Saturday, May 2, 2015

5.2.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes




        2, Second Proclamation of the Memphis Committee of Safety


Unanimously passed by the committee of Safety of the City of Memphis.

Resolved, but the Committee of Safety of the City of Memphis, That all persons in our midst from abroad, may be assured that the whole power of this Committee will be exerted to maintain the safety of its persons and property, so long as no interference on their part be exercised against the affairs and institutions of the South.

F. Titus, Pres't.

F. W. Royster, Sec'y.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 2, 1861.[1]




        2, Hostile hospitality in Henry County; Captain Charles C. Nott, Fifth Iowa cavalry, encounters an antagonistic southern belle

The main body of our detachment arrived [in Paris] during the afternoon, and I was ordered with my squadron to the farm of a Mrs. Ayres, some three miles off. I had heard nothing of Mrs. Ayres, except that she was "a prominent secessionist," and quite wealthy; and three months' active cavalry service had quite accustomed me to riding into people's houses, and taking possession for the use of the Government. Yet I was rather taken aback, when a lady with grey hair and widow's weeds came out, as I rode up. I said that I regretted to intrude, but that I was ordered to stop there; and she said that it was very unpleasant; she and her daughter were alone, no gentleman in the house, and she wished we would go somewhere else. I explained that no one would come in the house or be guilty of any rudeness, and that she might feel perfectly safe. But she reiterated her request, and went on: "I am a secessionist, sir; I am opposed to the Union. I scorn to deny my principles. Of course you will do as you choose, sir. I am a woman, and unprotected, and you have a company of soldiers; I can offer no resistance,' etc., etc. I answered that I admired her sincerity, and cut the argument short by asking in which yard she preferred my putting the horses, and from which stacks we should get forage. There were woods to the right of the house; the men filed into them, and in a few minutes fires were lighted, horses picketed, and we were bivouacked for the night.

An hour or two elapsed, and I received a message that Mrs. Ayres wished to see me. I went in-the house was large and handsomely furnished, and she was evidently far superior in intelligence, education, and position, to the simple country people among whom we had hitherto been thrown. I afterwards learnt [sic] that one son was then at Richmond, a member of the Confederate Government, and another with Beauregard, at Corinth. I began the conversation by hoping that she had recovered from her alarm. She said, Oh, entirely," and that she had expected the officers in the house to tea, and that she had beds enough for them. I replied that I had promised that no one would intrude, and that I intended my promise to apply to myself as well as to my men. Mrs. Ayres hastened to say that it was no intrusion; that I must at least stay and spend the evening; she really could not allow me to go out in the dark and cold, while she had houseroom to offer. "My daughter plays," she said; "perhaps you like music." I said that I liked music exceedingly, and should be most happy to hear some, and as I was finishing my civil speech, Miss Ayres came in. She as a pretty girl of seventeen, and gave me an icy bow that said I was there by military power, and was no guest of hers. "Mary," said her mother, "Captain N. wishes to hear some music." The young lady gave another icy bow. There was a little black girl curled up in a corner near the fire. "Bell," said Miss Ayres, "Carry the candles into the other room." The little black girl uncurled herself, and seizing the candles, marched into the other room. There she placed the candles on the piano, and immediately popped under it and curled herself up again on the floor. I moved round, and took my position at one end of the piano, as an admiring listener should. It was a handsome instrument, and seemed like a friend, for I read on its plate, "Wm. Hall & Sons, New York." It had come from New York, and so had I. Miss Ayres took her music-book, and I waited for her to begin. She partly opened the book, then stopped, and looking deliberately at me, said, "Well sir, what must [sic] I play?" Had she slapped me in the face I should not have been more astounded. It was evident that she was in the same frame of mind her mother had been at the gate. But I had been so particularly civil that this cut was too unexpected. I felt my color rise, but kept my temper down, and inwardly resolved that her little ladyship should take this back before our acquaintance ended; so I answered, almost sweetly, that I would leave that to Miss Ayres' better taste! We had a little contest then, she trying to make me order something, and I trying to make her select the piece. It was a drawn game, and ended in her suggesting a couple of pieces, and my saying, "Either of them."

An hour passed very agreeably, and when I arose to go, all coolness has entirely vanished, and the invitation to stay was really cordial. But it was an inflexible rule with me, when on these expeditions, to sleep beside my guard, so I declined and, after thanking them, went out.

Nott, Sketches, pp. 112-115.

        2, Confederate guidelines for determining disloyalty in Bradley and Polk counties

HDQRS., Knoxville, Tenn., May 2, 1862.

J. R. TAYLOR, Esq., Deputy Provost-Marshal for Bradley and Polk Counties.

SIR: Your favor of the 30th ultimo has been received. I sent you some blank passports yesterday. In reference to parties visiting the near towns or border counties of Georgia for a few days you can issue them upon your own responsibility, but would advise you to be very rigid in questioning such applicants. When application is made for passports to visit any other State they must be referred to these headquarters. If you find parties from other districts you must demand their passports. If they have none they must satisfy you of their standing. If they know no one in your district and are suspicious characters they must refer you to some party in their own district to identify them. Make no arrests unless you are forced to do so by urgent necessity. Use your power with delicacy yet firmness; keep yourself well posted as regards the movements of suspicious Union men, and any important event transpiring communicate to these headquarters. If you should need any assistants report to me the names of efficient soldiers stationed or in your district of furlough. The salary of your office has not as yet been determined. Your rank is deputy provost-marshal. Allow no soldiers to be in your district (unless on duty) without a furlough. If you find any arrest and report to this office. In no case grant passports to persons desiring to pass toward the enemy's line. Keep an account of your postage till we get fully organized.


W. M. CHURCHWELL, Col. and Provost-Marshal.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 2, p. 1423.

        2, Nashville's abandoned Confederate families

We are informed, by a person residing in Edgefield, that there are twenty-eight families of private soldiers of the rebel army, residing there, who were left upon the promise that they should be fed and clothed, during the absence of the soldiers, by the citizens of that place. On last Saturday, one of these wives was seen, with three little children, in the market-house, crying, because she had no money with which to buy marketing for herself and children, and saying that she had not a mouthful to eat at home.

When the Confederates were here, the citizens of Edgefield held regular meetings in the churches for the purpose of raising means for the support of these families, and on the subscription lists were ostentatiously displayed names with large sums affixed for this purpose. What have become of these subscription lists? We would like to see them?

The fact is, now, that these poor soldiers are not longer regarded as useful to them, their miserable wives and children are left to beg and starve.

Nashville Daily Union, May 2, 1862.

        2, News censorship in Memphis

The Memphis Argus is considered the exponent of Union sentiment, and not allowed to receive telegraphic dispatches. The Safety Committee talk of suppressing it.

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2, 1862.

        2, Union prisoners of war taken at the battle of Shiloh pass through Memphis and news from Fort Pillow

On Wednesday succeeding the battle of Pittsburg, General Prentiss and two thousand three hundred and eight-six Union prisoners passed through Memphis. The men were in good spirits, and kindly treated by the inhabitants, particularly the Irish and German women. The citizens contented themselves with waving handkerchiefs and looking the interest they dare not openly express.

Prentiss made a Union speech to his men, and the citizens cheered him. Provost Marshal E.D. McKissock bade him to remain silent. Prentiss told him that he had four to one more friends in Memphis than he (McKissock), and said to the citizens, keep quiet for a few weeks, and you will have an opportunity to cheer the old flag to your hearts' content. Our soldiers sand "The Star Spangled Banner," "Red, White and Blue," "Happily land of Canaan," and "Old John Brown," as they were starting on the cars for Tuscaloosa, Ala., where they are at present continued. There were one hundred and fourteen Union officer among the prisoners. Beauregard claims to have taken three thousand prisoners.

The Memphis and Ohio, and Memphis and Charleston, and Mississippi and Tennessee Railroads, are connected by union track to give greater facilities for moving rolling stock and prisoners in case of a Union attack. All the old iron and brass was being concealed and forwarded below. The Confederate loss, all told, at Pittsburgh Landing, was about four thousand. One thousand two hundred Rebel soldiers hare in Memphis. Government machinery, Commissary and Quartermaster's stores are removed. It is thought the fate of the Confederacy hangs upon the Corinth battle.

Four deserters from Fort Pillow arrived at the flotilla Sunday morning, and reported twenty-five more in the swamps opposite. A tug was sent for them. They say the Confederate army at the fort is greatly demoralized, whole companies refusing to do ordinary military duty. A large number of soldiers are in irons. Their term of enlistment had expired, and officers whish to compel them to serve two years longer. At the fort one man had been killed and a dozen wounded by the explosion of our shells.

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2, 1862.

        2, News from Memphis weeks before the city would fall to Federal forces

Reports of Refugees-Union Feeling at Memphis-Union Prisoners Received with Waking of Handkerchiefs-Gen. Prentiss Makes a Union Speech in Memphis.

Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial.

Cairo, April 28.- There are 500 bales of cotton, 7000 hogsheads [of] sugar and 20,000 barrels [of] molasses now lying upon the levee, of which the cotton will be burned, and the sugar and molasses rolled into the river on the approach of the Union forces. The citizens and newspapers are opposed to burning the city, but soldiers and country people favor it.

The Memphis Argus is considered the exponent of Union sentiment, and not allowed to receive telegraphic despatches. The Safety Committee talk of suppressing.

On Wednesday succeeding the battle of Pittsburg, General Prentiss and two thousand three hundred and eighty-six Union prisoners pass through Memphis. The men were in good spirits, and kindly treated by the inhabitants, particularly the Irish and German women. The citizens contented themselves with waving handkerchiefs and looking the interest they dare not openly express.

Prentiss made a Union speech to his men, and the citizens cheered him. Provost Marshal E. D. McKissock bade him remain silent. Prentiss told him that he had four to one more friends in Memphis than he (McKissock), and said to the citizens, keep quiet for a few weeks, and you will have an opportunity to cheer the old flag to you hearts content. Our soldier san "The Star Spangled Banner," "Red White and Blue," "Happy Land of Canaan," and "Old John Brown," as they were starting on the cars for Tuscaloosa, Ala., where they are at present confined. There were on hundred and fourteen Union officer among the prisoners. Beauregard claims to have taken three thousand prisoners.

The Memphis and Ohio and Memphis and Charleston, and Mississippi and Tennessee Railroads are connected by union track to give greater facilities for moving rolling stock and prisoners in case of as Union attack. All the old iron and brass was being collected and forwarded below. The Confederate loss, all told, at Pittsburg Landing, was about four thousand. One thousand two hundred Rebel soldiers are in Memphis. Government machinery, Commissary and Quartermaster' stores are removed. It is though the fate of the Confederacy hangs upon the Corinth battle.

Four deserters from Fort Pillow arrived at the flotilla Sunday morning, and reported twenty-five more in the swamp opposite. A tug was sent for them. They say the Confederate army at the fort is greatly demoralized, whole companies refusing to do ordinary military duty. A large number of soldiers are in irons. Their term of enlistment had expired, and officers wish to compel them to serve two years longer. At the fort one been killed and a dozen wounded by the explosion of our shells.

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2, 1862.

        2, Louisville Daily Journal War Correspondence

[Correspondence of the Louisville Journal]


Nashville, April 20, 1862.

A rumor yesterday of the taking of Cumberland Gap by the Union Army, and the disastrous defeat of the rebel forces there, caused momentarily exultation amongst all true hearted patriots, but particularly amongst the exiles from East Tennessee in this city. The rumor, however, was not confirmed; and we were left to wonder, as we have been doing for months past, why the deliverance of the Union men of East Tennessee continues to be postponed. Every day's delay adds to their sufferings and wrongs, and makes more galling the chains with which the Confederate traitors have bound them. Thousands have fled from their homes and sought refuge in your noble state [i.e., Kentucky], but there are thousands yet who cannot get away, and are in the power of their persecutors, who, by illegal drafts and conscript laws, seek to force them into the armies of the rebels. Hundreds, trying to escape, have been caught and condemned to loathsome prisons, or to labor with the negro slaves on fortifications. Under this state of things it is not to wondered at that East Tennessee, renowned for the industry and thrift of its liberty-loving inhabitants, is becoming depopulated and desolated. Unless relief soon reaches the people, ruin, after and irredeemable ruin, will overtake those who remain. As you ride through that section of our State, the growing wheat, rich and beautiful in its luxuriance, reminds you of the promises and hopes which preempted the sowing of the seed; but the vacant fields, left to the grass and weeds, the idle plough, the broken fence, the closed cottage doors, also remind you  how those promises have been unfulfilled, and those hopes deferred until the land mourns and the people cry in despair-"There is no salvation for us!" How much longer will East Tennessee be compelled to endure the bitter anguish which afflicts her now? We feel that her deliverance draws near. Oh, gallant soldiers of the Union army, hasten the happy event!

The conscription law, enacted by the rebel debating society at Richmond, and which the military usurpation is enforcing, has opened the eyes of many a supporter of the rebel cause to the despotism which they have been, unwittingly, erecting upon the ruins of their free institutions. Of the 60,000 troops furnished by Tennessee, all, except a few regiments which re-enlisted, are twelve months' men, whose terms will begin to expire next month, The great body of these troops have been anxiously awaiting the expiration of their period of enlistment that they might return home. The conscription law, however, forces them, against their consent. To remain in service two years longer. All individual freedom, all volition is denied them States rights are ignored-and everything made to subserve the wicked purposes of the knaves and tyrants who beguiled them into the folly and crime of endeavoring to break up a government which was only felt in the innumerable blessings it bestowed upon them. Hundreds of fathers and mothers in this city, whose sons belong to the [Confederate] battalion of Rock City Guards, enlisted here, this day lament the infatuation which led them to ascent to the degradation of their sons; but, alas, there is now no hope for them except the hope that springs from the speedy success of the Union cause, without the further shedding of blood. But this cannot be. The incacarnate fiends who control the rebellion will not succumb so long as they can make their dupes fight, and we shall have more and bloody battles. The have "undertaken more than they can accomplish;" this they know, but before they go into exile or to the halter, they will accomplish all the ruin they can. And besides, this being the most wanton and wicked of all rebellions, it is necessary to the future peace and security of the Republic that it should be crushed out so thoroughly that treason will never again dare to show its serpent head.

The grapevine telegraph was in operation here again last Saturday. It regaled the rebels with the information that Gen. Mitchell and his command had been taken prisoners after an obstinate fight near Tuscumbia. The telegrapher did not condescend to fix upon a date for this wonderful achievement. He had it from a soldier "wounded in the fight," or who got lame, and left before the fight he wasn't sure which. It would have amused you to have witnessed the knowing looks with which rebels met each other, and with what smiling faces they heard the news and repeated it. A rebel in a balmoral-was so fond of heat she has discarded the "boop-de-doo-doo-doo"[2] passed a couple of very gentlemanly United States officers on the street, strangers to her. Having paused a moment near them she asked:

"Have you hears the news?"

"What news?"

"Why, that they have taken Gen. Mitchell."

"Who have taken him?"

"The rebels!"

The officers made no further response, and petticoats sailed off with the self-satisfied air of one who had performed a brilliant act of some sort.

It is astonishing that absurd stories our rebels can invent, and more astonishing still that men and women, usually reckoned sensible, believe them. After witnessing the elation of Saturday and the soberness of Monday following, one could not resist the belief that there must have been a considerable quantity of whisky drank Saturday.

The "Great Panic" is the title of a little pamphlet which was sold on the streets to-day by the news boys. It is a brief history of the inflation and collapse of the rebel balloon in February last,  the fight at Donelson, and the surrender of Nashville. It is an unvarnished big cry, but wild as the creations of dreamland. It is incomplete, however. Much yet remains to be told. No history of the memorable Sunday in Nashville can be complete which does not mention the leading editorials in that day's Patriot and the flight of the editor who wrote it. The editor, chested by the false accounts of the fight at Donelson up to Saturday night, speaks in glaring eulogy of the invincible Southern soldiery, and blackened the record of the Union heroes; asserting vehemently that they would ravage and devastate, and do all manner of naughty and barbarous things if they should possession of our city. Before his readers had digested his words, the "brave legions" at Donelson surrendered, and the editor showed his faith in his assertions about the victors by fleeing from the city. And now the manner of his flight. After midnight Sunday night, a gentleman living on one of the pikes leading east heard a noise, and went out to see what it was. Having reached the pike, he beheld a wagon-an uncovered wagon-drawn by four mules, making good time. In it wee several trunks, and a number of children lying in straw. On one of the trunks sat the figure of a man with an umbrella open over him, an infant in his arms, and a bottle of mile in the bosom of his vest. Astonished by such an apparition at that time of night-and such a night- the gentleman ran out to see if it was reality or a creation of fancy that was before him. He gazed intently, and a flash of lightening aided in his enlightenment. "Well, I'll be d____d, if there ain't Jones! What's the matter, and where are you going?" "Matter! Why Donelson has surrendered, the Yankees are in Nashville, and I am off for the South. I am a member of the Legislature and Gov. Harris's staff, and it wouldn't do for me to stay. Driver, go ahead."

An occasional arrest continues to be made by Gov. Johnson, but none of our notabilities, since Barrow, Harding, and Guild, have been made to realize that there is punishment for the "intelligent and conscious" traitors. Ex-May Cheatham, who was under arrest for a fortnight, is rusticating in the country. He is an ex-member of the Legislature, ex-Alderman, ex-Mayor, ex-Missionary to, and, it is understood, is excessively mortified that the Governor did not regard him of sufficient importance to be a companion in prison of the gentlemen above named who have been sent North. Gov. Johnson know what he is about-he does not flush game not worth the chase.

The Governor made a fine speech to day to Col. Campbell's 69th Ohio regiment. He is succeeding finely n the object of his mission here.

It is rumored that the Banner is to be resuscitated. If so, it will sustain the cause of the Union. Then let it wave.


The Louisville Daily Journal, May 2, 1862.[3]

        2-9, C. S. A. expedition, Trenton to Paris & Dresden

MAY 2-9, 1862.- Expedition from Trenton to Paris and Dresden, Tenn., with skirmish, May 5, near Lockridge's Mill.


No. 1.- Col. Thomas Claiborne, Sixth Confederate Cavalry.

No. 2.-Col. William W. Lowe, Fifth Iowa Cavalry.

No. 3.-Capt.'s William A. Haw and Henning von Minden, Fifth Iowa Cavalry.

No. 1

Report of Col. Thomas Claiborne, Sixth Confederate Cavalry.

SPRING CREEK, TENN., May 9, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to report that I left Trenton on May 2 and encamped at King's Bridge. On the 3d encamped at McKenzie's Station, waiting Jackson, who joined me on the 4th, and we marched (whole force about 1,250) to attack a force reported to be at Paris, 250 to 500 strong. I separated into three columns, to surround it and intercept them toward Fort Heiman.

At about 4 p. m. entered Paris. The enemy had moved at 10 a.m. toward Dresden. I immediately detached one column, under Lieut.-Col. Pell, to Boydsville[4], and with my own joined Col. Jackson, who was on the Dresden road, 2½ miles. We pushed on vigorously, contending with a night of unusual darkness and rain, until reaching Cowan's house (Union).

At about 1.30 a.m. I halted to wait for light. I deceived Mrs. Cowan by passing for a Federal officer, and got certain intelligence that James Allen had brought the news to Maj. Shaeffer that a force of nearly 3,000 was passing up to Paris; he instantly sent off on the fastest horses couriers to Hickman, Mayfield, Paducah, and elsewhere, that all the neighborhood had gone, and much more not necessary to relate. I got all her news, and then her negro boy William was even more confidential toward a supposed Abolitionist. I saw that my plans were thus frustrated beyond a doubt, in which opinion Col. Jackson agreed, as did Maj. Wicks. I then determined to pursue Maj. Shaeffer and catch him at any rate. I accordingly waited a sufficient time to let him satisfy himself I was going to Dresden, and I took a by-road through Palmersville [Weakley county] to cut the Dresden road to Boydsville.

I got at 5 p. m. certain information of him, but not his exact where-abouts. I pushed on to Stephenson's Mill, 1½ miles across the road, on Obion River; then 3 miles toward Lockridge's Mill; saw his picket; halted, and conferred with Col. Jackson. As night was fast approaching there was no time to delay. Capt. Ballentime, of Col. Jackson's cavalry, was acting field officer, with five companies, at the head of the column. His first company was deployed as mounted skirmishers and dashed on the pickets. The pickets were astonished and let us approach to 70 yards, then fired and turned to flee. A yell and charge blown, a picket killed, and the five companies, followed by the whole command, swept the 2 miles away in seven minutes or less over the enemy, who had been in vain urged to rally, as I learned afterward, by their major, through deep mud holes and the worst of roads, and on for 14 miles, until pursuit exhausted the horses and those who had so gallantly kept up the fire on them, Capt. Jackson, of my regiment, with a few men, ceasing the race.

Capt. Ballentine was most of all conspicuous for his gallant bearing and use of his saber and pistol. He fired on and mortally wounded Maj. Shaeffer. He engaged in a saber hand-to-hand combat with a brave fellow named Hoffman, who several times pierced the captain's coat, but was forced to yield. Capt. Ballentine was also attacked by blows of a carbine and quite severely bruised. The dispersion was complete. Killed 6, wounded 16, and captured 4 officers and 67 non-commissioned officers and privates. Paroled Maj. Shaeffer and 4 wounded-unable to march-and detailed Private Henry Schlopp, prisoner. I paroled him to serve the wounded. The 2 wagons of the enemy, with about 56 horses, saddles, and a good many arms, were taken. I divided the horses with Col. Jackson, who takes also the wagons. I distributed the arms to both regiments, &c. The loss on our side was not one; a few scratches were received.

The conduct of the command was excellent, with few exceptions.

I marched on the 6th 4 miles; on the 7th, having information that a large force was concentrating from several quarters to move against me, with artillery, I determined to secure my prisoners. I marched to Como at 1 p. m. and fed; marched to within 5 miles of Caledonia and halted. At midnight I got a dispatch from Col. Pell, who, having joined me from Boydsville, was again sent toward Conyersville, to attack a reported force of 150. At a certain point he obtained some news that the enemy, near 1,000 strong, had encamped at dark 6 miles from Paris, and that they would be joined in the morning by 500 more. I moved at once to cross the Obion before King's Bridge could be seized. (It was the only one.)

I encamped last night at McLemoresville, and satisfied myself that enemy had that morning entered Paris with artillery, foot, and horse, but there he would remain. I left Col. Pell at or near McKenzie, with orders to observe the enemy and keep posted as to his movements, and to-day, leaving orders for Pell to take a position between McLemoresville and Huntingdon and keep me informed, I moved to this place, my horses very jaded, my men having suffered for food, having no means to prepare nor haversacks to carry with them food for a day even. We subsisted with great difficulty and by getting people for miles around to cook for us. It is well to add that the person-an Englishman, of Paducah-sent to me to act as guide, without my request, by Provost Hayes, at Jackson, Tenn., who seems to have known my destination, called to see me, but left for Paducah, telling two persons, of my knowledge, where I was going. This is certain. The notorious spy and guide Farris, a citizen of Paris, who led the enemy to King's Camp, and has since figured conspicuously in pointing out our friends, was captured, and deserves to be shot;[5] also Rose, of Paris Landing, taken wounded; he has been also a guide for them.

The conduct of Col. Jackson was, as usual with him, such as to merit your highest approval, and the good conduct of his regiment on the march and in the affair excellent.

Regretting the impossibility of getting to Paducah, in which Col. Jackson and Maj. Wicks agree with me, I hope to have your approval of my course.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


No. 2

Report of Col. William W. Lowe, Fifth Iowa Cavalry.

HDQRS., Forts Henry and Heiman, May 12, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to report the result of an expedition sent out recently from this post in the direction of Paris and Dresden for the purpose of intercepting some supplies of medicines, &c., taken from Paducah for the use of the rebel army; also a brief statement of what has been done since the result of that expedition became known to me.

Having received information that the rebels were being supplied from time to time with various contraband articles, I sent Maj. Carl Shaeffer de Boernstein out with parts of three companies, in order to break up this trade. Failing to obtain any satisfactory information, he pushed on to Paris and Dresden. After passing through Paris Claiborne's command of rebel cavalry succeeded in getting in rear of him and pursued him to a point called Lockridge's Mills, when he was overtaken and a severe skirmish ensued, the rebels numbering 1,280, while the force under Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] consisted of 125 men.

Our loss in killed and wounded was as follows, namely:

        K W

 Officers............................................ 1 3

 Non-commissioned officers................. 1

 Privates............................................ 3 2


 Total........................................... 4 6

 K=Killed. W=Wounded.

Our loss in prisoners cannot as yet be actually ascertained, but will, I presume, number about 60, as Capt. Nott has reached Paducah with 58 men and 48 horses.

The loss of the enemy is not known, but they were seen to haul off two wagons loads of wounded. They stripped our wounded and dead of all their clothing. Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] was robbed of his coat and boots while still living.

As soon as the news reached me I at once made preparation to go with the few remaining companies here in pursuit of the enemy, and, the Fourth Minnesota Regt. [sic] passing at this time, I took the responsibility, as indicated in my dispatch, of disembarking them, to aid me in the progress of the expedition.

I started on the evening of the 6th instant, and on the evening of the 7th encamped near Paris and within a few miles of the enemy. My purpose was to have gone on that night, but soon after going into camp I received a dispatch from the commanding general directing me not to pursue them.

The next morning I commenced my return, but sent several parties into and through Paris, without, however, being able to bring out the enemy in pursuit.

Since my return I learned that Claiborne had received a re-enforcement of about 1,000 men, and is now occupying the country between Paris and Jackson with a view of entering this neighborhood for the purpose of procuring forage and rations. Under these circumstances I have thought proper to retain the Fourth Minnesota Regt. [sic], and trust my course will be approved by the general. I have again to urge the necessity of having at this post a small additional force. With one more regiment and a battery I could easily hold and occupy the country for 30 miles back of the river, and as there are many good and loyal citizens in this vicinity, they should receive all possible assistance and protection. Should the rebels again get possession of this section of the country, it is their intention to take off everything in the way of forage and provisions.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

W. W. LOWE, Col. Curtis' Horse, Cmdg.

No. 3

Report of Capt.'s William A. Haw and Henning von Minden, Fifth Iowa Cavalry.

SPRING CREEK, TENN., May 9, 1862.

The command started under the command of Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] (130 men strong), on May 2, toward Paris, where we were delayed until late in the afternoon of the 3d by shoeing the horses. Heavy rain was the reason we started on the 4th from Paris toward Como (13 miles), and passed the night 3 miles farther, at the farm of Mr. Erwin. There a report was made by a citizens coming from Caledonia that a large force of Confederate cavalry had passed, going toward Paris, which induced Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] to go to Dresden and possibly toward Mayfield and Hickman. We made a night march on a very dark and stormy night, and reached Dresden at about 1 a.m. Pickets were sent out toward Como, which reported (very late) that the enemy had his pickets at out last camping place-Erwin's farm.

We left Dresden at 1 p. m., taking the road toward Mayfield, 28 miles. It was about 6 p. m. when we reached a place called Lockridge's Mills, on the Obion River, in Weakley County, Tenn., where a bridge (the North Fork) crosses the said river. Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] concluded to stop there for the night. I took the picket with my men (45), established three lines of them, because I was fully satisfied that we would be attacked, and knowing that we could not resist the expected force, I intended only to prevent a surprise. The pickets had not been set out more than twenty minutes when the enemy made his appearance. Drew back my first pickets, then the second line, and soon found us in great confusion, because the main body of us had unsaddled our horses. Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] ordered the command to fall back beyond the bridge in our rear; but it was too late. The enemy followed and occasioned a stampede, in which the speediest horse could only win the prize. I lost 4 killed and 34 prisoners, of whom 5 are wounded. I was wounded at the bridge in trying to make a stand; my horse, like the others, could not be held, because he was wounded, too, and ran with me. After a race of about 3 miles I fell from the horse from weakness and was taken. My wounds are not dangerous; one in the arm, two in the back, and one in the head. [sic] Capt. Minden's horse tumbled down and fell on its rider's leg, hurting him badly. He, too, has been taken. He received a slight wound in his head. Lieut. Vredenburg had the same fate. Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] was shot a few paces behind me and taken. Capt. Nott, Lieut.'s Wheeler and Smith I hope made their escape; the latter, I have heard, was wounded. To-day the rumor was spread out that Maj. Shaeffer [de Boernstein] died last night.

The commanding officer, Col. Th. Claiborne, allowed me to send this report to you; but I dare not misuse his kindness in stating the force against which we had to work. I only feel myself authorized to say that it was a large one-larger than we could and did expect. The commander, his officers, and even his men, treated us like true soldiers and gentleman, which I take great pleasure to state.

W. A. HAW, Capt. Company F, Curtis' Horse.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 880-884.

        3, Reconnaissance on Memphis and Charleston Railroad

Excerpt from the Report of Brig. Gen. Gordon Granger, commanding cavalry division, of operations from April 23 to June 10, 1862, relative to the reconnaissance on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, May 3, 1862.

May 3.-The Second Iowa Regt. [sic], under Lieut.-Col. Hatch, proceeded to a point on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Burnsville and Glendale, and destroyed the track by burning the trestle work, bending the rails, and destroying the switches. Captured 3 wagons, 10 mules, and 4 prisoners. One battalion of the Second Michigan, Capt. Alger commanding, made a reconnaissance toward the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, encountering the enemy and taking 9 prisoners. No casualties.

OR, Ser., I, Vol. 10, pt. I, p. 728.




        2, Skirmish[6] near Thompson's Station

MAY 2, 1863.- Skirmish near Thompson's Station, Tenn.

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from "Record of Events," Cavalry Command, Department of the Cumberland.

May 2, the First Brigade, under command of Col. A. P. Campbell, left camp at 3 a. m., on the Lewisburg pike. When about 7 miles south of Franklin, near Thompson's Station, at daylight a portion of the command made a charge into the camp of the enemy, capturing 24 prisoners and killing 2.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 326.

        2, Camp in Murfreesboro, a description by Bliss Morse, 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

The boys have adorned the camp about here with cedars and looks very fine around our camps – looks like a big door yard set out with cedars. Every two men have one of those tents throughout the army. Our boys are in very good spirits and will all be paid to the 1st March. My knapsack was turned over to Quartermaster. The boys used my boots, socks, blouse, shirts and hdkf [sic]. I drew and Enfield. It is heavier than Sprin.[7] [sic] I got a letter from Jay and Jason. Sam and I went and peeled bark for a floor to our shanty. It keeps us off the ground. Our floor room is six feet square. We spread two coffee sacks and an overcoat down for bed with two blankets for us, and sleep sound, and fearless – way down here in the enemy's country. Our boys are delighted with scouting [sic] and like to get away from camp and the stench of dead animals. Around twelve hundred rebels are said to come in and lay down their arms. I have had some good pancakes for breakfast – rises with Soda which Sam made.

* * * *

Bliss Morse

Loren J. Morse, ed., comp., Civil War Diaries & Letters of Bliss Morse[8]

        2-6, Expedition from Kentucky to Tennessee State Line, into Macon County

MAY 2-6, 1863.- Expedition from Bowling Green, Ky., to Tennessee State Line.

Report of Lieut. Col. S. Palace Love, Eleventh Kentucky Infantry.


SIR: In accordance with instructions from headquarters, Bowling Green, Ky., dated May 2, 1863, I proceeded with my regiment (Eleventh Kentucky Mounted Infantry) to Scottsville, Ky., and, finding no enemy there, but learning that he might be found in all probability some 15 miles beyond, in Macon County, Tennessee, I concluded to proceed, having four days' rations. At Scottsville I divided my command, sending the company of the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry that was with me, commanded by Lieut. Sasseen; Companies E and D of my regiment, commanded by Capt. Woodford M. Houchin and First Lieut. John J. Washer, respectively, all under command of Capt. Houchin, by the Epperson Springs, Tenn., and, when they reached the State line, let Company D take a left-hand road, and for both to meet and camp at the junction of the West Fork of Long Creek with Long Creek, and that I would proceed in a different direction, and camp within 4 miles of them that night and communicate with them, which I did. I that night sent a scout of one company (Company I) to them, and found them at the place indicated. I ordered said company to remain with Capt. Houchin, and directed him to proceed to the neighborhood of Goose Creek, about 4 miles to the east of La Fayette, the county seat of Macon County, Tennessee, which place I gad learned the guerrilla bands infested, and that I would proceed with my command to La Fayette, and await until I heard from him. I also instructed him not to go too far from me, so that I could not communicate with him or assist him if needed

I received an answer from him, saying that they had captured 5 rebels, and had accomplished the route laid down for him at our separation at Scottsville, and that he would, on the following morning, obey my orders, which he did, and we met at La Fayette at night, and the result of our scout up to that time was that he met a squad of guerrillas on Goose Creek, and was fired into from the brush, killing 1 of his horses, when his men returned the fire, killing 1 of the enemy. They fled, when he pursued them vigorously for about 10 miles, capturing 1 man and 5 horses. He ran them within 3 miles of Hartsville, when he gave it up and returned to me at La Fayette, where we encamped for the night. I there learned that there was a force of the enemy (800 strong) on the opposite bank of the Cumberland, 15 miles distant, and as I had been in that part some two days, my men fatigued, and horses much fagged, I concluded to return to Bowling Green.

I learned, however, during the scout that there were two gangs of these thieves in that neighborhood--one a party of deserted soldiers from the rebel army and citizens banded together for plunder and robbery, numbering about 30 persons, and of whom I did not see anything, but heard that they had passed up the East Fork of Goose Creek, in the neighborhood of Gallatin, Tenn. I did not hear anything very positive about this last party. That whole country is infested with the thieving party. They have nearly devastated that country, and stolen nearly all the good horses from the citizens. I can tell you more verbally than I have space to write.

I lost no men killed or wounded. We killed 2 of the guerrillas and captured 10. I lost 8 horses and captured 5. Two of my horses were shot from under my men, and 6 gave out from exhaustion and sore feet....

In this hurried report, I perhaps have omitted many little incidents that may be important; when recalled, will be promptly reported. I forgot to mention that I pressed 4 horses from citizens, to bring my men and prisoners home on, and which I returned. I also gave receipt for all forage, with my name signed. I was compelled to feed on one Union man (Mr. Mahew), near Scottsville, the first night out. He accompanied me to Bowling Green, and I hope the proper vouchers will be given him for his grain. He is true man, and had two sons in our army, one being killed at Shiloh. They were members of the Ninth Kentucky Infantry.

Yours, respectfully,

S. P. LOVE, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt. [sic]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 326-328.[9]





        2, Major-General William T. Sherman's criticism of "Parson" William G. Brownlow's Knoxville Independent Whig and Rebel Ventilator and other papers


Gen. SCHOFIELD, Knoxville:

Your dispatch is received, and is very satisfactory. I will telegraph its substance to Washington.

The Cincinnati papers of the 1st contain dispatches announcing that Buell is to supersede you. There is no truth in this. The report seems to have originated at Chattanooga, and I have telegraphed to Thomas to punish the operator.

The papers also contain a message from Knoxville giving my movements, and gives a message from Parson Brownlow to the effect that the rebels will certainly invade Kentucky by Pound Gap. Tell Parson Brownlow that he must leave military matters to us, and that he must not chronicle my movements or those of any military body. If he confines his efforts to his own sphere of action he will do himself more credit and his country more good.

W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 226.

        2, Confederate cavalry reconnaissance and demonstration near Ducktown, Spring Place, Charleston and Cleveland

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Office Chief Com. Sub., Chattanooga, Tenn., April 12, 1864.

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, Tenn., May 2, 1864.

COL.: I have the honor to report the operations of my command for the month of April as follows, viz.,:

On the 2d instant a force of rebels, said to be 1,500 strong, made a demonstration in the direction of Cleveland and Charleston, E. Tenn., approaching to within 8 miles of Cleveland, when they divided into parties; one going out in the direction of Ducktown, through the mountains, the other remaining and falling back toward Dalton on the appearance of a force of our cavalry sent out from Cleveland in command of Col. LaGrange, of the First Wisconsin. A scout, who arrived at Cleveland on the 3d, reported that the above movement on the part of the enemy was for the purpose of covering the approach of a force from Longstreet's army which was on its way to re-enforce Johnston by way of Murphy, N. C. This was afterward ascertained to be Martin's division of cavalry.

* * * *

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 18.


LOUDON, April 2, 1864.


Gen. Stanley reports that a large force rebel cavalry was seen 8 miles east of Cleveland this morning at sunrise moving in the direction of Charleston. The commanding officer at that post is on the alert.

G. GRANGER, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 226.


CHATTANOOGA, April 3, 1864--9 p. m.

Maj.-Gen. SHERMAN, Nashville:

Your dispatch of yesterday received. Will watch Johnston as close as possible, but shall only feel perfectly safe when I can get my troops back from East Tennessee. My outposts report no movements of the enemy, except a reconnaissance on the Spring Place and Cleveland road yesterday, which resulted in nothing.

GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 239.

        2, East Tennessee

by Clara von Moschzisker.

Air-"Maryland, my Maryland!"

Still faithful, 'mid the faithless found,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

From mountain side to river bound,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

Thy noblest slaughtered in their youth,

Thine old men dying for the truth,

Thy daughters brave, spite woe and ruth,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!


Shall BURNSIDE'S [sic] valor prove in vain,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee?

To break for aye thy tyrant's chain,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee?

Though Richmond's prisons hold our sons,

Columbia's jails our tortured ones

With grief for thee our breast o'erruns

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!


Shall we in plenteous ease repose,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee?

While thou art fainting 'neath thy woes,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee?

Thy happy homes now desolate,

Thy sons pursued with savage hate,

E'er in thine arms, thrice glorious State,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!


Our hands, our hearts, our swords are thine

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

We give not water for thy wine,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

Forbid it God, that we whom Heaven

Has blessings with our sorrows given,

Should let thee from our side be riven,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!


Bear on, brave heart, the dawn is near,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

When clouds and darkness disappear,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

E'en now, from mountain top and tree,

Floats forth the banner of the free,

Bright signal of thy loyalty,

East Tennessee, East Tennessee!

Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1864

Brownlow's Whig and Independent Journal and Rebel Ventilator, April 2, 1864

        2, The Soldier's Dream

By Crammond Kennedy, Chaplain 79th Highlanders (New York Volunteers)

Though the thunder of battle had pealed to the skies,

Yet the stars from the azure were peeping,

And the moon was besilw'ring [sic] the white-tented plain,

Where the hosts of the Union were sleeping.


To a war-weary soldier a vision appears --

A battalion of Angels that rally,

With the glory of sunset at rest on their wings,

To keep guard o'er his own native valley.


And he thinks of his home, and he feels it is safe,

For he knows that the Angels are wary,

And that God sent them down in their armor to watch

O'er his mother, and children, and Mary.


Ah, soldier, thy dream was the shadow of truth:

The Redeemer by whom thou'rt forgiven,

Came down I thy slumbers to show how well

The belov'd are guarded by heaven.

Brownlow's Whig and Independent Journal and Rebel Ventilator, April 2, 1864.

        2, Scout on the Pigeon Roost, Holly Ford and Hernando roads near Memphis


Col. FIELDING HURST, Commanding Sixth Tennessee Cavalry:

COLONEL: Leave 100 mounted men to patrol the Pigeon Roost, Holly Ford, and Hernando roads. Have the patrols start at different hours by day or night, so as to give information of the movements of any force which may come near the place. The First Mississippi will also be left here for the purpose of scouting south and southeast.

You will move with the balance of your effective force at 1 o'clock to Raleigh, taking with you one day's forage and all the rations and ammunition the men can carry. The teams which take out the forage can be sent back to camp to-night. One regiment of infantry will be at the crossing of the Wolf, near Raleigh.

Instruct the officer left in command of the 100 men to be vigilant and active.

By order of Brig. Gen. B. H. Grierson:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 236.

        2, A version of the Oath of Allegiance for Confederate deserters[10]

I do solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of States thereunder [sic] and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing rebellion, with reference to slaves, so long and so far as not yet released, modified, or held void by Congress or by decision of the Supreme Court, and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion, having reference to slaves so long and so far as not modified or declared void by the decision of the Supreme Court. So help me God.

Memphis Bulletin, April 2, 1864.

        2, "The Railroad Bridge;" a Civil War traffic jam in Nashville

We have heard frequent complaints from all sorts of people concerning the delays to which they are subjected by keeping the bridge open unnecessarily. Yesterday we determined to watch the bridge for a short time. At ten minutes before one o'clock P. M., a solitary steamer might have been seen coming down the river [G.P.R. James].The weary bridge keeper did undoubtedly see her, for immediately the draw began to move, and the flags to wave, and the passengers to halt and look frightfully hungry, wearing a diabolical smile, and the wagons and other we-hickles [sic] began to collect on either side. The streamer aforesaid steamed herself down to the workhouse dock, came to the left about face, hailed some one on a coal barge, and hove to for 30 ½ seconds, when the Captain and Pilot applied their thumbs to the tips of their noses, "smile" to the health of the bridge keeper, rang the bell, and steamed back again. Up and up she goes, one hundred anxious eyes following after her, until she reaches the water-works, and there she rests from her labors. The crowd of people increase, and the line of wagons grows longer and longer, and the locomotive becomes tired, and whistles, and blows, and puffs and sweats, but still the unfeeling Captain refuses to allow his boat to go through the bridge. Anxious inquiries are made as to when [sic] the boat is going to come down, but none are there to answer. On this side of the river, Front and Locust streets are crowded with all sorts of vehicles, on the other side are a train of cars waiting to cross, a train of government wagons stretching from the bridge back as far as the eye can reach, and numerous mules, horses, and things. At length, at eight minutes before two, the bridge man smells a huge mice [sic], and the draws begins to move, slowly but steadily until she is in he proper place, when the multitude rush over, and the locomotive follows. When the wagons got over we cannot say, probably in an hour or so.

Now for a few questions" Would it not be well for the bridge keeper, for opening the bridge, to ascertain whether or not a boat wishes to pass through?

Might not the bridge be closed as soon as a boat passes, without waiting half a day to ascertain if some other boat desires to pass?

If a hack is worth a dollar and a quarter an hour, how much is a half mile train of Uncle Sam's wagons worth during the same period of time?

If fifty or one hundred wagons, with their attendants, are kept waiting one hour every day, how many dollars does Uncle Sam lose every month by these unnecessary delays?

We paws [sic] for a replay.

Nashville Dispatch, April 2, 1864.

2, Beulah banished to Memphis; Bell Edmondson's dog

April, Saturday 2, 1864

Ever memorable and (to me ) sad day. I was awakened this morning by the pitious [sic] howl of poor Fosco-as I feared when Beulah left the room, they all killed seven sheep last night. Uncle Elum knocked Fosco in the head, Beulah ran to my room, thereby saving her life-Father sent for her, and then came for her-but oh! he knew not what he asked-to give my dog-my best friend-my Beulah, who had so often defended me in danger, my only protector in the dead hour of night-to drive her from my side, to be murdered. I would as soon thought of kneeling myself on the block, as to see my best friend. Father positively forbid my takeing [sic] her off-I hope God will forgive me for the disobedience, but I was obliged to do it. Mary Robinson and Joe Smith took her to Memphis in the buggy to Ed and Rhoda. I know they will love her-none of them sympathise [sic] or appreciate the sorrow it gave me to part with poor Beulah. Old Wright's drunken son has been prowling all over the place tonight, shot Ben's dog, Edmondson's battery both white and black started after him, met him in the lane, he cocked his gun and flourished it-cowardly dog, sneaked off after that. Laura, Tip and I all alone, oh! my poor, poor Beulah, how can I do without you-

Diary of Belle Edmondson[11]

        2, African-American Exodus in Northern Middle Tennessee

A lady recently from her home in Middle Tennessee, north of Nashville and near the Kentucky line, informs the [Chattanooga] Rebel that the whole country has been almost entirely denuded of servants. The male negroes [sic] have been taken into the army, and the females have been permitted to go where they please. In the great majority of white families the ladies are compelled, by the scarcity of laborers, to do their own house work. The country is under the strictest military rule surveillance, and so far as outward appearances go, the people are completely subjugated. But in their hearts and feelings, they are as true as steel to the cause of Southern independence, and hope and pray for the coming of the Confederate armies to relieve them from their insolent oppressors.

Memphis Appeal [Atlanta, Georgia], April 2, 1864.[12]

        2, The Nashville Catholic Orphan Asylum's Ball

The Orphan's [sic] Ball

The lady managers of the fair now being held for the benefit of the Orphans, respectfully inform their friends and the public that they will give a

Grand Ball

In the Hall of Representatives,

at the Capitol, on Monday Night,

April 4th, for the same benevolent object.

Refreshments served at all hours.

Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and Ladies, Two Dollars each, will be sold at the Fair.

Ladies' Fair for the Benefit of the Catholic Orphan Asylum.

The ladies of Nashville respectfully inform their friends and the public that the Fair for the benefit of the Catholic Orphan Asylum will open at the McKendree Church (kindly tendered for this purpose by the Rev. Dr. Baldwin, the Trustees, and the military authorities) on Monday evening, the 28th of March, and continue open every night during the week. The ladies solicit public patronage in this truly charitable work.

Refreshments will be served on each evening.

A full Brass Band will be in attendance, and every means used to make visitors happy.

Tickets, 25 cents each.

Nashville Daily Union, April 2, 1864.[13]

        2-4, Reconnaissance, Powder Springs' Gap to Rogersville & Bull's Gap

APRIL 2-4, 1864.-Reconnaissances from Powder Springs Gap toward Rogersville and Bull's Gap, Tenn.

Report of Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood, U. S. Army, commanding Third Division, Fourth Army Corps.

HDQRS. THIRD DIVISION, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Powder Springs Gap, April 3, 1864--3 p. m.

GEN.: Both of my reconnaissances have returned. Col. Anderson, with six regiments of infantry and a detachment of cavalry, was sent up this valley with instructions when he reached the forks of the road above Rutledge (one road leads up the valley, the other across the Holston toward Bull's Gap, &c.) to leave a regiment there; to send three regiments of infantry and a part of the cavalry up the valley to Bean's Station, and two regiments and the remainder of the cavalry to the Holston. These instructions were carried out. The citizens informed him that the cavalry had left Rogersville early last week, and they all concurred in the opinion that Longstreet's forces had been withdrawn toward Virginia. Col. Anderson talked with a Mr. Smith, a well-known Union man above Rutledge, who told him he believed Longstreet's forces had or were leaving the State, because all the rebel citizens believed it and were much depressed about it. Col. Kneeler was sent with three regiments of infantry up Clinch Valley. He went up the valley to a point opposite and north of Bean's Station. He saw no enemy. He was informed that the companies of Home Guards which he encountered there on his former reconnaissance had joined the cavalry at Rogersville, and left with it. The citizens told him the cavalry left Rogersville last Tuesday, and the reported destination was Georgia. He could obtain no definite information in regard to Longstreet's movements. The party which I started to Cumberland Gap on Thursday last [March 31st] has just returned....The party passed through Tazewell going and returning, but saw no enemy. Col.'s Anderson and Kneeler report the roads they marched over as execrable.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

TH. J. WOOD, Brig.-Gen. of Volunteers, Cmdg.

POWDER SPRINGS GAP, April 4, 1864--9 p. m.

GEN.: Your note of this day evidently, though dated April 5, is just received. My reconnaissance returned this afternoon, having been absent three days Col. Anderson was sent up this valley with order to divide his command beyond Rutledge, sending a portion of it toward Rogersville and the remainder to the Holston, on the road leading to Bull's Gap, Greeneville, &c. All the citizens informed him the rebel cavalry had left Rogersville, and all concurred in the opinion that Longstreet's forces had fallen back, and, as they supposed, with the intention of leaving the State. A Mr. Smith, a well-known Union man above Rutledge, told Col. Anderson he believed this was the case, because all the rebel citizens believe it to be over the Watauga. He further said it was generally understood Longstreet's forces had been withdrawn to Bristol.

* * * *

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

TH. J. WOOD, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 656-657.





        2, Telegram communication between Major-General R. H. Milroy and Major-General Rousseau relative to capture and punishment of guerrillas, horse-thieves and other armed outlaws.

TULLAHOMA, May 2, 1865.

Maj. B. H. POLK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Nashville:

Your telegram received. Am I to understand that I am directed to send flags of truce to all bands of guerrillas, horse-thieves, and other armed outlaws that may be within reach of my command? I have eighteen of these cut-throats in my stockade under charges, awaiting trial? Shall I make the proposition to them? They are not so bad as some of the armed bands who are in the brush. All will gladly go through the motions of accepting the terms offered.

R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen.

NASHVILLE, TENN., May 2, 1865.

Maj. Gen. R. H. MILORY, Tullahoma:

Your dispatch in reference to the order sent you yesterday has been submitted to Maj.-Gen. Thomas, who says the order intends to apply to all bands of armed men. The men already in your stockade are not included. You will make it understood that all men who refuse to cease their warfare against the Government or the citizens of the country will be regarded and treated as outlaws.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau:

B. H. POLK, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 570.


[1] PQCW

[2] Meaning unknown. Perhaps a taunt reserved for Federal soldiers from Nashville's secessionist-women, or a satirical reference to Nashville's secessionist women by Federal officers.

[3] As cited in PQCW.

[4] Apparently Boydsville was just over the border in Kentucky. There is still a Boydsville Road in Weakley County, which meanders from Dresden northeasterly into Kentucky. Boydsville, however, no longer exists.

[5] According to the editors of the Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, Farris led the Federals to Paris and environs on March 11, 1862 [see above]. Confederates would kill him in May 1862. See below, June 5, 1862.

[6] "Expedition to Thompson's Station and Skirmish," according to Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[7] i.e., Springfield rifle.

[8] Loren J. Morse, ed., comp., Civil War Diaries & Letters of Bliss Morse [105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry], 1st ed., (n.p: privately published, 1985.) [Hereinafter cited as Diaries of Bliss Morse.]

[9] Not listed in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[10] This oath was apparently part of GENERAL ORDERS NO. 10 of December 12, 1863, made in Chattanooga by Major-General U. S. Grant. It was not reprinted in the OR, but is found in GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 11 as published in the Memphis Bulletin April 2, 1864.

[11] As cited in:

[12] As cited in:

[13] As cited in:


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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