Friday, October 31, 2014

10.31.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

31, "What is wanting is an assurance from the military authorities, officially given, that their produce and their wagons and teams will be protected."

The complaint of the scarcity and consequent high price of marketing continues to increase. Parties who visit the market-house say the amount brought in for sale has fallen off very materially, and still continues to fall off. This is easily accounted for. While there is perhaps not so much produce in the country immediately around Nashville as in former years, there is still enough to afford supplies for a very good market, and at prices much more reasonable than are now demanded and paid. But the country people have got the impression among them, and not without cause, it must be admitted, that if they come or send to market with their produce, there is danger of a large portion of their produce being stolen by soldiers who seem to set all rules and regulations at defiance, and their wagons and horses impressed into the services of the Government. These things have been done, and they have deterred large numbers of country people from bringing their produce to market. What is wanting is an assurance from the military authorities, officially given, that their produce and their wagons and teams will be protected. Let the military authorities give this assurance publicity, and rigidly enforce it, and we will soon see quite a difference in the appearance of our market, and the prices which will be demanded. Such a step as this will benefit the laboring classes, whose wages are now absorbed in purchasing barely a sufficient amount of product to subsist their families. In the name of humanity, let something be done to benefit the poor people of the city by increasing and cheapening the produce they are necessarily compelled to have.

Gentlemen who are somewhat familiar with the country around Nashville some miles out, assure us that there is a great deal of produce held back for a market. If the holders of this produce could be induced to bring it to the city, it would contribute greatly to the relief of our people. The good prices they would realize, with the protection we have suggested, would, we are satisfied, induce them to bring it in. This is a question for the authorities to consider, and having made the suggestion, we leave it with them.

Nashville Dispatch, October 31, 1862.

               31, The trial of Mrs. Buchanan, Miss Winnie Buchanan, James Buchanan, and William Buchanan in Nashville

Recorder's Court.

The most important feature of yesterday's proceedings was the trial of Mrs. Buchanan, Miss Winnie Buchanan, James Buchanan, and William Buchanan, "charged with disturbing the peace of one Mistress Doyle, by violent and abusive language and words calculated to provoke a breech of the peace." M. M. Brien, Esq., appeared for the defence, and the City Attorney conducted the prosecution.

The first witness called was Mrs. Nicholas Doyle, who said she lived opposite the barracks on College Hill, and testified that on Sunday evening, about three weeks ago, the above-named defendants hurrahed for Jeff. Davis, and said that Col. Morgan was to be made Governor of Kentucky—that she (the witness) was to be tarred and feathered and ridden on a rail—that witness replied she would not be tarred and feathered so long as Governor Johnson was here—that they replied that "Governor Johnson was played out," and that one of them was to kill Governor Johnson—that Mrs. and Miss Buchanan called her a d____d Union woman—that one of the boys waved a rebel flag in presence of all the defendants, etc., etc.

Mr. Nicholas Doyle being called, testified in substance the same as his wife, and in addition that they had called him a d____d Union pup, and his wife a d____d Union slut, threw rotten apples at them, and threatened violence toward them, unless they would leave the place, because of their Union sentiments.

Several witnesses were examined for the defence, who testified that the defendants had removed from their residence near Doyle's three weeks ago on Tuesday [October 28]; that witness (William Gallimore) was raised in the family, and had never seen a flag of any description in the house, or in the hands of Mrs. or Miss Buchanan; never heard Mrs. or Miss Buchanan swear or use language such as that imputed to them by witnesses for the prosecution; never saw apples thrown by any one at the house of Doyle.

Lieutenant Buchanan, an officer in the Federal army, testified that he had made the acquaintance of Mrs. Buchanan and family some two months ago, and had visited them frequently, spending an hour or more at each visit. Gave them an excellent character; believes them to be all Union people; can tell a Union lady when he meets her in the street; they appear more sociable and agreeable than secesh ladies.

Mr. Brien asked permission to examine Miss Winnie Buchanan. Mr. Smith objected. Recorder overruled the objection.

Miss Winnie testified that she had never heard her mother use such language as that imputed to her; denied the expressions imputed to others in her presence, and denied that a rebel flag was ever seen in her hands, or waved by any of the persons named, in her presence.

Marshals Chumley, Wilkinson, and Steele, were examined, and testified that they had known the defendants many years, and had always considered them quiet and orderly people—unusually so.

Mr. Smith submitted the case without argument.

Mr. Brien insisted that the witnesses for the prosecution could not be believed on account of their contradictions—that they were evidently angry with defendants, and desired to persecute them. After some further remarks, he submitted the case to the judgment of the Recorder, who discharged all the defendants….

Nashville Dispatch, November 1, 1862.

               31, 1863 - Foraging in Bledsoe county and entry from the diary of John Hill Ferguson, 11th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Fitts Crossing Bledsoe County, Pikeville, co Seat Saturday 31st

Last night was wet cold and rainy all night until light this morning it cleared of[[f] and today was pleasant The trees on the mountain were white this morning suposed [sic] while it was raining in the valley it was snowing on the mountain but dureing [sic] the day we learned that it sleeted [sic] on the mountain the most of the night, and froze on the trees which resembled snow.

About 10 o'clock A. M. the teams were hitched up and we started out to hunt forage. Leveing [sic] our things in camp and some of the boys back to guard them about 5 miles up the valley[1] we came to a house belonging to one Mr. Robinson, a reb, at least he was said to be my his neighbors

Robinson was not at home. And as he was a batchler [sic] of corse none of his family were there. Only quite a number of mulattos said to be his children they were living with the darkies [sic] in Logg [sic] huts. One a young wemen [sic] of 20 or 21 said to be his daughter was remarkable [sic] good looking and intelegent [sic]. I inquired of her where Mr. Robinson was. She said he had moved sway up north and took his furnatur [sic] with him and left the darkies to take care of his things I inquired whither [sic] he was a Secesh or a Union man She said she would leve[sic] that for us to judge that made me satisfied that he was a reb So I had no simpithy [sic] for him or his property. When we first stoped [sic] we only found one crib with about 3 waggon loads of corn and plenty of hay stowed away in different places on exemining [sic] the house we found 200 or 300 bushels of corn stowed away up stayrs [sic]

While some of us were loading up the Waggons [sic] the balance [sic] of our co. and those belonging to the 60th went down and katched [sic] all the chikins [sic] and gees [sic] and shot the ginney [sic] hens and killed about 30 head of Big Hoggs and some sheep. I do not think there was much left on the place

We did not see but one horse on the place and that was stiff one of the darkies claimed it as his and said it wag given to him by one of our cavalry the wagon master took it and tied it behind one of the wagons and brought it along also.

The neighbors around said that Mr. Robinson had not moved away, but was around some where not far  & concealed and he had also concealed his horses waggins [sic] farmuter [sic] in some out of the way place where we would not be likly [sic] to finde [sic] it

We got back to camp a little before dark and skinned [sic] 2 hoggs [sic] in our mess we had 3 but give the poorest one away to the teamsters ass [sic] they had no chance to get any for them selvs [sic]. as we are going to start early in the morning to our regt we have sit up and fryed [sic] a good suply [sic] to take  in our havor sacks tomorrow I might say before closing that there are several family by the name of Robinson around close in the same neighborhood all kinsfolk and all welthy [sic] and secesh to the back bone although [sic] this country is mostly union there are no scools [sic] there children has to send them of[f] to some city

John Hill Fergusson Diary, Book 3.

               31, 1864 A comparison of Federal and Confederate foraging in Cleveland

....Mrs. W. told Mr. D. Saturday that the Rebels were gentlemen by the side of the Yankees and they took 13 wagon loads of corn and aid after she bemoaned [sic] them the Yankees took all the rest. And that she wished the Rebs [sic] had taken it, that she would have given it to them willingly. That she never though of hiding from the, that the Rebs [sic] would leave enough for her family, and the Yanks left none at all. Sherman's men took from her 21 bed quilts, 4 head of horses, 8 milk cows, 18 hogs, 100 chickens & turkies[sic], every knife & fork, broke the locks on all the doors, 1 bag of salt, flour, all, meal, all, took all of [her] jewelry, watch, all of Cleo's gloves, handkerchiefs, stockings and some of her underclothing, and knocked Mrs. W. down because she tried to get her shawl from him. Kicked her bureau and sewing machine to pieces. Injured her $5000.00 worth. [sic] Lovely day.[sic]

Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 274

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

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Nashville, TN  37214

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