GENERAL ORDERS, No. 205. HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Missionary Ridge, November 14, 1863.
1. Hereafter there will be a daily parade inspection under arms of each regiment, battalion, and battery in this army by their respective commanding officers. Each brigade shall be inspected weekly by its commander. Each division will in like manner be inspected semi-monthly.
2. Written inspection reports will be forwarded weekly to the inspector-general of the army through the proper channel. The report of each regiment will show the number of effective men present, non-effective present and cause thereof; names of officers on leave, by whose authority, from and to what time; number of men on furlough, whose authority, from and to what time; number and names of officers and men absent without leave or overstaying their time; the number and condition of arms and accouterments; amount of ammunition to each man and condition of same; amount in reserve; condition of clothes, quality and condition of provisions received (whether full rations or not); quality of forage received; the number of horses, whether public or private, in possession of the regiment; how many stragglers or citizens with command, and whether liable to conscription; condition of camps; whether a proper police is observed; the health of command.
3. Brigade commanders in their weekly inspections will verify the reports of the commanders of regiments, giving their attention particularly to the points specified for guidance of regimental commanders, and see to the prompt correction of all abuses and to supply all deficiencies. They are especially enjoined to see that their commands are always prepared and ready for action in every particular.
4. Artillery battalion commanders will inspect thoroughly the batteries of their commands, and report upon their condition, number of men for duty, &c., amount of ammunition on hand, number and condition of horses.
5. Brigade commanders will see that the necessary roads are made and kept in good repair within the limits of his brigade and leading to and from it.
6. Division commanders will verify the reports of the brigade commanders and give their personal attention to the points specified above for guidance of regimental and brigade commanders. They will inspect carefully, monthly, the papers of the quartermasters and commissaries of the divisions, brigades, and regiments, and report accurately any irregularity existing, and report upon the manner in which each officer of these departments discharges his duties. Each division commander will have the pickets in his front inspected by a staff officer every night, and will report in writing anything unusual or important, and will promptly correct all errors and neglects.
By command of Gen. Bragg:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 694-695.
14, Report on Federal fortifications at Shellmound
HDQRS. SECOND BRIG., FIRST DIV., FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Shellmound, November 14, 1863.
Gen. J. J. REYNOLDS, Chief of Staff:
My fortifications are in measure complete. Since my arrival I have thrown up breast-works 1,000 yards long, 10 or 12 feet at the base, sloped off to 4 or 5 feet at the top; sufficient in height to protect the men. Have also erected a fort of great strength, of earth, sufficient for six guns, having one embrasure extra, making seven embrasures. Embankment finished off 10 feet at the top; all the work well revetted. This is all at Shellmound.
At the gap at Widow Cox's, 2 miles from here, have erected good breast-works 400 to 500 yards, revetted with logs and filled with earth. Have heavy details for guarding from this to Whiteside's and repairing the roads. Have the men now engaged in putting up cabins in lieu of shelter-tents, which many of them have not. There is no enemy at Trenton [GA] unless they came in last night. Reliable information from one who left there Monday reports them at the gap in the mountains beyond Trenton (Ninth Kentucky and one Alabama regiment is all, not over 600 men), and 5 or 6 miles beyond Trenton. Same authority gives Longstreet as having a strong force in Lookout Valley toward the point of Lookout. Also stated that Gen. Bragg has ordered all the citizens to leave Lookout Valley immediately, which they are doing as rapidly as possible. Same authority stated that the rebels would most, assuredly attack us in Lookout Valley. I give you this information as it came to me. I have the country scouted and patrolled every day. It is very heavy work for infantry; 100 or even 50 cavalry would greatly facilitate obtaining information. Give me a telegraph station here.
W. C. WHITAKER, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p 143.
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