Monday, March 25, 2013

3/25/13 Tennessee Civil War Notes = TCWN

25, Military Governor Andrew Johnson demands Nashville City Council members take the oath of allegiance to the United States

Secretary's Office

Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1862.

To the Mayor, Members of the Common Council, Police, and other Officials of the City of Nashville: [sic]

Gentlemen -- In pursuance of the first section of the 10th article of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, each of you are required to take and subscribe the oath herewith enclosed; and said oath, when so taken and subscribed, you'll return to this office by Friday next.

Yours, etc.,

Andrew Johnson, Gov.

Edward H. East, Sec'y of State.

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, p. 244



25, "The Conscription in Tennessee;" Rumor of "galvanized" Rebels in the Federal Army

The Nashville Union, a fierce radical journal intimates that the conscription act will be enforced in that State after the following fashion:

The Conscription act will very likely be enforced in this State within the Federal lines with certain restrictions. We hear that it is contemplated to raise a regiment of rebel conscripts exclusively in this city. No loyal man will be allowed to join it. The officers, of course, will be of the true blue, and the privates will be either forced to fight, or in case they refuse to do so, they will exchanged for the Union conscripts in the rebel army. It strikes us that this outrage of conscripting loyal men to fight under the flag of treason has gone fare enough, and that it should be checkmated. Let two regiments, composed of the fiercest rebels in the city be drafted immediately, for duty in the Federal army, and if they refuse to coerce, subjugate and demolish their Southern brethren, let them be swapped off forthwith for the Union conscripts now at Tullahoma. We know of no place where the conscription law would be enforced with better effect than Nashville. Its enforcement would free the city of many fierce and stubborn foes of the Government, and it would [be] a joyful deliverance to thousands of loyal citizens who have been dragooned into the rebel service.

Memphis Bulletin, March 25, 1863.[1]



25, "Sprinkle the Streets."

We have been somewhat surprised that the streets should be allowed to remain in such a dusty condition for so long a time, without resorting to the old method of sprinkling with hose; but took it for granted that the scarcity of water in the reservoir was the cause. Yesterday morning we were informed that such was not the fact, the engineer stating that he can supply water in abundance for any purpose. Section 7 of Chapter 8, City Laws, provides the manner of obtaining water for sprinkling purposes. It says:-

The water shall be supplied to those applying, from and after the date of the application, until the first of the succeeding January, at the rate of sixty cents [by a law passed 24th of April, 1863, raised to $1.20] per lineal foot for each foot of hose, used, including length of nozzle, which tax shall in all cases be paid in advance to the Water tax collector, the said tax, in all cases, to be paid before the water is supplied by the superintendent.

Section 10 of the same chapter provides that sprinkling shall be done between the houses of seven and ten in the morning, and four and six in the evening, and imposes a fine of $5 on anyone violating the provisions of the act.

Nashville Dispatch, March 25, 1864.



        25, "The Negro Celebration;" Nashville's African-American community demonstrates its support for the constitutional abolition of slavery in Tennessee

The negroes, old and young, of every hue, shade and color, turned out yesterday to ratify the amendment to the State constitution abolishing slavery in Tennessee. The procession formed on Capitol Hill, at about 10 o'clock, and came down Cedar street with streaming banners, headed by a brass band, discoursing sweet strains to the slow and measured march of the "regenerated contrabands." A dense cloud of dust enveloped the procession and it was only visible at intervals. As they passed up College street, we caught a glimpse of the motley throng. The soldiers were in the van, followed by the "Order of the Sons of Relief," wearing "yaller [sic] regalias." Next came the "free American citizens of African descent," in their Sunday clothes, followed by the female portion of the colored procession. The juvenile darkies [sic] brought up the rear of this moving panorama, and at intervals the air resounded with shouts of glory from the enthusiastic crowd. The Marshals of the day were mounted, and highly decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. Among the devices or mottos born aloft, we noted the following"

"Will Tennessee be among the first or last to allow her sable sons the elective franchise?"

"United we stand, divided we fall."

"Nashville Order of Sons of Relief."

"We ask not social, but political equality."

"We can forget and forgive the wrongs of the past."

"We aspire to elevation through industry, economy, education and christianity."

After marching through the principal streets of the city, the procession wended its way to Walnut Grove, in the western environs of the city, where the were addressed by several able orators. The principal theme of the different speakers was the elective franchise, which right they emphatically claimed, and would petition the Legislature for it at its first session. If it was not granted by that body, they would thunder at the doors of the Capitol until their voices were heard, and the political equality of their race established.

The procession called to mind the familiar old melody[2] of "Old Joe kicking up behind and before, and the yellow gal is kicking up behind old Joe."

Nashville Dispatch, March 25, 1865.


[1] See also: Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, (Milwaukee, WI) Wednesday, March 25, 1863.

[2] Not identified.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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