16, “To Southern Mothers.”
As our coast is Blockaded, our government has not been able to procure a sufficient supply of blankets for our sick soldiers. In this emergency they have called on you to aid them. Knowing as they do that there are thousands of families who can spare, without inconvenience, from one to six blankets or comforts, they feel that they have only to make their wants known to you.
Let each neighborhood at once make up a package. Throw into your box bed blankets (old or new) comforts, socks; add a jar of jelly or preserves, or anything your good sense tells you is needed by the sick and wounded soldier. Start at once your box on it s mission of mercy.. It will strengthen the heart it will nerved the arm of the soldier who is fighting our foes. Think of the fever wasted form of the bruised and bleeding soldier as he lies without cover on his pallet of straw! -- Shall he languish in want while his bleeding wounds are the brightest memetoes [sic] of that immortal field of Manassas? Think too of Manassas glorious dead! They died for you and yours.
Boxes should be sent to E. W. John’s, Med. Surgeon, Richmond, Va.
Southern papers please copy.
Clarksville Chronicle, August 16, 1861
As our coast is Blockaded, our government has not been able to procure a sufficient supply of blankets for our sick soldiers. In this emergency they have called on you to aid them. Knowing as they do that there are thousands of families who can spare, without inconvenience, from one to six blankets or comforts, they feel that they have only to make their wants known to you.
Let each neighborhood at once make up a package. Throw into your box bed blankets (old or new) comforts, socks; add a jar of jelly or preserves, or anything your good sense tells you is needed by the sick and wounded soldier. Start at once your box on it s mission of mercy.. It will strengthen the heart it will nerved the arm of the soldier who is fighting our foes. Think of the fever wasted form of the bruised and bleeding soldier as he lies without cover on his pallet of straw! -- Shall he languish in want while his bleeding wounds are the brightest memetoes [sic] of that immortal field of Manassas? Think too of Manassas glorious dead! They died for you and yours.
Boxes should be sent to E. W. John’s, Med. Surgeon, Richmond, Va.
Southern papers please copy.
Clarksville Chronicle, August 16, 1861
16, “Intoxicated Women.”
This is a subject about which we very much dislike to write, for the reason that woman should be a model of all earthly goodness, an example of piety and virtue, instead of appearing on the public thoroughfares of a city, or in the custody of the Police, as an object of disgust or a victim of degradation. Such a spectacle is to us anything but pleasant, and ever begets feelings which our pen fails to describe. A drunken woman is, indeed a pitiable object. There was a woman in the Police Court yesterday morning, for being drunk, and was fined $5. We saw two policemen passing up Main street, last evening, leading a woman who was in an intoxicated condition. She was confined in the station-house.
Memphis Union Appeal, August 16, 1862
This is a subject about which we very much dislike to write, for the reason that woman should be a model of all earthly goodness, an example of piety and virtue, instead of appearing on the public thoroughfares of a city, or in the custody of the Police, as an object of disgust or a victim of degradation. Such a spectacle is to us anything but pleasant, and ever begets feelings which our pen fails to describe. A drunken woman is, indeed a pitiable object. There was a woman in the Police Court yesterday morning, for being drunk, and was fined $5. We saw two policemen passing up Main street, last evening, leading a woman who was in an intoxicated condition. She was confined in the station-house.
Memphis Union Appeal, August 16, 1862
16, Tennessee to the Rescue!
Your country needs brave men and stout hearts. The brave and gallant Morgan with his equally brave and gallant band are in our midst! they have left their homes to protect ours! Shall we be idle in this struggle? Will we permit others -- strangers -- to do for us what we ought to do for ourselves? No! Let us to the onset, let us mingle in this bloody strife, let your strong arms be bared for the contest, let it be to the death. Our homes are invaded, our household goods destroyed, our hearthstones polluted by brutes in the garb of men, who have no inspiration but for plunder and wanton destruction. led by men who have risen from the filthy off scouring of the North; leaders and followers are moved by the same low and degraded impulses, these are the men, then, the materials sought to be forced upon us, will we permit the passage of such a rabble into our midst? No! answers every brave man who loves his home and his country; rather perish everything sacred than this to occur.
Rally, then, to your country. Save her from this degration [sic]. A few more days will herald the glorious news of a nation redeemed from foreign usurpation. Our general effort on the part of our citizen soldiery will throw back from our sacred soil the insolent foe, and peace once more gladden our happy land.
Tennesseans, come to the banner of freedom! Come where honor, fame, glory, duty calls you! Come! join the band now nearly ready to march against the foe! Come! unite with the gallant and brave Col. J. D. Bennett. Come cast your destiny with him. His renewed health warrants his acceptance of the position of leader. Rally, while you can. Wherever Morgan leads, there will our band be found.
The Vidette,* August 16, 1862.
Your country needs brave men and stout hearts. The brave and gallant Morgan with his equally brave and gallant band are in our midst! they have left their homes to protect ours! Shall we be idle in this struggle? Will we permit others -- strangers -- to do for us what we ought to do for ourselves? No! Let us to the onset, let us mingle in this bloody strife, let your strong arms be bared for the contest, let it be to the death. Our homes are invaded, our household goods destroyed, our hearthstones polluted by brutes in the garb of men, who have no inspiration but for plunder and wanton destruction. led by men who have risen from the filthy off scouring of the North; leaders and followers are moved by the same low and degraded impulses, these are the men, then, the materials sought to be forced upon us, will we permit the passage of such a rabble into our midst? No! answers every brave man who loves his home and his country; rather perish everything sacred than this to occur.
Rally, then, to your country. Save her from this degration [sic]. A few more days will herald the glorious news of a nation redeemed from foreign usurpation. Our general effort on the part of our citizen soldiery will throw back from our sacred soil the insolent foe, and peace once more gladden our happy land.
Tennesseans, come to the banner of freedom! Come where honor, fame, glory, duty calls you! Come! join the band now nearly ready to march against the foe! Come! unite with the gallant and brave Col. J. D. Bennett. Come cast your destiny with him. His renewed health warrants his acceptance of the position of leader. Rally, while you can. Wherever Morgan leads, there will our band be found.
The Vidette,* August 16, 1862.
16, “The Women of the South”
The soldiers of the Confederacy, although fighting in the noblest cause, and for the highest stake that men ever battled for, have during the long and unequal conflict had much to dispirit them. Half fed and illy clad, they have been compelled to endure the rigor of a winter campaign in a climate to them alike unnatural and inhospitable. They have had to encounter the exhausting heat of a southern summer, deprived of all the appliances which secure either health or comfort. While their enemy has been bounteously provided with all the material of war, with all the medical science forwards to save life or alleviate suffering, with all that money and access to the markets of the world could supply to make war easy; the southern patriot shut out from all sources whence could come any such assistance, has had to struggle on through the gloomy series of hardships and sisters which have hitherto characterized this war, to him supported only by the indomitable fortitude with which the justice of his cause and the magnitude of the interests involved could give him. But amid all the trials of the doubtful struggle he has had one unifying sound of cheer -- the sympathy which the noble daughters of the South have extended to the defenders of their land -- it is not to much to say that but for the heroic spirit -- the self-sacrifice -- the generous devotion which they have displayed, the fight would ere now have been ended and lost. Every impulse of the southern heart has been fired, every manlier characteristic of the Southern Nation has been strengthened by the conduct of their women.
The chivalry they have inherited from Knightly ancestors -- the holy love they bear to wife, to mother and to sister -- they duty which they owe to those who have nursed them through the pangs of wounds and sickness and cheered them with high and holy encouragement upon the toilsome march , and ever on the eve of battle, have appealed to those emotions which once aroused, make men invincible.
Let the soldiers who survive this contest devote a life-long gratitude to the glorious being who deprived themselves of comforts to administer to their necessities, and when the sound of war is hushed, and our people remember its terrible dangers only as visions for pride and thanksgiving, let the Confederacy not forget the accord, in highest honors, to show who, when its existence was a matter for doubt with its most unflinching defender, did so much to redeem it.
The Vidette, August 16, 1862. *
*Ed. note - The Vidette was the newspaper of Brigadier-General John Hunt Morgan which was published, in this case, in Hartsville, Tennessee, when Morgan had occupied the town. Other issues were published in other towns in Tennessee and Kentucky. There are but few of this occasional publication extant. These are provided through the courtesy of Mr. Fred Prouty, Executive Director of the Tennessee Wars Commission in Nashville, Tennessee.
The soldiers of the Confederacy, although fighting in the noblest cause, and for the highest stake that men ever battled for, have during the long and unequal conflict had much to dispirit them. Half fed and illy clad, they have been compelled to endure the rigor of a winter campaign in a climate to them alike unnatural and inhospitable. They have had to encounter the exhausting heat of a southern summer, deprived of all the appliances which secure either health or comfort. While their enemy has been bounteously provided with all the material of war, with all the medical science forwards to save life or alleviate suffering, with all that money and access to the markets of the world could supply to make war easy; the southern patriot shut out from all sources whence could come any such assistance, has had to struggle on through the gloomy series of hardships and sisters which have hitherto characterized this war, to him supported only by the indomitable fortitude with which the justice of his cause and the magnitude of the interests involved could give him. But amid all the trials of the doubtful struggle he has had one unifying sound of cheer -- the sympathy which the noble daughters of the South have extended to the defenders of their land -- it is not to much to say that but for the heroic spirit -- the self-sacrifice -- the generous devotion which they have displayed, the fight would ere now have been ended and lost. Every impulse of the southern heart has been fired, every manlier characteristic of the Southern Nation has been strengthened by the conduct of their women.
The chivalry they have inherited from Knightly ancestors -- the holy love they bear to wife, to mother and to sister -- they duty which they owe to those who have nursed them through the pangs of wounds and sickness and cheered them with high and holy encouragement upon the toilsome march , and ever on the eve of battle, have appealed to those emotions which once aroused, make men invincible.
Let the soldiers who survive this contest devote a life-long gratitude to the glorious being who deprived themselves of comforts to administer to their necessities, and when the sound of war is hushed, and our people remember its terrible dangers only as visions for pride and thanksgiving, let the Confederacy not forget the accord, in highest honors, to show who, when its existence was a matter for doubt with its most unflinching defender, did so much to redeem it.
The Vidette, August 16, 1862. *
*Ed. note - The Vidette was the newspaper of Brigadier-General John Hunt Morgan which was published, in this case, in Hartsville, Tennessee, when Morgan had occupied the town. Other issues were published in other towns in Tennessee and Kentucky. There are but few of this occasional publication extant. These are provided through the courtesy of Mr. Fred Prouty, Executive Director of the Tennessee Wars Commission in Nashville, Tennessee.
16, “Juvenile Thieves.”
Last Friday [14th] Messers. Echerly & Co. were robbed of about sixty five dollars in money. The thieves had subtracted it from the drawer by some unknown means just before the store was closed. The Chief of Police was put in possession of the facts, and immediately set his detectives, Johnson, Morrison and Winters to work. These officers kept a sharp lookout for the robbers. From circumstances with which they succeeded in making themselves acquainted, they were led to suppose that the thieves were three boys of less than twelve summers. Acting upon the circumstantial evidence in their possession, the boys were arrested, and on examination of portion of the money was found in their possession. The balance of the stolen cash they had evidently spent for boots, shoes, clothing, etc. Their names are Thomas Dunn, Michael Burk and Pat McCarthy. These same boys, some months since, robbed a broker's office of some four or five thousand dollars, and afterward, the same young scamps robbed a soldier of several dollars and his watch while he was sleeping. What is to be done? Shall they young thieves run at large, committing their depredations and growing more hardened in vice every day? They are too young to be amenable to the law. No jury would convict boys of scarce ten summers, and yet they are already old in crime.
Memphis Bulletin, August 16, 1863.
Last Friday [14th] Messers. Echerly & Co. were robbed of about sixty five dollars in money. The thieves had subtracted it from the drawer by some unknown means just before the store was closed. The Chief of Police was put in possession of the facts, and immediately set his detectives, Johnson, Morrison and Winters to work. These officers kept a sharp lookout for the robbers. From circumstances with which they succeeded in making themselves acquainted, they were led to suppose that the thieves were three boys of less than twelve summers. Acting upon the circumstantial evidence in their possession, the boys were arrested, and on examination of portion of the money was found in their possession. The balance of the stolen cash they had evidently spent for boots, shoes, clothing, etc. Their names are Thomas Dunn, Michael Burk and Pat McCarthy. These same boys, some months since, robbed a broker's office of some four or five thousand dollars, and afterward, the same young scamps robbed a soldier of several dollars and his watch while he was sleeping. What is to be done? Shall they young thieves run at large, committing their depredations and growing more hardened in vice every day? They are too young to be amenable to the law. No jury would convict boys of scarce ten summers, and yet they are already old in crime.
Memphis Bulletin, August 16, 1863.
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