Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

15, Shortage of black powder for Confederate needs in West Tennessee

MILITARY AND FINANCIAL BOARD, Nashville, Tenn., August 15, 1861.

Maj. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Memphis:

SIR: Your letter of the 13th to Governor Harris requesting him to send you gunpowder of every description has been sent to this department. We have but 11,000 pounds of blasting and 35,000 pounds of rifle powder, and are using from 600 to 700 pounds daily in making cartridges and field ammunition. Having sent a great part of our cartridges, &c., to Virginia and East Tennessee, we have scarcely any on hand. We have as yet but little saltpeter on hand, and but faint hope of getting it for some time in any considerable quantities. Under the circumstances, we feel reluctant to part with any part of our stock, unless there is a necessity for it. If your command requires it, of course we will send it to the last ounce, but we suppose from the last report of the ordnance department at Memphis that you must have double the quantity that we possess here. If you are compelled to have it, let us know.

With respect,

J. E. BAILEY, For the Board.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 130.

15, “Attempted Suicide.”

Michael Woolser, a private in the Nineteenth Regulars, was found in the streets yesterday, in a soporific condition, produced, as an examination proved, by swallowing an overdose of laudanum. The guard conveyed him to the prison hospital, where efforts were made to restore him. Whether or not the surgeons were successful in their treatment of him, we have not learned. At 12 o'clock , he was about a “goner.”

Nashville Daily Press, August 15, 1863.

15, “The Negro Procession;” an event to promote human freedom and political equality in Nashville

During the past week the following announcement was published in the Nashville Times, displayed and spread out to the extent of half a column. It will be read with considerable interest, and hence we re-produce it for the benefit of “whom it may concern:”


By invitation of the colored citizens of Nashville, John M. Lanston, Esq. the colored patriot and eloquent orator, of Oberlin, Ohio, will address them on the leading questions of the day, at “Fort Gillem,” on Monday, August 15th, 1864, at 11 A. M 

The citizens and public generally are invited to attend. Let every colored man, woman, and child come and spend one day in the cause of HUMAN FREDOM [sic] and POLITICAL EQUALITY. Let every one who values the glorious future of OUR COUNTRY -- and the future freedom of our race -- turn out and honor the distinguished orator. Come one, come all. Let us have a grand rally four our country, for the enfranchisement of our race, and FOR LIBERTY.

The 10th Tennessee regiment will be in attendance on the occasion. A grand Military and Civil Procession will form on the Northeast side of the Public Square at 9 o'clock A. M.

Order of Procession. -- 1, Military; 2, Chief Marshal; 3, Military Band; 4, Orator of the Day in open carriage; 5, President of the Day -- Elder Peter Lowry, and Vice-Presidents Elder Ransom Harris and N. Harris; 6, Ministers of the Gospel; 7, Benevolent Societies; 8, Citizens on foot; 9; Citizens in carriages and on horseback.

The State authorities have given their permission for our meeting, and guarantee to us ample protection and order. The officers and commanders of colored troops, and all colored troops are most respectfully invited to turn out and participate. The 15th and 17th Unites States Colored Troops are promised by their Colonels to be present, and all patriots and lovers of Liberty are expected to attend, and shall have a hearty welcome.

Marshals. -- William Sumner, Chief Marshal; W. Hickman, Jerry Stothart, Assistants.

President of the day. -- Elder Peter Lowry.

Vice-Presidents. -- Elder Ransom Harris, Nelson Walker.

Committee of Arrangements. -- B. Lewis, Chairman; W. Alex Sumner, B. J. Hadley, W. Hickman, Samuel Lowry, secretary.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1864

About 10 a. m. a crowd of sable damsels began to assemble on the public square, and soon after 11 the procession was formed. After moving around the square, they passed through Cedar to Summer street, in the following order:

Bill Hickman and Jerry Stothart

Leader of a Military Band

Band of the Tenth Tennessee

About sixty members of a COLORED CITIZENS.

The “Orator of the Day,” in a carriage with two or three other negroes [sic]. 

About 100 “American citizens of African descent”on foot.
About forty-eight vehicles of various kinds, including express wagons, dilapidated hacks and buggies, and one or two of Bill Summers’ best, containing the elite of negrodom [sic]. 

One white woman and child.

The vehicles were mostly loaded down with the numbers crowded into them -- some of the hack containing six full grown darkies, and other throwing in one or two youngsters to fill up the corners. We are not aware of what took place after leaving the corner of Summer and Cedar street.

Nashville Dispatch, August 16, 1864

15, Surrender of Thomas’ Indian Legion proposed

LOUDON, August 15, 1864--9.45 a. m.

Capt. W. P. AMMEN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

There is a proposition made in writing from one of Maj. Thomas' captains, stating many of Maj. Thomas' Indians and white soldiers will come in and give themselves up if they can be assured protection. Shall I send written communication to them insuring protection if they come in? Answer. 

M. L. PATTERSON, Lieut.-Col.

LOUDON, August 15, 1864.

Capt. W. P. AMMEN:

The captain of Thomas' Indians was at Murphy, N. C. Sent letter by his brother-in-law, who is a loyal man, to Capt. Devine, provost-marshal of Monroe County. Rumors of rebels at Athens. No official news. Capt. Aleshire, of Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, is in command at that place; presume he will keep us posted.

M. L. PATTERSON, Lieut.-Col.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p 253

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