Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 3 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

February 3, 1861 - Plotting Tennessee's Secession through Political Action Committees

"Read the Treasonous Circular!"
The desperation [sic] of Disunionism is showing itself in Nashville and in all other portions of the state.  The following Secret Circular [sic] was sent to a Post Master in Jefferson County, supposing him to be a Disunionist and he has transmitted it to us. We publish it and ask a perusal of it. Let it be denounced and spit upon, and let it be rebuked at the ballot box as the offspring of Treason [sic]!
Dear Sir – Our earnest solicitude for the success of the Great Southern Rights movement to secure an immediate release from the overwhelming dangers that imperil our political and social safety, will we trust, be a sufficient apology for the results which we beg to impose o­n you.
The sentiment of the Southern heart is overwhelming in favor of the movement.  Light o­nly is wanted that men many see their way clearly and the prayer of every true patriot will eventually be realized.  Tennessee will be a unit.
Although the time be so very short, this object may yet be accomplished, if a few m en o­nly, (the more the better, however) in each county, will devote their entire energies to it during the canvass for Delegates. We earnestly beg your attention, therefore, to the following suggestions:
1. Be sure to have your best men in the field, WITHOUT REGARD TO PAST POLITICAL OPINIONS [sic].
2. Be sure that no submissionist, under whatever pretext of compromising our rights, or of waiting beyond the 4th of March for new guarantees, impose himself o­n you. Our o­nly hope of peace and safety consists in decided action before the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln.
3. Do not wait for general meetings of citizens, but get together immediately a few active, intelligent, discreet but thoroughgoing, uncompromising, true-hearted, "Southern-Rights Anti-Coercion" friends and appoint Committees and Canvassers, who are willing to devote themselves entirely and unceasingly to the great and perilous work, from this hour up to the close of the election.
4. Appoint Committees, also, for each Civil District, of men known to coincide with you and ourselves in sentiment.
5. Organize, forthwith, Southern Rights Anti-Coercion Societies.
6. We will send during the canvass, the UNION AND AMERICAN and GAZETTE [sic], to supply your County.  These we confidently trust you will send immediately to the District Committees, who o­n the hour of delivery, start out o­n the work of distribution, and this though there be but half a dozen copies for each district. Do not, we beg of you, wait for persons to call for documents, of papers to read and CIRCULATE [sic].
7. Write as many letters to your friends [as] possible, and urge them by every consideration of patriotism, to work, work, work.
Please write as many letters to your friends, and advise us of your organization, and to whose address we shall send papers, &c., at your county seat and elsewhere; and also, in public sentiment, and whatever else you may think useful.
Once more may we not, without offense, beg of you by all you hold dear o­n earth, to give yourself entirely to this great work that you will know no rest until success shall crown our efforts for our country's safety in deliverance from all further alliance with those whose very breath is poisoned, whose embrace is death – until as satisfactory guarantees are offered before the army, navy and treasure of the government shall have passed into the hands of a party virtually pledged to the odious doctrine for coercion.
We can, we must, carry our State. Our hearts would link within us, at the bare thought of the degradations and infamy of abandoning our more Southern brethren united to us by all the views so sympathy and interest, and of being chained to the car of Black Republican States, who would themselves despise us for our submission; and worse than all, by moral influences alone, if not by force of legal enactment destroy our entire social fabric, and all real independence of thought and action.
Your own good judgment will suggest many things we can not now allude to.
Very Respectfully,
Wm. Williams, Chm'n.
S. C. Goethall [?], Sec'y,
Andrew Cheatham,
J. R. Baus [?],
R. H. Williamson,
G. W. Cunningham,
H. M. Cheatham,
W. S. Peppin.
States Central Southern Rights Anti-Coercion Committee.
Knoxville Whig, February 3, 1861.



3, Attack on Fort Donelson

MURFREESBOROUGH, February 4, 1863.

Brig. Gen. JEFFERSON C. DAVIS, Franklin:

Col. Lowe telegraphs from Donelson that they have whipped the cavalry under Wheeler, Forrest, and Wharton. Forrest wounded. Rebels in full retreat. Lowe's cavalry following. He says they are out of rations and ammunition, and are retreating toward Charlotte and Shelbyville, and that a small force could capture the whole. Look out for them, and do your best to catch them.

By order of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:

FIRST DIVISION, FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Franklin, Tenn., February 4, 1863.
Col. GODDARD, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

Dispatch in regard to rebel attack on Donelson received. Will carry out instructions to intercept the enemy with best of my ability. The cavalry is in bad condition, but is kept well out scouting in advance. I think the enemy will, if repulsed, retreat by Centreville. Will try and keep him out of Columbia. This is the most I can do in my present condition. Infantry badly off for shoes and supplies. Will try and get them at Nashville. My cavalry force is less than 1,000 effective men. If it were strong enough, I would go with it myself to Charlotte. Gen. Mitchell has informed me that he will co-operate with me.

JEFF. C. DAVIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23. pt. II, p. 45.

Excerpt from the Report of Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, Gen.-in-Chief, U. S. Army, of operations in the Departments of the Ohio and of the Cumberland, February 3-July 26, 1863 relative to the Confederate attack on Fort Donelson, February 3, 1863.

HDQRS. OF THE ARMY, Washington, D. C., November 15, 1863.

SIR: In compliance with your orders, I submit the following summary of military operations since my last annual report:

* * * *

On the 3d of February, Gen.'s Wheeler, Forrest, and Wharton invested Fort Donelson, and demanded its capitulation. This was promptly refused by its commander, Col. Harding. After an obstinate attack, which lasted all day, the rebels retired, with an estimated loss of 900. Our loss in the fort was 13 killed and 51 wounded.

* * * * 

Henry W. Halleck, Gen.-in-Chief, U.S. Army

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p.7.

CLARKSVILLE, February 5, 1863.


Following is just received from Donelson:

DONELSON, [February] 4, [1863.]


....yesterday...the enemy, who, about 2 p. m., attacked this post with eight guns and a force, fully 4,000 men, under Wheeler, Wharton, Forrest, and Woodward. In the battle they charged and charged again under continuous fire of shot and shell, and were finally driven back after many repulses. They sent in at the beginning of the fight and at the end of the battle, and offered to spare us if we would surrender, and with a threat that if we refused we must take the consequences, to which we replied that we would take the consequences. We killed more than 100 of the enemy, and have some 100 prisoners here; with the gunboats and the forces from Col. Lowe, we got about 200 of them. Our loss is 12 killed and about 30 wounded. Among the killed we mourn Capt. [Philo E.] Reed, (Company A); Lieut. [Harmon D.] Bissell, quartermaster; Sergeant Campbell-all promising officers. Neither the dead or the enemy are all yet in. Col. Lowe has just come over, and the enemy are being pursued. We had not more than 800 men, and our artillery ammunition giving out, left us nothing but the infantry, with their rifles and bayonets. Gunboats and a large force of infantry from below are here.

A. C. HARDING, Col., Cmdg.

MURFREESBOROUGH, February 5, 1863.

Col. S. D. BRUCE, Clarksville:

The general commanding sends his thanks for Col. Harding's dispatch, and asks if you cannot cross the river and pitch into the retreating rebels with all your force, leaving only your camp guard.

G. P. THRUSTON, Capt. and Aide-de-Camp.

MURFREESBOROUGH, February 5, 1863.

Col. S. D. BRUCE, Clarksville:

Dispatch from Donelson says rebels retreating toward Charlotte. Granger's fleet was at Donelson last night. Have telegraphed to have him land a force at Palmyra and intercept retreat. The rebels are out of ammunition and rations and in full retreat.

By order:
C. GODDARD, Assistant Adjutant-Gen. and Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 46.

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