Saturday, August 31, 2013

8/31/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

31, Camp Meetings Decline in East Tennessee as a Consequence of War

Camp Meetings.

But a few Camp Meetings are being held this season, in our country, and the few that have been held have been failures. Indeed, we think it advisable to call in such as they may have been appointed. The state of feeling in the country is by no means favorable to religious meetings of any sort. The people are arrayed against each other, and all are on one side or the other. This might be, and produce no mischief if the people would refrain from heated discussions, and govern their temper, as they might do, and as they really ought to do. But, as a general thing, the Preachers have acted so badly, as to destroy confidence in them, or kill off all respect for them. No class of Church members have [sic] been as intemperate, as proscriptive as those Preachers who have entered into this contest. The result is, that in all the congregations of the country, there is a division in sentiment, and a portion of the congregation are unwilling to hear these men preach. Others, who may not have entered into angry disputations, have aspired to be Chaplains in the army, and whether the people are just or unjust in their reflections upon them or not they nevertheless incline to the opinion that it is the eighty or ninety dollars per month that they are after. Believing this, though it may be uncharitable, these men can't preach profitably to the people. Upon the whole, we think it most advisable to hold as few camp meetings as possible this season.

We cannot but think that the following prophetic language from the book of Jeremiah (chap. 10th) was intended for this country and generations:

"My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords broken, my children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains. For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sough the Lord; therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered."

This is rapidly fulfilling. The Pastors are becoming brutish, advising bloodshed and death, and the flocks are scattering-Churches are breaking up-men and women are refusing to attend religious services. They say that they hear no prayers for peace-no sermons favorable to practical Christianity-no exhortations to repentance and faith-but they are annoyed with prayers against the blockade-sermons favorable to war-and exhortations making assaults upon private character. To be a member of the Church, is no longer a passport to any one, but he who can make it appear that he has no connection with any Church, is less liable to be suspected of villainy than the Church-going man. This is a sad picture of affairs, but it is nevertheless a true one!

Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, August 31, 1861.



31, Progress in the Printing of Bibles for Confederate Soldiers

The Word of God is Not Bound.

The first set of plates for printing pocket Bibles and Testaments ever owned and worked in the South were laid upon the press of the Southwestern Publishing House last Wednesday, and it can now be said for the first time that the South is independent of the North for the Word of God [sic]. Lincoln no longer binds the Word of God.

These plates for the Bible and Testament have cost, including tariff, ($150), freight and other expenses connected with them, some $1250. More than one-half of this sum was contributed by the brethren and citizens of West Tennessee and North Alabama to us personally—to enable the Publishing House to print cheap Bibles and Testaments for the Confederate soldiers. There is not another set of plates on which a pocket Bible or pocket Testament can be printed in the Southern Confederacy to-day.

Believing that the balance for the plates will be contributed as a voluntary offering to the enterprise, the Southwestern Publishing House offers to print Bibles and Testaments for the Confederate army at the following rates:

Pocket Testaments.—Plain $12.50 per 100—15 cts. retail; Gilt Sides $15 per 100—20 cts. retail.

Pocket Bibles.-$7.50 to $12 per dozen, according to style and binding. Fine bound copies, with name in gilt letters, from $2 to $5 per copy. Let every community that has sent out a company forward each soldier a Bible or Testament, and a package of religious tracts—price 25 cents per package of 300 pages.

Will all our exchanges in the South call attention to this enterprise, and to the fact that the Southwestern Publishing House offers to supply 100,000 Bibles and Testaments for the Confederate army at cost of material and labor?

Tennessee Baptist, August 31, 1861.[1]




31, Blankets for Tennessee soldiers

Women Worth Fighting For.—We are informed that the Rev. Mr. Campbell collected donations of over 200 blankets from the ladies of Nashville yesterday—a good work for one day.

Mr. Campbell thinks he will be able to procure 2000 blankets for our soldiers, in Nashville.

Mr. Campbell has a special agency from the government for this service both in the city and State.

It must be most cheering to our army to know that the ladies of Nashville and of the South are willing to make any sacrifice in their power to aid them in the holy cause of southern independence. Some ladies are giving all their blankets to the soldiers, supplying their place with cotton comforts. Fighting for such wives, sisters and daughters—for such a cause—such a country—how can our armies be conquered?

Memphis Daily Appeal, August 31, 1861.

[1] As cited in:

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Friday, August 30, 2013

8/30/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

30, Rich Confederate buys bonds, patriotic masses join the army


Jos. A. Mabrey, of Knoxville, desirous of still farther attesting the loyalty of East Tennessee to the Confederate Sates, proposes through the Knoxville Register to be one of ten to take $100,000 of the Confederate bonds at par, or one of twenty to take $5,000 each.

The patriotic masses of East Tennessee are rapidly coming to the rescue of the South. The Register coming to the rescue of the South. The Register says Greene county, Andy Johnson's home, had furnished three companies to the 4th East Tennessee regiment and is ready to furnish several more.

The Macon Daily Telegraph, August 30, 1861



30, Skirmishing near Altamont

Excerpt from the Report of Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, C. S. Army, on his Kentucky Raid, August-October 1862, relative to fighting near Altamont, August 30, 1862.

HDQRS. CAVALRY, Knoxville, Tenn., October 30, 1862.

COL.: I have the honor to report that on August 27 I moved across the Tennessee River at Chattanooga with a brigade of cavalry, consisting of parts of the First Alabama and First Kentucky Regiments.

On the 28th we moved in front of Gen. Hardee's wing. The next day I received an order to march toward Altamont and drive in the enemy's scouts on the mountain. We arrived near Altamont at daylight on the morning of the 30th and drove in their pickets on three sides, firing into their camp and killing, as we afterwards learned, 1 colonel, 1 captain, and 2 privates. The enemy were so alarmed and deceived that Gen. Buell reported in his Official statement, subsequently made to a council of war at Nashville, that Gen. Hardee attempted to cross the mountain with his corps, but by his placing a large force at Altamont he had compelled Gen. Hardee to fall back into the valley. A few hours before we reached Altamont the enemy had an infantry brigade in ambush on the road, but on our approach they marched in and joined their main body. After having menaced their flanks until 12 m. we returned to Sequatchie Valley. We then moved northward, covering the rear and left flank of the army, having slight skirmish near Fleming's.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,

JOS. WHEELER, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, p. 893.




30, "Fooroom-Boom! Ker-gip!"

At this writing, 12 o'clock M. [Noon], the enemy are shelling the town vigorously. Our sanctum and our solitaire printer, with his 'case' and composing stick, are removed to the basement of the Bank of Tennessee [where he can] be heard frantically imploring our neighbor Haskell to open his door. The voice is evidently that of a 'dry' soldier. At least we judge so from the huskiness of his throat. Possibly wants a drink. Probably won't get it, as Haskell has retired to his earthworks.

Boom! Whiz-z-z!! Goes another angry shell.

'Oh, Mr. Haskell!' goes [the] voice outside.

Fooroom-BOOM! Ker-gip!

'HASKELL! open the door!'

Crash came a shell over the roof, struck a Chattanooga hog in the side, and sent him squeaking to the happy hunting grounds.

[The] soldier couldn't stand it any longer. He broke. We can hear the retreating echoes of his footsteps. Haskell has at length opened the door and calls after him: 'What do you want?'

Reply in the dim distance: 'Oh, d__n it, you're too late. 'Spect a man to have nine lives like a cat, and get murdered for one drink?'

Drama closes. Scene shifts! Suthin' [sic] rumbles. Exeunt, at a double quick.

Also in this one-page number of the Daily Rebel was a defiant answer to a rumor circulating in Atlanta, Georgia, and Montgomery, Alabama newspapers that the Chattanooga paper had fled the City. "The rumor is...altogether incorrect. The Rebel lives. Its 'heavy bronze' [press?] has been moved to the rear, with that of the whole army, out of the way of active operations; but both of its editors, with a sufficient quantity of material and typographical force to print a daily war bulletin, remain, and will remain to the last hour. Whilst we are penning these lines, shells from the enemy's batteries are falling within our rear premises, and exploding in the street in front. If any citizen of Chattanooga has seen an evidence of a 'change of base' on our part, his imagination has led him far astray of the mark. Chattanooga maybe burnt to the ground, but the position will not be lost; and so long as our army is here to defend it, we shall share whatever befalls its gallant soldiers, many of whom are fellow comrades of war in past campaigns, and nearly all of whom are our friends and patrons."

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 30, 1863




30, Confederate Guerrillas and the Lovelady, Card Murders on Walden's Ridge; Parker's Narrative

[For the Chattanooga Daily Gazette.]

A Page from the History of East Tennessee.

In the later part of the month of May, 1863, a party of Rebels, under the command of Lieutenant Walker, of Hamilton's guerrillas, crossed Walden Ridge, on the Poe Turnpike road, with a drove of cattle which they had smuggled through the lines, from Kentucky. They acted very peaceably as they came over the mountains, and stopped and staid all night at Poe's tavern, at the foot of the mountain, on the Chattanooga and Washington road. The next day they proceeded to Chattanooga, where they disposed of their cattle.

On their return they were seen in company with Thomas Condry, a resident of this county, who, also belonged t their gang. After they left Condry they went on to Poe's tavern where they stopped. He posted them also.-They proceeded from thence to the widow Walker's, on Walden's Ridge, where the arrested Lewis B. Card, the youngest son of old Edward S. Card, and old citizen of this county, and Jerry Lovelady, (than whom a more peaceable man never lived.) They proceeded with them to Wm. Card's house, where they halted them in the road. A part of the fiends entered the house and demanded of Mrs. Card where her sons were. She answered that they were not at home, but as to where they could be found she did not know, for they had not been home in some time. They told her to go out into the road and see if she knew those prisoners out there. She went out into the road and recognized her son Lewis and Perry Lovelady to be the prisoners. Lewis as stripped of his coat, hat and boots. One of the rebels had taken his hat and given him an old cap, another had taken his boots and another had taken his coat. His other asked him if he did not want his coat, and it was raining, she supposed that they had left his coat at home, that morning, but he answered her that one of the soldiers had taken his coat from him. Poor boy, little did he dream of the fate that awaited him from their hands. They proceeded to rob and plunder the old man's house, threatening they would kill the old man if he said a word. One of them shoved his pistol into Mr. Car's face, and swore he would kill him for a Lincolnite, but the old man stood firm, and the coward left him. After they had plundered the house of everything they wanted, the left, taking the boys along with them. They stopped again about three miles  from Mr. Card's, at Hiram Reynolds', a man that was called a rebel. There, according to Reynold's tale, they treated the boys very well, asking Reynolds some questions concerning the boys, he answering that they were inoffensive boys, and had not done anything to be under arrest for, urging them to let them go. They replied that they would not harm them, but would let them go sometime that day. After stopping there about an hour, they started with them and went about a mile, when they murdered them in cold blood. Shooting Perry Lovelady four or five times, and Lewis Card twice. The left them there, and went on to John Henson's, in the Sequatchie Valley, before they told anybody of the dark and damning deed. When they informed Henson that they had killed one of the Card boys, he approved of it, and told them that they should kill the old man Card also. Henson is not the only man that approved the murder of the boys openly. There are others among the oath-takers of Hamilton County that said it was a good thing, and the only way to settle the d----d Lincolnites.

Samuel P. Poe, one of the instigators of this deed, was arrested last Fall and taken a prisoner to Chattanooga, there he was kept about three months and allowed to return home, I suppose from lack of evidence. 'At the time Gen. Negley (I think it was in June of 1862)[1]  came across the mountains into the Tennessee Valley, he arrested this notorious rebel Poe and sent him along with others to Nashville, where he took the oath and returned home. As soon as he returned he told the people that he had never done anything against the Union people; but now he would show them that he would have revenge for being arrested by Gen. Negley. Accordingly he sent to Chattanooga for arms; they sent him some guns to alarm himself and other rebel citizens, with an order to hunt the Lincolnites out of the mountains, but he lacked the courage to proceed, except on one or two occasions. He and his son used to act as guides to the rebels when they would come to arrest the Union citizens. On one occasion he and his son Hartin Poe helped to capture and guard two Federal scouts from his house to Chattanooga, where he appeared against them as a witness; but they finally escaped from the prison at Chattanooga, and afterwards had the pleasure of arresting Poe himself.-Gen. Hazen's troops when they came into this country last August, but Poe made his escape across he river with the rebels. He was afterwards captured, brought to Chattanooga and turned at liberty, as has been above stated.

None of the murderers of Lewis B. Card and Perry Lovelady have yet been arrested, that I know of. They are yet at liberty, and I suppose they are still carrying on their old trade with Carter, Ferguson, Hamilton, &c.


Chattanooga Daily Gazette, August 30, 1864.







[1] May 31- June 9, 1862, Negley's Raid into East Tennessee.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Thursday, August 29, 2013

8/29/13 Tennessee Civil War Notes

29, Memphis prostitutes arrested for refusing to pay monthly municipal tax

Persons of Ill-Fame.—The police are arresting women, having received directions to do so, on the charge of being inhabitants of houses of ill-fame. Several women will be brought before the Recorder this morning on that charge. It is believed that there is a connection between these arrests and the refusal of this class of this population to pay a monthly tax of fifty dollars, each house, to the city, as they are required to do by an ordinance recently passed by the Council. That ordinance is entirely illegal, and is not worth the paper it is written upon, and no outside proceeding can make it binding, or give its provisions the force of law.

Memphis Daily Appeal, August 29, 1861



29, Federal military intelligence predicts guerrilla uprising in Trenton, Kenton, and Union City environs


Capt. M. ROCHESTER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Columbus, Ky.:

CAPT.: From all the information I can obtain there is some movement in contemplation in West Tennessee by the rebels. They are massing all their cavalry; have drawn in all their guerrilla bands, and everything is very quiet. Gen. Grant telegraphed me last night that they had massed 6,000 cavalry and intended to attack our lines at some point. I have ordered the building of stockades where my forces are weak and entrenchments at Humboldt and this place. There is no position here that is very defensible. I will make a strong abatis around our camp and near the water, which is on rather low ground. The Fourth Illinois Cavalry from Memphis is just coming in. They are weak in men, horses, &c. I do not believe that they have 400 men in all told for duty. I have mounted two companies of infantry at Humboldt, one at Trenton, Kenton, and Union City. The equipments shipped me I have never received and cannot find them.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 192.



29, Philosophical musings from the editor of the Chattanooga Rebel


The Chattanooga Rebel Under Fire.

The Rebel is now printed on one side of a quarter sheet of paper, or, as we may say, in hand bill (or horse bill) form. In his issue of August 29th, the Apostle of the Chattanoogians[1] [sic] says:

The scenes transpiring in a town under bombardment are necessarily interesting, not less to the citizens themselves than to distant readers, and we shall make it our business to observe minutely and record faithfully these quant, fantastic, sometimes pathetic phases of war and human nature.

Many of our localisms, comparatively trifling at the moment, may be of consequence hereafter, and all the petty details of the time are material whence history must receive its facts or its coloring. 'Tis a pity such thing are esteemed too insignificant by most chroniclers for narration.

What would we not give for one or two paragraphs about the siege of Troy? A dog fight in Jerusalem, when the city fell, would not be wholly worthless to modern readers. And one single line written during the destruction of Pompeii would be worth a world.

Far be it from our meaning to stick up Chattanooga by the side of Troy, Jerusalem, or Pompeii; but in its own humble way, like Achilles, Abraham Lincoln, and others of note, it is also "making history," and must not be left out in the cold by its true and loyal epicureans.

We had thought seriously of extending our plan of minuteness so far as to interlard our columns with such expressions as fell during the composition of the matter appearing in them, after the manner if the reporters of public orations to great assemblies, which are enriched by the additional information that "Cheers" were given here,"great applause" there, "laughter" at this point, and "hisses" at that. Thus we must present some valuable private information, bearing upon the state of mind of writers, printers and the "people" generally. Perhaps we all do so still.

Again, we had thought of giving – and certainly would execute the idea had we a copper-plate engraver – facsimiles of our hand-writing during the intervals between the first, second, third and fourth shells which entered our edictal room. It ranges from a neat, clerk style to the appearance of the track of a spider which has accidentally dropped in the ink pot, and thence crawled out over the page.

These progressive ideas, however, we reserve for the present. Much provocation shall surely bring them forth. Our illustrated "Christmas edition"[2] is proof that we are bold in venture, and not to be appalled by novelty.

Meantime, there's a hand and glove to those good natured souls who remain in town of nights and are not to be driven hence by day; who still retain the color in their cheeks, the light in their eyes, a hearty appetite and good digestion, and who mean., like ourselves and our friend John Happy, to "vivimous" while we can and "vamous" when we must.

The papers from the "inside world" are all discussing the currency question. Confederate notes, in Richmond, are only quoted at 10 cents on the dollar, and the papers are endeavoring to improve their condition. There seems to be a desire on all sides to have Confederate paper rule at a higher rate, but the speculators seem to hold the balances of power.

Some of the papers offer remedies for desertion from the Confederate army. One of Gen. Bragg's officers speaking of the subject says: "the commanders have seemed thus far to distrust the men, and no system has ever been adopted. A wiser course, it seems to me, would be to put the men more upon their honor. They are, for the most part, volunteers in the cause in which their all is involved, and they are not disposed to desert. The difficulty of obtaining a furlough, I am satisfied, is a fruitful cause of the evil; while the certainty of getting a furlough once a year under a regular system, if only for ten days, will have a most beneficent effect upon our troops, and in my opinion will certainly check, if not entirely stop, desertion."

Natchez Courier (Natchez, MS), September 18, 1863.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. V, pp. 703-704.




29, Major-General William T. Sherman furnishes rules for trading with States and parts of States in insurrection

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 25. HDQRS. MIL. DIV. OF THE MISSISSIPPI, Nashville, Tenn., August 29, 1864.

In order to carry out the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 2, 1864, and the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury relative to trade and intercourse with States and parts of States in insurrection, and to make the operations of trade just and fair, both as to the people and to the merchant, the following general rules will be observed in this military division, as near as the state of the country will permit:

I. All trade is prohibited near armies in the field or moving columns of troops, save that necessary to supply the wants of the troops themselves. Quartermasters and commissaries will take such supplies as are needed in the countries passed through, leaving receipts and taking the articles up on their returns. When cotton is found, and transportation to the rear is easy and does not interfere with the supplies to the army dependent on the route, the quartermaster will ship the cotton to the quartermaster at Nashville or Memphis, who will deliver it to the agent of the Treasury Department. It will be treated as captured property of an enemy, and invoiced accordingly. No claim of private interest in it will be entertained by the military authorities.

II. In department and military district embracing a country within our military control, the commanders of such departments and districts may permit a trade in articles not contraband of war or damaging to the operations of the army at the front, through the properly appointed agents and sub-agents of the Treasury Department, to an extent proportionate to the necessities of the peaceful and worthy inhabitants of the localities described; but as trade and the benefits of civil government are conditions not only of fidelity of the people, but also of an ability to maintain peace and order in their district, county, or locality, commanding officers will give notice that all trade will cease when guerrillas are tolerated or encouraged, and, moreover, that in such districts and localities, the army or detachments sent to maintain the peace must be maintained by the district or locality that tolerates or encourages such guerrillas.

III. All military offices will assist the agents of the Treasury Department in securing possession of all abandoned property and estates subject to confiscation under the law.

IV. The use of weapons for hunting purposes is too dangerous to be allowed at this time, and therefore the introduction of all arms and powder, percussion caps, bullets, shot, lead, or anything used in connection with firearms, is prohibited absolutely, save by the proper agents of the United States, and when the inhabitants require and can be trusted with such things for self-defense, or for aiding in maintaining the peace and safety of their families and property, commanding officers may issue the same out of the public stores in limited quantities.

V. Medicines and clothing as well as salt, meats, and provisions, being quasi-contraband of war, according to the condition of the district or locality when offered for sale, will be regulated by local commanders in connection with the agents of the Treasury Department.

VI. In articles non-contraband, such as the clothing needed for women and children, groceries and imported articles, the trade should be left to the Treasury agents as matters too unimportant to be noticed by military men.

VII. When military officers can indicate a preference to the class of men allowed to trade, they will always give preference to men who have served the Government as soldiers, and when wounded or incapacitated from further service by such wounds or sickness. Men who manifest loyalty by oaths and nothing more are entitled to live, but not to ask favor of a Government that demands acts and personal sacrifices.

By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, pp. 314-315.


[1] Francis M. Paul, Editor Rebel, Chattanooga, Tenn. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 885

[2] Not known to be extant.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8/28/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

28, Judge John Catron exiled to Louisville, KY

Judge Catron.-We saw this distinguished gentleman yesterday. He informs us that the vigilance committee of Nashville did not wait on him as a committee and give him formal notice to leave the State, but that individual members of the committee assured him that he could not live there. His wife is now with him in this City.

Louisville Journal, August 28, 1861. [1]



28, Troop movements on the Cartmell farm

All except 1 company of the cavalry camped in front of the house left this morning...but since supper about as many more have moved in.

Robert H. Cartmell Diary.




28, Scout (night) and skirmish near Jasper

JASPER, August 29, 1863.

(Received 12.45 p. m.)


Col. King crossed the river last night and captured 6 prisoners, 12 animals, and a notorious conscriptor [sic] and member of the rebel Legislature named Matt. Carroll. Report by courier.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 217.




28, Skirmish and Capture of Confederate soldiers at Jacksborough

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from Itinerary of the Twenty-third Army Corps, August 1-September 30, 1863:

August 28.-The First Tennessee captured 48 at Jacksborough, killing and wounding several, 3 officers (1 captain and 2 lieutenants) among them. The First and third Brigades, Fourth Division, moved toward Montgomery.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. II, p. 577.




28, In Defense of the Fire Department in occupied Nashville

FIRE ALARM. – The tremendous noise and confusion which the fire-bells occasioned yesterday morning turned out to have been produced, in the first instance, by the harmless burning of the chimney at a small frame grocery on the corner of Broad and High streets. In their prompt activity and appearance at the scene of the fire, the engine boys only showed that their exertions to save are always well and quickly directed.

When the alarm was given, the team of Eclipse Company No. 1 was on its way to McClay's mill, in Edgefield, to procure saw-dust for the use of the stables. They had crossed and were just going under the railroad bridge, on the Edgefield side, as the driver caught the sound of the tocsin. As quick as thought, almost, the horses were detached from the wagon, and they were mounted and rode at two-forty speed back to the engine house, were harnessed and on their way to the fire in six or eight minutes from the first alarm, and Eclipse was on the ground in season to have played her part towards the suppression of the angriest flames.

It is a custom of the various companies to alternately use their horses on errands of this kind for the Department, as the corporation has provided no other means of supplying the engine stations with such material as may have to be hauled from a distance. The teams are also sent by turns to the pastures near the city, every Sunday, as a necessary change for their health, as well as the recreation of the men. Eclipse No. 1 has had the ill-luck to be in this situation, at the fire, oftener than either of the other companies. We regret to be aware that some quibbling, fault-finding people are disposed to make this unavoidable misfortune the text of bitter strictures upon the inefficiency of the Eclipse, which is in charge of a crew not to be excelled in the Union for their punctuality and gallantry when conflagrations occur, and who are at all times on the alert for the city's protection against fire. In reproaching the members of this company for indifference to duty, ill-natured critics misrepresent and malign an essential and effective arm of the best steam fire organization in the country. All of the men in the Department, so far as we know, are faithful and active in the discharge of their duties and are in no way responsible for such accidents as we have mentioned. To those who have delighted themselves by malicious grumbling about the unavoidable failures of the Eclipse or another engine to appear on the premises before accident or the incendiary have started the fire, we say, Let justice be done though the Heavens fall.

Nashville Daily Press, August 28, 1863.




28, Taking the oath

A FEW MORE LEFT. – The work of "iron-clading" the yeomanry of Tennessee has not been fully completed yet. Capt. Boyd and his co-laborers have frequent calls daily – in fact, the office is crowded from morn till eve, with repentant "solemn swearers." As we glanced in at the Captain and his "customers" yesterday, we were forcibly struck with the idea (it didn't hurt) that no "Yankee patent" of the nineteenth century, or any other century, ever created such an interest as the one for restoring infatuated people to reason, plenty and allegiance. Uncle Sam's a "loud" inventor.

Nashville Daily Press, August 28, 1863




29, Wheeler moves on Sparta

No circumstantial reports filed.

NASHVILLE, August 29, 1864.

Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

A courier in at Gallatin from Carthage reports Wheeler at Sparta with 12,000 men and six pieces of artillery. Gen. Granger reports a part of Roddey's and Forrest's force across the river near Savannah, with nine regiments near Tuscumbia, preparing to cross at Bledsoe.

L. H. ROUSSEAU, Maj.-Gen.

NASHVILLE, TENN., August 29, 1864.

Brig.-Gen. WHIPPLE:

Gen. Steedman telegraphs that some 3,000 or 4,600 of Wheeler's force were reported north of Kingston yesterday morning, moving toward Sparta and McMinnville. Gen. Granger telegraphs that Roddey with 3,000 men and nine pieces of artillery is preparing to cross the Tennessee in boats, and, if possible, at the Shoals.


NASHVILLE, TENN., August 29, 1864.

Brig. Gen. H. P. VAN CLEVE, Murfreesborough:

A courier in at Gallatin from Carthage reports Wheeler at Sparta. Keep scouts out on the road to Lebanon as far up as Jefferson Crossing, ten or twelve miles. A scout has been sent from here to Lebanon.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau:

B. H. POLK, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

NASHVILLE, TENN., August 29, 1864.

Brig. Gen. R. S. GRANGER, Decatur:

A courier just in at Gallatin from Carthage reports Wheeler at Sparta,[2] with large force and six pieces of artillery. No orders have been given to Col. Spalding since he was ordered to send the two regiments to Decherd, of which order you were at once notified. You will be notified when orders are given direct to your troops.

By command of Maj. Gen. Rousseau:

B. H. POLK, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

NASHVILLE, TENN., August 29, 1864.

(Received at Tullahoma 8.45 p. m.)

Maj.-Gen. MILROY:

A courier from Carthage to Gallatin reports Wheeler at Sparta, with a large force and six pieces of artillery. What is the force at Duck River, Elk River, and at the Tunnel? They should be increased. The force at Decherd should be sent to Elk and Duck Rivers. Send the two pieces of artillery formerly at Elk River back to that place.

By command of Maj. Gen. Rousseau:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. V, pp. 703-704.


[1] As cited in PQCW.

[2] After a hard day's ride through Middle Tennessee with General Wheeler, Commissary Sergeant John Coffee Williamson, Company E, 5th Tennessee Cavalry (C. S.A.), wrote in his journal for August 29, 1864, that the women of Sparta were "very glad to see us. Most of them cheered in the true lady like style. Most of Sparta has been burnt by the Yanks." Sergeant Williamson and his company rode to Smithville by nightfall, camping on the Lebanon Road. The Sergeant also commented in part in his journal that night: "I have been very sick all day, and at night I was perfectly worn out. We got up no rations. I took a dose of morphine and slept soundly." See: J.C. Williamson, ed., "The Civil War Diary of John Coffee Williamson," Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. XV, No. 1 (March, 1956), p. 65.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/28/13, Tennessee Civil War Notes

28, Newspaper report on forced deportation of northern printers from the Southern Methodist Publication House in Nashville and conditions in Nashville
Interesting from Tennessee.
Yesterday morning we had an interview with two Philadelphians, who left Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday last [21st]. Some six or seven year ago they left this city for Nashville, and have been employed in the Southern Methodist Publication House in that city. They enjoyed the respect and friendship, for many years, of many of the principal citizens, all of whom expressed regret at their departure, but the recent proclamation of Jeff Davis, requiring all Northern men to leave within a prescribed time, compelled them to vacate their positions and come home. Five other employes of the same establishment let at the same time. They had no trouble, with the exception of being closely watched, until they arrived at the Kentucky line, when they were searched by the Rebels stations at that point.
On the night before their departure, they made a friendly call upon Mr. Jas. T. Bell, the local and commercial editor of the Daily Gazette, to bid him a kind good bye. They had a pried and pleasant conversation with him, and he told them that ht couldn't blame him for leaving-that, thinking and feeling as they did in regard to their duties of allegiance, the steps they were taking was [sic] in his view right and proper. He shook hands with them all round, and the farewell was spoken, and, the next morning, the following appear in Mr. Bell's department of the Gazette:-
Stampede Among the Printers.-"We understand that a number of Northern printers engaged at the Southern Methodist Publishing House, in this city, threw up their situations yesterday, and leave to-day for the other side of Mason & Dixon's line. The proclamation of President Davis has shown them up in their true light. Since its publication they have been seen in groups upon our street corners, evidently consulting in regard to sudden movements. They have been holding a good situation for several years past, continuing no doubt lately a portion of their wages to assist in subjugating the people who have fed them, acting too, probably, as spies in our midst communicating such intelligence as has recently been seen in the Northern papers under the head of "Nashville Correspondence." They would have been perfectly willing to have continued at work, and given us the befit of their amiable presence, had it not been for the proclamation and the "forty days" notice. Let us feel thankful that the proper means have been adopted to rid the cities of the South of such vampires.'
In conversation with gentleman, we obtained the following information:- In the storehouses in Nashville, enough bacon is store to supply a large portion of the Southern army during the winter; but all other kinds of provisions, with the exception of corn, flour and other home productions, are scarce and high. Bacon, although plenty, is selling at twenty-six cents a pound, and coffee at forty-five to fifty cents. Clothing is also difficult to procure, as are e also dry goods. A single spool of cotton cannot be purchased at less than fifteen cents. The stock of shoes is also giving out, and the only shoe manufactory in the city now employs but six hands, as it is impossible to procure leather. There is but little gold and silver to be had, and when procured a premium of twelve to fifteen per cent must be paid for it. The only currency in use consists of Tennessee bank notes and Confederate bonds. The Legislature having given the banks authority to issue notes without limit, the market is flooded with them. Of course there is no specie basis for the issue.
The failure of the stock of rags, and also of chemicals, has given the newspaper publishers considerable uneasiness, and many of the papers will be compelled to suspend, regardless of patronage they may enjoy. Mr. Whitman, who has the only paper manufactory in the State, says that after the first of September he will only supply the four principals papers in Tennessee, and he does not know how long he can do that. The Southern Methodist had only enough for two more issues. A paper factory in Atlanta, Georgia, still continues to manufacture a large amount, but the owner sells it almost all the New Orleans. It is sold a double the former price.
Around Nashville there are two or three camps comprising ion the aggregate about five thousand men. Along the Kentucky State line are some 10,000 more men, sent there by Governor Harris, for the purpose of aiding the Rebels in Kentucky, if they should ever dare to attempt to carry the State out of the Union.
There has been considerable sickness in the camps-small pox and measles being the principal diseases-and at one time more than one half of the soldiers at camp Trousdale, forty miles from Nashville, on the Louisville road, were sick with measles.
The mortality among the soldiers induced and enterprising genius in Nashville to start a coffin manufactory, and strange to say, this was the first manufacturing establishment commenced in Nashville after the secession of the State.
The soldiers in the camps, as well as a large majority of those sent to Virginia, have no regular uniform, each man clothing and equipping himself as he deemed proper. Out of twelve regiments which left for Virginia, ten were armed with the old flint-lock muskets.
Our informants have no doubt as to there being at least 200,000 Rebel troops at present in Virginia; and they say that at the battle of Bull Run, their loss far exceeded ours. Persons who arrived in Nashville from Richmond, immediately after the battle, stated that the loss was double what was reported. No official reports have been published, and as none are expected, men and women still endeavor in vain to ascertain whether their relatives, from whom they have not heard since the battle, are still living. The great loss and consequent demoralization is said to have been the sole reason why the Rebels did not pursue our army when the retreat commenced.
The impression in the South still is that they not only cannot be conquered, but that their army will take Washington, and after marching to Philadelphia and New York, will roam wherever they may deem proper. A strong Union feeling, however, still secretly exists, and not only are the American flags, which were floated from the staffs in Nashville, still retained [by Unionist sympathizers.]
Philadelphia Inquirer, August 28, 1861.[1]

28, The Victors of Cumberland Gap hold their position
The Peril to Our Army in East Tennessee.
The following is an extract of a letter from a distinguished Union officer serving with the forces under Gen. Morgan at Cumberland Gap:-
Cumberland, Gap, Tenn. August 28, 1862.-We are surrounded and our supplies are cut off!  The Rebels have twenty thousand men just out of cannon-shot in our front, and their pickets run across the mountains from valley to valley, up to within two miles of this Gap. More of the enemy's troops are now on their way from Knoxville, and two Rebel columns have also gained our rear, one of which crossed over by Rogers' and the other by Big Creep Gap. One of these columns, under Gen. Kirby Smith, it is said, is about to push its way up to Northern Kentucky, to attempt to cross the Ohio river, and by the time this reaches you, if it ever does, the whole of Eastern Kentucky will, I fear, have fallen into the hands of the Rebels, and we may be isolated by a distance of hundreds of miles from the only region from which we can hope for succor. We have begged for reinforcements and support for two months past, so that we might penetrate into East Tennessee, where both friends and supplies await us, but the authorities at Washington have turned a deaf ear to our entreaties.
Though the Rebel force is great on all sides of us, I do not believe they will dare to attack us. They evacuated this stronghold with a force six thousand strong, and with reinforcement of twelve thousand within three hours' march. This was more than twice the number of the National force with which Gen. Morgan captured the Gap, and which had no reinforcements within a distance of one hundred miles. But the enemy is unable to cope with such determined men as compose this little army.
I am assured by the highest authority here, that is no event will Cumberland gap be surrendered or evacuated. The only means the Rebels have of destroying us is to starve us to death; and I won that in this respect the prospect looks somewhat gloomy. If the Rebels now moving northward reach the Ohio river, we shall then despair of reliefs and by the end of September or October our bones bleaching on the mountains may be all that can be found of General Morgan's army.
If it be in the programme of the Government to relieve us, a column of 20,000 men must be immediately sent to Lexington. It can be done. Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky can furnish the troops; and if they are not hampered by absurd orders, the column might yet reach us in time. General Morgan says that, if apprised of the approach of a relieving force, he himself would advance to meet it with a portion of his army, and cut his way through the beleaguering Rebels or perish in the attempt.
The enemy's troops are like famished wolves. Hunger has made them desperate. Look out for ravages if they get up into the blue grass region of Kentucky.
Daily and hourly we look anxiously for relief. We listen with sharp cars for the drum-tap of General Buel in the Southwest or the bugles of a Union column advancing over the hills from the North. High on the mountain-peaks this little army defiantly upholds the flaming emblem of the Republic. God forbid that our Government should leave us to be starved out or slaughtered piecemeal, uncared for, in these solitudes.
In view of the perils that surround us, General Morgan has issued the following inspiring address to his army, which has been read at the head of every corps and regiment in the vicinity of Cumberland Gap:-
Head-quarters Seventh Division, Army of The Ohio, Cumberland Gap, Aug. 18, 1862.-General Orders, No. 73-Officers and Soldiers of the Seventh Division:-The opportunity you have so long desired has at length arrived, and you will now prove to your friends, your country and the world, that you are soldiers in fact and deed, as well as in name.
The famished enemy is in despair. Driven from Chattanooga, and Richmond escaping from his grasp, he sees that he is forced to occupy Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, or give up the contest.
Two months ago, to-day, he ingloriously abandoned this formidable stronghold, although his force was then greater than yours. If it was then strong, it is infinitely stronger now; stronger in fortifications, strong in artillery , and, above all, stronger in the brave hearts and strong arms which defend this mountain fastness, destined to become immortal from your glorious deeds.
They talk of the enemy's numbers. Believe me, soldiers, his very strength is his greatest weakness, for the more men he has the sooner will they starve.
One word for you, and regard that word as fixed as fate. You can hold this position against any odds, and you have but to determine to conquer, and victory is yours!
Comrades, I greet and salute you!
GEORGE W. MORGAN, Brigadier-General commanding the Victors of Cumberland Gap.
Philadelphia Inquirer, September 13, 1862.

28, "All Their Fun Spoiled,"
The elite [sic] of our African fellow-citizens a few days since, by some strategy as yet undivulged, obtained permission to give a grand Ethiopian ball and concert in the magnificent Masonic Temple, on Church street, regardless of its occupancy as a hospital for sick and wounded soldiers of the Union army. The Sambos [sic] and Dinahs [sic] went energetically to work on preparations for the negro Olympian fete. [sic] But the Surgeon in charge of the building, who had vacated the concert hall in compliance with the order procured by the 'unwashed' delegation [sic], bethought him of the duty of informing the Trustees of the proposed festival. Like sensible men-like unsubmissive custodians of the finest structure of the kind in Nashville-the Trustees remonstrated against perverting their property to such "base uses." And Gen. R.S. Granger, to whom the facts were submitted, ordered the "ball to stop," and for that purpose a guard was stationed at he doors of the Temple last night, the time set apart for the negro jubilee. The space in front of the building presented a lively and amusing spectacle during the early part of the night. Fashionably attired and richly perfumed he's and she's of the Hamite lineage, swayed to and fro in dreadful anxiety to "show off" in the carnival of blackness. The guards, however, repulsed them handsomely, and the "nigs" [sic] retired in sublime disappointment and confusion.
Gen. Granger's promptness in countermanding the diabolical order bespeaks him a gentlemen and soldier of the right spirit and a friend of decency. He will be awplauded [sic] heartily by all of the right stripe.
Nashville Daily Press, August 28, 1863.

28, "Wild Steer in the City"
On Sunday evening last, a drove of cattle belonging to the Government was passing through the city. Amongst the lot was a large, long-horned steer, which broke loose from the drove, and as wild as a young buffalo on the plains, proceeded through the streets, seeking whom he might devour. On Market Street, near the Medical College, he made a rush at Miss Parrish, Mrs. Jones and her daughter, who were walking through that thoroughfare. Mrs. Jones and Miss Parrish made their escape by getting on the College wall, when the steer ran towards Miss Jones, knocked her down, and tore her clothing considerably; she endeavored to extricate herself from the reach of the furious animal, but as she rose from the ground, the steer would again gore her, which he repeated, until the lady, perfectly exhausted, fell down in an insensible condition; the raving animal then left her, and proceeded on his course towards Sladetown, where he attacked a negro man, and gored him until life was extinct. He then took after another negro [sic], and he made his escape by running round a tree, managing to manoeuver [sic] as to keep the horns of the beast from reaching him. As droves of cattle pass through the city daily, it is well for people to be on their guard, and parents should be particularly careful that their children should be kept out of the way.
Nashville Daily Press and Times, August 30, 1864.

[1] See also Boston Herald, August 30, 1861.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-532-1550  x115
(615)-532-1549  FAX

Monday, August 26, 2013

8/26/13 Tennessee Civil War Notes

26, Difficulties with civilian travel on the train to and from Cedar Hill, Robertson County and Nashville

Division Headquarters

Nashville August 26, 1861

To J. T. Matthews

Cedar Hill Tennessee

Dear Sir,

Your communication of the 24th[1] is just in hand. Gen Foster regrets that you have been placed in such inconvenience. It is not his desire to annoy loyal citizens, although it will be difficult to frame any passport system, which will not do so, more or less. The officers have been directed to pass you and other known citizens from way stations without passports, and only to question and stop suspicious characters.[2]

By order of R. C. Foster

Brig. Genl. Commanding.

Winds of Change, p. 15.




26, Temporary occupation of McMinnville by Federals

HDQRS., Decherd, August 26, 1862.

Gen. THOMAS, McMinnville:

Keep your position at McMinnville, but make nothing like a permanent establishment. Be always ready to move at a moment's notice. That Bragg is this side of the river with a large force is beyond all question; it is hardly probable that it is merely for the purpose of demonstration, and we must be prepared to concentrate promptly. Of course the passage of so large a force across the mountains is difficult, but not so much so as you would suppose from the road you took. The Therman road is very good and the mountain quite easy of ascent. The descent on this side is easy enough by four roads, all diverging from Altamont, the first going by Beersheba to McMinnville, the second by Hickory Creek to McMinnville or toward Manchester, the third also to Manchester and to Decherd by Pelham, and the fourth to Cowan. The Beersheba road is excellent for a mountain road.

* * * *


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 426-427.


How true it is now that "we know not what a day may bring forth." I am saddened by looking over my record of yesterday. Then I was rejoicing that we could again have an opportunity to "catch our breath"--now the iron clamps are down on us again. This day is a type of the strain of suspense we are in all the time. This morning we heard early that the "Southerners were coming in upon every road," and the news made our heats beat with hope and exultation. The Col. went to town--in an hour or two I saw some 15 men flying out the road in groups, some of whom I thought were Federals. "Ah!" thought I, "the Southerners are coming." I did see some Federals flying I am positively certain. But about 11 o'clock the Col. came back saying that the Yankees were coming in and looking at the road that runs along the base of the mountain, I saw like another "sister Anne" "great clouds of dust"--made by the returning marauders. Soon after a small body of the "blue" cavalry passed out in the direction of Murfreesboro.-Some citizens came into town shortly afterwards reporting that these same cavalry were badly scared,--and it is thought they "saw Southerners" on the mountain and "retired,' These men said also that Nashville is taken by the Confederates--Nashville, Clarksville, and Gallatin. But how can we know? Just such a state of turmoil, and such a hey-day for Rumor, [sic] I have never seen.

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, entry for August 26, 1862.




26, Skirmish at Harrison's Landing and skirmish at Thatcher's

HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Poe's Tavern, August 26, 1863--8 p. m.

Capt. J. R. MUHLEMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

Col. Funkhouser met 30 of the enemy at Harrison's Landing this morning, this side of the river; attacked them, killing 3 (1 of them a lieutenant) and capturing 2 privates. The prisoners report that the Chattanooga Rebel of this morning reports the fall of Charleston. They say further that it reports the defeat of Lee by Meade. I give these as prisoners' reports. May God grant their truth. They report further what, if true, is important to us: that the enemy opposed to us are all moving toward Atlanta.

This morning I sent a forage train to Thatcher's Landing, and with the escort a section of artillery. A few shots were fired across at their works, when a general stampede took place. All the fords and crossings are occupied by a few regiments of the enemy with a few guns, with light works. They have for the past few nights sent small parties across to capture some of our men, to gain information. They are reported to be poorly informed of our purposes and force.

A very reliable report reached me this evening that on yesterday the advance of Burnside's forces reached Kingston, and after a short engagement thrashed Forrest. I am now making 2,000 pounds of flour per day. The condition of the command was never better.

Very truly,

W. B. HAZEN, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 176.







A good many foolish people hate rats. We do not. We rather like them. We mention this not to be considered exceptional members of the class of foolish people, or as a proof of superior sagacity, but as an apology for saying something about a species of very useful animals that are abused both verbally and in print, a great deal more than they deserve. There are a half a dozen sorts of rats, all belonging to the family of rodents, a class of mammals distinguished by the chisel shape of the incisor teeth. The largest rats in the world are found in Bengal and on the Cormandel coast. They have a body thirteen or fourteen inches long, a tail from fourteen to eighteen inches long, and full grown one of them will weigh three or four pounds. In this country there are found six varieties of rats. The black rats, poor fellow, now nearly extinct, with their short, soft fur, dark backs, lead colored bellies and brown feet; they came to this country in the 16th century, from Europe and are pretty, timid, and active. The grey or Norway rat, which was brought to this country about the time of the Declaration of Independence, and is now the most common variety, was originally brought from Central Asia to Europe, through Russia. It is larger, fiercer, and more voracious than the black rat. The Chinese rats, which are colored black, white and brown, like guinea pigs, and have bluntish [sic] heads, large ears and long black whiskers, are now common in South America and Mexico. They are the prettiest and most easily tamed of the rat kind. On wealthy rat fancier in New York has several hundred pets of this sort. They are so tame that they will come at his call and like to be fondled.

The wood rat of the Gulf States is a very mild and docile variety, living mostly on fruits, roots and grain. The bush rat of the far west is a light brown chap with white feet. The cotton rat is of reddish brown the side being lined with dark brown. It is very pretty, active and easily tames. The common grey rat is so powerful and fierce and prolific, that it drives out all other sorts from its vicinity. It is intelligent and can be trained to perform many tricks, but its quarrelsome disposition makes it difficult to tame. A gentleman of our acquaintance has a female rat that he carries about in his coat pocket, and it is so thoroughly domesticated that it makes no efforts to escape. He has trained it to defend his pocket, and no watch dog can more faithfully guard his master's premises than it does the contents of the pocket.

Through frequently living in filthy localities, rats take great pains to keep themselves clean and their fur smooth. Their prehensile tails can be used for almost all the purposes of hands, and this makes them, when tame, very amusing. Rates are wonderfully prolific. They have young when they are six months old, and produce five or six litter of 12 or 13 ratlets [sic] each every year. The progeny of a pair of rats will thus be much over a million within three years. This prolificness [sic] would make them a great scourge, if their lives were not devoted to useful labor, but rats are very useful. They are the only scavengers we have in Memphis. Even in cities where thorough sewerage removed a vast amount of the decomposing matter that would other wise case disease – rats are indispensable. If there are only one hundred thousand rats in Memphis, and this is a very low estimate, then it take at least two hundred and fifty bushels of food every day to support them, and this food is almost wholly of such vegetable and animal matter as would otherwise be decomposed and generate disease.

Memphis Bulletin, August 26, 1864.




[1] Apparently lost.

[2] The passport system was utilized by the various Committees of Public Safety (Vigilance Committees), para-police organizations, to catch anyone suspected of holding northern sympathies.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX