14, ”High Rents” in Confederate Knoxville
In view of the times, the war, and the suspension of business, tenants are required to pay too high rents in this city, and its surroundings, and there should at once be a reduction. The laboring classes, dependent upon their daily labor for money to meet their unavoidable expenses, cannot make enough to pay the high rents demanded of them, [in] these dull and trying times. The impossibility of making collections -- the utter impossibility of getting new and additional stocks of goods, forbid that merchants should be required to pay their former high rents. And all things considered, men renting dwelling houses should not be charged, as heretofore two and three hundred dollars for ordinary dwellings. The owners of property should have a meeting, and agree upon a reduction in rents. To exact extravagant rents, and take the advantage of men’s necessities, at this time, is swindling under a pretense of renting out property!
Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig, September 14, 1861.
In view of the times, the war, and the suspension of business, tenants are required to pay too high rents in this city, and its surroundings, and there should at once be a reduction. The laboring classes, dependent upon their daily labor for money to meet their unavoidable expenses, cannot make enough to pay the high rents demanded of them, [in] these dull and trying times. The impossibility of making collections -- the utter impossibility of getting new and additional stocks of goods, forbid that merchants should be required to pay their former high rents. And all things considered, men renting dwelling houses should not be charged, as heretofore two and three hundred dollars for ordinary dwellings. The owners of property should have a meeting, and agree upon a reduction in rents. To exact extravagant rents, and take the advantage of men’s necessities, at this time, is swindling under a pretense of renting out property!
Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig, September 14, 1861.
14, “Whiskey Drinking in [Confederate] Knoxville”
We dislike to make any suggestions to the Military authorities here, in regard to the intemperate use of ardent spirits, lest we be viewed in the light of a dictator, but seeing a complaint against the Doggeries of Knoxville, by the editor of the Chattanooga Gazette, who has recently been here on a visit, we will venture a few remarks. The best thing the Military authorities could do for this town, and for the army stationed here, would be to close up, with absolute orders, the numerous breathing holes of hell, called Doggeries. Not a fight occurs, not an outbreak among the troops, or instance of unpleasant conduct towards citizens or their property, but it is traceable to the intemperate use of liquor. Whisky is the main spring of all the machinery of ungodliness in motion in Knoxville. It is only when men are drunk that they are lost to all sense of honor and shame. Those troops who blackguard and insult the inmates of private houses, only do so when in a state of intoxication. These troops who ride upon the side-walks and yell like savages would not commit such an outrage if they were sober. And the private of a cavalry company, who, galloped over Mr. Formault’s little daughter only five years old, without even looking back to see what injury he had done, would never have been guilty of the like if he had not been drunk. A man is not himself when he is quite drunk. We again, say, let every liquor house in Knoxville be closed and made to stay closed while so many troops are here who will drink to excess.
Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig, September 14, 1861.
We dislike to make any suggestions to the Military authorities here, in regard to the intemperate use of ardent spirits, lest we be viewed in the light of a dictator, but seeing a complaint against the Doggeries of Knoxville, by the editor of the Chattanooga Gazette, who has recently been here on a visit, we will venture a few remarks. The best thing the Military authorities could do for this town, and for the army stationed here, would be to close up, with absolute orders, the numerous breathing holes of hell, called Doggeries. Not a fight occurs, not an outbreak among the troops, or instance of unpleasant conduct towards citizens or their property, but it is traceable to the intemperate use of liquor. Whisky is the main spring of all the machinery of ungodliness in motion in Knoxville. It is only when men are drunk that they are lost to all sense of honor and shame. Those troops who blackguard and insult the inmates of private houses, only do so when in a state of intoxication. These troops who ride upon the side-walks and yell like savages would not commit such an outrage if they were sober. And the private of a cavalry company, who, galloped over Mr. Formault’s little daughter only five years old, without even looking back to see what injury he had done, would never have been guilty of the like if he had not been drunk. A man is not himself when he is quite drunk. We again, say, let every liquor house in Knoxville be closed and made to stay closed while so many troops are here who will drink to excess.
Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig, September 14, 1861.
Richardson’s Movements.
The steamboat O’Brien from Fort Pillow, came down to this city yesterday, bringing Captain Cark, who was a bearer of dispatches from Colonel Wolfe, commanding the Union forces at that point. From him we learn the Gen. RICHARDSON and Col. JESSE FORREST, with a cavalry force, variously estimated at from two to three thousand men, were at Brownsville Tennessee on Friday last, the 10th instant.
On that day, a scouting party from the fort had a skirmish with a portion of the enemy’s forces. The result was favorable to our side. one captain of the rebel forces was captured and brought to Fort Pillow. The name of the prisoner is Hayden and from him the strength of the rebel forces was ascertained.
It is probable that the rebel strength is over estimated, as information from other sources does not place their strength at more than one thousand men. The suppositions is that the rebels have designs against Fort Pillow.
Memphis Bulletin, September 14, 1863.
Richardson’s Movements.
The steamboat O’Brien from Fort Pillow, came down to this city yesterday, bringing Captain Cark, who was a bearer of dispatches from Colonel Wolfe, commanding the Union forces at that point. From him we learn the Gen. RICHARDSON and Col. JESSE FORREST, with a cavalry force, variously estimated at from two to three thousand men, were at Brownsville Tennessee on Friday last, the 10th instant.
On that day, a scouting party from the fort had a skirmish with a portion of the enemy’s forces. The result was favorable to our side. one captain of the rebel forces was captured and brought to Fort Pillow. The name of the prisoner is Hayden and from him the strength of the rebel forces was ascertained.
It is probable that the rebel strength is over estimated, as information from other sources does not place their strength at more than one thousand men. The suppositions is that the rebels have designs against Fort Pillow.
Memphis Bulletin, September 14, 1863.
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