17, Governor Isham G. Harris' call for civilians' sporting arms and serious thoughts as to the meaning of war by one Madison County farmer
The Governor has called for all shot guns & rifles to arm soldiers now organized into companies. Says he is determined to exhaust the resources of the State before the invader shall pollute the soil of Tennessee.
* * * *
….We cannot tell what a day may bring forth. Providence alone knows the end and what the end will be. Numbers, resources, a powerful navy &c are against the South but under a Just God with a good cause, she is determined to conquer or die. The country may be laid to waste, her cities burned, her people butchered, a merciless [slave] insurrection aroused, & there is no doubt as to arms, is a deplorable state of affairs [sic] but the invader of our soil must be driven back, NO MATTER [sic] what comes. To be overcome and reduced to worse than dependents will never do. Affairs are fast approaching a crisis or perhaps a turning point. Winter will soon stop all movements by land & the rebels will be no nearer conquered next spring than last spring. In the meantime, Europe may become very hungry for cotton.
Robert H. Cartmell Diary.
17, Negro servants requested for work at Overton Hospital
Overton General Hospital!
We are greatly in need of Negro Servants to assist in attending the wounded soldiers. All persons having either men or women to hire, or those who are disposed to furnish them gratuitously, for a specified time, will please send them to the Hospital as soon as convenient.
C. S. Fenner, Surgeon.
Memphis Daily Appeal, November 17, 1861.
17, East Tennessee Confederate Oath of Allegiance
Chattanooga, Tenn., November 17, 1861
SIR: In obedience to orders two regiments moved to this point. Affairs are not so bad as reported. Suppose that Col. S. A. M. Wood has reported to the War Department a full account of his expedition against Clift and the breaking up of his camp. Five prisoners taken with arms. To-night [sic] I send a reconnoitering force to North Chickamauga Creek where the citizens are mostly disloyal and a good many in open rebellion. As soon as sufficient information can be obtained a larger force will be sent to capture Clift and his troops. So soon as they return I will move to join Gen. Zollicoffer at Jacksborough.
* * * *
I inclose you a copy of oath and bond I have taken from Union prisoners taken before my arrival.
Very respectfully,
W. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen.
We,___and___, acknowledge ourselves indebted to the Confederate States of America jointly and severally in the sum of $10,000, but to be void if--shall faithfully and honestly support the Constitution and laws of the Confederate States of America and if he shall faithfully and honestly render true allegiance to said Confederate States in all things; and if he shall not directly or indirectly by writing, talking or otherwise seditiously or rebelliously attempt to excite prejudice in the mind of any person or persons against the existence, perpetuity or prosperity of said Confederate States; and if he shall not in any manner directly or indirectly aid, assist, encourage or advise the United States or any officer, agent or adherent thereof in the present war against the Confederate States.
Witness our hands and seals this--November, 1861.
I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and honestly support the Constitution and laws of the Confederate States of America and I will faithfully and honestly render true allegiance to said Confederate States in all things and in every particular; and I further swear that I will not directly or indirectly by talking, writing or otherwise seditiously or rebelliously attempt to excite prejudice in the mind of any person or persons against the existence, perpetuity or prosperity of said Confederate States; nor will I in any manner directly or indirectly aid, assist, encourage or advise the United States or any officer, agent or adherent thereof in the present war against the Confederate States.
Witness our hands and seals this___November, 1861.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 1, pp. 843-844.
17, General Orders, No. 149, relative to the number of men and officers of the Army of Tennessee being absent without leave
GENERAL ORDER, No. 149. HDQRS. DEPARTMENT NO., Tullahoma, Tenn., November 17, 1862.
I. The general commanding announces, with pain, the shameful fact that numerous officers, and soldiers are absent from this army without leave or sanction. This evil, so injurious to the service, and discreditable to those who, wearing the uniform of the Confederate States, are now living in ease and idleness, instead of sharing the common perils and duties of their companions in arms, must be averted. Such dereliction of duty, whilst in the presence of an active and powerful enemy, calls not only for rebuke the commanding general, but also for efficient measures on the part of the citizens of the South to secure the return of such delinquents to their commands. The commanding general orders that officers who continue absent without leave shall be brought before the examining board authorized by an act of Congress, entitled "An act to relieve the army of disqualified, disabled, and incompetent officers," in order that their names may be dropped from the rolls of the army whose glory they wish to reflect, but whose dangers and toils they are unwilling to encounter.
II. All soldiers who continue absent will be treated as deserters and punished as such.
By command of Gen. Bragg:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 407.
17, "Wee [sic] have not drawed any money yet and I cannot tell when wee [sic] will draw any." Lieutenant A. J. Lacy, Eighth Tennessee cavalry, writes to his parents in Jackson County
Nov the 17th 1862
Nolinsville [sic] Williamson Co [sic] Tenn [sic]
Dear Father and Mother [sic]
I seat myself this rainey [sic] morning surrounded by several [friends who are (?)] playing cards and swearing.
[Illegible] write you a few lines to let you know that I am enjoying verry [sic] good health and with regard to you all I hope that these few lines will find you enjoying the same kind of blessing.
I received your letter dated Nov the 1th [sic] it was with pleasure to me to read a few lines from you. Father I have tried to do the best I can. I have not swore an oath nor throwed a card since I have been in camps. I have not drunk a drop of liquor since I left Cookeville. Our regiment & Col Starnses [sic] went in 2 mi [sic] of Nashville yesterday. Our business was to take a view with a spyglass [sic] to see where would be a good place to shell the city. Wee [sic] saw their picket but did not fire on them. Wee [sic] have not drawed any money yet and I cannot tell when wee [sic] will draw any. I never was sorry of disappointment as I am of disappointing L G about paying of him. I have done the best I could. Oct the 19th wee [sic] was ordered across Cumberland River to cut off foraging parties. Next morning just at daylight our pickeets [sic] was fired on. Wee [sic] was then attacted [sic] by 3 reg [sic] of infantry & cavalry and several pieces of artillery [sic].
Wee was [sic] over powered and had to retreat. Our co [sic] retreated in better order than any co [sic] in the reg. [sic] I will just say to you that I have heard the minie [sic] bawls whistle mightly [sic] & also the roaring of the [cannon?] since I saw you. I think Father that I can stand the bullets as well as any of them though I don't like to hear them. At present none of my clothing is worne [sic] in to [sic] holes. I use my [illegible] coat for an over coat. I don't know when I will be at home. I want to come at Christmas time if I can.
Well Elisabeth I would like to see that boy that I have herd [sic] of up there. Tell Loften that if I was at Cookville & he was there I would take him to Old Shaws TTT [sic] him.
I would like to see you all if I could but where it will be I can not [sic] tell. Father I have got to be a pretty good drill master if I ant [sic] los [sic] a Dutchman. [?] Write to me often. I write often and think of you all oftener. So no more at present but will remain yours.
A. J. Lacy 3 Lt in Capt Woolsys [sic] Co
Here is my old coppy.[sic]
When this your see remember me
Col. Dibrel [sic] Reg[iment] 8th Tenn [sic] Cavalry
Lacy Correspondence.
17, East Tennessee saltpetre miners unlawfully drafted into the Confederate army
Confederate States of America,
War Dep't. N. & M. Bureau
Knoxville, Nov. 17, 1862.
It having frequently occurred, in the past few days, that men have been taken from the works under my charge, notwithstanding the order of Col. Blake, of the 10 instant, and as it would be too troublesome to Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, who has promptly acted when cases have been brought to his notice, I publish, for general information the following order from Adjutant General Cooper. I request the return of all men who have been taken from their work that they may continue their duty; and if this request is not promptly complied with, the parties making the arrests of such men, may, in their turn, be arrested for Gen Cooper's order expressly forbids any interference with the workmen or employees at the Nitre, Lead, or Copper [mines] without the consent of the superintendent of such works, and I, as superintendent of the Nitre and Lead works in East Tennessee, have not given my consent to any such proceedings, and those who have so interfered will see the necessity of returning the men they have arrested in violation of this order, which is as follows:
"Enrolling or recruiting officers, in the discharge of their duties, under the conscription or other acts, are enjoined not to remove or interfere with workmen or employees at the Nitre, Lead or Copper works or mines worked by Government officers or by contractors for the Ordinance Department, without first apprising and obtaining the consent of the superintendent officers in charge, who will be held strictly responsible for any abuse or evasion of the law.
S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General."
All persons who have been taken from the Nitre works or Lead mines, are ordered to return to duty, and I will protect them in so doing, no matter who has taken them from their work, but I do not protect pretenders or shirkers from duty.
T. J. Finnie, Captain and Sup't. N. & M. Bureau
Knoxville Daily Register, December 14, 1862.
17, "Heavy and Daring Robberies."
Some daring rascals entered Lake & Co.'s Circus, and stole therefrom the money box, containing about $1500. After the treasurer had finished selling tickets, he took the box under the canvas, and set it near the orchestra. His attention was attracted from it for a few moments, and when he turned to take it up, the box, containing the above amount, was gone. Five boys and one man have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the robbery; they are now confined in the workhouse, and the police are busy ferreting out the evidence and gathering up the money.
On Sunday evening, Mr. P. G. Warren, foreman of the Union printing office, was robbed of his watch under the following circumstances, as related in the Press of yesterday "Mr. Warren was returning from the Capitol when he was accosted by a man in Federal uniform who assured him he belonged to Gov. Johnson's staff, and desired something to eat, stating he had no money. Mr. W. very kindly proffered to accompany him to Sam. [sic] Riddleburger's restaurant, where they could be provided. Arriving at the corner of Summer and Cedar streets, Mr. W. found that the guard of the watch had been cut and watch gone, and, making the remark to that effect to the pretended staff of Governor Johnson, he broke and ran. A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of the watch."
Some daring robberies were committed last week on the Hillsborough Pike, by several men dressed in Federal uniform, one of whom represented himself as a Lieutenant, and gave his name as Jones, Davis, etc. On Friday they visited the house of Mr. James Carter, with whom they took breakfast, and afterward robbed the house. From here they went to the house of Dr. Byrne, from whom they stole a pistol and some clothing. They next visited the house of Mrs. Nancy Hodges, which they robbed of everything that suited them. Later in the day, they thieves called on Mr. Jas. Page, near Gen. Harding's, robbed Mr. Page of his pocket-book and money, destroyed his protection papers and oath of allegiance, and politely bidding their victim good evening, came towards the city.
Nashville Dispatch, November 17, 1863.
17, Andrew Johnson's alcoholic son tenders his resignation
Nashville Nov 17th 1863
To His Excellency, Gov. Johnson
Herewith enclosed please find my resignation as Colonel of the 1st Regiment Tenn Cavalry, which you will, I hope accept – as I understand you [sic] desire it—
If necessary & desired by you, I will resign the position authorized by the Secretary of War, to raise and organize a Brigade of Cavalry, under your direction— And perhaps, I can in some other field of duty, make amends for the past, and gain that Character that I deserve, and which I will win, at all hazards[.]
Respectfully I am Yours, &c
Robt Johnson
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 480.
17, Fortifying Pulaski in anticipation of Hood's advance
Camp Pulaski Tenn.
November 17, 1864.
Dear Father and Mother. I thought I would answer your letter of the 3. I was very glad to here [sic] from you. I am as well as common and I hope this will find you all the same. I was on picket last night it rained part of the night it is not mutch [sic] fun I can tell you. it is very rany [sic] here. their [sic] is hardly a day but what it rains it hasent [sic] bin very cold yet.. the boys are fixing up camp and the talk is that we are going to leave no one can tell what to do whether to keepe [sic] on building or stop some say we are going to Columbia Tenn.. I hardly think we will. they keepe [sic] us fortifying all the time. Their [sic] was a lot of officers around this morning looking out a place to fortify they will keepe [sic] us at it as long as we stay here we have built two forts and a line of works near a half mile long I will be glad when this kind of work stops I would rather chop wood the year round in gods [sic] country and have some thing to eat than stay here.. Brimhall [i.e., Pvt. Henry Brimhall, Company K, 84th Illinois Infantry] is building a fire place we have to make a pen and line it with mud and stone it is harder to make out of that stuff than if it was brick or stone if I wanted to stay close to the hot place I would stay here. I think this part of the world was the last made and this was slung to geather [sic] most any way. I suppose you was over in Iowa. I got Squairs [sic] [Pvt. James W. Morgan, Co. D, 138th Illinois Infantry] and your letter just now I am glad to here [sic] from you so often I would rather have a letter from home than any thing [sic] else. we are drawing clothing to day. their [sic] is lotts [sic] of the men that have no shoes it is hard on a fellow to wade through the mud you never saw any thing that looked hard up in Gods [sic] country we use to think that Knots folks looked hard but I have seen so mutch wors [sic] that it is nothing I am glad that old Abe wone [sic] out all right I should think that the copper heads and rebs would think there chance slim I wish when they git [sic] them devels [sic] that run a way that they would kill three or four of them just for fun. .their is talk of us gitting pay before long they are makeing [sic] out the pay rolls.
Well I have wrote more than will interest you so I will quit write often to your hopeful in the army
H H Maley
Maley Letters[1]
17, "…put the laboring white man on the top, and the indolent traitorous man of wealth where he ought to be-under the bottom." The Political Aims of the Nashville and Knoxville Conventions
The Nashville and Knoxville Conventions-Calls of the East Tennessee Executive Committee
We publish this morning two very important papers[2] from the Union Executive Committee of East Tennessee. It will be seen that the committee concur in the programme which we have urged, and the practicability of which we have attempted to elaborate for some time past. We are not surprised at this, for there is no other plan which is in any degree feasible. It is the only way in which a full Convention can ever be elected by the people of Tennessee, for there are certain to be portions of the State wherein a free and loyal election cannot be held.
The call for the Convention on the 19th prox., sufficiently explains itself. It needs no elucidation. Nothing that we can say can add additional fight on the subject. But we may be excused in suggesting to the people that they have no time to lose in preparing to attend this Convention. Its chief duty will be the selection of candidates for the Convention which will be called in a few days, and every loyal man has an interest in the nomination of the men who are destined to be the instruments in the hands of the people to remodel our local institutions, and remould [sic] society in such a manner as to put the laboring white man on the top, and the indolent traitorous man of wealth where he ought to be-under the bottom. In that Convention the people will need men of nerve-men who have no old rebel friends in favor-any old political debts to pay-no any enemies to punish save the enemies of the country. We hope to see a large Convention, an immense body of men whose garments have never been stained by the blood of the country-men who have never lagged on the march or straggled in the fight. This is what we hope to see, and it will be men if only the people will only resolve to take a band in all measures in which their own rights and privileges are involved. If the people do not attend them there may be political manipulations which may corrupt the very fountains of orthodoxy and entail on the State and people a set of fossils which have already well-nigh destroyed the Republic. If the people stay away and permit the evils we have hinted at, they will have themselves to blame.
As to the to the Convention of Knoxville on the 5th, we do not see its great importance-that is, if it had not been called, we could not, with the lights before us, have appreciated the necessity for its assembling-but now that such a meeting has been suggested we hope the people will make appoint of being there in force. We have no doubt that the Executive Committee have good and sufficient reasons which have not occurred to us and of which we have not heard for their action; and we cheerfully abide their decision and earnestly urge the people to make it convenient to be on hand. There are some so-called Union men in Knoxville whose avowed principles and teachings will chill anything short of a rousing crowd of the true men of the mountains and valleys of East Tennessee. Then let the latter be here and whoop the fossils-just a little bit.
Chattanooga Daily Gazette, November 17, 1864. [3]
[1] http://www.rarebooks.nd.edu/digital/civil_war/letters/maley/5023-25.shtml. Hereinafter cited as Maley Letters.
[2] Not found.
[3] GALEGROUP - TSLA 19TH CN The rest of the story is thus far unknown.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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