Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

 28, Special Orders, No. 4
Headquarters District of West Tennessee
Office of the Provost Marshal General

Memphis, June 28, 1862
* * * *
Persons issued for persons to pass out of the city of Memphis and its immediate suburbs, kept for the purpose of retailing spirituous, vinous or malt liquors of any kind, must be closed and kept closed by and after 12 o'clock M. of this day.
Any person violating the letter or spirit of this order by keeping open drinking saloons, or retailing therein with closed doors, will subject themselves to imprisonment and the forfeiture of their entire stock.
This order applies to steamboats while lying at the landing.
D. C. Anthony, Lieut.-Col. and Provost Marshal of the City of Memphis
Memphis Union Appeal, August 10, 1862.


   28, "Daring Robberies" in Confederate Chattanooga
Night before last, about a dozen men, apparently soldiers, armed with muskets, went to the house of Mr. Kirklin, and old citizen living a few miles from this city, and demanded his money, and upon his refusing to deliver it up, they dragged him into the yard, and beat him with the buts   of their guns until some of the female members of his family procured a sum sufficient to satisfy their demands; when they released him, after inflicting severe injuries upon him. The also threatened his life and avowed their intention to rob other families in the neighborhood in the same way. We have not heard that they attempted to carry out their threats in other instances.
On yesterday forenoon, in open day, and in the centre of the business part of town, the store of Mr. Peter Marsh was entered during his temporary absence, and robbed of two hundred and fifty dollars in money and some goods.

These are not the first robberies that have been committed in and around this city by men clothed and armed as soldiers, and a stop should be put to such proceeding. We respectfully call the attention of our local military authorities to the subject hoping that if these outrages are perpetrated by soldiers that the guilty o­nes will be ferreted out and properly dealt with.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1863.



    28, "So you can see how things is working hear.  If our negroes are brought home they would all runn off sure. You can read this and not know how many is gone nor nothing about it to make them dissatisfyed." Letter from Robert Cooper to J. M. Cooper [McMinn County]
Mr. J. M. Cooper,
These few lines will inform you that we are all well at this time. We Rec 'd your line the other day without date. You said you want some corn and Bacon. Your own corn has not been troubled since you left, the robbers stold your Bacon all except seven peaces & Critz has been robbed of all his & Bed clothes & Dished & Bees & a great many other things. there   has not [been] a springhouse [that has] escaped the robbers, the woods is full of Lyouts, some Bush whacken going o­n, a few killed o­n Both   sides. There is several company   of Robbers   in this county stealing horses and & Robing houses. I suppose you have heard of Yankee Raid,   bean   about the middle of this Month. Some 250 Yanks came from Knoxville & through Rogersville to Kingsport the stage road taking negroes & horses. Ned & Lize is both gone & Dan I suppose. When they got to fall Branch that they had 50 negroes. say 2 G. M. Lyons John H. Ellis, Isom, Mrs. Besson some James Johnson, some Robt. Neatherland & with a promise to come back and take them all. So you can see how things is working hear.   If our negroes are brought home they would all runn   off sure. You can read this and not know how many is gone nor nothing   about it to make them dissatisfyed.   I am trying to fix for harvest. I think I will be able to save all the wheat and Rice.   Your wheat is tolerable good, the Hamiltons is very good, no smut, the quaker wheat is bat smutted, some in the Rest of your wheat. Your own is all over the 3 time and looks tolerable well. This is the 4 letter that me and Rachel has rote to you & Recd   o­ne from you.

Rachel & the children is all well & getting along very well considering. The   Damd  Roges  stole her bacon, most of the bacon that was left was sids.   The boys complains that they have no ham to eat but a plenty of milk and butter.
You say Wm   Ellis left you some time ago, he got home, come by Russell & your mare was all stolen, and gone sometime before he got Back. Your gray filey   &: mule is still in the pasture up thare   yet. Ellis started back some time ago but he returned back again & says he will start again as soon as the harvest is over. He said that he was taken up twist while gone the last time.
There is a few soldier hear now scouting round no regiment all scouts. We get no news from the army for some time. I am in hope it will be good when it comes.
Robert Cooper
When you receive this write to us and rite   all the news, it will be all news to us.

WPA Civil War Records, TSLA, Vol. 2, pp. 160-161.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26 - Civil War Notes

26, Correspondence from a "Union Man" to Military Governor Andrew relative to conditions at the Insane Asylum 
[Nashville] June 26, 1862
State of things at the insane asylum [sic] asylum [sic] 

this time last summer I heard doctor and Mrs. Cheatham [Superintendent of the Asylum] and old man ready say that King harris [sic] mist it by leting andy Johnson the treator go that he should be hung-- now sir them very people have sent some three large chests to town one to cheathams wharehouse the other two to Parrishes wharehouse I am not certain what is in them but there are a grate many here that the[y] have just packed I am told that two contain ladys bolts of dry goods beding carpeting and so he has keep a bout, 3000 Pds of rebel bacon that was stored here the time rebels run a way likewise 12 steers a large quantity of lard you can find out if he has charged them to the state of not he keeps 12 hors[es] here the most of them is blood stock he raisd the most of them here he did get 2 carriage horses from is brother in the rebel army he did keep until lately a seamstress with 4 children to sew for his lady and the ready famaly bill cheatham the gambler is out here he was the first in nashville to raise a company the[y] caul the cheathe[m] rifles he stays out of the way here boarding at the docters No. 1 Table the famaly the[y] think the[y] are above all others there is knothing is cared for here but the one table and the pachents can have knothing only the one thing all the time and I am told he dus not goe in to som of the wards in monnths there is three cooking departments here one for the ladys the other for the gents the other for the superier negroes that cooks the[y] can just dow as the[y please] in two of them I have not seen in four years the steward the docter or Mrs Chetham eather to order or see what the pachents got The trustees dus not know any thing about this it is time that it was known to them and the public at largae so as to make a change for the benefit of the poor inmates the steward deeps the books he is the man to keep until he lets the cat out of the bag the docter has been one of the fourth or fifth on the rebels list in the gazette and ever since he has devoted all his time to help it
 from a Union Man
The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 507-508.




   26, Governor Isham G. Harris's call to the men of Tennessee
Men of Tennessee! If you would resist these raids, predatory bands, and incendiaries of the enemy, organize at once and stand ready to repel or crush them.
If you would protect your private property, defend your wives and children, your personal liberty, your national independence, and your lives, organize at once and stand ready to strike for them
Let the beardless boy and the hoary-headed father organize for the defense of their altars, their homes, and all that is dear to freemen.
Let the gallant men who have been disabled by the exposure and hardships of the camp or the casualties of bloody fields give to these new organizations the benefit of their experience and example.
Let every man who can wield a musket or draw a sword, who is so situated that he cannot swell the ranks of our Army for constant service, organize at once for home defense and special service.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1863



    26, Skirmish at Beech Grove
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. TWENTY-FIRST ARMY CORPS, Hollow Spring, June 26, 1863--9 a. m.
Brig.-Gen. TURCHIN, Cmdg. Cavalry:
SIR: The general commanding this corps directs that you move at o­nce with your command of cavalry to Lumley's Stand. From thence you will move with great caution, reconnoitering all the roads, and endeavor to communicate with Gen. Thomas, who is marching o­n the Beech Grove road to Manchester. Report frequently.
By order of Major-Gen. Crittenden:
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Beech Grove, June 26, 1863--2.15 p. m.
The general commanding has arrived at this place. Gen. Thomas has driven the enemy 2 1/2 miles toward Fairfield. Gen. Granger is advancing toward Matt's Hollow, and hopes to reach the head of it to-night. Gen. McCook is holding Liberty Gap with apart of his force; the remainder will join us here. There have been about 200 casualties thus far. Except the bad weather, all goes well. We hope you will get within reach of Manchester to-night, if possible. Your difficulties of route are appreciated. Hdqrs. will be here till further orders. News from the East mixed, as usual.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. A. GARFIELD, Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 460.     


Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

 25, Militia Call Up in Clarksville
Militia Orders No. o­ne.
Headquarters, 91st Regiment
Clarksville June 25th, 1861
The Captains of the Militia of the 91st Regiment – and in the event of the absence or vacancy of the captainship – the 1st Lieut., will report immediately the strength of his company, and also the number of Rifles, Shot Guns, Muskets, Swords and other weapons owned by those living within his command, and subject to military duty.
Captains will forthwith proceed to organize their commands, preparatory to active service in the field, at any moment's call.
Captains will report immediately to the Adjutant, B. A. Rogers.
By order of J. S. NEBLETT,
B. A. Rogers, Adj't.
Clarksville, June 27th, 1861.
Clarksville Chronicle, July 19, 1861.



  25, "Supplies for the People."
In Savannah, Atlanta, Columbus, and other places, stores for the sale of necessities have been opened up by public spirited individuals, having for their object the furnishing of such articles as are indispensably necessary, at cost; [sic] thus protecting the people against the wicked, crushing burdens being placed upon them by extortioners [sic]. In Winchester, as we learn by the following card from the Bulletin, a similar plan has been adopted. The purpose aimed at is commendable in the highest degree, and will receive the plaudits of the patriotic portion of every community. Have we no men of means hereabouts, who will establish the same kind of house in Fayetteville? [sic] An effort in that direction would place its projectors at the head of the list in point of character in the estimation of the people and army. Who will undertake it? We are willing to all the advertising for the enterprise, free of charge. [sic] Here is the card above referred to:
Winchester, Te. [sic], June 15, 1863.
EDITOR BULLETIN: - Permit me to state, through your paper, that in a few days the association formed in this county to relieve the people, as far as possible, from the evils of enormous speculation, will have o­n hand for sale, at cost, [sic] about 100 sacks of salt. Permit me further to say, for the fact ought to be know and is worthy of emulation, that the people are indebted to Messrs. B. F. McGhee, Tilman Arlegde, and A. R. David for the benefits they will thus obtain. These gentlemen had brought the salt and were immediately offered a profit o­n it which would have amounted to $1,500, and, indeed, a sale of the salt at the present prices, in this town would have made them three thousand dollars, but upon these gentlemen being assured that a few of our citizens were making an earnest effort, upon a plan deemed feasible, to get up a store of necessaries (for the benefit of the county) to be sold at cost, they at o­nce turned this salt over to the agent of this association at cost, [sic] and the salt will be sold at cost.
Such acts ought to be examples for others. They are certainly worthy of imitation.
Very truly,
A. S. Colyar [1]
Fayetteville Observer, June 25, 1863.
[1] Perhaps Colyar was so generous because of his political ambitions and in so doing he "bought" the good will of voters in the 7th District.

"These gentlemen had brought the salt and were immediately offered a profit o­n it which would have amounted to $1,500, and, indeed, a sale of the salt at the present prices, in this town would have made them three thousand dollars...."



25, "Root Hog or Die."
On Line street, in the vicinity of College street, there perambulates a large and hungry-looking specimen of the genus porcine, feminine gender. In the same locality lives a feminine negro [sic], the maternal ancestor of sundry little nigs [sic], who amuse themselves by playing on the street. Yesterday the party of the first party took a fancy to the rear part of the smallest specimen of the party of the second part. The little nig [sic] was pushed down - the hog seized him and ran, mother, children and friends running, following in the chase. Away they go, the hog holding on to the little nigger [sic], and the excitement running high, until at length a white man seized an axe with which he gave the hog a terrible blow upon the head. A grunt of pain followed, and the little nig [sic] fell, his anxious mother picking him up, and washing his dirty face with tears of joy at his deliverance from the jaws of the enemy.
Nashville Dispatch, June 25, 1864

Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

22, Capture of U.S. Mail by Morgan's forces near Dixon's Springs, between Gallatin and Carthage
No circumstantial reports filed. 
LEXINGTON, June 22, 1863--10.55 a. m.
Information from [Brig. Gen. Henry M.] Judah, from Gallatin, and from Rosecrans all concur that rebels under Morgan, about 3,000 or 4,00 strong, crossed the river near Rome. They captured part of the mail guard from Gallatin to Carthage. At Dixon's Springs private mail captured; public mail escaped.
A party is reported crossing at Celina also. Judah has two scouts of 250 men each, which will receive information that is definite. Shackelford is notified, and Judah will move one of the brigades to Scottsville, the other to Tomkinsville, keeping up communication between them; he will thus be able to turn in any direction. The Eleventh Kentucky has arrived at Carthage. My principal fear is for that place. Rosecrans may send assistance. Will keep you promptly informed of movements there.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 442



22, Confederate Governor Isham G. Harris' call to arms at the meeting of the Tennessee Confederate Nominating Convention held in Winchester
EXECUTIVE OFFICE, Chattanooga, Tenn., July 24, 1863.*
Hon. JAMES A. SEDDON, War Department:
SIR: Immediately upon the receipt of your requisition of [June 6] for 6,000 men for local defense and special service I issued the inclosed proclamation, under which a large number of companies were being organized when the Army of Tennessee, fell back from Shelbyville to the line of the Tennessee River, leaving all of Middle and West Tennessee within the enemy's lines, and cutting off the companies which were being formed in these division of the State. At present we have access only to the people of East Tennessee, about half of whom sympathize with our enemy. The recent order of the President calling out all men capable of bearing arms up to forty-five years of age, for the regular service, leaves us only such as are over that age. With our territory so much diminished and the call confined to that class over forty-five years of age (for, since the order of the President, I have excluded all parties under forty-five from this service, except such as are exempt from conscription), I have no hope of raising the 6,000 troops called for as volunteers within the time specified. Nor, indeed, can I raise that number of volunteers within the limits of East Tennessee at all; and under the laws of Tennessee I have no power to draft men over forty-five years of age for Confederate service.
Previous to the act of the Legislature of 1861--'62 men over forty-five years of age were not subject to military duty of any character. The act of that session (a copy of which I herewith inclose) authorizes the organization of all men between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five years into a military corps for State service.
I submit the facts and the law to your consideration for such suggestion as you may see proper to make in the premises, having every disposition to carry out the policy of the Government, whatever it may be, to raise all the troops possible for the defense of our territory and the maintenance of our cause. I shall proceed immediately to organize all within our lines between these ages who do not volunteer for local defense, and if you can suggest any legal means by which they can be drafted for Confederate service, I will promptly enforce the order for such number as you may require.
I shall have reported for duty by the 1st of August between, 1,000 and 2,000 men raised under this proclamation. Where will they be armed and who will take command of this special service corps? I respectfully suggest the appointment of an officer with the rank of brigadier-general or colonel to take command and general supervision of this special-service corps of each State, and if this policy shall be adopted I respectfully suggest and recommend W. C. Whitthorne, the present adjutant-general of Tennessee, for the appointment in this State. He will make an efficient officer in organizing and commanding the force.
I shall be pleased to have your suggestions at your earliest convenience, so that I may carry them out to the fullest extent of my ability.
Very respectfully
ISHAM G. HARRIS, Governor, &c., of Tennessee
[Inclosure No. 1.]
The President of the Confederate States has made a requisition upon Tennessee for 6,000 troops for the term of six months from the 1st of August next under the provisions of an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for local defense and special service," a copy of which is hereto appended.** These troops will be mustered into the service of the Confederate States, but held for the defense of their own homes, and in no event will they be ordered beyond the limits of this State.
This force must be composed of men over forty years of age, or such as from other causes are not liable to conscription, and if not raised by volunteering by or before the 1st day of August next, must be then immediately raised by a draft upon that part of the militia between the ages of forty and fifty-five years.
As volunteers you will have the right to organize your companies, battalions, and regiments by the election of such officers, as you may prefer.
You will be permitted to remain at your homes engaged in your ordinary avocations until such emergency shall arise as to make it necessary to order you to the field.
You will be armed, and while on duty under orders will be paid and subsisted as other Confederate troops.
When the emergency which called you to the field shall have passed, you will be relieved from duty and return to your homes and ordinary pursuits your pay and subsistence being stopped until you are ordered again to the field.
Volunteer companies, battalions, or regiments of infantry or mounted men who furnish their own horses will be accepted.
If drafted from the militia you will be placed in such infantry organizations as the authorities may deem best, and will most probably be continued on duty during the entire term of service.
The muster-rolls of volunteer companies must distinctly set forth that the company is raised for local defense and special service within the State of Tennessee for the term of six months.
You will return your muster-rolls to the adjutant-general of the State immediately upon the organization of a company of not less than sixty-four privates, with such officers as are required by law.
If said companies are organized into battalions or regiments previous to being mustered into service, they will elect their field officers; but if mustered into service as companies, the President will appoint battalion or regimental officers.
The enemy has shown that he fears to meet our gallant and invincible armies in the field unless he outnumbers us two or three to one.
He has therefore resorted to a system of raids upon unarmed neighborhoods for the purpose of devastating and pillaging the country, destroying our resources, and laying waste our homes.
Men of Tennessee! if you would resist these raids, predatory bands, and incendiaries of the enemy, organize at once and stand ready to repel or crush them.
If you would protect your private property, defend your wives and children, your personal liberty, your national independence, and your lives, organize at once and stand ready to strike for them.
Let the beardless boy and the hoary-headed father organize for the defense of their altars, their homes, and all that is dear to freemen.
Let the gallant men who have been disabled by the exposure and hardships of the camp or the casualties of bloody fields give to these new organizations the benefit of their experience and example.
Let every man who ocean wield a musket or draw a sword, who is so situated that he cannot swell the ranks of our Army for constant duty, organize at once for home defense and special service.
While I may justly claim, without the fear of successful contradiction, that Tennessee has already furnished to the Army of the Confederate States more troops in proportion to population than any State in the Confederacy, and in proportion to numbers engaged upon most of our battle-fields Tennessee soldiers have bled even more freely than those of other States-much as she has already done in this struggle for national independence, I am proud to know that she is able and willing to do more, and that she will persevere to the end of the struggle, however long or bloody it may be.
I therefore appeal to you by every consideration of patriotism personal interest, personal reputation, national independence, and the high character you have hitherto borne as citizens of the "Volunteer State" to rise up as one man, organize, rally to the standard of your Government, and in the majesty of your power make the invader feel that every hilltop bristles with the bayonets of freedom and every mountain pass has become a Thermopylae.
Give him a new and stronger proof of the fact that we stand as a unit, deeply solemnly, and irrevocably resolved on preserving independence at any and at every cost; that the march of the invader and the rule of despotism will be resisted at every step now and forever as long as there is a man or a boy in Tennessee who can pull a trigger, wield, a blade, or raise a finger in defiant resistance.
With this spirit prevailing our whole people, under the providence of a just God, we will at no distant day be blessed with independence, peace, and prosperity.
In testimony thereof I have hereunto signed my name and caused the greater seal of the State to be affixed, at Winchester on this the 22d day of June, A. D. 1863.
By the Governor:
J. E. R. RAY, Secretary of State.
[Inclosure No. 2.]
AN ACT to amend an act to raise, organize, and equip a provisional force, and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Gen. Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the white male population of the State between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall constitute the reserved military corps thereof. Said corps shall be organized and called into service, and shall be subject to duty upon the call of the Governor; and this organization of the reserved corps shall continue for and during the existence of the war now being waged with the United States. That all the able-bodied white male population of this State between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five years shall be organized under the provisions of this act into a military corps for the defense of the State; but said corps, or any portion of it, shall not be called into actual service until after all of the reserved corps provided by this act shall have been called into actual service; nor shall this corps be called into actual service for a longer period, at any one time, than six months, nor be transferred, or detailed or drafted into the service of the Confederate States. And after this corps shall be organized they may determine the times and places of their company, battalion, and regimental drills.
* * * *
Passed March 18, 1862
E. A. KEEBLE, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
EDWARD S. CHEATHAM, Speaker of the Senate.
OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 2, pp. 666-670.***
*Ed. note – the date is correct. Harris refers to the document of June 22, 1863, as well as March 18, 1862. These documents are included here inasmuch as the most important of them, that of June 22, 1863, falls into the chronology best at this juncture.
**See OR, Ser. II, Vol, I, p. 579. .
***See Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1862.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

21, "Let us show them that we are as fruitful in expedients to preserve life, as are terrible in avenging our wrongs;" a patriotic appeal to southern women to produce homespun clothing 
From the [Nashville] Republican Banner
Provision for the future -- "Something for the Women of the South to Consider."
We desire to call the especial attention of our reader and also of our contemporaries of the Southern press, to the important suggestions made in the following letter, written by one of the leading men in the State -- one who fully comprehends our situation, and is as competent as any other to anticipate the future: 
Editor Banner: -- I beg to leave to trouble your readers with a few practical, but as I deem them, very important considerations. Tennessee is now fully committed to a state of war with Mr. Lincoln, and had pledged her whole strength upon this issue. The struggle will be arduous and deadly -- perhaps protracted. I am not one of those who fear the final result, but I am forced to look to the ways and means. Some opportunity of knowing our public resources, and the radical change in our relations in trade, brought about by the action of the State, induced me to call the attention of the whole people to necessity of providing future supplies of clothing but the means of domestic industry. There was a time in the history of the State, when nine-tenths of our population were habitually clad in home-spuns. This was necessary, because no other resources were at their command. Now that same necessity is pressing upon us. -- that same necessity is pressing upon us. -- Few goods have been brought from the North this Spring, owing to our troubles. We are soon to be blockaded on all sides, so that we will be driven to self-reliance. Are we equal to the occasion? I say we are. Our mothers and sisters all over the State, will at once resurrect their wheels and spinning machines and looms, and make them teem with linsey, jeans and domestic, to clothe their husbands and brothers who are fighting the battles of the country, as well as themselves. And let no ladies feel humiliation in turning her hand to his divine task of patriotism, or in being clothed in fair cheeks, the product of her own toil. I would that every man, woman and child in the State, were this day covered with the homely garb of our ancestors! There would be a moral power in the spectacle, but I am not I pursuit of a mere fancy. Where, I ask, are your soldiers to get their supply of clothing next fall, unless it is manufactured at home? It is not that we may want the money to buy with, but the material cannot be imported. We must make it, or the soldiers must suffer -- and now is the time to begin. Let no one wait for another, but let all alike, rich and poor, at once, and without a moment's delay, inaugurate the good work, and the busy hum of their industry. In this way our women can become benefactors, and help us fight the great battle before us. The soldier will bless the beautiful lass who was not to proud to labor for him, while he was toiling and periling life [sic] for his country. But I wish to say a word to the men who remain at home. Make all the leather you can, for it will all be needed. Let not a foot of ground lie dormant but make it yield something for subsistence. Our enemies say they will starve us out -- that we will soon be naked and famishing, and compelled to surrender. Let us show them that we are as fruitful in expedients to preserve life, as are terrible in avenging our wrongs. I say then to all, mothers, sisters, wives and sweethearts, fathers, brothers and sons, beset  yourselves without hesitation! Let us all pull together in the glorious work of defending the State against the enemy, and feel that in doing so, we are indulging in privilege rather than performing a task. Messrs. Editors, I merely intended to call attention to these matters of grave moment, and I would thank you to give your brother editors of the Sate a hint to insert this communication in their columns. It may do good.
Nashville, June 11, 1861
As cited in: Clarksville Chronicle, June 21, 1861.



 21, "I do say I never imagined people could live so." An aristocrat visits mountain folk near Beersheba Springs
* * * *
Yesterday we rode out to see some of the "mountain people." I do say I never imagined people could live so. One house was clean – but everything seemed to be dropped just where they were done using it, and left there until they wanted to use it again. Somehow I never conceived of anything so wholly untidy and uncomfortable….Mrs. Armfiled said these people were the "aristocracy" of the mountain and she took me to see them as a curiosity. The strangest thing to me was that they showed not the slightest embarrassment, but appeared to think themselves all right, and just a good as anybody living. At Walker's we found a young soldier home on furlough and it was astonishing to see how the service had improved him, and how much better he appeared than his surroundings.

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, June 22, 1863


21, "…from under the crinoline of the fair ones were taken four large revolvers." Frank M. Guernsey's letter home to Fannie
Memphis, Tenn
June 21st, 1863
Well, Fannie dear, how do you do.
I have been sitting here in my tent this pleasant evening thinking of home and Thee, and listening to the varied sounds of the camp, as they are borne to my ear by the gentle evening breeze; in one part of the camp is heard the shout and laugh of the boys engaged in some frolic, in an other part and directly in front of my tent is a club engaged in singing glees and sacred music, it sounds very good, and brings to my memory the evening I spent with two of my dear friends on the shores of our lake, do you remember the time Fannie.
There has nothing hapened [sic] to disturbe [sic] the even tenor of our ways since I wrote you before. Yesterday the Rebs come a grab game on some of our Cavalry and took quite a number prisoners. They were the fifth Ohio I believe. I understood they were feeding their horses, when they were surprised and taken. There was quite a laughable affair happened on our Picket line to day. There has been strict orders issued to search every one passing out through our lines to see that no smuggled goods pass. To day a man drove up to the Picket with an old horse and wagon with two quite pretty women in, and wanted to go through, they of course had to undergo a search there was nothing found on the man, but from under the crinoline of the fair ones were taken four large revolvers; they were arrested and sent to Camp where a more thorough examination took place by the Hospital matron.[emphasis added]  She also found four large revolvers, making eight in all, which these pinks of perfection were trying to smuggle through to the Rebs. They were all loaded and ready for use. I tell you what Fannie, if all women are walking magazines as these were I shall look out, and keep clear of them, for there is no telling when they will explode.
I commenced this letter Saturday evening and it is now Monday and it is not finished yet. I got my mouth all made up for a letter from you this morning, but somehow or other it did not come. I guess I shall get it to-morrow morning. Our Col. is sick and gone home again to Wis. the adjutant has not yet returned although his leave of absence expired a week ago, consequently it is folly for me to think of getting home yet awhile, so Fannie you need not hope to see me until the war is closed, which will probably be in about five years. Is not that encouraging? There is some talk of mounting this Regiment. I hope it will be done as I am getting tired of this kind of soldiering. If I have got to fight I want to be at it. I suppose I am rather impatient but I am of such a mercurial temperament that this inactivity is nearly as hard for me as an acting campaign in the field. No news from Vicksburg yet. I guess they are going to make an all summer job of it. The Rebs are making a desperate effort to throw off the folds which are tightening slowly but surely around them. But my sheet is nearly filled and I have written all I can think of so I will close. Please give my love to all your people, write soon and believe me affectionately yours. 
Frank M.G.
Frank M. Guernsey Collection, University of Memphis Library, Special Collections



21, "I do say I never imagined people could live so." An aristocrat visits mountain folk near Beersheba Springs
* * * *

Yesterday we rode out to see some of the "mountain people." I do say I never imagined people could live so. One house was clean – but everything seemed to be dropped just where they were done using it, and left there until they wanted to use it again. Somehow I never conceived of anything so wholly untidy and uncomfortable….Mrs. Armfield said these people were the "aristocracy" of the mountain and she took me to see them as a curiosity. The strangest thing to me was that they showed not the slightest embarrassment, but appeared to think themselves all right, and just a good as anybody living. At Walker's we found a young soldier home on furlough and it was astonishing to see how the service had improved him, and how much better he appeared than his surroundings.
War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, June 22, 1863

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

20, Excerpt from a letter written at Camp Trousdale; Dr. U. G. Owen, 20th Tennessee, to his wife, Laura
Camp Trousdale, June 20th [18]61
Mrs. U.G. Owen
My Dearly beloved & Sweet Wife  
* * * *
I hope you are well satisfied. live well & enjoy yourself at your father's. Laura a camp life is hard, bread & meat to eat, no milk nor butter, although we get a good deal of eatables [sic] from the country, every day some of the boys getting boxes from home. Several [of] our company have been home. Several have been sick. We have a plenty of fine cold water, best spring in the state. I was beaten for Asst. Surgeon by one vote the officers only voted. Prof A Win, Maj Duffy, [sic] & Capt Rucker [sic] left for me & went home but my opponents took that advantage and would not let their votes be put in-that beat me-there is a good deal [of] excitement about it in the Regiment. Some want the Election contested because it was thought wrong. The Regiment [al officers] say that justly I am the choice. Colonel. Battle says I must have some position in the Army as a Surgeon if the war goes on. [sic] I have had an offer of a position in the Hospital. [sic] I don't know whether I will take it or not yet.
We have about six thousand men in Camp Trousdale. Several big dances every night, great excitement all the time, amusement of every kind on earth you could think of. Great many ladies [sic] visit us from the country dance &c. There is [sic] about 1500 tents stretched here it looks like a city-it is quite beautiful to see it.
We have quite a bad place to write letters-some write on drum [sic] heads some on their laps on boxes &c. We had quite a fine dinner today. Capt. Rucker brought some boxes with him. Laura [sic] the boys are worse than children about something to eat. Sometimes we get molasses, we get coffee & sugar, biscuits without lard or soda.  We soldiers make very rough biscuits. No knives & forks. We have a tin pan plate a tin cup, a tin canteen and a leather strap across our shoulder to carry water in to drink when far from water.
My dear Laura I tell you that the world has no charms for me when separated from my dear sweet little wife. [sic] God bless you.... I will try to get home by July or before. Some are very anxious to go home, but all seem to enjoy themselves very well. Some have deserted. We have some prisoners under guard now who deserted but were caught and will be tried as deserters. Dear I will try to discharge my duty as a soldier. I will not do anything to disgrace you nor myself.  I will die in the field of battle Rather  than Return disgracefull [sic]. [sic] 
Our sleeping is rather bad. I did not get but one blanket-nothing but a common blanket. My throat has been a little sore. With this exception I have enjoyed fine health. I lost my pin cushion & needles &c. I want you to make me another one....
Dear I Don't know how long we will remain at Camp Trousdale. We may be ordered from here soon. I may fall in battle in less than two months. If I do I will be a little ahead of all the rest of mankind on the road we all must travel. I hope to see you once more on earth but if I do not I want you to try [to] live honest & upright during [the] time of your widowhood & be ready at all times to die for a better world than this & finally get to heaven where parting is no more....
.... your unworthy servant,
Dr. U. G. Owen
Dr. U.G. Owen to Laura Owen, June 20, 1861. 

Enoch L. Mitchell, ed., "Letters of a Confederate Surgeon in the Army of Tennessee to His Wife," Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. IV, no. 4 (December 1945), pp. 341-343; continued Vol. V, no. 1 (March 1946), pp. .60-81 and Vol. V, no. 2 (June,1946), pp. 142-181. [Hereinafter cited as: Dr. U. G. Owen to Laura].



Loyalty and ice in Memphis
The Herald of the 20th of June contains three columns of revelations upon the encouraging developments of "Loyalty" to Lincoln in Memphis, and states that citizens are rebel soldiers are coming to "take the oath"  at the rate of 350 per day. What is strange, however, unlike Lincoln, Seward, and Gen. Scott, they do not take it with ice. Notwithstanding there is a great abundance of ice in Memphis. All these columns of brags are wound up with the following extract from the Memphis Argus:
The Demand For Ice.-Never since Memphis attained the dimension of a city has as little demand existed for ice at present. Some of our dealers in the article have full warehouses, and their daily  sales amount to comparatively nothing. o­ne dealer informs us that although at this time last year his sales amounted daily to between and twenty tons, now the scarcely reach a ton. Ice is receiving the cold shoulder this season.
Think of that! With a Federal army in Memphis to aid the consumption. Is it not too plain to be misunderstood, that such is the popular detestation of the Lincolnites in Memphis that the people drink warm river water, rather than cool it with ice brought Northern invaders!
Macon Daily Telegraph, July 1, 1862



20, "I think it was too bad to shoot the poor fellow. The mistake was made in enlisting him in the first place." A Wisconsin soldier witnesses an execution in Murfreesboro
Murfreesboro Tenn.
June 20th

Dear friend,
Our Division was called upon today to participate in the execution, by shooting, of a soldier for desertion. He belonging to the 4th Ind. battery of our brigade and deserted to the enemy while we were out on a scout a few weeks ago. He was recaptured within twenty-four hours, dressed in a confederate uniform, claiming to belong to John Morgan's command. He was tried by Court-Martial and sentenced to be shot today. The entire division was formed into two lines, each facing the other about ten paces apart. The prisoner, under a strong guard, was made to walk the length of these lines. Four men marched behind him carrying his coffin. Upon arriving at the prepared grave the coffin was set down, he was made to kneel beside it, his sentence was read to him, a cap was drawn over his face, the order was given to "Fire" and the full penalty for desertion had been paid in his case. I knew this boy - only about seventeen years of age - he was physically weak, and regarded as a rather weak-minded, and this was evident by the fact that he enlisted with the enemy so near to our lines. He appeared to be incapable of realizing that he had done anything wrong. I think it was too bad to shoot the poor fellow. The mistake was made in enlisting him in the first place.
J. M. Randall
LETTERS & DIARIES: The James M. Randall Diary

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012

Swam 200 mini laps.

June 19 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

19, General Orders, No. 7, relative to prohibition of beer sales in Memphis
Drunkenness upon the streets has become so common that it is a disgrace to the army now occupying the city.
Hereafter the sale of ale and larger beer is prohibited, and the Provost Guard is instructed to arrest all persons guilty of a violation of this order.
James R. Slack, Provost Marshal

Memphis Daily Union Appeal, July 4, 1862.



19-20, Federal forces repulsed from Knoxville and burn railroad bridges over Flat Creek and at Strawberry Plains
No circumstantial reports filed. 
KNOXVILLE, June 22, 1863.
Gen. BRAXTON BRAGG, Shelbyville:
The enemy appeared near Knoxville on the 19th, and attacked on 20th. Were repulsed. They burned the railroad bridges at Flat Creek and Strawberry Plains. Please grant permission to [A. L.] Maxwell, bridge-builder, to rebuild them at once.
S. B. BUCKNER, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p 882.



    19, Amphibious engagement at Cerro Gordo, U.S.N.
Report of Acting Ensign Hanford, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Robb, regarding an engagement at Cerro Gordo, Tenn., June 19, 1863.
U. S. GUNBOAT ROBB, Fort Hindman, Ky., June 24, 1863.

SIR: I send you a report of the action that took place o­n the morning of the 19th instant at Cerro Gordo, resulting in the loss of 1 of my men and 2 severely wounded:
On the afternoon of the 18th I suggested to Captain Hurd the possibility of catching some of [Colonel] Biffle's men if I placed a couple of pieces of artillery at Cerro Gordo, opposite to where they came, and fired across the river during the departure of gunboats from that place. It met Captain Hurd's approval. In the evening I got a horse and rode down to Cerro Gordo, in order to pick out a good situation for the battery. Having found o­ne to suit me, I returned and got my guns mounted o­n field carriages, and at 10 p.m. started down, and had everything fixed ready, taking particular care to double-picket all the roads to guard against surprise. I sent to man the battery 16 of my best man. It was my instruction in the morning to run down to Saltillo, 5 miles, in order to give the rebs a good chance to come in.
On the morning of the 19th, about 4:30, I heard my guns firing. The Silver Cloud and myself started down, where we found that Biffle had made a charge o­n the battery with 400 men, but my men were prepared for them and opened their ranks well. I have learned since, but it is o­nly a picked-up report, that Biffle lost 50 killed and wounded. I believe that their loss was about that, as they charged four abreast (dismounted) and came to within 20 yards of the cannon's mouth, while canister was being fired into them like rain. 1 lost, killed, Cranford I. Hill (fireman), and buried him at Craven's landing: Madison M. Hill (second gunner), and John N. Matthews (quartermaster), severely wounded. These I have sent to Smith's and to their homes.
Too much credit can not be awarded to the men who manned the battery. They did their duty faithfully.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. C. HANFORD, Commanding Robb. 
Acting Rear-Admiral DAVID D. PORTER, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. 
NOR, Ser. I, Vol. 25, pp. 188-189.



June 19 1865: Slaves declared free in state of Texas. Celebrated each year in Texas, mostly by people of color, as the holiday Juneteenth."

JUNETEENTH.  By Teresa Palomo Acosta

On June 19 ("Juneteenth"), 1865, Union general Gordon Granger read the Emancipation Proclamation in Galveston, thus belatedly bringing about the freeing of 250,000 slaves in Texas. The tidings of freedom reached slaves gradually as individual plantation owners read the proclamation to their bondsmen over the months following the end of the war. The news elicited an array of personal celebrations, some of which have been described in The Slave Narratives of Texas (1974). The first broader celebrations of Juneteenth were used as political rallies and to teach freed African Americans about their voting rights. Within a short time, however, Juneteenth was marked by festivities throughout the state, some of which were organized by official Juneteenth committees.

The day has been celebrated through formal thanksgiving ceremonies at which the hymn "Lift Every Voice" furnished the opening. In addition, public entertainment, picnics, and family reunions have often featured dramatic readings, pageants, parades, barbecues, and ball games. Blues festivals have also shaped the Juneteenth remembrance. In Limestone County, celebrants gather for a three-day reunion organized by the Nineteenth of June Organization. Some of the early emancipation festivities were relegated by city authorities to a town's outskirts; in time, however, black groups collected funds to purchase tracts of land for their celebrations, including Juneteenth. A common name for these sites was Emancipation Park. In Houston, for instance, a deed for a ten-acre site was signed in 1872, and in Austin the Travis County Emancipation Celebration Association acquired land for its Emancipation Park in the early 1900s; the Juneteenth event was later moved to Rosewood Park. In Limestone County the Nineteenth of June Association acquired thirty acres, which has since been reduced to twenty acres by the rising of Lake Mexia.

Particular celebrations of Juneteenth have had unique beginnings or aspects. In the state capital Juneteenth was first celebrated in 1867 under the direction of the Freedmen's Bureau and became part of the calendar of public events by 1872. Juneteenth in Limestone County has gathered "thousands" to be with families and friends. At o­ne time 30,000 blacks gathered at Booker T. Washington Park, known more popularly as Comanche Crossing, for the event. o­ne of the most important parts of the Limestone celebration is the recollection of family history, both under slavery and since. Another of the state's memorable celebrations of Juneteenth occurred in Brenham, where large, racially mixed crowds witness the annual promenade through town. In Beeville, black, white, and brown residents have also joined together to commemorate the day with barbecue, picnics, and other festivities. 
Juneteenth declined in popularity in the early 1960s, when the civil-rights movement, with its push for integration, diminished interest in the event. In the 1970s African Americans' renewed interest in celebrating their cultural heritage led to the revitalization of the holiday throughout the state. At the end of the decade Representative Al Edwards, a Democrat from Houston, introduced a bill calling for Juneteenth to become a state holiday. The legislature passed the act in 1979, and Governor William P. Clements, Jr., signed it into law. The first state-sponsored Juneteenth celebration took place in 1980.

Juneteenth has also had an impact outside the state. Black Texans who moved to Louisiana and Oklahoma have taken the celebration with them. In 1991 the Anacostia Museum of the Smithsonian Institution sponsored "Juneteenth '91, Freedom Revisited," featuring public speeches, African-American arts and crafts, and other cultural programs. There, as in Texas, the state of its origin, Juneteenth has provided the public the opportunity to recall the milestone in human rights the day represents for African Americans. 
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Randolph B. Campbell, "The End of Slavery in Texas: A Research Note," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 88 (July 1984). Doris Hollis Pemberton, Juneteenth at Comanche Crossing (Austin: Eakin Press, 1983). Vertical Files, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin. William H. Wiggins, Jr., O Freedom! Afro-American Emancipation Celebrations (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1987). David A. Williams, The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 and the Emancipation Proclamation, Texas Style (June 19, 1865) (Austin: Williams Independent Research Enterprises, 1979).

Teresa Palomo Acosta

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

15, A soldier's prayer, and entry in the diary of Charles Alley
Ordered out this morning with three days rations and 110 rounds of ammunition to the man. This looks as though it was meant we should pay or respect to the enemy while we are out. Lord make us to be successful and enable us to go forth trusting in Thee, and giving Thee the Glory of every success, and for me – be my shield and buckler in the day of battle, and if I too should lie on the bloody field – may my spirit be caught up to thy throne in heaven and then all with me shall forever be well. May thy [sic] love and blessing go with my adopted country still – with my dear old mother country and with all that I have ever been kind or even unkind in both quiet a thunder shower last night [sic].

Alley Diary



15, Entry from Alice Williamson's Diary, Sumner County
In all the doings of the Yanks their fiendish acts today will ballance [sic] them all. They brought a man in today and hung him up by the thumbs to make him tell where he came from: he told them but they would not believe him. He fainted three times. They took him down at three o'clock to shoot him I have not heard whether they did so or not. They would neither give him food or water though he begged for the latter often. This was done by order of "the Nicklen."
Williamson Diary



ca. June 15, 1864, Rout of Confederates at Broylesville*
No circumstantial reports filed.

Report of Capt. Robert Morrow, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., U. S. Army.
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO, Knoxville, Tenn., July 15, 1864.
GEN.: Capt. G. W. Kirk, Third North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, has just returned from a highly successful expedition into Western North Carolina. The following is a correct summary of the results of the expedition: He marched with about 130 men from Morristown o­n the 13th of June, and proceeded, via Bull's Gap. Greeneville, Tenn., and Crab Orchard, to Camp Vance, within six miles of Morganton, N. C. At Broylesville, Tenn., he met the enemy, routing them, with a loss of 1 commissioned officer and 10 men killed; number of wounded unknown....
* * * *

Capt. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 234.

[* Ed. note - Broylesville is in southwestern Washington County, very close to the Greene County line.]

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

 14-15, 1862, Expedition, protection and reconstruction duty over M&C railroad, State Line Road from Memphis to Moscow to Wolf River to Saulsbury to Bolivar

Gen. LEW. WALLACE, Memphis, Tenn.:
SIR: I arrived here with my whole division yesterday, and Gen. Hurlbut is at Grand Junction to-day. I will start working parties to repair the Memphis and Charleston Railroad immediately, and would like you to examine the Somerville Branch and meet us at Moscow to-morrow with any hand cars that can be found.
I would be obliged to you if you would give me such information as you possess of the position of yours and McClernand's troops
Respectfully, your obedient servant
W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen.
Brig.-Gen. DENVER, Comdg. Third Brigade:
SIR: You will march with your command early to-morrow morning o­n the State Line road to Moscow, examine into the state of damages o­n the Memphis and Charleston road where it crosses the valley of Wolf River, and do all things possible to restore it to a running condition as soon as possible, to which end you are authorized to call upon palters in the neighborhood for negroes, oxen, wagons, or whatever is necessary to a speedy restoration of the road.
Two companies of Dickey's cavalry will be ordered to report to you this evening for orders.

By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman


Brig. Gen. STEPHEN A. HURLBUT, Comdg. Fourth Division, Grand Junction:

SIR: The chief purpose of our being here is to cover the reconstruction of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, so as to open up communication from Corinth by way of Jackson, Grand Junction, &c., to Memphis. To this end I have called o­n the planters here for a force to repair two pieces of trestle-work destroyed here, and to-morrow Gen. Denver will move forward to Moscow to commence the repairs there, and in anticipation of your arrival at Grand Junction I instructed Mr. Smith, and extensive planter there, to call upon his neighbors for a force adequate to repair the road up till he meets a party coming down.
I have already had a messenger at Bolivar, who reports two regiments of Lew. Wallace's command there under command of Col. Sanderson, but his information about the railroad an telegraph repairs is so scant that I wish you would send up another party o­n that especial business and to urge forward telegraph as rapidly as possible. I look to you to picket strongly the Ripley road to the southeast and the Holly Springs road at Davis' Mill; also at o­nce open a direct road from your camp to La Grange, if there be not already o­ne.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
HDQRS. RESERVE CORPS, Bethel, Tenn., June 15, 1862.
Maj. Gen. LEW WALLACE, Comdg. Third Division:
GEN.: Your dispatch dated June 12, 1862, announcing your safe arrival at Union Station, was received last evening by courier. I am directed by Gen. McClernand to say that he congratulates you o­n the success of your expedition and its safe arrival at a point where you can readily reach supplies, you having been advised by a previous dispatch to draw your supplies for that part of your command from Memphis as soon as it was practicable to do so. To-day we are moving our headquarters to Jackson, at which point you will communicate with me by telegraph from the nearest point. At present the telegraph is working to Bolivar.
C. T. HOTCHKISS, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
Brig. Gen. STEPHEN A. HURLBUT, Grand Junction:
GEN.: Yours of this morning has been received and ready to the general, who is quite unwell and trying to keep quiet. He is glad to know that you have got through so well. Forage you must obtain by purchase from the people of the country; give receipts for the articles taken, which the owner will hand to the division quartermaster and receive vouches. We can't send you a portion of our train to furnish subsistence until communication opens.
Gen. Denver has moved his entire brigade up to Moscow, where he will attend to the repairs of the road.
* * * * 
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. H. HAMMOND, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 9-11.



 14, 1863, A trip o­n the Memphis to Charleston Railroad
Dangers of the Charleston Railroad. - The following from a lady correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, dated May 29, give a lively idea of the delights of traveling nowadays:
We left Memphis about eight o'clock yesterday morning and traveled rather slowly for some distance. We had not gone more that twenty miles before a report reached us that the track had been torn up just ahead, and a large rebel force [was] in waiting. This news was received about six miles from Germantown, form which place scouts had been sent out. More of our men were at Collierville, four miles ahead, and at this distance from the last named place, we found the track torn up truly enough. Our guard was instantly put under arms, and send forward to examine into the damage, while all o­n board were momentarily expecting an attack o­n the train. Captain S., who went forward, said he saw for our five of the guerrillas, but no more, and it was deemed advisable to repair the damage as quickly as possible and proceed o­n our journey.

Meanwhile the panic o­n board increase every moment. Several ladies were frightened half to death -- trembling, excited and in tears -- expecting to be shot or taken prisoners, and this within four miles of their husbands, who, they said, were stationed at Collierville. I endeavored to reason and calm them by saying alarm was useless, as we should retire at o­nce to Germantown, in case the guerrillas should make their appearance; but they were too thoroughly frightened to listen to any thing; and shortly afterward a colonel who was o­n board, came up and advised them to go over to a house a little distance from the road, where, if we be attacked, they might be comparatively safe. Of course, this confirmed the idea at o­nce of the impending danger, and they hastened rapidly away. I alone remained much to the surprise of all. My husband was o­n ahead with, the other officers and I reasoned at o­nce that were an attack to be made and our men to [sic] week to repulse it, our first movement would be to back the cars to Germantown for more troops, which movement would leave all who had taken refuse in the house of the mercy of the rebels. In answer to their urgent requests to have me accompany them, I stated the fact, and stated that I was not alarmed in any way. I did not believe any attack would be made. From all information that we could glean from the residents of this place, there had been but thirteen rebels there, and their numbers had been greatly exaggerated in the report we received below. Indeed, after this, I felt perfectly confident there was nothing to apprehend but the delay, and indulged in in [sic] a little quiet amusement over the fright of my more nervous neighbors. They regarded me as daring and reckless; indeed, I think some of them imagined I was slightly insane, to thing of running through alone, and braving, as they termed it, the "dangers of our awful situation."
An hour or less served to repair the road, and the whistle sounded to recall men and passengers for going forward. The came in from all directions, some running, some leisurely walking back, at perfect ease. Our party from the house ran for dear life, and reached us in as great a fright almost as when they left us.
A careful run of two miles brought us within our picket lines, stationed outside of Collierville, and then they were at rest. At Collierville they got off delighted, and we proceeded, fearing nor caring for anything but the dust.
We arrived here o­n time (forty minutes past six) and found everything going o­n as usual. There were scouting parties out, and others preparing every day for like, expeditions, in which they, in which they were generally very successful.
Memphis Bulletin, June 14, 1863.



14, "I want to tell you about our milk scare….;" letter of W. C. Tripp, Co. B, 44th Tennessee (CSA), to his wife
Bedford Co Tenn June the 14 1863 
Camp near Fairfield 
Dear Wife I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well at this time hopin [sic] that these few lines will find you all well and doing well I have nothing of importance to rite to you every thing is still in ferment there is no talk as yet a leaving here as I no of I dont know what to rite for I hant [sic] heard from you Since you got home from up here I request to here from you all one time more is you please this is the porest [sic] letter I have rote [sic] to you I looked for some of you up hear last night but I missed seeing any one of you I request you to come up as soon as you get your wheat cut. 

I want to tell you about our milk scare when we was on picket they was seventeen of us drink 96 canteens full of milk in too days and sum of the boys wish they had some more milk but I gest [sic] hit done mee [sic] more harm than good at the present time they was six of our mess our expense was twelve dollars in too days but I tell you we didnt [sic] have much meat with us to eat but we have seen little meat to eat since we came back Martha com up next Saturday we are going to have a big meeting hear I would bee glad to go with you to meeting one time more in this life tell Harris and Francis they come up and see me. 
Martha you must have my shoes made as soon as you can will need them in a short time have them made number 8 and don't [sic] have them made too heavy. The boys is all well as common the helth [sic] of the regiment is as good as common Thar [sic] was a order red out at dress parade last night to discharge any wounded men from the heavy artillery I was glad of that Ask Jones to send me my knife by the first that come up if Carnes has got hit yet I must bring my few lines to a close excuse my bad riting [sic] and spelling I want you to rite every chance you have so I must quit for a while I remain your husband until death. 
W.C. Tripp to Martha A. Tripp 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

     13-14, March to Grand Junction and occupation of La Grange


La Fayette Station, June 23, 1862.

Col. J. C. KELTON, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Corinth, Miss.:

SIR: The matters herein referred to, being special in their nature, I think should be addressed to you without going through the headquarters of Gen. Grant, now in motion for Memphis. The general and staff passed my camp this morning and will reach Memphis this evening.

On the 9th instant I received...instructions by telegraph to move...on Grand Junction, thence to detach strong working parties forward to repair the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, to use great care in securing my working parties, and to assure the inhabitants of all proper protection, &c....

* * * *

Repairing roads as we marched, we reached Grand Junction after night of the 13th. But there was no water there for troops, and o­n the morning of the 14th I occupied the town of La Grange, 3 miles west of Grand Junction....There were two pieces of destroyed trestle-work in the town of La Grange which I caused to be repaired as rapidly as possible....

* * * *

I am, with great respect, your obedient servant,

W.T. Sherman, Maj. Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 27-28.
Grand Junction, Tennessee

Seminary at LaGrange


13, Conditions from Strawberry Plains to Bristol; a request from East Tennessee for protection from Confederate guerrillas

Knoxville Ten 13th June 1864.
Gov. A. Johnson
Dr Sir,
At the request of very many of our up Countrymen I write to ask you to send us o­ne Regt. of East Ten: [sic] troops.
We understand that you control 2 or 3 Brigades in & around Nashville, hence this request.
The Country from Strawberry Plains to Bristol, is given over to the Rebels, & they control it with a small scouting force of 50. [sic] to 100-- Our Union Citizens who remain at home, many of them are not o­nly robed [sic]; but Shot down o­n their own door-cills [sic] in the presence of their families-- The Country is being desolated & depopulated & not o­ne fourth of a crop being raised for the next year--
Our harvest will be o­n hand in 15 or 20 days, and unless the up Country is protected, we cant [sic] possibly save our harvest, which upon average is not more than half a crop--
One Regt, at Bulls [sic] Gap of 6 or 800. E. Ten: [sic] troops Can be fed there by the R.R. & Can scout & protect the whole of Upper E. Ten to Bristol-- I entreat you, to at o­nce attend to this request if it be in you power to do so -- These people in a great measure, look to you for releif [sic] & will be greatly disappointed, if they fail to get it--
I am pleased with the Presidential Ticket, (and without intending to flatter) would have been better pleased with you at the head of the ticket--- Please let me hear from you o­n recpt [sic] of this--Say what you can do for us--
How long, before will a chance at reorganization? Let it come as soon as possible, but, not however 'till the country is cleared of Rebels above this[.]
Very truly Yr freind [sic], 
A. A. Kyle
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 735.

13, President Andrew Johnson declares the rebellion over in Tennessee

Whereas, it has been the desire of the Gen. Government of the United States to restore unrestricted commercial intercourse between and in the several States, as soon as the same could be safely done in view of resistance to the authority of the United States by combinations of armed insurgents:
*  *  *  *
And I hereby also proclaim and declare that the insurrection, so far it relates to and within the State of Tennessee, and the inhabitants of the said State of Tennessee as recognized and constituted under their recently adopted constitution and reorganization, and accepted by them, is suppressed; and therefore, also, that all the disabilities and disqualifications attaching to said State and the inhabitants thereof consequent upon any proclamations issued by virtue of the fifth section of the act entitled "An act further to provide for the collection of duties o­n imports, and for other purposes," approved the thirteenth day of July, o­ne thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, are removed.
But nothing herein contained shall be considered or construed as in any wise changing or impairing any of the penalties and forfeitures for treason heretofore incurred under the laws of the United States, or any of the provisions, restrictions, or disabilities set forth in my proclamation bearing date the twenty-ninth day of May, o­ne thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, or as impairing existing regulations for the suspension of the habeas corpus, and the exercise of military law in cases where it shall be necessary for the general public safety and welfare during the existing insurrection; nor shall his proclamation affect, or in any way impair, any laws heretofore passed by Congress, and duly approved by the President, or any proclamations or orders issued by him during the aforesaid insurrection, abolishing slavery, or in any way affecting the relations of slavery, whether of persons or [of] property; but, o­n the contrary, all such laws and proclamations heretofore made or issued are expressly saved and declared to be in full force in virtue.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord o­ne thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
[L. S.]
By the President:
WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
OR, Ser. III, Vol. 5, pp. 104-105