Sunday, August 9, 2015

8.9.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes


August 9, 1861-1864




          9, Oil cloth for sale in Memphis

Home Manufactures.—Speed, Donoho & Strange, who rank among the most prominent and the earliest of Memphis secessionists, are now manufacturing in this city oil cloth of a splendid quality, suitable for waterproof coats, tents impenetrable to rain, and various other articles for camp and domestic use. It is gratifying to find that we have resources, skill and powers of invention in the South, the existence of which its enemies have little suspected.

Memphis Daily Appeal, August 9, 1861.

          9, Relocation of the Southern Mothers hospital

Removal of the Mother's Hospital.—By the generous kindness of Mr. Norton, the proprietor of the Irving block, Court square, the hospital of the Southern Mother's institution has been removed to the north building of the block, freely placed at their service by Mr. Norton. The rooms are numerous and large, admitting of free ventilation, and adapted for comfort. A hundred beds will be provided, and in case it is needed the whole of the upper story can be occupied, greatly increasing the amount of accommodations. As patients become convalescent, or in cases where such a step is deemed desirable, they will be taken into the private houses of the members and attended by their host's family physician. In the basement every accommodation required is provided for cooking. On the third story four fine rooms, quiet and retired will be reserved for cases requiring extra attention. The number of patients last night was eleven in the hospital and five at the residences of members. The association is performing its great and good work without expense to the State or to the Government. The assiduous attentions and skill of Dr. Curry have received deserved encomium from the military board.

Memphis Daily Appeal, August 9, 1861.

          9, "The reign of terror exists to a frightful extent in Tennessee, and men are hung every day for the expression of sentiments that do tally precisely with the ideas of the slave oligarchy." News from recently seceded Tennessee

From the Cincinnati Gazette, July 7th.

News from the South.

We conversed yesterday with a gentleman direct from the infected district of Tennessee, and ascertained from him some facts in relation to the true condition of things in Secessia. Our informant left Randolph, about a week ago, under pretense of going to Missouri to join the Rebel army. He represents a  most deplorable state of affairs in Memphis and Nashville-a want of employment and among all classes but the military, and a want of food among a great many. Merchants and businessmen are becoming heartily tired of the war, and do not hesitate to say to the military chieftains that they must whip the North very soon, or else give up the idea. Planters, too, are less enthusiastic in the Davis cause, and grumbles both loud and deep are uttered at the slowness with which it progresses. The removal of the blockade will be demanded of the Southern Government before long-so our informant says.

The reign of terror exists to a frightful extent in Tennessee, and men are hung every day for the expression of sentiments that do tally precisely with the ideas of the slave oligarchy. A couple of weeks since a meeting was held near Randolph to take into consideration the case of a miller, from Hamilton, in this State, who was guilty of the high crime of being a subscriber to the Cincinnati Gazette and Commercial. He was assured that nothing but the fact that men of his occupation are very scarce in Tennessee saved him from the halter.

The troops have nearly all been withdrawn from Fort Randall and sent to New Madrid, Missouri. Great efforts are being made in the interior of the State to raise volunteers for the Rebel army in Missouri.

Traveling, even from one part of the State to another, is prohibited to citizens, save by a permit like the following from the military authorities.



No.____ ____ has permission to visit Clarksville, Tenn., upon his honor as a man that he will not communicate in writing or verbally to any person likely to publish it, any information he may possess which might be of use to our enemies. By order of Gen. Polk

S. F. Morgan, Ajdt.

Philadelphia Inquirer, August 9, 1861.

          9, "The Memphis Vigilance Committee in Action" [See also: July 22, 1861, "…she was stripped to the waist, and thirteen lashes given her with a strap, and the right side of her head shaved." The Memphis Vigilance Committee, a.k.a., "Committee of Safety."]

Alleged Southern Outrages.

Mr. John M. Collins, of Va., son of the celebrated Methodist preacher, Rev. John A. Collins, has given the following narrative of his experience in the South to the Washington Star:

Mr. Collins arrived at Memphis, Tenn., on the 26th day of March, and soon got into collision with Secesh, through the expression of his Union sentiments, which on the 24th of April, was brought to a crisis by a little "scrimmage" he had at a dinner table with a South Carolinian, who denounced General Scott and all Virginians as traitors to the South.

Mr. Collins was promptly waited upon by a vigilance committee, and he was at once imprisoned in a most noisome underground dungeon. From this foul cell he managed to escape, by the help of some friends, and after some hard experience finally reached a more hospitable region.

Amongst other instances of the atrocities committed upon people simply for the avowal of Union sentiments, the following surpassed in devilish barbarity anything recorded of Haynau[1] and his band:-

An accomplished young woman, named Anna Giernstein, a native of who had been engaged in school teaching near Memphis, was informed that she was an object of suspicion to the Secessionists, and was advised to leave. On the 18th of May she left Memphis for Cairo.

In the cars she found three Northern men, en route to Cairo, and said to them, "Thank God, we shall soon be in a land where there is freedom of speech and thought!" The remark was heard by a fellow named Firman, who immediately inquired to se her ticket and those of her fellow-passengers. Finding they were all destined to the free States, he at once caused their seizure by the vigilance committee. These gentlemen were then stripped naked and whipped, the strokes being administered by a negro with a know some twenty-four feet in length, each stroke of which cuts the flesh in stripes [sic] an inch in width. Miss Giernstein who had expressed some natural indignation at these inhuman barbarities, was then seized by the brute who conducted the whipping arrangements, one John Duvall, (a native of Cleveland, Ohio!) who requested her to unfasten the upper part of her dress.

She indignantly refused when Duval said he would do it himself, and laying hand upon her, tore her dress way down to the waist. Her feet were then tied with straps, and a person named Thomas McElroy (formerly of Syracuse, N.Y.) held her by the army while Duval administered the stripes to her bare back. While submitting to this ordeal, the brave girl did not gratify her persecutors by a singer cry or tear, but Mr. Collins noticed blood upon her lips, indicating that she had bitten them through in suppressing any outward indications of her agony. The right side of her head was then shaved, and thus scared and disfigured, she was permitted to resume her journey towards civilization. [2]

Boston Herald, August 9, 1861.[3]




          9, "Where are the Young Tennesseans?" [see also April 18, 1862, "Has Memphis Done Its Duty?" above]

Mr. Editor: I desire to enquire of you whether you can tell the public where all the young and ardent Tennesseans are who are reported to be on the R. Road [sic] from this place to Atlanta-what are they doing? Are they waiting for other men to fight the battles and open the way to home and families, while they are pleasure-taking at the different towns and watering-places of the country? [emphasis added] If this be true, it is a shame and their cheeks should be mantled with a deep blush of disgrace to be thus idle while the country needs their services so much. The Governor calls for a Tennessee State force, and each one of these young bloods should report themselves for duty without delay. Keep them stirred up until they act their proper part in this great struggle.

Signed "S"

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 9, 1862.

          9, Editorial from the Cleveland Banner, "In a Nice Fix"

In the breaking out of the present difficulties a good many East Tennesseeans [sic] with treason in their hearts, left and went over to the bosom of King Abraham, thinking, no doubt, that they would return to their homes in a very short time with a sufficient army to protect them in their treason. Sixteen months have gone by and these poor deluded fools are no nearer the object they set out to accomplish than they were the day they started. They cannot get back to their homes, and never will. If the war was ended, and arrangements made for their return they could not live here. They would be looked upon and treated as tories, loathed and despised-forsaken even by the cowardly wretches who persuaded them to leave their homes and dear ones, for a situation in the Federal army. Those of them that have left property behind have forfeited it to their government, and their families will be bereft of it. Who is responsible for this state of things? Such men as Andy Johnson, Horace Mayfield, Bill Brownlow, and the smaller lights of toryism who are suffered to run over the country and preach treason to the people. In this [group are] such pettifoggers as Mitch Edward and Mr. Brownlow were applauded for their [truth?] while men who were older and wiser, were scoffed and hooted at for their loyalty. These vile miscreants are now [receiving?] their just reward at the hands of an often indignant people. There never was a more just retribution visited upon a corrupt set of men. They sowed the storm-let them receive the fury of the whirlwind. They deserve it. They have no home and are entitled to none in the Southern Confederacy-They deserted her in infancy when she needed help the cowardly scoundrels shrunk from the task and went over to the enemy-in her manhood [sic] she will never receive to her bosom [these same?] traitors. East Tennessee is and will be a part of her dominion, the opinion of the Lincolnites to the contrary notwithstanding.

Cleveland Banner [no date given], as cited in

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 9, 1862.

          9, General Bragg's spat with the Confederate Postmaster

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT No. 2, Chattanooga, Tenn., August 9, 1862.

ADJUTANT-GEN. C. S. ARMY, Richmond, Va.:

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 21st ultimo, inclosing copy of communication from the acting Postmaster-Gen. to you. In reply I will state that the Post-Office Department is misinformed. No military possession or control of the telegraph lines in my department has been assumed by me. Gen. Johnston and afterwards Gen. Beauregard, my predecessors, had a telegraph operator of honesty and skill as superintendent for the regulation of such matters. The same officer and the same system have been continued by me. The operator is regarded as any other member of my staff-as an agent simply to see to the faithful discharge of the duties of his department. He requires the revenues of the lines erected by military funds to be properly collected and accounted for. He also audits the accounts of telegraph companies against the Government, and by his action in this particular a large number of fraudulent charges against the Government have been detected and rejected. Had the Postmaster-Gen., under the recent act of Congress, applied for the control of the lines in my department he would have encountered no opposition from me. The extent of the department and the importance of military operations in it, in my opinion, made it his duty to assume control of these lines. Having failed to discharge this duty it is not graceful in him to withhold necessary supplies for me to do it for him.

It is but justice that I should be furnished with the name of the man who makes this false report to the Post-Office Department. If my suspicious are correct it will be found that a certain telegraph operator or agent of that department--a notorious Dr. Morris, the corrupt tool and representative of a Yankee corporation--will figure in the result. I am credibly informed by an operator on the line that my official dispatches from Tupelo were never permitted to pass until inspected by this man Morris and approved by him. This may account for the non-reception by Gen. Smith at this point of some important dispatches from Tupelo, by which our very important operations here are very much retarded. Had I really assumed the control of the lines to the extent imputed by the Postmaster-Gen., it might have been unsafe for this tool of the Yankees to have played the spy--if not traitor--as to my military dispatches.

I would respectfully suggest that an imaginary error of mine would not justify the suspension of telegraph operations in this department, by which our cause might be greatly jeopardized if not lost. It may be important for the Post-Office Department to get control of the telegraph, but it is equally important for us to keep up communications with our troops and defeat the enemy.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 673-674.

          9, Confederate guerrillas attack Federal outpost at Lynnville

No circumstantial reports filed.

COLUMBIA, August 9, 1862.

Col. J. B. FRY:

Guerrillas numbering about 30 attacked guards at Lynnville, wounding 1 man. They fired into the cars afterward; captured 7 men and 4 wagons near Reynolds'. I am waiting anxiously for battalion of Kennett's cavalry to report.

The expedition against Hickman's guerrillas is planned, with every probability of success if not delayed too long. The wealthy secessionists of this neighborhood are undoubtedly aiding and sympathizing with these guerrilla parties. Many of their sons are with them. I have instituted most vigorous and determined measures against them.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 300.

          9, Andrew Johnson appoints former Tennessee Governor William B. Campbell as prisoner of war commissioner to carry out prisoner of war release policy

NASHVILLE, TENN., August 9, 1862.

Gen. L. THOMAS, Adjutant-Gen.:

In compliance with authority and instructions from the War Department on 4th instant I have appointed ex-Governor Campbell commissioner to visit the various prisons containing Tennessee prisoners and prescribe the terms and conditions of their release. All prisoners not officers who are willing to take the oath of allegiance and give bonds will be released upon parole to report to the Governor of Tennessee, and all who refuse to do so will be retained in prison or exchanged. Governor Campbell will communicate to the War Department what policy he adopts in regard to the release of these prisoners. I trust in God that in making an exchange of prisoners that the East Tennesseeans now confined in Southern dungeons will not be overlooked. The eastern part of the State has been too long neglected and our people left to oppression. Let that portion of her people are now in dungeons be set free at least while there is an opportunity to redeem them with traitors and rebels.

ANDREW JOHNSON, Military Governor.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, p. 362.

          9, Suicide by morphine overdose

Self Destruction.

Mrs. Graham, who has for some time past resided at Mrs. Stewart's boarding house, on Poplar street, east of Second, was frantic enough to commit the unpardonable sin of self-destruction. Early yesterday morning, about 3 o'clock, we learn, she administered to herself, with her own hands, seventeen grains of morphine, which occasioned her death in a few hours thereafter. What the cause was, that prompted the melancholy deed, we know not-most probably will never know; yet we are sure that it is no trifling wrong that will cause a woman in the prime of life, to resign all on earth, and even the hope of heaven. Perhaps there is one whose guilty conscience will shake his unmanly frame when he learns of the suicide death of one whom he once promised to cherish and protect, but who, when he should have clung to her closest, basely deserted and left her among comparative strangers, far away from the home of her childhood and friends.

Mrs. Graham was a native of Oswego, New York, when she was married. Deceased was about twenty-three years of age, highly educated, and possessed of more than ordinary beauty. Kind friends gave the poor unfortunate's remains all the attention proper to a decent burial.

Esquire Richardson held an inquest and returned a verdict in accordance with the above fact.

Memphis Union Appeal, August 10, 1862.

          9, A. J. Lacy's letter home in Jackson County

The 9th 1862

State of Tenn Overton Co August [sic]

My affectionate wife i [sic] Seat [sic] my Self [sic] to write you a few Lines to Let you know that I am well at this Time [sic] it [sic] is reported That wic [sic] wee [sic] have To Start To [sic] knoxvill [sic] Next [sic] monday [sic] and i [sic] want A [sic] fine Shirt my black vest And Neck [sic] hankerchief [sic] and Send [sic] me A Shirt colar [sic] by who Ever [sic] takes This To [sic] you. I am now At the widow Gardenhire now

Our first Lieutenant has Just now arrived here from Sparta and Days That The Yankees is give back To McMinnsville [sic] So No more but will remain your affectionate Husband [sic]

A. J. Lacy.

Lacy Correspondence.[4]

          9, An advertisement in the Chattanooga Daily Rebel


Apply at this office.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 9, 1862.

          9, Conditions at the Union hospital in Murfreesboro; an excerpt from Surgeon William M. Eames' letter to his spouse in Ohio

Union Coll. Hospital

Aug. 9th, 1862

Dearest Wife,

* * * *

….We have now 160 patients & probably shall get 20 more to-day. We took in 43 yesterday & some of them were very sick….Some of the gun-shot wounds are very bad yet tho, I think that none will die. There is one who was shot in the back of his neck & the ball lodged in the spinal canal. He is completely paralyzed on one side but now sits up part of the time (8 or 10 hours per day) says he feels bully. [sic] Others have bones broken, & terrible discharges of pus but all are doing admirably I think. We had 77 gun shot wounds in July & only lost 2. There were 12 cases of fractures. 42 cases of Typhoid Fever [sic] etc., etc.

We lost 17 in the month out of 448 cases a little over 3 per cent of deaths. We have a new General here now Gen. Crufts & I like him first rate. He is quite a gentleman & has tried to help us at the Hospital all he could. For several days we were out of flour & of course out of soft bread – He gave an order to the dealers in flour in town to let us have some flour, & then ordered some from Nashville, for our special benefit. I am trying to help him all I can in the way of disposing of the sick. That is the reason I got the 42 yesterday – We took charge of getting them all up to the Hospital & will have to get several more today. The Souls Coll. Hospital[5] looks dirty and miserable….

* * * *

William M. Eames Papers

          9, The Cumberland Alley Stone-throwers

We are informed that the Cumberland Alley Stone-throwers are such adepts in their profession as to have succeeded, on day before yesterday, in "landing" three of their missiles on the top of a lady's bonnet as the wearer thereof was passing between Summer and High Streets. It seems that a number of juveniles meet daily near the Summer Street corner of the above alley, where, from dawn till dark, they amuse themselves in pelting the passers by. It is needless to say that we have been requested to invite the City Marshal to be present at the next meeting of the Stone-throwers.

Nashville Daily Union, August 9, 1862.




9, Skirmish at Sparta

AUGUST 9, 1863, Skirmish at Sparta, Tenn.


No. 1, Col. Robert H. G. Minty, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, commanding brigade.

No. 2, Col. George G. Dibrell, Eighth [Thirteenth] Tennessee Cavalry (Confederate).

No. 1.

Report of Col. Robert H. G. Minty, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, commanding brigade.


SIR: On the 8th instant, having received information that Gen. Dibrell, with between 800 and 900 men, was camped 2 miles south of Sparta, I marched at 3 p. m. with 774 men, hoping to surprise him. I took two day's rations and one day's forage; no wagons or ambulances.

At 11.30 p. m. I arrived at Spencer, and remained long enough for the men to make coffee and feed horses. I crossed Caney Fork at the month of Cane Creek, and at break of day struck the rebel pickets about 4 miles south of Sparta, and followed them at a gallop, but arrived at the town without seeing anything of their camp. In town I learned that they had changed camp the evening before, and were then between 3 and 4 miles north of Sparta, on the east bank of the Calfkiller. I pushed forward rapidly, but the pickets, whose horses were fresh, had given notice of our approach, and the rebels were ready to receive us. The Fourth Michigan Cavalry formed the advance guard, and, pushing in at the gallop, dislodged and drove the enemy before the column got up.

Gen. Dibrell fell back across the creek, and took up a strong position on a hill covering a narrow rickety bridge which was the only means of crossing the creek at this point. Finding a bad, rough ford about a quarter of a mile lower down, I directed Capt. McIntyre to cross with the Fourth Regulars, and attack sharply the enemy's right flank. I also directed Maj. Soubrette to support the Regulars with the Seventh Pennsylvania. I then moved to the front with the Fourth Michigan and a battalion of the Third Indiana, but the rebels, although outnumbering us and holding a strong position, difficult of access, would not wait for the attack but scattered in every direction. The Fourth Regulars, Seventh Pennsylvania and Third Indiana scoured the counter for about 3 miles, but their horses were too tired to overtake the freshly mounted rebels.

Our loss, I regret to say, was heavy, but it was confined exclusively to the Fourth Michigan, the only regiment engaged, and which had only 115 men out. We killed 1 lieutenant and 13 men and took 1 lieutenant and 9 men prisoners.

I remained at Sparta until 1 p. m., and then returned to camp, where I arrived at 12.30 p. m. on the instant.

* * * *

I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,

ROBT. H. G. MINTY, Col., Cmdg.

No. 2.

Report of Col. George G. Dibrell, Eighth [Thirteenth] Tennessee Cavalry (Confederate.)

SPARTA, August 18, 1863.

In obedience to orders from Gen. Forrest, I left Chattanooga on July 27 with the Eighth [Thirteenth] Tennessee Cavalry; moved across Caldron's Ridge and Cumberland Mountains to Sparta, arriving here on the 29th. My instructions were to watch and report the movements of Gen. Rosecrans' army, one corps of which was at McMinnville, 26 miles from this place. I sent scout into the lines of the enemy, and harassed their foraging and scouting parties, capturing a few prisoners and horses.

On the morning of the 9th instant, my pickets that were 8 miles from camp on the road to Spencer were attacked by the brigade of Col. Minty, and a lively race ensued to camp. Capt. [Jefferson] Leftwich, who was in command of the pickets, managed the retreat splendidly, holding the advance of the enemy in check and keeping his men well up until they reached camp. The regiment was encamped upon my own farm, 2 miles north of Sparta. We heard the firing before the courier arrived, just at daylight. Saddled as quickly as possible; sent Capt. [Hamilton] McGinnis with his company to meet and check the enemy while we fell back with the regiment across Wild Cat Creek, which, with its deep banks and a mill pond above the bridge, was only passable at the bridge. The enemy were in full speed, and before we could get into position were pressing our rear, having met and routed McGinnis and his company. I took position in front of the bridge with Companies G and K, and sent the balance of the regiment, under D. A. Allison, Allison, acting adjutant, to form a line from us to the Calfkiller River with instructions not to fire a gun until we opened at the bridge. The enemy had to enter an open space between the Wild Cat Creek and a large fence and pass up some 200 or 300 yards to the bridge. When their advance reached the bridge, we opened upon them, and then the whole regiment opened. They were yelling and charging at full speed, and the open space above referred to was full of them. Our gallant boys raised the yell as they poured volley after volley into them, until they retreated in great confusion out of the trap into which he had drawn them. They soon rallied and charged us against, said to be by the Fourth Regulars, but we soon repulsed them. They then attempted a charge on foot, but were again repulsed. They then sent a party across the Calfkiller River to gain our rear, but I had anticipated them, and they were soon driven back. We skirmished awhile, and knowing my force was too small to contend long with a full brigade (we had not over 300 men present), I decided to fall back about 1 mile to the mouth of Blue Spring Creek, where our position would be strengthened, and did so; but the enemy declined to follow, us, when we soon learned they were withdrawing; we gave pursuit, and followed them to the Caney Fork River, a distance of 18 miles, but could not overtake them. The enemy left 20 dead horses and 12 dead men, and had a large number wounded. Our loss was 4 wounded and 8 captured.

During the fight I was re-enforced by Champ. [sic] Ferguson with a part of his company and by several citizens. By the time the fight was over, the ladies in the neighborhood had cooked and sent to us a breakfast for the entire regiment, which was highly prized as we had been driven from our camps before anything could be prepared. Col. Minty had four regiments in his brigade, and was very angry with his Union guides for bringing him into such a place as we fought him. This caused us to be cautious.

* * * *

G. G. DIBRELL, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 846-848.


McMINNVILLE, August 11, 1863.

Maj. SINCLAIR, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

Of course I whipped Dibrell. His men were scattered about the country like blackberries. Most of them took the road to Yankeetown. A few fled by Officer's Gap. The fight was on the bank of Calf River, from the salt well to a short distance above Little's. They were driven so sharply that none but the Fourth Michigan got at them. My force was 774; Dibrell's, 781. I remained on the ground until 1 p. m., and scoured the country around. I think it doubtful if they return to Sparta. Dibrell is a brigadier and Forest a major-general. Have eight days' forage on hand. Have heard nothing of Gen. Carter. Forrest is at Good Hope, near Kingston. Mechure was to leave Nashville with 400 this morning. Capt. Thompson, Fourth United States, has joined.

ROBT. H. G. MINTY, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, p. 438.

McMINNVILLE, TENN., August 11, 1863.

Dr. J. D. HALE:

SIR: My information from a reliable source is that Col. Dibrell, sent by Gen. Forrest to White County, had directions and instructions to secure all the beef, all the wheat, and to use and destroy all the oats and corn in White and Van Buren Counties they cannot carry off, so as to subject the Federal army to all the inconveniences possible when they come to occupy the country; and not to fight the Federals if possibly to be avoided; and also so carry away the last horse and mule to be found in the country. In short, to devastate the country before the Federal troops can occupy it.



OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, p. 7

          9, "Killed by Lightning"

Yesterday, about one o'clock p. m. during a light shower, John Hamilton, co. K, 7th Kentucky cavalry, was struck by lightening while on picket duty near Nashville, on the Harding pike, and killed instantly. Two soldiers, who were on duty with him were prostrated and remained senseless half an hour.

Nashville Daily Press, August 10, 1863.

          9, "FOR SALE"

A desirable residence within the corporate limits of Chattanooga, containing ten acres of land, fair improvements, 150 young fruit trees, 190 Catawba grape vines, and other fruits. There is a well of good water, and a cistern on the place. For further information enquire at W. & A. R. R. Office.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 9, 1863.

          9, Attack on the Rose Hamilton at Island No. 37

"More Guerrilla Outrages on the River."

The steamer Rose Hamilton, bound from Cincinnati to this city, reports having been fired into at the head of Island No. 37, about thirty-five miles above this city. It was about half-past seven Sunday [9th] evening that she was passing along close to the Tennessee shore, when she was greeted by a volley from the muskets of about twenty guerrillas. Several shots struck the boat, one passing through the clerk's office, but fortunately no one was hurt. The Rose steamed on, not being exactly willing to land at the dictation of these cowardly thieves.

These guerrillas, we presume, are a portion of those commanded by one Bob Morris, who was well known in the northeast corner of Shelby county as a horse-thief, before the war broke out. We suppose he has not improved much since, as we have heard that the gentleman has been plying his trade quite extensively of late. He has been operation among the hills on Big Creek for some time past.

Memphis Bulletin, August 11, 1863.

          9, Losing faith in the Confederacy and taking the oath; an excerpt from the journal of Lucy Virginia French

….As to our political prospects they are in status quo [sic]. Tennessee is gone to the Confederacy I suppose, and in my present frame of mind and state of health, I must confess I feel unpatriotic [sic] enough not to care a continental about it any way if I could only be well, and quiet for a little while…We were told today that all the "rebel girls" in McMinnville have been made to taker the oath,-a great triumph for old Armstrong and his crew. Mollie Armstrong has procured the Federal uniform – a blue riding dress and rides around with the Yankees, as she used to do with Morgan's men. I suppose this would be the end of her Southernism – it was too intense to last long!

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French.

          9, Desertion from the ranks of the 9th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry in Chattanooga; an excerpt from the Van Buren Oldham diary

….Bill Gardner deserted last night after stealing seven hundred dollars from one of the regiments, besides a handsome sum from the company.

Van Buren Oldham Diaries.




          9, "Serious Accident"

Vincent West, a citizen of this county, met with a sudden and melancholy death on Saturday last. He was in the employ of Capt. Miller and engaged at the Government Saw Mill on the river, about a mile above the city. While at work in sawing lumber, his foot slipped, and he became entangled in the band, and carried around the wheel, by which his body was crushed in a terrible manner, and his neck and skull broken, causing death instantly. P.B. Coleman, Esq., the Coroner, held an inquest on the body, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the above facts. Deceased was between fifty and fifty-five years of age, and leaves a mother, wife and one child to mourn his loss.

Nashville Daily Press, July 18, 1864.

          9, Panic caused by Federal arrest of Confederate sympathizers in Cleveland

....Mollie G. & Julia Grant came this morn, they are in a great deal of trouble in consequence of being notified to report at Chattanooga. We are making some new calico dresses in case we have to desert our homes. The order was read to us by a sergeant in the dining room, just as tea was ready, stating that all rebel sympathizers had to report at Chattanooga Monday [July 11]. Through the assistance of Chaplain Spence [a Federal soldier] we have been released [from reporting]. How said I feel to think even if we are permitted to say our friend will go, and we cannot even bid them farewell or else we will be accused of sympathizing with them & plotting against the government & be sent off without a thing in the world....

Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 257.

          9, "Concerning Dogs;" public health and private pets

In another column is an order from Lieut. Col. Harris relative to dogs. The owners of canines are required to have them muzzled immediately, in default of which they will be subject, on conviction before the Recorder, to a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for the first offense, and five dollars for each hour thereafter that the order may be violated.

The police are required to have all dogs running art large within the city, and not carefully muzzled, killed and removed at the expense of the city.

In view of the fact that a number of mad dogs have been running about of late, this is an important order, and should be strictly observed.

Memphis Bulletin, July 9, 1864.

          9, Special Orders, No. 77, the expulsion of a subject of the British Crown from Memphis


Headquarters District of West Tennessee

Memphis, Tenn., July 9, 1864

XV. George Mellersh and William J. Conran, residents of Memphis, have applied for exemption from service in the Enrolled Militia of Memphis, on the ground of allegiance to Great Britain.

It appears from the sworn statement of each of these men, that in 1861 and 1862, they were in the military service of the so-called Confederate States, and that subsequently thereto they came to Memphis and engaged in business, and in 1863 sought and obtained papers of protection as British subjects.

Therefore, in pursuance of the previous of the circular from these Headquarters dated June 2d, 1864, George Mellersh and William J. Conran are hereby directed to be sent outside the lines of the United States forces, not to return during the war.

Colonel J. G. Geddes, Provost Marshal of the District of Memphis, is charged with he execution of this order.

By order of Major General C. C. Washburn

W.H. Morgan, Assistant Adjutant General.

Memphis Bulletin, August 9, 1864.

          9, "More Conscripts for the Train Guard." [see July 7, 1864, "Confederate hostages serve as 'railroad guards'" above]

The following additional arrests have been made under General Order No. 74.

D. T. Goodyear,

D. F. Padgett,

G. W. L. Crook,

H. W. Bryson.

A force of some fifteen or twenty of those arrested were sent out on the train this morning, according to the order. It is thought that this course will insure the trains running between this city and LaGrange from all danger of attacks from guerrillas in [the] future. We shall see.

Memphis Bulletin, July 9, 1864.

          9, Cracking down on foreigners not declaring immunity from serving in the Memphis Militia


Headquarters 1st Brigade, Enrolled Militia, D.M., Memphis, Tenn., July 9, 1864.

Pursuant to circular from Headquarters District of West Tennessee, of date June 2d 1864, which required all foreign subjects and citizens within the District of Memphis, claiming exemption from the Memphis Militia, by reason of Alienage, and engaged in business of any character, to enroll themselves for the defense of this city; and whereas, many persons of the above class are still evading the requirements of said circular, it is therefore ordered, that they report to these Headquarters for the purpose of enrollment within ten days from date. Persons failing to comply with this order will subject themselves to arrest and punishment.

By order of Colonel F. W. Buttinghaus

Memphis Bulletin, July 22, 1864.

9, Fresh Vegetables from the Sanitary Commission


The Sanitary Committee on Wednesday sent to the army one thousand one hundred and fifty barrels of fresh vegetables and eight thousand heads of cabbage.

A dreadful accident-but happily unattended with direct loss of life-occurred on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad on the 30th ultima. Three trains left Chattanooga at nearly the same time, the first being a long one, a number of the cars containing wounded soldiers who were being conveyed, to Nashville. While descending a very steep grade near Cowan, Tennessee, the engineer lost control over the second train, which dashed madly into the first one, burling the locomotives and cars of both trains down the mountain. Nearly all the passengers, among whom were three ladies, were wounded, but, strange to say, not one person was killed outright.

Daily National Intelligencer, (Washington, DC) July 9, 1864. [6]



[1] Julius, baron von Haynau. An Austrian general whose military successes were overshadowed by his notorious brutality. Entering the Austrian Army in 1801, Haynau saw action throughout the Napoleonic Wars and remained in service after the Congress of Vienna (1814–15). During the revolutions of 1848–49, he campaigned in Italy, where he marred his undoubted military abilities by the inordinately severe repression of a rising in Brescia. Moving to Hungary in command of an army corps in 1849, Haynau again, though successful in the field, used what many thought was undue harshness. He retired in 1850 and toured Europe, but his reputation was such that he was exposed to mob violence during his visits to London in 1850 and Brussels in 1852.

[2] See also Lowell Daily Citizen and News, (Lowell, MA) August 10, 1861.

[3] As cited in PQCW.

[4] TSL&A Confederate Collection, Box C 28, folder 17, Letters – Lacy, Andrew Jackson, 1862-1863 [Hereinafter cited as: Lacy Correspondence.]

[5] Soule College, was established in Murfreesboro in 1825 as "The Female Academy." During the Civil War it was, like Union College (1822), used as a hospital by Federal forces in Murfreesboro. See: Tennessee Historical Commission, Tennessee Historical Markers, 8th ed., (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 1996), pp. 28-29.

[6] TSL&A, 19th CN.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

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