Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6/12/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

12, Cumberland mountains' health resort opens for the season

Beersheba Springs.—This charming and popular watering place has now opened for the season. We take pleasure in recommending our friends throughout the South who intend resorting to a summer retreat, to try Beersheba. It has superior advantages over any other watering place in the South. It is located on a range of the Cumberland mountains, some 2,000 feet above the level of the sea; is easy of access, being near the railroad, and surrounded by the most magnificent, romantic and beautiful scenery we ever beheld.

The Springs are owned by a company of southern gentlemen who have ample means and intend to make it the watering place of the South. Its accommodations are of the most superb order, and they are prepared to entertain seven hundred guests comfortably. The buildings are large, spacious, and have every comfort and convenience that a watering place can furnish. A large number of neat and elegant cottages, and some splendid houses have been erected, which are occupied during the summer. Families will find this an exceedingly healthy, pleasant, convenient and safe retreat.

John E. Hukill, well known all along our river as the popular steward on the old Bulletin, Ben Franklin, John Simonds, and other boats, is the proprietor. In that line he has no superior on the continent. He understands the business thoroughly, and is with all an agreeable, pleasant and popular gentleman. His premier is the polite and attentive W. A. Hurd, well known to most of our readers. Mr. Edward Parsons, a clever and accommodating gentleman, is the agent of the [illegible]. We would say to our friends if they wish to spend the summer pleasantly and enjoy good health, perched upon a lovely brow of the mountains, go to Beersheba.

Memphis Daily Appeal, June 12, 1861.




12, Reduction, not suspension, of Memphis city school budget

Public Schools.—We learn from the secretary of the board of visitors that the board is now organized and propose to open the schools at the usual time in September next. They will reduce the expenses of the schools for the year about $1200. They intend to reduce the number of teachers and school houses and the amount of salaries. The salary of the superintendent will be reduced from $2500 to $1200 a year. There will be one senior teacher at $800; the junior and primary teachers will be paid $750 each per annum. In city scrip, this will be a very moderate salary.

Memphis Daily Appeal, July 12, 1861.




12, Complaints about Confederate military attire in Knoxville

A soldier writing to the Knoxville Register, seriously objects to the construction of the army clothing in his department:

"Here we get them partly run and partly whipped up-as coarse as Bull's hide sewed with grapevine-in two or three weeks they rip all to pieces and are gone and then the soldier must draw again, it takes all the poor soldier's money to keep him in clothes. Is that treating him white folks?-And here is another abominable thing-the shirt sleeve is left open like a frock sleeve, with no wristbands on it-just like some old nigger wench's shirt.-It is not treating him worse than a nigger? Such a sleeve as that for white folks!

Macon Daily Telegraph, June 12, 1863




12, "The Public Schools;" the fight for public education in Civil War Nashville

After all we have said and written on this subject, we almost despaired of having any schools open for the poor white children of our city; but inasmuch as Councilman Myers has procured the passage of a resolution through the Common Council, referring the subject to the School Committee, we are disposed to hope that something may be done, even at the risk of some people calling them "poor schools," or "ragged schools." The money is contributed by our citizens to educate the poor, not the rich, although the rich are not deprived of the benefits of a free education, if they choose to avail themselves of it. It is therefore, right, and just, that schools could be opened for the poor. There is plenty of money on hand, and large rooms can be obtained to suit temporary purposes. We hope, therefore, the Committee will go to work at once, and without waiting to get possession of the school buildings, prepare to open two or three schools, at the latest by the 1st of September. A heavy responsibility rests upon the Committee and upon the Board of Education, who have been the cause of the downfall of many of our boys, and girls too.

Nashville Dispatch, June 12, 1864.





12 and 26, Difficulties with providing transportation for returning Confederate soldiers

HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., June 12, 1865.

Col. T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Washington, D. C.:

Under the ruling of Attorney-Gen. Speed paroled prisoners of war cannot return to their former homes in the loyal States. The paroles of the men, however, make no exceptions, and they think they are entitled to go to their homes by the terms of the surrender of the rebel armies. Many of them arrive at this point daily, destitute, expecting to go to Missouri, Kentucky and elsewhere, and have been told by officers that transportation would be furnished by the Government. While it is true that they are not entitled to transportation or subsistence by the Government, yet I would respectfully submit the question if it would not be better to send them home than they should be allowed to encumber and depredate upon the community, which their destitute condition will compel them to do it not assisted. It is true they might be billeted on the people here-rebel sympathizers, if you please-but this would not be just, as nearly all have complied with the conditions imposed by government. I respectfully ask if all who are not excepted in the late proclamation who desire to go to the loyal States may not be permitted to do so by taking the oath of allegiance, and the Quartermaster's Department furnish transportation for those who are destitute.

The policy or regulations for the changed condition of the negro [sic] should be taken into serious consideration. The most serious difficulty is compensation for his services. This necessarily must be left discretionary with the employer, but something should be done by which the employer can be protected as well as the employe. This in time will regulate itself, but in the present embryo state of the negro, most of whom think freedom means that they are no longer required to work and have a right to appropriate to themselves all they can get, I would respectfully suggest that all contracts for labor at present be made on the part of the negro by the superintendent of freedmen, whose duty it would be to protect both parties.

Respectfully, &c.,

JNO. E. SMITH, Brevet Maj.-Gen.



Respectfully returned.

So much of this communication as relates to freedom has since referred to Gen. Howard, Commissioner of the Bureau of Freedmen, &c.

Under the agreement made by Gen. Canby, paroled prisoners of war are entitled to transportation to the nearest practicable points to their homes, and you are authorized and directed to furnish them transportation accordingly.

By command of Lieut.-Gen. Grant:

T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, p. 651.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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