20, Federals initiate counter attack on guerrilla uprising on Obion and Hatchie Rivers
Capt. M. ROCHESTER, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Columbus, Ky.:
There appears to be a general uprising among the guerrillas along the Obion and Hatchie Rivers. The force that threatened Humboldt has been driven south toward Gordonsville, and Brig.-Gen. Logan has sent his forces after them. The force at Key Corners I have sent five companies of cavalry after, and the force 15 miles west of Troy I have sent three companies of cavalry after. None of the bands had rendezvoused over twenty-four hours before I was aware of their movements, and I immediately sent out my cavalry from all points with instructions to attack, no matter where found or in what force, knowing that quick movements and bold attacks is the most efficient method of breaking them up.
I informed Gen. Logan of the position of those south of us and ordered Col. Bryant to march on them. They fled the moment Col. Bryant moved, to escape Gen. Logan's forces. They report that band as a portion of Jackson's cavalry.
I telegraphed in relation to horseshoes. It is almost impossible for me to get along without them.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 107.
20, Federal forces take the Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis
On last Sunday [the 20th] the military authorities took possession of, and held divine services in the Second Presbyterian Church....We understand they ensconced themselves in genuine military style; marching in amid strains of martial music, and 're-occupying' the unresisting pews; the musical department 'retaking' the choir gallery, and the preacher 'repossessing' the pulpit. After these recoveries, a hymn being adapted to a 'national tune,' was performed to the immense satisfaction of the Unions savers. The reverend Yankee divine, we learn, read a profound essay on good manners to his soldier auditors, upon two-thirds of whom our informant tells us, it produced a peculiarly soporific effect, which was only dispelled by the sounding of fife and pealing drum at the close of the services. None of our substantial [Confederate] citizens were present on this interesting occasion, and the respectable number of five forlorn, cadaverous looking females, evidently of the lower classes represented the Union feeling of the other sex!
Memphis Appeal, July 25, 1862.
20, "Don't Want Them."
It is extensively hoped in Nashville that the reported countermanding of the order by which the ill famed women of the town were deported, is without foundation. Without desiring to impose such a burden upon any other community, we would prefer that those women remain as far away as possible. Send them to Great Salt Lake city; they'd make admirable latter day saints, and old Brigham would shout gloriously at their conversion. It will require the largest fraction of a century to cure the evils they have inflicted on this community, and it can never be done if they are permitted to come back.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20, 1863.
20, Letter of thanks from a convalescent Confederate soldier in Chattanooga, W. H. Warren, to Mrs. Robert M. Hooke
Chattanooga, Tenn.
July 20, 1863
Mrs. Hooke:
Allow me to return my most grateful acknowledgements [sic] for the very excellent and delicious Dinner [sic] you sent me. It makes the heart truly glad while we are separated from home and friends to be thus kindly remembered.
If while writing this acknowledgement [sic] I fail to impress you with a sufficient appreciation of the very nice compliment, you may be assured in my heart I am truly thankful, and shall only await an opportunity to full appreciation.
Very truly your friend,
W. H. Warren
W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 2, p. 101.
20, U. S. Secretary of State William H. Seward modifies Major-General C. C. Washburn's General Orders, No. 23[1], relative to foreigners serving in the Memphis militia
WAR DEPARTMENT, July 20, 1864--3 p. m. (Received 22d.)
Maj.-Gen. WASHBURN, Memphis:
The following note has just been received by this Department from the Secretary of State. He says that foreigners refusing to perform military duty on the ground of alienage [sic] may be required to depart from your command, but cannot properly be subjected to arrest and punishment, the option being with them to stay and perform duty or to leave the country: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, July 20, 1864.
Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War:
SIR: I suggest that General Orders, No. 23, issued by Maj.-Gen. Washburn, be modified, so that foreigners claiming exemption from the Memphis militia by reason of alienage [sic], instead of being arrested and punished, may be notified to leave the city of Memphis and the military district under command of Gen. Washburn within twenty-four hours after such notice is served-not to return within said command until the said order, as amended, is revoked or modified, or until further orders.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
The modification of your order suggested by the Secretary of State will probably serve your purpose, and you will please, therefore, conform to his suggestion, in order to avoid difficulties with foreign governments. Please acknowledge the receipt of this instruction, and forward a copy of your modified order.
EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 184.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
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