7, Federal Indignities Against Pro-Confederates in Rutherford County
Outrages in Rutherford, Tenn.—No people in Tennessee are more loyal than those of the county of Rutherford, and they are now paying severely for their staunch adherence to the Confederacy even in the presence of Federal bayonets. Their property is being destroyed, their houses pillaged and burned, their churches desecrated, their slaves carried off, and every imaginable indignity offered to the citizens, regardless of age and sex.
We understand that the Yankees have not left a fence standing within a circuit of five miles around Murfreesboro', and that fires are of nightly occurrences.
The destruction of the fine residence of Judge Ridly, with his library, papers and furniture has already been noted. But we have recently had information of an outrage of a still more gross a character. A few nights since a party of Federal soldiers under charge of an officer visited the house of Isaac Jatung in Rutherford, violently seized his person, and taking him into his own yard cruelly and shamefully whipped him on the naked back. His wife and daughters appeared upon the porch and attempted to remonstrate with the soldiers, when they fired a volley at these innocent ladies.
We can scarcely believe that it is possible for Gen. Rosecrans to order those atrocities, but he certainly countenances them, and should be held strictly accountable.—[Shelbyville Banner. ]
Savannah [Georgia] Republican, March 7, 1863
7, Letter from Mrs. John A. Rowan to Col. John A. Rowan [CSA] with news from home
March the 7th, 1863
Dear Husband:
I write a line only to say we are well[.] I had not expected to write any more untill [sic] I saw you but I red [sic] a kind letter from you yesterday favored by Wm Harris dated the 27 Feb [sic] but as you did not say much about coming home I though perhapse [sic] you thought it doubtful about getting a chance to come soon.
But I will hope for the best for it does seme [sic] I could scarcely bear [sic] a disappointment in this[.] But I see from the papers that the fed are rec [sic] reinforcements and I greatly fear that the prospects of an engagement will prevent you from comeing [sic] soon.
Many thanks dearest for your kind considerations in sending us the Memphis Appeal[.] We have rec [sic] two no [sic] It gives much information that we should not otherwise get[.]
Dearest [sic] I have some bad news to write brother franks [sic] wife is lying verry [sic] low not expected to live she has been since last Monday wee[.] she [sic] has a verry [sic] harty [sic] babe nearly two weeks old[.] Dr. Bogart thinos she has the same disease we had last spring[.] her [sic] face is verry [sic] much swolen [sic] but they sent for May & when he heard her simtoms [sic] he said it was nurseing [sic] soar mouth but he did not come intill [sic] yesterday morning[.] Jane Rowan & myself were there night before last & met the Doctors yesterday morning but have not heard what doc [sic] May thinks of her case[.] But I do not think she can possibly recover.
Father [sic] family is tolerble [sic][.] I saw mother there she said she had not been well for several days but was better that day.
Mr [sic] John Hightower has just landed and made us all glad to hear from you, Mollie rec [sic] her music & is dancing around like a top though she is so hoarse she can't make much noise[.] she [sic] sends many thanks for it[.]
Mr. Hightower says till [sic] his brother Thomas that his health is not any better than he left the camps[.]
It is raining yet we have more rain that I ever saw this time of the year[.] the [sic] creek has been up so for 3 or 4 weeks so tom [sic] could not cross half the time to hand wood [sic] [.]
I will close please come as soon as possible[.] Write often excuse this - farewell
Your devoted wife
M. Rowan
PS Many thanks dearest for my new pipe the girles [sic] accuse me of smoking just to show my new pipe well if I do there is nothing wrong in being proud of as nice a presant [sic] as that so I say [sic] [.]
WPA Civil War Records, Vol. 2, p. 200.
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