Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12 - 14 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

12-14, Federal recruiting at Athens and capture of president and several directors of the State Bank of Tennessee
HDQRS. FIRST BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 23d ARMY CORPS, Athens, Tenn., September 14, 1863.
Lieut. Col. GEORGE B. DRAKE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
I have the honor to report that citizens have just come in from Cleveland reporting that 2,000 rebels are advancing on that town with a battery of artillery.
I have sworn in 276 men to-day, most of them soldiers. They are flocking in by the hundred....
* * * *
I have sworn in, in the last three days,[12th-14th] 462. Three hundred and sixty-two of these were soldiers. I have in custody the president and several of the directors of the State Bank of Tennessee at this place, holding them responsible for the bank funds.
Respectfully, &c.,
R. K. BYRD, Col., Comdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, pp. 639-640.



12, "Those Who Dance Must Pay the Piper."
Just as we go to press, observing the street blockaded in front of the Irving Prison, we gather the following items of a "big thing." It seems that a sort of barn dance was going on, on Main street, near Beal, in which ladies of easy virtue bore a prominent part. The uproar had become so tremendous that word was sent to Gen. Hurlbut. A word and a blow; and the blow first. The General ordered the whole audience arrested; the result is that sixty one are walking solemnly inside that bourne from whence no traveler returns -- before morning. We could moralize on this. Late as it is, we could overhaul our Soloman and make a note on it. Sancho Panza would assist us with old saws, and even Shakespeare might yield a thought upon such varieties as incipient manhood is prone to indulge in and their tremendous consequences. But spare, friends. We drop a tear at the thought of these three score convivants without musquito bars[1], ice, or other comforters wearing out the night under charge of Capt. Emerson.
Memphis Bulletin, September 12, 1863.


12, "Murder of Surgeon Moore."
The friends of Dr. Moore were shocked yesterday at hearing a report that he had been waylaid and brutally murdered, Monday night [12th], while riding home from the city. His residence is eight miles from the city, and the cold-blooded, unprovoked murder was committed within one mile of his house. The cause of Dr. Moore's assassination was the Surgeon of the 5th Tennessee cavalry, (Col. Stokes) a fact which gave great offence and scandal to the rebels, and sympathizers in his neighborhood. We have no doubt that the deed was done by some of his own neighbors, or at least instigated by the wretches. It is idle for them to disclaim any knowledge of or connection with the transaction, for the blood of Dr. Moore, as well as of hundreds of other loyal men is on their skirts. The murderers who prowl along our public roads to shoot down any straggling Union soldiers, or unarmed citizens whom they may chance to meet, do so from the belief that they are acting in accordance with the wishes of the rebellious people around them. We learn that a cavalry company has gone out in pursuit of the murderers, and we ardently hope they may lay hands on the murderers, beside making their ineffaceable mark in that neighborhood. Tennessee belonged to the loyal, and loyal men must be permitted to ride and walk alone, by day or night, without danger of being shot or stabbed.
Nashville Daily Times and True Union, September 14, 1864

[1] Mosquito netting, or possibly window screens.

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