30, Madame Arrabella Clifton, Memphis psychic
Madam Arrabella Clifton, the great Astrologer and Planet Reader, who has mastered all the sciences in the gift of prophesy, can be consulted at her office, at Mrs. Hightower's, corner of Commerce and Second streets, where she will be happy to see all who may favor her with their patronage. She is well known as a lady of truth and respectability. Medicine supplied for all curable diseases. Remember the place, corner of Commerce and Second streets
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, Relief for the Homeless in Memphis
Home for the Homeless.—We have lying before us a list of the inmates of this excellent institution, from which we learn that eleven women, fourteen children and three men are at the "home." The former as recipients of its bounties; the men are engaged, one as driver, etc., the other two as gardeners, and they are now laying out the grounds in very handsome style, under the superintendence of the matron.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, A plea for a cemetery for the poor in Memphis - undertakers' fees
A Potters Field.—To a heart touched with one feeling of that charity, without which all else is but as "the sounding brass and tinkling symbal," [sic] there is something inexpressibly sad in the thought that in a city blessed with prosperity as ours has been, we offer to the friendless, the poor, and the homeless, no shelter where they may lay their head, whether in life or death. Those who find themselves among us without a roof to sleep under, find no place provided for them, as is done in other cities. For the poor who die, there is no potters' field where we may bury strangers, as is also usually provided in other cities. We stated a short time ago, and we did it upon official information, that on account of the great expense of funerals in this city, the practice of burying infants in out-of-the-way spots in the suburbs, is quite prevalent. The ordinary charge for burying a negro child is eighteen dollars; of a white one twenty dollars. Such charges are more than many in our midst can afford top pay. We learn from an undertaker that the high charge arises from the great expense that attends obtaining ground for burial. At Elmwood cemetery, to bury white people costs ten dollars for a child, and fifteen dollars for a grown person; the cost for negroes ten dollars, and twelve dollars and a half are demanded. At Winchester cemetery the rates are for white persons nine dollars; for negroes, ten dollars for blacks of all sizes. The Catholics, with a piety that does them infinite credit, are the only persons in the city who have provided the poor with a spot where the dust that once shrouded God's image can be placed, under circumstances that shall not trench upon the purse of penury or violate the honest pride of the poor. They have a burial ground where all of their people can find sepulture for the moderate sum of five dollars. The city used to own a place of burial; when that became filled, the funerals of paupers, that were formerly an expense to the city of five dollars each, rose to fourteen dollars each; so that our city council are guilty of bad economy as well as of an improper regard for the wants of the poor in what they are doing, or rather neglecting to do, in this matter. It will easily be imagined that when to the rates charged for ground in the only spots open to the general public—which charges we should state include the digging and filling of the grave—are as high as stated above, the addition of coffin, carriage hire and services will easily run up the undertaker's charge to eighteen and twenty dollars.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, The trouble with Green Pork
Whose business is it too see that the government supplies of army stores, and especially green pork, are kept in a proper and safe condition?
Green pork just taken from the pickle will suffer deterioration if shipped and warehoused in large masses without being hung up and smoked till it becomes hard and dry: much of it may even be lost with out this precaution. Let somebody look into this matter. The government daily loses by carelessness and unfaithfulness of its agents.-Knoxville Register.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1862.[1]
30, Federal Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Our Real Danger.
From the Selma [AL] Republican.
Since the fall of Donelson, and the occupation of Nashville by the Federal soldiery, many of the inhabitants along the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers are reported as having expressed great surprise at the amiable behavior and extreme moderation of the northern generals. On the principle that more flies can be caught with sugar than salt these wolves in sheep's clothing have visited the old women and sold them coffee at six cents per pound, and other articles equally cheap; and on top of this, they have put the finishing stroke of conciliating the disaffected by the plentiful use of soft solder; but we have lost our reckoning in these sniveling Yankees-these wooden nutmeg manufacturers-will so far succeed in combing the wool over the faces of our [citizens about their actions (?)] in respect to the true intent and purpose of this invasion of their soil. In one instance, a little incident of war was related to us, which is doubtless illustrative of the balance:
A widow lady had lost a pig at the hands of the Federal soldiery. She made no mention of the matter, but a northern officer, learning the facts, galloped instantly to her door, with his mouth full of apologies and a five dollar bill in his hand, all of which was freely given to the matron in satisfaction for her missing shoat. It does not require a Solomon to see that this sort of strategy is bound to succeed with certain members of the genus homo, who meekly swallow the sugar-coated ratsbane and hemlock dropped down their throats by the chuckling enemy. There are, too, superannuated grandmothers, whose peculiar temptation lies in a good cup of coffee; and with these appliances, and the gift of gab-for which the Yankees are noted-they will certainly make a breach in the less loyal portions of our common country. Of course the signs of liberality exhibited to our people are deceptive and transitory, while their purposes of proscription are stubborn and unmistakable; but it requires a little time and some thought to appreciate these facts.
The grand spoil contemplated by the aggressive war of the enemy will not, of course, tolerate private marauding, because this policy would obstruct the march of the army, and also obstruct the march of the army, and also abstract that much from the big prize. The object of the Federal government is manifestly to confiscate all of our property, real or personal, and to appropriate the whole southern region to the production of such staples as make the basis of our wealth. The victors are to take actual possession of our plantations, and our people are to be made to toil the support of the northern Vandals. The repression of private rapine invades the nation's prerogative for plunder, and also lessens the expected spoil. The government has yet to put into operation its machinery for the confiscation of southern property and the forcible seizure of persons, who are to be extorted in the matter of rendering their allegiance to the Federal dynasty. These facts are, however, so plain as to need no further amplification. There is but one way to meet the invader-put one kind of hospitality due him, and that is too plain to need specification. We trust the people will prepare for all possible emergencies,[2] and strike down the foe whether he comes with the smiles of Judas, or the intent of an open enemy.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1862. [3]
30, Confederate authorities in East Tennessee encourage emigration beyond Confederate lines
Knoxville, March 30, 1863.
I. To non-combatants and persons exempt from military duty residing within the Department of East Tennessee, desirous of removing beyond the Confederate lines, permits will be granted upon application to the department commander.
II. Applications for passports will be made through the deputy provost-marshal, within whose district the applicant resides, to Col. John E. Toole, provost-marshal for the department, and by him referred to the department commander, who will indicate the route to be traveled.
By command of Brig. Gen. D. S. Donelson:
J. G. MARTIN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 731.
30, Punishing smugglers, fraud and treason
Army Police Proceedings.
Before the Chief of Army Police, Nashville, March 30, 1863.—
Mrs. John Trainor was arrested under a charge of being associated with her husband in his extensive smuggling operations. She was arrested in Louisville, Ky., and brought to this place.
C. Tavel, a druggist of Louisville, Ky., was arrested in that city and brought to this place, charged with selling Mrs. Trainor a large quantity of medicines to be smuggled South. Tavel admits that he sold Mrs. Trainor one thousand ounces of quinine and two hundred pounds of opium, believing that it was to be thus disposed of, for the sum of six thousand four hundred dollars. The investigation of the Trainor case is developing a most extensive system of fraud and treason.
E. R. Davis, of company D, of the "Anderson Troop," and Charles Springer were arrested at Louisville and brought to this city, charged with being connected with the Trainor smuggling operations. After the taking of testimony Springer was discharged.
Joseph Winburn and Milton Kellogg, were arrested under a charge of aiding John Trainor in smuggling. Winburn was paroled for the present.
Dr. Chas. H. Dubois and Mrs. M. E. Trousdell were arrested at the City Hotel charged with aiding John Trainor in smuggling. They are ordered to be sent to Alton, Ill.
Nashville Dispatch, March 31, 1863.
30, "The Powder Magazine." [4]
Weak nerves have been sadly shattered periodically for the past eighteen months, by every fire and every thunder storm, by every alarm, and by the reading of accounts of every explosion, by the possessors of said weak nerves, who could not forget that we had in our midst a volcano, waiting to be "touched off," to consign all living creatures in Nashville and vicinity to kingdom come. We are rejoiced at being able to inform these persons that their fears will soon be set at rest; that the large magazine which has been for some time under process of construction, is rapidly approaching completion, and will be, when finished, the most capacious and most thorough magazine in the country. The magazine was planned and built by Lieut. Willet,[5] of the 38th Illinois, and is thus described by the editor of the Times:[6]
The magazine is built on the site of the old city hospital which was destroyed by fire in February, 1863, and is situated in the centre of a yard of eight acres, which is surrounded by a stone wall. When completed it will be bomb-proof, and will be covered with at least two feet of earth. The magazine is over two hundred feet long and sixty five feet wide. It is lighted by means of reflecting lamps, which are placed in fire proof chambers outside of the structure, the light passing through windows into the magazine. It is thoroughly ventilated, having fourteen ventilators, besides high and large double doors at each end. There is an air space all around the lining, flooring and ceiling, and the ground, walls and roof. This space connects all around, and is also provided with ventilators, so that dampness cannot reach the magazine. Besides these are large drains running under the entire work. A branch railway is being built to connect the magazine yard with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and is nearly finished. The structure has been named "Magazine Granger," in honor of the immense quantities of powder and fixed ammunition, which has for a long time jeopardized the lives of our people and the existence of the town, has been transferred to the structure above mentioned.
Nashville Dispatch, March 30, 1864.
30, Confederate smuggling in Shelby County
March, Wednesday 30, 1864
It seems I can never go to Memphis without some disagreeable arrangements and sayings. I was greatly disappointed in my trip. Tate and I went together. I stoped [sic] at Mrs. Facklen's on Union St.-she went on up to Cousin Frazor's in the buggy-Mrs. Facklen and Mrs. Kirk in great distress, old Hurbbut [i.e., Gen. Hurlbut] gave her ten days to abandon her house, she took an old Yankee Officer, his Wife & two children to board with her, hoping he would recall the heartless order to make her and her little children homeless. I did not smuggle a thing through the lines, except some letters. Mr. Tommery gave me a permit to bring 2 Gals Whiskey and 5 bbs Tobacco-which I got home safely. Frazor came out in the buggy with me, Cousin Mat and Tate came together, we did not have any trouble at all-they all sat up very late in the Parlor, I came to my room early. Jim and Mr. Pugh came with me to try my whiskey-which they pronounced very good.
I received a letter from Mrs. Moses today-and am really distressed she did not receive the last I forwarded to her. Forrest is having his own way in Kentucky-God grant Eddie may be safe.
Diary of Belle Edmondson.
30, A Report of a Practical Joke in Newport
A Laughable Affair.
A correspondent of the Southern Confederacy writing from Newport, Tenn., relates the following:
A laughable affair took place yesterday evening at Mr. Jack's not many miles from here, that was fun for the boys, but death to the officers engaged. During the evening quite a party of young ladies and officers of the Division met the aforesaid gentleman's, just outside the picket lines, for the purpose of having a social party and a good time generally; but alas! for the mutability of human affairs—they found out, (as the sequel will prove,) that
"Pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flower—its bloom is shed—
Or like the snow falls in the river,
A moment white—then melts forever."
No sooner had they commenced to amuse themselves according to the bent of their inclinations—some to playing cards, others to courting slyly in corners upon easy sofas, while the balance of the party were all attention to the warbling sweetness of a fair Miss, who was doing up in appropriate style on the piano, "When this Cruel War is Over," their whole enjoyment was upset by a party of mad wags of the 8th Texas Cavalry.
Learning of the party, some fifteen or twenty of them not having a proper fear of military law before their eyes, and moved and instigated by the power of fun loving mischief, determined to give them a scare and have some fun at the expense of the officers.
Accordingly, they set out from camp, and reaching the road a quarter of a mile ahead of the house, they sent one of their number a hundred yards ahead, to personate a rebel, then putting spurs to their steeds, they dashed down the road after him, shooting and shouting, "Stop! you d____d rebel; stop!" The ruse had the desired effect. A servant heard them coming—rushed to the door, exclaiming: "The Yankees! The Yankees are coming!"
The officers had heard the firing, and no sooner the word Yankees escaped the negros' [sic] lips than they all made a frantic rush for the door, overturning in their "hot haste," music stands, card tables, chairs, sweethearts, and everything else that stood in the way of their exit, reaching which, they struck a bee line for the woods and camp, tumbling over ditches, and fences, and lastly the crowning fear, plunging in and swimming Pigeon River, leaving behind in their hurry, pistols, horses, overcoats and hats. Nor did they halt until they reached camp, where they found the second brigade of Colonel Dibrell's Division drawn up in battle array, having been alarmed by the firing, to whom they unfolded a terrible tale of raiders. The next morning the true story leaked out to the extreme mortification of those engaged, but to the edification of the Court.
Montgomery Weekly Advertiser, March 30, 1864.[7]
30, Sinking of the transport Mattie Cabler
Order of Acting Rear-Admiral, Lee, U. S. Navy, to Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Wells, U. S. Navy, in case of a call from the quartermaster at Nashville for assistance in raising the transport Mattie Cabler.
MOUND CITY, April 1, 1865.
SIR: The transport Mattie Cabler, I am informed by Quartermaster Garland Donaldson, was sunk in the Cumberland 22 miles below Nashville on the 30th ultimo. If the Army quartermaster telegraphs for the services of the Little Champion, as I momentarily expect him to do, send her to the Cumberland to render all practicable assistance, delivering the enclosed order to her commanding officer, and inform Commodore Livingston that I desire her to render this service, or show him the order.
Respectfully, yours,
S. P. LEE, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant F. S. WELLS, Commanding U. S. S. Kate, Mound City.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 27, p. 130.
[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] No doubt the people assumed the Confederate government would have prepared for all possible emergencies. Instead it was grossly incompetent.
[3] As cited in PQCW.
[4] Contemporary schematic drawings of the powder magazine are located at the Tennessee Division of Archaeology.
[5] Unidentified. No mention is made of him in the OR.
[6] Probably the Nashville Daily Press and Times
[7] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
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