Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5.27.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes


          May 27, Fear of a slave insurrection in Madison County

….Went to town this evening while there a message was sent to Jackson from up about Mr. Pinson that there was an insurrection among the negroes [sic] headed by white men. A company [of soldiers] from Memphis was sent on the cars & [a] good many citizens with double barreled shotguns [also went]. Proved to be a false report, started by some fellow shooting a repeater 4 or 5 times in front of a house where some women were.

Robert H. Cartmell Diary.



          27, Activities of the Society of Southern Mothers, Memphis [see also May 7, 1861, Letter from the Society of Southern Mothers to Confederate General John L. T. Sneed above]

Mrs. W. S. Pickett, vice president of the society of Southern Mothers would, in behalf of the society, most sincerely thank the ladies of Memphis for their promptness in responding to the call made upon them for aid in making up garments for the sick and wounded soldiers. We are pleased to learn with what alacrity the call was obeyed, and cannot but think that it must be as great source of gratification to our brave soldiers in the field to know that while they are battling for all they hold most dear, "those whom they love and leave at home" are not unmindful of their wants but are laboring with ready and willing hands for their comfort in the days to come.

Memphis Argus, May 27, 1862.

          27, Report to Military Governor Johnson relative to Confederate subversive activities in Smith County

Jennings's Fork, Smith Co Te. [sic]

May 27, 1862

Gov Johnson

Dear Sir. Your position makes it necessary that you shall be kept well informed as to popular sentiment and movements in all parts of the State. I therefore write you in regard to this section.

Your recent proclamation ruffles the temper of many a busy secesh talker, but it is already showing its influence. The hot rebels, begin to be more guarded, and I think will soon have an eye single to taking care of themselves. Predictions [sic] that union men will be arrested & hung, which were so common, & were meant as threats [sic], have become less frequent since the proclamation.[1] But more is done secretly [sic] to sustain the rebellion.

On the 13th ult. a secret meeting was held at night by leading rebels of the vicinity, at Crag well's School house near Watertown of Wilson Co. They had a conference with Harding George, a volunteer of Starns [sic]' Regiment, who met them there, [and] returned at once to his regiment.

There are rebel volunteers returning home everyday. Perhaps half of those who went from this section are now at home. About half of them express themselves as done with the war. Some speak of returning whenever they can, or may be required. Fully one third of those returned are not willing to take the oath of allegiance to the US government, & will not till forced. Most of those returned keep away from public roads &company. They travel by paths & mostly at night. Some keep themselves in hiding places. About one third still have their arms. The neighboring rebel residents are doing all they can to drive these boys back to the rebel army, or to hold them in readiness to join any marauding bands who may invade the country. Many rebel citizens would give every possible aid to such marauders as John Morgan, but they will do it secretly. No doubt proof could be got, that many rebel citizens aided Morgan's band in making their escape from Lebanon.[2] Many of them do not seem to know, that robing [sic], stealing & arresting or murdering unarmed citizens is unlawful warfare. They do not regard their aid to such bands as being any worse than aiding their sons in the rebel army. They do not regard their aid as treason against the U States [sic]. Could you reach every returned volunteer & every resident rebel with a plain talk--showing that all who lay down their arms will be welcomed as friends & protected, while all who join marauding bands will be treated as outlaws, and those who aid them will be treated the same way, such a proclamation would cause the returned volunteers to hold up their heads and rally by hundreds to the standard of the Union, while all aiders of the rebellion would turn pale with fear.

Since writing the foregoing, several of my neighbors have come to tell me what is going on among the rebels. The facts they have collected, prove plainly, that terrible & general attack is being secretly planned against the Union men in Tenn. In several localities, bodies of men, from 10 to 30, are concealed in the bushes & fed daily by the rebel neighbors. At one place they swore vengeance against you for your recent proclamation & resolved to resist its execution. At another, the planned to capture Wm B. Stokes & myself. At a third they swore to kill one of my neighbors who piloted the cavalry of Lebanon to capture a rebel volunteer who has been acting as a spy. These bands lie in the bushes by day, & are visited at night by numerous rebel citizens. The bands consist of some of Morgan's men, and returned volunteers of various regiments. They are evidently waiting for some general move of the confederate [sic] forces. They predict [sic] (a threat) that Nashville will be burnt, and union men generally will be hung & their property taken or destroyed. They breathe vengeance against you & all union [sic] men, declaring that they will not live under U S authority. two days ago I learn[ed] from a union [sic] man of White Co [sic], that several hundred union men of White & Putnam are now hiding out to organize battalions of cavalry at once for home defence. If this is not speedily done, we shall not make enough to feed our people, and besides many persons will be killed.


F.H. Gordon

P.S. I think it imperious that a military force be stationed in Smith [county] till we can organize a home force. Many of the secret plotters could be & ought to be arrested, & [run in].

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 423-424.

          27, "We do not like our Brigadier Gen. he is a drunken braggart, and wholly unfit to command, he has been vainly attempting to occupy with our little army; to the side of the C.[umberland] Mountains at once." Confederate Assistant Surgeon Sam Houston Hynds' letter home from Big Creek Gap, to his mother, Ann Hynds in Dandridge, Jefferson County

Big Creek Gap

May 27/62

Your letter directed to me at this place came safely to hand, as usual, glad to hear from you and from Dandridge. I am not surprised that you wonder at the miraculous marches we have made since we left Knoxville early in the Spring. We have been, it seems to me, in every nook and corner in these Mountains [sic] hunting up those interesting aids of Old Abes [sic] Army "Styled Home Guards" [sic] these pious and puritanic [sic] soldiers are composed of the ignorant Mountaineers [sic] who are too lazy to run and consequently unfit to serve Old Abe in the Regular Army. But from their knowledge of the mountains they are able to skulk about and murder our pickets and destroy the property of innocent persons under the covers [sic] of the "Stars & Stripes." A few Sundays ago I was sent with a detached Corps from our Brigade to scout in the mountains, and if possible to ascertain the position of a Federal band, said to be stationed on Pine Mountain 15 miles  from our present encampments, a portion of our corps engaged a number of "Jay Hawkers" about half way [into] our journey, one killed, one dead wounded, another badly [,] took 7 prisoners and captured a lot of guns, ammunition and camp equipment of ours. One Lieut. [sic] was wounded badly in the head from the ax in the hands of an old woman, our boys did not kill the old woman as has been reported, they only knocked her in the head with a gun and left her for dead, but she was not badly hurt [.] I saw her myself in less than a half hour after the fight. I have seen some very narrow risks since I have been in the Mountains, but have so far escaped unharmed.

Perhaps the narrowest risk I have seen since I have been in the Army occurred while I was at Kingston. I came very nearly being captured and held as a prisoner for life by a very facisinating [sic] young lady of that Village. [sic] It required the combined forces of resolution and determination to get me released but now I am safe again, yet extremely anxious to visit the place where I came so near falling a victim to woman's charm. You see, I was Ast. [sic]. Surgeon in the Kingston Hospital and some power devine [sic] laid low with the fever my fair ones Grand-mother. [sic] Of course I was called on to officiate in the capacity of the Good Samaritan. Many were the proffessional [sic] airs I put on, and large were the pills of bread I administered to cure the poor old woman. The same power that had laid her low soon came and restored every wound in nature and I was crowned with honor and respect besides being permitted to visit the family at my pleasure and without ceremony. I now found that while in the presence of Miss Emilee I had not forgotten entirely some of my old accomplishment, and as my visits were by no means disagreeable, either to Miss Emilee or myself, I thought I might just as well use them as not. I cannot tell you everything that happened to me during my short stay in Kingston, Yet [sic] I assure you I am by no means displeased with what has passed between the fair Miss Emilee and myself. We have just returned from a March up the Powels [sic] Valley. We were within 7 miles of Cumberland Gap when we received the news of our Victory at the Pond Gap, we rested one day and turned back we never have been just at the Cumberland Gap yet. [sic] We do not like our Brigadier Gen. he is a drunken braggart, and wholly unfit to command, he has been vainly attempting to occupy with our little army; to the side of the C.[umberland] Mountains at once. [sic] I have no idea what his next move will be as he must be convinced by this time that his former plans must prove fatal.

Our Reg[iment]. has re-organized Col. Vaughn[3] is still the Col. Reese and Morgan are out. Ross is Captain of Co. A and David is 3rd, Lieut. We are all getting along finely. [sic]

I am sorry to hear of Mollie's ill health. I fear it will not improve unless she can add more pleasure to duty. I have no idea when I will visit Dandridge, if I am released by the 6th, [sic] of June I will either go to Richmond or Charleston[,] South Carolina. More likely to Richmond, Va. unless the great fight on the coast has been fought. My present intention is not to stop in E. Tenn in anyplace. In fact, I don't' want to visit Dandridge under ten years perhaps, by that time it will be free of some of its worst faulty. I have no idea when I will be released, I can be pressed into service as [a] Physician [sic]-you spoke of a box of clothes, I have never received by one box of clothing from anyone, since the one you and George sent me while I was at Centerville, [sic] Virginia. I heard of another being sent but it never came to hand. I suppose it was destroyed at Manassas during the evucation [sic] of Gen. Johnson. The only news from the place is that the enemy; 10,000 strong are removing the blockade from these Gaps. They killed one of our spies yesterday, another went out this morning, he told us all good-by [sic] and said he would not return that he would be killed, that his brother was lying at that time dead on the ground (the one who was killed yesterday evening) that his father had been killed sometime since that his family had been scattered by the vandles [sic], and he intended to release them or to bring them into our encampment or follow his brother through the "Valley of Death. ["] He is a straight, tall, and powerful man, brave to a fault and to the cause of liberty.

Give my love to all in general and Grand-ma in particular. I would like to see Grand-ma, but I have no time to lose now. Mollie is due me a letter I wrote to her from Kingston. Write soon.

Yours Affectionately,

Sam Houston Hynds

W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. I, pp. 93-94.[4]

          27, Kate Carney's reaction to news her brother Will took the Oath of Allegiance

Why didn't he die before returning to bring eternal disgrace on the family. He has ever been a draw back. I could have stood him dying so much better, but I know Bro. John will not take the oath. I had rather our throats cut, or turned beggars on the world than that Bro. John should disgrace himself by taking that dirty oath. How little Brother Will thinks of his family. It will ever be a stain on his poor little children. I blame Mr. Butler as much as I do him, for he tried to hide him & then to think sent for Bill Spence, the last man in the world, & one he could not have given more pleasure than to have had to take the oath. Bill Spence said he would have revenge on Ma for treating him so, & I think he certainly has had it. I hope he will not be long spared, to [do] much more mischief.

Kate Carney Diary.

          27, Women and War Correspondents at Shiloh

Field of Shiloh, May 27.

….These wiseacres generally make rules to suit themselves. One day you can go anywhere you choose, and the next you can go nowhere. I can make my way for a week among negligent soldiers and officers, but I run the risk of being snapped up at last by some puppy who may take offence unaccountably, and snake me all over the field of Shiloh, not from a consciousness of duty, but from an insane desire to show authority. Gen. Halleck's order expelling newspaper correspondents amounted to nothing, had they chosen to evade it,--a fact which is proved by the presence, at this time, of eight or ten of them in the camps. No civilians are allowed in the lines, and yet civilians go and come as they choose. No ladies are allowed to come to the Landing or to remain with the army, yet there are fifty here at the said Landing, and, to my certain knowledge, they travel between here and the camps whenever they see fit. There are a hundred women in the army to-day. There are a thousand civilians enjoying the same privilege, and yet none are admitted. Truly your military orders are grand and efficient.

W. P. I.

Chicago Times, June 7, 1862. [5]

          27, Confederate scouting party near Big Creek Gap

A scouting party was sent out yesterday and they were driven in by the enemy. We were in line of battle all night. Today completes one years since Bro. Jim and I left home.

Diary of William E. Sloan.

27, Home made shoes from Polk County

What the War is Doing.—We saw the other day a genteel and serviceable pair of men's shoes that had been made by a lady of Polk county—Miss Elizabeth Griffith is her name. The last upon which they were made was manufactured by her own hands—she makes a pair a day, and only charges 62½ cents a pair, with the material furnished her. She ought to have a war pension.

Cleveland (Tenn.) Banner, May 24.

Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], May 27, 1862.

          27, Col. Adams Confederate expeditionary force driven from Winchester by Federal forces


Knoxville, May 27, 1862 

Brig. Gen. D. LEADBETTER, Chattanooga, Tenn.:

GEN.: The commanding general directs me to say to you that he has received your communication, announcing that Col. Adams' command has been driven out of Winchester by the enemy. He directs that you keep yourself as accurately informed as possible of the enemy's movements in that quarter.

Your scouts from the mountains should keep a continued watch, and every other means be taken of ascertaining his intentions.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

E. CUNNINGHAM, Acting Aide-de-Camp.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. II, pp. 554-555.

27, "Thirty-Six Rebel soldiers take the Oath of Allegiance."

Our correspondent at Murfreesboro' states that at the great Union meeting there on Saturday thirty-six Tennesseans who had come back from the Confederate army at Corinth, renounced the rebellion publicly and took the oath of allegiance to the United States Government! What a touching spectacle that must have been to the eyes of every patriot. There is most decided and eloquent testimony as to the great change now going on in this State. We hear of like changes going on in every quarter of Tennessee to which we have access. The leaven of patriotism is working admirably. The reaction has begun, and we see in the distance the swelling head of the returning tide. Its magnificent roar will soon be resounding at our feet. Fellow-citizens, let us all be actively engaged in hastening the return of all Tennessee into the bonds of love and union. Let no loyal man be idle or luke-warm. Work night and day.

Nashville Daily Union, May 27, 1862.

27, "Union Meeting at Murfreesboro." Establishing Political Correctness in Middle Tennessee

On Saturday last, notwithstanding the rain in the early part of the day, a large audience, composed chiefly of the "bone and sinew" of Rutherford county, assembled in Convention at Murfreesboro, to take into consideration their relations to the Federal Government. Wm. Spence, Esq., a man deeply devoted to the interests of the Union, was called to the chair. Dr. E. D. Wheeler moved the adoption of the resolutions of the Union Convention at Nashville. Hon. Edmund Cooper, of Shelbyville, advocated the resolutions in a speech of about an hour's length, characterized by marked ability and true eloquence, pervaded by a lofty and noble patriotism. He pointed them to the best government on earth—a government which had been their pride and boast—a government which had secured unparalleled prosperity at home and commanded the respect of all nations abroad—a government which had grown with a rapidity never before known, because founded—in the choice and the affections of the people—the only government which had attained complete civil and ecclesiastical liberty—a government whose only object was the happiness of the people. Yet, this government so pure in its aims, so beneficent in its action, showering its blessings as freely as the rains of heaven, productive of nothing but happiness, had been sought to be overthrown by persons who owed their all to its goodness and justice and wisdom. [emphasis added] What was the offence committed? Treason. What is the penalty attached to this offence by every nation of the earth? Death. But here again the benevolence of the Government interposed and said, no, let not a drop of blood flow from one of her people who would renew his loyalty. In unity there is strength. The spider's attenuated web could be blown asunder by every breeze; but you could multiply these threads, until their mighty strength could suspend the anchor of the proudest vessel that rides the waves of the ocean.

We regret the lack of time and space to report Mr. Cooper fully and accurately. His speech did honor to himself and justice to the occasion, and was listened to with undivided attention, and its effect was evident and happy.

Gov. Andrew Johnson followed Mr. Cooper. Never have we seen him in better plight. Here he had been heard, in days gone by, advocating the policy of the Government; now he was battling for its existence. Long, in time past, had the dear of the State been turned to him for counsel and advice; now was the deepest anxiety manifested again to hear his voice. His presence was inspiring, his whole countenance was lit up with animation, and his eyes glowed and sparkled with the intensity of feeling. There was a rush of the anxious to the stand, to catch the first word he uttered.

He began by reminding them of former times, when political differences obtained, which it was now pleasant to refer to, because those discussions were all conducted beneath the stars and stripes which this day floated over them, and underneath which they now proposed to pledge and renew their allegiance. His great familiarity with the political history of the country enabled him to show concisely and accurately the rise and progress of secession from its incipiency until the attainment of such gigantic proportion as emboldened it to lay its unhallowed and ruthless hands upon the bonds of the Union and attempt to break them asunder—while his resistless, searching logic ferretted out the sophisms of the specious catchword of "southern rights," and exposed their fallacies in all their glaring inconsistency. His burning, thrilling eloquence, rising with the occasion, embraced the subject in all its bearings and dependencies, portrayed in colors of glowing light the beauty, the grandeur and the happiness of our Government, emanating in the labors and sacrifices, the blood and treasure of our ancestors, secured and established by their wisdom and justice and transmitted to us with their blessings. He showed the patience and long suffering of the Government—its deep love for the people—it spoke more in sorrow than in anger—even now inviting them to the enjoyment of its affection and protection, and proclaimed peace and good will toward all men who would return within the pale of its mercy. For them the tear trembled, but the rod was not raised. It was only upon the persistent, hardened guilty that its punishment would fall, but upon such with crushing force and power, dividing marrow and bone.The pleasure of listening to the speaker was heightened by observing the effect upon the crowd. They swayed to and fro before him like fields of waving grain before the wind. At one moment their faces were brightened with smiles, and again the tears streamed down their cheeks. For more than three hours they stood and listened without moving from their places. We have attended many, many popular gatherings, but never before did we see a speaker command such attention. We have often heard Governor Johnson, but never when so able, so convincing, so eloquent. We regard this as the most masterly effort of his life. He was in the State of his youth, whence from the humblest avocation he had risen by his own sterling worth to the highest honors, and in the promotion of the prosperity of the State in the Union, he had spent the toil and labor of his life. This beloved State h ad been sought to be torn from that dear Union, and to prevent which the people had assembled to advise and counsel with him. What more could inspire a man? What more could move a people? No wonder that when he had concluded his speech, they crowded around him, exchanged greetings and were still reluctant to separate from him.

It is almost superfluous to add, that these resolutions were unanimously adopted. [emphasis added]

During the day, thirty-four men, members of Capt. Barclay's Company, 11th Tennessee Regiment, Col. Smith, came before the Provost Marshal, took the oath of allegiance, and are now at home. How beautifully this illustrates the magnanimity of the Government, and the moral courage of the men. The following are the names:[list of names follows]


We are happy to observe the Union sentiment that is beginning to obtain in Rutherford county.

We will avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to E. L. Jordan, Esq., and lady, and to Wm. Spence, Esq., and family, for their great courtesy, kindness and hospitality to your correspondent.

Nashville Daily Union, May 27, 1862.



          27, Scout from Memphis to Hernando, Mississippi[6]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, pp. 444-445.

          27, Report on Confederate guerrilla attack Federal mail near Carthage, anti-guerrilla expedition to Hartsville, increase in number of contraband women in Carthage

CARTHAGE, May 27, 1863.

Brig. Gen. JAMES A. GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:

No movements of the enemy to communicate. Seventeen of the mail party spoken of before were captured. Two of the enemy killed. I have an expedition now at Hartsville. Contraband women are coming in such numbers that I cannot afford to feed them. What can I do with them?



OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 366.

          27, Scout from Murfreesborough to Eagleville in search of Forrest

MURFREESBOROUGH, TENN., May 28, 1863--4.30 p. m.


Our cavalry went yesterday p. m. to find Forrest, at Eagleville, and the scouts report he was not there. Had you heard any news which prompted your question of last night?


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 370.

          27, Complaints about the cost of living in Nashville

Living appears to be comparatively cheap in Chicago. Chickens sell at two dollars per dozen; potatoes are from fifty to seventy-five cents per bushel, choice butter at twenty-cents per pound, asparagus at a dollar a dozen, while lettuce, turnips, and other vegetables, sell at less than one-third the price demanded here. The truth is, Nashville is one of the dearest markets in the whole country, hardly excepting Richmond. If we take into consideration the relative value of the currency used in Richmond and Nashville, we are not sure but the former will be found the cheaper market. There is perhaps somewhat of a scarcity in the country adjacent to Nashville, whence we draw our supplies, but if our business men could get shipping facilities, they would bring such articles as there is a demand for in the market from points where there is abundance and to spare. Our businessmen ought to unite in a representation to the Government of the great necessity that exists for extending trading facilities to this city. It was confidently expected a board of trade would have been established here before now through whom these privileges could have been secured. The poorer classes experience great hardships from the scanty supplies of the prime necessities of life which our market affords.

Nashville Dispatch, May 27,1863.

          27, Hannibal Paine's letter to his sister Mary in Washington, Tennessee

Miss Mary L. Paine

Camp Near Fairfield, Tennessee May 27, 1863

Dear Sister:

I recd. a kind communication from you some days since and would have written sooner but for some days past I have been continually on the march and have had no opportunity to write sooner. On Saturday night the 23rd of May we received orders at three o'clock. It was to cook one days [sic] rations and be ready to march at daylight so we made ready at the appointed time and set out at break of day for Hoover's Gap about eight miles from this place and on the road leading from Murfreesboro to Manchester. Hoover's Gap is nothing but the continuation of a long hollow with a high hill closing in on either side, and is considered to be a strong defensable [sic] position. Well upon Sunday our Regiment was placed out upon picket duty in some ten to twelve miles of Murfreesboro and remained there until next morning. Early the next morning we were relieved and marched back in a half mile of our former camp ground. Our Regiment was halted there, and our company alone was thrown out as skirmishers about three miles in front. We were out there on the lookout all day but say no Yankees while we were out on picket. Our general learned that a force of Yanks were advancing out from Murfreesboro toward McMinnville and they concluded to cut them off and make a capture. So Monday [25th] evening late our Brigade and General Bushrod Johnson's Brigade from Major General Cleburne's Division were set in motion for that purpose. They marched that night some five miles more since I have told you before out on picket and by the neglect of somebody we were not relieved until about eleven o'clock that night. We then had to march ten miles that night to overtake our Regiment. We marched within about a mile of where they encamped that night and then spread down our blankets under some trees and slept about an hour. We then arose and started again and caught up with our regiment at day break as they were preparing to renew the march. We filed into line with them and went ahead all marching at quick time. We marched on to Bradysville [sic] passed through that place, halted about half a mile beyond and as I thought were going immediately to have a battle, but things turned out quite differently. When we halted an "Infirmiry [sic] Corps" was detailed to carry off the wounded and a Regiment was deployed as skirmishers and I expected a battle would immediately open. But after marching about an hour I learned that the Yankees we were trying to capture had in some way learned of our approach and "double quicked" it back to Murfreesboro thereby saving their scalps and very possibly a few of our own. So after marching about an hour as I said before we received orders to about face and had to march all the way back. The day was very warm and I never saw men so fatigued. A great many gave out by the way and it is reported that no less than seven dies on the march from fatigue and heat and drinking too much water. We got back Tuesday night as far as "Beach Grove" and encamped. Stacked our arms and had just rested a few moments when a courier came dashing up at a furious rate informing us that the Yankees were advancing by way of Hoover's Gap and that they had already engaged one regiment of our brigade who were went out as skirmishers. The 32 Tennessee. So we immediately set out for the scene of action. Again expecting to have a fight. [sic] We marched as far as Beach Grove and were there halted. We remained there about an hour without any Yankees making their appearance and then marched back. I think we have some cavalry spread making their appearance and then marched back. I think we have some cavalry spread along the front who every time they see a single Yankee come past [sic], haste[n] and report that the enemy are advancing in force and that is the way we are so often deceived. General Breckinridge and all of his division except our brigade are gone some where. I don't know certainly but I suppose they are gone to Mississippi. It is reported that the Yankees have twelve time assaulted Vicksburg and have been repulsed each time with heavy slaughter. I also learned that the Yankees have for three days been bombarding Cumberland Gap and I hope this attempt at this place will likewise prove a failure. There is a good General in Command in East Tennessee now, General Simeon [sic] B. Buckner. I had as soon risk him as any in my knowledge, for he is every inch a hero and skilled military man. It is expected that the Hon. C. L. Vallandingham [sic] from Ohio has been exiled from home [and] sent through our lines and is now at Shelbyville, Tenn. You can see from my letter that we hare having a rather hard time of it after those scouting parties of Yankees and any day may have a considerable fight with them. So far the enemy around Murfreesboro have been quite [sic] and don't seem inclined to make a general advance. Our brigade is now composed of six Regiments[,] the following: the 18th Tennessee, 20th Tennessee, 26th Tennessee, 32nd Tennessee, 45th Tennessee and Newman's Batallion [sic], he is also from Tennessee. I have no more news, as ever

Your brother,

H. Paine

Hannibal Paine Letters.

          27-28, Reconnaissance from Murfreesborough on Manchester Pike

MAY 27-28, 1863.-Reconnaissance from Murfreesborough, on Manchester Pike, Tenn.

Report of Maj. Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Army.

HDQRS. SECOND DIVISION, FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Murfreesborough, May 27, 1863--12 m.

SIR: The reconnoitering party has returned. Conduct and report satisfactory. Discovered the rebel vedettes one-half mile east of Big Creek. Found a Georgia regiment (mounted infantry) stationed at Trace Creek, southeest of Hoover's Gap. They formed near Alaman's, using the house for a defense. Our men engaged them sharply, driving them back, skirmishing about an hour, with the knowledge of killing 2 and wounding 8 or 10.

Having instructed the officer in command not to advance through Hoover's Gap, or remain in view of the enemy any length of time, he returned accordingly, reporting no casualties in his command.

I have the honor to remain, your, very truly,

JAS. S. NEGLEY, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 354.

          ca. 27-June 1, 1863, Fighting at Fort Donelson, Carthage and Middletown

We boarded the boat to steam for Nashville. Arrived at Fort Donaldsen [i.e. Donelson] just in time to save the 83rd Illinois who were guarding the fort. They were under attack by Forrest's Brigade. Union gun boat arrived in time to aid shelling Forrest's infantry, the 83rd was inside the breastworks.

Camped on the opposite side of the river that night. Crossed the river to fort next a.m. Were the first to witness the results of engagements, bury dead, etc.

We left the same day by boat for Carthage, Tennessee, and went into camp there with the 11th Ohio, 36th Ohio, 92nd Ohio, 18th Kentucky, and John M. Miller still commanded the 89th Ohio until wounded. He had been in command since Camp Dennison. Scouting was our principle duty. These regiments made up General George Cook's brigade.

Since they had no cavalry attached to us we had to do our own scouting. [John Hunt] Morgan's and [Joseph] Wheeler's cavalry were very troublesome to us. Often, just after taps, they would come down the opposite side of the river with a piece of artillery and shell our camp. Then we would have to chase them - they had the advantage of us, being mounted - we had no chance to catch them.

Once the 89th and 11th Ohio went out to scout to Middletown, Tenn., 7 miles from Carthage, when we discovered Morgan's pickets. The Colonel halted both regiments and ordered a company of the 11th Ohio and Company G, my company, to deploy as skirmishers.

We advanced to a hill to the rear of town and opened an engagement with Morgan's men. The Colonel seeing opposition too great, ordered skirmishers or the 11th Ohio Infantry to fall back with command. And ordered both regiments to fall back. This left our company to hold the line. As we came down off the skirmish line about the pike at the foot of the hill, some of Morgan's men came dashing around mounted, and came near cutting us off from our command. We were compelled to leave the pike and take to the hills and woods to avoid their fire. We had one man wounded, but succeeded in reaching the regiment. First fire.

Struck Cumberland River about nightfall - above Carthage - camping here. The following morning on wakening discovered squad of artillery had come to reinforce us but returned to Carthage marching, and crossed the river in boats and went back in to our old camp.

Soon after that, Colonel (one account said General) Stokes of the 5th (one account said 3rd) Tennessee Mounted Infantry regiment was attached to our brigade doing all scouting duty after. Since a portion of his men had lived there with some of Morgan's and Wheeler's men, they were fam          iliar with their hiding places. Stokes never took any prisoners - hanged them as he captured them - they soon left the country.

June 1st broke camp at Carthage - tents - marched to Murfreesboro which was really the beginning of the Talahoma [Tullahoma] campaign.

Thomas J. Doughman[7]



          27, "A Disgraceful Affair."

A soldier, whose name we prefer to withhold, entered a saloon on Jefferson street yesterday morning, and after bargaining for a cigar, presented a mutilated treasury note of a large denomination from which to have the price taken out. The proprietor naturally enough refused to take the bill in its mutilated condition, when the military gentleman became exceeding wrath, [sic] indulged in epithets profane and vulgar, called the gentleman a "secesh" and a d_____d rebel, and to further take revenge went out to scare up a guard who should shut up his [sic] (the saloon keeper's) establishment, and put him in the [Irving]"Block." Sure enough, a guard was brought and was, in connection with the bad-bill gentleman, about to take possession of the saloon, when they were prevented by certain officers present, and the would-be swindler reported to Captain Williams. According to Gen. Washburn's recent order, the guilty party will doubtless receive the proper punishment for his most inexcusable offense.

Memphis Bulletin, May 28, 1864.

          27, Federal intelligence report relative to location, activities and strength of guerrilla gangs in Bedford, Lincoln, Franklin, Marshall, Coffee and Jackson counties, Middle Tennessee

HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Murfreesborough, Tenn., May 27, 1864.

Maj. B. H. POLK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., District of Nashville:

MAJ.: I respectfully inclose reports of Maj. Stephenson, Thirty-first Wisconsin, and of Capt. Hill, provost-marshal, respecting guerrilla parties, for the consideration of the general commanding the district. That there are rebel parties growling about the country is very evident, from the fact that Shelbyville was plundered by them a short time since, and my scouting parties have come in contact with them several times. With regard to their numbers, I cannot speak. They may be exaggerated. I think they are. I have ordered the prisoner Rousseau, who, by the by, claims kinship to our general, to be sent immediately to Nashville.

Very respectfully,

H. P. VAN CLEVE, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Post.

[Inclosure No. 1]


Duck River Bridge, Tenn., May 22, 1864.

Capt. E. A. OTIS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

CAPT.: I have the honor to report to you that I have ascertained from a Federal scout named Young that the guerrilla band or organization of bushwhackers that has infested this part of Tennessee for some weeks past now rendezvous near the head of Mulberry Creek, about fifteen miles nearly south from Shelbyville, and is composed of the following commands: Capt. Davis, seventy men; Blackwell, seventy men; Blackwell now ranks as major; Roddy, sixty men; Roddy now ranks as colonel or lieutenant-colonel; Cruzer, forty men; ____, forty men--this name is forgotten--making in all 280 men. Cruzer seems to be operating along the line of Lincoln and Marshall Counties. The squad from Short Mountain, under Maj. Hughs, was at Fairfield on the 20th instant. Lieut. Thomas Beattie and twenty men returned yesterday [21] from a scout, on which he visited Shelbyville and Richmond; from Richmond he proceeded to within five miles of Lynchburg, thence to the headwaters of Flat Creek, thence down said creek to Flat Creek store. [Davis and Blackwell have been scouring that country almost constantly for the last three weeks.] He learned that their headquarters was on Mulberry Creek, near Mulberry village. The greatest number of men of Blackwell's command seen together at one time in that neighborhood was thirty-six. I learn that Gen. Paine will send an expedition through that country, if deemed necessary, whenever you are ready.

I have the honor to be, captain, your most obedient servant,

R. B. STEPHENSON, Maj. Thirty-first Wisconsin Volunteers.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 52.

 [Inclosure No. 2]

PROVOST-MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Murfreesborough, Tenn., May 27, 1864.

Capt. E. A. OTIS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

CAPT.: I have the honor to report that a rebel prisoner has just been brought in named Hillier L. Rousseau, a private of Col. Mead's regiment of Partisan Rangers, attached to Gen. Roddey's command, who was captured on yesterday about twelve miles northeast of this place. He says that Capt. Hays, with thirty-five men, of whom he was one, left their regiment last week in Franklin County, for the purpose of coming to this country to ascertain the strength of the Union force at this post; that the company was to start back on yesterday; that fifteen or twenty recruits from Coffee County were expected to return with the company. He says that the regiment has been in Tennessee several weeks, and numbers nearly 500 well-mounted men, many of whom have enlisted since the regiment entered the State. The regiment is to remain in Franklin and Jackson Counties until this and other scouting expeditions return. He says that Col. Mead makes his headquarters at Jackson, at which point his command is ordered to reunite in the event of their being scattered by any means.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

H. R. HILL, Capt. and Provost-Marshal.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 53.

          27, "Cotton Stealing"

The practice of stealing the kingly product of our clime, has rather waxed than waned, of late. The community is still rife with those who ply the avocation, notwithstanding the endeavors made by the authorities to bring the culpable to justice, and the habit to an end. Probably not until the selling rated have dropped to eight or twelve cents per pound of the olden time, will the purloiners of the precious article return to the path of rectitude in this respect. The practice is still confined to that class who were educated the pick the cotton from its natural ball [sic] and under illegitimate circumstances.

Yesterday morning Tom and Henderson, two excellent specimens of this class were arraigned before the Recorder, and fined $20 apiece for the pernicious offense.

Memphis Bulletin, May 27, 1864.

          27, "Street Signs"

Now that the City Council has made proper arrangements for numbering the houses and lots of the city, we would suggest that the next step to be take in the direction of improvement, would be the placing of suitable signs upon the corner of buildings, designating the different streets, alley, and avenues. This is a subject for consideration no less impertinent then the numbering. The stranger in the city not only is necessitated to inquire the number of building, but also the name of the street upon which it is situated, having no other guide than verbal uniform. The cost of suitable signs for this purpose, and the expense of placing them in the proper positions would be much less to the city than that expense in numbering the lots and houses upon the plan which has been adopted. Doubtless many of our citizens occupying corner buildings would furnish at their own expense and with pleasure a sign board upon their houses. We suggest that the council take this subject into consideration at their next meeting. There cannot be a dissenting voice on in the decision upon so important and cheap an improvement.

Memphis Bulletin, May 27, 1864.



          27, Tennessee's ex-Confederate Governor Isham G. Harris moves forward to Mexico


Mouth of White River, Ark., May 27, 1865.


COL.: I have just received information that ex-Governor I. G. Harris and the rebel Gen. Lyon crossed to the west side of the Mississippi River a few nights since between Napoleon and Gaines' Landing, Ark. This information is from a party at whose house they stopped for a half hour. The party giving the information did not know them at the time, but was afterward informed who they were by a person who knew them. Harris passed himself as Maj. Green. Lyon passed under his own name. Both claimed to be making for Mexico. I think the information is reliable.

Respectfully, &c.,

G. F. McGINNIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 48, pt. II, pp. 631-632.


[1] See the May 9, 1862 "Proclamation Concerning Guerrilla Raids," above.

[2] See May 5, 1862, Action at Lebanon, above.

[3] Possibly John C. Vaughn, later [?] Brigadier-General.

[4] Tennessee, Records of East Tennessee, Civil War Records, Volume I, Prepared by the Historical Records Survey Transcription Unit, Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration, Mrs. John Trotwood Moore, State Librarian and Archivist, Sponsor, T. Marshall Jones, State Director, Mrs. Penelope Johnson Allen, State Supervisor, Mrs. Margaret H. Richardson, District Supervisor, Nashville, Tennessee, The Historical Records Survey, June 1, 1939, pp. 93-94. [Hereinafter cited as W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol._ __, p. ____, etc.]

[5] As cited in:

[6] The expedition originated in Memphis. Any action took place in Mississippi

[7] Center for Archival Collections, Thomas J. Doughman, MMS 1432, Transcript.


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