Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11.05.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes.

        5, Letter from C. F. Austin and M. V. Adcock (C. S. A.) to E.A. Reader and Kisiah Adcock, probably near Burns, Tennessee, in Dickson County, relative to army life in Claiborne County

State of Tenn.

Clabern [sic] Co.

Nov. 5th, 1861

Dear Cousin,

As it has been some time since I rote [sic] you a letter I thought I would write you this morning. I can say that I am well at this time, hoping these lines will reach you and find you all well. I have nothing of importance to write to your at this time, all the boys is beter [sic] sadisfied [sic] than they have been since we left Thanesville.[1] I reckon we will take winter quarters heare [sic]. We are at Cumberland Gaps. [sic]

I believe all the boys is geting [sic] well but Win Tatum, he has the mumps very bad. Burell Clifton is mending very slow, him and Tatum is going to Knoxville to the Hospitle [sic] with the wounded and theare [sic] I expect they will get furlows [sic] for home. J. J. Brown says he don't [sic] want to go home. Silas Tidwell is pestered with rheumatis [sic]. I believe that the rest of the boys is [sic] able for duty. I was very sick for about a week, but I am able to eat my allowance now. The first that I got that I could eat was sum [sic] soup that Jack made of an old hen he got hold of on the road, he made the best soup that I ever eat. [sic] I believe Lige Caps [?] said it would been [sic] a heep [sic] beter [sic] if that bug hadent [sic] droped [sic] in it. I believe that it cure [sic] me. I think we have a healthy situation heare [sic], theare [sic] is a good sulphur spring hear [sic] and plenty of other water, theare [sic] is a spring [that] breaks out of the mountains that turnes [sic] a splendid mill and furnace, it is a grand seen. [sic] I think you would be delited [sic] to be heare [sic] a day or too, [sic] and as boys is scearce [sic] theare [sic] you had as well come out and take christmas [sic] with us.

Tell aunt [sic] Lily that Jim and George is well and at work today. I expect that I will have to work tomorrow, we have to build a Comersary [sic] house and work on the batery [sic] &c.

We are making calculations on geting [sic] leters [sic] when the Capt. gets back, I want you all to write as often as you can and give me all the newse [sic] you can, gave [sic] my best respects to all inquire friends [sic] and reserve the same yourself, so I will close by remaining

Your affectionate Cosin [sic] until death

C. F. Austin

W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 3, p. 48.

        5, Confederate conscription exemptions and the sudden upsurge in skilled workers in Athens

Mechanics.—It used to be said that we had no mechanics in this country; but it can't be so said now.

The conscript is working wonders in that respect; and shoemakers, tanners, foundry-men, coopers, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, millwrights, iron-makers, etc., are multiplying rapidly. And not less remarkable is the fact that mechanical occupations covered by the Exemption Act have suddenly attained a degree of respectability they never possessed before in the estimation of some very clever people. Bully for the conscript! We shall soon be a community of artisans. Counter jumpers and lawyers ain't nowhere. Leather aprons and clouted shoes are all the go now.—Athens, Tenn. Post.

Montgomery Weekly Advertiser, November 5, 1862.[2]

        5, The Wages of Sin. An Extract from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain

~ ~ ~

Mr. Finley related to us a circumstance which took place of thrilling interest to the believer and one which should impress the sinner deeply. Mr. F. felt it was a solemn warning. The evening before they went to Blountville the last time the men were cooking their suppers when one of them in a light careless manner for some slight offence said to another "Go to Hell." He replied "I don't want to go by myself." Next morning they were ordered to march when a call was made for a volunteer guard to advance. The young man who had uttered the last sentence above quoted and whose name Mr. F thought was Barnes came forward to go. They had not proceeded far when a ball struck him in the head. He reeled and fell from his horse a dead man. To the believer it is impressive showing the great importance of constant watchfulness and prayer. To the sinner it speaks in solemn tone "prepare to meet thy God." O Lord impress us deeply with the uncertainty of life and teach us to know thee.

Fain Diary.

        5, "General Orders[,] No. 4;" the provision of protection for loyal unionists in the Chattanooga environs

Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field

Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 5, 1863

The habit of raiding parties of rebel cavalry visiting towns, villages, and farms, where there are no Federal forces, and pillaging Union families, having become prevalent, Department Commanders will take immediate steps to abate the evil, or make the loss by such raids fall upon secessionists and secession sympathizers of the neighborhood where such acts are committed.

For every act of violence to the person of an unarmed Union citizen, a secessionist will be arrested and held as hostage for the delivery of the offender.

For every dollars' [sic] worth of property taken from such citizens, or destroyed by raiders, an assessment will be made upon secessionists of the neighborhood, and collected by the nearest military forces, under the supervision of the commander thereof and the amount thus collected paid over to the sufferers.

When such assessments cannot be collected in money, property useful to the Government may be taken, at a fair valuation, and the amount paid in money a disbursing officer of the Government, who will take such property up on his returns.

Wealthy secession citizens will be assessed in money and provisions for the support of Union refugees, who have and may be driven from their hopes, and into our lines, but the acts of those with whom such secession citizens are in sympathy.

All collections and payments under this order will be through disbursing officers of the Government, whose accounts much show all money and property received under it, and how disposed of.

By order of Major-General U. S. Grant.

Nashville Dispatch, November 27, 1863.

        5, Skirmish near McMinnville

No comprehensive reports filed.

TULLAHOMA, January 6, 1865---12 m.


The rebel leader Lyon, recently from Kentucky, passed through McMinnville yesterday [5th] evening with about 800 men, two pieces of artillery, a small wagon and ambulance train. They had a skirmish with Capt. Cain, at McMinnville, and captured some of his men. They crossed the railroad between Decherd and Elk River bridge at 2 o'clock this morning, and passed around Winchester, right and left, in two bodies….

R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. II, p. 527.

[1] Location unknown, but from the address at Claiborne county it may have been in Kentucky.

[2] As cited in: Apparently many otherwise pro-secession upper-class men in Athens suddenly found dodging the Confederate draft, posing as workers, preferable to serving in the Confederate army.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456

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