Headquarters United States Forces,
District Western Tennessee
Memphis, July 17th, 1862
I. Traitors and rebels who refuse to comply with the laws and support the Constitution of the United States should not be permitted to remain within the camp lines of the Federal army. At this time the corporate limits of the city of Memphis are within the line of the United States forces; and all male residents, or sojoners within the limits of said city, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, who are capable of bearing arms, are hereby required to take the oath of allegiance to the United State, or leave the limits of said city within six days after the publication of this order.
II. If any person within the limits of said city shall hereafter publish, speak or utter seditious or treasonable language toward the Government of the United State, the Provost Marshall shall upon proof of the act, banish every person so offending to the State of Arkansas.
III. Any person[s] who shall violate the provisions of the 1st sectionof this order shall be deemed spies, and, after conviction, treated accordingly.
IV. Persons leaving the city, under the provisions of this order, will not be required to take any oath, or give a parole, but will receive a pass from the Provost Marshal. The oath of allegiance hereby required must be substantially in the following form:
I solemnly swear that I shall bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and support the Continuation and the laws thereof; that I denounce the so-called Confederate States, and pledge my honor, property and life to the sacred fulfillment of this oath, hereby freely taken, admitting that its violation be held as illegal and infamous.
The oath must be subscribed and sworn to before the Provost Marshal.
By order of
ALVIN P. HOVEY, Brigadier General Commanding
Jno. E. Phillps, A. A. Gen.
Memphis Bulletin, July 20, 1862.
17, GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 75, relative to free Negroes and Mulattos in Memphis
Headquarters, District of Memphis
Memphis, Tenn. July 17, 1863
I. All idlers, vagrants and persons without lawful occupation or means of support, found within the District of Memphis after ten days from this date, will be arrested and confined at hard labor in Fort Pickering.
II. All owners of slaves within the District of Memphis must, within twenty days, report to the District Provost Marshal the names, age, and description of such slaves.
III. Every free negro [sic] or mulatto, and every contraband within the District must, with[in] twenty days enter into the employment of some responsible white person, who will be required to report names, age, and description of such from negroes or contrabands and nature of contract, to the Provost Marshal of the District.
IV. All negroes [sic] and mulattos failing to find service or employment with some responsible white person, will immediately remove to the contraband camp, under charge of Chaplain Fiske, Superintendent of contrabands.
By order of Brig. Gen. James C. Veatch
Memphis Bulletin, August 16, 1863.
17, "A Jolly Party."
Several members of the city government, and a number of military officers and others, went on Sunday morning on a visit to the elegant mansion and plantation of Messrs. Copeland & Baker, near the Dickerson Pike, about a mile and a quarter from Edgefield. They were about twenty in the party, whose conveyance there and back consisted of two ambulances and two buggies. Arriving at the spot about 12 M., the party smiled to their "worthy hosts," again "to the day, and many returns of the same," and again "here's to you all, boys," when they strolled over the beautiful grounds, admired the vegetables, the fruit, and the balmy air, but more than all the cool grove into which they step, and seat themselves with all the ease and dignity becoming the occasion and the heat of the day. Ice in abundance soon appeared, and Mayor Smith proposed some ice-water; Sayers thought they were too warm Puckett tried it, but failed, when Hinton requested him to stand aside. Capt. Clark suggested a dash of whisky, to which all were about to say amen, when Copeland appeared in the distance, two stalwart negroes bearing a washtub, in which were buried in ice, certain mysterious long-necked bottles. Pop! goes the cork, and the sparkling liquid rushes into the glasses charged with ice, and glides smoothly down the throat of "The Corporation of Nashville" and its friends. How delicious the beverage! Pop! goes another, and Pop! goes a third, but still the thirsty souls pant for more, until the last of the dozen bottles have gone to that bourne, etc., when the dinner bell rings. We will not attempt to describe the table, groaning under the weight of good things it bore. Maj. Gunkle paid it a merited compliment, Chumbly thought it capital, the City Attorney thought it the best case he had had for many a day;, to which Squire Wilkinson echoed "Oh! yes! oh! yes!" and was about to adjourn "this honorable court," when another washtub of champagne appeared on the carpet. At sight of the second dozen Myers thought he could out-wrestle any one in the crowd, but "old man Howe" took the starch out of him, and settled it down with an extra bottle. The last we saw of the party Davy Henderson was piloting one of the teams over the bridge about 5 1/2 P. M., with Dodd Bringing up the rear.
Nashville Dispatch, July 19, 1864
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