13, Belt buckles, native intelligence, friction matches and scarcity in Nashville
"Buckle Manufactory."
Messrs. Bibb & Tuttle have commenced the manufacture of buckles in this city, as will be seen by advertisement in another column.
This may seem in the eyes of some but a small business; but such remember that it fills, or will help to fill, a desideratum in the South, the want of which must otherwise soon be felt by all whom may have occasion to use them and that if the public should find that they can only obtain buckles in Montgomery Messrs. B. & T. would soon have a very extensive factory, and could not fail to make an independent fortune on buckles.
They are a thousand and one little mechanical contrivances which are getting scarce in the South, the manufacture of which would employ very many; worthy people who are not comparatively idle. For instance, a very small capital would be required for the manufacture of friction matches. These are almost indispensable, and we doubt if any are made in the Confederacy; [emphasis added] and if we should ever obtain another supply from aboard after the blockade ceases, a duty will have to be paid upon.
We trust that the mechanics of the country who may not have all their time employed will commence thinking; if they will, we doubt not almost every one can suggest something useful which may as well be manufactured in the South as elsewhere. We wish to see the mechanical genius of the country finally brought out. Each one should remember that __
"Large streams from little fountains flow;
Tall oaks from little acorns grow,"
and that everything must have a beginning.
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 13, 1861.
13, Advertisement seeking hands to work in a slaughter house in Chattanooga
WANTED -- One hundred hands wanted [immediately] to slaughter and pack pork for the Government at Chattanooga. Negroes or white men will be employed. Negroes will be under military guard and safe. All men employed will be exempted from military duty by its proper authority. Liberal wages and good boarding
S. R. McCaney & Co., Chattanooga
Murfreesboro Daily Rebel Banner, December 13, 1862.
13, Scout from Gatlinburg to Dandridge via Sevierville to Smoky Mtns. Rd.
HDQRS. ANDERSON, CAVALRY, Dandridge, Saturday, December, 13, 1863--9 p.m.
Brig.-Gen. SPEARS, Comdg. U. S. Forces, at or near New Market:
GEN.: I have the honor to communicate to you that I reached Dandridge from Gatlinburg, on the road from Sevierville to the Great Smoky Mountains, this evening at 5 o'clock with my command.
The marauding party of about 100 rebel cavalry which had been infesting this neighborhood and the south side of French Broad River, near Evans' Ford and Flat Creek, left Dandridge day before yesterday evening, having received an order by courier from Morristown that the headquarters of their command had been removed to the mouth of Chucky Creek, on the Warm Springs road, about 12 miles from Dandridge. From all the information I can get here, I am led to believe that Martin's brigade of rebel cavalry is located near the mouth of Chucky Creek and Franklin's, and that it is possible this force may be intending to cross the mountains into North Carolina by the Asheville road through the French Broad Gap, although they may be intending to go to Greenville by way of Warrensburg.
Will you please inform the bearer what your position and line of march are, as yours is the nearest communicating force to me, and also give him what information you can concerning the position of the rest of our army and of Gen. Burnside's headquarters, also of the rebel infantry and cavalry.
Will you also have the goodness to transmit this dispatch to Gen. Burnside, as I do not know where to communicate with him.
I am, general, yours, very respectfully,
WM. J. PALMER, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 398-399.
13, Action near Rotheswood, Hawkins County, at North Fork of Holston River, and capture of Rebel guerrilla leader
Excerpt from the MEMORANDA of the Eighth Regiment Cavalry (US):
December 13, 1864.-Reached Rotheswood, Hawkins, county - Eighth Regiment in front; found the enemy in front on the opposite side of the North Fork of the Holsotn River, and under cover. Colonel. Patton was ordered to cross the river, up the stream, and to drive the enemy from under cover, so as to open the ford for the remainder of the command, which orders he obeyed, attacking and routing the enemy, and capturing the rebel Dick Morgan and a portion of his command.
Report of the Adjutant General, pp. 522-523.
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