2, Intelligence relative to Confederate forces near Monroe, Overton County
November 2, 1861. (Received November 6.)
* * * *
....From all I can gather I take it that this is the same body of unorganized, badly-armed rebels who have been heretofore gathered near Monroe, in Overton County, Tennessee. Their strength has doubtless been greatly exaggerated. There were for some two months near Monroe 2,000 to 2,500; they left there to join Buckner....Their failure to advance, I suppose, grows out of the fact that they ascertained that the camp at Goggin was armed.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 4, pp. 327-328.
2, Lack of quarters for Confederate soldiers in Chattanooga
ACCOMMODATIONS IN DEMAND.-We mentioned a few days ago that our largest hotel had been seized by the military, and warned visitors to come prepared to take things in a "rough and tumble manner." Notwithstanding this, every train brings more or less, and their first inquiry is for the "best hotel," but many of them receive severe shocks when they find that the car shed at the depot or the bed of a wagon is very frequently their only alternative for the night. We believe, however, that most of them are soldiers, and are therefore used [to roughness?].It would be well, we think, for the commissary to open a hotel for their express use and leave some place for the citizens. As it is not it is a terrible struggle to get to any table, and beds are out of the question.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel November 2, 1862.
2, Confederate reliance upon God
Nothing is more evident in this war than that those Generals who put their trust in God are the most fortunate and successful. Almost every victory has been won under the lead of Generals who feared God, but not man, whilst almost every defeat has been under Generals who were not God-honoring and God-serving men. We know there are some who think and assert that the Almighty has nothing to do with this contest, and that a wicked and profane General, if he is a brave and skillful officer, can accomplish as much as one of piety and reverence. Facts do not sustain this opinion. We admit that no matter how pious a General may be, if he has no capacity and no courage, he cannot be expected to win victories; but if other things be at all equal, the General who trusts in God will always prove the more successful, as the history of this war has thus far clearly demonstrated.
Lee and Jackson are the two great Generals of the war, by common consent, and they are the two men most remarkable for their religious elevation. Beauregard, too, who, we are satisfied, is one of the great men of this revolution, is a man who feels his dependence on an Almighty Power. We could mention several other bright and shining examples of men of this description. On the contrary, where have we sustained a signal defeat that a General, who was notoriously a profane swearer of a drunkard was not highest in command? We admit that sometimes wicked men may gain victories, but these are the exceptions and not the general rule. Congress has passed an act making drunkenness among officers a ground for their removal; and yet, are there not high officers who get drunk and are not punished? The Army Regulations say:
Art. 3. "Any non-commissioned officer or soldier who shall use any profane oath or execration, shall incur the penalties expressed in the foregoing article: and a commissioned officer shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offense, one dollar, to be applied as in the preceding article."
Now, if officers of high rank get drunk and use profane language, can they expect anything else from the privates, and is it right to punish private soldiers for following the example set them by their officers? We have been struck by the remarks made by Gen. Stuart in the latter part of his report in reference to his expedition into Pennsylvania. He says:
"Believing that the hand of God was clearly manifested in the signal deliverance of my command from danger, and the crowing success attending it, I ascribe to Him the praise, the honor and the glory."
We are engaged in war with an enemy greatly superior to us in numbers and in resources, who are mad with rage and disappointment. Our soldiers are fighting in a just and holy cause, and we must, if we desire success, put our trust in the God of Battles, whilst at the same time we use all the human means necessary to accomplish the great purpose for which we commenced this struggle.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel of November 2, 1862.
2, The case of a Union wife and an adulterous Confederate husband in Middle Tennessee
Head-Quarters United States Forces
Murfreesboro, Tenn., November 2d, 1863.
Governor Andrew Johnson.
The bearer Mrs [sic] Johnson[1] has presented a case for my consideration, that has to [sic] many points for me. I have therefore taken the liberty to advise her to lay the case before you Excellency [sic], believing you to be the only person in the State, competent to give her proper counsel in the matter. I have taken some pains to inquire into the case, and I learn from very reliable Union families in this place, that she is a very estimable Lady, and that what she related about her situation is substantially true. While she has always been a true [sic] woman, and Loyal, her husband has been a Libertine and a Rebel, and is now living in a state of adultery [sic] within the Rebel lines, leaving her and her little ones to suffer the anguish, that necessarily follows such transactions. I look upon it as a dreadful thing for a pure minded woman, to be under the necessity of living with either a Libertine or a Rebel, but when the two great sins, [sic] become united in one person, it becomes positively insufferable, and will certainly admit of executive interferance [sic]. Mrs [sic] Johnson can tell you the situation of the Property, and in short, the whole story better than I can. I really hope something can be done for her, although I have no interest in the matter, any more than the natural sympathy, that ought to be found in every human breast, when the innocent are wronged. I have no acquaintance with the Lady and should not have known anything about the case except by the accident of my position at this time. Believing you to feel a lively interest in all that pertains to the citizens of Tennessee, is the only excuse I have to offer for this intrusion[.]
I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. L. Utley, Col. Comd'g Post Murfreesboro Tenn –
Gov. Andrew Johnson Tennessee
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6. pp. 447-448.
2, Report regarding capture of Water Witch on the Obion River in October 1863
Report of Lieutenant-Commander Pattison, U. S. Navy, giving information regarding the steamer Water Witch.
U. S. NAVAL STATION, Memphis, Tenn., November 2, 1863.
SIR: Your communication of October 28, asking for information in relation to the small steamer called the Water Witch, has been received. Acting Master Neeld makes the following statement in reference to this boat:
Some time in October, 1862, while in command of the U. S. S. De Soto, I reported to the admiral that the Water Witch was engaged in towing flatboats containing contraband goods up the Obion River to Dyersburg, where a rebel force was said to be stationed. The admiral directed me to seize her. I did so, and sent her to Cairo, where she was fitted up and sent up the Ohio River. Subsequently she was brought back to Cairo, where she lay for some time. She was afterwards towed down the river to the squadron near Vicksburg, not being of any use. She was towed up to this place by the Bee, Captain French, who said he had orders to leave her here.
She was owned by a man named McDaniels, residing in St. Louis.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
T. PATTISON, Lieutenant-Commander, Commandant.
Rear-Admiral D. D. PORTER, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 25, pp. 527-528.
2, Vaughn falls back from Greeneville
RHEATOWN, November 2, 1864--6 p. m.
(Via Carter's Station 3d.)
Enemy have advanced to Greeneville in force. I shall be forced to fall back.
J. C. VAUGHN, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 894.
[1] According to the editors of Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, fn 1, p. 448, there were at least eleven Mrs. Johnsons living in Rutherford County in 1860, making a more definite identification impossible. It is not known what action Johnson took.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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