Saturday, February 2, 2013

2/2/13 cwn

February 2, 1861, "The Tennessee Convention."

The election, be it remembered, takes place o­n the 9th, and the Delegates meet in Convention o­n the 25th instant. If you desire to wait until you are tied hand and foot then vote for the men who advocate the "watch and wait" policy. If you think you have rights and are the superiors of the black man then vote for the men who will not sell you out, body and soul. to the Yankee Republicans - for men who would rather see Tennessee independent out of the Union, then in the Union subjugated.

*Ed note: It is interesting to note that the o­nly argument they had for voting for secession was a racist o­ne, fear of racial equality.

Nashville Daily Gazette, February 2, 1861.




February 2, 1862, Skirmish in Morgan County

FEBRUARY 2, 1862.--Skirmish in Morgan County, 


No. 1.--Col. D. Leadbetter, C. S. Army.

No. 2.--Lieut. Col. J. W. White, First Tennessee Cavalry.

No. 1.

Letter of Col. D. Leadbetter, C. S. Army.

HDQRS., Knoxville, Tenn., February 5, 1862.

SIR: I send herewith an extract from a report of Lieut.-Col. White, First Regt. Tennessee Cavalry, from which it appears that a part of that regiment had a skirmish with the traitors of Scott and Morgan counties on Sunday, the 2d instant, capturing 1 prisoner, 4 horses, 2 Minie muskets, and 1 navy revolver, killing the enemy's leader (Duncan) and perhaps 5 others. I inclose herewith some papers found on the body of Duncan.

The cavalry, while expecting orders to join Gen. Crittenden, have been directed to scour the counties of Scott, Morgan, and Campbell, for the purpose of putting down rebellion, as well as to give prompt notice of any forward movement of the enemy's army. Half of the company of sappers and miners, organized by Maj. Lea, has been ordered to Cumberland Gap, while the other half, protected by the cavalry, will endeavor to obstruct the passes leading through the mountains from Kentucky to Jacksborough. I have no doubt that the enemy will attempt an advance on Knoxville at an early day.

Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,

D. LEADBETTER, Col., Provisional Army Confederate States.

No. 2.

Report of Lieut. Col. J. W. White, First Tennessee Cavalry [CSA].

HDQRS. FIRST TENNESSEE CAVALRY REGIMENT, Camp Schooler, Morgan County, Tenn., February 3, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that a portion of our regiment engaged the enemy on yesterday at about 12 o'clock 13 miles northwest of this place. A running fight for nearly an hour ensued in the mountains. The enemy's force is variously estimated from 100 to 300, armed with Minie muskets and rifles.

We killed their captain, and, from the best information, 5 others; captured 4 horses, 2 fine Minie muskets, 1 Colt's navy pistol, a small quantity of ammunition, and 1 prisoner.

Inclosed I send you certain papers found by me on the person of their dead captain. It gives me pleasure to say that we lost only 1 horse killed and a few slight scratches. Our men all acted bravely for raw troops. I cannot forbear to mention the gallant conduct of Capt. Brown, of Company C, and Sergeant Reagan, of Company F.

I am satisfied that the Federal Army in force is approaching us; I think by way of Williamsburg, Ky., through Chitwood's Gap. It is raining and the waters are up, so we cannot well get out of here; but I will move Capt.'s McKenzie's and Gorman's companies, if possible, to-morrow on Jacksborough.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your, &c.,

J. W. WHITE, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. First Tennessee Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, pp. 118-119.

Lt. Col. White Among the Lincolnites.

A skirmish occurred in Morgan county, on Sunday [2nd], between Lt. Col. White's cavalry company of Hamilton county, and a body of Lincolnites.

From Lieut. Atkinson, who was in the fight, we learn the following particulars. About 12 o'clock a force under Lt. Col. White, of Tennessee cavalry, encountered a body of Lincoln infantry whose members were variously estimated at from one to three hundred. The enemy were on a mountainside and deemed themselves inaccessible. Lt. Col. White ordered thirty men armed with Tennessee rifles, to dismount and act as infantry. These led by him advanced first. Lt. Col. White ordered them to reserve their fire till very near the enemy. They fired two or three times, when our cavalry charged up the steep hillside.

Capt. Duncan, of the Unionists, rallied his men twice, but they finally fired in great disorder. Capt. Duncan was shot through the head by J. Roberts, a youth fifteen years of age, whose brother was recently killed in Kentucky. The enemy scattered among the woods and rivines [sic], and finally reached inaccessible cliffs. Seven dead bodies of the Lincolnites were found. A negro [sic] named Jack, belonging to Capt. McClung, killed one of the enemy in the fight. We lost one horse, and have here in prisoner one of the enemy. We found letters which state that in twenty days East Tennessee will be overrun and desolated.

Knoxville Register, Feb. 5

Chattanooga Gazette, February 13, 1862.



2, 1863, Letter from Miss Rhoda Inman in Hamilton County to Confederate soldier John G. Carter

Knowing of your extreme anxiety to hear from home I hasten to respond in Sister's stead, to two letters received from you a few minutes ago.

Before proceeding farther, I will relive your anxiety by telling you that she is well, and staying at Ms Cannon's. Mrs. Cannon complained of feeling very lonely and will have Sister to spend a portion of her time with her. Sister has been out there about a month.

The children are all well, Little Rhoda is walking and is a very sweet, sprightly child. Sister has written to you by flag of truce, but from what you say they have not had the good luck to reach you. It may be several days before we have a change to send your letters out to her therefore determined myself to write you immediately 

Your brother Peyton was taken through here a prisoner about three weeks ago (Christmas Day, 1864), he was looking very well and was in fine health, your father and Mr. Shadden went out the depot to see him. Mag Shadden has gone to Cincinnati, Ohio, to school.

Sister has received five letter from you since she left Georgia. Johnnie is here with us. He is an excellent child and talks of you a good deal, says frequently when he gets up in the morning, that he dreamed of pa last night.

Annie has gone to school to Miss Nannie Kennedy four or five months since she came home. She is not going now. Mr. Blount is teaching here and has a very large school.

Sister had no difficulty in getting good winter shoes for the children. Sister asked Annie what message she would like to send you, and childlike, her new calico dresses were uppermost. She would like to tell you about her four new calico dresses. Jimmy is extremely proud of his new book.
We had some very kind officers boarding with us last summer. 

Your father's family are all well. I know sister will write you soon.

I remain 

Affectionately yours,

Rhoda Inman

WPA Civil War Records, Vol. 2, pp. 1-2. [TSLA]


James B. Jones, Jr.


Tennessee Historical Commission

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