Friday, May 28, 2010

Meeting of Colored Citizens - August 15, 1864

 “Meeting of Colored Citizens”

The meeting of the colored citizens of this vicinity, yesterday at Fort Gilliem, was very largely attended. The procession which passed through the streets was very large, composed in part of a great number of hacks, filled with well dressed people. The Band of the Tenth Tennessee favored them on their route to the grave with some spirited and excellent music. So far as we noticed, the behavior of the persons in the procession was orderly, and quiet, and void of offense to all except those who believe in the divine right of the peculiar institutions. The assemblage at the grove was immense.
Mrs. Langston [of Oberlin, Ohio], the appointed orator of the day, was, unfortunately, unable to attend, but some colored speaker, whose name we did not hear, is said to have made a patriotic and truly excellent discourse, which was listened to with profound attention.

Some excellent and appropriate remarks were made by Gen. Chetlain and Col. B.D. Mussey. Altogether, the affair was highly creditable to the colored people. They manifested a devotion to the Government which many white people in this city would do well to imitate. Had the miserable Legislature and Governor of Tennessee manifested a tithe of honesty, good breeding, good sense, and patriotism in 1861, which the colored people showed yesterday, Tennessee would not have called upon to mourn the death of 40,000 of her citizens.
Nashville (Daily Press&) Times, August 16, 1864.

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