Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11.12.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        12, "To the People of Tennessee....If you fail to respond to this appeal, I shall be disband these regiments of brave soldiers and call you who have arms into service as militia."

The State must, and, to the full extent of its resources, shall be defended.-Threatened with invasion, all good citizens will regard it as a patriotic duty to make any reasonable sacrifice to repel the invader. Regiments are now in camp and organized, while others are ready to organized, but for want of arms are not prejpared to take the field.

Prompted by the noblest impulses of patriotism, these brave men are ready to take the field to defend you homes, and to prevent the theater of this cruel and vindictive war being brought within our borders. They appeal to you, who quietly remain at home, to place arms in their hands, that they may give you protection and security.

If you fail to respond to this appeal, I shall be compelled by the sternest convictions of duty, charged as I am with the responsibility of seeing that the State is defended, to disband these regiments of brave soldiers and call you who have arms into service as militia. [1]

I earnestly entreat that the people will bring forward and deliver to the Clerk of the County Court of the respective counties, or to such other agent as I may sent to the various counties, every effective double-barrel shot gun and sporting rifle which they have, to be immediately shipped to the Arsenal at Nashville, Knoxville or Memphis, where the same will be valued by a competent ordnance officer, and the value paid to the owner by the Confederate Government.

I urge you to give me your aid in the important work of arming our troops, with which we can repel the invader, but if you refuse, prepare to take the field, for I am resolved to exhaust all resources before the foot of the invader shall pollute the soil of Tennessee.



Nashville, Nov. 12, 1861

Clarksville Chronicle, November 22, 1861.[2]

        12, Tar Heels and hog wars in Cocke and Greene counties


Hon. JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War:

DEAR SIR: I beg to inclose you my brother's letter, which will explain his situation better than I can. With about 300 troops and some militia, he is succeeding well in getting our pork from East Tennessee, and I would most respectfully urge the increase of his command if possible. A vast amount of provisions could thus be saved to the Government, which, I fear, will otherwise be lost.

Most respectfully, yours,



HDQRS., Paint Rock, November 12, 1863.

His Excellency ZEBULON B. VANCE, Raleigh, N. C.:

DEAR BROTHER: I have raided Cocke County and a part of Greene, pretty thoroughly, and brought out safely 800 hogs and some horses and cattle.

On yesterday [11th] I started to Greeneville, but was overtaken by a courier stating that 300 Yankees had attacked Lieut. Richie and took 100 hogs from him. I immediately tacked about with 60 men and made after them. We met them, 200 strong, 5 miles of Newport, and had a brisk fight, driving the enemy back several hundred yards. We had 2 men wounded, 1 of whom is at Hawk's house, the other here. The enemy's loss, 1 captain killed and 2 men wounded. My men fought well. The wounded are of Capt. Boykin's company, South Carolina cavalry. My hogs (800) are all above the springs. Col. Mallett has ordered Capt. McRae back, and I will not let him go; it is impossible to do without him, and I wish you to lay the facts before the War Department. I am not only saving property for the Government, but threatening the enemy on his lines, and keeping him uneasy, and drawing some of his force away to watch me. Please haste to lay this matter before the authorities. The enemy went to mouth of Chucky last night. No other news excepting that heavy cannonading was heard toward Rogersville yesterday.

Your brother,

ROBT. B. VANCE, Brig.-Gen.

P. S.--I had to let Capt. Boykin go home this morning; this shears me of a good portion of my strength. Why can I not get some of Gen. Hoke's men, or him and his whole command? The field is so inviting and I am so anxious to do something. There is also Col. Williams' regiment at Greenville, S. C. Let it be understood at Richmond that I ask for men not to defend North Carolina simply, but to work for the Government in East Tennessee.


NOVEMBER 23, 1863.

I hope Gen. Lee will be able to spare Hoke's remaining men to this service. The recommendation of Gen. Vance to that effect has been commended to his favorable consideration.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 29, pt. II, pp. 836-837.

        12, "…the following policy will be pursued by my command…." General G. M. Dodge's General Orders, No. 67 for Pulaski and Giles County and environs

Head-quarters, Left Wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, Pulaski, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1863.-General Orders, No. 67.-The Union Army being now in possession of that portion of Tennessee and Alabama from Columbia to Decatur, and no Confederate force occupying any portion of Middle Tennessee, the following policy will be pursued by my command:-

1) Citizens who have a surplus in corn, wheat, fodder, cattle and hogs, by bringing it to the different posts along the railroad, from Columbia to Decatur, in sufficient quantities to supply the command, will receive vouchers upon which they can obtain the money. Unless this is done, foraging trains will necessarily be sent out, and what we need be taken and certificates only given.

2) As long as the people maintain quiet in the country, put down guerrillas and robbers, they will be protected, their property paid for, and treated in all respects as loyal citizens. Otherwise they well be levied upon to support the army, and treated as enemies.

3) The citizens living along the railroad and telegraph lines will be held responsible for any damage done either by any but regular Confederate troops. When damaged in any way, the citizens living nearest that point will be assessed to the full amount of damage done.

4) Citizens in the adjoining counties are invited to take such measures as they see proper to comply with this order, and every assistance and encouragement will be given them by the Communication of the Commanders at the different posts.

By order of Brig. Gen. G. M. Dodge

Philadelphia Inquirer, November 25, 1863.

        12, "It is utterly impracticable for cotton and efficient war, loyalty and traitorous traffic to grow together and thrive equally in the same crop." N. J. T. Dana's intention to stop cotton trading with the enemy in Memphis; an excerpt from his letter to Major General O. O. Howard

HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Vicksburg, Miss., November 12, 1864.

Gen. O. O. HOWARD:

*   *   *   *

When I get to Memphis you may expect more howling against me. I shall certainly put a stopper on trade, comfort, and communication with the enemy, even at the risk of "going under" by the weight of Washburn's political friends and the cotton interest. It is utterly impracticable for cotton and efficient war, loyalty and traitorous traffic to grow together and thrive equally in the same crop. Don't be concerned about Lieut.-Col. Clark. I being on my guard will try not to offend his amour proper, and will be ready to prevent any undue assumption of powers which I know you do not wish him to exercise. I feel under much obligation, and am truly gratified at your good expressions and opinions. I shall try to retain them, knowing your characteristics and instincts so well that I shall feel satisfied when you find fault with me I am wrong, and nothing shall be wanting on my part to aid you as you desire.

I shall examine the defenses of Memphis closely. I ought to have an engineer officer. I am told the same mistake has been made there that has been made at all river towns. The fort is too large, and requires entirely too large a garrison. This may prevent the building of new works. Can't you have a competent engineer sent to me to see what ought to be done?

Hoping to hear constantly good news of you, truly, your friend,

N. J. T. DANA.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, p. 655.


[1] Either the people of Tennessee were reluctant to give their shot-guns and sporting rifles to the State, or there were no more to hand over. In either case even the Governor appears to looking for a way to assuage anxieties he may have felt as a result of not being able to procure arms for all the volunteers who had no weapons. Judging from the tone of his speech in Memphis, February 20, 1862, it seems he was looking for a way to blame others for his own ineffectiveness in preparing the state for secession and war.

[2] See also: Memphis Daily Appeal, November 15, 1861.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 115

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