Friday, May 29, 2015

5.29.2015 Tennessee History Notes



          29, Editorial opinion on the indecency of young women giving daguerreotypes to soldiers

Advice to Girls.—There is a practice, quite prevalent among young ladies of the present day, which we are old fashioned enough to consider very improper. We allude to giving daguerreotypes of themselves to young men who are merely acquaintances. We consider it indelicate in the highest degree. We are astonished that any young girl should hold herself as cheap as this. With an accepted lover it is, of course, all right. Even in this case the likeness should be returned if the engagement, by any misunderstanding, cease.

If this little paragraph should meet the eye of any young girl about to give her daguerreotype to a gentleman, let her know that the remarks made by young men, when together, concerning what is perhaps on her part, but a piece of ignorance or imprudence, would, if she heard them, cause her cheek to crimson with shame and anger. "Were it a sister of ours," we have often said with flashing eye—"were it a sister of ours!" but that not being the case, we give this advice to anybody's sister who needs it, most anxiously desiring that she should at all times preserve her dignity and respect.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 29, 1861.

          29, The work of the Southern Mothers

Southern Mothers: The unfortunate combination of circumstances which prevented the reception room of the society from being ready by Monday will not prevent its being made so this week. The committee will be in attendance to-morrow, Wednesday, A.M., and the room will be ready by the afternoon to receive the sick. The members, and others intrusted [sic] with work, are requested to send sheets, towels, linen, and all articles useful to a sick room. Sheets and towels should be marked "Southern Mothers" in the corner. The visiting committee will attend at the room every afternoon from five P.M., when persons, desirous of taking the sick to their houses, can remove them. The constitution of the society requires that the persons admitted shall be actually in the service of the South, and sent to the officers of the association by the officers of the army; no others can be received. Ladies are requested to send in immediately supplies of bandages and other articles for the surgeons to Mrs. S. C. Law, president, as boxes are in preparation to be sent to the camp hospitals. One will go to Randolph on Wednesday. Persons wishing to contribute articles of food, services of servants, etc., are requested to come forward and do so immediately.

By order of the president,

Mary E. Pope, Secretary.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 29, 1861.

          29, Attempt at welfare fraud in Memphis

Did Not Know Where She Lived.—A woman, who represented herself to be in extreme distress, applied yesterday at the office of Mr. Underwood, the city almoner, on second street, near Madison, and asked for relief. She said her husband had fits, and her own health but poor, and heaven help them, they were next to starvation. The story was told with great unction, and movingly interspersed with tears. Underwood is not easily caught in a shower, so spite of the chrystal [sic] drops "in dear woman's eye," he asked where the weeping daughter of affliction lived? "On Union street, sir." Between what streets?" "Do not know the streets sir." "Tell me the names of some of your neighbors?" "Don't remember them, sir." This was puzzling, so Underwood sent his assistant to attend the lady home, (the almoner is always polite to the sex) and to see how she was fixed. At the next corner "the lady" was obliged, now she was up town, to call on a lady acquaintance; she would just look in and be at the corner in a minute. The minute passed, and several more in its company, but "the lady" did not return to the corner. Imposters have no chance with Underwood, but the suffering and necessitous will not apply to him in vain. He is overflowing with the milk of human kindness to those who are really in distress, and such can call upon him with confidence that no necessary kindness will be withheld.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 29, 1861.

          29, A Woman Driver

A Fast Lady.—At sun down last night a buggy, containing one person of each of the two sexes, was seen rushing with racing speed along Shelby street. The reins were held by the lady, who drove like one of the haunt ton[1] driving through a husband's fortune. The gentleman reclined against the back of his seat with an air of enjoyable languor; as he puffed his cigar with a satisfaction ineffable and almost transcendental, he gave a look of quiet approval at his 2:40[2] driver in crinoline, who reminded every spectator of the loves and triumphs of "Mose and Lize."[3] On Monroe street the fast couple halted to give their nag a breath, and indulge themselves in a cobbler. But here, alas! their proud and triumphant progress through admiring throngs was at an end and the elegant Mose, and the dashing Lize were taken into custody by policemen Van Campen and McIlvainie, who conducted them both to the station house.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 30, 1861.

          29, Manufacture of shoes, haversacks, cap pouches, bayonet scabbards, etc., in Confederate Nashville

We learn from the Nashville Union that large quantities of shoes are being manufactured in the Tennessee Penitentiary for the soldiers of that State. It is also stated that 200 men are at work, at the same place, on army equipage, consisting of haversacks, cap pouches, remodeling bayonet scabbards, gun hammers, camp chests and tool chests. There will also be in operation, in a day or two, a laboratory for preparing a large number of wagons for army purposes.

Weekly Raleigh Register (Raleigh, NC) May 29, 1861.[4]


          29, Kate Carney's opinion of "a grand parade" in Murfreesboro [See also: June 1, 1862, Dragging the flag in Murfreesboro, and excerpt from the diary of John C. Spence, below.]

I forgot to mention in here about a grand parade they had one day over a little secession flag they got from some private family. Pretended as if they had gotten [sic] it in a fight, & tied it [to] the mane of one of their horses & dragged the flag, & strewed flowers where the flag went along. That was a contemptible act, equaled only by the arrest of Mr. Winship, to make him look at their Union flag that Mrs. Matilda Spence and her niece Mary made them, just because he helped raise the Confederate flag when it was first hoisted in our town, but he would not look up, but smoked away like he didn't care a fig for all of them & their old flags.

Kate Carney Diary, May 29, 1862.

          29, Savannah's Irwin Sisters, Confederate Spies

From the N.Y. Tribune of Thursday [29th].

It is now well understood that "unauthorized hangers-on" were excluded from the Army of Tennessee by Gen. Halleck, because the rebels managed to obtain intelligence of the disposition of our forces through some one with the army. The leaky individual, according to the correspondence of the Cincinnati Times, is a brother of Gov. Yates, of Illinois. The rebel agents, two fascinating sisters named Irwin, whose father owns any amount of broad acres and almost countless contrabands, and who have the enviable reputation of being the "most elegant ladies in Tennessee," reside at Savannah, and since the occupation of the lace they have professed strong Union sentiments, and their parlor has been a general rendezvous for all the young gallants in the service.

No one questioned their loyalty, and in course of time they became as familiar with our position and strength as our own Generals. The principal portion of this intelligence was imparted by a brother of Gov. Yates, of Illinois. Immediately after an introduction to the Misses Irwin, he became fascinated, and from that moment his attentions to both in general, and one in particular, became unremitting, and the consideration he received, which he attributed to the high position of his brother and his own personal charms, led him to an indiscreet, not to say criminal, revelation of all he knew about the plans of the campaign and the strength of the army. He is reported as a vain man, and flattery rendered him loquacious, until the whole story was known to the sisters.

In the meantime the "erring brother" found the means of visiting his "loyal sisters" nightly, and what they learned during a day was known to Beauregard before a second dawned. Our authorities soon discovered that there was a leak somewhere, and the result was, a sort of persecution was instituted against newspaper correspondents, who are made to shoulder all the fatherless sins floating about the army. But after a while the whole matter was revealed, and the gallant young man found it very convenient to omit all further attention to the damsels, and seek a healthier climate further north.

Chicago Times, May 31, 1862.[5]

          29, Restrictions on contraband commerce in Nashville

Important Order—Look Out!

The following order just issued by Gen. Dumont is one of much interest to merchants of all kinds and their customers from a distance:

Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Nashville, May 29, 1862

General Orders No. 7.

Whereas, it is represented to me that salt, bacon, coffee, iron, leather, medicines and other goods, are being sold in this city and finally find their way to the enemy: It is ordered that no goods shall be sold in, or taken away from this town or vicinity, towards the enemy's lines, without a written permit from the Provost Marshal of the city, which permit shall specify and contain an accurate list of the articles that may be bought, sold and shipped; but this prohibition shall not apply to necessary articles, not contraband in small quantities absolutely necessary for family use, sold to citizens of the town or neighborhood, the person selling and buying and transporting being held to a rigid accountability that no improper use is made of the same. Any person violating this Order, or in any way aiding or consenting to its violation, will be held as an enemy and punished accordingly. All guards and officers are charged with the arrest of any and all persons violating this Order, and will examine wagons and other vehicles of transportation, to see that it is enforced.

By order of Brig. Gen. E. Dumont

Nashville Daily Union, May 30, 1862.[6]

          29, Advice on how to make saltpeter

To Manufacture Saltpeter.

Editors Appeal: All earths which have been kept perfectly dry, in our climate, as in caves, under gin-houses, stables and floors of negro houses, etc., for fifteen or twenty years, contain more or less nitrous salts, when combined with potash make the nitrate of potash, or saltpeter.

To make saltpeter on a small scale, arrange barrels or hoppers, (as used in making lye) place straw and sticks in the bottom of hoppers, or barrels, put in the earth (being well pulverised [sic] first,) leaving the middle of the earth low in the center, fill the hopper with water, let it stand twelve hours, then drain it off, as in making lye. The "beer" or drippings of the nitrous earth can then be put in a kettle, and add strong lye to the "beer" (stirring it well) as long as it will curdle, let it settle, then add more lye slowly, if it does not curdle, until enough lye has been added, let this compound liquor, settle perfectly, it may take several hours. Pour off the clear liquor into the boiling kettle, boil it down to the consistence of thin molasses, drop a few drops on a plate, if it is "done" it will harden immediately and slip off like tallow by the least pressure, when in this state pour off the liquor carefully, (leaving the sediment or dirt to be returned to the hoppers) into tubs to cool. If there is nitre in the earth it will shoot off into needles or crystals, like icicles, this it will do in from twelve to fifteen hours; this is called "grough" of crude saltpeter. Scrape out the saltpeter and dry it thoroughly on smooth plank or table cloth. The beer or liquors, and lye will require less boiling, if passed through the hoppers several times or through a series of hoppers, say four or six. This crude saltpeter should be boxed and shipped to the nitre agents, in the States in which it is made, or to the ordnance officer, Dr. D. R. Lemman, Jackson, Mississippi, who is the government agent for Mississippi. The government pays, at present, seventy-five cents per pound, deducting for all impurities over ten per cent. Will the patriotic planters of the Confederacy make nitre for the government in this our hour of necessity?


Memphis Daily Appeal, May 29, 1862.

29, General Mitchell, a flag of truce and the people of Fayetteville

Insulting a Flag of Truce.-As the advance were approaching Fayetteville, Tenn., before occupying Huntsville, [7] a flag of truce was sent forward with two rebels who had been ordered out of our lines. On arriving at Fayetteville the escort grossly insulted in the streets by a mob of Southerners. General Mitchell was highly indignant when he heard of the outrage that had been committed upon his flag of truce. He rode rapidly into the town, and found a large number of the citizens assembled in the public square to witness the entrance of our army. "People of Fayetteville," cried the General in a voice of thunder, "You are worse than savages! Even they respect a flag of truce, which you have not done. Yesterday the soldiers whom I sent to your town upon a mission of courtesy and mercy were shameful insulted in your streets, and it was you who gave the insult. You are not worthy to look in the face of honest men. Depart to your housed, every one and you, and remain there until I give you permission to come forth!" At the conclusion of this speech, the skulking cowards scattered to their house like frightened rats to their holes.

New Hampshire Sentinel, May 29, 1862.

          29, "I never think of this incident that I do not fill up as if he were my own child." General Rousseau's poignant memory of the Battle of Shiloh

Something for Secession Ladies.

Gen. Rousseau relates the following incident in a letter from Shiloh, which we commend to the perusal of those ladies who have perverted their influence in society to the untimely destruction of many a thoughtless boy, the breaking of many a sister's and mother's heart, the arraying of brother against brother, and the inhuman murder of many, the morning of whose life was so bright with the roseate and golden hues of unclouded promise. No wonder the gallant Rousseau, who had just bared his breast to the fiery storm of battle with undaunted courage, wept freely, as he stood by the side of the dying boy who had fallen into the snare of rebellion. He writes:

"Two days after the battle of Shiloh I walked into a hospital tent on the ground where the fiercest contest had taken place, and where many of our men and those of the enemy had fallen. The hospital was exclusively for the wounded rebels, and they were laid thickly around. Many of them were Kentuckians, of Breckinridge's command. As I stepped into the tent and spoke to some one, I was addressed by a voice, the childish tones of which arrested my attention: "That's Gen. Rousseau! General, I knew your son Dickey. There is Dick? I knew him very well." Turning to him, I saw stretched on the ground a handsome boy about sixteen years of age. His face was a bright one, but the hectic glow and flush on the cheeks, his restless manner, and his grasping and catching his breath, as he spoke, alarmed me. I knelt by his side and pressed his fevered brow with my hand, and would have taken the child into my arms, if I could. "And who are you, my son?" said I. "Why I am Eddy McFadden, from Louisville," was the reply. I know you, General, and I know your son Dick. I've played with him. Where is Dick?" I thought of my own dear boy, of what might have befallen him; that he, too, deluded by villains, might, like this poor boy, have been mortally wounded, among strangers, and left to die. My heart bled for the poor child, for he was a child; my manhood gave way, and burning tears attested, in spite of me, my intense suffering. I asked him of his father? He had no father. Your mother? he had no mother. Brothers and sisters? "I have a brother," said he. "I never knew what soldiering was. I was but a boy and they got me off down here." He was shot through the shoulder and lungs. I asked him what he needed. he said he was cold and the ground was hard. I had no tents nor blankets; our baggage was all in the rear at Savannah. But I sent the poor boy my saddle blanket, and returned the next morning with lemons for him and the rest; but his brother, in the Second Kentucky regiment, had taken him over to his regiment to nurse him. I never saw the child again. He died in a day or two. Peace to his ashes. I never think of this incident that I do not fill up as if he were my own child.["]

Nashville Daily Union, May 29, 1862.

29, Mayor Smith's description of occupied Memphis

We are indebted to Mayor Smith for a copy of the Memphis Appeal of the 22d last. It contains several paragraphs which will be of interest to our readers. It speaks in this mournful style of

The City.

The city is a dull place. The lamp post committees and street corner congregations are poorly attended; change has become a myth; the landing is well adapted for a solitary walk by any sentimentalist wishing to meditate undisturbed upon the mutability of human affairs; our stores close of their own accord every afternoon; the coffee houses are all shut up by the Provost marshal, and the only lively spot that greets the wanderer's eye is Court Square, which is now a beautiful place to spend an idle hour in and is much frequented by the juveniles in the evening, who make it gay with their ringing laughter and their innocent sports. Persons disposed to the blues should frequent the square before sunset each fine day. The streets were in their best trim yesterday, the rain having laid the dust and purified the gutters.

Nashville Daily Union, May 29, 1862.

29, General Orders No. 7 in Memphis to prevent smuggling items through Confederate lines

Important Order—Look Out!

The following order just issued by Gen. Dumont is one of much interest to merchants of all kinds and their customers from a distance:

Headquarters, U. S. Forces,}

Nashville, May 29, 1862}

General Orders No. 7.

Whereas, it is represented to me that salt, bacon, coffee, iron, leather, medicines and other goods, are being sold in this city and finally find their way to the enemy:

It is ordered that no goods shall be sold in, or taken away from this town or vicinity, towards the enemy's lines, without a written permit from the Provost Marshal of the city, which permit shall specify and contain an accurate list of the articles that may be bought, sold and shipped; but this prohibition shall not apply to necessary articles, not contraband in small quantities absolutely necessary for family use, sold to citizens of the town or neighborhood, the person selling and buying and transporting being held to a rigid accountability that no improper use is made of the same.

Any person violating this Order, or in any way aiding or consenting to its violation, will be held as an enemy and punished accordingly.

All guards and officers are charged with the arrest of any and all persons violating this Order, and will examine wagons and other vehicles of transportation, to see that it is enforced.

By order of

Brig. Gen. E. Dumont     

D. Braden, A. A. G.

Nashville Daily Union, May 30, 1862.



          29, Federal train derailed by Confederates at La Vergne

LA VERGNE, May 30, 1863.


Guard at Mill Creek Bridge No. 3 reported a small body of rebels, about 30, crossing the railroad track early this a. m., at the point where train was captured on 10th of last month.[8] A small party was seen yesterday by trackmen near same place. I have notified Gen. Steedman. Engine was thrown from track here last night. Have it now on. Will not delay trains much. Engine not damaged.

J. B. ANDERSON, [Railroad Superintendent.]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 372.

          29, Report of Federal spy on Confederate forces in Knoxville, Clinton, Kingston, Loudon, Cumberland Gap, Big Creek Gap, Chattanooga, Shelbyville, Farmington, Lewisburg, Wartrace and Tullahoma

NASHVILLE, May 29, 1863--8.50 a. m.

Gen. GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:

I left Knoxville on Wednesday of last week, 20th instant, for Nashville, via Chattanooga and Shelbyville. Gen. Buckner was in command of Knoxville. He has considerable force stationed on the road to Cumberland Gap Mountain, Big Creek Gap, Clinton, Kingston, and Loudon. Gen. Buckner came to Knoxville and took command about one week before I left.

From their conversation, they deem themselves quite secure at Chattanooga. I saw but few troops. The fortifications being poor, the bridges and roads from Chattanooga to Tullahoma are all guarded; but I see no considerable force at either of the guard posts.

At Tullahoma I saw quite a number of troops; I saw a greater number at Wartrace; the fortifications at both points being strong. At Shelbyville, on Friday evening and Saturday, there was a movement of troops across the river, going, as I learned, in the direction of Murfreesborough, to meet Gen. Rosecrans, who, it was stated, had made an advance movement. Between Farmington and Lewisburg there is a force of several regiments.

I saw no more troops until I reached the picket lines, where Cox's regiment of cavalry is stationed. On Friday there was great excitement at Shelbyville, and great stir among the troops. On Saturday the troops. I did not see even the picket guard. I did not go out of the town to gather information.

M. B. LEE.


Mrs. Lee is the wife of Mr. Lee, of $10,000 notoriety. [9]


Capt. of Police.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 371.

          29, Skirmish at Hamburg Landing

Report of Capt. Eagleton Carmicheal, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry.

HDQRS. 1ST BATTALION 15TH ILLINOIS CAVALRY, Corinth, Miss., June 2, 1863.

SIR: After leaving the main command, we camped on the Waynesborough and Florence road, 5 miles north of Lowryville.

On the morning of the 29th, moved on the Waynesborough road to Indian Creek, near Martin's Mills. Learning there that the enemy were on our left, we moved in that direction, traveling a road leading to Gerald's, on the Pinhook and Savannah road, where they had camped the previous night, but did not come up with them. Distance from Savannah, 12 miles. From thence we went to Oldtown, on the Savannah and Waynesborough road, the first place we found enough forage for our stock, and from thence to Savannah.

On the morning of the 29th, after ferrying our ambulances and pack train over the river, we left Savannah about 7.30 o'clock, and moved out on the Clifton road, expecting to form a junction with Col. Breckenridge, of the First Tennessee Cavalry, it being necessary to have a larger force to operate successfully in that direction, I having learned that [J. B.] Biffle was in that vicinity with his own regiment, a part of Cox's, and all the guerrillas he could collect. This he did so effectually that we found no men at home, except very old ones, and no blacks, except the women and children. We struck Indian Creek 8 miles above its mouth, and went up it, burning corn on both sides of the creek to the amount of 30,000 bushels, and captured nearly 100 horses and mules. That valley we found to be very rich, every foot of arable land being under cultivation, mostly in wheat and corn, but very little cotton. After going 12 miles, I learned that a portion of Biffle's command was within a mile of us, and, turning to the right, I went across the hills, striking the Waynesborough and Savannah road 1½ miles from Oldtown. I there found that a part of the enemy's column was in my front and a part in my rear. Had a slight skirmish with a small squad. They skedaddled. I then turned to the left in the direction of Pinhook, up Turkey Creek. Night coming on, and being compelled to travel over a very rough road, I lost nearly all the stock that was captured that day. I struck the Savannah and Hamburg road, 8 miles from Savannah, at 1 a. m., having traveled nearly 55 miles.

On the morning of the 30th, the enemy appeared on the Hamburg road, and were driven back by the pickets after a small skirmish. They soon made their appearance on all sides of the town in small squads, but were driven back at all points. At 10 o'clock Col. Biffle sent a flag of truce, demanding an immediate surrender of the forces under my command. I replied, "If Col. Biffle wants us, he must come and take us, if he can." After the return of the flag of truce, they made no demonstration except on the left, which was repulsed by a squadron which was in position on that flank.

* * * *

Number of horses and mules confiscated and brought in, and in possession of the regimental quartermaster, 17 mules and 5 horses. We took 4 prisoners during the expedition, two on this side of the river and two on the other side.

The above is very respectfully submitted.

E. CARMICHAEL, Capt. Company B, Cmdg. Detachment of Fifteenth Illinois Cav.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 352-353.

          29, "Murfreesboro' News and Rumors."

Correspondence of the Louisville Journal.

Murfreesboro', May 27.-A force from Gen. Negley's division under the command of Col. Raffin, of the 19th Illinois, made reconnaissance to-day in the direction of Hoover's Gap. A brisk fight occurred for about eleven miles with 300 or 400 of the enemy from a Georgia regiment of mounted infantry stationed at Trace Creek. The rebels made a stand at Alaman's, using the house for a defense and fought desperately. Two of their number are known to have been killed, and a large number wounded, who were carried off by their comrades.

A brigade of rebels undoubtedly occupy that Gap. The enemy has extended his lines evidently, since the ground fought over today is occupied by the rebel videttes.

Twenty-seven persons went South today under flag of truce. The party consisted mostly of ladies, all of whom took an oath not to reveal anything they may have learned while within our lines; which divulged, would prove detrimental to the Federal service.

Correspondence of the New York Herald.

Murfreesboro', May 26.-The rebels have fallen back all along their lines. They have little or not force this side of the Duck river. Very recent intelligence indicates the rebel force at Tullahoma and vicinity to number 58,000 men of whom 45, 000 are infantry and 6000 cavalry.

Gen. Forrest has been made a Major General, and has gone with his cavalry to Mississippi. Gen. Wheeler takes his place at Columbia, and Gen. Morgan has charge of the line of Cooley Fork and Cumberland river.

* * * *

[Confederate] Engineers have been engaged for two months in laying our works at Chattanooga, but as yet have done little on them.

But few rebel troops are in East Tennessee.

The mountains are full of refugees, who on Thursday, at a turn-out, repulsed a considerable force sent to arrest them. The rebels have supplies for six weeks at Chattanooga.

Nashville Dispatch, May 29, 1863.

          29, John Fremantle's observations on southern women and the Army of Tennessee

29th May, [1863] Friday.-I took a walk before breakfast with Dr. Quintard, a zealous Episcopal chaplain, who began life as a surgeon, which enables him to attend to the bodily as well as the spiritual wants of the Tennesseean [sic] regiment to which he is chaplain. The enemy is about fifteen miles distant, and all the tops of the intervening hills are occupied as signal stations, which communicate his movements by flags in the day time, and by beacons at night. A signal corps has been organized for this service. The system is most ingenious, and answers admirably. We all breakfasted, at Mrs.---'s. The ladies were more excited even than yesterday in their diatribes against the Yankees….They reproved Mrs. ______ for having given assistance to the wounded Yankees at Wartrace last year; and a sister of Mrs.-'s, who is a very strong-minded lady, gave me a most amusing description of an interview she had had at Huntsville with the astronomer Mitchell, in his capacity of a Yankee General. It has often been remarked to me that, when this war is over, the independence of the country will be due, in a great measure, to the women; for they declare that had the women been desponding they could never have gone through with it; but, on the contrary, the women have invariably set an example to the men of patience, devotion, and determination. Naturally proud, and with an innate contempt for the Yankees, the Southern women have been rendered furious and desperate by the proceedings of Butler, Milroy, Turchin, &c. They are all prepared to undergo any hardships and misfortu[n]es rather than submit to the rule of such people; and they use every argument which women can employ to infuse the same spirit into their male relations.

At noon I took leave for the present of General Hardee, and drove over in his ambulance to Shelbyville, eight miles, in company with Bishop Elliott and Dr. Quintard. The road was abominable, and it was pouring with rain. On arriving at General Polk's he invited me to take up my quarters with him during my stay with Bragg's army, which offer I accepted with gratitude. After dinner General Polk told me that he hoped his brethren in England did not very much condemn his present line of conduct. He explained to me the reasons which had induced him temporarily to forsake the cossack [sic] and return to his old profession. He stated the extreme reluctance he had felt in taking this step; and he said that so soon as the war was over, he should return to his episcopal avocations, in the same way as a man, finding his house on fire, would use every means in his power to extinguish the flames, and would then resume his ordinary pursuits. He commanded the Confederate forces at the battles of Perryville and Belmont, as well as his present corps d'armee at the battles of Shiloh (Corinth) and Murfreesboro'.

At 6.30 P. M., I called on General Bragg, the Commander-in-Chief. This officer is in appearance the least prepossessing of the Confederate Generals. He is very thin; he stoops, and has a sickly, cadaverous, haggard appearance, rather plain features, bushy black eyebrows which unite in a tuft on the top of his nose, and a stubby iron gray beard; but his eyes are bright and piercing. He has the reputation of being a rigid disciplinarian, and of shooting freely for insubordination. [emphasis added] I understand he is rather unpopular on this account, and also by reason of his occasional acerbity of manner. He was extremely civil to me, and gave me permission to visit the outposts, or any part of his army. He also promised to help me towards joining Morgan in Kentucky, and he expressed his regret that a boil on his hand would prevent him from accompanying me to the outposts. He told me that Rosecrans' position extended about forty miles, Murfreesboro' (twenty-five miles distant) being his headquarters. The Confederate cavalry inclosed him in a semi-circle extending over a hundred miles of country. He told me that West Tennessee, occupied by the Federals was devoted to the Confederate cause, while East Tennessee, now in possession of the Confederates, contained numbers of people of Unionist proclivities. This very place, Shelbyville, had been described to me by others as a "Union hole." [emphasis added]

After my interview with General Bragg, I took a ride along the Murfreesboro' road with Colonel Richmond, A. D C. to General Polk. About two miles from Shelbyville, we passed some lines made to defend the position. The trench itself was a very mild affair, but the higher ground could be occupied by artillery in such a manner as to make the road impassable. The thick woods were being cut down in front of the lines for a distance of eight hundred yards to give range.

During our ride I met Major General Cheatham, a stout, rather rough-looking man, but with the reputation of "a great fighter" It is said that he does all the necessary swearing in the 1st corps d'armee, which General Polk's clerical character incapacitates him from performing. Colonel Richmond gave me the particulars of General Van Dorn's death, which occurred about forty miles from this. His loss does not seem to be much regretted, as it appears he was always ready to neglect his military duties for an assignation. In the South it is not considered necessary to put yourself on an equality with a man in such a case as Van Dorn's by calling him out. His life belongs to the aggrieved husband, and "shooting down" is universally esteemed the correct thing, even if it takes place after a lapse of time, as in the affair between General Van Dorn and Dr. Peters.

* * * *

I slept in General Polk's tent, he occupying a room in the house adjoining. Before going to bed, General Polk told me an affecting story of a poor widow in humble circumstances, whose three sons had fallen in battle, one after the other, until she had only one left, a boy of sixteen. So distressing was her case that General Polk went himself to comfort her. She looked steadily at him, and replied to his condolences by the sentence, "As soon as I can get a few things together, General, you shall have Harry, too." The tears came into General Polk's eyes as he related this episode, which he ended by saying, "How can you subdue such a nation as this?"

Fremantle, Three Months, pp. 73-76.

          29, "Tried to Escape."

A young and very interesting girl, to all appearance not more than 17 years of age, was captured a few days since for attempting to get through the Federal lines under the disguise of boys clothing. She was convicted and ordered out of the Department. She went quietly on board of the Imperial, but while the officer was looking in another direction she escaped on the Silver Moon and the Rock, and finally back on the Silver Moon where she was recaptured. Her destination is St. Louis. The name she gives is Annie Patterson.

Memphis Bulletin, May 29, 1863,


          29, Minor patrols from White's Station

MEMPHIS, TENN., May 29, 1864.

Col. G. E. WARING, Jr., Cmdg. First Brigade, White's Station:

Your inspection reports show that your horses are fast running down. You will concentrate your entire command at White's Station, and you will send out no expeditions, except small patrols of twenty-five men each, until you receive orders from these headquarters.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 55.

          29, "In about three days after the body of the old man was found dead and horribly mangled near his home." Reports of Confederate depredations in West Tennessee

WHITE'S STATION, May 29, 1864.

Brig. Gen. B. H. GRIERSON, Memphis, Tenn.:

DEAR SIR: Allow me to trouble you with some facts of great interest to me and my friends, and to which I desire to call your serious attention: Within the last two weeks and since I had a conversation with you a band of rebels, calling themselves Forrest's men, have arrested and carried from their homes four or our best, most peaceable, and quiet citizens, and brutally murdered them in cold blood without the slightest provocation--Mr. B. A. Crawford, age fifty years, and William Bowlin, age fifty-five years, of Weakley County, Tenn.; John C. Huddleston, age fifty-two years, and William Hurst, age eighteen years, the latter of McNairy County, Tenn. These victims of this murderous band we the friends and relatives of the families of soldiers now in the U. S. service, who were at home endeavoring, by labor and economy, to make a support for and, to some extent, alleviate the distressed condition of the wives and children, widows and orphans, of Union soldiers. I have presented these cases as mere specimens of the various outrages to which loyal men and their wives and children are daily subject; and to ask of you, in the name of our friends, and in the name of the blood of our murdered relatives, in the name of honor and patriotism, and, lastly, in the name of high Heaven, to assist us in giving our friends and country some aid, some assistance to protect and save life and the shedding of innocent and defenseless blood by thieves and murderers. The plan that I would suggest and ask for your adoption is to remove my regiment to some point on the Tennessee River where they can obtain their supplies from Paducah and give us authority to arrest the fathers, brothers, and sons of these murderers, and hold them in prison as hostages for the safety of and good treatment of our citizen friends. We think this may be done without injury to the service. We know we cannot bring to life our murdered friends, but we hope in this to prevent a repetition of such crimes upon friends equally as dear to us and whose veins are filled with blood from the fountains of our own hearts. Since writing the above a friend has laid on my table an account of three more horrible murders in Gibson County, one a very old man, under the following circumstances: A party of Forrest's men went to the residence of Francis Crawford, who, from age and infirmity, was unable to walk; they said to the old man they understood he was a damned old Union, and he must go with them to Forrest's headquarters. They then placed him on a wagon and started off. After they were gone some half hour some of the party returned and informed the lady that if she would give them $200 they would release her husband. The old lady set about and by borrowing raised the sum demanded, which they pocketed, then cursed and abused her; said they had her money and would kill the damned old tory besides. In about three days after the body of the old man was found dead and horribly mangled near his home. This old man has two sons in my regiment. I love my country and am too proud of her flag to ever disgrace it by that mode of warfare that Tennesseeans [sic] must and will adopt if such outrages are not suppressed. Hoping you will give this your serious attention and let me hear from you soon,

I remain, your obedient servant,

FIELDING HURST, Col. Sixth Tennessee Cavalry.



Respectfully forwarded for the information of the major-general commanding District of West Tennessee.

Instances of this kind are constantly brought to my notice, where not only citizens but soldiers of my command have been brutally murdered after surrender by these fiends calling themselves soldiers. I earnestly trust that some summary and retaliatory measures may be taken to put a stop to this cruelty.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 56-57.


[1] Meaning unknown. Possibly from the French, meaning "haunt your"?

[2] The fastest speed a horse pulling a wagon or sleigh could go in a mile, 2 minutes and 40 seconds. This is a reference often used in  Federal newspaper stories to indicate the quickness of a Confederate retreat.

[3] Two popular fictional characters appearing in a number of stage productions in the 1850s.  "Mose" was a rowdy volunteer fireman in New York City's bowery district, and "Lize" was his girlfriend.


[5] As cited in:

[6] See also Nashville Dispatch, May 30, 1862.

[7] Huntsville was occupied by U. S. forces on April 11, 1862, and evacuated by them on August 31, 1862. This story, if true, would have taken place most likely in late March or early April. The evacuation resulted from Confederate troop movemets in East Tennessee prior to the invasion of Kentucky, August 28, 1862 to October 8, 1862.

[8] See April 10, 1863, Affair at Antioch Station above.

[9] Apparently Mr. Lee had posted a $10,000 bond to insure his loyalty to the United States.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214


(615)-532-1549  FAX


Thursday, May 28, 2015

5.28.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes


          28, Difficulties and disarray in recruiting for Tennessee's Confederate Volunteer ranks, Isham G. Harris to L. P. Walker, Isham G. Harris to L. P. Walker


Hon. L. P. WALKER, War Department, Montgomery:

SIR: When I had the honor of addressing you on the 25th instant[1] I flattered myself with the hope that I should experience no difficulty in inducing some four of our volunteer regiments already organized to muster into the service of the Confederate States at once, and by that means secure the use of the 4,000 guns you had the kindness to send me; but upon submitting the proposition to any one of our regiments or companies I find many members ready to be mustered into the service at once, but others objecting, and to attempt to carry out the policy is to disorganize regiments and companies and to a great extent demoralize the force now so necessary to the service of the State and the Confederate States. This I am unwilling to do. Hence the regiments-for the Confederate States must be raised for that especial purpose, which will take some time, during which, under your order, the guns you sent me are lying idle, while I have several thousand men organized and ready for the field [already mustered into the service of the State], but unarmed, with a powerful enemy menacing us every moment. If you can, consistent with your sense of duty, relax the rule laid down in your dispatch of the 20th instant so far as to allow me to put these guns into the hands of our State troops, I assure you that they shall be withdrawn from them and placed in the hands of the regiments raised for the Confederate States the moment these regiments are raised and mustered in. Nothing short of the imperative necessity of the case before me would induce me to trouble you with this request; but believing as I do that it is a matter of the highest importance to the successful defense of the Confederate States, as well as the State of Tennessee, I feel that it is a duty to urge it.



Have the kindness to answer by telegraph.

I. G. H.

OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 1, pp. 358-359.

          28, Convicts' upsurge in war production in Nashville

A Good Work Going On.

The Nashville Union speaks encouragingly of the manner in which military work is being forwarded in the penitentiary. On visiting that institution on Friday last, the editor found sixty-five men employed alone in making cartridges, turning them out at the rate of 20,000 per diem. A little practice will greatly increase the result of their labors. Thirty men are employed in repairing and cleaning muskets, who finish up, as bright and perfect as when new, about one hundred daily. The manufacture of cap boxes, cartridge belts, haversacks, camp chairs, stools, cots, military chests, etc., etc., is also being vigorously prosecuted. Of course all these preparations are being made at a very trifling expense to the State.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 28, 1861.

          28, Exhortation to provide for needy families of Confederate volunteers

Families of Volunteers.—Although the county court have agreed to furnish regular aid to the wives and children of those who are gone to the war, we are informed by the mayor that he has many applications made to him by those who are entitled to this aid, and whose necessities require immediate attention, but that he is unable to direct them what to do, as the mode of dispensing the promised assistance has not been agreed upon. This is an important subject; we are bound to prevent distress and want reaching the families of those who have devoted their lives to their country. Let no "red tape-ism," no "circumlocution office" obstructions stand in the way of the performance of this sacred duty. Since writing the preceding, we have been informed that any proper person calling upon any magistrate, (Esquire Hume and Mallory have been appointed in this city) and presenting a certificate of the volunteer's enlistment, when he enlisted, and in what company, will at once obtain relief.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 28, 1861.

          28, Memphis highlanders organize a volunteer military company


"Scots wae, ha wi' Wallace bled."

To Scotchmen, Scotch-Irish and their descendants:

 Brothers and Friends—Our native and adopted land is invaded, and shall we, the descendants of noble clansmen, who were never known to turn the deaf ear to "Freedom's call" now remain idle? No! To arms! and let us hurl back the hireling mercenaries of Glasgow, who for Lincoln gold would invade our soil, desecrate our firesides, and taint the glorious name of SCOTCHMAN.

Meet at the city council chamber, corner of Madison and Second streets, at 8 o'clock this evening.

[Signed]—Wm. Pooley, John Gomley, Wm. Hutchinson, John Smith, A. D. Gwynne, James Rae, S. S. McMoster, C. W. Frazer, W. W. Furguson, J. B. Park, J. M. McCombs, B. R. Ellis, J. Bruce, P. H. Crump.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 28, 1861.

          28, Women drill in Confederate military camps in Jackson

Letter from Jackson.

Jackson, Tenn., May 29, 1861.

Editors Appeal: According to promise, I write you this letter to let you know how times are with us, and something about times in camp since our arrival here. The most interesting circumstance that has occurred since our arrival this place was a large company of ladies out on drill at the camp on yesterday, officered by Dr. Bryan and Col. Young, of Memphis….

The camps are filled daily with ladies and gentlemen from the vicinity of Jackson. I think we will get our marching orders by the last of this week. It is rumored that we are to go under Gen. Beauregard, but I do not know how true it is. Truly yours,

Jno. A. G. H.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 31, 1861.

          28, "There was a rumor yesterday of a negro insurrection in the neighborhoods, but it was entirely without foundation" James I. Hall's letter from Jackson en route from Mountain, Tipton County, to his camp of instruction in Union City

Jackson  [Tennessee] May 28/[18]61

Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Hall

Dear Parents,

I take this opportunity to write a few lines. I arrived here the next morning after leaving home & have been quiet well since, [I] have been treated with great kindness by friends here particularly by Dr. Jackson & Mrs. J. The boys from the neighborhood are all well and are conducting themselves well.

Our company has taken a high stand. Mr. [Captain David Josiah] Wood could be elected Colonel of the regiment almost without opposition, but will not leave his company. We will be formed into a regiment this evening; I don't know when we will leave for Union City, probably soon.

There was a rumor yesterday of a negro insurrection in the neighborhoods, but it was entirely without foundation. Our fare here is plain, but abundant & good. Gabe[2] makes a very good cook, he is in fine spirits & well. Stephen Carnes, John Matthew are here and will all be in our regiment. I should like to see you all particularly the children, [I] don't know when I will be at home. I hope the children are well, [I] would like to see them. This will be taken to by Charley Hill who is reporting [to] his company. I wish you to write to me soon. Kis[s] to the children for me.

From your afft. Son,

Jas. I Hall

As cited in: James R. Fleming, The Confederate Ninth Tennessee Infantry,

(Pelican Publishing; Gretna, 2006), p.128.[3]

          28, On the Memphis Vigilance Committee


Mr. Theodore Tyler-a nephew of the late Capt. Howe-has just arrived from Memphis, Tenn; which city he left a week ago on Monday. Mr. Tyler has resided at Memphis for some years and was considered one among the Tennesseeans, yet his loyalty to the Union suffered no shock. He deferred his departure, however, from Memphis until after the introduction of the reign of a Vigilance Committee, since when it has been difficult for a Northern man to get away; early in the history of Secession the Committee would permit anyone to leave who expressed such a desire, but lately the case has been different.

Mr. Tyler was compelled by motives of  personal prudence to enlist, and for a month has been in the Rebel camp near Memphis. He has been in the habit of often visiting the city and so regularly returning that his reputation for loyalty was established. Leaving camp one day Mr. Tyler diverged from his usual route and taking a "side track" but out into the country. He traveled on foot fifty miles, striking the river above Memphis where he got on board he steamboat Franklin and came up to Cincinnati, stoping some hours at Cairo. Mr. T. left everything save what he had on his back at Memphis,-glad to get out of Tennessee at any cost.

Mr. T. says that great want already exists at Memphis; that the negroes are now in fact on short allowance and that the  most of the whets can only get bacon and corn bread. He had not eaten wheat bread for weeks, although at the large hotels they still had wheat flour. He was a Mississippian on his return from a fruitless expedition from the North for supplies, his gold being refused in exchange for provisions. Distress is existing in Mississippi.

Among the volunteers at Memphis are large numbers who have enlisted because compelled to do so through want of employment or from prudential motives, and he says there are many Tennesseeans in the number who are as good and true Union men as we of the North. At first it was suppose the North would yield to any demand the South might make, but now the gathering of Northern forces astonishes them and it is already whispered about among themselves that they will be compelled to "knock under." The South begin[s] to feel that they are about to get more than they bargained for.

Daily Cleveland Herald, May 28, 1861. [4]

          28, Press report on Union Loyalists Resistance and Confederate Conscription in East Tennessee


We take the following from the Murfreesboro Correspondent if the Cincinnati Gazette:

East Tennessee – Formidable Organization of Loyalists.

The rebels evidently find it a difficult undertaking to repress the spirit of loyalty in East Tennessee. Every one of their sheets contain evidence of this fact, and the reports of those who continue to escape from that region and come within our lines furnish most forcible illustration.

A communication dated Clinton, May 9, and sent to the Knoxville Register, develops the fact that amongst the Cumberland mountains, in Anderson county, there is a regularly organized band of Union men, who defy all efforts of the rebels is capture or exterminate them, who pounce upon small parties of rebel soldiery at every opportunity, and who support themselves by regular levies of forage and provisions impressed upon the rich "secesh" in the valleys. In collecting their contributions, they manifest a subtlety of planning and a rapidity of execution, which utterly baffle their enemies.

Trouble of Conscript Agents Amongst the Mountains.

Lieut.-Col. E. D. Blake seems to be commandant of conscripts in East Tennessee. He not only orders all between the ages of eighteen to forty to present themselves to him for enrollment, under pain of being considered deserters if they refuse, but tell them they just in addition, come provided with three days' rations. He fills nearly two columns of the Knoxville Register, with advertisements describing deserters, or conscripts who have failed to report, and offering rewards for their apprehension, The following communication inserted as an advertisement in the Register, illustrates the difficulties which Blake's agents meet with his enforcement of his commands:

"Maysville, Blount Co. May 8.

Lieut.-Col. E. D. Blake, Commandant of Conscripts, Knoxville, Tenn.

Sir: - We arrested one W. G. Henry this morning, in the garret of his house. While getting him down, his sister-in-law ran over the neighborhood, and a force was son gathered to rescue him. But my men got away with him and saved themselves by close work.

Yours  truly,

Samuel L. Keer.

Chief Enrolling Officer for Blount Co."

Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 28, 1863.[5]


          28, Skirmish at Sparta

No circumstantial reports filed.

          28, Foraging expedition to Powell's Valley [see June 30, 1862, Affair at Lead Mine Bend of Powell River below]

          28, Major-General William T. Sherman on "Germantown, a dirty hole"

MOSCOW, June 28, 1862.


Your dispatch received....Had we not better clean Germantown, a dirty-hole? There is were was planned the cutting the wire and destruction of road. I am told they openly boast the Yankees shall never run a train over the road.

I am preparing a car for a 12-pounder howitzer.

W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen.

OR Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 44.

          28, Difficulties faced by military authorities in pacification and administration of local government in Williamson County

Franklin, June 28/62 [sic]

Gov Johnson

Dr Sir-

I find Williamson County to be the hottest bed of secessionism in the state-untill [sic] yesterday-not a man in it had taken the oath-I have given notice that all persons holding office shall subscribe to it-and they are to decide at 4 P.M. to day [sic]-They have already asked to resign their offices to eve it -- but I have declined to receive their resignatins [sic]-My reasons for this course is-that their is an understanding amongst all, not to take it-and so soon as I can force some few prominant [sic] ones into it-I think there will be no trouble-as I am sure there are hundred[s] who want to take it-but fear to do so-as the balance threaten them-Judge Perkins, judge of the County Court is the most prominant [sic] one here-he posatively [sic] declines, and I send him down to day [sic]-to the Comdg. Officer with the request that he be sent south [sic]-

My principle [sic] reason for writing you-is for information in reference to what course to pursue-for carrin [sic] on the government of the county-

Judge Perkins having refused to take the oath there is no county court-no taxes have been ordered to be collected-and I may say there is no funds for any purpose in the hands of the treasurer-That for County purposes being less than 50 $ [sic]-

The Poor Fund is exhausted-and many poor are in the County-

The bridges want repairs-

I propose to levy a special tax of Some 2 or 3000$-to be collected from the most prominent and richest secesh farmers in the neighbourhood-this money to be placed in the hands of the County Treasure [sic] if he takes the oath-and if not to appoint one-From this fund, to support the poor & repair bridges and all other matters of actual necessity-under the proper officers if they take the oath-if not, to appoint-It being understood, that this is only a temporary measure-to be abandoned when the proper wheels of government can be put in operation-

The office of the Planters Bk [sic] of Tennessee is open here-I propose to close it unless the cashier takes the oath-

If these steps do not meet your approbation please advise me[.]

Resp Yours

Wm. B. Cassilly, Lt Col 69th Ohio.

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 511-512.

          28, Special Orders, No. 4

Headquarters District of West Tennessee

Office of the Provost Marshal General

Memphis, June 28, 1862

* * * *

Permits issued for persons to pass out of the city of Memphis and its immediate suburbs, kept for the purpose of retailing spirituous, vinous or malt liquors of any kind, must be closed and kept closed by and after 12 o'clock M. of this day.

Any person violating the letter or spirit [sic] of this order by keeping open drinking saloons, or retailing therein with closed doors, will subject themselves to imprisonment and the forfeiture of their entire stock.

This order applies to steamboats while lying at the landing.

D. C. Anthony, Lieut.-Col. and Provost Marshal of the City of Memphis

Memphis Union Appeal, August 10, 1862.

          28, Resistance to Federal rule in Middle Tennessee, Robert B. C. Howell informs Military Governor Andrew Johnson that he refuses to take the oath of allegiance to the United States of America

January [sic] [June] [sic] 28, 1862

Gov. Johnson-Sir: Summoned before you I am requested to take the following oath:

I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States against all enemies, whether domestic of foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any laws, ordinances, resolutions or convention to the contrary notwithstanding; and, farther, [sic] that I do this with a full determination, pledge and purpose without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever; and, further, [sic] that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law[.] So help me God

Sworn to and subscribed before me.

I have ever scrupulously conformed myself to the government under which I have lived. I do this as a religious duty. I have never knowingly violated any law of the Federal government, of the state government, nor of the military government now established. I am informed that no violation of the law is charged against me. My purpose is to pursue the same course hereafter. I intend not to resist the "powers that be," but to comply with their requisition as far as they do not come in conflict with my duty to God. Respectfully I feel myself obliged to say that I cannot do it, and for several reasons, some of which I beg permission very briefly to state.

First-I cannot take this oath, because there are some parts of it which I do not understand. When I am requested to swear that I will "bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the Constitution and government of the United State, any law, ordinances, resolution or convention to the contrary notwithstanding," I am at a loss as to the meaning. What law, ordinances, resolution or convention is referred to, I know not. I cannot tell whether reference is had to some exiting law, ordinance, resolution or contention which I am likely to suppose obligatory upon me, or to something of this kind which may hereafter be inaugurated. Nor do I know who is to be the judge, I myself, or some one else, whether such laws, ordinances, resolutions or conventions if there be any such, are or are not in conflict with the Constitution and government of the United States.

And, further, when I am called upon to swear "that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law," I perceive no conditions nor limitations. What laws may be adopted by the United State and by the State of Tennessee, who knows? They may be laws in conflict with my duty to God; they may be laws in collision with the constitution; they may be laws in antagonism with other laws claiming my obedience. Such compliance with them is impossible, yet it is demanded of me to swear that "I will well and faithfully perform all the duties required of me by law," without condition and without limitations.

An oath so vague, indefinite and impracticable respectfully I must decline to take.

Second-I cannot take this oath, because once having sworn to support the Constitution of the United States, and having up to this hour faithfully complied with the obligation, and receiving now no office nor privilege of any kind under the government of the United State nor of the State of Tennessee, there is nothing known to me in the Federal Constitution, nor in the constitution of this state, nor in the laws made in pursuance of either which requires me to repeat that oath. The demand that I shall do so under the circumstances in which I am placed implies that I am an offender against the Constitution or the laws, or both. That implication I respectfully decline to countenance by taking the oath.

Third -- I cannot take this oath because, since the present government of the United States, and the Constitution of the United States, are in some respects at least confessedly [sic] in antagonism, to "support, protect and defend" both is clearly impossible.

To support, protect and defend the one is necessarily to oppose and resist the other. To keep this oath, therefore, (I speak for myself only) is impracticable. Perjury is inevitable. From taking it, therefore, I must be excusable.

Fourth-I cannot take this oath because it binds me to support and protect and defend the "government of the United States," by which doubtless is meant the government of the United States as at present administered. Already the administration has done many things which I cannot support and defend, and which I cannot conscientiously swear that I that I will support and defend. What it may do hereafter, and what its successor may do, I cannot tell. This makes me swear with conditions and without limitations "that I will support, protect and defend the government of the United States."

To do this would be to "resign my right of thought" and so renounce my liberty as a free citizen of my country.

Fifth-Nor can I take this oath as a measure of expediency. By expediency I refer to the fact that since an oath taken under duress is not binding then on those who resort to it to save their families from suffering and themselves from punishment. I have a large, helpless and dependent family; I am myself not indifferent to the ease and comforts of life, but I cannot avail myself of this plea for several reasons, one only of which need be mentioned. This oath makes me swear that I take upon me those obligations "without any mental reservation or evasion whatever;" that is as I understand it, that I do not avail myself of this expedient, but take the obligation heartily and in good faith. In me, who cannot disregard its moral binding force, this would be perjury.

Sixth-I cannot take this oath because it would be a violation of my duty to God. My duty to God requires that I shall take no oath the entire import of which I do not fully understand, that I shall not swear unless there be good and sufficient reasons for it, that I swear to do contradictory things, that I shall not do impracticable things, and that if I do swear that I shall not swear falsely, but shall truly and fully perform my oath. To take this oath would there fore be to violate my duty to God.

Seventh-Without an oath I shall in the future, as I have heretofore, perform as a religious duty every just obligation to the "powers that be," but this oath I cannot take. I cannot take it as a measure of expediency; I cannot take it at all. I must respectfully decline it and take the consequences.

January [sic] 26, 1862

R.B.C. Howell[6]

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 513-514, 516.

          28, Calliope music at the Nashville wharf

The steamer Rose Hamilton while lying at our wharf yesterday, regaled the public ear with the delicious strains of music from her splendid steam calliope [sic]. It had an enrapturing effect upon those who are accommodated with "music in their souls," more especially the African connoisseurs, whose savage breasts were soothed in a tremendous measure. One of the sable listeners was overheard to exclaim "Golly, wish dat fleetin' moosick box 'wd happen at de landin' more frekently!" It would be somewhat lively, not to say charming.

Nashville Dispatch, June 29, 1862.

          28, Flowers in Middle Tennessee, as described by 2d Lt. R. S. Dilworth.

Fort Ewing Tenn

June 28th, '62

~ ~ ~

 Oh how charming! How beautiful the scenes, nature in all her beauty unfolds herself to my vision. Whilst I am visiting, the fragrance of the rose from my loves bower greets my sense. And I hail it as a token of her fidelity, her love, her purity truth and loveliness. How gentle, how peaceful, how innocent is she who donated this rose, this emblem of purity. This badge of love. Oh couldn't I once more but sit beside the giver and from thou eyes receive the intelligence which sparks her soul…..The language of those eyes, how dear to me all the more though 9 months has elapsed since I have had the pleasure of reading, or dreaming rather the fond, the hopeful dream that I was loved. Yet coward that I was, I feared to express my sentiments untill I saw the last, long look and in those eyes, read all the world to me when alas! it was to (too) late for me to express what I felt. Oh! how well did thou conceal thy feelings untill the morning of my departure. But with pleasure I can look forward to the time of meeting with interest and feelings which cannot be described. To part was pain but to meet will be life to me.

Memorandum of R. S. Dilworth.

          28, Confederate prognostication concerning Federal forces in East Tennessee


During the past week the enemy who entered East Tennessee at Wilson's Gap, in large force, has been steadily making his way up Powell's Valley, and at our latest advices was in possession (line is cut off here). The only opposition (cut off again) that we can hear of, has been from the cavalry of our gallant Col Ashby, who has been continually skirmishing with his pickets, and harassing him no little in his progress. Henry Ashby has the right mettle in him, and bids fair to wim as high a name in the vallies of East Tennessee, as his brave cousin, the lamented Gen. Turner Ashby, did in the Valley of Virginia. We hope for him as much renown but a longer career.

The enemy's position at Tazewell is a threatening one, and if he is not attacked "at once and furiously," may result in giving him advantages that will be irretrievable ruin to us. Tazewell is immediately in front of Cumberland Gap, on the nearest route from Knoxville to that point. Powell's Valley extends into Virginia, and from Cumberland Gap, through this Valley to Moccasin Gap, is one of the best roads in the country. Thence to the Salt-works, and to the Va. & Tenn. Railroad at Abingdon, there is nothing to stay his victorious career, unless he is at once attacked and routed by the army of Gen. Smith. The possession, or even the partial destruction of the Salt works, by the enemy, would be a calamity to the Confederate Stats more serious than the fall of Richmond, for these works are now almost the sole reliance of the South for one of the most indispensable necessaries of life.

The character of the enemy in Powell's Valley is one, also, which in addition to other incentives, should rouse up our Government to every possible exertion to at once destroy or drive him back. His in part composed of the five or six regiments of East Tennessee renegades who come with oaths of vengeance on their tongues and hellish rage in their hearts not to fight for a political sentiment, nor to restore a perished Union, but to glut their revenge in the blood and ruin of their former friends and neighbors, and to indemnify themselves by pillage for their time lost and substance wasted during the self-banishment into which they were deluded by the cunning and unprincipled leaders whom the misguided leniency of this Government have spared to hound them on in this diabolical work. Their course already has been marked by outrage which (illegible) humanity, as we learn from those Southern citizens who have escaped from their hands.

Another feature of their programme, we have it plausibly hinted, is the destruction of the bridges on the upper end of the East Tennessee & Virginia Railroad. If they are permitted to reach Moccasin Gap in Virginia, an easy and unprotected road through Hawkins, Sullivan and Washington counties are now swarming with armed traitors and bridge burners, who openly avow their readiness to cooperate with any force the Federals may send on this mission.

All these facts sufficiently indicate, we think the imperative necessity of at once checking the progress of the invaders up Powell's Valley Gen. Smith has a crisis to encounter which will admit of no dallying on halfway measures. We trust and believe that he will prove himself equal to the emergency. By a rapid and determined coup he may rid East Tennessee of a scourge, avert a most serious danger from the Confederacy, and at once place himself in the front rank of the heroes of this Revolution. The troops who have so long been pining in this region for want of active service, as well as those who have come from winning laurels in other fields, are all burning with noble ardor at the prospect of meeting the enemy. Let them at once be led against him, and victory is sure. If the golden opportunity is lost, and the foe has time to strengthen his columns and choose his positions, the consequences may be disastrous to us to a degree we shudder to contemplate.

Macon Daily Telegraph, June 28, 1862.

          28, "The War in East Tennessee."

The Columbus (Ga.) Sun has an editorial reviewing the position of affairs in East Tennessee, which we copy, inasmuch as, in the whirl of stirring events near home, the more distant fields of operation have to some extent been lost sight of.

It is now quite evident that the enemies are about to put into execution their long threatened inroad upon East Tennessee. From the best information we can gather of the situation of affairs in that section, we take it that fighting will soon commence there in earnest. The Yankees already have possession of Sequatchie Valley, a productive and stock growing country, and a force of perhaps not less than 5,000 men in Powell's Valley, a portion of country said more important to an army in the way of provisions. But the great valleys of the Tennessee, Hiwassee, Holston, and French Broad rivers, are still in possession of our troops, and can, we have reason to hope, be held against almost any force that may assail them. We think it altogether probable that Cumberland[,] Wheeler's and Big Creek Gaps, will be evacuated, if indeed they have not been already, and that our forces will make a stand at Chattanooga, Kingston, and Bean's Station, in order to keep the enemy north of Walden's Ridge and the Clinch Mountains. This, we feel confident, can be done successfully with the force now under Gen. Smith's command, which cannot be less than 30,000 men. There are, besides this force, which is a low estimate, several efficient guerilla bands, among which that of the famous [John Hunt] Morgan is the most conspicuous. This line of defense, should it be adopted, will save to us about three fourths of the territory of East Tennessee, including Jonesborough, Greenville, Knoxville, Athens, Cleveland, Chattanooga, and the line of railroad from the latter place to the Virginia line.

The part of East Tennessee thus defended is one of the most productive and healthy regions of country in the Confederate States. It contains, even now, bacon, corn, and flour, in great abundance. Nearly every farmer has bacon to sell, and which can be fought at not exceeding twenty seven cents per pound. It is one of the finest wheat countries in the South, and we have it from good authority that the wheat crop in that section this year will fall but little short of the average crop in that section this year will fall but little short of the average crop, particularly in the upper counties, There is, perhaps, at this time, more hogs and cattle in the thirty one counties of East Tennessee than in the whole State of Georgia, and upon this account, should be defended at any cost.

Whit it is true that the majority of the voting population in East Tennessee is deeply tinged with toryism, it is equally true that some of the most staunch Southern men, and many of our ablest military leaders, are East Tennesseeans. There is one fact in connexion with this disloyal section not generally known. Nearly every man and boy capable of bearing arms, who were advocated to separate State action, are now in the Southern army, and although the conscription act is not in force there, they have joined for the war. In addition to this, there are, to our certain knowledge, not less than one third of the original "Union" men now in that section -  the ultras having joined Lincoln in Kentucky – many of the m ore moderate have changed their views since Lincoln's free negro policy was promulgated in November late; while the remainder, being too indolent and cowardly to take any part in the contest  of arms, are content to remain at home, cultivating their farms, and make something to support the army.

The Semi-Weekly Raleigh Register (Raleigh, NC) June 28, 1862

28, "Who would not be a market man in Nashville?"

The jolliest and most independent dealers in our city are our market people. Whoever else fails of selling their wares, they are seen to sell out without the least trouble. The market man knows in the morning to a five cent shinplaster the sum he will take home at dinner. His only trouble is the importunity and annoyance of the customers who throng and jostle around him. The jam begins at day-break and lasts three or four hours when everything edible is swept from the market. Not a potato nor a pound of butter, nor a beet is to be seen. Not a cat-fish swings in torment from his pole; not a shin-bone remains for a blue bottle to buzz around. Nothing remains except the fragrant breath of the onion which still haunts the deserted market-house, even as the scent of the withered rose lingers in the broken vase. Who would not be a market man in Nashville?

Nashville Daily Union, June 28, 1862.

28, "A Righteous Judgment." Exile of Prominent pro-Confederate citizens from Pulaski

Five of the most prominent and active rebels in Pulaski, were sent "down South to Dixie" on last Monday, under a mounted escort of Capt. Twyman's cavalry. These men were rich and influential citizens of the town of Pulaski, and had taken a very active and decided part in the rebellion. Since the advent of our troops into the town, they had made themselves notorious by manufacturing and circulating reports detrimental to the peace of the community, and expressing sentiments of disloyalty that could not be tolerated. When arrested Col. Mundy gave them their choice, either to take the oath of allegiance, or be transported across the lines and handed over to the rebel authorities—they chose the latter, and were dealt with according to their desires. One of them was parson Mooney, a Methodist preacher, and another, Thomas Jones, Esq., who was a member of the first Confederate Congress.

Col. Mundy, the commander of the Post, is the right man in the right place, he is firm and consistent at all times; he does his duty fearlessly and conscientiously. Unlike many other of our commanders, he cannot be bribed or cajoled into a "milk and water" policy, that only works out its own destruction. He neither coaxes nor flatters; but whilst willing to pardon the repentant sinner, he punishes the hardened criminal with unsparing hand, even to the utmost limit of the law.

Nashville Daily Union, June 28, 1862.


          28, Scout from Memphis to Hernando, Mississippi, skirmishing at Nonconah creek

MAY 28, 1863.-Scout from Memphis, Tenn., toward Hernando, Miss.

Report of Maj. John J. Joslyn, First Missouri Cavalry.

MEMPHIS, TENN., May 29, 1863,

SIR: I have the honor to report, for your information, that, in accordance to instructions from headquarters First Cavalry Division, I proceeded in command of cavalry detachments, consisting of 25 men First Missouri Cavalry, 50 men Second Wisconsin Cavalry, and 25 men Fifth Ohio Cavalry. Left camp First Missouri Cavalry at daybreak on the morning of the 28th, taking the Horn Lake road across Nonconnah Creek. About 7 miles south of the Nonconnah came upon a vedette, who, on our approach, fired and ran. Near the residence of Col. Blythe we came upon a picket of some 6 men, mounted. We exchanged shots, but at too great a distance to take effect. In crossing from Horn Lake to the Hernando road, we came upon another squad of the enemy, numbering about 15 men. With them we also exchanged shots, but effected nothing.

We proceeded to the Hernando road, thence to camp. I would state that the men composing the detachment behaved well. I arrived with the command at camp about 4.30 yesterday evening. No property of any kind was taken.

I am very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. J. JOSLYN, First Missouri Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p. 445.

          28, Female soldier in the Army of Tennessee

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from a letter by Hiram Tolbert Holt in Wartrace to his wife:

There is a woman in the guard house at Wartrace, who fought through the battles of Murfreesboro & Perryville. She was dressed like a man & is still. She and the other prisoners play cards together just as if she was another man. She will be sent home soon, what do you think of her.

Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. XII, p. 301.[7]

          28, On the cost of living in Nashville and the deleterious effect of the military pass system on the market [see May 27, 1863, "Complaints about the cost of living in Nashville," above]

A Gentleman reading a paragraph in yesterday's Dispatch relative to the scarcity and high price of marketing here, stated to us a fact which goes a long was to explaining he existence of this state of affairs. A countryman came to this city on Friday last with a small amount of market stuff, which he readily disposed of, the whole yielding him ten or twelve dollars. Having sold his produce, his next thought was to procure a pass in order to return home. But so great was the crowd at Lieut. Osgood's office, he failed to get into the office. He failed again Saturday, and when our friend saw him on Monday afternoon, only about half an hour before the time for closing the office, he had still been unable to gain admission. He probably succeeded in getting a pass that afternoon, as our friend had not seen him since. His expenses during the four days he was in the city must have absorbed the proceeds of this market stuff. He declared that when he got home he intended to stay there until the war was over. The difficulty of procuring passes is, we learn, keeping a considerable number away who would be only too glad to bring their produce to town, where they are apprised there is a ready demand for it. The difficulty seems to be a lack of facilities-more room and more clerks-to meet the demands of the pass office. We hear that Lieut. Osgood does all he can with his present force to accommodate the people, and that it is no fault of his that every man and woman from the country does not get a pass when it is wanted. We doubt not when this matter comes to the attention of the military authorities, the evil complained of will be remedied. Every facility should be extended to the country people to bring in their produce to supply the demands of the city. It is in this way that our people may be enabled to supply themselves with fresh and wholesome vegetables, gutter, eggs, chickens, and other produce at something like reasonable prices.

Nashville Dispatch, May 28, 1863.

          28, "…if you kiss any you must kiss them all round…." John Fremantle's first impressions of Confederate Tennessee

28th May, Thursday. – I arrived at Chattanooga, Tennessee, at 4.30 A. M., and fell in with Captain Brown again; his negro [sic] recognized me, and immediately rushed up to shake hands.

After breakfasting at [Chattanooga], I started again at 7.30, by train, for Shelbyville, General Bragg's headquarters. This train was crammed to repletion with soldiers rejoining their regiments, so I was constrained to sit in the aisle on the floor of one of the cars. I thought myself lucky even then, for so great was the number of military, that all "citizens" were ordered out to way for the soldiers; but my gray-shooting jacket and youthful appearance saved me from the imputation of being a "citizen." Two hours later the passport officer, seeing who I was, procured me a similar situation in the ladies' car, where I was a little better off. After leaving Chattanooga the railroad winds alongside of the Tennessee river, the banks of which are high, and beautifully covered with trees--the river itself is wide, and very pretty; but from my position in the tobacco juice I was unable to do justice to the scenery. I saw stockades at intervals all along the railroad, which were constructed by the Federals, who occupied all this country last year.

On arriving at Wartrace at 4 P. M., I determined to remain there, and ask for hospitality from General Hardee, as I saw no prospect of reaching Shelbyville in decent time. Leaving my baggage with the Provost Marshal at Wartrace, I walked on to General Hardee's headquarters, which were distant about two miles from the railroad. They were situated in a beautiful country, green, undulating, full of magnificent trees, principally beeches, and the scenery was by far the finest I had seen in America as yet.

When I arrived, I found that General Hardee was in company with General Polk and Bishop Elliott of Georgia, and also with Mr. Vallandigham. The latter (called the Apostle of Liberty) is a good looking man, apparently not much over forty, and had been turned out of the North three days before. Rosecrans had wished to hand him over to Bragg by flag of truce; but as the latter declined to receive him in that manner, he was, as General Hardee expressed it, "dumped down" in the neutral ground between the lines and left there. He then received hospitality from the Confederates in the capacity of a destitute stranger. They do not in any way receive him officially, and it does not suit the policy of either party to be identified with one another. He is now living at a private house in Shelbyville, and had come over for the day with General Polk, on a visit to Hardee. He told the generals, that if Grant was severely beaten in Mississippi by Johnston, he did not think the war could be continued on its present great scale.

When I presented my letters of introduction, General Hardee received me with the unvarying kindness and hospitality which I had experienced from all other Confederate officers. He is a fine, soldierlike man, broad shouldered and tall. He looks rather like a French officer, and is a Georgian by birth. He bears the reputation of being a thoroughly good soldier, and he is the author of the drill book still in use by both armies. Until quite lately, he was commanding officer of the military college at West Point. He distinguished himself at the battles of Corinth and Murfreesboro', and now commands the 2d corps d'armée of Bragg's army. He is a widower, and has the character of being a great admirer of the fair sex. During the Kentucky campaign last year, he was in the habit of availing himself of the privilege of his rank and years, and insisted upon kissing the wives and daughters of all the Kentuckian farmers. And although he is supposed to have converted many of the ladies to the Southern cause, yet in many instances their male relatives remained either neutral or undecided. On one occasion Gen. Hardee had conferred the "accolade" upon a very pretty Kentuckian, to their mutual satisfaction, when to his intense disgust, the proprietor produced two very ugly old females, saying, now then, General, if you kiss any you must kiss them all round," which the discomfited general was forced to do, to the great amusement of his officers, who often allude to this contretemps.

Another rebuff which he received, and about which he is often chafed by General Polk, was when an old lady told him he ought really to "leave off fighting at his age." "Indeed, madam," replied Hardee, "and how old do you take me for?" "Why, about the same age as myself--seventy-five." The chagrin of the stalwart and gallant general, at having twenty years added to his age, may be imagined.

Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana, who commands the other corps d'armée, is a good-looking, gentlemanlike man, with all the manners and affability of a "grand seigneur. He is fifty-seven years of age--tall, upright, and looks much more the soldier than the clergyman. He is very rich; and I am told he owns seven hundred negroes [sic]. He is much beloved by the soldiers on account of his great personal courage and agreeable manners. I had already heard no end of anecdotes of him told me by my traveling companions, who always alluded to him with affection and admiration. In his clerical capacity I had always heard him spoken of with the greatest respect. When I was introduced to him he immediately invited me to come and stay at his headquarters at Shelbyville. He told me that he was educated at West Point, and was at that institution with the President, the two Johnstons, Lee, Magruder, &c., and that, after serving a short time in the artillery, he had entered the church.

Bishop Elliott, of Georgia, is a nice old man of venerable appearance and very courteous manners. He is here at the request of General Polk, for the purpose of confirming some officers and soldiers. He speaks English exactly like an English gentleman, and so, in fact, does General Polk, and all the well-bred Southerners, much more so than the ladies, whose American accent can always be detected. General Polk and Mr. Vallandigham returned to Shelbyville in an ambulance at 6.30 P. M.

General Hardee's headquarters were on the estate of Mrs.---, a very hospitable lady. The two daughters of the General were staying with her, and also a Mrs. --, who is a very pretty woman. These ladies are more violent against the Yankees than it is possible for a European to conceive; they beat their male relations hollow in their denunciations and hopes of vengeance. It was quite depressing to hear their innumerable stories of Yankee brutality, and I was much relieved when, at a later period of the evening they subsided into music. After Bishop Elliott had read prayers, I slept in the same room with General Hardee.

Lieut.-Col. Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, Lieut.-Col. Coldstream Guards, Three Months in the Southern States: April, June, 1863, pp. 70-73.[8]

          28, The price of flour

Tumbling Down.

We are glad to hear that here, as elsewhere, the prices of articles of Necessity are coming down rapidly. Good flour, we are told, has been offered during the past week, at a greatly reduced rate in Confederate money. The price has been too high, and ought to be broken down to such a rate as will allow poor folks and soldiers' families to live. The reduction, as our columns have shown, has not been peculiar to this market. The Cleveland (East Tenn) Banner says:

Tumbling – Flour is advancing backwards in this market. It is drawing out of the garrets and pushing itself upon the market at considerably less figures than heretofore, but few buyers.

So in Atlanta, Ga. The Commonwealth says:

Down! Down!! Down!!! – We are glad to perceive that the news from the country in all directions continues to be good, giving assurances of low prices for provisions being close at hand. In this market no bid can be had for corn for future delivery.

Fayetteville Observer, May 28, 1863

          28 & 29, Juvenile Grand Larceny in Memphis

A Bank Entered by a Boy and Robbed of $5,400."

One of the most daring robberies which has been committed in this city for several years took place Thursday [28th] afternoon. It was the robbery of an exchange office, the names of the owners of which are we omit for various reasons. The chief of the Police, Mr. Winters, was apprised of the facts of the robbery, and yesterday [29th] he and his detectives Morrison, Johnson, Winters and Mahoney, set about hunting up the perpetrators of the deed. The only information they could obtain from the persons who lost the money was that four or five boys were seen about the outside of the exchange office a short time before they missed the money.

Detective Johnson soon made up his mind where the thief was, and accordingly after a tedious search found a boy by the name of Thomas Porter, who admitted the facts in the case and implicated Marcus Dunn, Daniel Grady, David Driscol and Frank Lavalle. He said the boys including himself, a large pile of money lying on a table in an exchange office, and all agreed it would require but little effort to get it provided the man in the office would step out for a minute. Just at that time he walked into a back room. As soon as he was out of sight, Thomas Porter, a boy not more than ten years of age, jumped over the counter and took all the money which was within his reach, $20 in silver and $5,380 in green backs. He, as soon as he got outside the room divided the money and each boy went on his way rejoicing. Chief Wiknters, who by the way is one of the best officers we ever knew, and the detective, whose names are given above, after capturing Thomas Porter went in search of the boy whose name he had already given, and before six o'clock yesterday afternoon all of the boys were safely lodged in the stationhouse and [most?] of the money recovered. The officers who ferreted out the little [thieves?] should receive the warmest thanks [of the bankers?] of this city ….[remainder illegible]

Memphis Bulletin, May 30, 1863.

"Robbery by two Negro Children."

The house of Mr. Daniel Larkin, who resides on Moseby street, was entered and robbed, yesterday [29th] of $135. The money was in a bureau, which was broken open with an ax. Mr. Larkin had in his employ a negro girl by the name of Mary, who, on being questioned by officer Grogan in regard to the theft said some soldiers of the 27th Ohio did the deed. But the story is not seen at all probably to Mr. Grogan, and, after awhile, he got her to give him the following: A negro boy, she said, came to the house about ten o'clock and demanded the key to the bureau, which she refused to give him. The boy (whose name is Andrew) then got an ax and broke the bureau open and stole the money. They boy and girl are at the stationhouse. The money was recovered.

Memphis Bulletin, May 30, 1863.


          28, Guerrilla attack on train between Elk River Bridge and Decherd [see May 24, 1864, "Skirmish near Winchester, guerrillas rob U. S. Army paymaster" above]

          28, "Watering the Streets"

This should be a general and not an exceptional practice. Several streets are well watered daily; others are not watered at all. This is not right. We do not see the propriety of watering Jefferson street, and neglecting Poplar street. If the property holders are to bear the expense of sprinkling we do not but doubt but those on Poplar street will do it as readily and cheerfully as those on Jefferson. Have those who make it a business to water the streets applied to the residents on Poplar as they have on Jefferson? They have not; but why have they not? The injury done every season to furniture and clothing by the dust, to say nothing of the unpleasantness of it would more than cover the expense of keeping the streets properly watered. Let this subject be thought of and acted upon.

Memphis Bulletin, May 28, 1864.

          28, "Something for the Young Folks"

We have received from F. Katzenbach, 270 Main street, a little library for little people which is for sale at his store, consisting of Poems, for Little Folks, Tales of the Great and Brave, Stories of Animals, Christmas Stories, Stories of Natural History, the Rabbit's Bride, Tales of Adventure, Stories of Foreign Lands, Casper's Adventures, Fairy Stories, Fables in Verse and History of Birds. These books are of convenient size for little hands, beautifully printed, handsomely bound, and illustrated plentifully with engraving. We have dipped into one or two of them, especially the fairy stories, and for a while realized the poet's wish, "Would I were a boy again." The cruel princess, the heartless magician, the cross old grandmother, the kind fairy, the brave adventurer, the lucky little fellow that blundered into fortune, how they passed before us as we knew them long, long, before we became the possessor of bray hairs and the tiresome amounts of wisdom we get with them, as a matter of course. Wisdom here is wisdom in these little books that can make young eyes sparkle and young hearts thrill with an ecstasy our nature seldom fails to impart. Those who would make the young people happy with a gift should call at Katzenbach's store. They are published by Carobs & Nichols, Boston

Memphis Bulletin, May 28, 1864.


          28, Federal army cautiously authorized to provide provisions to the destitute to prevent starvation in Chattanooga

NASHVILLE, May 28, 1865.

Brig. Gen. H. M. JUDAH, Chattanooga:

You are authorized to issue sufficient provisions to the destitute people within your command to prevent starvation. Be cautious, however, that the issue does not become unnecessarily large and an extravagant waste of the public stores, as has been the case generally with such issues.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 924.

          28, ET&VRR returned to civilian hands, repairs made to railroad line and bridges

The Nashville Union, of the 28th ult., states that the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad is to be turned over to the Stockholders. The road is in running order from Knoxville to Carter's depot, twelve miles beyond Jonesboro. The government has withdrawn the construction corps and transferred them to Georgia. The bridges over the Watauga at Carter's Depot, and the Holston at Zollicoffer, have not been rebuilt. It is to be hoped that this important road will soon be thoroughly repaired.

Macon Daily Telegraph, June 7, 1865.


[1] See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p.108.

[2] One of Hall's slaves who was his personal servant.

[3] Hereinafter cited as Ninth Tennessee.

[4] As cited in PQCW.


[6] Howell was imprisoned in the state penitentiary in Nashville. Military Governor Johnson pardoned him later, on a "day to day" basis on account of his poor health. Apparently then, Howell did not take the oath, but lived an exemplary life thereafter.

[7] As cited in: Robert Partin, "A Confederate Sergeant's Report to His Wife During the Campaign from Tullahoma to Dalton," THQ, Vol. XII, no. 4 (December 1953), p. 301

[8] Lieut.-Col. Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, Lieut.-Col. Coldstream Guards, Three Months in the Southern States: April, June, 1863, (Mobile: S. H. Goetzel,1864), pp. 70-73. [Hereinafter cited as: Fremantle, Three Months, etc.]


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

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Nashville, TN  37214


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