Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8.21.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        21, "DEATH TO DOGS!"
Weary citizens, overcome with heat, hard work, the last official war report, the weak tea drunk just before going to bed, find their hopes of sleep are vain. Open windows give entrance to the cooling night breeze; closed lace curtain keep from intrusion the musical mosquito bent on wounds and blood-but what shutters, bolts, locks, or designs of ingenious man can shout out the ceaseless bow-wow-wow, the howls the yells, the sleep destroying cries of countless dogs? "Soon as the evening shades prevail" the din begins. Barks no druggist's skill can resolve into healing tinctures or sublimate to strong but silent emences yells in every key, your shrieking contralto to the growling bars making it hideous." Crying babies sometimes sleep, and scolding wives in the course of passing hours cease their curtain themes, but the dogs, the baying yelping babel-bawling dogs, never give up. While stars look out and night's dark curtain veils the scene, with voice vociferous and unwearying lungs the canine quadruped's curse drives from the couch life's gentle solace-sleep. In vain are pistols fired, and missiles thrown with curses deep and dire! The skulking herd, with drooping tail and cunning crawl, are off-off where no pebble, stick, or shot can reach, but not off to silence-still the bow-wow-wow goes on unending When comes the calm, no more is heard the angry dash the roaring of unchained winds, not deafening crash of fear-inspiring thunder-the echoing peal of the fading avalanche hurdling down the mountain side-the bellowing fury of the volcanoes' wrath have limit and an end; but the row, the racket, the fierce, sleep-destroying howl and yell and bark of Memphian dogs, for nights unending, unmarked by stoppage or interval, banish balmy sleep. Not more constant was sweet Philomel, "who all night long her amorous descant sung" than is the canine curse. A flaming sword that every way showed its glittering edge, kept man from paradise, so noisy, deafening dogs keep Memphis citizens from the heaven of speed. Death to the dogs-that is the slogan of the coming war upon the nightly enemy. By shot or poisoning arsenic, quick death must be the fate of our relentless foes. Death to the dogs, death to the brute destroyers of our nightly rest. Death! death! no less will satiate our...revenge or curse the canine crowd we're cursed with.
Memphis Bulletin, August 21, 1862.

        21, Letter in response to Memphis Bulletin editorials about currency reply to our former editorials upon this subject. We are pleased with the tone and SPIRIT and candor of the article signed "TRUTH." The writer admits "that Southern money, as a general thing, is equal to or better than Tennessee bank paper." This writer assumes that to make Bank paper of good credit, there must be some approachable office for redemption, either in coin, exchange, or other Bank notes. We admit the position of the writer to be correctly stated. Let us apply the fact to his principles, as laid down.
Where is "the approachable office" of the Bank of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Bank of Memphis, Ocoee, etc.? As none of these Banks have a habitation within reach of our Memphis bankers, brokers or shavers, we are led to inquire why 10 percent. Differences be made by them between these banks, and the paper of Southern Banks, which is admitted to be equal [sic] or better than they are? None can be given upon the premises admitted, except the reasons we have before assigned for the practice-a simple power, which the money-dealer enjoys, of making an unjust and unfair discrimination, by virtue of his avocation, to appease the propensity of a morbid appetite for gain. We hold this an abuse of one's calling to the injury and damage of the public; and it merits a rebuke from the intelligence and fair business dealing of the people of the city. Is there a Bank in the State which redeems its issues in coin or exchange, whether it have an approachable office or not? There is not a single one that we know of. The credit which attaches to these Banks and to all Southern Banks, is just what attaches of public confidence to the SOLVENCY and ULTIMATE REDEMPTION of their outstanding circulation in COIN, EXCHANGE, or in their receivability in the payment of debts due these Banks.
We insist the entire issue of Bank notes now [sic] in circulation here, are wholly irredeemable by any Bank in either coin or in exchange, or otherwise. The pretence, therefore, by "common sense" of availability, is without the shadow of foundation; and we repeat the discrimination made by the bankers, brokers, and shavers, has no foundation in reason, justice, or principle. The exaction is founded in ordinate greed for gain, simply because the bankers, brokers and shavers have the power from their vocations to establish an arbitrary standard of value, by a mere ipse dixit of their own!
We state, and we challenge "Common Sense" to deny or gainsay the truth of our position, that the Banks in Tennessee, are, none of them, redeeming their issues either by coin, exchange or otherwise. If this be true, and we aver it to be so, if we are correctly informed, how is it, that Tennessee Bank notes can be worth more to the banker and broker at Memphis, than the issues of Southern Banks, for the reason that their houses be not approachable and their issues be unavailing? All were equally current, all equally satisfactory to the public, to the merchant, market-man, &C., until the banker and the broker made the discrimination of 5 and 10 per cent between the Banks of Tennessee and other Southern bank notes? Surely not. If they do it is a self-imposed undertaking. We assert that they handle Bank notes only [sic] as a matter of choice and of personal gain, and to which we make no objection. It is legitimate and fair that the do so. We lay down the proposition that the basis of credit of all Bank paper is public confidence in its solvency and ultimate redemption.
Now is the public confidence as great in the Banks of the South as in the Tennessee Banks? We assert their basis [sic] is LARGER [sic], and their management EQUAL [sic], if not BETTER [sic] than that of our own Banks. None of them now provide for their issues. It cannot be pretended. "TRUTH," and "COMMON SENSE" neither aver or do pretend that such is the case. They both admit equal value and equal confidence by the public. "COMMON SENSE" vauntingly asks the remedy. It is easy, simple and plain. [sic] It is neither to be mystified nor evaded by logic or by facts. Let the bankers and brokers treat and use whatever is an equal in value as an equal-AT PAR. [sic] Discard all ARBITRARY DISCRIMINATION! [sic] Sell coin or exchange, when they have the one or the other, at the same rate for all solvent Bank notes. Use all Bank issues, believed solvent, alike. [sic] Receive and pay out all such paper as equal until the BANKS THEMSELVES MAY BE ABLE TO REDEEM THEIR OWN ISSUES. [sic] When one begins to pay, others must do so or suffer discredit and be dishonored, and branded as unworthy of public confidence-sinking into oblivion and infamy with Bankers of integrity and substance. For the bankers and brokers and shavers of Memphis to make in the premises, admitted and which all men of intelligence know to exist. A discrimination between the "itinerant Banks of Tennessee" without a "local habitation," traveling with the armies of a rebellion amid a revolution perhaps endless, is an act of delusion and folly, to the prejudice of a community and is very unjust-especially over Banks which are fixed, stable and solid [sic]-in the hands of wise, discreet and honorable managers.
The practice is absurd and preposterous, unjust and selfish, for our bankers to require a tax from day to day of ten percent upon the necessities of the poor and helpless in our midst. We no appeal to their sense of liberality and justice and honor, to do away with an arbitrary RULE, instituted by themselves, and henceforth to use all irredeemable currency as money-SELLING AND BUYING COIN AND EXCHANGE for their own or other Banks, as it shall be presented, as equal in value, and YOU HAVE THE REMEDY. It is certain and simple, and this policy will soften your pillow in disease, and when death may come upon you as a thief, quiet your fears.
Memphis Bulletin, August 21, 1862.

        21, Confederates shelled out of battery opposite Shellmound and Nickajack Bridge burned
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Second Brigade relative to the action at Shellmound, August 21, 1863:
August 21 ordered to break the enemy's railroad communications by the Chattanooga and Nashville Railroad with Bridgeport at Shellmound. Moved the Seventy-fifth Indiana Infantry and a section of the Nineteenth Indiana Battery to Tennessee River, opposite Shellmound. Shelled the enemy out after dark. Crossed a small party in a canoe and burned the Nickajack Bridge and captured the ferry-boat.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. I, p. 469.

        21, Skirmish at Harrison's Landing
No circumstantial reports filed.
DUNLAP, August 21, 1863--8.30 [a. m
Brig.-Gen. GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:
I have nothing from you yesterday or this morning. Van Cleve has sent couriers to communicate with Burnside. Funkhouser met 30 of the enemy at Harrison's Landing, this side of the river, killed 3, and captured 2. They state Chattanooga Rebel of yesterday reports the fall of Charleston, and the defeat of Lee by Meade; also that the enemy are all moving toward Atlanta. Hazen also learns that Burnside's advance reached Kingston Tuesday, and after a short engagement thrashed Forrest. I send list of prisoners by mail from Tracy City; also Hazen's report in cipher as to the feasibility of crossing the Tennessee.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 187.

HDQRS. FIRST BRIGADE, FOURTH DIVISION, Opposite Chattanooga, August 22, 1863.
(Via Tracy City, 3 a. m., 23d.)
I have the honor to report that the forces under my command reached the east foot of Walden's Ridge late in the evening of August 20. The next morning I sent Col. Funkhouser, with two regiments and two rifled guns, to Harrison's Landing. He reports a brigade of infantry guarding the river, with four pieces of artillery and three hills fortified and rifle-pits for protection. The ford at Friar's Island, at the mouth of Chickamauga, is about 4½ feet deep and rapid. I went with the balance of corps, three regiments and four pieces of artillery, to Chattanooga. We came within 50 yards of capturing a horse ferry-boat plying across the river. When we got in position on the river hills they had but three small pieces of artillery in position. Two steam-boats were lying at the landing, the largest of which we sank with shells before steam could be raised on it. The other, a small tow-boat, is, I think, disabled. A pontoon-bridge of forty-seven boats was lying stretched up the river, ready to swing across the stream. An attempt was made to remove it, which was prevented by a line of sharpshooters on the river bank. The river is about 600 yards wide. The town is pretty well fortified.
A rifled 32-pounder gun killed 4 artillery horses and took off the leg of Corpl. Abram S. McCorkle, of Lilly's battery, at one shot. This comprises the list of my casualties.
The roads down Walden's Ridge are very steep and rough. I am now repairing the Anderson road down the mountain on this side. Wagner's brigade is on the mountain, on the Anderson road, and Hazen's brigade is on the mountain, on the Poe road, with three regiments at Poe's. I am camped at the foot of the mountain, on the Anderson road, with parties thrown out to the vicinity of the river on all roads. Two of my regiments are at Poe's, with parties out to the river at Harrison.
I wish to get further orders. My artillery ammunition is getting short. Can you send me 200 rounds percussion-shell to Tracy City for 3-inch guns, and 200 rounds fuse-shell (Hotchkiss) and 1,000 friction-primers?
I think that the rebels have one corps off two divisions at Chattanooga and vicinity-D. H. Hill's, formerly Hardee's corps. Polk's corps is reported to be down the road toward Bridgeport. None of this information is very well founded, being made up from reports from deserters, negroes, and citizens. There is no rebel force north of the river except bushwhackers on the mountains, who try to take our couriers. I have sent a company up Walden's Ridge after them to-day. Dibrell's-formerly Starnes'-brigade is reported to be in vicinity of Smith's Cross-Roads, and Forrest, with a brigade, is said to be near Kingston.
I have taken, in the entire, 40 men and killed 2 and wounded several; also took a train of 4 empty wagons and the mules of a battery that were grazing on the north side of the river near Chattanooga.
*  *  *  *
It is reported that Johnston came here on the night of the 20th, bringing with him two trains of troops and superseded Bragg, who is sent to Atlanta. This I learn from an intelligent negro who came from Chattanooga yesterday, and who claims to have seen them all. The citizens state that Bragg is at Atlanta.
There appears to be a large camp-fire 5 or 6 miles in the rear of Chattanooga. A movement appears to have been made down the river last night; it sounded like cavalry. They may be coming in on our rear, on top of Walden's Ridge, by crossing the river below. A good watch should be kept at the mouth of Sequatchie Valley.
They have a steamer on the river below here, the old Paint Rock.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JOHN T. WILDER, Col., Comdg.
P. S.--No changes have been reported this morning. All is quiet across the river; but few troops can be seen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, pp. 122-124.[1]

        21, Artillery bombardment of Chattanooga
HDQRS. FIRST BRIGADE, FOURTH DIVISION, Opposite Chattanooga, August 22, 1863.
(Via Tracy City, 3 a. m., 23d.)
*  *  *  *
We shelled Chattanooga, at intervals, from 10 to 5 p. m. yesterday, silencing every battery that opened on us. But few of their guns could reach us, being mostly 12-pounder howitzers and 6-pounders rifled. They opened on us with nineteen different guns. One 32-pounder rifled gun covers all on this side. Lilly made most excellent shots, dismounting guns at 2,000 yards. He threw shells directly in their embrasures. Their parapets are very broad; appear to be at least 15 feet or more, certainly not less. Their water batteries are sunk in pits level with the ground and with the banks built up for protection, with embrasures through the banks.
*  *  *  *
J. T. W. HDQRS. FIRST BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 14TH ARMY CORPS, Foot of Mountain, Anderson Road, August 22, 1863.
Maj.-Gen. PALMER, Gen. HAZEN, or Col. FUNKHOUSER, Ninety-eighth Illinois:
I am directed by Col. Wilder to say to you that we opened fire on Chattanooga at 10.30 a. m. yesterday, and shelled the enemy's works at intervals until 5 p. m., they replying with nineteen guns, all small, except one 32-pounder rifled. They did not use them all at any one time, however. The place is well fortified; not many troops to be seen in the town or vicinity; best information puts them below here. Prisoners say it is well understood that this is only a feint, and that the real point of attack is down the river. An intelligent contraband who lives at the foot of Lookout Mountain, on this side of the river, reports troops passing all night; thinks they were cavalry. No force this side the river, except a few bushwhackers in the mountains. We are scouting the country and watching the river to-day. All quiet in town this morning.
* * * *
ALEX. A. RICE, Capt. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, pp. 122-124.[2]

        21, Attack on Memphis by Forrest[3]
Report of Maj. Gen. Cadwallader C. Washburn, U. S. Army, commanding District of West Tennessee.
MEMPHIS, TENN., August 21, 1864.
Maj.-Gen. Forrest, with three brigades of cavalry, attacked this City at 4 a. m. to-day, making a sudden dash on our pickets and riding into the heart of the City. They were repulsed and driven out, with considerable loss. They obtained no plunder, but about 250 100-days' men [i.e., draftees] were captured. They left Gen. A. J. Smith's front at Oxford the evening of the 18th, and made a forced march of nearly 100 miles. Gen. Smith has all my cavalry but about 400, and I have taken measures to notify him, and have him fall upon them and intercept their retreat. The whole thing has resulted very satisfactorily so far. What cavalry have is harassing their rear.
C. C. WASHBURN, Maj.-Gen.
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., September 2, 1864.
COL.: I have the honor to report that on the morning of the 21st ultimo this City was attacked by Maj.-Gen. Forrest, C. S. Army, with three brigades of his command, numbering from 2,500 to 3,000 men.
They left the immediate front of Gen. A. J. Smith (who had with him a force of 4,800 cavalry and a large force of infantry and artillery), at Oxford, on the evening of the 18th instant and made a forced march hither, crossing the Tallahatchie River on a pontoon bridge at Panola, and arriving at our picket-line by 3 o'clock on the morning of the 21st. A force, consisting of about one-third of Forrest's command, was detached by him and ordered to dash over the pickets and into the City, while the remainder engaged our forces outside. This detachment came in on the Hernando road, driving in the pickets and riding past a regiment of 100-days' troops that was there stationed, and rode with the utmost rapidity to my headquarters, which they at once thoroughly invested, giving me barely a moment's time to escape. Another party rode to the Gayoso House, where they expected to find Maj.-Gen. Hurlbut, but in this were disappointed, he lodging that night with Col. A. R. Eddy, assistant quartermaster. Another party went to attack Gen. Buckland's headquarters, but making a mistake in the street, gave him also time to escape. They then proceeded to the Irving Prison, but the guard was ready for them and they were handsomely repulsed. By this time the provost guard had rallied and attacked the enemy vigorously, while the firing of the militia alarm gun added to the fright of the assailants, and they retreated as rapidly as they came, and joined the main force outside. They had no time for plunder, and save a few horses (perhaps 80 in all), they got nothing. Reaching the outside of the City a brisk fight was kept up with our forces there assembling until about 9 a. m., when the entire force moved off on the Hernando road. Our troops rallied rapidly to the point assailed, and under Col. David Moore, Twenty-first Missouri Infantry, whose regiment was not present, but who volunteered, and Col. G. B. Hoge, One hundred and thirteenth Illinois Infantry, commanding the remnant of his brigade, Lieut. Col. Roach, commanding One hundred and thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry (100-days' men), and Col. E. L. Buttrick, commanding Thirty-ninth and Forty-first Wisconsin Infantry (also 100-days' men), also Col. Ray, commanding fortieth Wisconsin Infantry (100-days' men), with Col. Prince, and the convalescents of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, and Col. M. H. Starr, and a small detachment of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, they attacked vigorously and drove the enemy away. My effective cavalry was nearly all in the front with Gen. Smith, but such as was here were ordered to fall upon Forrest's rear, and pursue and harass his retreat. They followed him to Hernando, twenty-five miles, which point he left, retreating toward Panola about 9 o'clock on Monday morning, the 22d instant.
As soon as possible on the morning of the attack I endeavored to get a dispatch through to LaGrange, to be expressed from there to Maj.-Gen. Smith, but it was found that during the night the wires had been cut between Collierville and Germantown....
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 468-469.

Report of John E. Randle, Chief of Fire Department.
MEMPHIS, August 24, 1864.
The following is a correct report of the depredations committed by the Confederate forces during their recent raid in Memphis, on Sunday morning last, in the fire department:
Patrick Roach, a member of steam fire company No. 2, was murdered while on duty at the engine house. He was a good and efficient member, and leaves and aged mother and sister, who were entirely dependent upon him for support.
John Thompson, a member of the same company, and while on duty at the engine house, was made prisoner and carried off by the rebels. List of property taken off by the rebels: One horse mule, valued at $500; 1 captain's trumpet, $30; 2 firemen's belts, $20; 1 saddle, $25; 1 new black cloth coat, $35; 2 black felt hats, $24; 2 oil-cloth coats, $15; 1 pair leggings, $5. Grand total, $654.
Respectfully submitted by
JOHN E. RANDLE, Chief of Fire Department.
Report of Maj. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, C. S. Army, commanding Forrest's cavalry.
MOBILE, ALA., August 22, 1864.
(Received 23d.) The following dispatch received from Gen. Forrest:
HERNANDO, August 21, 1864.
I attacked Memphis 4 o'clock this morning, driving enemy to his fortifications. We killed and captured 400, capturing their entire camp, with about 300 horses and mules. Washburn and staff escaped by darkness of morning, leaving his clothes behind. My loss, 20 killed and wounded.
N. B. FORREST, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 483-484.

        21, Confederate attack and capture of Federal post at Maryville
No circumstantial reports filed.
KNOXVILLE, TENN., August 22, 1864.
Enemy attacked our post of about fifty men, at Maryville, with artillery, yesterday evening, and probably captured them. They are reported as passing in force toward Maryville from Louisville last night. No reliable information of any force this side of the river. Will keep you posted.
G. M. BASCOM, Lieut.-Col. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 285.

[1] Map, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 120a.
[2] Map, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 120a.
[3] There are a total of 15 reports on this dashing yet ultimately futile raid.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

8.19.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        19. "TENNESSEE MONEY."
Mr. Editor: Probably my former articles contain all that one man is entitled to say on the money question. I desire to add a few words in reference to the matter by way of application. The circulation of the Tennessee banks is our own money [sic], and if, as a people, we suffer its discredit, its place will be supplied from abroad.
As before intimated, when or bank paper is made the standard in Memphis, its value as currency will be favorably affected and felt elsewhere. A sound policy points to a careful and distrustful circulation of the bills of Eastern banks. The United States treasury scrip is now (almost) the only paper money used for banking in the Northern States. Hence Yankee bank paper must soon go to the wall, and then our people will lose, as they deserve to lose, a worthless currency that they gave a preference to over their own paper.
I insist upon it, the close of the present war, be it sooner or later, will result in a grand "fizzle" of all the New England banks. From their own showing they will never be able to redeem their outstanding circulation. This ingenious portion of our fellow-citizens are using their best exertions to supply our people with a circulating medium, while the "Bears" decry our State stocks, and their brokers, by unjust quotations, force Western and Southern money homeward. It is a fact easy of demonstration that Western papers is better than Eastern-four to one. How is it, then, that the difference is against the great South-West? Are the pictures of the Eastern banks prettier than those of the Western banks? The Yankees are famous for humbugging other people, and the Western people should look ahead at the currency vortex and save themselves from becoming the victims of sharp practice.
There are only two reasons why Tennessee should bank on her own credit, with her own paper: First want of capital, and second, want of financial ability to use it. No one doubts either the ability of Tennessee or Tennessee men in this regard. They why suffer our own paper to be discredited at home?
The present is the same of all other for Memphis to raise the standard of her own money. The army supplies are purchased [up] North, and paid for in government funds-one-half of the money paid troops here finds its way into circulation in all ramifications of business. The money thus distributed will nearly pay for all the Northern good brought to this market. If only one-third of our people could be induced to sell their cotton and sugar for Tennessee paper, exchange would be soon in favor of Memphis. I here deny the oft repeated remark that money regulates itself, and would merely suggest that communities of men have something to do with value of paper money.
Memphis Union Appeal, August 19, 1862.
        19, Skirmish near Murfreesborough
No circumstantial reports filed.
MURFREESBOROUGH, August 19, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL:
Not a word from Gen. Johnson. All quiet here. We had a slight skirmish with 20 mounted men 10 miles from here this morning.
W. B. HAZEN, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 366-367.

        19, F. J. Paine at Link [Lick?] Creek, Tennessee, to his sister, Mary, in Washington, Tennessee
Link Creek, Tenn. Aug. 19th 1863
My Dear Sister,
I am again seated to write you a short letter, merely that you may hear from me, For I know it is a source of pleasure at home to hear from us at any time. I neglected writing longer the last time than I intended, but I had so much to do I kept putting it off. I will try and do better in the future. We are still within three miles of Ebinazer [sic]. We only moved the camp three miles in order to get nearer forage, and to get rid of the flies which annoy the horses greatly, when we remain long at any one place. Forage is getting very scarce here, we are now feeding some new corn, it is too green but we cannot get hay here and have to feed it in place of hay or oats. We are still getting some old corn which is much better that if we had to fetch green corn altogether.
G. W. Calahan has the appointment of Chaplain now in our command and is taking a good deal of interest in it. He has a revival now going on. Has had a few professions, [sic] and quite a number at the anxious seat, amongst other Clay Darwin, Sam Sandersdale, Jus Whaley and several other of the same company. And they all seem to be very much affected and I think they are really in earnest. I have been busy generally and have not attended the meeting yet.
I have been staying very close in camp and trying to attend to my business since I came from home. Col. Rucker and Neal have both been unwell since I returned and have been in command of the legion part of the time which requires more attention than only one Battalion. [sic]
I have no news more than you have seen in the papers. There seems to be very little news published now from any quarter. I think Forest [sic] is preparing for a move in some direction but I do not suppose Capt. Darwin got home the day after I left on a seven days [sic] furlough, and has not returned yet. I hear that he is sick. If he gets sick every times he goes home I think he had better stay in camp. I road [sic] out into the country a few miles this evening which is the first time I have been out of camp since I returned from home. I was hunting something to eat and succeeded in buying a nice ham and got a mess of watermelons. They have some as fine round here as I ever saw any where, though they sell very high. I hope you are all getting along well at home and satisfied with doing the best you can. And if I could always know that this was the case I could be much better contented than I am, for at times I think of it, I feel that I ought to be there. But on the other hand, when I take a different view of the condition of affairs I am obliged to admit that your condition is by far better than thousands, who but a short time ago worked much higher in the good of this world and I sincerely hope that you may all continue [to] even do as well as you have this far.
I have recd. no letter from home since I was there but am looking for one in a day to two as I wrote to Ann some days ago. I am still enjoying good health, and am always ready for my rations when I can get them. Though amongst the officers they have been pretty short recently, as the commissary has no bacon and I will not buy beef for poor beef I never did like. But since rostinears [sic] have come in and apples have ripened so they will do to fry and I have been doing better. There is an order issued from headquarters for the impressment of horses and mules and if an agent comes round there, call upon him for his authority and if he has it, and wants Simu or the mules or both of them, tell them that they both belong to me and that I left them there to be worked. That I would have sold both but you could not get along there and carry on the farm without them and that you have no one there to get any more if they are taken. And if they still say they must have them ask five hundred dollars each for them and don't agree to take any less. And if they take them off, take the money they offer you, but don't agree to take it in full unless they give five hundred and take the mane of the man in case, and whose command he belongs to and write me all about it. They may not come there, but the will be likely to if they go to that country.
Tell Ann she must pay the girls a visit for me, occasionally during my absence, and keep me posted if any one is likely to take advantage of my absence and get in ahead of me. I hear of them marrying now and then through the country and some of my special friends there might do the same, and me not be approved of it if some one don't look after my interests. I have no idea when I will get off home again, as it is uncertain where we may be ordered to at any time. If we remain in this vicinity I will come down to the association if I can get off. I Ann will leave off some of her briskness when it is to be and write to me, I think I can fix up an excuse to get off about that time if we are anywhere in this vicinity. Write to me as soon as you get this and let me hear what is going on in Rhea [county]. I have not heard from Hab since I was at home. I will write to him in a day or two. I suppose they are still at Tyners [sic] Station. Give my love to all and know me as ever
Your Brother
F. J. Paine
Paine Correspondence.
        19, "The Oath of Allegiance."
Yesterday [19th] the office of the Provost Marshal presented a scene calculated to invigorate the loyalty and inspire the patriotism of even Col. Swayne. Throughout the entire day numbers of the country people from around Memphis kept dropping in for the purpose of voluntarily [sic] taking the oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the Union. The day's business in this line amounted to one hundred and fifty men putting themselves as emphatically on the side of loyalty. We need scarcely say that this is encouraging, it is more. It shows very plainly that these men have no faith whatever in the success of the Mississippi Repudiator's ambitious scheme of disunion, and furthermore that they are determined to resist his robbing bands of Goths and Vandals who have been committing depredations within a few miles of the city. That they may do this successfully we respectfully suggest the propriety of furnishing each one of them with a Sharpe's rifle.
Memphis Bulletin, August 20, 1863.

        19, Desertion from the 9th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
Maxwell, who has been acting commissary for the 31st Tenn. for two years and had no commission, skedaddled last night to keep from being conscripted. We intended sending letters home by him. Capt. Summers is to start for West Tenn. in detached service and will carry my letters until he reaches Maxwell.
Van Buren Oldham Diaries.

        19, Skirmish at Charleston
AUGUST 19, 1864.-Skirmish at Charleston, Tenn.
Report of Lieut. Col. Martin B. Ewing, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery.
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Charleston, August 20, 1864.
LIEUT.: I have the honor to report, for the information of the colonel commanding, that all the forces of the enemy seem to have passed on toward Athens. They were in line of skirmishers about one mile and a quarter from the bridge here for several hours yesterday. I shelled them while in the act of burning the road, and drove the whole party (Humes' brigade, about 1,400) off with seven shells. The last shell thrown (a 10-pounder Parrott) was thrown a little over three miles, burst among them, and wounded six men, one, Lieut.-Col. Powell, of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, mortally. This report was derived from a deserter and from a loyal citizen, whom they held prisoner all day yesterday. From all reports I gather that the whole force numbers about 6,000, with eight guns.
Lieut. Fischer reported a mountain howitzer with the rear guard near here yesterday. Some fifty of our men skirmished all the afternoon with this guard and finally drove them off. Members of this force said at a number of places, and to many parties in this vicinity, that they were on a big raid, and were going on toward Knoxville to meet Morgan, and go with him into Middle Tennessee or Kentucky. They also said that they did not want either Cleveland or this place.
Lieut. Marshman, who was some miles south of Athens on Tuesday night, reports that one brigade was engaged in seizing horses and beef-cattle and sending them off through the mountains to Hood's army.
I have the honor to state, also, that every officer and man of this command did his whole duty. The only trouble I had with them was keeping them from going out and attacking the enemy at every point where they could hear of them.
I am also under great obligations to Col. Byrd, First Tennessee Infantry; Lieut. Coburn, First North Carolina; Lieut. Hale, ____ Tennessee, and Mr. Williams, citizen scout, for important aid and assistance.
No casualties in this command.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
M. B. EWING, Lieut.-Col. Second Ohio Heavy Artillery.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, pp. 116-117.

        19, Skirmishes near Sweet Water
LOUDON, TENN., August 24, 1864
GEN.: I have the honor to make you acquainted with the following account of the proceedings of the raiding party from the south, in this vicinity for your information: On Saturday last [19th] a detachment from this place had a skirmish with the enemy near Sweet Water early in the morning, and finding their strength too great fell back. In the afternoon, near Philadelphia, had another skirmish, and 3 men captured, I of whom made his escape, but no one killed or wounded. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded in these two skirmishes was 6 or more. We captured 1 from the Sixth Georgia Cavalry. That day the enemy moved to the south of this place and crossed the Little Tennessee at different fords the 20th and 21st. The 22d some crossed the Holston at Louisville and cut the telegraph at Concord, and did a little damage to railroad, and then returned to the south side of the river the next day. Railroad and telegraph to Knoxville now repaired.
* * * *
I am, general, most respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. AMMEN, Brig. Gen., U. S. Vols., Comdg. Fourth Division, 23d Army Corps.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. V, p. 658.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

Monday, August 18, 2014

8.18.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        18, Cavalry skirmish near Kingston, Forrest defeated[1] [See August 21, 1863, "Skirmish at Harrison's Landing," below]
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from correspondence from Rosecrans to Halleck, August 27, 1863, relative to Forrest's defeat at Kingston on the 25th [18th?], 1863
STEVENSON, ALA., August 27, 1863. (Received 12.20 a. m., 28th.)
Maj.-Gen. HALLECK, Gen.-in-Chief:
Corps in same position as yesterday. Bridge preparations going forward. Gen. Crittenden dispatches this evening that prisoners say the Chattanooga Rebel, of yesterday, reports Charleston fallen and Lee whipped by Meade; and that Burnside's advance whipped [Forrest?] [sic] at Kingston on Tuesday. Van Cleve has sent couriers to open communication with Burnside.
W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 184.

Excerpt from correspondence between Brigadier-General W. B. Hazen and Captain J.R. Muhleman, Assistant Adjutant General, August 26, 1863, relative to Forrest's defeat near Kingston August 25 (1863) 1863.
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Poe's Tavern, August 26, 1863--8 p. m.
Capt. J. R. MUHLEMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
* * * *
A very reliable report reached me this evening that on yesterday the advance of Burnside's forces reached Kingston, and after a short engagement thrashed Forrest....
Very truly,
W. B. HAZEN, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 176.

18, "A Steamboat Captain Heavily Fined."
A steamboat captain was recently fined $300 by the military authorities for harboring improper females [sic] on his boat and exacting exorbitant charges on freight. This should serve as a warning to others in his line
Memphis Bulletin, August 18, 1863.

18, "The Dog Killed."
The ubiquitous individuals are busily carrying out the provisions of the city ordinances, with regard to yelping curs, barking Spaniels and growling Mastiffs. Yesterday morning we happened to cross their path; they had already destroyed six or seven of the canine race. Not bad business at fifty cents per head. We hope the killers will continue their operations till the race of many dogs, who seem to have no owners, and who are a public nuisance, become like angle's visits.
Memphis Bulletin, August 18, 1863.

18, "The Circus in a New Performance."
Yesterday morning as the brilliant cortege of Maginley's Circus was making a parade through the city, a scene occurred which was not set down in the bills, and which in some respects eclipsed the usual performance of the ring. As the procession moved up Second street, and when near the corner of Adams, the horses attached to the wagon containing the band of music, became unmanageable; the drive was frightened and so were the horses, and a general kicking and dancing ensued. The two lead horses attached to the music wagon, made a sudden turn, and plunged into a two horse buggy directly in front of them, which consisted of Mr. Maginley and another gentleman. At this stage of the performance there was a general mixing up of horses' vehicles and men. How Mr. Maginley and his friend escaped we do not know, and we presume it would be difficult for themselves to tell. The horses in the buggy started off at full speed with whatever portion of it still remained, and the leaders belonging to the music wagon, becoming detached, followed the example of the buggy horses, the whole party bringing up at the corner of Second and Adams streets, after having run into a peacable [sic] horse attached to a light wagon doing him no other injury than to push him from his position and break some of the harness. There was no one injured so far as we could learn, though there was some "hairbreadth escapes." [sic] The buggy was a complete wreck, and was strewn along the entire route of the runaways. The equestrian part of the procession beat a hasty retreat at the beginning of the performance, but appeared again looking gay and gaudy after things had been made all right. The whole affair occupied but a few minutes, and was a mingling of tragedy and comedy not often seen even in the circus.
Memphis Bulletin, August 18, 1863

18, Commander Robert Townsend, U. S. N., inquires of Major-General C. C. Washburn relative to illicit trade with Confederates along Mississippi River [see May 14, 1864, "General Orders, No. 4 relative to further restrictions on contraband trade" above]
U. S. IRON-CLAD ESSEX, Memphis, Tenn., August 18, 1864.
Maj. Gen. C. C. WASHBURN, Cmdg. District of West Tennessee:
GEN.: Inclosed[2] herewith I send you the names of the regularly armed vessels composing the several divisions of the Mississippi squadron as the same are arranged in districts by Admiral Porter's last general order in regard to them. To the respective names I have added initials, whose significance is shown in the explanations subjoined to the list. I have also given you a condensed outline sketch of the several classes of armed vessels belonging to the squadron, which I trust will enable you to form a clear, general idea of their character and force. Thus, I hope I have satisfactorily fulfilled my promise given to you the other evening. You will notice that two of the double-turreted monitors were in Admiral Farragut's gallant fight with Forts Morgan and Gaines, and the rebel iron-clads in Mobile Bay. When the details are received I think we will find that they did good service in their own peculiar way. Now that I am writing, general, I beg leave to recall your attention to an expression in your General Orders, No. 4, which far and wide has received an interpretation most offensive to the navy, an interpretation which I feel sure you could have had no intention to convey. I refer to the phrase--"the farce of landing under the guns of a gunboat." Even before I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance I felt sure that, as an officer of rank and a gentleman, you could not have intended to offer a gratuitous insult to the sister service. And thus believing I understood you to mean that, with corrupt treasury agents to grant permits, and with orders from high quarters that gunboats should not interfere with steamers having revenue aids on board, the act of landing under the guns of a gun-boat could be only a farce. And, as Admiral Porter states in his General Orders, No. 209 (I beg leave to draw your attention to the copy inclosed herewith[3]), quoting and indorsing your own General Orders, No. 4, under the late Treasury regulations, the fisco-fiducial [sic] duties of the navy were limited to the prevention of the introduction of articles contraband of war within the enemy's lines. The permit of a corrupt Treasury agent, indorsed by a venal military commander, could pour the products of Europe and of the North over the rebel cotton-fields, with none to gainsay the authority or prevent the act, though a whole fleet of gun-boats lined every reach of the river. And those of us who have had some experience in the cotton regions cannot resist the moral conviction that many in high places and in low have been unable to withstand the alluring temptations held out to them by enormous cotton gains. In this condition of affairs, with the atmosphere of the whole Mississippi valley reeking with a corruption more pestilential and fatal than the malaria of its swamps, I and other right-thinking men, hailed, as the harbinger of a brighter and purer day, your General Orders, No. 4. In trade, at least, the dull quiet of annihilation is preferable to the baleful activity that springs from the fermenting and festering decay of all the higher and more noble elements of commercial life. The recent action of the Treasury Department would seem to indicate that our anticipations of a more honorable future are not doomed to disappointment. But the malign influences are diabolically strong; we can only pray for honest officials and hope for the best. I imagine, general, that now for the first time your attention has been drawn to the prejudicial construction that can be given to your expression in regard to the gun-boats. Let me ask and hope that in some succeeding general order you will refer to the subject and state that it was foreign to your intention to cast a stigma upon the sister service, and that those who may have thus construed your words were altogether mistaken both as to your purpose and your meaning.
With high regard, I have the honor to remain, very respectfully and sincerely, yours,
ROBERT TOWNSEND, Commander, U. S. Navy.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, pp. 266-267.
Nashville Dispatch, August 18, 1864.

18, "Schools Opening."
By an oversight, we neglected to call attention to the fact that the school of Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright would soon open for the coming session, at their former place, on the first Monday in September. Those of Mrs. Sturdevant and Middle. Toupet will also open on the same day. These teachers are all well known and appreciated. St. Cecilia's Academy commences its third years on the 5th of September. Particulars will be found in our advertising columns.
Nashville Dispatch, August 18, 1864.

18, "Recorders' Court;" drunks, nuisances, and an amateur clairvoyant
Half a dozen drunken cases added $30 to the city treasury, besides the costs.
Moses York, a negro [sic] paid $7 for the privilege of a brief snooze in the market-house.
Eliza Mann, a black woman with a white child, was fined $5 for disorderly conduct.
A hard-working woman, of good character, was fined $50 for telling, or pretending to tell, fortunes. According to the testimony of the prosecutor, Mr. Simpson, his wife had paid defendant a quarter to tell her fortune, and the things related by defendant to Simpson's wife had so preyed upon her mind as to "turn her plum crazy," so that two doctors were necessary to prevent her getting worse and quiet her mind. In reply to a question from Mr. South, counsel for the defence, witness said he was not a Christian. There can be no doubt but defendant has told fortunes among her neighbors, as half the girls and women in town do, and it may be that she has occasionally received money, being a widow, with four children, and poor; but we cannot believe she is a professional fortune teller, Marshal Churnbly having known her several years, and never heard of it, and a respectable woman who has known her fifteen years, and lived in the room adjoining for ten years, testifies positively that she was not a fortune teller, and that she never pretended to be one; that she had known her to sit up till 2 o'clock at night many a time sewing for the support of herself and family. The Recorder will probably remit the fine, in consideration of the good character of the defendant.
Nashville Dispatch, August 18, 1864.

18, Recommendations for a post-war Department of Tennessee
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., August 18, 1865.
Bvt. Brig. Gen. A. J. ALEXANDER, Chief of Staff, Department of Tennessee:
* * * *
The political organization of the various counties within this district is yet in some instances incomplete, though rapid progress has been made during the last few weeks. So far as my own information extends, civil officers have been appointed in nearly all the counties within the territory embraced within my command, some of whom have not entered upon the discharge of their official duties, and of whom a few, perhaps, will not do so. It is hoped that when the new appointees have fully entered upon the discharge of their duties, the machinery of civil government will soon be in efficient working condition, both as regards county legislation and the administration of justice by the magistrates and the courts of law. The recent elections were quietly conducted, no disturbance having been reported to these headquarters. The vote was necessarily light, owing to the restrictions of the franchise law enacted at the late session of the State Legislature, and in a few counties no election was held, the people not having had an opportunity of being registered in pursuance of that law. While it is claimed by the local press and asserted generally that there is an almost universal willingness on the part of the people to submit, it is yet apparent that submission is that of a military necessity, not a cordial response to the claims of the Government upon the allegiance of its citizens; not the candor of those who, having at laser recognized the enormity of their crime against the Union, with the ardor and alacrity of true repentance avail themselves of the beneficence of an outraged Government. The feelings of the people toward the Government are not of a kindly character generally, but now that the Confederacy is broken, the very necessities of living compel them to be quiescent. Weary of war, impoverished in house and bereaved in family, many desire to live in peace and quietness the remainder of their days; others, in the hope of avoiding the penalties and forfeitures of treason, or wishing the gifts at the bestowal of their lately despised Government, are seized with a conversion, the suddenness and zeal of which may well excite suspicion of this sincerity. A few less prudent and less influential still proclaim aloud the doctrine of Southern rights in a spirit which, if general, must awaken apprehensions of future discord. Some there undoubtedly are who propose to give an active and energetic support to the Government, accepting the new condition of affairs, never having entertained for themselves, or abandoning forever, the idea of revolution, [who] are laboring to cement anew the Union of the States and the fraternity of the people. Of all classes by far the greater number are unwilling to take part in State restoration. The chivalry of the South, it has been confessed, has been discomfited in war, but here people still retain the pride and the arrogance of caste. The master race are obliged to acknowledge the annihilation of African slavery, but they cannot conquer their love for and the adherence of habit to the peculiar institution. [added] Covertly they purpose, knowing not how and abiding a time they know not when, to again make color the badge of servitude and of oppression. It seems to me to be hardly otherwise to be expected. The prejudices of education and association are not easily eradicated. While the armed soldiers of the Union overawe insubordination by their presence, maintaining the sovereignty and enforcing the policy of the Government, the people of the South will despair of successful resistance in any form; but the disloyal elements are as dominant as ever; the leaders of Southern opinion, using, with the politician's craft, the disguise of conservatives, await but opportunities to prove themselves the still relentless foes of the Government. An opportunity would sooner or later be followed by another political revolution, not to speak of speedy social chaos and the prostration of law at the feet of crime. It is my opinion, which lengthening observation confirms, that the safety of the Union requires that the armies of the United States should hold, occupy, and possess the territory lately in rebellion for a yet indefinite period. These remarks are offered as applicable to people residing within the limits of my command, a general statement of the condition of which, from every point of view, I have conceived it proper for me to make.
I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JNO. E. SMITH, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 1101-1104.

[1] Some confusion exists about the date. August 27, the date for all this correspondence, was a Thursday, and so Tuesday would be the 25th. However, according to OR General Index, the date, which appears as "27" should read "21" (Friday) in which case the date is August 18. Otherwise, the date of Forrest's defeat would be August 25.
[2] Not found.
[3] Not enclosed.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

8.5.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        5, A Yankee Officer in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time During Forrest's Raid on Murfreesboro
A Federal Officer "Turned Up" in a Queer Place.
We learn, from a source deemed authentic, an interesting incident respecting Captain J. C. Rounds, of the 9th Michigan regiment, who, as provost marshal of Murfreesboro, was guilty of the grossest oppression toward the citizens, male and female, of that city and it vicinity, as well as Confederate prisoners falling into his hands. The tale, as told to us, is that, when Col. Forrest attacked the Federals at Murfreesboro, the captain exhibited gallantry of a kind indicating a nativity under the horoscope of Venus rather than of Mars. Shrinking from the fierce presence of the malignant god, he sought refuge under the influences of his benignant star-but not his lady's bower.
Laying aside metaphor and mystery-'tis said, that Capt. Rounds had been captivated the charms of a Miss____, of no particular age, residing at Murfreesboro', and she by his military title, gilt and brass-and a matrimonial alliance was contemplated-at least, on the lady's part. Pending the fight, several ladies of true Southern sympathies and spirit espied the captain, skulking, like a cowardly cur, from the presence of danger and dodging into the house wear dwelt his fiancé. They communicated that fact to our officers, and a detachment of soldier was sent in his pursuit. Search was made, but the soldiers left the house without fining him. The ladies who witnessed the captain's entrance into the house, insisted the he was there, and a second search was made, but in vain, and the soldiers again retired. The ladies urged a third effort, and the soldiers, yielding obedience to their importunities reluctantly prosecuted their search into "my lady's chamber," and there they found "my lady" sitting on the side of her bed, and her lover still invisible. Our soldiers deemed it a public duty to make a thorough search, and, to their surprise and gratification, found the captain sweating profusely between two mattresses. He was one of the officer brought here as a prisoner and sent on to Madison, Georgia.-Knoxville Register,
Memphis Daily Appeal, August 5, 1862. [1]
        5, Pass to Lorenzo Sibert and three others from the Confederate Provost Marshal of East Tennessee allowing Lorenzo Sibert and three others permission to travel from Knoxville to Sweetwater Tennessee.
No. 7164
Head-Quarters, Department East Tenn.,Office Provost Marshal,
Knoxville, Tenn., Aug 5, 1862.
Permission is Granted L Sibert & 3 Men to visit Sweetwater,Tenn, upon honor, not to communicate in writing, or verbally, for publication, any fact ascertained, which, if known to the enemy, might be injurious to the Confederate States of America.
Valley of the Shadow[2]

        5, Railroad accident between Nashville and La Vergne on the N&C Railroad
A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, of the 7th [Friday], writing from this city, records the following terrible accident on the Chattanooga railroad, of which we had not learned:
A sad casualty occurred on the road between here and Lavergne [sic] last Wednesday [5th] last morning. There must have been great recklessness, or at least reprehensible carelessness on the part of the engineers, and the day well advanced-fully eight o'clock. Two trains were on the road, both moving in the same directions. These facts were known to all the employees on the road, and yet, ten miles from Nashville, the second train ran into the first with such force as nearly to lap one car over another. The excuse is that there was a short curve on that part of the road, and the speed of the second train was so much greater than the first, that it was not possible to "check up" in time to prevent the crash.
The place where the accident occurred has many sad remembrances. Here a large train was captured by guerrillas in April. Immense booty was obtained and the cars all burned. The dense cedars nearby had for a long time been the hiding place of McCann's robbers, from whence they frequently fired upon the trains of cars.
The cedars have been cut down and Dick McCann has been compelled to seek other fields for his prowess and robberies.
The guard, however, has been continued, and so intent were the eyes of our brave Ohio boys on the natural hiding and shelter places of the rebels, that no danger from any other source was apprehended, till the locomotive dashed into the forward train with such velocity and power, and the resistance of the slowly moving cars ahead was so great that couplings were all broken; and the car preceding that on which the guard sat, was instantly so raised up as to crush to death three fine young men who sat on the roof of the car with their feet and legs hanging down in front.
They all belonged to Company D, 52d Ohio volunteer infantry....
Lieut. David Neighbor, of the same company and regiment, was also severely injured, having suffered a compound fracture of the lower part of his leg. Two convalescent soldiers, going to the front, were among the sufferers....
Nashville Daily Press, August 15, 1863.
        5, "What Tennessee Loyalists Have Done."
The State of Tennessee has in the service ten regiments of infantry, ten of cavalry and two batteries of artillery. Organized as many of them were of refugees beyond the limits of their own State, and at a time when there was no competent State authority to recognize their existence, they rushed into the fight regardless of the forms taken in such cases. The result was that six "first Tennessee" regiments appeared in the field from the East, Middle and West grand divisions of the State. Col. Alvin C. Gillem, of the 2st [sic] West Tennessee infantry, has lately been appointed Adjutant General under Governor Andrew Johnson, and general order "No. 2" from his office reads:
"In order to present confusion in adjusting the future claims of the Tennesseans in the service of the United States, as well as to remove a misunderstanding at the Adjutant General's office in Washington, it is ordered that the regiments from Tennessee bye designated as follows, to-wit:
1st Tennessee infantry. Colonel Byrd, late 1st Tennessee.
2nd Tennessee infantry, Colonel Carter, late 2nd East Tennessee infantry.
3rd Tennessee infantry, Col. Cross, late 3rd East Tennessee.
4th Tennessee infantry, Col. Stover, late 4th East Tennessee.
5th Tennessee infantry, Col. Shelby, late 5th East Tennessee.
6th Tennessee infantry, Col. Cooper, late 6th East Tennessee.
7th East Tennessee infantry, Col. Cliff, late 7th East Tennessee.
8th Tennessee infantry, Col. Reese, late 8th East Tennessee.
9th Tennessee infantry, Col. Rogers, late 1st Middle Tennessee.
10th Tennessee infantry, Col. Gillem, late 1st West Tennessee.
1st Tennessee cavalry, Col. Johnson, late 1st East Tennessee.
2nd Tennessee cavalry, Col. Ray, late 2nd East Tennessee.
3rd Tennessee cavalry, Col. Perkins, late 3rd East Tennessee.
4th Tennessee cavalry, Major Stevenson, late 4th Tennessee.
5th Tennessee cavalry, late 1st Middle Tennessee.
6th Tennessee cavalry, Col. Hurst, late 1st West Tennessee.
7th Tennessee cavalry, Col. Hawkins, late 2d West Tennessee
8th Tennessee cavalry, Col. Strickland.
9th Tennessee cavalry, Col. Parsons.
10th Tennessee cavalry, Col. Bridges.
With twenty regiments of loyalists becoming refugees from their own State to volunteer in the service of the Nation, Tennessee well maintains in this struggle, as she has in all the past, her right to the proud title of "Volunteer State." Is it not time that the redemption of her soil should be made complete by the liberation of long suffering East Tennessee?
Memphis Bulletin, August 5, 1863.

        5, The murder of a Confederate soldier at Thompson's creek, Bedford county; the letter of Mollie Dean to her sister Ailey Dean
Thompsons Creek
Aug. 5th, 1864
Beloved Sister Ailey
I this golden evening lift my pen to respond to your sad yet thrice welcome letter which came duly to hand. Your missive found us yet liveing but still in great distress. Mother and my self are up but not well. Father has been very ill for several days. The medical attendants think with strict care he will recover. Though he never has seen one well hour since our great trouble and I fear he never will. I sincerially hope when [missing words] from your great thunderbolt of utter dispair. Though you may live to number the gray hairs of three-score and ten you can never out live the memorable year, 64, never, no never. Such is the fate of men. Sister as you request it I will as plainly as possible give you the detail in full. As to why your beloved was drest it was very neet but decently plane. I having made him clothes to return to you in. His vest was gray mixt his pants wee [sic] shoot-about [sic] gray and bright brown and made in the nicest order well lined and stitched. When I made them he told me to lay them by he would save them to meet Ailey in. And he would keep them as long as he lived to remember me. He would say when I go to see Ailey she will have plenty for me to wair so I need not take every thing only what I have on. His shirt as fine as you ever could wish to look at. His coat was black cloth, black kid gloves, white hose which sister Lizier had given him which he was saving to ware home. A white swis winding sheet and talton veil completed his burial attire. His coffin was black walnut raised lid lined with white a case of poplar. Sister it was the best we could do under existing circumstances. You also requested to know how many times he was shot and where. He was shot through the right arm, the left rist, the middle finger on his right hand, in his bowels by the right hip, four shots in his brest one in the hollow of his neck, four in the head three above the left eye one in the crown, two in the back, supposed to pass through his body. As to his talking after he was shot I am satisfied he never spoke. He never talked any thing much to me after he was arrested more than to ask me to get his clothes for him and to tell me not to grieve so hard about him for if they did not send him to prison he would be back in a few days. (Some words are missing) him which I did as soon as he was gone but all help came too late. The deed was done in hast. When he was ready to start I went to the road and huged and kissed him. He said dont be so foolish about me. I will come back some time if I live. They had told their orders was to shoot him, but I knew it not until he was dead. One of the detail told a cousin of ours that he pled inocince to the last and when they told him to dismount they were going to shoot him. He did so telling them they had the power but they would kill an inocent man. He raised his hat stroked his hare and dropped his hands by his side and fell a life less corpse. Thousands and tens of thousands must and will and has come and gone on--both sides since this bloody war began. Sister I centure not the men who did the deed, but those who reported and I have no idea on earth who did it for I dont think he had an enemy in this state that would have sought his ruin so harshly. He told me the night before his death he was going to wind up his affairs and start home in two or three weeks, he was always talking about you and t he children. CatherineÕs conduct seemed to distress him more than any thing in all his trials. I knew not the cause of her removal. When he heard of Dan starting so long a journey he said let him go I dont blame him for traveling for that was my one great passion. he left no evidence behind of his future welfare more than the smile on his face when we was dressing him he smiled as fair a smile as you ever saw in your life and it remained on his features until he was laid under the sod. I am perfectly satisfied in my mind his anglic form is flying around the throne of him who doeth all things well while we grieve. I am sending a lock of his hair and whiskers also. I will send you his degarotipe as soon as I can have one copied from it. I will keep yours if you have no objections and send you mine. Tell your babs to be good children try to live a pios life and make useful men and women. Sister call your baby Allen instead of Allice as that was the name I and him selected Mary Allen. Give our best regards to Samuel and family, tell them we have written to them. Father and mother send their compliments to you all and sais they would give everything in the world to see you and the children. What must I do with what is coming to you here? Write soon and fail not,
Your Affectionate Sister
Mollie Dean

[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] Valley of the Shadow.
[3] John Dean had been before the Union Provost in Shelbyville but had been cleared of whatever charge had been laid against him. However, orders were given for him to be killed. Some of the family thought that John Dean's son-in-law, James Jeffries, a Union soldier, had reported Dean to be a Confederate scout. His body had been left on the porch of a neighbors house and these neighbors sent word to Mollie Dean to come for the body. She and a female friend brought the body home in a wagon in the middle of the night.
John Dean is buried in the Bomar Cemetery in the Raus community on State Highway 130 in Bedford County, Tennessee. His epitaph reads
In Memory of John A. Dean son of John and Sarah  Dean Born Feb 28th 1818 Departed this Life June 27th 1864 Aged 46 years 3 mons 27 days. MSCC/CWRC.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX