Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013 TN Civil War Notes

27, Home made shoes from Polk County
What the War is Doing.—We saw the other day a genteel and serviceable pair of men's shoes that had been made by a lady of Polk county—Miss Elizabeth Griffith is her name. The last upon which they were made was manufactured by her own hands—she makes a pair a day, and only charges 62½ cents a pair, with the material furnished her. She ought to have a war pension.
Cleveland (Tenn.) Banner, May 24.
Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], May 27, 1862.

27, Complaints about the cost of living in Nashville
Living appears to be comparatively cheap in Chicago. Chickens sell at two dollars per dozen; potatoes are from fifty to seventy-five cents per bushel, choice butter at twenty-cents per pound, asparagus at a dollar a dozen, while lettuce, turnips, and other vegetables, sell at less than one-third the price demanded here. The truth is, Nashville is one of the dearest markets in the whole country, hardly excepting Richmond. If we take into consideration the relative value of the currency used in Richmond and Nashville, we are not sure but the former will be found the cheaper market. There is perhaps somewhat of a scarcity in the country adjacent to Nashville, whence we draw our supplies, but if our business men could get shipping facilities, they would bring such articles as there is a demand for in the market from points where there is abundance and to spare. Our businessmen ought to unite in a representation to the Government of the great necessity that exists for extending trading facilities to this city. It was confidently expected a board of trade would have been established here before now through whom these privileges could have been secured. The poorer classes experience great hardships from the scanty supplies of the prime necessities of life which our market affords.
Nashville Dispatch, May 27,1863.

27, "Cotton Stealing"
The practice of stealing the kingly product of our clime, has rather waxed than waned, of late. The community is still rife with those who ply the avocation, notwithstanding the endeavors made by the authorities to bring the culpable to justice, and the habit to an end. Probably not until the selling rated have dropped to eight or twelve cents per pound of the olden time, will the purloiners of the precious article return to the path of rectitude in this respect. The practice is still confined to that class who were educated the pick the cotton from its natural ball [sic] and under illegitimate circumstances.
Yesterday morning Tom and Henderson, two excellent specimens of this class were arraigned before the Recorder, and fined $20 apiece for the pernicious offense.
Memphis Bulletin, May 27, 1864.

27, "Street Signs"
Now that the City Council has made proper arrangements for numbering the houses and lots of the city, we would suggest that the next step to be take in the direction of improvement, would be the placing of suitable signs upon the corner of buildings, designating the different streets, alley, and avenues. This is a subject for consideration no less impertinent then the numbering. The stranger in the city not only is necessitated to inquire the number of building, but also the name of the street upon which it is situated, having no other guide than verbal uniform. The cost of suitable signs for this purpose, and the expense of placing them in the proper positions would be much less to the city than that expense in numbering the lots and houses upon the plan which has been adopted. Doubtless many of our citizens occupying corner buildings would furnish at their own expense and with pleasure a sign board upon their houses. We suggest that the council take this subject into consideration at their next meeting. There cannot be a dissenting voice on in the decision upon so important and cheap an improvement.
Memphis Bulletin, May 27, 1864.

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