise force enough to threaten the railroad or the river posts. Col. Forrest's regular cavalry, 700 strong, with revolving rifles, are at or near Jackson, and, united with Biffle's and other bands, gave a severe fight to Col. Hatch on the 13th at that place. They were defeated, with loss on our side of 30 to pursuing them toward Trenton.

* * * *


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III, p. 515.

MEMPHIS, TENN., July 15, 1863.

Brig.-Gen. ASBOTH, Columbus:

GEN.: Hatch, with his cavalry, met the enemy at Jackson on the 13th. Captured 40 prisoners; killed and wounded many. Drove them out of Jackson by a charge, and was following them toward Trenton. If they are driven across the Obion, you must co-operate with him. In the meanwhile, enjoin and enforce the most rigid discipline and preparation at all your posts. I expect Kimball's division soon, when I shall send you three regiments.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III, p. 515.


Colonel Hatch Triumphant.

Two Rebel Companies Captured.

It is known to our readers that for several days past the Confederates, under various leaders, have been making themselves as troublesome as possible to the people of West Tennessee. Col. Ed. Hatch, who has done such excellent service heretofore in punishing the rebels in North Mississippi, started from Lagrange last Sunday [12th] morning, to look after the Confederates, then in Jackson, Tennessee. His force numbered about 1300 men, and on reaching Jackson about noon Monday [13th], he found Col. Jesse Forrest in possession of the town, with about 2000 or 2500 men. Immediately he gave battle, and a most desperate fight occurred, lasting for about three hours. Finally Col. Hatch led a desperate charge with sabers and pistols, driving the rebels in and through the town, and capturing two entire companies. Col. Hatch's loss was 40 to 50 killed and wounded, that of the enemy estimated at three times that number. At last accounts, Col. Hatch had left a garrison in Jackson, and was in full pursuit of Forrest and his retreating forces.

We trust that we shall speedily have the gratification of announcing that every armed rebel and guerrilla has been driven out of West Tennessee."

Memphis Daily Bulletin, July 16, 1863.

The Capture of Jackson, Tenn.

The following authentic details of the taking of Jackson, Tenn., by Col. Hatch, of the 6th Iowa volunteers, gives further particulars of that gallant affair than any we had previously received:

The 2d Iowa and 3d Michigan regiments were led by Col. Edward Hatch against the rebels, who held the place, under command of Gen. Forrest. These regiments stormed the fortifications and, after one of the sharpest cavalry fights of the war, in which the enemy's cavalry fought better than the attacking party had ever before known them to do, a complete victory was gained and the proud flag of the Union floated above the fortifications at Jackson. The enemy's cavalry were fiercely attacked by General Hatch, and his men rode them down like nine-pins, putting them completely to flight. The enenmy acknowledge that they had a large superiority of numbers, and that they were whipped; this stamps the battle as a gallant affair.

The 9th Illinois infantry, under Col Phillips, charged one of the forts, and in spite of an obstinate defense, gallantry took it. The force of the enemy consisted of the 9th Tennessee rifles, and the troops under Cox, Newsome, Nealy, and some guerrilla leaders. Their prisoners confessed that not less than twenty-five hundred of their troops were present in the engagement.

The enemy had one hundred and seventy eight men killed and wounded, including ten commissioned officers. One hundred and fifty prisoners, regular troops, were taken; four hundred conscripts were allowed to go. Among the material captured were three hundred stand of arms.

Memphis Daily Bulletin, July 21, 1863.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 8 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

8, 1862 One Cumberland Plateau, White County, Cherry Creek woman's view of Confederate conscription
....If I could only hear from Fayette!* He would soon be at home if it were not for the conscript law, compelling all the privates to stay two years longer. I don't like to wish anyone any harm, but I wish that the mean cowardly wretches who made the law had to stand in the places of the poor honest fellow whom they have beguiled into this unhappy war, and kept there by such low-lifed tyranny. I believe that if the boys knew all that we know, they would rise "en masse" and come home at the peril of their lives; as it is there will be some tracks made with the heel toward the camps, and many a soldier who is put on guard will be "found missing" when his time is out.
Amanda McDowell Diary.  pp. 128-129.

*Amanda's brother


8, Scout to Mount Pleasant and La Fayette and Rising Sun
MOSCOW, July 8, 1862.
I had dispatched a train for Memphis and escort of a regiment, but upon receiving your dispatch that we could depend for supplies on Columbus I ordered the train from La Fayette. I have just sent a scouting party of 100 cavalry to Mount Pleasant and La Fayette and propose to send a brigade to Rising Sun, where wagon train was attacked, to recover the 6 broken wagons and to take a number of mules from the neighboring planters, according to Grant's orders, to make good the loss. There are small bodies of cavalry all around the country, but I can hear of no large parties or any infantry. If infantry advance from Tallahatchie they will most likely move toward Germantown. Weather is intensely hot and dust very bad. We have abundance of water here in Wolf River.
W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 83-84.


8, Nashville prostitutes loaded on Idahoe [sic]
The steamboat Idahoe [sic] was at Branch Lick Wharf, yesterday afternoon, receiving as passengers a number of cyprians, who were bound for some northern port, under the late orders of the military authorities. At five o'clock there were upwards of a hundred on board and they still continued to come. Amongst them were the most degraded of their class. The boat was to have left last night, and we suppose she got off.
Nashville Daily Union, July 9, 1863


8, 10, 13, 16-20, August 3, Scout from Germantown
A Series of events, enumerated below in this and other entries to follow, give particulars about the nature of the scouts, skirmishes and most interestingly, conscript sweeps in West Tennessee in the summer of 1863.
JULY 8, 1863.--Scout from Germantown, Tenn., etc.
JULY 10, 1863.--Skirmish at Bolivar, Tenn.
JULY 13, 1863.--Skirmishes on Forked Deer River and at Jackson, Tenn.
JULY 16-20, 1863.--Scout from Germantown, Tenn.
AUGUST 3, 1863.--Scout from Fort Pillow and skirmish near Denmark, Tenn.
Report of Col. Robert V. Richardson, C. S. Army.
SELMA, ALA., August 10, 1863.
SIR: About five weeks ago I reached West Tennessee. I found my regiment, the Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry (partisan rangers), badly scattered, the effect of my long absence, and the intermeddling [sic] of certain officers who had gone into West Tennessee during my absence and sought to take command of my men. I immediately set about collecting my men and forming new companies. I found a lively feeling of patriotism to prevail among the people, which was greatly stimulated by the knowledge of my appointment as chief for the Bureau of conscription of West Tennessee, and my proclaimed intention to put the laws In force without delay. Very soon there were not less than forty new company organizations on foot throughout West Tennessee ; some of these were soon formed, others dragged. I designated a day for the meeting of the Twelfth Regiment; about one-half met me; but the Yankees getting wind of my arrival and movements came out in force from La Grange, Memphis, and Germantown to break me up. Fortunately I had only designated to my company officers the place of meeting, and we met, but our Yankee friends went to Galloway's Switch, one of our camps, expecting to find us, when our real place of meeting was about ten miles distant. I saw that I could not successfully fight the force of the enemy, and by making a night march passed around his camp to his near, and crossed the Big Hatchie River and went on my way collecting my new recruits. I then designated Jackson as a place of general rendezvous, where I hoped to be able to collect enough new companies to organize two new regiments and the balance of the Twelfth. The enemy again got news of my movements and came out from La Grange in force, 2,000 strong, with one battery of artillery, to break up and disperse, if not capture and destroy, the forces there to be collected. As soon as I learned of their movements I ordered my men to Cotton Grove. Here I met with Col. Jeff. Forrest and Col. Wilson with about 200 men each, both belonging to Col. (now Gen.) Roddey's command, who had just come into West Tennessee for the purpose of recruiting and completing their regiments. Together we had about 800 men. Their men well armed, by men indifferently, about half having none at all.
Col. Forrest's scouts had found the enemy in force, estimated at 2,000 men, near Mount Pinson, east of Jackson, moving in the direction of Swallow Bluff, on the Tennessee River. The enemy seemed to anticipate that we intended to-evacuate West Tennessee by that route, crossing at Swallow Bluff and passing into North Alabama, and their effort first appeared to be to cut us off from this line of egress. I was satisfied from the numbers of the enemy's force that he had brought from La Grang,e all his available mounted men, and that the line of exit from West Tennessee through the enemy's lines near La Grange was feasible. I therefore countermarched from Cotton Grove and gathered up all my men that I could then reach near the route I expected to take all my men that I could then reach near the route I expected to take, and by crossing the Forked Deer at Poplar Corner, passing through Wellwood, and publicly stating that I intended to cross the Big Hatchie at the ford near the block-house, I made a rapid march during the night of the 29th of July, gained the bridge, crossed the Big Hatchie at Bolivar at daybreak on the morning of the 30th of July in the rear of the enemy's forces, threw the planks off the bridge, and stopping in Bolivar only long enough to distribute to my wearied and hungry men a barrel of crackers purchased there, resumed the march toward Middleton, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. At 12 m. on the 30th of July, in one mile of Middelton and one mile of the water-tank, both fortified, and between the two, I passed the road. The movement was so sudden and unexpected that the Yankees did not fire a gun at us, but scampered to their works for protection. I fired a short trestle and tore down the telegraph wire as I passed, as a memento of our transit, and passed at my leisure on toward Ripley, Miss....
* * * *
....I shall return to West Tennessee and not only complete the organization of the two new regiments, but think I will be able to organize about 5,000 men. Indeed, I feel certain that this number can be raised in West Tennessee during the present and next month if I can give assurances that you will arm them. My plan of operations in this: First, to organize a mounted force of sufficient strength to hold West Tennessee and go where it pleases-say from three to five regiments, making from 2,000 to 3,000 men; then to recruit the old regiments of the Provisional Army by the strict enforcement of the conscript laws in West Tennessee. As we may expect our occupancy of West Tennessee be contested the force for operations there must have the element of rapid motion-therefore mounted-but at the same time must have the reliability of infantry; therefore it must be composed of cavalry proper, mounted infantry, rifles, and horse artillery.
It will be impossible to establish camps of instruction In West Tennessee, but a suitable place can be chosen on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, in Mississippi. There are in West Tennessee many stragglers, absentees, and deserters from the Provisional Army. The Government has no transportation there. It Is difficult to send them to their commands when they are arrested. Many of them are poor and have no horses. The country Is pretty well exhausted of horses by the Yankees and my mounted men. It will not be safe to sent them through the enemy's line afoot. The only alternative left me is to impress horses or mules from the small stock of animals left to mount them. Many of these men are good soldiers. They do not want to return to their old commands, because they have not lost all pride of character, and do not want to be pointed at by their comrades as deserters. They are anxious to join me, and would mount themselves if they were assured that they would be permitted to remain in my command. If you will allow all such who will mount themselves to remain with me, I will more than repay their old commands by conscripted recruits. It must be borne in mind that these men are wholly within the enemy's lines and cannot be withdrawn except by my command or other similar ones. To allow them to join me is to restore that much lost strength to the Armies of the Confederacy. Any order or communication you may see proper to make on this subject, or any other, if addressed to me, to the care of Gen. Ruggles at Columbus, Miss., will reach me.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
R. V. RICHARDSON, Col. Cmdg. and Agt. of Bureau of Conscription in W. Tennessee.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, pp. 72-74.