There are in and near Nashville about thirty families of the members of the Burns Artillery, all in the most destitute circumstances. The husbands and fathers of these wanting women and children have now been in the service more than three months, and their families are now suffering from the want of food, fuel and clothing. Our fellow citizen, Dr. J. W. Morton, who was mainly instrumental in getting up the company, has done a great deal towards providing for the pressing needs of these families. In this respect, as well as in having the Artillery properly equiped, Dr. Morton has faithfully discharged his duties as a citizen and patriot. -- He has worked diligently to keep haggard want from the homes of these dependent women and children, freely devoting money and time to the humane and patriotic work. But, a generous and patriotic people should not let this heavy burthen rest alone upon the shoulders of one of its fellow-citizens. It is well known that Dr. Morton is not a man of wealth, and he cannot be expected to continue this drain upon his limited means. We hope those of our citizens who are able, will at once take this matter into hand, and come promptly to the assistance of Dr. Morton in the prosecution of this good work.
Nashville Daily Gazette, October 26, 1861
26, Union anti-guerrilla and conscripting scouts ordered to Bolivar, Jackson environs
No circumstantial report filed.
Excerpt from Special Orders No. 264, October 26, 1863
SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 264. HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, October 26, 1863.
* * * *
II. The Sixth Tennessee Cavalry, Col. Hurst, will move upon Bolivar and Jackson, covering the country east of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, and suppressing with all necessary severity the guerrilla and conscripting parties south of Trenton. They will draw supplies from the country, giving receipts, to be settled at the close of the war. No plundering or pillaging by men or officers will be allowed. Col. Hurst will report weekly, through the commanding officer at La Grange, to the chief of cavalry. The men of this regiment will not be permitted to scatter, but will move actively in organized force. All horses fit for Government service will be taken by the quartermaster of the regiment and turned over at once to the quartermaster at La Grange, and receipts given as above. The people of the country will be informed that they must organize to put down robbers and guerrillas or be subject to the continual presence of force that will; they must co-operate with the National forces.
* * * *
By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut:
T. H. HARRIS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 750-751.
26, Military Governor Andrew Johnson on relief for the poor in Nashville
Nashville, October 26th 1863
John H. Smith
Mayor &c
Sir -- As winter is coming, there must and will necessarily be much suffering from cold, among the poorer classes of society. In fact, the applications to this office are, thus early in the season, becoming numerous and pressing. If you have the power, to effect arrangements for this class, I desire to make the following proposition. If you will procure the wood along the line of the North Western Railroad, I will have the same brought to Nashville free of transportation. If you have not the power you will please communicate this proposition to your Board [of Aldermen] and have their actions upon the same, or upon any other proposition, relating to the matter. I would urgently press this matter upon your body, and will heartily second, and effort in this behalf as it is getting to be a matter of embarrassment and importance.
I am Andrew Johnson Mil-Gov
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 440.
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