28, "Tennessee Patriotism"
Wearing justly the proud title of the "Volunteer State," and every citizen of hers feeling that in the future as in the past, Tennessee will still deserve and bear the high distinction won by her chivalric and patriotic sons in former wars, in the number and character of troops she sends into the field, nothing would at this time so much mortify the feelings of Tennesseans or disparage their reputation abroad, as a resort to compulsory means to induce those now remaining at home to enter the military service of the country. We have never thought compulsion would be necessary, and do not think so now. In furnishing men and money for the prosecution of this war, the patriotism a liberality evinced by Tennessee, will safely bear comparison with that shown by any other member of the Confederacy's population and means taken into the account. Realizing the dangers with which the State is now threatened, and feeling that the services of every man who can possibly leave his home, will be necessary to stay the march of the invaders, the people of Tennessee, with an unanimity hardly to be expected at this time, are flocking to arms, and volunteering their service for the common defense. The number of enlistments required can be obtained in good time, probably before arms are ready to be placed in their hands, and we regard it as peculiarly unfortunate, both for the character of the State and the cause we are we are struggling to sustain, that any portion of our people should be threatened with the compulsory process indicated by that hated and infamous termdrafting. [sic]
The mere suggestion that such a resort would be made in a certain contingency was not only premature and in bad taste, but will prove, we fear, the source of such harm to cause it was designed to aid. Tennesseans needed no such threats to make them sensible of their duties as patriots in this hour of their country's peril. Needless alarm in high places, misapprehension of the temper of our people, or probably an inordinate desire upon the part of certain little men to wear big honors, has had a good deal to do with the indelicate hast and bad judgment displayed in this matter, and it is especially desirable that the patriotic spirit being evinced by the people of the State to enter the service as volunteers, should no longer [be] dampened by threats of compulsion.
Nashville Daily Gazette, November 28, 1861.
28, Death of a slave
Negro Shot. – We learn than a Mr. Linton, living in the lower portion of this county, shot and killed a negro man, his own property, on Thursday [28th] last. The act was perpetrated in consequence of disobedience on the part of the negro [sic].
Nashville Daily Gazette, November 30, 1861.
28, Newspaper report on Confederate concerns in East Tennessee
Later advices represent that our friends in East Tennessee are actively engaged in quelling the rebellion and bringing the Union men to justice. Scarcely a day passes that they do not bring in scores of prisoners to Chattanooga. On Tuesday last. Capt. Fanksley's company brought in twenty one Union men from Cliff's encampment. The same day 41 were brought from Knoxville, of whom 24 enlisted in the Confederate service.
The men engaged in the Union movement in East Tennessee are represented as an exceedingly ignorant class of men, who have been misled by designing leaders.
Parson Brownlow has been heard from. He is in Sevier county, engaged in preaching the gospel.
General Carroll's brigade left Chattanooga on Thursday to join Gen. Zollicoffer at Jacksboro.
The rebellion in East Tennessee is regarded as effectually put down.
Later advices from East Tennessee-to Wednesday evening-represent that all the Union men arrested at Chattanooga have taken the oath to support the Confederate Government, and have been released, except Blackford, on whose person was found the plan and papers relating to the bridge burning. The authorities would not permit him to go free. They have him still in prison at Chattanooga.
The Chattanooga Gazette, of Saturday, says 100 or 120 arrests in all have been made of Lincolnites in that and the adjoining counties, and only six or eight in the city.
Macon Daily Telegraph, November 28, 1861
28- December 8, Confederate military pacification and assessment of success in suppressing Unionist rebellion in East Tennessee
HDQRS., Greeneville, East Tenn., November 28, 1861.
Adjutant and Inspector Gen., Richmond.
SIR: I think that we have effected something--have done some good; but whenever a foreign force enters this country be it soon or late three-fourths of this people will rise in arms to join them. At present they seem indisposed to fight and the great difficulty is to reach them. Scattering in the mountain paths they can scarcely be caught; and as their arms are hidden when not in use it is almost impossible to disarm the Cavalry though a bad force for fighting them in case they would fight is yet the only force which can reach them. It is adequate too to disperse and capture them in their present state of morale. I am confident that a mounted regiment with two very light guns would do more to quiet this tier of counties than five times the number on foot. Twenty-two prisoners have been sent to Nashville from Carter County and we have now in confinement some five or six known to have been in arms and who will be sent to Tuscaloosa under the order of the War Department dated the 25th instant.
* * * *
Very respectfully, general, your obedient servant,
D. LEADBETTER, Col., Provisional Army, C. S., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 1, p. 849.
HDQRS., Greenville, Tenn., December 8, 1861.
Gen. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector Gen.:
SIR: At the date of my last letter a part of the force under my command was engaged in the pursuit of a party of insurgents moving from their camp, in the northern part of Greene, towards Cocke County. As usual, their force was dispersed and only some stragglers could be picked up. Among these prisoners were three who had been of the party that burned the Lick Creek Bridge. They were Henry Fry, Jacob M. Henshaw, and Hugh A. Self. All confessed their own and testified to the others' guilt, and also gave, as correctly as they could remember, the names of the whole party engaged in that crime. Fry and Henshaw were tried by drum-head court-martial on the 30th ultimo and executed the same day by hanging. I have thought it my duty to ask of the Department that the punishment of Hugh A. Self be commuted to imprisonment. He is only sixteen years old, not very intelligent, and was led away on that occasion by his father and elder brother, both of whom I learn have now been captured by Gen. Carroll's troops.
Hearing that the insurgents had gathered in force at or near the bend of Chucky River, and thence to the neighborhood of Parrottsville and of Newport, on the French Broad, in Cocke County, I moved the Twenty-ninth North Carolina, with two companies of the Third Georgia Battalion, in that direction on the 3d instant. Hearing that Gen. Carroll had troops on the line of railroad at Morristown, I arranged with them by telegraph to move into the enemy's country at the same time and from opposite directions.
That country consists of a tumultuous mass of steep hills, wooded to the top, with execrable roads winding through the ravines and often occupying the beds of the water-courses. A few of the insurgent scouts were seen, pursued, and fired on. One was desperately wounded and left at a cabin near by.
At the farm houses along the more open valleys no men were to be seen, and it is believed that nearly the whole male population of the country were lurking in the hills on account of disaffection of fear. The women in some cases were greatly alarmed, throwing themselves on the ground and wailing like savages. Indeed, the population is savage.
The expedition lasted four days, and in the course of it we met Col. Powell's command deep in the mountains, and our guns were responded to at no great distance by a force under Capt. Monsarrat.
These people cannot be caught in that manner. As likely to be more effective, I have detached three companies of Col. Vance's regiment to Parrottsville, with instructions to impress horses from Union men and be active in seizing troublesome men in all directions. They will impress provisions, giving certificates thereof, with assurance that the amounts will be paid if the future loyalty of the sufferer shall justify the clemency of the Government. The whole country is given to understand that this course will be pursued until quiet shall be restored to these distracted counties, and they can rely upon it that no prisoner will be pardoned so long as any Union men shall remain in arms. Three other companies of Col. Vance's command are on their way to Warrensburg, on the north side of Chucky, to remain there under similar instructions.
It is believed that we are making progress towards pacification. The Union men are taking the oath in pretty large numbers and arms are beginning to be brought in. Capt. McClellan, of the Tennessee cavalry, stationed by me at Elizabethton, reports that Carter County is becoming very quiet, and that, with the aid of a company of infantry, he will enter Johnson County and disarm the people there. I shall send the company without delay.
The execution of the bridge-burners is producing the happiest effect. This, coupled with great kindness towards the inhabitants generally, inclines them to quietude. Insurgents will continue for yet a while in the mountains, but I trust that we have secured the outward obedience of the people.
Very respectfully, &c., your obedient servant,
D. LEADBETTER, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, pp. 747-748.
28, Skirmish at Rome
NOVEMBER 28, 1862.-Skirmishes on the Carthage road, near Hartsville and Rome, Tenn.
Reports of Col. John M. Harlan, Tenth Kentucky Infantry, commanding brigade, with congratulatory orders.
HDQRS. SECOND BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION, Camp at Castalian Springs, Tenn., November 29, 1862--4.30 a. m.
GEN.: Maj. [Samuel] Hill has returned to Hartsville, and reports that he followed the rebel cavalry beyond Rome, and recaptured 7 of the wagons. The wagons were recaptured on the south side of the river, near Rome. He also reports that he took several prisoners; had some 3 or 4 men killed; drove them some 18 miles, and killed 15 or 20 of them. Maj. Hill reports also that there are no rebels on this side of the river. The party which attacked and captured the train yesterday morning number 200. I inclose of adjutant of the cavalry detachment, from which you will see the casualties of the cavalry. I have written to Maj. Hill for all the facts connected with the pursuit, which I will receive at Gallatin, and will then, if make a formal report. It was rather a bold act in the cavalry to go as far as they did, and the result creditable to it. Supposing that the report of Maj. Hill to Col. Hays, herein embodied, contains all the facts which you expected Col. Hays to ascertain, I have ordered him to move down this morning. The order will not reach him, so that he can get here before 1 o'clock. If you have no objection, I will wait here until to-morrow morning, as the march from Hartsville to our camp, beyond Gallatin, will be 18½ miles, which is quite a severe one, unless necessary to be made. As to this, please answer immediately, telling the courier to bring it in haste.
JOHN M. HARLAN, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 23-24.
CAPT.: On the night of the 28th November, I transmitted to the division commander, in a brief note, all the facts of which I was then in possession in reference to the capture, on that day, near Hartsville, by Morgan's rebel cavalry, of a part of the train of the Second Indiana Cavalry, together with an officer and some of the soldiers of that regiment. I also advised the division commander of the recapture, on the same day, by Maj. Hill, commanding the Second Indiana Cavalry, of the larger portion of his train. Being uninformed at that time of all the circumstances connected with the capture and recapture of the train, I requested Lieut. Col. W. H. Hays, of the Tenth Kentucky Infantry, he being in command of the detachment from this brigade then on duty at Hartsville, composed of the Tenth Indiana Volunteers, Lieut.-Col. Caroll, Tenth Kentucky Volunteers, and Southwick's battery, as well as of the Second Indiana Cavalry, then temporarily attached to my command, to obtain from Maj. Hill a detailed report of all the facts. Maj. Hill made that report to me promptly, and forwarded it to my headquarters at this place, but by some accident it was not handed to me until this morning.
Although several days have elapsed, I deem it due to Maj. Hill and his command that I shall make known in an official form and to the proper authorities all the facts connected with the affair of November 28, as detailed by him. I do this the more readily as I learn that some one-I do not know whom-has made a report, which has reached department headquarters, in reference to this matter. But as I am unadvised as to whether that report does full justice to Maj. Hill and his command, I owe it to them to submit the following, based upon Maj. Hill's report to me.
On the morning of the 28th, a forage train, consisting of 10 wagons, was sent from the Second Indiana Cavalry, under an armed escort of 40 men, in charge of Lieut. Brush, Company H, an escort which would seem sufficient, and which, if properly handled, would have proven itself sufficient. When the train reached a point about 2 miles east of Hartsville, on the Carthage road, it was attacked both in front and rear by rebel cavalry. The train was surrendered without any resistance whatever on the part of the escort, nearly the whole of whom fell into the hands of the enemy. The few who then escaped returned to camp and advised Maj. Hill of what had occurred.
Maj. Hill immediately ordered out his command, and proceeded with all dispatch to the point designated, where he found, as he states, infantry and cavalry drawn up in line of battle. Maj. Hill states that, although he knew of the vicinity of Col. Scott's brigade, Dumont's division, which was en route to relieve the detachment from my brigade at Hartsville, he could not reconcile Col. Scott's presence with the capture of his train, and, hence, he was delayed for an hour in ascertaining who he was. As soon as here ascertained that the force which he saw Col. Scott's command, he resumed the pursuit of the rebel cavalry, and carried it on with vigor, taking several prisoners. He met with no resistance until he reached the Cumberland River, in the vicinity of Rome. At that point passage was disputed with considerable resoluteness. As soon however, as he reached the opposite bank, the enemy who composed the rear guard fled in dismay, and were not rallied until they came to the camp of the rebel Col. Bennett, where, in conjunction with his command, they were disposed to make a stand. Maj. Hill halted his advance, and awaited the coming up of more of his men; but, perceiving that the enemy were becoming bolder, and the fire too warm to be comfortable, he ordered a charge, having at that time only 90 men, the remainder not being able to keep up in the rapid pursuit which he had given the rebels. On sounding the charge, Bennett's men became confused, and as his (Hill's) men opened fire upon them with pistols, broke ranks, totally disorganizing those who had come to their camp for protection. In crossing a bridge in rear of Bennett's camp, the enemy crowded together so as to blockade it. Hill's skirmishers, dismounting, opened fire with capital execution. Immediately on passing the bridge the force which was in camp dispersed, when Hill, pushing those who remained in the road, succeeded in recapturing 7 of his wagons and 8 of his men, who had been taken with the teams.
Maj. Hill followed on for 12 miles south of the ford at Rome, where, the enemy having been re-enforced, he discontinued the pursuit, bringing off the recaptured property. He also captured a wagon belonging to Col. Bennett.
Maj. Hill reports the following casualties, viz.,: Three men of Company H, names unknown, killed while prisoners; 1 lieutenant and 36 men missing at the date of the report.
Maj. Hill reports that the capture of the train, in his opinion, is attributable to the gross carelessness of Lieut. Brush, commanding the train guard.
The loss of the enemy was heavy when it is considered that they had a great advantage over major Hill, both in numbers and position, and were enable to increase the distance between him and them by reason of the delay already referred to. As the statements are so conflicting as to the number of rebels killed, Maj. Hill makes no report upon that point beyond what his own personal observation authorizes him to state. He saw 12 dead rebels in the road.
Maj. Hill concludes:
I have to return thanks to you for the very valuable service rendered me by a lieutenant of your command; I have unfortunately forgotten his name. Capt. D. A. Briggs conducted the extreme advance with great credit to himself; but in mentioning him, I will add that all the 138 who followed beyond the Cumberland River deserve honorable mention for their alacrity in the pursuit.
I take great pleasure in stating that the name of the officer in my brigade to whom Maj. Hill refers is Lieut. D. F. Allen, Company C, Tenth Indiana Volunteers. I learn from several sources that his conduct was most commendable.
The daring exhibited by Maj. Hill and his gallant little band in pursuing a superior enemy beyond the Cumberland for several miles, nearly 18 or 20 miles from their camp at Hartsville, and the desperate fierceness with which they charged the enemy, recapturing and bringing back to camp nearly their entire train during the night of the same day on which they were taken, reflect the highest creditupon them, and deserves, as it will no doubt receive, the favorable notice of the commanding general of the department. Their conduct in these in these respects is worthy of general emulation.
JOHN M. HARLAN, Col., Cmdg. Second Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 24-26.
28, Small pox in Cleveland
...Another unusual excitement in our town [was] caused by two soldiers having broken out with smallpox [sic] this eve....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman.
28, "O! That I could kiss them sweet lips of lovely Susan Ann and little children;" Jesse P. Bate's letter to his wife Susan Ann in Hickman County
McMinnville, Warren County, Tenn.
Nov. the 28th 1862
My Dear wife, I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am well and I hope that these few lines may find you enjoying the same. We come here 2 weeks ago from Tullahoma. There is but 2 Regiments of troops here and I expect that our Regiment will stay here all winter. Our regiment is in tolerable good health at this time. Jo Steele, the 2 Morgans and Jo Loflen are well. Tom Jackson is in the hospital and he is either crazy or something else is the matter. He is not rational. Sexton left us on detail at Knoxville and he has not returned yet. Dan and A. L. Hamilton was at Chattanooga when we last heard from them. A. L. H. was sick and Dan went to wait on him and Louis Miller was near Chattanooga at a hospital and we had heard that A. L. and Louis was furloughed and gone home. I saw Baird the day before we feet Tullahoma, and he was well. You said you wanted his likeness, but there has been no chance to have it taken as yet. We are expecting a battle near Nashville and it may be going on now as there was a cannon heard in that direction yesterday. I have not heard anything from our folks in Hickman only that Beverly B. Bates was in the army and Sam is exchanged and was in Miss. When heard from. I can't hear nothing from you mother. I wrote to you from Knoxville and Tullahoma and I hope you have got both letters by this time. I sent you $250.00 by J. M. Lindly from Knoxville and now I sent you $100.00 by J. J. Moore who is discharged by reason of old age. I wrote to you to buy you a mare if you had money enough after supporting yourself.
My dear, I want you to be cautious and not let no cut throats and swindlers cheat you out of your money. Get Isaac Moore or some other good man to trade for you. I know you have a hard time and my prayers goes up to god [sic] every day sick for you and the day may soon come when we will have peace and all return to our loved ones at home. My dear, you had a hard time and a great deal more than one would put up with, if I could help my self, [sic] but you ought to be thankful that your condition is no worse than it is. There is [sic] thousands of women and children that the Yankees have stripped of everything in the world and insulted and abused in the most outrageous and in [page torn] manner. My lovely Susan Ann, I want you to try to console your self the best you can. Put your trust in God and pray without ceasing for there is some hopes of peace at this time and I hope that instead of a furlough, that we will all be discharged and come home crowned with independence and blessed with sweet peace. Our fare here is meat and bread, only when we by [sic] potatos [sic] and dryed [sic] fruit and other things; the weather has been very fine so far, but it has been intolerable cold and it now looks like it mite [sic] snow. I have got me a new pair of shoes and pants and some new socks and drawers though we generally sleep [out in the cold] and then I pray to be with you. Tell frank and Sarah to be good children and kiss ma for Pa. [?] May the God of heaven bless and protect and comfort my loved ones. Give my love and respects to they that enquire after me. I send my love to you and our little ones. Write every opportunity. So farewell until I hear from you again.
Jesse P. Bates
O! That I could kiss them sweet lips of lovely Susan Ann and little children.
Bates Correspondence.[1]
28, The destruction of Smoky Row; a plea for mercy to prostitutes
Smoky Row is being razed, and its dimensions are growing small by degrees and wonderfully less; not, as far as we can learn, from any military necessity, but wanton destruction of property. Under ordinary circumstances, the tearing down of this place might be beneficial to the city, but considering the cold weather, and the fact that very few of the unfortunate inhabitants of this locality have either money or friends, it does seem to us cruel in the extreme to turn them out of their homes to seek shelter where they may. They are hunted about like beasts, as if they had no claims upon the charitable feelings of humanity. True, many of them have by their own acts rendered themselves outcasts and almost outlaw, but who of us are perfect? If we could read the hearts of many of those unfortunate women, we might learn how much they suffer, and how little pleasure they experience. But remember that they are human beings, and that as such they are deserving of our sympathy.
Nashville Dispatch, November 28 1862.
28, Certification of security for civilians within Federal lines; a bond and guaranty of protection
During the past day or two rumors have been rife of something bordering upon a new policy, emanating from Gen. Rosecrans and Gov. Johnson in conjunction, for the government and protection of the country occupied by the Federal army. Yesterday we were furnished with a solution of these rumors direct from headquarters. A bond and guaranty of protection has been adopted by the military authorities, which every citizen, irrespective of his past political predilections, is required to enter into, and failing to do which he will be sent without the Federal lines, and not allowed to return. Below we present this bond and guaranty of protection, preceded by an explanation as to the intention and policy thereof, from a gentleman whose position authorizes him to speak with certainty as to the views and purposes of Gen. Rosecrans with regard to the government of the people, the opening of communication, and the revival of trade, and his desire that these benefits shall accrue to all. We present this document, preceded by the authoritative explanation, as we deem it, to the people of Nashville for their calm and thoughtful consideration and action.
The following is the explanation:
"The bond and guarantee of protection to be found below has been adopted by Major-General Rosecrans, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Cumberland, and by Hon. Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of the State of Tennessee, after full examination and consultation with many of the prominent citizens of Nashville of various previous views, who deplore the present wretched condition of our once prosperous and happy country. The bond has been drawn up in general and plain terms, and is unobjectionable, in sentiment or phraseology, to all truly wise and conservative men, who desire the speedy return of peace and harmony. The protection pledged thereby is ample and as full as the power of language can express. The protection will be rigidly observed—no United States Government employee dare violate it.
"It is the desire of the United States military authorities that ALL the citizens of Nashville, and the entire people of the State of Tennessee, and of every Southern State now in rebellion, will now come forward and give this bond, as a pledge of good faith to Government, Law and Order; and that they may, also, in return receive the protection due to them from a wise, powerful, and honorable government—a better than which has never been devised by man.
"By giving this bond the people become surety and hostages, one for another. By all giving it, there is no odious distinction made, and no one class of our people is set up in judgment against another. The past is, in a manner, wiped out—we all resume our allegiance and start anew, with a better understanding of our relation to Government, and of our individual rights and social ties. There are none but have learned much and suffered much from the civil war, in our very midst. Let us forget and forgive, and commence anew our allegiance to benign Government and its hallowed influences.
"Also, by giving this bond, the trouble of procuring passes in proper directions and to pursue legitimate business, is avoided; and, also, it will allow the immediate resumption of trade and commerce, those who give it being permitted at once to bring here, for sale, all goods, wares, and merchandise not contraband of war. Thus trade will revive, and general confidence be restored, and all will be well. But, if this is not done—if the pass and permit system remains as strict as at present, then will there be loss, suffering, and destitution indeed in this city and throughout the State, during the long winter now at hand.
"Let us all, then, be early in coming forward to give our bonds, which declare in effect that war and bloodshed shall cease within our borders, and that peace and prosperity shall again smile upon our beloved land."
The Bond.
United States of America, S.S.
State of ______ County of ______
Know all men by these presents, that we, __________, as Principal, and __________ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Government of the United States in the penal sum of ________ dollars; that is to say, the said ________, in the sum of ________ dollars, and the said ________ in the like sum of ________ dollars, which we agree shall be levied and made of all our respective lands and tenements, goods and chattels, and to the use of said Government be rendered. To be void, however, upon this condition, that the said ________ shall keep the peace, and afford neither aid nor comfort to the enemies of the Government of the United States; that he will be a true and steadfast citizen of the United States, and that during the present rebellion he will not go beyond the lines of the Federal armies, nor into any section of the country in possession of the enemy, without permission of the authorities of the United States.
________[L. S.]
________[L. S.]
________[L. S.]
Signed, sealed, and acknowledged before me, in testimony whereof, witness my hand and official seal, this ____ day of ________, 186_
Provost Judge and U. S. Com.
Guarantee of Protection.
This is to certify, that the citizen named in the within Bond, having properly executed the same, with approved surety, he is entitled from henceforth, to the full protection and support of the Government of the United States, and which is hereby pledged to him. All persons, military as well as civil, are hereby commanded to respect him, as a good and loyal citizen, in the full enjoyment of his property, both real and personal. All foraging is hereby forbidden upon his premises, unless actually necessary for the support and well being of the Federal armies, in which case all possible care shall be exercised, and full receipt be given by the officer in charge, which shall be duly recognized, and the property paid for by the United States Government. Officers in command of foraging expeditions will be held to the strictest accountability for the protection herein guaranteed.
W. L. Rosecrans,
Maj. Gen. Comd'g Dep't of the Cumberland.
Andrew Johnson.
Military Gov. of the State of Tenn.
Nashville Dispatch, November 28 1862.
28, Cannibalization of Winchester to Fayetteville Railroad iron to make repairs on Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad ordered
NASHVILLE, November 28, 1863.
Maj. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Cmdg. Army of the Cumberland:
By directions of Brig. Gen. M. C. Meigs, I will send a working force to Fayetteville to take up the iron from Winchester and Fayetteville Railroad, to be used for repairs on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. It will require a guard to protect the workmen while engaged in the work. The work will commence at Fayetteville, 39 miles from Decherd. The force should be strong enough to guard the four bridges between Decherd and Fayetteville, and also to accompany the working force and to accompany the train. The guard should report at Decherd on Tuesday next, December 1.
J. B. ANDERSON [Manager of Railroads]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 264.
28, Scouts from Columbia on Nolensville Pike and toward Shelbyville
HDQRS. CAVALRY CORPS, MIL. DIV. OF THE MISSISSIPPI, Near Columbia, Tenn., November 28, 1864.
Maj. J. A. CAMPBELL, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Army of the Ohio:
MAJ.: The following extracts from dispatches received during the night are forwarded for the information of the general commanding:
* * * *
Col. Capron reports that a scout on the Shelbyville pike has just returned; it went "two miles up the Nolensville pike, and learned from citizens that a rebel scout of thirty men passed there yesterday evening; that the Eleventh Tennessee (rebel) Cavalry (Col. Miller) passed six miles north of Chapel Hill, toward Chattanooga railroad, about 8 p. m. November 26. Citizens say that Forrest is moving on the south side of the river, but the direction could not be ascertained; also that a brigade of cavalry and a corps of infantry were expected in Lewisburg this morning. Rumors from various channels concur in saying that Hood's main army is not before Columbia, but is crossing the river lower down, and moving on Nashville via Centerville."
* * * *
....The scouts sent to Shelbyville have not yet returned, and no reports have been sent in from the parties at the fords on the upper river.
I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. H. WILSON, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 1109.
Report of Maj. J. Morris Young, Fifth Iowa Cavalry, of operations November 28, 1864.
HDQRS. FIFTH IOWA CAVALRY, Near Nashville, Tenn., December 3, 1864.
I have the honor to report the following action of my regiment and others temporarily under my command during the evening and night of November 28, 1864:
The Fifth Iowa Cavalry, under my command, was disposed, by order of Col. Capron, commanding the First Brigade of the Sixth division, cavalry Command, in different positions on the north side of Duck River, above and below the crossing of the turnpike running from Franklin to Lewisburg, to guard the fords and prevent the enemy from crossing to this side, which was successfully performed in my command and front. At 5 p. m. my patrols and pickets reported the enemy in force in my rear and Col. Capron, commanding the brigade, gone. Hastily withdrawing my regiment, except Company A, which was posted for miles column on the pike, and was in the act of giving the command "forward," when the other regiments of the brigade, consisting of the Eighth Michigan, Fourteenth and Sixteenth Illinois, came in successively, much to my surprise, for I had supposed them gone out with Col. Capron, and reported the enemy closing in all directions.
I made the following disposition of my new forces as hastily as possible. The eight Michigan in line dismounted, to the left of and perpendicular to the head of the Fifth Iowa column; the Sixteenth Illinois disposed in like manner on the right; the led horses of both regiments to follow up at a safe distance in their respective rears; the Fourteenth Illinois was placed in column of fours, to the left and rear of the Eighth Michigan and parallel to the Fifth Iowa, which was in column on the turnpike. The left was the most exposed to a counter charge by the enemy, who were known to be in heavy force on that flank. As soon as the enemy's fire was drawn the dismounted men were to immediately fall back, mount, and follow out the Fifth Iowa Cavalry, which was to go through with sabers. In fifteen minutes, these dispositions being completed, the command was given, "forward." In fifteen minutes more we struck the enemy in acted by Col. Capron. We received their fire and instantly sounded the "charge," riding them down and scattering them in all directions. At 10 p. m. I reported the brigade entire to Maj.-Gen. Wilson.
In this charge, which was most gallantly executed, reflecting great credit on all the troops engaged, I do not think out entire loss, out of over 1,500 brought through safe, was more than thirty killed, wounded, and missing. Having been superseded in command immediately by Col. Capron, who had preceded me some two hours, I have no means of ascertaining definitely our loss. The injury inflicted upon the enemy must have been considerable. The groans and cries of their wounded, as we rode, cut, or shot them down, could be heard distinctly above the noise and din of the charge.
Permit me to add in closing the fact of the growing confidence amongst our troops that good cavalry never can be captured.
J. MORRIS YOUNG, Maj., Cmdg. Fifth Iowa Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 604.
28, Skirmish at Shelbyville
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of Colonel Datus E. Coon, 2d Iowa Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations September 30, 1864 to January 15, 1865.
* * * *
November 28, rained until 12 m. At 2 p. m. received orders to move immediately. While "boots and saddle" was being sounded the enemy opened with a volley upon the picket on the Shelbyville road. By aid of a glass the enemy could be seen in heavy force through the thin fog, about two miles distant. I ordered a battalion of the Second Iowa, Capt. Foster commanding, to support the pickets, while the command made preparations to move. By direction of the general commanding I sent the artillery and train on the Spring Hill road. This order, however, was soon countermanded, and the train sent to Huey's Cross-Roads, on the Lewisburg pike, where the brigade erected a slight barricade of rails, and slept on their arms during the night.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 588.
Report of Capt. Joseph T. Cobb, of operations November 28, 1864.
HDQRS. TEXAS SCOUT, Berlin, Tenn., November 29, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to report, in obedience to orders, that we moved on Shelbyville, surprised and took in their picket, numbering thirteen. Yesterday morning at daylight we charged the place, drove them into their stockade, and withdrew, moving in the direction of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. In the engagement at Shelbyville, I am sorry to say, Capt. Jackson was wounded, shot in the mouth, ball lodging in jaw, breaking jawbone. The enemy pursued us in force, and we fought them from daylight until 3 p. m., when we recrossed the river (Duck). We had the home guard and Sixth Illinois Cavalry to contend with during the whole fight. I killed a number of them and took about thirty prisoners. Our loss, Capt. Jackson and three of his men wounded; none serious. Lieut. White, of my company, had his arm broken. Having reached this side of the river, I have pressed two shops, and am having my horses shod up as rapidly as possible. Unless I receive different orders from you, I will again move on the railroad to-morrow. The railroad is heavily guarded by stockades, besides they have sent the Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Illinois Cavalry on the road to protect it. I hope to get orders from you. My horses are almost broken down and barefooted. We were compelled to leave some of our horses yesterday; not able to get back.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JOSEPH T. COBB, Capt., Cmdg. Scout.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 776.
28, Federals abandon Columbia [see November 17-29, 1864, Confederate Cavalry operations in Middle Tennessee previous to the Battle of Nashville above]
28, John B. Allison's letter home to his sweetheart, Martely "Martha" C. Smellage, in Livingston
McMinnville, November 28, 1864
Dear Martha,
I have bad news to tell you, we are now ordered to march at 4 o'clock this evening. It is reported that Hood is in the vicinity of Pulaski. I was aiming to start home in the morning but I am sadely [sic] disappointed. I may never see home again....Martha you must be a good girl. That if we never see each other on earth that we may meet in heaven....Dearest girl as I have towled [sic] you before that you have long since been the object of warmest and truest love, and though I remain one thousand miles from you shall ever remember you and recognize you as a lady and true friend....Martha, Peas [sic] excuse my bad writing for I am in such a hurey. [sic] Write every chance your have.
John B. Allison to Maretley "Martha" Smellage, November 28, 1864.[3]
28, Warning to soldiers of the Army of Tennessee against committing depredations
GEN. FIELD ORDERS, No. 37, HDQRS. Army of Tennessee, Near Columbia November 28, 1864
The commanding general is pained to learn that officers and men from this army entered the town of Columbia this morning and wantonly and disgracefully plundered private and public property. He earnestly calls upon all well-disposed officers and men to check this unsoldierlike [sic] and ruinous conduct. It if cannot be done by example and moral suasion, harsher means will be used. All private property, either of friend or fore, must be respected, and all public property belongs to the C. S. Government. When any such can be useful to the army it will be equitably distributed. Let us remember that this unbridled spirit of plunder recently caused the defeat of our army in the valley of Virginia after they had driven the enemy from the field.
By command of Gen. Hood
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 1255.
28, Revival and Murder in a Cherry Creek Church
I hardly know where to begin at [sic] to write this time. We all got so frightened on Monday night that we hardly know ourselves yet. I reckon I had better begin at the beginning and write it all down if I can think of it. On Monday evening [28th] the meeting was still going on at the church, but it was very muddy and disagreeable and I did not want to go much, for I knew there would be no preaching at all, only singing (and poor at that) and shouting and crying, but some of the girls wanted to go and I went with them as [sister] Mary would not. Pat and Fayette [Amanda's brother] and William and others of the boys went; Lucetta, Margaret, Carrie, Celete, Nannie and myself were all the girls that went. When we got there, there were several Federal soldiers there, but it was a common thing and no one seemed to care anything about them. But they got information some way that these renegade Rebels that prowl about up the river were going to come and attack them that night. Some of the congregation had heard it but did not believe it. Fayette told the boys that he did not think there was any danger if they would keep a good lookout. Pat told them to look sharp. They went out after the congregation gathered and ordered all the stragglers into the house and told Pat to let no one pass out, and they went off and hid their horses and put Charles Burgess out to watch. And they would come in the house some but were out most of the time. I saw Pat keeping the door, but thought Mr. Hickman had ordered it. Two or three professed [their faith], and from the time the first one professed there was such a noise that nothing was distinct. Some shouting, some laughing, some praying, some crying, some singing and all crowded as close round the altar as was possible to get, and at least two thirds of the crowd were between the window and door and the pulpit. I with others got near the altar as possible in order to see, and also to assist in the singing. They pressed on me so that I perched myself on the edge of the pulpit. (There was no one on it but little boys.) Lucetta sat up there with me. Carrie and the others were near on a bench. Most of the people were up on the benches. In the midst of the noise a shot was heard at the window and in an instant another. I jumped from my seat, in order to get out of the way of the bullets, for I saw flashes and heard the shots faster than I could count them, unless I had been more composed than I was. Someone pushed me down off the bench I was standing on right on the women, for everyone in the house nearly were down as near the floor as they could get by this time. I tried to find room for my feet on the floor but could not and had to remain on my knees on someone for ever so long. There was so much noise and confusion that I could not distinguish anything, and I could not imagine what was up. I had to pull Celete down to keep her from being hit; she was so frightened that she was standing on top of a bench screaming with all her power, and making no effort to keep out of danger. I tried to pull her and Cetta both down and make them hush, but they were so frightened they could not understand me. It is no use saying what I thought about it. But I thought when I saw so many shots fired right toward the crowd that they were surely firing at the people just to see how many they could kill, and I had a strong notion of going round there and asking them what they meant, but I could not get out and then I had my hands full trying to take care of the girls, and then I thought I might get shot before I could get around there. The instant the firing ceased I started to hunt the boys and see what was the matter, for I had never thought of the Rebels. I had to get Carrie to hold Celete, and told the girls to say together. The whole house was in an uproar, the soldiers swearing and roaring and the women screaming. The first person I found was Hamp Clark. I asked him what it meant, he said they were shooting at "them boys"; but I did not still take the hint, for some of the Rebels had on blue Yankee clothes and I thought they were Yankees. I pushed round through the crowd asking everyone I met for Fayette and Pat. I found out that there was man killed and got to him as quick as I could and there were two soldiers sitting on the benches, and one of them had the dead man's feet up on the benches, and one of them had the dead man's feet up in his lap. I asked him if the man was dead. He said, "I don't know. I thought I would tie his feet together." I examined him and saw he was a stranger to me. The man's indifference about who it was that was dead made me know that it was not a personal enemy quarrel, and the thought flashed over me that they were Rebels. I asked him and he said, "Yes." I met Sam Stone, and he said, "Don't be scared. I don't think Fayette is badly hurt." I asked him in Fayette was shot; he said, "Yes." I then asked if it was done on purpose; he said he reckoned not. I found Fayette lying in the altar where he had sat down on the mourners' bench and fallen over and P. Cameron had caught him. I asked him if he was badly hurt, and if it was done on purpose. He said "No" both times. He then told me to go and get leave to carry him home. I didn't know where to go, but there was a man standing on a bench walking and swearing at a great rate and I made my way, to him and he said, "Yes, of course, take him home." Then Fayette came to himself and spoke to the man and told him they had been in the war together and to call him "Benson." The man seemed slow about recognizing him, but told us we could go. I ran back to where the girls were and got them not out of the house but in the middle of the floor and went all over the house as fast as I could, hunting for Pat, but could not find him. We got Fayette to wait and lie down on the writing bench. I thought it would be dangerous to start. But every little bit he would get frenzied and want to start anyhow, but one soldier advised us not to go. I met several of the [Confederate] soldiers and tried to talk to them. I found only one that had any civility about him. I found Emma Williams, when I first started out, lying on the floor, and asked if she was shot. She said she did not know and, I, knowing her as I did, did not expect there was anything the matter and sure enough there was not, but Ann Gooch was wounded in the thigh and lower part of the abdomen, one bullet making four holes. And the boy that I saw was badly hurt, but I did not get to see either of them again. Some of the women fainted and looked like they never would come to. At last the soldiers went out and got on their horses and came back to the door swearing about the Yankees' horses and wanting someone to go and show them where they were. Several of us told them that they were in the yard when we came in. One man swore that was a dead man in the yard under the window. I got a candle and looked but could not find one. And there was no one there. At last they told the congregation to get away from there. Jim Cooper told me he saw Pat go out at the door. And a soldier told me that me some men ran and he shot at them and heard a man holler. I felt uneasy but thought I would get them all started with Fayette and if he did not come to us in the lane, I would get some one to help me hunt him, but he came to us before we got far. Fayette got home very well by one walking on each side of him, but was out of his mind off and on all night. It was Sam Potete that was killed, and the man was taking off his spurs in order to get his boots off, so I have heard since. They did take his boots off and held me up and called to know who they would fit, took his coat and hat too, but dropped the hat. P. Camron asked leave to take him away, but they said, "Let him lie there," and he lay there all night, but they carried the wounded to Mrs. McGhee's. Fayette says he had got up on a bench to try to get them to quit shooting, and a man snapped a pistol at his breast and them pressed to his head and fired. He is not certain but thinks it was Benson and that he did it on purpose but don't want it known.
Diary of Amanda McDowell.
28, "The ball struck John Read in the back; he ran about 60 yards and fell." Excerpts from the letter of W. R. Featherston, a school boy in Cedar Hill, Robertson County, to his Uncle in Nashville
Cedar Hill
November 28, 1864
Dear Uncle,
I embrace the present opportunity to thank you for you kind letter of the 12th instant which I received yesterday….You say you are coming home christmas [sic] and wish to know at what time the trains leave Nashville. I cannot say for certain….The Government has found that this road does not pay and consequently the trains are very irregular. Sometimes there is not train for two or three days….I am still going to school….Last Thursday at playtime as soon as we had finished our dinner George Fiser and I walked down in the woods and the other boys went down to the pond at the tank to play on the ice when John Read, Jo Stoltz and Irvin Fiser climbed upon the tank to see how much water there was in the tub. When the negro guard at the station ordered them down they got down and he ordered them to come to him. This they felt disinclined to do and walked down the railroad. The negro [sic] then fired at them. The ball struck John Read in the back; he ran about 60 yards and fell. He died in about a half an hour afterward. He was an innocent school boy and had done nothing to cause the negro [sic] to shoot him. I do not know what will become of us all….Be sure to come Christmas and we will have a staving [sic] time provided the negro soldier does not shoot me before that time.
Your nephew,
W. R. Featherston
Winds of Change, pp. 85-86.
28-29, Artillery support action at Knoxville
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpts from the Reports of Capt. William W. Buckley, Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery relative to artillery support near Knoxville, November 28-29, 1863.
* * * *
November 28.-Shelled enemy in the evening while they were driving in our skirmishers. Fired at intervals until 3 a. m. of November 29.
November 29.-Engaged enemy at daylight until 7.30 a. m. Enemy charged on the fort. Fired canister.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 346.
[Copy sent also to ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President.]
KNOXVILLE, November 30, 1863. (Received, Chattanooga, 3d.) On the evening of the 28th, about 11 p. m., the enemy made an attack in force upon our picket line to the right of the Kingston road and forced us back some distance in front of Fort Sanders, the work commanding that road.
We afterward regained a portion of the distance. Sharp skirmishing continued nearly all night. About half past 6 yesterday morning they moved a column of assault of three brigades against Fort Sanders. In spite of our heavy fire, a portion of two brigades succeeded in gaining the ditch, but were unable to ascend the parapet. We swept the ditch with an enfilading fire with much slaughter. The rest of the attacking column retreated in confusion. We sent out a detachment, to whom the rebels in the ditch surrendered. About 300 men and 3 stand of colors were taken. Their killed and wounded amount to about 500. Our entire loss was about 20.
The morning being very cold and frosty, and the enemy's wounded in our ditch and in front of the fort crying for help, I sent out a flag of truce, offering the opportunity of caring for their wounded and burying their dead. Gen. Longstreet gratefully accepted the offer, and a cessation of hostilities till 5 p. m. was agreed upon. Their slightly wounded were exchanged for our slightly wounded lost in previous affairs, and their dead sent to their lines. Ninety-eight dead passed through our hands, among them Col. Ruff, commanding Wofford's brigade, which led the assault; Col. McElroy, and Lieut.-Col. Thomas.
A simultaneous assault was made upon the right of our line, on the other side of the river, by a rebel brigade. They carried our first line of rifle-pits, but were soon after driven from them, and the whole line regained and held. Our loss on that side was about 40; that of the enemy is thought to be greater.
Our supply of provisions continues the same. The men are in the best of spirits. We have nothing definite of your movements, and are very anxious.
I have information that on the 27th the enemy received re-enforcements of one division, perhaps two-Bushrod Johnson's and Cheatham's. Some of Buckner's troops are certainly here, as some of our officers saw the rebel Gen. Gracie during the flag yesterday. Let us hear from you soon.
A. E. BURNSIDE, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 270-271.
ca. 28-ca. December 1, 1864, Scout by 5th Tennessee cavalry west of Tullahoma
No circumstantial reports filed.
TULLAHOMA, November 30, 1864--9.20 a. m.
Maj.-Gen. THOMAS:
....A portion of the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, under Maj. Armstrong, have been out west on a scout for several days, but I am looking for them in soon, when they will come on with me or after me.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 1187.
[1] TLSA Confederate Collection. Box C 28, folder 11, Letters, Muster Roll & Officers' Pay Accounts-Bates, Jesse P., 1861-1864. [Hereinafter cited as: Bates Correspondence.]
[2] It is difficult to know how many skirmishes took place. See map depicting this operation in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, between pp. 604 and 605.
[3] As cited in James B. Jones, Jr., Every Day in Tennessee History, (Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, 1996), p. 230, from the private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Darby, Nashville, Tenn.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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