May 16-17, 1861-1865
16, A brief report on army life at camp Randolph, near Memphis
Life in Camp.—The following sketch of life in camp at Randolph is from the correspondence of a member of the Hickory Rifles, in the Christian Advocate: "The first two or three days after we came here were very inclement, rendering it impossible to keep dry or comfortable in marching, or on guard, or even in our tents. They are open at one end; plank or straw are placed upon the ground, to lay our blankets on. Yet only a very few have been on the sick list. Six men are allotted to each tent, and eight to each mess. Every mess has its head man, who, every day at 10 o'clock, draws rations for it, and is supplied with an iron kettle, oven wash pan, tin bucket, wooden bucket and coffee pot. Each member of the mess has his tin plate, cup, spoon and knife and fork. We have our own cooking, washing, etc., to do, which seems quite funny. We are not remarkably skillful in the performance of these domestic duties yet, but we are learning 'by degrees.'"
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 16, 1861.
16, Memphis Sixth Ward Home Guards
Sixth Ward – The Home Guards of this ward have resolved to give up the arms that have been distributed to them, to purchase arms for themselves and become an independent company. Ten of their members will patrol the ward each night.
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 16, 1861.
16, Tennessee Mounted Rifles
The Tennessee Mounted Rifles have abandoned the idea of independency and will be mustered in to service in accordance with the army bill passed at the last sitting of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, in which there is a call for twelve month volunteers, to be discharged if the war ends sooner. Recruits will be expected to furnish themselves with a good horse, saddle, and the arms so far as practicle if not they will be furnished by the State. See army bill. We wish good active horsemen who have the health and constitution to stand an exposed campaign.
J. S. White, Captain
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 16, 1861.
17, "Victor Emmanuel II of Italy and the Confederate States—twin sisters of freedom." Flag presentation to the Memphis Italian-American volunteers
Italian Flag Presentation.
We have little space for the details of these frequent and interesting ceremonies—flag presentations—but in the case of the presentation that took place yesterday at Jackson's Mound, Fort Pickering, in which Mrs. Montedonico, Mrs. L. Rocco and Miss Mary Panisi were the donors, and the Italian military company the recipients, there is an interesting peculiarity, the parties being the countrymen of the incomparable Garibaldi and of the other heroes whose unconquerable determination has made Italy free. The address on the part of the ladies was as follows:
["] We present to you gallant soldiers, the highest gift that woman can donate to bravery. We give you this flag, well knowing that in your hands it will be carried on to victory, and while under your care it will never be tarnished. While it waves on the red battle field it will unfold to you the smiles of mothers, sisters, wives and sweethearts, and when you return it shall be treasured as the ensign of victory and honor. Guard and defend it forever. ["]
J. A. Signaigo, Esq., replied in the following suggestive words:
["] Ladies: Allow me in behalf of the Italian Bersaglieri military company to return to you our most sincere thanks. The presentation of this flag is an honor that will never be forgotten by us. This moment is an oasis in the desert of a soldier's life. But, be assured, that when the hordes of northern Vandals shall dare to invade the sacred soil of the Confederate States, the home of our adoption, this flag will be one of the foremost, among the first in defense of our mothers, our sisters, our wives, our sweethearts, and of our homes and firesides; and never will that flag be struck, until every man who battles beneath its folds shall have died defending it to the last. The remembrance of the fair ones who presented it will be an incentive to lead us on to victory; it will be to us what the white plume of Henry of Navarre was to his soldiers, the beacon that will lead us on to honor and to glory. The cause of the Confederate States is the cause of every honest Italian who glories in the immortal names of Cincinnatus, Rienzi, Garibaldi, and last and greatest of them all—the first soldier of Italian independence—the darling of the Italian nation—Victor Emmanuel II. Italy and the Confederate States—twin sisters of freedom. Liberty's youngest born—the cause of one is as the cause of the other; they are battling for the same great end—the right of man, against two of the most desperate tyrants that ever disgraced God's favored countries. The despised Francis Joseph, of Austria, and the drunken sot who not disgraces the office that the immortal Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson once graced and dignified—the American hero who revels in the halls of the old nation while the country is convulsed in the flame of civil war. Ladies, we swear to you that while the Confederate States remain, and they will live forever, "we wave the sword on high, and swear with her to live for her to die." Ladies, again we thank you for your generous present. ["]
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 18, 1861.
17, Pre-Secession Violence in Memphis: Two Men Hung and One Tortured by the Vigilance Committee
Chicago Men Hung in Memphis.-It seems to be pretty certain that Mr. Horton, well known sporting circles in this city, and who used to drive a pair of black horses about our streets, what hung by the rebels at Memphis for the crime of being a Northern man. Horton was a Douglas Democrat.
Sampson Kennedy, son of the late Alderman Kennedy, and a printer by trade, was also hung by the rebels in Memphis, for the crime of expressing his sentiments.
Dan Hoge, formerly of Chicago, was whipped, tarred and feathered, otherwise mistreated, and sent, more dead than alive, from Memphis to Cairo.-Chicago Dem.
Milwaukee Morning Sentinel, May 17, 1861. [1]
17, Editorial concerning unsettling conditions in Tennessee
Distress and Terror in Tennessee:
The Louisville Journal says:
We have reason to know that the prostration of business in Tennessee and the consequent depression and oppression of the people are deplorable. We have personal knowledge that landed property in one of the chief cities of that State, for which five thousand dollars was but lately offered, cannot now be sold for five hundred. We doubt whether two hundred in cash could be obtained for it. Men who live in hired houses cannot pay their rents. The payment of debts is to be arrested by legal enactment. Distress is universal. Right in this condition of affairs, the Tennessee Legislature passes a bill to raise five million dollars to sustain the State in its secession. Where a citizen of Tennessee has hither paid a State tax of $100, he is now to be called on by the tax gatherer for certainly eleven-times that amount – probably fifteen or twenty-fold. But such taxation cannot be borne, for the people of the State have not the means of bearing it, and if their lives were at stake, they could not obtain the means. So they must consent to see all their possessions annihilated and their families made beggars and outcasts, or else they will have to set promptly in motion the fiery wheels of another revolution.
As illustrative of the character of the tyranny established over souls in Tennessee, we may mention one circumstance out to the thousands which the Tennessee papers would not dare to mention. One of the first gentlemen of our city, a substantial man whose word none would question, was recently in that state on business. He repeated to us yesterday a conversation he held with a native Tennessean, a Union man, who depreciated secession as a deplorable blunder and a terrible crime. The two gentlemen were alone in a bar room, no other person being probably within a mile of them, yet the Tennessean lowered his voice almost to a whisper as if he fancied the very walls had ears to hear and tongue to repeat.-"Lately," he said, "I thought I was worth eight or ten thousand dollars; now I am worth nothing. I owe a sum of money, and I carefully laid every dollar in my power for the purpose of meeting my obligation and saving my property, but all I had was taken from me. They have raised military companies in; my neighborhood, and, although my opinions were known, they levied upon me as they did upon others, whatever they pleased, and I had to furnish the required amount or be spotted and pursued – probably be driven out of the State as an abolitionist."
Daily Cleveland Herald (Cleveland, OH), May 17, 1861.[2]
16, "Their endurance is rather heroic, for I have noticed that, as a general thing, hard fare brings down feminine resolution as quick as anything."
Special Correspondence of the Chicago Times,
Battle-Field of Shiloh, May 16.
.…We have a fair representation of the gentler sex here. Notwithstanding the vigilance of the authorities, ladies contrive to get up here, and, once here, they stay. The majority are waiting to see what fate betides their lords in the coming battle, and, in the meantime, are living on pork and beans at the rate of two dollars a day. Their endurance is rather heroic, for I have noticed that, as a general thing, hard fare brings down feminine resolution as quick as anything. They get along very well, however, with an entire ignoring of digestive organs, and manage to maintain a reasonable placidity of temper. The boats confine their culinary arrangements to the ordinary soldiers' rations, and, if anybody can imagine a more miserable diet, as a steady thing, I should like to see it. I am happy to say, however, that I have found an exception in the steamboat Tecumseh, where we get something to eat and pay what it is worth. My last abiding place was a steamboat which pretends to some degree of respectability, and, under ordinary circumstances, would be regarded as under honest management. They fed me on salt pork, potatoes, and bread, and charged two dollars a day.
Gov. Yates' meteoric visit doubtless effected a large amount of good. He had a fine steamboat, all to himself, at the expense of the State, and gallantly did he charge at what good things were within reach. A large party accompanied him, consisting of ladies and gentlemen. Among the former was the Mrs. Reynolds, from somewhere in Central Illinois, whom the gallant Governor commissioned a Major for some heroic deed which existed in his warm imagination. She is said to be on the Governor's staff, which is likely enough, from all appearances. The admirable Executive was drunk, as usual, the most of the time while he was here.
W. P. L.
Chicago Times, May 21, 1862.[3]
16, Social and economic results of the war
Clarksville, May 9, 1862.
Editor Nashville Union.—Dear Sir: In my last letter I attempted to sketch an outline of the condition of our little city before the commencement of this most causeless and [illegible] war….
This war has made widows, orphans, and paupers by the thousand, but this is not all that it has done. The commerce of Clarksville is crippled; and its railroad facilities ruined, it may be, for years to come. the commerce of Clarksville is crippled by a depreciated currency. This is one of the evils which this rebellion has inflicted upon the community. A large proportion of our circulation is Southern money, which is fifty per cent below par, and nobody wants it at that. Tennessee money is not much better, with the exception of that of the Planter's and Union Banks. Some folk roll up the white of their eyes and affect to wonder at this state of things. They cannot comprehend why Confederate bonds are not just as good as United States scrip, and the bills of Southern banks as those of Kentucky. The why is very evident, but they shut their eyes to the light and their ears have waxed dull of hearing….
As to our schools, the voice of the Muses has been hushed in the Academic Grove, and an altar erected there to the God of War. The doors of the public schools are [scratch in film] roam the streets in idleness. There are some two or three private schools in the city, but even these are poorly attended. Indeed, the educational interests of the town are utterly ignored, and this is one of the saddest aspects of our present condition. The importance of education to all the great interests of American civilization, is conceded on all hands. It can hardly be over estimated. How long this state of things is to last, and what loss our children are to suffer, in consequence of it, no mortal can tell….
Nashville Daily Union, May 16, 1862.
16, Rebel sedition in Nashville
We learn that a Mr. Hogan, living near the city, was arrested yesterday for circulating "Grape Vine" rebel dispatches. We hope some arrests of the same sort will be made here among some of our noisy and industrious rebels. They must learn that it is an unsafe business for a man to invent any calumny or startling report that may injure the Union cause, and prop the tottering cause of rebellion. We have had too much of this abominable work, and the police should seize these grape vine telegraphers in their offices, in their counting-rooms, and on the street corners. A wretch who would try to excite the white population of the State to rebellion and bloodshed is a blacker and greater villain than he who would stir up a mutiny among a few ignorant slaves. These Nashville rebel tale-bearers and news-mongers have had grass enough cast at them, and they have laughed at it. Now let a few [illegible]stones whiz about their ears. Let every man detected in starting incendiary rumors be marched off to jail.
Nashville Daily Union, May 16, 1862.
16, Law and Order; complaints about skinny-dippers in Nashville
The following comes to us anonymously. Its publication will direct the attention of the proper officers to the nuisance, and they will doubtless abate it. The writers says:
"Boys, young and old, can be seen bathing, particularly in the afternoon, in Brown's creek, near the Fair Grounds and Nolensville Pike. If there is any law against it, whose duty is it to enforce it? By answering these questions in your valuable paper, you will much oblige some females who are compelled to pass daily those who try to insult ladies."
We hear similar complaints in regard to boys bathing in the river at points along the city. Such offences against public decency are punishable under the city laws, by a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty dollars, for each offence.
Nashville Dispatch, May 16, 1862.
16, In pursuit of Morgan at Sparta
From the Knoxville, (Tenn.,) Register, May 24
Sparta, Tenn., May 20, 1862
Editor of the Register:
Sir-A Pennsylvania battalion of Cavalry commanded by a fellow titled Col. Duffy, visited this place Friday last [16th]. They were ordered by Gen. Dumont to intercept and capture the celebrated Col. John Morgan. They first proceeded to Cocksville, ten miles North of Sparta. While there, Col. Morgan passed within two miles of them. Instead of pursuing him, they took his back track, and employed themselves in stealing the horses of the citizens. Of which they took quite a number. They spent two days in this interesting business, and they came to Sparta. A citizen there says he saw the order under which they were acting. It was to "pursued Morgan till h-ll froze over, and then go under the ice after him, if they had good reason to suppose he had gone under."
But Morgan was the very last man they wished to find. They had too much of the rascally virtue "discretion" to obey the pious order.
They arrived about one hour before sundown. The Federal commander went round to all our houses, and ordered our ladies to cook supper for six hundred men, and said if they did not do it in one hour, he would turn his soldiers loose upon them and would not vouch for their conduct. Though not positively stated, the Yankee villain intended them to understand this as a threat of rape and robbery in the event of refusal. These are the amiable gentlemen who are sent amongst us to subjugate us, and be our future masters. How long must we submit to such outrages? Such brutes ought not to be permitted to live in a Christian land. They proclaimed martial law, and left every supper, rapidly augmenting the distance between them and Morgan. I predict they will have a pleasant time executing martial law in these ends of the earth.
I am, sir, yours truly
Georgia Weekly Telegraph, May 30, 1862.
16, Rev. Joseph H. Martin's Religious Visit to Patients in a Knoxville Confederate Army Hospital
A Day in the Hospitals.
The following letter from the Rev. Joseph H. Martin, a Presbyterian clergyman, who is laboring in the hospitals at Knoxville, Tenn., give a very interesting account of the religious conditions of our sick soldiers. The letter is addressed to Rev. A. E. Dickinson, of this city, by whose society Mr. Martin is supplied with tracts:
I passed through the hospitals to day, distributing tracts, and will give you a brief account of what occurred, while they are fresh in my memory. I was particularly pleased with the evidences of conversion afforded by a young man. Approaching his bedside, I inquired, "Are you a Christian?" He replied, "I am not a member of the Church." I said, "Have you experienced change of heart? Do you love God and his people? I love sinners and mourn over their sins, and at ties feel move to remonstrate with them. Some listen to what I say, others make light of it."
I inquired by what means he had been converted. He replied that a religious book had been given him by the Chaplain of his regiment (the 20th Alabama,) the reading of which forced upon him the conviction that he was lost and helpless. He looked to God and was soon rejoiced in a sense of forgiveness. He remarked, "these tracts are also good things to read."
Another expressed himself substantially in the same way, having been converted from reading a little book while on service in the camp.
A youth of sixteen summers and of pleasing countenance seemed deeply interested in religious matters, and several times remarked, with great emphasis, "I do wish I was a Christian."
I met another with whom on previous occasions I had conversed. He expressed deep penitence for his past conduct, and indulged the hope that he was a renewed man. He and Bible, which he picked upon the battle-field at Manassas.
In addition to giving a tract to each man, I usually make a short religious address in each room or ward, and offer prayer, besides conversation with particular individuals. I regard the hospitals as affording a field of great usefulness by means of colportage effort.
The Daily Dispatch, May 16, 1862.[4]
16-17, Some cases before the Nashville Police Court
Police Court.
Friday, May 16.….The proceedings yesterday morning developed the fact that Ann Brown and Mary Scott had had a fight, the origin of which did not appear, but the result was placed beyond doubt. Ann, who is a "good lump" of a girl, weighing perhaps 180 pounds, having whipped Mary to the satisfaction of both, for which she cheerfully paid the lawful penalty and retired….
Mary Fox, a very talkative woman, was fined $4 for using language not fit for ears polite, the extreme charge of disorderly conduct being disproved by Lizzy Kelly and Fanny Thompson.
Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Ross, charged with disorderly conduct, were discharged.
A man, whose name we suppress by request, was fined $23 for shooting a valuable and inoffensive dog. We hope his sense of shame will deter him from a like act of cruelty hereafter….
Saturday, May 17.—Patrick Dunovan was fined $25 and costs for beating his wife. The Recorder lectured him earnestly, and said if he was ever guilty of such conduct again he would fine him $50....Mary Callahan has been drunk again and was sent to her old home in the work house. She says she has washed enough to pay for the building
Nashville Dispatch, May 18, 1862.
17, Franklin post master to Military Governor Andrew Johnson relative to the arrest of a recalcitrant rebel
Judge P. G. S. Perkins who was arrested by Col. Campbell [Union commander at Franklin] and forwarded to your city a few days ago deserves strict treatment. He is prety [sic] badly diseased; morally as well as politically. I am informed that he stated in a confectionary [sic] in this place in regard to the oath of allegiance that he expected we would all have to take it but that he would not consider it binding at all[.] [sic] Not withstanding [sic] such remarks have been verry [sic] common in Rebeldom [sic] in the last twelve or fifteen months I trust that no man holding a responsible position will be permitted [sic] to pass at par into [sic] the United States who entertains such views [.] Yours Respectfully
A. W. Moss [Post Master]
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, p. 401.
17, Federal Provost Marshall's orders to cease depredations in Columbia environs
Headquarters, Provost Guard
Columbia, May 17, 1862
TO: Commandant of Company detachments belonging to the Provost Guard
Complaints have been made by worthy citizens to the effect that members of the Provost Guard as well as other Soldiers have been in the habit of entering the backyards and kitchens of...citizens and making too free with their servants and in some instances have committed depredations of a serious nature-This is entirely contrary to orders already issued, and the commandants of said companies and detachments will be held to account for the same. All men belonging to the Provost Guard are ordered to arrest all soldiers who may be caught in the act of entering any house or yard, unless under orders from their headquarters. And the neglect of any member of the Provost guard to make such arrests shall be death with for neglect of duty.
Thos. H. Green, Captain & Provost Marshall
Records of the Adjutant General's Office
17, Divine Services in the Stockade
Another interesting Sunday School was held in the Stockade and also Divine Service. I examined the structure more closely than last Sunday. It is built of heavy logs about three feet in diameter and 15 feet high. Standing upright side by side with the lower end planted firmly on the ground. The sides are hewed perfectly smooth and made to fit closely together. The form is thus. Between each upright timber loopholes are provided to admit the barrell [sic] of a musket. The whole is covered with heavy logs and a heavy layer of earth and considered cannon proof.
17, Free Market Food Distribution
Free Market.—At the free market yesterday 576 persons, members of soldiers families, were supplied with the following provisions: 1400 pounds flour, 30 bushels corn meal, 600 pounds bacon, 117 gallons molasses, 15 bushels peas, 70 pounds soap, 2 bushels salt, 550 pounds sugar.
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 17, 1862
17,"… come back to the Union."
Wanderers from the fold of patriotism, who have gone from the protecting shadow of the flag of your country, come home, oh, come home! Thousands of your fellow citizens, your relatives, your neighbors, stand with outstretched arms and eater eyes, tearfully awaiting your return. Do you not hear the clansmen of the Union rallying once more along the hills of Tennessee? Breaks not on your ear the familiar strains of Yankee Doodle, and Hail Columbia, and the Star-spangled Banner? Do you not behold the same old flag which floated over Lundy's Lane, and Lake Champlain, and Monterey, and Chapultepec, and Buena Vista, flying at the head of triumphant legions and victorious navies? does not your hearts [sic] warm within you at the recollection of a thousand holy and patriotic memories? come back to the Union. Desert the black flag of a falling and ignominious rebellion. Fly from the rebel camp as from a city cursed with the leprosy or the plague.
Nashville Daily Union, May 17, 1862.
17, Two Types of Rebel Women in Nashville
In speaking of rebel women in our paper, we refer almost exclusively to that class which indulges in impertinence and insult to Union men and soldiers in the street. Such conduct is coarse, ill-bred and essentially vulgar. We believe such women are rare in the city. We know that among the ladies who sympathize, mistakenly, with the rebellion are many of pure and warm and gentle hearts, who indeed deserve the name of ladies. Such we ever treat with the highest respect.
Nashville Daily Union, May 17, 1862.
16, Excerpt from a letter by Edward Bradford to his mother describing life in an Army of Tennessee camp in Middle Tennessee, near Fairfield in Bedford County
....We are leading a very quiet life here. No picketing and nothing to do but drill. Some of the officers have been trying to get up a picnic for our regiment, but I think it will prove a failure. I do not think there are enough girls and enough provisions to spare. The Chaplains [sic] are trying to get up a revival in our Brigade. I went [too the meeting] last night to hear Brother McFerren. He preached a very good sermon and got up about twenty mourners, but none of them were converted. There has been a great many soldiers converted in the last two or three months.
Frederick Bradford Papers, TSL&A
16, A wedding at the Stones River battlefield
To-day we had a novel wedding. The bridegroom was private J. N. Hamilton, of the 15th Indiana volunteers, and the bride Miss A. Bonn a volunteer nurse from Chicago. The ceremony took place on the bank of Stone [sic] river – on the very place where the 15th Indiana fought so nobly in the battle of Dec. 31st, 1862. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Post Chaplain at Murfreesboro'. A large circle of friend and acquaintances was present and just as the ceremony was over, and the newly married couple were receiving the well wishes and congratulations of their friend, Gens. McD. McCook and T. L. Crittenden drove up in a carriage, but too late to witness the ceremony. They were not too late however, to exact a kiss from the blushing bride. After they had received the usual amounts of wishes for their future, the whole party made a tour to that portion of the field on which Gen. Wagner's brigade fought, (the extreme left) and which Bragg said was impenetrable. The party then returned to town.
This I believe, is the first "wedding on the battlefield" of the war and also the first wedding of the kind in the army of the Cumberland.
Yours Truly,
Nashville Daily Press, May 16, 1863.
May 17, 1863. Scout from LaGrange, Tenn.
18, 1863, Skirmish on Horn Lake Creek, Tenn.
19, 1863, Scouts from LaGrange, Tenn.
20, 1863, Skirmish at Salem, Tenn.
20, 1863. Skirmish at Collierville, Tenn.
21-26, 1863, Expedition from LaGrange, Tenn., to Senatobia, Miss
23-24, 1863, Expedition from Memphis, Tenn., to Hernando, Miss.
26-29, 1863, Expedition from Bolivar to Wesley Camp, Somerville, and Antioch Church, Tenn., and skirmishes.
26, June 1, 1863, Scout from Fort Heiman, Ky., into Tennessee.
27, 1863 Scout from Memphis, Tenn., toward Hernando, Miss.
28, 1863, Scout from Memphis, Tenn., toward Hernando, Miss
June 7, 1863, Expedition from Jackson, Tenn., across Tennessee River.
8- 9, 1863, Expedition from Pocahontas, Tenn., to Ripley, Miss.
15, 1863, Affair near Trenton, Tenn.
16, 1863, Scout from Memphis to the Hatchie River, Tenn.
16-24, 1863, Expedition from LaGrange, Tenn., to Panola, Miss.
17-18, 1863, Operations on Mississippi River, near Memphis, Tenn., and attack on transports.
17-22, 1863, Expedition from Pocahontas, Tenn., toward Pontotoc, Miss.
29, 1863, Skirmish near Lexington, Tenn.*
July 3, 1863, Scouts from Memphis, Tenn.
8, 1863, Scout from Germantown, Tenn.
10, 1863, Skirmish at Bolivar, Tenn.
10, 1863, Capture of outpost at Union City, Tenn.
13-15, Skirmishes at Forked Deer River, occupation of Jackson and skirmish at Spring Creek, Madison County[5]
16-20, 1863, Scout from Germantown, Tenn.
18, 1863, Capture of Union pickets near Germantown, Tenn.
18, 1863, Skirmish near Memphis, Tenn.
19-29, 1863, Operations in the vicinity of Trenton, Tenn.
20-21, 1863, Scouts from Memphis, Tenn.
20-21, 1863, Expedition from Memphis to Raleigh, Tenn.
20-21, 1863, Skirmish near Fort Donelson, Tenn.
20-21, 1863, Skirmish at Grand Junction, Tenn.
20-21, 1863, Scout from Fort Pillow, Tenn., and skirmish Denmark, Tenn.
10-23, 1863.—Expedition, LaGrange, Tenn., to Grenada, Miss.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, pp. 4-5.
17, Skirmishes on the Bradyville Pike
MAY 17, 1863.- Skirmish on Bradyville Pike, Tenn.
Report of Maj. Gen. John M. Palmer, U. S. Army.
CAPT.: For several days parties of rebels have come out on the Bradyville road from Dug Hollow, and then come up to Youry's, 3 ½ miles from camp, and have told the people they were very anxious to see the Yanks at Cripple Creek. I determined several days ago to give them a dash as soon as I was ready.
On yesterday I rode out with my escort to Youry's. I had 20 men. This morning [17th], well satisfied that "the loyal citizens" had given them information of movements, and that they would be watching for me, I started at 7 o'clock with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, 60 men, my escort, 25 men, and 6 volunteers from Cruft's officers, and rode out on the same road. When I got to Youry's, I was told that 80 of the Third Georgia Cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. [R.] Thompson, had been there an hour before. I pushed on, taking the left-hand road, with the hope of reaching the Bradyville pike between them and their camp. We reached the pike, turned toward Murfreesborough, and had not proceeded more than a quarter of a mile when we perceived them in a lane, apparently uncertain whether we were coming or not. We did not wait to fire, but went at them at full speed. We came on them under a quick fire, but they broke when we got within 100 yards. We pursued them a mile, and have 18 prisoners. I do not know how many were killed or wounded. The enemy, after they reached the woods, rallied, and fought well, but they had no sabers, and only inflicted a few slight wounds. Five is the whole number wounded on our side. We had 2 or 3 horses ruined, but we took a number.
* * * *
All quiet in front.
Very respectfully,
J. M. PALMER, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 333.
17, Scout from LaGrange
No circumstantial reports filed.
17, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 113, relative to Army of the Cumberland cavalry command staff and instructions on communication with infantry commands and vedettes
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 113. HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, Tenn., May 17, 1863.
I. To economize our cavalry, brigade and division commanders will detail from the infantry regiments under their command: For orderlies at brigade headquarters, 1 non-commissioned officer and 4 privates; for orderlies at division headquarters, 1 non-commissioned officer and 9 privates. The quartermaster's department will provide horses, and the ordnance department equipments, to mount men so detailed. To each corps commander will be assigned one company of cavalry for escort and orderly duty. All other cavalry in this army will report at once to the chief of cavalry for duty.
II. Cavalry grand guards and vedettes will, when the army is together, be posted and controlled by the chief of cavalry, with approbation of the general commanding. When cavalry is serving with detached infantry commands, cavalry pickets will be controlled by the senior cavalry officer present, with the approval of the commanding officer of the post, expedition, or detachment. The cavalry commander will detail an officer of the day for each cavalry brigade, who will report daily to the infantry commander whose front he is to cover, for such orders as he may wish to give; he will then post his guard, after which he will report fully to his cavalry commander the orders he has received and the disposition of his guard; he will be responsible for the vigilance of the cavalry pickets under his control, and will order such patrols as may be necessary and his force will permit; he will have a perfect understanding with the infantry officer of the day, informing him of the position of his guards, and arranging for speedy communication with the infantry pickets, in case of alarm.
III. Cavalry guards will not be allowed to straggle in and out of the infantry pickets, but will be required to present themselves at the picket line in a body, and to march in regular order to and from their camps and stations.
IV. Cavalry officers of the day, wearing the insignia of their office, will be permitted to pass the pickets by day and (giving the countersign) by night. Officers of the day should always carry the order placing them on duty as such upon their persons during their tour of duty.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 336-337.
17, "…I assure you that there is very little enjoyment in camp but I hope that this cruel war will soon end that we may be turned loose and permitted to return to our friends and relatives who are waiting so anxiously for our return." Confederate A. J. Rice, in Wartrace, to his cousin, Mary L. Paine
May 17, 1863
My Dear Cousin,
I received your very kind letter day before yesterday and as we had to move our encampment I had to postpone writing until today. We have left our Brigade for a while and moved nearer town and our Regiment does all the guarding about town. I have not heard anything from the Yankees for some time except that they have sent all their tents and heavy baggage to the rear and I expect there will be something done down here before long. We are sending all our sick off to Chattanooga. Our men are laying the track from here to Bellbuckle a distance of five miles and I expect we will advance soon. The track has been torn up ever since our retreat from Murfreesboro. There is a Yankee deserter comes [sic] in nearly every day [sic], but we don't get to talk with them unless we are guarding them. Some thinks that we will fight down here soon and some thinks that we won't fight down here for some time to come.
Hab is camped out near Fairfield but I have not seen him since we left Tullahoma. I have not heard from home for nearly a week. I am looking for a letter this evening. Cousin Mollie I wish I was with you all today. We would certainly enjoy ourselves, but I assure you that there is very little enjoyment in camp but I hope that this cruel war will soon end that we may be turned loose and permitted to return to our friends and relatives who are waiting so anxiously for our return. It may be soon or it may be a long time. But I hope that the time will come when we can all meet and spend a happy time together as we have done in days that are past. and gone and I am fearful never to return. I have not been at home since I wrote to you nor do I expect to get home soon. Today is very dull in camp for since we have moved off from our Brigade we have had no preaching in the Regiment. There is a big protracted meeting going on in our Brigade and has been for over two months. There has been a good many conversions. I don't know how long it will go on, but I am in hopes that it will be a general thing throughout the army, for there is a great deal of wickedness going on in the army. There has been some depredations done down here by our men down here [sic]. Some four Artillery men went to a man's house down here the other day and knocked him down and took all his money and some eggs and butter and milk and they have all been arrested and chained down awaiting their trial. I expect they will go up for ninety days. There is [sic] also two or three men in the guard house for murder and I expect that they will be hung is a short time. God speed the time when all such men will be hung as high as the hayman. I am glad to hear that Jo got off as easy as he did. I never want the cut throats to get a hold of me.
I want you to write to me as soon as you may get this for I am always glad to hear from you.
Give my love to all. I remain
Your True Cousin, Andrew
Write soon and address:
A. J. Rice
Johnson's Brigade
Cleburne's Division
PS Please excuse confed[erate] paper [money] for it is the best that I can do at present.
Write soon,
TSL&A Civil War Collection[6]
17, Summer and Social Life in Confederate Camps in Middle Tennessee
Camp Near Shelbyville,
May 17th, 1863.
It is well that war cannot divest life of all its merry charms. At the same time, we cannot advocate a reckless disregard for the animosities incidental to this trying hour in our national [illegible] Little fear do we entertain, however, that the Southern heart, whose purity and patriotism predominate, shall fall into the error of either extreme. Our association for several months with the people of Tennessee has materially changed the sentiments of many of the latter, not only in regard to our earnestness of purpose, but also in regard to our manner of warfare, which has been represented as most savage and diabolical by Brownlow, Johnson, and other traitors. As proof of this social affiliation, we point to the parties, pic-nics and gatherings which occur frequently in the vicinity of camps. These entertainments are characterized not alone by the delicacy of the viands and sweetmeats, but, if the judgment of some of my (perhaps) infatuated friends is to be relied on, a rarer feast is spread where gazelle eyes and ruby lips and cherry cheeks disport in glorious profusion. A certain degree of license is due their tastes, I must acknowledge in view of their feeling proximity to those batteries of winsome smiles, bewitching glances, and winning graces, but as observer can testify how charmingly Tennessee ladies entertain their gallants. In speaking of pic-nics, May parties, held under the grand oaks, on the moss-covered rocks, these gorgeous halls of Nature, one is naturally led to admire the beauty and the magnificence of the scenery offered at every turn from the river's banks to the picturesque slopes overlooking the sunlit vales. The artist, Summer, had painted for us a rich panorama. From a congregation of time-honored oaks crowning an eminence in front of our regiment where lazy sentinels bask in the sunbeams, a sweeping view commands the outstretched landscape, and holds the Fish Creek, now losing itself in a bed of green, soon to emerge on a reedy path towards the placid current of the river. Beyond this stream, which is a gem-set pencilling in [illegible] pasture, fields and orchards arise in graceful bounty, then gently sloping to the river's brink the scene is lost in a swelling mass of "banks and brass," and mountain verdure. To the left and front the eye can wander and linger long, delightfully, amid fields and forests, houses and meadows. I feel that I cannot do justice to this lovely scene, and when, adding unto its magnificence, a gorgeous sunset heightens and intensifies the glory of the view, I would fain retreat for description behind an expressive shrug of the shoulders and a muttered, "ver plaisant," as that Frenchman did who could only explode a fraction of his pent up admiration in such superlatives a "grand! superb! magnifique!"
Mobile Register and Advertiser, May 24, 1863.[7]
17, "Fannie I commenced this thinking it would prove a very dull letter, and I think I have succeeded in making it so beyond all my expectations…." Frank M. Guernsey's letter to Fannie
Memphis, Tennessee
May 17th, 1863
My Dear Fannie
Well, here I sit as usual in my tent, with pen poised over an unwritten sheet trying to think of something to write which will interest you, but the attempt is futile my ideas are as few and far between as hen's teeth and then there is no news to help me in the least, so you see I am in what the Frenchman calls a "fix".
I believe when I last wrote you our regiment was celebrating the Fall of Richmond [sic] which like all other news from that quarter has turned out to be a Hoax, [sic] but hoax or not some of our boys had a jollification over it, which was very evident from their red eye and the way their hair pulled the next day there was a greate [sic] excitement here for several days as the news was very meager and we all hoped for the best result. Genl. Webster offered to bet his coat and strapes [sic] that peace would be declared in sixty days. I hoped it might be so, but I failed to see it in that light. I am confident that we have got our three years to spend in the service or rather two years and two months from this date our affairs are not progressing as well as I should like to see. Genl. Grant has called for more troops and Genl. Hurlburt [sic] has sent him one Brigade. We had a great time when they left a number of the 14th Ill [sic] deserted and were roving around the city. I was out with a squad of men for three successive nights and captured five of them. a [sic] squad of our men found two of them in an alley and ordered them to halt they started to run and the Corporal ordered his squad to fire one ball took effect in the arm of one of the men nearly cutting it off, the other was unhurt. They begin to find out that the 32nd cant [sic] be fooled with and they are loved and feared accordingly.
The Colonel has returned from Wis where he has been spending a couple of weeks and Fannie when the opportunity offers I am going to try and get a furlough. I think if I tell him that there is a certain little black eyed lass who says that I must [sic] come and how she will jump up and down if I do, that he can hardly resist the appeal and will let me come to get rid of me but still the chances of my coming are very slim, and perhaps the next letter I write you will be to announce my failure, but I shall live in hopes until I find there is no use.
I received a letter from Mrs. Richmond a few days since she was well, she had not received my last letter and gave me a little scolding for not writing. She said she loved me just as well as she ever did, and should welcome me home as warmly as "that little black-eyed Fannie" and I believe she will, provided I bring no disgrace with me. She is a good Sister and I love her dearly. I was always her favorite and she mine, she is very anxious to see me as soon as the war closes and I think she will have a chance if nothing happens to prevent. Fannie I commenced this thinking it would prove a very dull letter, and I think I have succeeded in making it so beyond all my expectations, and I think the sooner I relieve your patience the better you will be pleased, so I will close by sending my best regards to all your people and much love and a big kiss to you good by and may God bless you is the prayer of your own – Frank
Guernsey Collection.
17-31, Report on Naval operations on the Tennessee River, Savannah and Clifton
Report of Lieutenant-Commander Phelps, U. S. Navy, regarding operations at Savannah and Clifton, Tenn.
U. S. GUNBOAT ARGOSY, Tennessee River, May 24, 1863.
SIR: On the 17th I received notice from General Oglesby that a considerable force of the enemy, with artillery, was at Savannah and Clifton, shelling the opposite shore and crossing the river. I hurried up the river, but the rebels retired from the banks on our approach. General Dodge, at Corinth, advised me that he wished to cross a heavy cavalry force at Hamburg. When I reached there he informed me that he could not send the force immediately, on account of rebel movements along his front, but he would do so the coming week, crossing over 1,500 cavalry. I left three gunboats to cooperate in this movement and came down the river for the purpose of looking after the Duck River section and to send two of the heavy-draft boats to exchange for lighter ones. The river is falling rapidly and is low already. Most of the gunboats can not go high up after eight days more at the present rate of falling.
The rebel force that has been at Savannah and thereabouts, I learned was a part of Forrest's command on its return after capturing Colonel Streight near Rome, Ga.
The Robb, being then the sternmost [sic] of the boats, was fired into on the 19th below Duck River and 2 men were slightly wounded.
Since my last communication, we have destroyed immense numbers of boats of every conceivable construction, showing great activity on the part of the enemy in making them. He holds the right bank from near Fort Henry up, and is active in crossing in small parties to surprise our pickets and to plunder the people, who on the left bank are mostly Union.
* * * *
S. L. PHELPS, Lieutenant-Commander.
Acting Rear-Admiral D. D. PORTER, U. S. Navy, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.
Report of Lieutenant-Commander Phelps, U. S. Navy, regarding late movements of gunboats under his command in Tennessee River, May 24 to 31, 1863.
U. S. GUNBOAT COVINGTON, Fort Henry, June 3, 1863.
SIR: Beginning with the date of the last report I had the honor to forward, I have now to inform you that the three gunboats left to cooperate in a movement across the Tennessee at Hamburg effected that purpose.
On the 24th the Covington, at Savannah, crossed and covered a small force which proceeded a few miles back and destroyed a cotton and woolen factory and a mill used by the rebels.
On the evening of the 26th, cavalry, with four howitzers, under Colonel Cornyn, Tenth Missouri Cavalry, arrived at Hamburg from Corinth, and the gunboats safely crossed the force over the river.
~ ~ ~
Meanwhile 150 cavalry had landed at Savannah under cover of the guns of the Covington, intended to operate in that neighborhood, and keep open communication between Colonel Cornyn and the gunboats. The Fanny Barker and Robb covered the landing opposite Hamburg. The force at Savannah had captured some stock and brought it in, but on the 30th, while returning from an expedition with considerable stock, the commander found himself pressed by a rebel force and was obliged to abandon his stock and he barely succeeded in getting into Savannah, where I found him on the river bank, protected by the Covington. Colonel Biffle, the rebel commander, had invested the town, demanding a surrender of our forces, and giving an hour for the removal of women and children, if this demand were not complied with. He received for an answer from both our commanding officers, a short and more expressive than civil reply to come and take them. Not wishing to interfere with Colonel Biffle's projects for getting his command badly cut up, it turned out as I expected, mere gasconade. I went on to Hamburg, where Colonel Cornyn had arrived, and I crossed his command over that night with some 1,000 additional animals captured. It appears that the enemy had pushed considerable force from Spring Hill and Columbia, General Bragg's left wing, toward Hamburg, in the hope of cutting off Colonel Cornyn's force, but had come up too late.
There was brisk skirmishing during the time we were crossing our people. In the morning the enemy was discovered in the woods near where the crossing was effected, and we shelled him out. Numerous Union families from Hardin County, Tenn., became alarmed at the rebel threats of vengeance, and begged me to bring them down the river, and I have done so, having a barge load of the household effects they have been able to save.
* * * *
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 25, pp. 129-131.
16, Provost Orders, No. 109
Office of the Provost Marshal
Nashville, Tenn., May 16, 1864.
* * * *
II. The hour at which Saloons in this city are required to be closed is changed from 8 PM to 9 PM.
By command of Brig. Gen. R.R. Granger
Nashville Dispatch, May 17, 1864.
16, Curing a headache in Beersheba Springs
Yesterday I could not write. On Saturday evening commenced a headache, at 1 o'clock it was raging – I had hot cloths applied from that hour until 12 next day-together with vinegar, camphor, laudanum, sweet oil, steaming etc. I drank assafoetida [sic] – salts of tartar; and swallowed odious pills, all to no purpose, one pain bored thro' my eyes – another at right angles bored thro' the ear – my neck, teeth, nose, all ached – my temples burned and throbbed – at 12 o'clock in a fit of desperation I ordered a cup of tea and a cracker, swallowed them and in two minutes was entirely relived of pain!
War Journal of Lucy Virginia French.
17, Belle Edmondson's prayer for pro-Union Mrs. Perkins' daughter
May, Tuesday 17, 1864
Oh! most miserable day-Mrs. Perkins almost made me mad at her deep distress-Poor, poor Nannie, my heart aches for her, would to God I might be the medium through which all could be made happy-Miss Em is so widely different in her political feeling, there will never be any happiness, I fear, with poor Nannie. May God guide the dear child, keep her firm to the cause she has espoused, may she never have her pure, noble Southern feelings polluted with Yankee treachery or tyrany [sic]-keep her firm and true to her noble Brother Dashiell and his Country rights-she dreams not, but oh! my heart trembles and bleeds for her in this great trial and affliction….
Diary of Belle Edmondson
17, School Outing
School Picnic. – The annual pic-nic of Mr. R. Dorman's School took place yesterday [17th] at the residence of Mr. W. F. Bang, about two miles north from Edgefield, one of the most lovely spots in this county. The scholars accompanied by their teachers, left the schoolrooms about nine o'clock, and marched in procession to the opposite end of the bridge, where carriages, buggies and wagons, were awaiting them. Soon after reaching the ground, the boys and girls assembled around a platform, on which were seated the lovely girl who was selected as the Queen of May, her Maids of Honor, and others intended to participate in the exercises, which were exceedingly interesting and instructive, and consisted of singing, addresses by Misses Delia Driver, Sarah Coltart, Selina Hinton, Mary Henderson, Bettie and Laura Wilkerson, Fanny Gower, Annie Reyer, Augusta Larcombe, Laura Bailey, Rebecca Walker, Nona Glasier, Georgie Rowand; Masters Jos. Walker, J. M. Dolin, John Marrow. Not the least interesting event of the day was the presentation of Master Oscar Hill, on behalf of the scholars, of two superbly bound Bibles, one to Mr. Dorman and the other to Miss Dunham. The address was delivered in the most admirable manner, and was full of sublime sentiment. We regret our inability to publish the address entire, with the reply of Mr. Dorman, but on our return to town we found all our space occupied The rain put a sudden stop to the genera fun, and interfered somewhat with the dinner, but all were brought safely home, but the constant kind care of the teachers. We regret to say that Charlie Walker met with a painful accident on the ground, but he will probably recover from it in a few days.
Nashville Dispatch, May 18, 1864.
17, Union railroad construction, homeguard depredations, Confederate guerrillas and smuggling in the Union City environs; an excerpt from the report of Brigadier General Henry Prince
HDQRS. OF DISTRICT, Columbus, May 17, 1864.
Maj. Gen. C. C. WASHBURN:
GEN.: I have finished the railroad to Moscow, because it is so often difficult to cross the Little Obion, and I can complete to Union City in four days, but am in no haste to begin that part for reasons already given. It is evinced that the road will pay from Union City here if we take the cotton and tobacco which will be offered for freight. My impression is decidedly against taking it, and I shall follow this policy, which is indicated by the orders you have issued for Tennessee, till I receive new instructions from you, if I can. The depredations committed on Union people by the force I sent out under Col. Moore were by the citizens mounted by Gen. Brayman's Special Orders, No. 45. I took away their horses and arms the day after they returned and revoked their permits. They knew the Union people, and selected them for annoyance according to my best information, which is confirmed from all different quarters. There is a force of guerrillas centering at Boydsville on the Tennessee line. Their object is to cover smuggling, I suppose, and I ought to have mounted men to disperse and catch them. A good squadron of cavalry would be very useful here. In the absence of it, I am trying to get up mounted infantry, but my force is limited. I have not latitude for selection or detail of officers, and horses are wanting. The steamer W. W. Crawford is suspected of smuggling.
* * * *
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
HENRY PRINCE, Brig.-Gen. of Volunteers.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, pp. 34-35.
16, Counter-insurgent sweep, Tullahoma to south side of Elk River
No circumstantial reports filed.
Upon the receipt of this you will immediately send the detachment of cavalry down, the south side of Elk River to Simons' Mill, at which place they will halt till 12 m. As soon they will halt till 12 m. As soon as the infantry have breakfasted you will proceed along the south bank of Elk River till you reach Doctor McGoughlin's, leaving five men at every quarter of a mile, as near as may be, but at the same time post them at the highest and most eligible points on the river to obtain a view of the country. At precisely 12 m. your whole command, infantry and cavalry, will cross the river, deploy at as great a distance as possible, taking care that the right and left men are in view of each other and in hailing distance. Try at the same time to make connection with the right of Lieut.-Col. Stauber, Forty-second Missouri Volunteer Infantry, who is on the north side of the river and on your left and with Capt. Lewis' left, who is on the north of the river and on your right. Immediately after crossing the river and deploying your men you will move forward northwardly, with lines converging so as to center at Marble Hill, at which place your men will assemble. After reaching there and reporting to Lieut.-Col. Stauber you will return to your camp at Decherd. The object of this expedition is to trap and destroy the guerrilla Rogers and his band, who are supposed to be in the section of the country that will be scoured by this expedition. The majority of the guerrilla band are dressed in Federal uniforms, and Rogers is said to be riding a dun or claybank horse. Instruct each of your men not to allow any man to pass through their line upon any pretense whatever, but to arrest all persons whom they meet have any reason to suspect, and conduct them to Marble Hill, reporting them to Lieut.-Col. Stauber.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Milroy:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 807.
TULLAHOMA, May 17, 1865.
This day a man by the name of A. S. Hendricks, one of the worst guerrillas and murderers who has infested the country, came in and reported to me, having surrendered and been paroled at Chattanooga under your late order relating to armed bands, and has come this far on his way to his home in Franklin. He in company with Rogers, whom you recently ordered me to treat as an outlaw, during the Hood raid shot and mortally wounded William Chasteen, captain of my scouts, while in his house at supper after night, and tried to kill his brother, Elijah Chasteen, who since was captain of scouts, and was killed by Rogers and others on the 6th instant, Hendricks[8] shooting Chasteen through the crack of his door. Shall I permit him to go home, or will you permit me to treat him as an outlaw?
R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 822.
16, Report on the seized assets of the Confederate Bank of Tennessee and the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad and the Archives of the State of Tennessee
MACON, Ga., May 16, 1865--2 p. m.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:
In pursuance of your instructions by telegraph from Washington, May 14, I have the honor to make the following report: Maj.-Gen. Upton has at Augusta, under guard, the books, papers, and assets of the mother bank of Bank of Tennessee, Knoxville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Columbia branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Clarksville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Trenton branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Memphis branch bank of Bank of Tennessee; a portion of the books, papers, and assets of the following are also under guard: Athens branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Rogersville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Sparta branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Somerville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee; assets there, but books and papers burned or lost at Chattanooga, of Shelbyville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee. The above report includes the mother bank and all its branches. There are on the line of the Georgia Railroad, belonging to the Nashville and Chattanooga road, 20 locomotives and tenders, 12 of them in good order and 8 wanting repairs; 116 freight cars, generally in good order; 16 passenger and baggage cars, mostly in bad order. There are 2 locomotives and about 20 cars in Virginia, and 1 locomotive and 10 cars in South Carolina, which cannot be returned till the railroad is repaired. The property and rolling-stock of the railroad can be collected at any moment; but some of it is being used to transport paroled prisoners and supplies for my command. Gen. Upton has not seized them yet. They will be taken possession of as soon as the necessity for their use has passed. The archives of Tennessee were in Montgomery last winter. Mr. Claiborne, chief clerk of Bank of Tennessee, informs me that they were moved from there upon the approach of my command. It is said they were sent to this place. I have taken steps to find out their whereabouts. Dunlap and Ray are not at Augusta; they left last Sunday. Fisher is expected there to-day. Torbett and Battle are away; whereabouts not known. I have taken the necessary steps to find them. Will report further. The assets and coin of the Bank of Tennessee and branches now under guard amount to something over half a million dollars.
J. H. WILSON, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 799.
MACON, May 16, 1865--3 p. m.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Washington:
Col. Minty reports the recovery of twelve boxes of the Tennessee archives. They were found at Buzzard Roost, on the Ocmulgee, and are now here. Dunlap, who had them, has fled. Harris is reported to have been at Buzzard Roost lately.
J. H. WILSON, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 800.
AUGUST, GA., May 16, 1865.
Maj.-Gen. WILSON, Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi:
The books, papers, and assets of the following banks are here under guard: Mother bank of Bank of Tennessee, Knoxville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Columbia branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Clarksville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Trenton branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Memphis branch bank of Bank of Tennessee. A portion of the books, papers, and assets of the following are here under guard: Athens branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Rogersville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Sparta branch bank of Bank of Tennessee, Somerville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee; assets here, but books and papers burned or lost at Chattanooga, of Shelbyville branch bank of Bank of Tennessee. The above reports include the mother bank and all its branches. There are on the line of the Georgia Railroad belonging to Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, 20 locomotives and tenders, 12 of them in good order and 8 wanting repairs; 116 freight cars, generally in good order; 16 passenger and baggage cars, mostly in bad order. There are 2 locomotives and about 20 cars in Virginia and 1 locomotive and 10 cars in South Carolina, which cannot be returned till the railroad is repaired. The property or rolling stock on the Georgia Railroad can be collected at any moment, and as some of it is being used by the Georgia company to transport paroled prisoners and our own supplies, I do not think it advisable to seize . The president and superintendent are exceedingly anxious to get it back to Mr. Claiborne chief clerk of Bank of Tennessee, informs me that they were removed from there upon our approach, and that the last he heard of them they were on train going from Macon to Atlanta, but the train was met by Howell Cobb and sent back to Macon. The archives certainly are not in Augusta. Young may be able to trace them at Macon. Messrs. Dunlap and Ray left here on Sunday, taking the Atlanta train. They left for fear of being arrested. Mr. Fisher is expected to-day. Mr. Torbett has not been heard from. Battle was here, but his whereabouts is not known. I will send the troops of my division back to Atlanta to-morrow morning, unless your otherwise direct. The whole matter with which I am charged might as well be left in Gen. Molineux's hands as not, and I permitted to return to Atlanta. Please let me know whether you deem it necessary for me to remain longer; if not, I will make arrangements to leave to-morrow morning. The assets in coin of the Bank of Tennessee and branches now here under guard amount to something over half a million of dollars.
E. UPTON, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 802-803.
16, Federal troops sent to Lauderdale County to assist in establishing civil law
NASHVILLE, June 16, 1865.
Maj. Gen. JOHN E. SMITH, Memphis:
Send about 100 good men to Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tenn., to assist in establishment of civil law. Let them remain until it is established.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen., &c.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 1004.
16, "Sister jumped up and opened her door and was almost suffocated by the smoke." An erstwhile slave is blamed for a house fire in Bolivar
....Before day this morning or about day break Lettie ran into sister's room and woke her by asking what all this was about [sic]. Sister jumped up and opened her door and was almost suffocated by the smoke. She alarmed the house, Jimmie ran with a bucket of water, seeing the smoke, discovered and quenched in some degree a large blaze in the cellar. The dry fodder was on fire. At first we thought all was lost but a special Providence mercifully gave us the power to quench the blaze that would perhaps turned us out on the inhospitality of the world. Lettie [a house servant] seemed so unconcerned while every body [sic] was so very much excited, that brother Frank suspected her of having set it on fire. The negroes [sic] also suspected but no having sufficient evidence against her then, we were disinclined to believe her guilty, but further proof from the children goes to convict here. But to prove her guilt, she ran away when she heard some of say that a house burner could by law be executed. The children say she too my ring but being of little consequence, it is hardly worth recording. Frank got on a horse and went in pursuit of her. Caught her and brought her back home. Her mother consigned her to jail there to await the decision of some Yankees who Jimmie wrote for. To day they came, were commanded by the man who built Major McNeal's house. He told Jimmie to keep her in jail until civil court was established then try her, and if convicted hang her.
Diary of Sally Wendel Fentress, May 16, 1865.
16, Champ Ferguson and his associates declared outlaws
NASHVILLE, May 16, 1865.
Maj.-Gen. MILROY:
In accordance with orders heretofore published of the major-general commanding the Department of the Cumberland, Champ Ferguson and his gang of cut-throats having refused to surrender are denounced as outlaws, and the military forces of this district will deal with and treat them accordingly.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau:
H. C. WHITTEMORE, Capt. and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 806.
16, Surrender of guerrillas at the house of Gabriel Maybury, in Hickman County, Tennessee
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Franklin, Tenn., May 18, 1865.
Maj. B. H. POLK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen. District of Middle Tennessee:
SIR: Pursuant to instructions from district headquarters I have the honor to report that I left Franklin, Tenn., on the 15th under flag of truce with an escort of fifty men belonging to the Sixteenth Illinois Cavalry and proceeded to the house of Gabriel Maybury, in Hickman County, Tenn., for the purpose of receiving the surrender of Capt.'s Duvall, McNairy, Cross, and Miller, who were chiefs of guerrilla bands in that vicinity. I arrived at Maybury's about 11 a. m. on the 16th instant and shortly after my arrival I received a note from McNairy, requesting me to inform him upon what terms he could surrender himself and command, also requesting me to designate a place at which to have a personal interview. I wrote him that the same terms accorded to Lee by Gen. Grant would be extended to him, and designated the proposition to meet at Mr. Dean's, and at 1 o'clock the interview took place. After he fully and they were at once paroled by Lieut. Bracken, assistant provost marshal Department of the Cumberland. The command consisted of three captains, five lieutenants, and forty-eight men. I would take occasion to state that they had undoubtedly made some preparations for the surrender, from the fact that they had eight horses, fourteen saddles, and twenty-one old muskets, carbines, and pistols to turn over. They claimed to belong to the Confederate army, and had an order from Gen. Forrest to organize a battalion for his command. McNairy and Cross expressed a desire to leave the United States, but said they would do all they could, while they remained, to restore peace to the country.
I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. B. NULTON, Maj. Sixty-first Illinois Infantry, Cmdg. at Franklin.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 832.
16, "How far you have violated the rules of civilized warfare, I am not able to say." Correspondence relative to the case of guerrilla chief "Club-foot" Captain Clinton Fort
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., May 16, 1865.
Capt. CLINTON FORT, Company G, C. S. Army:
Your communication of the 8th instant, with inclosures, has been received. The information which I have received heretofore in regard to you and your company was to the effect that you were guerrillas and acting without authority. This information was in part derived from Confederated sources that ought to know. The papers you inclose indicate that up to March you had some show of authority for being in this neighborhood. How far you have violated the rules of civilized warfare, I am not able to say. Perhaps not at all. If so, injustice has been done you. I infer from your letter that you and your men wish to be treated like the troops of Gen. Taylor, and be paroled and allowed to go home. The only objection to this is that you are charged with the commission of crimes unauthorized by civilized warfare, but this you deny. If you and your men come in, surrender, and receive paroles, you will be allowed to go to your homes and remain unmolested, but this will not exempt you from punishment for anything you may have done not authorized by civilized warfare. If your letter is truthful, you will incur no hazard in delivering yourself up.
Yours, respectfully,
C. C. WASHBURN, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 809-810.
17, Surrender of A. S. Hendricks, erstwhile guerrilla leader [see May 16, 1865, "Counter-insurgent sweep, Tullahoma to south side of Elk River," above]
17, Archives and $600,000 to be returned the State of Tennessee
Mobile, Ala., May 17, 1865--11.30 p. m. (Received 19th.)
Maj. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn.:
Mr. Frank C. Whitthorne[9] goes to Macon, Ga., to-morrow morning to receive from the officer or agents in charge of the same, all the archives and $600,000 in coin, belonging, to the State of Tennessee, to be conveyed under his charge to the capital of the State. I have furnished him with a pass and safe-conduct within and through my lines, and directed that be furnished with all necessary facilities and escorts. I have to request that like instructions be given of officers, within the limits of your command, in order that his important mission may be conducted speedily and safely.
E. R. S. CANBY, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 824.
17, Observations made by an ex-Confederate soldier from the Army of Tennessee while on his way home to the Dyersburgh environs; conditions in Greeneville
....By 6 oclk [sic]. [sic] everything was ready to move but no order was given until about 7 oclk [sic]. [sic] when everything was put in motion for Greeneville. We soon crossed the Nollychucky [sic] River a tolerable wide shallow stream. The road runs through a pretty hilly country though we passed several fine farms with splendid residences-when within half a mile of town we come [sic] to where the yanky [sic] troops were encamped said to be about 2000 about one half of whom were negroes [sic] sort who were nearly all in line clos [sic] on the side of the road where we passed and some of them cursed us as we passed along though we generally said nothing to them. The white and black Yankees [sic] mixed freely and conversed together hail fellows well met [sic]. We passed through Greenville [sic] where white and black of both sexes were mixing freely-The town ins rather in bottom being surrounded by hills on every side and is a place of some size especially when the sourrounding [sic] Country is taken into consideration here is the home of Andy Johnston [sic] President of the U. S. we [sic] passed through town about one mile and encamped until further orders., Among the yankies [sic] here there are several deserters from the Confederate Army among them I spoke to.-Evening Clouded [sic] up but awhile after dark Cleared [sic] off-We set up until 10 oclk [sic]. T. W. Jones and myself slept together [sic].
Fielder Diaries.
[3] As cited in:
[4] As cited in PQCW.
[5] The three separate events listed in the OR have been consolidated in this entry to better illustrate the episodes near and in Jackson on July 13-15, 1863: 13, 1863, Skirmishes on Forked Deer River, and capture of Jackson, Tenn.; 15, 1863, Skirmish on Forked Deer Creek, Tenn.; 15, 1863, Skirmish near Jackson, Tenn. See below.
[6] TSL&A Confederate Collection, mfm 824-3, Accesson no. 1576, Box 11, folder 11.
[7] As cited in:
[8] There is no notation in the OR to indicate what happened to Hendricks.
[9] Frank C. Whitthorne is identified as the telegraph operator for Forrest's Cavalry on April 6, 1862 and 6 April 2, 1864. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 435 and Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III,. p. 735. Whether or not this was the same person is not known.
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