Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

            5, Tents - 1861

Camp Equipments.

We have received a communication on this subject of which we give a portion below, and call the attention of the military board to the subject. The comments are made by one who has a practical knowledge of the subject.

["] The tents are made of a material that is too thin; it does not turn rain, nor does it protect from the cold nor from the heat of the sun. Double the material of which the tents are made and the defect will in some measure be remedied. "Oh, no, this costs too much!" Poor economy, gentlemen, when the efficiency of your army is considered; poor economy, gentlemen, when the lives of your soldiers are put in the scale. Ask the mothers and sisters whose sons and brothers are there, what they think of the few paltry dollars it would take to make the soldier barely comfortable, for that is all he asks, for our common protection; but O, ye rulers! it is as little as you can do to provide for his comfort, without which his health is sacrificed. If you cannot do that, call on us and we will contribute our jewelry to the last ring, guard, token of affection though it be.

The tents are badly made. When the rope goes through the cloth there are no ilet [sic] holes, and, consequently the tents tear the first time they are pitched, and a few removals will render them useless. There is no such thing as closing the door way. There should be a fly, supported by two sticks, for shade in the day time, and to be let down for protection from cold air at night.

I do not blame those who have furnished these tents, for they did all they knew how to do, but I hope that they will remedy the defect now that it is pointed out to them.

The officers have no better tents than the men. There is not a table to write on in the whole encampment, and the luxury of a chair, even a camp stool, is unheard of. Let this thing be remedied, gentlemen who control, and you will be thanked by the soldiers; neglect them, and you will hear a voice that no ruler has ever heard with impunity. I return to my company, the Southern Guards, on Monday, and will keep the mothers and sisters of our young men informed of how they are treated.

T. J. F.

Memphis Daily Appeal, May 5, 1861.


            5, Action at Lebanon

MAY 5, 1862.-Action at Lebanon, Tenn.


No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Ebenezer Dumont, U. S. Army.

No. 2.-Col. William W. Duffield, Ninth Michigan Infantry.

No. 1

Report of Brig. Gen. Ebenezer Dumont, U. S. Army.

LEBANON, TENN., May 5, 1862.

I surprised and attacked the enemy under Col.'s Morgan[1] and Wood this morning at 4 o'clock at this place, and after a hard-fought battle of one and a half hours and a running fight of 15 miles in pursuit achieved a complete and substantial victory. My force was about 600, composed of detachments from Col. Wynkoop, G. Clay Smith, and Wolford; that of the enemy, as stated by himself, upward of 800, besides which the disloyal inhabitants not in the army opened a murderous fire on our soldiers from their houses and kept it up until all the organized forces of the enemy had fled or been slain or captured. The loyal inhabitants-not a few, but having no arms-could render us no assistance. Forces on either side were exclusively mounted troops. I captured, say, 150 prisoners, among whom is one Col. Wood, 3 captains, and 4 lieutenants; upward of 150 horses and upward of 100 stand of arms, I would think. Our killed will not exceed, as now advised, 6, and our wounded 25. Among the latter is Col. G. Clay Smith, Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, in the abdomen, dangerously. I am not as yet advised that we lost any prisoners except Maj. Given, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, who fell into the hands of the enemy during the street fight by mistaking the enemy for our own troops.

I will make a detailed report [see below] as soon as I can get returns which will enable me to make it strictly accurate; they are not yet in. The detailed report can make little change or in any way affect the substantial value of the victory that was and is complete and overwhelming.

Never did men behave better. It will be may duty in my detailed report to mention meritorious conduct, a duty which justice to the meritorious requires and which I shall execute with exceeding delight, for in this little affair intrepidity, personal daring, and heroic courage were conspicuous from the firing of the first to the last gun. Battles of more import, measured by the number of troops engaged or results, might afford less to commend than does the battle of Lebanon of May 5.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

E. DUMONT, Brig.-Gen.

No. 2

Reports of Col. William W. Duffield, Ninth Michigan Infantry.


I have this instant returned from Lebanon after a four days' chase after Morgan. Detachment of Seventh Pennsylvania and First and Fourth Kentucky Cavalry overtook Morgan at Lebanon this morning at 5 o'clock, completely surprised him, thoroughly routed him, and captured a large quantity of arms and horses and 150 prisoners, among the number Lieut. Col. Robert C. Wood, of Adams' cavalry, late an officer in the U. S. Army. The enemy were pursued by Gen. Dumont to the Cumberland River. Gen. Dumont is still at Lebanon.

WM. W. DUFFIELD, Col., Cmdg. Twenty-third Brigade.

HDQRS. TWENTY-THIRD BRIGADE, Murfreesborough, Tenn., Tuesday, May 6, 1862.

CAPT.: Agreeably to verbal instructions received from Brig. Gen. E. Dumont, I started in pursuit of the rebel force, commanded by Col. John H. Morgan, which had attacked Gen. Mitchel's train at Pulaski, leaving early on the morning of the 3d instant, and taking with me the Ninth Michigan Infantry, Lieut.-Col. Parkhurst, and the Eighth Kentucky Infantry, Col. Barnes. Upon reaching Wartrace, and learning that the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, Col. Smith, had been ordered to Shelbyville, I directed Col. Barnes to occupy Wartrace, and protect the bridges at that place with the Eighth Kentucky Infantry, where it still remains. With the Ninth Michigan Infantry I move on to Shelbyville, reaching that point at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Learning from scouts that the enemy was at Unionville and moving northward, I telegraphed Col. Lester, of the Third Minnesota Infantry, to place strong guards at the bridges at Murfreesborough, and to Col. Barnes, of the Eighth Kentucky Infantry, to adopt similar precautions near Wartrace, and, after bivouacking for the night on the Fayetteville road near Shelbyville, proceeded to Murfreesborough at daybreak on the 4th instant, by railway, with the Ninth Michigan Infantry, halting at the cross-roads and throwing out scouting parties in both directions.

On reaching Murfreesborough at 4 o'clock in the afternoon I learned that the enemy at noon had crossed the railway 10 miles north of that place, tearing up the track and burning the station house and a quantity of cotton stored there, and that upon the arrival of the First Kentucky Cavalry, Col. Wolford, from Nashville, Col. Lester had dispatched that force in pursuit, together with the Third Battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Maj. Given. I also learned that the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, Col. Smith, had reached Murfreesborough, from Shelbyville, and the Second Battalion Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Col. Wynkoop, from Nashville, and that both forces had united at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and proceeded with Gen. Dumont and yourself to Lebanon. Taking only my own escort of 15 men, I also started for Lebanon at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Lieut.-Col. Parkhurst and three of my own staff followed after, overtaking me at Los Cases [sic]. Here also I met the First Kentucky Cavalry, Col. Wolford, and the Third Battalion Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Maj. Given, returning from the pursuit, having been informed that I had been cut off at Shelbyville and needed re-enforcements. I directed this force to turn back with me at once and unite with the one recently dispatched from Murfreesborough under Gen. Dumont, and pushed on all night for Lebanon, overtaking the forces under Gen. Dumont, who had halted at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 5th instant within 4 miles of that place and rested until daybreak. The column was then put in motion, proceeded at the trot, drove in the pickets, and charged into the town. The enemy was completely surprised, and was only aware of our presence by the fire of his pickets, posted less than a mile from the village. His main force was quartered at the college buildings, on the outskirts of the town, from which he endeavored on foot to reach the livery stables in the village, where his horses had been picketed for the night, to saddle up and mount; but being overtaken by the head of our column, threw himself into the houses lining the street, and maintained a heavy and well-sustained fire from the windows upon each side of the street. He was, however, driven from house to house until he fled from the town in the wildest confusion.

I need not inform you of the personal daring and gallantry of our troops, exposed, as they were, to this murderous cross and flanking fire from a sheltered and concealed foe, yet still delivering their fire at the windows with great coolness and precision, falling back to load and again returning to the attack, as both Gen. Dumont and yourself were present and can speak from personal observation.

During the time occupied in forcing the street a large portion of the enemy rallied in the public square, but were repulsed by a vigorous charge, and retreated toward the north and east, our troops following in close pursuit.

Gen. Dumont and yourself having followed, directing the pursuit, and being left in charge of the town, I directed Lieut.-Col. Parkhurst to search the village and collect the wounded with my own escort and the small force of 15 men of the Third Battalion Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, under Capt. Essington, which did not join in the pursuit. While so engaged several scattering shots were fired upon us from the windows of adjoining houses and a sudden and most unexpected volley poured in from the windows of the Odd Fellows' Hall. The attack was so unexpected that the troops fell back in great disorder, but were promptly rallied in the public square. The Odd Fellows' Hall was a large brick building, in the center of the village, immediately opposite the stables occupied by a portion of the enemy's horses, and he had thrown himself into it, barricaded the lower windows and doors, and was firing from the second-story windows. Having no artillery with which to shell him out, I directed Capt. Essington, the officer in command of the troops remaining in the village, to dismount his men, and, with my own escort, also dismounted, to advance under cover of the houses and stables on the other side of the street, to maintain a steady fire upon the windows, and when the enemy had been silenced to demand an unconditional surrender, and in case of refusal to fire the building. This was done, and the enemy laid down his arms and surrendered unconditionally to Lieut.-Col. Parkhurst. His force was more than double our own, consisting of 50 privates, 10 non-commissioned officers, 4 lieutenants, 1 captain, and the field officer in command, Lieut. Col. Robert C. Wood, jr., all of Col. Wirt Adams' rebel cavalry, in all 66 prisoners, who were turned over to Gen. Dumont on his return that afternoon.

I inclose you herewith the list of prisoners taken and an inventory of the captured arms.

I remain, captain, your obedient servant,

WM. W. DUFFIELD, Col., Cmdg. Twenty-third Brigade.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 884-886.

Official Report of General Dumont[2]

Headquarters, U. S. Forces

Nashville, May 15th, 1862

Colonel James B. Fry, A.A.G.

I now in pursuance of your directions, have the honor to submit to you a more detailed report of the expedition resulting in the defeat of the enemy under Colonel John Morgan, at Lebanon, Tenn., on the morning to May 5th, 1862.

On Friday night, May 2d, 1862, at midnight, I received a despatch sent by Brigadier-General Negley from Columbia, Tenn., informing me that on that day, Morgan, at the head of two thousand men, had, at Pulaski, Tenn., captured 280 convalescents of General Mitchel's command, and was then attacking General Mitchell's wagon train, south of Pulaski, and asking me to send reenforcements [sic]. Upon glancing over the map I was satisfied that I could not get troops to Pulaski in time to participate in anything to be done there, but that I might stand a chance to intercept the enemy by pushing with all speed by railway to Shelbyville, and thence in pursuit, shaping my course by the route of the enemy. I immediately telegraphed to Colonel Duffield at Murfreesboro to hold 1,000 infantry in readiness to move by rail by the time of my arrival that I would be there with the cars to transport them before morning. One hour afterward I was on my way with the train, accompanied by a guard of thirty men from the 51st Ohio regiment, Colonel Stanley Matthews, whom I consulted as to the course best to be pursued, and who rendered what I considered judicious an valuable advice and prompt assistance. Upon him I devolved my command at Nashville, during my temporary absence from the city. At six o'clock on Saturday morning, May 3d, I reached Murfreesboro with the train, but, to my mortification, found that my despatch to Colonel Duffield had not been delivered; and that troops were not ready. I went to Colonel Duffield's camp and informed him what I wanted. In the shortest possible time he had the 9th Michigan, Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst, and the 8th Kentucky, Colonel Barnes, on board the cars, and with these regiments, Colonel Duffield and myself proceeded forthwith on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad to Wartrace. At Wartrace I posted the 8th Kentucky regiment and the thirty men from Colonel Matthew's regiment, with a view to intercept the enemy, should he attempt to cross the railroad at that place. Having ordered the 4th Kentucky cavalry forward from Wartrace to Shelbyville, with the 9th Michigan, I proceeded to Shelbyville, and there posted it with the same view. At Shelbyville I learned that the enemy had encamped on Friday night nearer Famington, which is about halfway between Shelbyville and Pulaski. I reached Shelbyville about 5 o'clock p. m. on Friday, and immediately ordered forward the 38 Indiana regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Merriweather, toward Famington.[3] As vain as it would seem for infantry to overtake a mounted enemy, I considered it best to have them about, in view of the information which had been given me as to Morgan's strength. Eager for the fray, never did men make a better march than did this regiment on that night, and if it did not finally participate in the engagement, it was simply because a physical impossibility stood in the way. I feel grateful to Lieutenant-Colonel Merriweather and his regiment for the promptness and zeal displayed in joining me in pursuit of the enemy.

With some three hundred of the 4th Kentucky cavalry, Colonel G. Clay Smith, I followed the 38th Indiana regiment toward Farmington, not being able to get ready to start as promptly as did Colonel Merriweather. At midnight I halted my command and sent forward scouts to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy, and learned that he had crossed Duck river that morning, making toward Doolittle,[4] on the Shelbyville and Nashville turnpike. With that start it seemed evident that he could not be overtaken with infantry; still, I directed Lieutenant-Colonel Merriweather and Lieutenant-Colonel Ruchstul, of the 4th Kentucky cavalry, to follow on his trail. Believing that the enemy intended to purse an easterly direction and to cross the railroad at some point between Wartrace and Murfreesboro, with a detachment of Colonel Smith's 4th Kentucky cavalry, returned to Shelbyville, reaching that place a little before daybreak. I directed Colonel Duffield to again take the cars, with the 9th Michigan, and go to the bridge north of Wartrace, fearing that Morgan would cross at that place before I could intercept him and burn the bridge. I proceeded myself on Sunday morning [4th], after an hour's rest, with Colonel Smith and the detachment from his command, toward Murfreesboro, hoping to intercept Morgan as he crossed the Shelbyville and Murfreesboro pike. Knowing that infantry could no longer aid me, and still supposing the enemy strong, I sent a courier foreword to Murfreesboro, with word to Colonel Wynkoop, 7th Pennsylvania cavalry, and Colonel Wolford, 1st Kentucky cavalry, to meet me at 2 o'clock p. m. of Sunday. Wynkoop did meet me with 120 of his men, informing me that Morgan had already crossed the railroad between Murfreesboro and Nashville, tearing up the track, burning cotton, &c., and that Wolford had gone in pursuit. Causing Wynkoop to join me with his 120 men, I hastened forward to Murfreesboro, arrived there about 5 o'clock p. m. of Sunday, fed my horses, and pushed forward toward Lebanon, Colonel Duffield and Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst accompanying me.

I had proceeded from Murfreesboro about eight miles toward Lebanon, when, to my utter amazement, I met Colonel Wolford coming back with his command. He informed me that he had followed the enemy until almost reaching him, when he was overtaken with an order from Murfreesboro to return on account of an apprehended attack on that town. I ordered him to join me, which he obeyed with alacrity and gladness, and having now some six hundred troops of the 1st and 4th Kentucky and 7th Pennsylvania cavalry, I pushed toward Lebanon, confidant that, after my long, tedious, and discouraging march, I would yet be able to strike the enemy before he could cross the Cumberland and get beyond my reach. At a little after midnight I reached a point within four miles of Lebanon, and learning that Morgan was certainly there, posted a guard to intercept any one that might give him intelligence of my approach, and halted with a view of resting my greatly fatigued men and of striking him at daybreak. A little before the break of day I moved forward at a rapid pace, the detachment from the 7th Pennsylvania, let by Colonel Wynkoop, in advance, followed by Colonel Wolford at the head of the detachment of the 1st Kentucky cavalry. Colonel G. Clay Smith commanded the rear guard, composed of a detachment from the 4th Kentucky cavalry. I directed Wynkoop and Wolford to move at full speed into town by different streets and charge upon the enemy, believing that the benefits resulting to us by his surprise would be of more value than any advantage I could obtain by a different policy. I felt confident that I could whip him if he did not escape, and that all I had to fear was from his heels; that the best way to prevent his escape was to precipitate my main force upon him, strike him hard and first, and not suffer him to get out of my sight or beyond my reach. To avoid the risk of this course, I held Colonel Smith's 4th Kentucky momentarily in reserve.

I hesitated some in pursuing this policy of making a charge without knowing precisely the enemy's position or strength, but am now fully satisfied that his escape would have been inevitable if it had not been adopted, as the roads leading from the town were very numerous, many of them diverging at right angles from the main road outside of town.

The enemy, it seems, were in two squadrons, one in charge of Morgan and the other in charge of Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, all under command of Morgan. Morgan occupied the college,[5] a large, massive building, on a hill to the right of the road, along which I must enter the town. Wood and his men occupied the public square and the various buildings in and around it, including an immense livery stable and the Odd Fellows' Hall, which were not immediately upon the square.

To charge upon or approach Morgan at all, it was necessary that the attacking forces should go beyond him into the public square, because there was first a creek, then a stone fence, then a hill, and then a board fence between the road and the college; and to get beyond these obstacles, my whole line was exposed to a fire from Morgan on the right and from Wood in front. The charge was most gallantly made by Colonels Wynkoop and Wolford, and seeing that to hold Colonel Smith in reserve was but to expose him to the fire of Morgan, with no ability to return it effectively, rather than order him to fall back, I directed him to charge also through another street into the public square. A terrible fight ensued; no man flinched. On every side, where I looked, determined valor and heroic courage were conspicuous.

It was as yet hardly light; the rain fell in torrents. The town was illuminated by a sheet of flame and redolent with the unceasing roll of musketry. Morgan did not at this time come down to the square, but maintained his ground on the hill and in the lane of the north of the college, and from thence gave his troops in the town what aid he could by opening upon us an annoying but a destructive fire. From the fire of the first gun, my troops constantly advanced, gave back not an inch, while the enemy quailed before the valor, wavered before the deadly fire of my men, and finally broke and fled in every direction and in the utmost terror. During the deadly strife, Colonel G. Clay Smith was shot in the leg painfully, but bravely kept the field at the head of him men until the enemy finally fled, and then joined many miles in pursuit.

Colonel Wolford was badly wounded in the abdomen by a pistol shot, and by a desperate charge upon the head of his column, but off from his command and subsequently captured, but subsequently recaptured. [sic] He is a brave and determined man and his troops on this occasion proved themselves worthy of so gallant a leader. After Wolford was wounded and captured his command devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Letcher, and well, faithfully, and [sic] bravely did he take upon himself the responsibility and do his duty. He won credit, and it pleasant to me to award it.

The public square being cleared of the enemy, the field being ours in this quarter, I determined now to direct my attention more particularly to the Morgan on the hill, who had annoyed us a good deal, and had, up to this time, been engaged by but a small part of my command.

Inspired by the success that we had already achieved, my gallant troops had no sooner received my command than they engaged Morgan closely, and came down upon him with a jar. Their fire was so well directed and soon became so hot that he gave way in good order an led us a chase through many of the streets and alleys of the town, thinking he would be able to dodge us and make his escape on a road unobserved. To this end he made many attempts to decoy me after small parties, that would approach us, fire into us, and then slowly retreat. I suffered not myself to be thus put upon the wrong scent, but kept my eyes upon, and gave my attention to the main force of the enemy, and at length disconcerted and defeated his purpose, by bringing all my forces to bear upon him, and compelling him to stand or be put to utter rout. He chose the latter, and fled toward that point on the Cumberland river at which the town of Rome is situated. That town is thirteen miles from Lebanon. He fled at full speed, and was joined, a mile from town, at the junction of an intersecting road, by some two hundred or three hundred men, driven by us from the public square. My troops, with the exception of a portion left behind under the gallant Colonel Duffield and Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst, to look after such of the enemy as might still be secreted in the houses, followed, never permitting the enemy to get out of sight, killing, wounding, and taking prisoners at every half mile, for a distance of twenty miles, and not losing a man on our part in the chase. At Rome we recaptured Colonel Wolford, who had been carried at a fearful rate, wounded as he was, a distance of thirteen miles. Having followed the enemy until my horses began to drop dead under their riders, and until the enemy had been so killed, wounded, captured, or escaped singly by byroads, that not to exceed forty men were still together, the pursuit was finally abandoned at Carthage. From Lebanon to Carthage the road was strewn with the dead and wounded of the enemy, and with many horses that had been shot or had fallen dead from exhaustion. In this latter respect my command suffered even more than the enemy. Bearing our trophies of victory taken in the chase, consisting of upward on one hundred prisoners besides those taken in the town, and many horses and arms, I ordered my command back. I had not proceeded far on my return until met by a messenger informing me that they were still fighting at Lebanon. I hastened with all speed, but found all quiet and in good order when I arrived, but learned from Colonel Duffield and Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst and Major J. A. Brents, to all of whom I am greatly indebted...that after I had followed the retreating enemy with my main command, it was discovered that some sixty or seventy were in the Odd Fellow' Hall. These had been, in my absence, surrounded and captured. This was a good job, and made me proud of the victory achieved, valor displayed, and trophies won.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wood took refuge in this hall, in the hope that all my troops would follow Morgan, and that he could then withdraw with his men and escape. In this purpose he was signally defeated by the vigilance of Colonel Duffield, Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst, Major Brents, Captain Essington, Lieutenant Birnet, and the officers and men to whom that duty had been by me confided. It was Major Brent's who threw a guard of the 1st Kentucky cavalry to the rear and prevented the escape....

The disloyal inhabitants, it is believed by many, united with the enemy, fired from the houses upon and killed some of my men. I thought to punish these murderous "non-combatants" and assassins by burning down the houses from which the firing came, but found that I could not do it without destroying the property of Union men, of which some of the best specimens in Tennessee or any other land or country reside in this town. I feared, too, that I might make a mistake and do injustice, as some that I arrested declared that through firing came from their houses, they did not fire, but that Morgan's and Wood's men, when hotly pursued, broke into the houses and did the firing. Such was possible. I doubted, but could not disprove it.

Of the horses captured, many had been take by Morgan from loyal citizens; indeed, that seems to be his mode of always keeping well mounted on fresh horses. I have returned many of these, and it affords me great pleasure to do it.

In this expedition we killed and wounded many of the enemy. A number were killed and wounded in town, but by far the greater number in the pursuit. They lay along the road for a distance of twenty miles. On our return we found that many of them had been taken away by the inhabitants. I have been told that we killed upward of sixty, among whom was Captain A. C. Brown of Louisiana, brother-in-law of Governor Isham G. Harris. We captured upward of one hundred and fifty prisoners....

We captured upward of one hundred and fifty horses and mules, many saddles and bridles, and many swords, guns, [sic] and pistols. A number of negro slaves fell into our hands, acting as the servants of Morgan's officers and men.

We captured an elegant American flag that had been taken from the dome of the court house the night before. Also a most elegant sword, presented to Major Governor, of the 18th Ohio Volunteers, and captured by Morgan at Pulaski....We also captured Morgan's negro [sic] and mare. Morgan told Colonel Wolford, while the Colonel was in his hands as a prisoner, that his force was upward of eight hundred. Our loss was ten killed, twenty-one wounded, and five missing....

Major J. A. Brents, Patriots and Guerrillas, pp. 139- 152.[6]



Our readers will recollect that Captain (now Colonel) John H. Morgan, recently performed some of his characteristic exploits at and near Pulaski, Giles county, Tenn. What he accomplished there was an accident-a chance accident that arouse in his way, and was by no means the object which he set out to accomplish.

When he set out on his expedition from Corinth, he had some 300 men along with him.-They were not all fighting men, however, for all their baggage, provender, &c. were carried on pack mules instead of by wagons, and those in charge of the mules went along in that capacity only. When they came into Pulaski, it was a complete surprise. They came charging into town, and capturing the straggling Federals at every point. The son of Gen. Mitchell, a Major in the Federal army, was at a [house?] there. He was a prisoner before he knew any danger was night. A battalion of infantry [?] was some few miles off the road to Huntsville. They were sent for in haste to come to the relief of their brother Federals in Morgan's clutches; but Morgan has ways of knowing things practiced by anyone else, and soon knew of the approach of the Yankees. He divided his forces into two parties, dispatched two of them on either side [of] the road to meet them. Soon they were met, and simultaneously the men on either side came up, completely surrounding the Feds, which, when they perceived, they hoisted a white flag and surrendered at once. The whole batch of them had to be turned loose on parole, as Morgan had started to go somewhere else than that point, and had quite a different object in view. The men were opposed to b being paroled, but wanted to remain prisoners so that they would not have to fight against us any more. After burning up cars and railroad and trains of Federal property, and doing such other little tricks, this usual for Morgan, he departed on his way

He went out by Lewisburg and Farmington, in Marshall county, and from thence to Unionville [Rutherford county] on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, which is perhaps some ten miles above Shelbyville, and a few miles above Wartrace. There he cut the telegraph wire, and having an operator and a battery along, he telegraphed to the Federal Commander at Nashville that Morgan and his rebel cavalry were advancing on Shelbyville, and send all the cavalry to that point. The object of this, was to draw the cavalry down this way, while he made tracks in the other direction to some point where he has an important work to perform. This would no doubt have been successful, but by some means-most likely from some of those whom he paroled at Pulaski, the enemy at Nashville had some clue to his further designs, and was not led astray by this advice, which proved very unfortunate afterwards.

After sending this message, he pushed on by Versailles and Eaglesville [sic] in Williamson county,[7] leaving Murfreesboro some either or ten miles to the right, and crossed the railroad at Smyrna, some eight miles above Murfreesboro, and from thence pushed on to Lebanon in Wilson county, some 25 miles to the east of Nashville, arriving just at night.

In all their travels they passed as Union men, belonging to the Lincoln cavalry, and found no difficulty n doing so. At Unionville, one old gentleman –a good Southern by the by, said, "you need not tell that tale to me; I've seen your before; you're Morgan's men"- but no one believed him, till he was about leaving and they saw that he had cut the [telegraph] wires.

At Lebanon the next morning he was attacked by a very large cavalry force-three times that of his own. He ordered his men to dismount in the streets of the village and post themselves behind a fence and wait, with good aim drawn on the foe till he should give the word. He let them approach within fifteen steps, when he ordered his men to fire. It is told us, by a gentleman who was in the action, that the never saw so many men "tumble" at one fire in his life. Every gun brought down a Hessian. They turned and fled precipitately.

Just then the keen eye of Morgan descried in the distance on the top of a ridge, what he guessed was large reinforcements of the enemy, but could not certainly make out that it was; soon he sent forward one of his men to reconnoiter, who quickly returned with the information that overwhelming numbers of cavalry and infantry were approaching-the cavalry at full charge; and as the worked was spoken they were almost upon them. Morgan told his men to save themselves as best they could. Those whose horses had not been killed, mounted and fled. How many of those on foot escaped is not known-though some id, as they have since joined their chief. There are sixty or seventy missing, a few of whom are known to be killed and wounded. The greatest part of them went off in a body, and escaped to Sparta, in White county, Tennessee.

As Morgan and his men were retreating, they were met by a party of Federals, who mistook them for their own men, and inquired where Morgan was, and why they retreated.-They were at once call upon to surrender, which they did, when they found themselves in Morgan's presence. Most of them, however, escaped, as they could not be well kept in a retreat. Among them was Gen. Dumont-This Morgan did not know (he had represented himself as a Colonel) till after he had escaped.

Morgan lost that fine dashing black mare of his, which is by no means a small loss. She fell with him in charging down a steep place and was disabled.

He soon collect a sufficient force at Sparta, and is now on his way to-some place.-Before long we shall hear of him again

Atlanta Confederacy.

Georgia Weekly Telegraph, May 16, 1862.



The Great Cavalry Battle at Lebanon, Tenn.-Utter Rout of Colonel Morgan's Rebel Rangers-Gallantry of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry.

Correspondence of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Murfreesboro, Tenn., May 8, 1862.

The telegraph has doubtless already informed your readers of the great cavalry battle of Lebanon, in this State, which resulted in the complete route of Colonel Morgan's celebrated and of Rangers. The particulars of this gallantly contested fight are as follows:-

On Saturday last intelligence was received at Nashville and Murfreesboro that Colonel Morgan had captured a large and valuable train of wagons destined for General Mithchel's [sic] division of the army, now in Northern Alabama, at Pulaski, near the Southern Tennessee border. The news that this notorious and hitherto successful leader had made his way through our lines, and was marching North caused no little excitement, and the available forced under General Dumont, at Nashville, and Colonel Duffield, acting Brigadier General. At Murfreesboro', were immediately put in motion to intercept him.

The Second Battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, consisting of Captain Dart's, Capt May's and Captain Schafer's companies, under the immediate command of Colonel Wynkoop and Lieutenant-Colonel Sipes, were a part of the forced holding Nashville, and received order to march for Shelbyville on Saturday morning, at two o'clock. By four o'clock all the men that could be spared, about two hundred, were in the saddle, and after a forced march of thirty-six miles, reached Murfreesboro at three o'clock in the afternoon. Here they were ordered to halt and wait further instructions. On Sunday morning a telegram came from General Dumont, Ordering the command to push on for Shelbyville, and in a very brief time the columns was [sic] in motion. Ten miles from Murfreesboro', the General was met by the Fourth Cavalry and a part of the Third Battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania, coming from Shelbyville. Morgan having passed that point and gone north, taking [the] crossroads between Murfreesboro' and Nashville.

Our force was ordered to countermarch, and returned to Murfreesboro at 3 o'clock P.M. Morgan, in the meantime, had succeeded in reaching the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad and had torn up the rails. The train had been stopped, but Morgan was too much hurried by our advancing forced to profit by his raid, and the road was soon repaired so as to permit the train to pass on. All the available cavalry were ordered to pursue him, and Gen. Dumont started after him at f o'clock in the afternoon with portions of six companies of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, part of the First Kentucky and part of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. Every effort was made by the wily rebel to throw his pursuers off the trail, but they were not to be deceived, and they kept after him until about one o'clock at night, when it was learned that the Confederates were quartered in the town of Lebanon thirty miles from Murfreesboro'. Our troops were given a brief rest, and at three o'clock dashed forward with all speed. In an hour they came upon the enemy's pickets, and then commenced one of the most remarkable battles of the war.

Morgan's band, numbering eight hundred men, were quartered in the houses of the town, and were taken completely by surprise-never for a moment having dreamed that our troops could come upon them at this hour. A few of them were in their saddles, but by far the greater number were in the buildings lining both sides of the principal street and the public square. A company of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry were in the advance, and as they entered the town a volley was fired upon them from the windows, which caused them to break and fall back precipitately. Colonel Wynkoop command was next, and the order came from General Dumont for his force to charge through the town. Without a moment'[s] hesitation it was obeyed, and the three companies of the second battalion dashed through the leaden hail. The bullets actually rained upon them from both sides of the streets, gut not a man faltered. In this charge, two men were killed and three wounded.

On arriving past the enemy, the column was again formed, and charged back through the lane of fire, the men discharging their pistols and carbines right and left as they passed the enemy. Thus four times did these brave Pennsylvanians run the gauntlet of the protected foe, and many a Rebel fell by their well-directed bullets, as he appeared at a window or doorway to fire upon them. General Dumont then ordered the detachment to march around and reach the square by another route, which order was obeyed, and here the enemy were met mounted. A running fight then commenced, which lasted for near twenty miles, and only ended when Morgan and his band reduced to only fifteen men, had succeeded in crossing the Cumberland river in a flat-boat, leaving all their horses behind them, except one.

On this running fight, which was nothing but a rapid retreat of the Rebels and as rapid a pursuit by our troops, many instances of individual daring were observed Hand-to-hand the enemy were met, and in every instance either bit the dust or surrendered. The road was strewed with pistols, carbines, sabers, knives and blankets dropped by the fugitives, and almost every soldier has some trophy of the field.

I do not want to be understood as detracting from any of the troops engaged. The Kentuckians fought with their well-known daring, and achieved new honors for their glorious State. The Fifth Battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania were at one time ordered to dismount and approach the rear of the Odd Fellow's Hall, where m any of the Reels had taken refuge and were pouring a murderous fire upon our men. The order was promptly obeyed, and so completely did they hem in the enemy, by their skillful approaches, that the white flag was run out, and sixty-nine prisoners were captured in his building alone. Captain Essington and Captain McCormick, with their subordinate officers, fought most gallantly throughout, and more than one Rebel fell by their hands.

It is a well-authenticated fact that many of the citizens of the town took part with Morgan and fired upon our troops. One, at least of them, was killed by the Pennsylvania Seventh, while in the act of discharging his piece. And more startling still, women were actually seen to fire from the windows at our soldiers. I am aware that this is denied, but it is susceptible of positive proof. [sic]  Of course, these instances were rare, but that they occurred at all is disgraceful to humanity. Surely no cause can prosper which thus degassed women to fiends.

The Seventh Pennsylvania lost in killed and wounded as follows:-

Regimental Adjutant R. Mosen, wounded in arm and side; not dangerous.

Lieutenant Greenough, Co. C., wounded in arm and shoulder, not serious.

Lieutenant Taylor, Coo. K, wounded in forehead, slightly.

Sergeant Reilley, Co. M, killed.

Corporal McGrand, Co. K, killed.

Private Henry Pruyme, Co. C, wounded.

Private James Howe, Co. C, wounded.

Private Adam Winkelbeck, Co. E, wounded mortally, since dead.

Major James Givin, commanding the Third Battalion was taken prisoner during the action and forced along with Colonel Morgan's command for two days, when he was released on parole, and returned to this camp. He represents his experience with the Rebels as by no means pleasant, as the speed at which they traveled while being pursued from Lebanon was only limited by the capacity of the horses, and the balls of our men cam hailing upon them at every jump. The Major speaks well of Morgan, and from his account there can be no doubt that the celebrated gang of Ranges was completely dispersed.

The prisoners taken, one hundred and sixty-nine in number, have been sent to Nashville, and from there will go to Chicago. Among them is Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, of the Texas Rangers, who was second in command. He was formerly a Captain in the United States Army, and is quite an accomplished soldier.

Morgan's celebrated mare was captured, and is now in Lebanon. She was slightly wounded in one of her fore legs, but will soon be as "good as new." Her rebel owner offered a reward of a thousand dollars to anyone who would bring her to him on the northern side of the Cumberland river.

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 17, 1862.


            5, "The boys have flower pots and posy beds before their tents …" An excerpt from the letter of Bliss Morse, 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, to his mother, concerning his camp at Murfreesboro [1863]

* * * *

The boys have flower pots and posy beds before their tents, and young cedars set in the ground for shade. The streets between the reg'ts. [sic] are set out with cedars drove [sic] in the ground. It looks as neat and pretty as any door yard in Painesville [Ohio]. Those white tents are a fine sight to look at, as we stood on a high knoll and could look around the country. I could see them in every direction peering through the trees on the east side of Murfreesboro.

Diaries of Bliss Morse.

            5, "Ragstores a Nuisance"

During the recent inspection of the city by Health Commissioner Underwood among the many noticeable matters which demanded his attention were those establishments where large quantities of old and filthy clothing have been purchased and stored. We are surprised that this matter has to long escaped the attention of the authorities of dirty rags not unfrequently a perfect malaria is created in the air about the premises where such are allowed to remain. For instance the garments of those having been afflicted with small pox have often passed into the possession of the Report of the Adjutant General dealer and left by him where they were liable to endanger the health of those living near or visiting the establishment. Whole neighborhoods which have been infested with contagious diseases, have doubtless frequently become so by the negligence of the Report of the Adjutant General merchant and want of attention on the part of the authorities to the matter.

Memphis Bulletin, May 5, 1864.

            5, Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant establishes time limits for surrender of guerrillas

HDQRS. FIFTH SUB-DISTRICT OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE, Clarksville, Tenn., April 20, 1865.

Maj. B. H. POLK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Nashville:

Maj.: Application has been made to me, thorough citizens, by guerrillas in this district to know upon what terms they could lay down their arms and become peaceable citizens. As a decision in one case might form a precedent for others, I respectfully refer the question to district headquarters for decision.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. A. SMITH, Col., Cmdg.

* * * *

MAY 5, 1865.

I would advise as a cheap way to get clear of guerrillas that a certain time be given for them to come in, say the 20th of this month, up to which time their paroles will be received, but after which they will be proceeded against as outlaws.

U. S. GRANT, Lieut.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 418-419.


Tennessee in the Civil War, comp. James B. Jones, Jr. - $49.95, McFarland Publishers, order at 800- 253-2187, M-F, 8 AM-4:30 PM

[1] If John Hunt Morgan made a report about his abysmal defeat at Lebanon it has not been found. More than likely he just didn't want to talk about it much.

[2] This lengthy report, said to be General Ebenezer Dumont's official report on the Action at Lebanon, is not found in the OR.

[3] A pro-Union community in Rutherford County

[4] Not identified.

[5] Today Cumberland University.

[6] Major J. A. Brents, The Patriots and Guerrillas of East Tennessee and Kentucky. The sufferings of the Patriots. Also the Experience of the Author as an Officer in the Union Army. Including Sketches of Noted Guerrillas and Distinguished Patriots. (NY: Henry, Dexter Publishers, 1863), pp. 319-152. [Hereinafter: Brents, Patriots and Guerrillas.]

[7] Versailles and Eagleville are in Rutherford County.

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