25, Concerns expressed in Confederate-occupied Chattanooga about speculators in a newspaper editorial titled "The Extortioner."
[The Extortioner] is not a thief because all his transactions square with the law. He is not a murderer or highway robber...yet he is a villain, possessing the will to rob, or steal, or murder, or do what not for money....He is in time of war, not only the spoiler of the poor, but traitor to his country. The conduct of Judas Iscariot squared with the maxim of commerce...[but] there is a day of revolution. He will be an outcast from the new order of society....He will them be marked with scorn and hunted from the ease of his riches and the peace of mind, and will transmit the brand of infamy to his posterity." .
Chattanooga Gazette and Advertiser, February 25, 1862
25, Ambassador Baron von Gerolt protests enrolling Prussian citizens into Memphis enrolled militia
Washington, February 25, 1864.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:
SIR: I have the honor to inclose a copy of a note yesterday's date from Baron von Gerolt, together with its printed accompaniment, and will thank you to enable me to comply with his request for information concerning the true meaning of the general order (No. 2) of the military authority at Memphis to which he refers.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
WAR DEPARTMENT, February 29, 1864.
Respectfully referred to the Gen.-in-Chief for report.
By order of the Secretary of War:
ED. R. S. CANBY, Brig.-Gen. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
PRUSSIAN LEGATION, Washington, February 24, 1864.
Hon. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington:
SIR: His Majesty's consul at Saint Louis, on the application of several Prussian subjects residing at Memphis, Tenn., has sent to me the inclosed general order (No. 2) of the military authority at Memphis of January 30 last, by which, according to article 2, it seems the subjects of foreign governments have to be enrolled in the military service of the militia, or will be required to leave the District of Memphis, &c.
As I have reason to doubt whether it was intended to apply this article to aliens residing in the District of Memphis, I would feel obliged to you by being informed of the true interpretation of the aforementioned order on this subject.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, your obedient servant,
[Slip (printed) inclosed was cut from a newspaper. It is a publication of General Orders, No. 2, headquarters First Brigade Enrolled Militia, District of Memphis, dated Memphis, January 30, 1864, filed with S. 531, Hdqrs. of the Army, 1864.]
OR, Ser. III, Vol. 4, p. 136.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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